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SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Document Scanning Lead Sheet ‘Sep-17-2015 4:04 pm Case Number: CGC-15-548015 Filing Date: Sep-17-2015 3:55 Filed by: ARLENE RAMOS Juke Box: 001 Image: 05080536 COMPLAINT DEAN GARDNER VS. ANTHONY HAYES ET AL 001C05080536 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned. SUMMONS: (CITACION JUDICIAL) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): ‘Anthony Hayes, Hazal Inc., Uber USA, LLC, Rosa Sanchez, Adrianna ‘Andreucci, Alan Morton, and DOES 1-10, inclusive. YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): Dean Gardner TWOTICE Yau have been sued. The cour may decide agaial you witout your being heard unis you respond wit 30 days, Rad the iformation below. "You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS aftr thie summons and laal papers are served on you fo flea writen respense at tie court and have a copy ‘served onthe pli letor or phone cal wil no protect ye. Your won reponse must ben proper legal form you want the cour to hes your ‘ato, There may be a court form that you can use fr your responee. You can find these cour forms and mare nfermaon atthe Cafomia Courts ‘Gnive Salty Center (we: govfethep), your county law Hoar, oF te courthouse neaeat you. If you cant pay the fing fee, ask the court dar or a feo walvor form you do not fle yourresponse on tne, you may lose tho case by default, and your wapes, money, and property ‘may be taken wibout turer waring fom the court. "fro ar other logal requremonts, You may want to allan altomey right away. I you donot now an stiomey, you may want ocal an atomoy refer anion fYou cannot efor en aorney, You Maybe sige for re lagal sors rom a ronproft legal services progam. You can focala, these nanprft groupe athe Cakfomia LogalSorices Web sto (www. lawfipealfrnia. or), the Caffe Courts Onine Sel Holp Contr (Gr courte gow/scnap), oF by contacting your local court or county bar essodalion. NOTE: The court hes a sltutry fon for waive foes and ‘Cont on any sotdomont or aration avert of $10,000 or more in & Gl cas The cous ton must be pak before the court wil amis the case. JAVISO! Lo han demandade. Sine responde dentro do 0 das, la core puede deci en su contra sh eecichar su vareén. Lea le informacion & ‘ontnacién “Tine 30 BIAS DE CALENDARIO doepuse de quo le entequan ostactslon y papeles legal pare presenta una rspuesia por asco on esta ‘corte yhacor que oo enrepue una copia al demendente. Una carta 0 una lamada taloftnice noo protegen. Su respuesta por escrio Gane que estar tn ermato legal correco 8 desea gue provasen au caso en le corto. Es poste qua haya un formula que sted puoda ser para su respuesta. Puode encontrar estos formuteios do ls corte y mas iformactn on el Coro de Ayuda dels Cortes do Calo wir, cote ca 30%), na bbboteca doles do su candado 0 nla conte quo 1 quode mae cora. Sino puede pagar la cucta de prasentacio, pda al socetari dol corto ‘que le dé un formlaro de exeneiin de pago de ova. Sino presenta eu raspueeia# bempo, puede perder ol caso por incumplniento fa corto fo ode qutar au sual, anor y bianes sin mas adverenci. “Hay eros requtatos legals. Es recomendebie que leme a Un abogadoInmediatamonta. Sino canoce a un abogado, puode amar aun sore de _wmision 2 abogedoe. Sin puede pagar un abogado, es pose que cura con ls requisos par obtener servicios logals gatatoe do un ‘programe de sor7coslopalee sh nes de cre. Puede onconrar estos grupos sin nas de cro en so web de Caifomie Logal Sertcos, Few lawhelpcalforia.or), ono! Centro de Ayuda de lag Cotes do Celferia, ( 0 poniéndo en contacto con Ia cot oa! ‘Slog de sbogadoa locals. AVISO: Prey, I corte tone derecho a rectamar las cuts y os costes axes por inponer un gravamen sobre recuporacin de 810,000 6 més de velorrecbide mediante un aavordo 0 una concoatn de arbirao on un caso de derecho ci. Tene quo ‘pagar ol gravamen dela corte antos do que la corte puoda desea cao. ‘The name and address ofthe court eaeeaner (Elnombre y dreccién de la corte es): San Francisco Superior Court C@C=75-548015 400 McAllister Street San Francisco, CA 94102 “The name, address, and telephone number of plaints attorney, or plant without an attomey, is: (Elnombr, la direccion y ol nimero de teléfono del abogado del demandante, o-del demandante que no tiene abogedo, es): Peter Crane, PO Box 1900, Sausalito, CA 94966, (415) 302-6725 ove 560172015 AEMOFTHECOURag alee Bsr” omy (Foche) (Secretaro) ‘Adjurto) (For proot of saree of is Summons, uso Prost of Service of Summons form POS-070)) {Pare prueba de antroga de esta cain use a formutrio Proof of Service of Summons, (POS-010). NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served +. [J as anindvidval defendant. 2. [=] as the parson sued under he fitous name of speci) 3, [J on behatt of (specify): under: = CoP 416.10 (corporation) [J cP 416.60 (minor) [J cP 416.20 (datunct corporation) CCP 416.70 (consorvateo) TO Geta e eee epee) —) otter (sp0cty: 4. [1 by personal delivery on (date: ‘SUMMONS 4 PLD-PL001 Pai Fon count wacom PO Box 1900 Sausalito, CA 94966 reiepwoneno, 415-302-6725, FAK NO. (Opéonay EMAL ADORESS (nto. srrowerronqumy Dean Gardner ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, counTY oF SAN FRANCISCO -smecracorsss: 400 McAllister Street F I L D cayanozecooe San Francisco, CA 94102 Superior Cpu ot can PLANTIFE: Dean Gardner SEP 172015 berenoant: Anthony Hayes, Hazal Inc., Uber USA, LLC, CLERK,OF COURT, Rosa Sanchez, Adrianna Andreucci, Alan Morton and | gy, TZ oes 110 10 inclusive. ‘Deputy Clerk] ‘COMPLAINT—Personal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death [J AMENDED (Number): ‘Type (check all that apply): [2] MOTOR VEHICLE =] OTHER (specity): [Property Damage [—] Wrongful Death [Z Personal injury __[—] Other Damages (specity): “Jurisdiction (check all that apply): cman (7 ACTIONS A LimrTED Givit CASE ‘Amount demanded [__] does not excood $10,000 — excoeds $10,000, but does not axceed $25,000 [Z Acron ts a uNLMFED iv CASE (eco 25,00) G6C-15-548018 (1 ACTIONIS RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaint trom ted to untimited trom unit to timited 1. Plalntf (name or names): Dean Gardner alleges causes of action against defendant (name or names): Anthony Hayes, Hazal Inc., Uber USA, LLC, Rosa Sanchez, Adrianna Andreucci, Alan Morton, Does 1-10 2. This pleading, including attachments and exhibits, consists ofthe following number of pages: 4 3. Each plaintiff named above isa competent adut 2. [J] except paint (name): (1) (2) 2 corporation qualified to do business in California (@) [=] an unincorporated entty (describe): (3) [2 « public entity (describe): (4) EJ aminor (1 an aduit (2) [1] forwhom a guardian or conservator of the estate ora guardian ad item has been appointed (©) [} other (spect (6) other (apecty b. [7 except paintit (name): (1) LJ] a corporation qualified to do business in Calfornia (2) J an unincorporated entity (describe): (3) [2 a public entity (describe): (4) (7) a minor (TJ an aduit (2) [1 tor whom a guardian or conservator of the estate ora guardian ad litem has been appointed (©) other fapecty): (8) (J other (specity): 1 intrmaton about addtional plants who are not competent adults is shown in Atachment 3 nets pee ea ‘COMPLAINT—Personal Injury, Properly com coaraaene mboreot faery 2M, ‘Damage, Wrongful Death PLD-PLOO1 ‘SHORT TITLE: Ce Gardner v. Hayes 4. (2 Plaintt (name): Is doing business under the fictitious name (specify): and has complied with the fictitious business name laws. 6. Each defendant named above isa natural person ‘except defendant (name): Hazal Inc. ©. [except defendant (name): (1) [2] a business organization, form unknown (1) [] a business organization, form unknown (2) EJ] a corporation (6) [J anunincorporated entity (describe): (4) (a public entity (describe): (4) [J a public entity (desonbe): (6) (J other (speci: (8) [other (speci): b. [21 except defendant (name): Uber USA,LLC —_—_d. [] except defendant (name): (1) La business organization, form unknown (1) [2 a business organization, form unknown (2) J a corporation 2) 2] acomoration (@) Fan unincorporated entity (describe): (@) [an unincorporated entity (describe): (4) 1 a pubic entity (describe): (4) a pubic entity (describe): (8) (1 other (specify): (5) [1] other (specity): a limited liability company [1 Information about additional defendants who are not natural persons is contained in Attachment §. 6. The tr names of defendants sued as Does are unknown to plintit. a. CZ Doe defendants (specity Doe numbers): ‘were the agents or employees of other ‘named defendants and acted within the scope of hat agancy or employment. >. [1 Dow defendants (specty Dow numbers) 6-10. fare persons whose capaciis are unknown to lab 7. [1 Defendants who are joined under Code of Civ Procedure section 382 ae (names): ‘8. This courts the proper court because a. [J atleast ons defendant now resides in its jurisdictional area, . Zhe principal place of business of a defendant corporation or unincorporated association is in ts jurisdictional area, ©. [Z inury to person or damage to personal property occured in ts jurisdictional area. 4. FJ) other (specity): (= Piaintitis required to comply with a claims statute, and. 2. (has complied with applicable claims statutes, oF b. [1 is excused trom complying because (apectt): FB e a Paw ay ‘COMPLAINT—Personal injury, Property none Damage, Wrongful Death PLD-PI-001 ». 5 Gonaral Negligence c. [2 Intentional Tort 4. [] Products Liabity 2. [] Premises Liability 1. [other epecity: 11. Plaintiff has suffered 8. GZ] wage loss b. [J loss of use of property hospital and medical expenses ‘general damage 1 property damage loss of earning capacity ‘other damage (specify): enean 12. [1] The damages ciaimed for wrongful death and the relationships of plainti to the deceased are ‘@, [1 listed in attachment 12. b. () as follows: 18. The relief sought inthis complaint is within the jurisdiction ofthis court, 14. Plaintiff prays for judgment for costs of suit for such relief as is fair, just, and equitable: and for @. (1) CZ] compensatory damages (2) [5 punitive damages “The amount of damages Is (in cases for personal Inlury or wrongful death, you must check (1)): (1) CZ) according to proof 2) [5 inthe amount of $ 15. [1] The paragraphs of this complaint alaged on information and belief are as follows (speci paragraph numbers): PLD-PI-001(1) Date: September 15, 2015 Zz Z, Peter Crane » Jide CPE OR FT (BETIRE OF ANTF OR ATTORNEY ipa bee mT ‘COMPLAINT—Personal injury, Property rae Damage, Wrongful Death PLD-PI001(1) ‘SHORT TITLE: CSE MARE Gardner v. Hayes FIRST. CAUSE OF ACTION—Motor Vehicle ‘wambery ATTACHMENT TO CZ] Complaint _[—] Cross - Complaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause of acion,) Piaintit (name): Dean Gardner MV. 1. Plantif alloges the acts of defendants were negligent; the acts were the legal (proximate) cause of injuries ‘and damages to plant; the acts occurred ‘on (date): September 25, 2013 at (place): At or near 1620 Broadway Street, San Francisco, CA. i ‘The defendants who operated a motor vehicle are (names): Anthony Hayes, Adrianna Andreucci, Rosa Sanchez, and Does 1 wo 3 b. ‘The defendants who employed the persons who operated a motor vehicie inthe course oftheir employment ‘are (names): Hazal Inc., Uber USA, LLC, and Does 4 w& 5 ‘The defendants who owned the motor vehicle which was operated with their permission are (names): Hazal Inc., Alan Morton, and TD does 5. to 6 4. (21 The defendants who entrusted the motor vai Hazal Inc., Alan Morton, and TZ does 5 to 6 ‘The defendants who were the agents and employees ofthe other defendants and acted within the scope ofthe agency were (names): ‘Anthony Hayes TZ does 1 to 3 J The defendants who are liable to plaintifie for other reasons and the reasons for the liability are [J tsted in Attachment MV-21[_] a8 follows: 8 (rames): 1 Does. to page 4 page tot ‘CAUSE OF ACTION—Motor Vehicle cata ran tt iotroota Sey 107) cM-019 FoR COURT ORE OMY [*Beter Cae (SBN ease” "ome Se Arment ones PO Box 1900 Sausalito, CA 94966 FI LED mmoeio. 415- ss fi ruatevrenes, BEAN GARDNER Sepia Cee Grae l” pa SEP 172015 ‘mwuna sooress: 400 McAllister St. gmvwotwcore. San Francisco, CA 94102-4514 OLERKOF THE COURT] Career erawaty (1 coun 1 Joinder C demanded demanded is. Filed with first appearance by defendant | “P= exceeds $25,000) _ $25,000 or less) (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.402) oer Ttems 1-6 below must be completed (600 instructions on page 2). [I- Check one box below forthe case type that best describes this case: ‘Auto Tort Contract Provisionally Complax Chil Litigation ‘Auto (22) TJ Breach of contractwarranty (06) (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.400-$.403) Uninsured motors (48) [1 ste 3.740 colections (09) 1 Antu Trade roguiaton (03) (Other PUPDMWD (Personal injunyiProperty — [_] Other cotectons (09) [1 Contraction detect (10) ‘Damage/Wrongful Death) Tort TJ insurance coverage (18) C1 sass tor (20) TJ Astastos (04) CD otter contract (7) 1 scutes tigation (26) Product ibility (24) Real Property [) envranmentaiTaxic tort (30) ‘Medical malpractice (45) 1 Eminent domaintiewerse (1 insurance coverage claims arising fom the otter puraiwn (23) ‘rderoation (4) hove eid provatonaly complos caso, 'Non-PUPDAND (Other) Tort 2) wrongfut eviction (33) ‘ype (41) Ree ae ee ee | lone anaes Fskroomentot comet ea epreriny Salgeea Detar [E} extocment of geene (2 TE) cotamation (13) LJ commercial (31) Miscellaneous Civii Complaint Fraud (16) (EI Resident (22) © recon 1 intetectua property (19) 2 ongs 0) 1 omer complaint (not specitiod above) (42) FE) Peters 5) athe on setae Ct eon er ner PUPOIWD tt (25) Ascot rae Parsi an corporate goverance (21) Employment (etn eterion ara (1) raen peice FF Vrowatnmaton 3) 1 wert mana (02) a ( oatroremoyment (15) [Ey one ptcitrviow (90) Z Wiacase Lelie LZ] pa cnplr del 3400 Calorie Ros Ga We case cola ato {actors requing exceptional judicial management: a. L_) Large number of separately represented parties 4. [_] Large number of witnesses ».[1 Extensive motion practice raising dificutt ornove!__e. [__] Coordination with related actions pending in one or more courts. Issues that willbe time-consuming to resolve in other counties, states, or counties, orn a federal court 71 Substantial amount of documentary evidence 1. 2) substantial postiudgment judicial supervision Remedies sought (check all that apply): a7] monetary b.[—] nonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive relief. [—}punitive 3. 4. Number of causes of action (spect): 1 5. Thiscase [lis Llisnot aciass action suit. there are any known related cases, fle and serve a notice of related case. (You may use form CM-O15.) Date: September 16, 2015 Peter Crane » LA Sra ‘SEITORE OF PARTY GH ATTORNEY RET) NOTICE ‘+ Plant must fle this cover sheet wit the frst paper fied in the action or proceeding (except smal claims cases or cases fled Under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and Insitutions Code). (Cal. Rulos of Cour, rule 3.220.) Failure to file may reoult in sanctions. * File this cover sheet in addition to ary cover sheet required by local court rule. * Ithis case is complex under rule 3.400 ot seq. of the Caitforia Rules of Cour, you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on all ‘other parties to the action or proceeding. + Unless this isa collectons case under rule 3.740 or a complex case, this cover shat willbe used for statistical purposes on! ‘om napa Mansy Uae CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET om snc ok Amn 931 ton ay a ened

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