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Warden Files Petition for

Special Action in Arizona

Appellate Court
Petition “Tests the Ability of the United States
to Keep the Promises its Constitution Makes
to the People of the Nation.”

October 05, 2009
Tucson Arizona

On Thursday November 01, 2009 Roy Warden, aka “The Notorious Mexican Flag
Burner,” filed a Petition for Special Action in the Arizona Appellate Court
challenging the lawfulness of his conviction in 2007 for alleged violations of law
which occurred during the Tucson Weekly Public Forum on March 26, 2007 in
front of the Joel Valdez Library near the corner of Pennington and Stone Tucson

“For the past six years, time and time again, the Tucson Police Department, in
deliberate contempt for the Rule of Law, have failed to protect citizens who
challenge Tucson and Pima County Open Border Policy,” Warden said.

“This Petition is the first court action of its kind to bring to judicial and public
view the issue of malfeasant officials who use their public offices to intentionally
violate federal immigration law and promulgate Open Border Policy.”

Warden believes his convictions for Disturbing the Peace and Making Threats
and Intimidation will be overturned by the Arizona Appellate Court.

“Division 2 of The Arizona Appellate Court reposes 5 blocks from Tucson City
Court, but from a practical viewpoint it is far removed from the corruption and
partisan politics which dominate the local courts,” Warden says.

“Simply speaking: the Tucson City Court has worked hand in hand with the
Tucson Police Department to determine who may speak and who must remain
silent on matters of public concern.”

The First Amendment: For Perilous Times Such as These

The people of this nation are marching in the streets. Many are only dimly aware
of the system of checks and balances designed to protect the public interest, and
the purpose of their Right of Public Speech as set forth in the First Amendment,
but they do comprehend the executive and legislative branches of government are
no longer responsive to protecting their rights, as set forth in the Rule of Law.

Warden believes the time has come for the public to turn to the courts for
protection and re-affirmation of our rights, as our Founding Fathers intended
they someday would.

For Further Information, Contact:

Roy Warden

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