English Overview

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Week 1

Reading Daily: Read to self, Read to Someone, Listen to

Reading Comprehension: Fact and Opinion
Lesson One
Big Book: Restaurant News- Tummies Still Rumbling.
Introduce the text and discuss the title and images.
Discuss the ways restaurants advertise and list these
ideas on the board. Read the Big Book: Restaurant
News Tummies Still Rumbling. Discuss vocab that we
found tricky. Read through the text and discuss which
sentences have facts in them and which have opinions.
Work through the BLM 1. Students then design a
restaurant menu that includes their favourite food.

Lesson Two
Big Book: Planning A Mural. Introduce the text and
discuss the title and images. Ask the students to recall
ideas in murals they have seen on buildings, walls, and
places in their community. Discuss what makes murals
successful and interesting. Read the text together and
discuss tricky vocab. Remind students that a fact is
what is true and an opinion is what someone thinks or
believes. Re-read the text and discuss if each sentence
is fact or opinion. Complete the BLM2.

Lesson Three
Have students find facts or opinions in books
throughout the classroom. Discuss what makes these
obvious as facts or opinions. Write a letter to the
school principal promoting the benefits of a mural for
the school. Ensure students have planning, writing and
editing time for this letter.

Guided Reading
Group One: Sissy & the Cassowary
Group Two: Discovering Aboriginal
Word Work

Lesson One
Group Three: Iindijhl
Group Four: The Sunbird

Revision of last terms sounds

Group One: The Sunbird

Group Two: Sissy & the Cassowary

Lesson Two
Group Three: Discovering Aboriginal
Group Four: Iindijhl

Word Within Word

Revision of last terms sounds

Lesson One
Introduce the Voice Trait
Display the Key Qualities of the Voice Trait and discuss. Discuss the differences
between texts (poetry, storybooks, magazines, textbooks etc) Complete the
chart below as a class:
Writing Purpose
Audienc Voice
Newspaper To inform with facts
Informative, convincing,
To entertain and to
Children Entertaining, comical, sad, playful
teach a lesson
To provide
Families Straightforward, logical, credible
information to make
a choice
Discuss the differences in tone and purpose. Distribute copies of Think About:
Creating a Purpose and and Audience Connection. Review the ideas glue into
books for use as we continue to explore voice.

Lesson Two
Guided writing
Modelling Planning for Success
Using a graphic organiser (story graph)
model how to write a story using the topic
of: The worst, most embarrassing moment
in my life.
Focus on how you put it on to the planning
chart and then how that transfers to
writing the actual story. Model the writing
of the story focussing only on the story
graph elements

Lesson Three
Shared writing
Working together to complete a Plan for
Success Model
Using the graphic organiser again,
students help you to write another story
with the topic of: How I met a famous
person and the funny things I said.
Focus on using their ideas on the story
planning chart and then transferring
those ideas into a story. Focus only on
the story graph elements and expand on
characters etc.

Grammar Rules: Unit 19

Ownership (Voyagers)

Handwriting: Reading Eggs demo- Diagonal Joins: look at the joins for / an to as. Explore the rounded entries (click on a,c at the
bottom of the page) Practise these

Week 2
Reading Daily: Read to self, Read to Someone, Listen to
Reading Comprehension Fact and Opinion
Lesson One
Community Views (small books): introduce the book to
students and have a discussion on what the text is
going to be about. Explain that in this text a reporter
asks people in the street about the issues regarding
mobile phones, older people and junk food. Read the
book to the class. In groups students re-read the book.
Students use the BLM for Community Views to
complete the questions.

Lesson Two
The Daily News (small books): introduce the book to
students and have a discussion on what the text is
going to be about. Discuss the organisation of
newspapers and the different styles of writing in the
news, letters to the editor and sports sections of
papers. Read the book to the class. In groups students
re-read the book. Students use the BLM for The Daily
News to complete the questions.

Lesson Three
This Ads for You (small books): introduce the book to
students and have a discussion on what the text is
going to be about. Discuss advertisements and the
techniques advertisers use to entice people to buy.
Find examples from radio TV and print media. Read the
book to the class. In groups students re-read the book.
Students use the BLM for This Ads for You to complete
the questions.

Guided Reading
Group One: Iindijhl
Group Two: The Sunbird

Lesson One
Group Three: Sissy & the Cassowary
Group Four: Discovering Aboriginal

Group One: Discovering Aboriginal

Group Two: Iindijhl

Lesson Two
Group Three: The Sunbird
Group Four: Sissy & the Cassowary

Word Work
Within Word Pattern
Other Vowels Oi
-boil, join, foil, anoint, appoint, avoid, point, coil, void

Introduce sort
Generate list with class

Syllables and Affix

Short Vowel, double the letter +ing
Stopping, referring, sitting, robbing, beginning,
preferring, travelling, cancelling

Resort (Speed sort 1.30 sec)

Blind Buddy Sort

Derivational Relations
Harder Suffixes URE
-culture, fixture, adventure, premature, brochure,
composure, procedure, fracture, mature, lure

Speed Sort (1 minute)

Testing (hear first 10 words,
give students 5 minutes to
generate as many other words
as they can

Lesson One
Working with the Voice Trait
Discuss how you would describe the wolves from
traditional stories like Little Red Riding Hood and the
Three Little Pigs. They use intimidating voices
throughout the stories. Complete the Voices
Comparison Chart in groups (First column only). Show

Lesson Two
Shared Writing: Planning for success in groups
Give students the writing topic of: You can bet Ill
never do that again. In groups, students use a story
chart to plan and plot their story idea. Assist each
group to place the important parts of their stories on
the chart. Ensure each student has a copy of the final

Lesson Three
Independent Writing: Writing Individual story
Students use the story graph from the previous lesson
to start writing their version of the story. Ensure you
emphasise the importance of including all of the
elements that were added to the planning graph.

students the cover of the Wolf book and discuss how

his voice could be shown in the picture. Read the
picture book Wolf!

story plan.

Grammar Rules: Unit 20 Noun Groups / connectives (Everyone Should Recycle)

Handwriting: Reading Eggs rounded joins d,e

Week 3
Reading Daily: Read to self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading
Reading Comprehension Fact and Opinion
Lesson One
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
What really happened? Introduce the book to students
Have students write a narrative about a narrow escape Have a discussion about where we see facts or
and have a discussion on what the text is going to be
from a fire. Make sure they use lots of facts and
opinions in our daily lives. Read Whats for lunch
about. Ask students if they have experienced
opinions in their writing. Give time for planning, writing together as a class. Give each student a copy of the
something where, in the end, their initial assumption
and editing.
text and have them work through the questions
was different to what really happened. Share
experiences. Read the book to the class. In groups
students re-read the book. Students use the BLM for
What Really Happened? to complete the questions.
*Note* you can find an interactive version of these
books on P Drive: Teachers, Year Level Folders, Year 4,
Guided Reading
Lesson One
Lesson Two
Group One: Lowitja
Group Three: Art-Land-Story
Group One: The Two Wallabies
Group Three: Walking for Reconciliation
Group Two: Walking for Reconciliation
Group Four: The Two Wallabies
Group Two: Lowitja
Group Four: Art-Land-Story
Word Work
Within Word Patterns
Syllables and Affix
Derivational Relations
Other Vowels Oi
Short Vowel, double the letter +ing
Harder Suffixes URE
-boiling, boiled, boilable, adjoining, alfoil, anointing,
-stopped, referred, robbed, travelled, cancelled,
-uncultured, misadventure, premature, matured,
appointed, appointing, reappointed, avoidable,
maturity, immature, fracturing, fractured, lured, luring,
avoided, avoiding, ballpoint, coiled, coiling, devoid,
-Introduce sounds again but this -Vocabulary work
-Word Hunt
-Writing (practise writing
Testing (hear 10 words with
time with prefixes and suffixes
-Compound Words
sentences that use as many
added prefixes and suffixes,
-Word Origin
words as possible)
give students 5 minutes to
-Editing (give a sentence and
come up with as many extras
have students edit it)
as possible
Lesson One
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Working with the Voice Trait
Looking at planning from a different
Looking at planning from a different
Re-read the book Wolf. Ask students to help you complete the second column of the
angle: Give students a copy of the
angle. Give students a copy of the
voices sheet from last week together. Ensure you contrast them.
planning template: The BIG Mistake (pg
planning template (pg51/52). Give
47/48, part D, 7 Steps book) give
them the session to work
Familiar Tales
Writers Purpose
students the whole session to work
independently on the planning
through this page to practise another way document. Have students share their
of planning their writing. Walk through
ideas with the class at the end
each question with students first before
Discuss the reasons the wolf from Wolf! Changed the tone of his voice in the story.
they do it independently.
Add these ideas to their own sheets in their workbooks.

Grammar Rules: Unit 21- Direct Speech (Professor Snodgrass Fails Again)

Handwriting: Reading Eggs rounded joins f

Week 4
Reading Daily: Read to self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading
Reading Comprehension- Cause & Effect
Lesson One
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Big Book: How to Cope with a Heatwave
Big Book: Project Crimson
Spider Bite! Read the text as a class. Remind
Introduce text to students and discuss images. What do students
Introduce text to students and discuss images.
students what cause and effect mean and discuss
already know about problems that can occur during a heatwave?
What do students already know about trees that
what a chain reaction is. Have students work
List causes and effects on the whiteboard. Read the text together
may be endangered? Read the text together and through the worksheet.
and discuss any difficult vocab. Explain that cause is something
discuss any difficult vocab. Remind students of
that brings about a result and the effect is the event or situation
the meanings of cause and effect. Underline the
produced by that cause. Re-read the text looking for cause and
causes and effects in the text as you re-read it
effect throughout the text. Work through BLM 1 together.
as a class. Complete the BLM2 together.
Guided Reading
Lesson One
Lesson Two
Group One: Art-Land-Story
Group Three: Lowitja
Group One: Walking for Reconciliation
Group Three: The Two Wallabies
Group Two: The Two Wallabies
Group Four: Walking for Reconciliation
Group Two: Art-Land-Story
Group Four: Lowitja
Word Work :
Within Word Patterns
Syllables and Affix
Derivational Relations
Other Vowels er
Drop the e +ing
Harder Suffixes ATE
Fern, herb, serve, nerve, swerve, herd, iceberg, term,
verse, person
Introduce sort
Generate list with class

Write, opposite, imagine, relative, use, love, change,

manage, sense, behave

Resort (Speed sort 1.30 sec)

Blind Buddy Sort

Hibernate, intimidate, generate, concentrate,

collaborate, demonstrate, certificate, evaporate,
exaggerate, illustrate
Speed Sort (1 minute)
Testing (hear first 10 words,
give students 5 minutes to
generate as many other words
as they can

Lesson One
Working with the Voice Trait . Explain that the author shows the purpose for a particular wolf voice through the
characters dialogue and actions. Give students lines from the Voices From Wolf! activity page and have them act
out the story. After each student acts out his or her part, ask the group what words describe the voice of the
character in this part? Fill out the final part of the sheet weve been working on Writers purpose as you go. Students
then fill this out in their own books.
Writers Purpose
Reader 1: Mean, scary, ferocious
The wolf usually gets attention from other animals
Reader 2: Disbelieving, frustrated
The wolf is confused and upset about not being taken
seriously and is trying even harder to be terrifying
Ferociou Reader 3: Firm, determined
The wolf is determined
Reader 4: hesitant, unsure
He reads like a beginner
Reader 5: secure, confident
He wants to impress the barnyard animals
Reader 6 monotone, discouraged
The wolf has difficulty reaching the next skill level in reading

Lesson Two
Baseline Data for CTJ
Spend 15 minutes
discussing picture
books and the interests
of prep students. Ask
students to write a
story for prep students.
They will have 15
minutes for planning
and 25 minutes for
writing. This will be
done on lined paper
that can be collected as

Lesson Three
Have a class discussion
about the aim of the
next few weeks: for
students to learn how
to write a book for prep
students that is just as
good as one from the
library. Choose a picture
book to read to the
students. Spend time
brainstorming what
makes a good
childrens book and
display in the

Readers 7,8,9 enthusiastic,

They can all get along
encouraging, friendly
Grammar Rules: Unit 22- Indirect Speech, emotive words (Dinosaur found at local

evidence of their
starting point for CTJ.


Handwriting: Reading Eggs rounded joins h, i

Week 5
Reading Daily: Read to self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading
Reading Comprehension
Lesson One
Lesson Two
Natural Disasters (small books)
The Invaders (small books)
Introduce text to students and discuss images. What do
Introduce text to students and discuss images. What do
students already know about natural disasters? Read the
students already know about introduced species? Read
text together and discuss any difficult vocab. Revisit the
the text in groups and then discuss any difficult vocab as
terms Cause and Effect. Working in groups, students use the
a class. Revisit the terms Cause and Effect. Students
inside back cover of the book to find the signal words and
look for the signal words from the inside back cover
phrases. Students then record the causes and effects in their again and then complete the Cause and Effect

Lesson Three
Water and Food Programs around the World
(small book)
Introduce text to students and discuss images.
What do students already know about helping
people around the world? Read the text and
then discuss tricky vocab. Revisit the terms
cause and effect. Work through the worksheet

Guided Reading
Group One: Turtle Dreaming
Group Two: The Frog & The Brolga

Lesson One
Group Three: The Pangkarlang and the
Lost Child
Group Four: Lets Dance

Group One: Lets Dance

Group Two: Turtle Dreaming

Lesson Two
Group Three: The Frog & The Brolga
Group Four: The Pangkarlang and the
Lost Child

Word Work :
Within Word Patterns
Other Vowels er

Drop the e +ing

Ferns, herbivore, serving, nerves, swerved, herded,

icebergs, terms, adverse, personable

Wrote, opposition, imagination, relative, whitest,

behaviour, loved, changing, using,

-Introduce sounds again but this
time with prefixes and suffixes
-Word Origin

-Vocabulary work

Syllables and Affix

-Word Hunt
-Compound Words

Derivational Relations
Harder Suffixes ATE
Hibernation, intimidation, regenerate, concentrated,
collaboration, redemonstration, certificates,
evaporated, exaggeration, illustrated
-Writing (practise writing
Testing (hear 10 words with
sentences that use as many
added prefixes and suffixes,
words as possible)
give students 5 minutes to
-Editing (give a sentence and
come up with as many extras
have students edit it)
as possible

Lesson One
Working with the Voice Trait
Students will create their own proclamation. Distribute

Lesson Two
Author Study
Read one of the books for the author of this week

Lesson Three
Author Study
Read the second book for the same author as the

copies of Proclamation From the Wolf and discuss it.

Make a list of reasons as a class for why the wolves
might change their behaviour. Write them individually
then share with the class.

Grammar Rules: Unit 23- Tense, time words (The Jacket)

(Either Mem Fox, Nick Bland or Julia Donaldson) Have a

discussion at the end of the book about what makes it
a great childrens book. Add information to the word
wall sheets (Main Characters, Setting, Interesting
Words, Problems, Solution)

previous lesson. Again, have a discussion about what

makes it a great book for children and add to the lists.
Also discuss any interesting vocab.

Handwriting: Reading Eggs rounded joins k, l

Week 6
Reading Daily: Read to self, Read to Someone,
Reading Comprehension Bias & Prejudice
Lesson One
Inventions and Discoveries that Changed the
world (small book)
Introduce text to students and discuss images.
What do students already know about
inventions and discoveries? Read the text and
then discuss tricky vocab. Revisit the terms
cause and effect. Work through the worksheet

Listen to Reading
Lesson Two
Big Book: Space The Latest Travel Hotspot
Introduce text to students and discuss images. What do students
already know about space travel? Read the text together and discuss
any difficult vocab. Explain that bias is a personal judgement for or
against something and prejudice is an unreasonable opinion. Discuss
signal works for bias and prejudice include: ultimate luxury, hottest
deals, tired holiday, measly, I cant believe, spoiled, selfish. Re-read the
text looking for bias and prejudice throughout the text. Work through
BLM 1 together.

Lesson Three
Big Book: Chocolate Taster Training
Introduce text to students and discuss
images. Read the text together and discuss
any difficult vocab. Remind students that bias
is a personal judgement for or against
something and prejudice is an unreasonable
opinion. Re-read the text looking for bias and
prejudice throughout the text. Work through
BLM 2 together.

Guided Reading
Lesson One
Group One: The Pangkarlang and the
Group Three: Turtle Dreaming
Lost Child
Group Four: The Frog & The Brolga
Group Two: Lets Dance
Word Work :
Within Word Patterns
Other Vowels EW
Suffix ED
Dew, renew, chewed, fewer, brewed, curfew, aircrew,
cashew, jeweller, newsroom
Introduce sort
Generate list with class

Lesson Two
Group One: The Frog & The Brolga
Group Three: Lets Dance
Group Two: The Pangkarlang and the
Group Four: Turtle Dreaming
Lost Child
and Affix

Derivational Relations
Harder Suffixes ISE

Begged, booked, clipped, dragged, hugged, planned,

stopped, shopped, mixed, fixed.

Resort (Speed sort 1.30 sec)

Blind Buddy Sort

Accessorise, acclimatise, advise, advertise, caramelise,

comprise, colonise, generalise, praise, promise

Speed Sort (1 minute)

Testing (hear first 10 words,
give students 5 minutes to
generate as many other words
as they can

Introduce sort
Generate list with class
Lesson One
Introducing the Conventions Trait
Display the Key Qualities of the Voice Trait and discuss.
Break students into small groups to make Super Comma teams. Challenge them to look
at printed materials around the room and write down as many examples of commas as
they can find. Commas must be in plain sight and it is a contest so they must work
quietly. Get each group to tally their totals and the highest group shares their commas
with the class. Brainstorm the job of a comma in a piece of writing. Give a copy of Think
About: Using Commas Effectively. Compare class generated to the handout. Read the
Picture Book When Comma Came to Town

Lesson Two
Read one of the books for the second
author for this week (Either Mem Fox,
Nick Bland or Julia Donaldson) Have a
discussion at the end of the book about
what makes it a great childrens book.
Add information to the word wall sheets
(Main Characters, Setting, Interesting
Words, Problems, Solution)

Lesson Three
Author Study
Read the second book for the same
author as the previous lesson.
Again, have a discussion about what
makes it a great book for children
and add to the lists. Also discuss
any interesting vocab.

Grammar Rules: Unit 24- Revision

Handwriting: Reading Eggs rounded joins m, n

Week 7
Reading Daily: Read to self, Read to Someone, Listen
Reading Comprehension
Lesson One
Have Your Say (small books)
Introduce text to students and discuss images. Revisit
the terms Bias & Prejudice. Read the text as a whole
class and then discuss any difficult vocab. Students
look for the signal words in the text and then complete
the Bias and Prejudice worksheet in groups

to Reading
Lesson Two
Save Our Skate Park (small books)
Introduce text to students and discuss images. Revisit
the terms Bias & Prejudice. Read the text as a whole
class and then discuss any difficult vocab. Students
look for the signal words in the text and then complete
the Bias and Prejudice worksheet in groups

Lesson Three
Graffiti (small books)
Introduce text to students and discuss images. Revisit
the terms Bias & Prejudice. Read the text as a whole
class and then discuss any difficult vocab. Students
look for the signal words in the text and then complete
the Bias and Prejudice worksheet in groups

Guided Reading
Group One: Keeping Places
Group Two: Sporting Legends

Lesson One
Group Three: Postcards
Group Four: The Captains Diary

Group One: The Captains Diary

Group Two: Keeping Places

Lesson Two
Group Three: Sporting Legends
Group Four: Postcards

Word Work :
Within Word Patterns
Other Vowels EW

Suffix ED

Dewey, renewable, chewing, fewest, brewery, curfews,

aircrews, cashews, jewellery, newsrooms

Begging, rebooking, unclipped, dragging, hugging,

unplanned, stopping, shopping, mixing, unfixed.

-Introduce sounds again but this
time with prefixes and suffixes
-Word Origin

Syllables and Affix

-Vocabulary work

-Word Hunt
-Compound Words

Derivational Relations
Harder Suffixes ISE
Accessory, acclimatising, advising, readvertised,
caramelising, comprising, colonisation, generalisation,
praising, promising
-Writing (practise writing
Testing (hear 10 words with
sentences that use as many
added prefixes and suffixes,
words as possible)
give students 5 minutes to
-Editing (give a sentence and
come up with as many extras
have students edit it)
as possible

Lesson One
Working with the Conventions Trait
Re-read When Comma Came to Town. Tick off each rule as you
find it in the book. Give students a copy of Sentences From
When Comma Came to Town. Tell students to add commas to
each of the sentences to make the meaning clearer. Students
then rewrite each sentence. Volunteers read the sentence
aloud, tells us where they added the comma and identifies the
rule used.

Lesson Two
Read one of the books for the third author for
this week (Either Mem Fox, Nick Bland or Julia
Donaldson) Have a discussion at the end of the
book about what makes it a great childrens
book. Add information to the word wall sheets
(Main Characters, Setting, Interesting Words,
Problems, Solution)

Grammar Rules: Unit 25- Modality, connectives (The Best New Invention)

Lesson Three
Author Study
Read the second book for the same author as the
previous lesson. Again, have a discussion about
what makes it a great book for children and add to
the lists. Also discuss any interesting vocab.

Handwriting: Reading Eggs rounded joins t, u

Week 8
Reading Daily: Read to self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading
Reading Comprehension
Lesson One
Lesson Two
Diamonds are Forever (small books)
Protest at the zoo (ASSESSMENT)
Introduce text to students and discuss images. Revisit
Give students the worksheet and have them work
the terms Bias & Prejudice. Read the text as a whole
through it independently. Remind them that this is
class and then discuss any difficult vocab. Students
assessment to see what they have learnt about bias
look for the signal words in the text and then complete
and prejudice so it is really important that they
the Bias and Prejudice worksheet in groups
complete all of the questions properly.

Lesson Three
Revision lesson: Have a class discussion about, cause
and effect, bias and prejudice and fact and opinion. As
a class create a chart to show what types of texts we
will find each of these in. If time permits, have a quick
game of shoot out to practice each of these categories
e.g birds are the best animal in the world.fact or

Guided Reading
Group One: Postcards
Group Two: The Captains Diary

Lesson One
Group Three: Keeping Places
Group Four: Sporting Legends

Group One: Sporting Legends

Group Two: Postcards

Lesson Two
Group Three: The Captains Diary
Group Four: Keeping Places

Word Work :
Within Word Patterns
Other Vowels AR

Drop the y +ies

Aboard, barbeque, barking, cardboard, disarm, starve,

barge, charm, carve, sharp

Carries, allies, berries, buddies, chillies, fillies, gullies,

hippies, nappies, hurries.

Introduce sort
Generate list with class

Syllables and Affix

Resort (Speed sort 1.30 sec)

Introduce sort
Generate list with class
Lesson One
Working with the Conventions Trait
Students spend time thinking up sentences that would
use the fourth rule from the list. Use a comma before
the words but, however, yet and although. Share the
examples that students write ensuring they have
edited them correctly. Students will write their own
piece of writing and editing it just like the comic hero
Comma. IF time permits allow students to decorate the
Super Comma Hero Portrait to be used later on.

Blind Buddy Sort

Derivational Relations
Harder Suffixes TION (shun)

Speed Sort (1 minute)

Lesson Two
ASSESSMENT CTJ- Give task sheet, students have time
to plan and write the story in todays lesson

Grammar Rules: Unit 26- Lexical Chains, describing adjectives (Breakfast

Explanation, attention, celebration, nation, definition,

description, promotion, education, subtraction,
Testing (hear first 10 words,
give students 5 minutes to
generate as many other words
as they can

Lesson Three
ASSESSMENT CTJ- students have a chance to illustrate
their childrens book in todays lesson

Handwriting: Reading Eggs pointed joins a, c


Week 9
Reading Daily: Read to self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading
Reading Comprehension
Lesson One
Lesson Two
Finish any comprehension activities that havent been
Finish any comprehension activities that havent been
finished. If complete work on Nelson Literacy
finished. If complete work on Nelson Literacy
Directions Cards (Higher Levels)
Directions Cards (Higher Levels)

Lesson Three
Finish any comprehension activities that havent been
finished. If complete work on Nelson Literacy
Directions Cards (Higher Levels)

Guided Reading
Class Novels

Lesson One
Class Novels

Lesson Two
Class Novels

Class Novels

Word Work :
Within Word Patterns
Other Vowels AR

Drop the y +ies

reboard, barbequing, barked, cardboards, disarming,

starving, barged, charming, carved, unsharpened

Carrying, allied, blueberries, buddied, chilling, filly,

gully, hippiest, nappy, hurrying.

-Introduce sounds again but this
time with prefixes and suffixes
-Word Origin

-Vocabulary work

Syllables and Affix

-Word Hunt
-Compound Words

Derivational Relations
Harder Suffixes TION (shun)
Explaining, attentive, celebrating, national, redefine,
describing, promoting, uneducated, subtracted,

-Writing (practise writing
sentences that use as many
words as possible)
-Editing (give a sentence and
have students edit it)

Testing (hear 10 words with
added prefixes and suffixes,
give students 5 minutes to
come up with as many extras
as possible

Lesson One
Working with the Conventions
Distribute copies of Super
Comma to the Rescue at the
Supermarket. Students work in
pairs and assume the role of
Super Comma to edit Ms.
Managers mistakes and
complete the writing for the
grocery store scene. Check the
edited sentence to make sure all
students have found the correct
places to add commas. Ask
students to share their ending
dialogues with the class when

Lesson Two
Guided Writing: Modelling Sizzling Starts and
learning about information overload.
Read Marilee has Strong White Teeth (pg 20 7
steps narrative book). Discuss why this is not a
great way to start a story. Challenge students to
write their own information overload and have
some students share. Model how to write a fast
start using the topic of a ghost story starring a
3 legged dog

Lesson Three
Independent Writing: writing sizzling starts independently

Shared Writing: Creating Sizzling starts together

as a class
Spend some time creating your own sizzling
starts as a class using 3 words students give
you for each one e.g cat, sky, garbage

Share some students fast starts

Students complete a 5 minute fast start activity independently: 5 starts in 5

-a man dies, wearing purple-but he hates purple
-Lucy, who never listens, gets trapped in a lions cage.
-a ghost story starring a 3 legged horse
-all the kids are at school-but not the teacher
-the wedding that didnt work

Get students to write random words on pieces of paper. Pick three out of the hat
and give students 2 minutes to write a sizzling start. Repeat a number of times

Grammar Rules: Unit 27 Number adjectives, commands (Wart, Fester and
Carbuncle Remover)

Handwriting: Reading Eggs pointed joins d,e

Week 10
Reading Daily: Read to self, Read to Someone, Listen
Reading Comprehension
Lesson One
Finish any comprehension activities that havent been
finished. If complete work on Nelson Literacy
Directions Cards (Higher Levels)

to Reading
Lesson Two
Finish any comprehension activities that havent been
finished. If complete work on Nelson Literacy
Directions Cards (Higher Levels)

Lesson Three
Finish any comprehension activities that havent been
finished. If complete work on Nelson Literacy
Directions Cards (Higher Levels)

Guided Reading
Class Novels

Lesson One
Class Novels

Class Novels

Lesson Two
Class Novels

Word Work :
Revision and Testing
Lesson One
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Working with the Conventions Trait
Revise Planning and Sizzling Starts
Revise Planning and Sizzling Starts
Students do a 10 minute free-write. It can be about
anything they like. Remind them not to worry about
editing at this stage; they just need to write for 10
minutes. After this time students tape their picture of
their Comma Superhero to the back of their shirts as
they enter editing mode. Students edit their writing,
looking for places they should have added commas.
Students then use the Student-Friendly Guide for
Scoring Conventions to score their first draft. Students
then have the opportunity to make changes, then
exchange with a partner. Partners then score using the
scoring guide and check for the use of commas.
Grammar Rules: Unit 28 Connectives (How does the Alarm Bed Work?)
Handwriting: Reading Eggs pointed joins f

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