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Title: Clothes Color affection

Name: Kanyanat Luangaroonlerd 5661045

This research is about the color effect that influence people to choose their clothing by
their favorite color. For a long time, people have been started interest and investigate about
the color that why its effect in people life. Today people tried to find the way to make them
more attractive by clothing. It is very important to know how colors are influence by many
people because in daily life, everything is all in colorful. However, it is not obvious why
people have to choose Color for their clothing. Moreover, colors can affect peoples mood
and can also tell about their personality. So the research will be discussed how colors are
related to peoples lifestyle especially when shopping for clothes. There are many effective
factors that occur such as color effect mood, spiritual, psychology, their spending, etc. This
paper will collect those data by observing people at Siam because there are a lot of teenagers
and noted their colors clothes. After that I will collect the data by let some of them do the

Research aim& Objectives:

As this paper will be discover the color of clothing that people usually wear. The
small thing like color can indicate their personality. Then find more factors that related to
people decision such as psychology. A lot of people might not know that color can show their
mood, personality, attraction, etc. by choosing clothes. Clothes are the thing people need to
wear every day, so it is important to choose their favorite color. Moreover, this topic can
define and useful for person interesting in marketing because they can create their shop or
logo depend on most people style.

Background and significance:

Sir Isaac Newton invented the concept of the color wheel. Color wheel is a tool for
understanding the relationship between colors. Cool colors range from blue to violet, the half
of the color wheel with shorter wavelengths. Cool colors have a calming effect. They look
clean, cool, and calm. However, it is noted that bright cool colors are more excitement than
light, medium or dark cool colors. The longer wavelengths one is Warm colors which is range
from red to yellow, they are represent active, attention-grabbing and aggressive. They can
also stimulate people emotions, motivate that is more attractive
than cool color.
In term of scientific effect, color creates in light. The sense
of people eyes sees the color from the reflection of ray light and
spectrum of an object. For example, when we look at a red apple,
ray of sunlight will shine on it. All colors light ray except red are
absorbed by apples surface. Then red is reflected. Our eyes
receive those rays and send information to the brain then look at
red color. Additionally, each color emits different wavelength of
energy that violet has the shortest wavelength while red has the longest one. (May, C., 2002).

Literature Review:
Nowadays, colors are related in people life. Color of the cloth that people choose can
tell their personality. According to Vakil (2013), every people have their favorite color that
shown different personality. Firstly, Red color indicate that people who wear red are
ambitious, uncomplicated, etc. Second, Orange are fit people who are funny, great social and
also dramatizes. Third, Green tells about peacefulness, hope, harmony, etc. Fourth, Blue, this
kind of person is softly, patient, compassionate. Another one is Pink; this color is a symbol of
calm, loving, caring, etc. Sixth, White, this color is very popular in various ages because of
neat, sensible, confident, etc. The last color is Yellow; people can represent their personality
of happiness, wisdom, and joyful.
For choosing the color for a cloth that people wear in a daily day. Color that is chosen
by people might be affecting the spiritual but it too vague to describe. Its feature in three
subtle; Sattva, Raja and Tama. According to spiritualsearchfoundation (2013), they identify
the color that Helpful being a positive effect but Harmful being a negative effect. White
color is in Sattva mean that this color be the most helpful. Inferior to white, it is Blue color,
this be more helpful. Pink is also in Sattva, its helpful. These three colors are kind of positive
spiritually. Red is in Raja, it not certainly helpful or harmful. The last two colors in Tama are
Brown and Black, these colors both harmful or affect a negative spiritually.
Another important thing is color also affect people spending. First, Black color can
make an inexpensive things seem more upscale. Second, Blue color can make people feel
secure about that shop. Third, Burgundy color, is the color of the rich, the symbol of luxury.
Fourth, Green, many employ use this color to attract customer. Another one is Orange, this
color show about impartiality that also makes people see a good value. The last one is the
most favorites color of girl; Scientists found that Pink can slow an endocrine system.
Moreover It can also influence your wallet because it can relax and less injurious with your

Experimental Design and methods:

- Survey / Questionnaire / Interview
- Let people choose color or let them answer questions.
(Select age groups [teenagers and adults] and also separate gender.
- Using Chart or graph compare different colors and their affect
- analyze the results

Reference list

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