Ogata Solutions - 3 Edição

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SOLUTIONS MANUAL MODERN CONTROL ENGINEERING THIRD EDITION KATSUHIKO OGATA University of Minnesota te io pein Berea Severo de Siva Filo “raae Cheapo 1: Sicenon Das Aeuistion Editor Allee Doria Protection Editor Reber Malis Stpplements Manager ou! Gourtan ‘penal Projects Manager Barbara A. Marry Production Cootinats Donne Sulla ©1996 Prentice Hal foe ‘Simon & Schuster A Viacom Compiny ‘Upper Sade River, NOTE [Altigtresered. No prt of thisbook may Se Feprodaced. in ay form or by any means, ‘thou permision i rig fom the poblse. ted nthe Unite States of Areics woe7esasz ISBN 0-13-257965-0 rence Hal Internationa (UK) Listed, Lavon Prenice-Hall of Ausra Pi Lined, Sno” Pree Hall Canada In Toronto Prentice-Hall Hispanoameicana, SA. Msi Prone Hallo Inia Private Linked, New el Prete Hallo Japan, Ine, Tokyo Simon & Schuster Aus Lid Sigapore Eaton Prentice: Hal Bra ida, Ri de fone Contents Preface oss. chapter 1. Chapter 2... chapter 3... Chapter 4 « Chapter 5 . chapter 6 Chapter 7 oe. Chapter 8 eeesee Chapter 9 veseeeee Chapter 10 «2. Chapter 11 sesseeeeeseeseee Chapter 12 Chapter 13... Preface ‘Tho third edition of Modern Control Engineering contains 418 probiens. 206 of them are provided vith complete solutions (x Problens) and’ 21? of chen are given vithout solutions (B Problens). This solutions manual presents solu Hons to ait 212 unsolved 8 Problens. Except for the case of simple and straightforvard problens, al1 solutiois given here are detailed and compre hensive. ‘The text may be used in a fev different vays depending on the course objective {and tine allocated to the course. Sample course coverages are shown belov. For one quarter course For one senester For tvo quarters (4 hours/veek, 40 lecture course (4 hours/week, course (3 houre/ hhours) or one semester 52 lecture hours) week, 60 oF ROFp ‘course (3 hours/week, 42 Jecture hours) Tecture hours) * 2 3 chapter 1 chapter 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2° Chapter 2+ Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 9 Chapter 9 Chapter 10%+ Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 * may be onitted if students have adequate background on Laplace transfor + my be omitted 1¢ short in tine For the one senester course (#2) the instructor will have Hexibiiity in omitting certain subjects depending on the course objective. Katsuhiko Ogata CHAPTER 1 pa. ‘losed-1oop control systens found in hones: (2) Room temperature control systen. "Room temperature 1s kept constant regardless of the number of people in the room or the outside tenpeh: ture. (2) Refrigerator, Keeps the temperature in the refrigerator constant Fegardiess of the anount of food in it and the outside temperature. (3) Cooking oven tenperature control. The oven tenperature is controll. at the set point regardless of the amount of food in the oven and the outside room temperature. Qpen-t00p control systens found in homes: (2) Washer and dryer for clothe. (2) Dish vasher. (3) A person takes a pili (for example, cholesterol control pill) every Say to keep cholesterol level within a desired limit. He or she 2oe~ ‘not check the cholesterol level every day. The process continues without check for a fev months. Tt operates as an open-loop control system. The open-loop control. system needs calibration fron Line eo tine. li OF she goes to a doctor to check the cholesterol level and Be doctor controls the amount of pill. (This is a calibration pro- Watering a garden. The output vanted is a certain level of satura Hon. "The input is vater and the controlier is the human watching the soil to determine whether the soll is adequately saturated. Oxce the required saturation is met, the controller (hunan) either moves fhe sprinkler or turns off vater, until the soil again requires vater~ ing. (2) Driving a car, ‘The output 1s a certain speed, for exanple, 65 mph. * The ‘input is the driver's foot on the accelerator, and the controrier is the human(ériver) vho tris to maintain the specd by monitoring the speedometer and either accelerates of Lift foot off the accelerstor to slow down. Perhaps we can simiate a disturbance in this example, The sudden sighting of a police officer which causes the contfolier to react by touching the brakes. (3) Selection of 1V channel or TV volune by means of a remote controlier, controlled by @ human. The reference channel 1s the desired chemet 1 land the output channel is the channel currently shoving. If the Current channel is numerically lover than the desired channel, the furan can push the "+" channel button until the desired channel is Feached. ‘The volun is simlarly controlled. Tf the volune is 1ou- Ger than the desired voluse, the '-' volune button is pushed until the ‘desired volune is reached. Bils3. Refer to the figure show below. Feed speed 1 Consider the case when Motor 1 (on the left side of the figure) suddenly slovs Gom. Motor 2 (on the right side of the figure) vill be initially unavare of he decrease in feed speed 1 and the system Will compensate by raising Pulley A. ‘The vertical distance that Pulley A is raised vill correspond to an angular replacement of Pulley B. This angular displacement and direction of rotation Vill be measured by the measuring elenent and the information is sent to the Imp. The Amp's job 1s to compare the angular displacement to the set point Gihere Notor 1 feed speed = Motor 2 feed speed) and adjust accordingly. The dap will siov dovn Motor 2 for rotation in the counterclockwise direction of Polley B by an amount proportional to the angular displacement and speed up Notor 2 for rotation in the clockvise direction of Pulley B. For the case vhen Motor 1 feed speed is suddenly increased, the Pulley wil be lowered to compensate for the slover speed of Motor 2. | Then, the sane Sequence of control action Will take place as above. Band. This system works similar to the machine that copies keys. The idea EP*xraupilcate the posel on the left side by having a tool operate at the same engthy width, and height as the tracer head is on the model. ‘the movable stage {s responsible for ali horizontal motion of the systen. ‘the stage 1s controlled by the tracing controiier, and it moves in both x and Y directions in response to comand input to the controller. DC servomotors Uransiate the comand input, causing the stage to move. ‘The tracer head and cutter head are housed in a device held at a fixed height above the stage. As the stage moves horizontally in both x and y direc Uionss the tracer head traverses the model. A signal that the vertical distan- 2 aright eee ar prt ye mts SEC A MRM a Pm SEE SSeS atin i baer hat oe rity nes aon Teg Somat aces nee ka Pe URE eI Oe Cr ee es Sue Genie ae image mae ee ae ee ete trea comma B25. CHAPTER 2 A = (4-0) 604-4) Fe) = pz. (Aye Se a Ste " Gres) +72* S84 08S +P ft) = tA = (€-7) 144-7) TO) $6) = dee (ate T) w 0.5 aie at $0566 Coe Oe re er ts Fis) = —2SkE 4 28S _ 2408s ca — ? S84 gF STREETS $0 = he 204 G4- 2-% f (é-a) i lé- 4) B22. te mas (a) Fyfe) = Fain (SEF 95%) = 2./2/ aoe SP #2,/2/ C2 SE = Fay= (5 -4e** “ex ) = ERIKS. 212/5 _ logo7t2./2/5 s a Hy (rasecties fo = “Seer + ES = Bere ass My FO = fa, ne fl) =0.03~ 0.09 en2e = bn eee fet) Fix £03. g038 _ s03s*+0.l2— 003s? BO) $ BR Sey - att yy ~setraFe rset = a2 oS Be Sse) aby, BOSE Peg Bett ises) rey zle]=5 Oy e 24, Bete ets Petige _ at] = e Fg sete eee FO = £[t?e~**] Gray st Se rl oo ak py, Kite F- Se tr ston D)) ! # S)= em 2d enesut =L (cm cult + ex UE) ' “ve HG) -i(—5 - SS : = e(-2- FO— = (Sipasat ” rat) } #(-E-#F +s) (s*4 (30%) s i s St +2507, _ a, HO) = Lin 5 FG) = Aon, SF = 0 we eae way ‘To verify this result, note that 2 [sSg)e eve 10 Lim (40-106) 16) = fo Ser) = =f SFG) = fy Gap £[ 40] = FO) - for) = sFe) fer)= 4, 5*FQ) = Lin — = / eo Ter Stas 0.5 st) FO ™ Site sap = (Has) 0.7e ab_ stag 2.866 5 Gastron * 3, war (stasy* + 2.9667 ent Thre OO eo. 8be ” e43 3 @ = ey Fa £+3 AO = 6+3t ) $s+2 2 z _ =__3 FO) = Gas = Fat Gat Se Ail) = ~ 3 + Pt epg ot L P= a a(t -ske ~ 2X IX+ 3X0, AQ=3, AM=0 2L3*X0) ~ 3x0) - 20) + 7 [5X - x] + 3XQ =0 (25747543) XO = 6542) ‘X@ = —SE42/ Sst i0s- 255475 +3 ~ “C40s)(s+3) 36 2.6 Stas SHS X+2x= Mt), — xox) SO -X0-) + 2x6) =/ (S42) x6) =/ (= Xe) a __ 0 we 1) " Seve a, basi xe)= ae Coxe OF E+ TERE tn 01, TF) Cos 5 Solving for X(s), we obtain Xe) = Aw gb Grayerroy * ee AY (- sBA)t+ a Be sta Sew Sta Aw) 1 = (b+ por) Far fae weet Sot dw _s att Sat Inverse Laplace transform of X(s) gives x0 = £7'[TXo) Aw Aa _ Aw =(6+ 4 + Frat et - get CHAPTER 3 pau. no, we, & Git a -% f-S O G+ Ge RIG * Ga) Ga Ge) no) #6) a GM) CLF GY Gy I* Gi (-M%) a0) 1] & % |e} g PP ake rare ae #0) Gam) <6) ~~ AGA) (G40) GM a. GibsGs + G5 4 OD 1% GMs + Ogle + Gs Hts + 0,42 * 4, Gg, ‘There are infinitely many state-space representations for this system. Ba. We shai1 give two of the possible state-space representations. Statecepace representation 1: From Figure 3-53, ve obtain 7 ww eye ste We) 4 BE ype eee Bp OF Vhtch 4 equivatent to Hepergrzy dren ceeparing this equation vith the standard equation Tragtayjraye hice yethirthe ve obtain =P, a=, eset, byn0, b= 0, bal, bk Define % = 9 fot Xa yr pk —Hu=z-pe md fw were fa bene fi = bia fo =e beth 4 fi-4s fo =/ 10 A= by 4 fa- 4a By — a3, = 2 Den ec tens a eget ag A FP z] [o + offs] [4 afa]e 28 co tbal +l pel a a] Le -7 -Plbs] [ay % g=l ¢ lel + Ax [Xs A] fo 7 ole] yo l=] oo sila! 7 la ae) fk -0 -P zp % yell o ally 7 ‘State-epace representation 2: Since St stptenp np StF s+P + Sap ve can redraw the block diagram as shown below. v TS bv IT Pe ; From this block disgram we get the following equations: VaU-x,+% Po U- xX, ~ “sap a ‘Ten 7 Xe at %+3G+ em =K =X ths _ ‘ 4a% x “= a aame . from which ve obtain °F Be epee fl: aE). KAM %} [o -2 -s}lo} |, Ga % 3 ax, xs, heat ate a a % =~ (2-P)% —p es +02- pa aod “@ ; Ae of? zp afi]: ev 3 - . ‘The transfer function G(s) of the system is given by. * oa, ° see "Tr B= 0 lhalel ae fac Gb)= SCsI- 4)'g =[s als a] [] a] [ee 6 -plll [ep y = t ste Er g=C/7 © af va ana | s ell] % / ’ eee *Sysee7 al] B35. Htsjrajau Define a4 neg (0) the system enattion ts uaz mt, =-, 9X, + hd, + bX = bX, ence [o05* + (b) +63) 51 XO = 4, 5X29) The transfer function Xo(s)/xj(s) 1 Xo bs - 4 Xi) ~ mS*+ (6, 4b )S SHC HD (b) Define the dispiacenent of the lover end of spring ky as y. Then the systen equations are whe - bl%-G)=0 hy (x:-y) = bU§-4) hr totbay = bf Kt tht, =k, gthg Chat bs) Xol) = 5 Ys) 4X6) + bs hol) = Chi + bs IO Eliminating ¥(s) from these equations, we obtain the transfer function as fetiowe: X06) = XO) het (thabS at (1+ FE) bs (6) Te system equation is BaXe = bls —%) +h) Ce —¥e) haxet bX thy xe = bar +h x, Abs bs Hence (ha tbs +h: X06) = bs + hi X:6) The transfer function X(s)/%4(=) becomes b L@ _ _bstky thes Xe) Atk ths ~ Rithe pe sas 2 a4 c mk rhe se Xt U6)” ms*+R (b) Define the displacenent of a point between springs ky and kp as y. Then ‘the equations of motion for this aysten become mk th (4-y) au hy = he (x9) From the second ewuation, ve have Ay they =hax —_" t= am * ey the ee mht eg AO / A Ue oe | sp Mg th Gh) +hy, =H, mp th, Chr E)thy, =a Define X=4 n=}, Gah Gay Tren Ie + by (Ba-%) +h Hy =u, 7a ty + by (Fp~%e)t he % = ly For x direction: Hence Bh Mion ot he mh a) thx] + how, Mimo (Xt Lah) =u a-% since Fn Thee) the he 8 =~ (ana) b*+(c30a) is - we have a |? (Mam) ~ mL (ano )b*+ ml (em ob =e iad * 2 Ifa For smal1 @ and smait 62, ve have + - . a eo ollusl (Mem%tmLé au c L For rotational motion: %] 1? aa T6 = mglane —mE Leng ware JaItme?, ramt Tus, , : (r4mL2) 6" = mglang— ikon For seal 0, ve have . . (Tem) b= mgdo - mei @ Fron Bquation (2), z Iemle Sango Tee Tan 2hoal nny Lauro Substituting Ehts test equation into Equation (1), we obtain a mL* ty For smaii 6, ot (orem )(g9 - FEE ents O )+mlb mu mhiB =~ 28ard —mglo or . or (Mem) 90 - lien teste eee ae ot Ge 2hat +4) b=0 Tus, = ak(om)y mk a ® (omar ond® ~ Geom) a thm P Meo, from Equation (1) ve nave “ mgho—mle _ (Homi nd ECE og [M+ m (r+ Mey] x + ml298 =u(Te ml) from vhich ve get. wig Teme xa — Se _,,, remit _, Mi+m (THM) MIitm(I+Mey) Equations (3) and (4) describe the system dynamics in tems of differential equations. By taking the Laplace transform of Bquation (3), ve obtain 2 _ me (Mam) g a 7 [* Cam) T+ mm lOO =~ Crem rt Mme OO {Laz +m (xe me] st mdcmom)g} 09 =—md Tes) ence OO _ met « Tw) [autem (z+ £2)] 5 ml (Mom gp By taking the Laplace transform of Equation (4), ve get sy <- tte ramet ad AI+m(I+Mty) Cee MI+m(I+ML*) me) ence 1X6) 2 lis 6), _Ttmbs _ Ue) MI+m (tyme) OG) “MIE +m (T4+Me2) XO __ wh’ mL UG) ~ [arem(r+me) = [aT+m (r+ml)] snl (Hong Ttml? Caren (remeey]s* ° Equations (5) and (6) define the inverted pendulum control system in terme of transfer functions. 16 Next, we shall obtain 2 state-space representation of the systen. Defin state variables by and output varlanies by n= 8 =x, hexaxs Then, from the definition of state varlables and Bquations (3) and (4), the state equation and output equation can be written a5 % o l a isan asin 2 ollx, ° whens ~— at : Mrm(zent) 0 0 OW) rem iiea| % ° a0 1\% ° ; at, A 4] |- Oo oflx,| |—Ztmdt _ a Mier)? *) Larem(reaed 2% a] [7 2 2 oly, n| |o o 7 ollx | 19 ’ —_ gs tht ay Blasts Fite+ Ra) st 14 2 z HE we change Ry to bis Ry to by, Cy to 1/kys Cp to 1/kgy then ve obtain Riles+/ _ best y Crk es t+ = Cathhes +14 = Xo) bas +h bast he ee te Xe) (bth) sthath, (4s+h) + Cnsthad ‘The analogous mechanical system {s stom belov. Since y Q 2.02 Se =e v= tae Re 2 500 ‘ us, e ‘Time constant = CR = 5 x 300 = 1500 sec B34. For this systen CdH=-Qdt, He3r, Gay “Oe ence (B'raH = ~0.008 JF ett =e Zz Whe = — 0.008 Ze dt Assume that the head noves dom fron H = 2m to x for the 60 sec period. Sa ta a avorhl de 2/%32 (60-0) #5t F(z 28) = viich can be revritten as x? (9792/3) =- 2.7480 HE = 6868S -2./490 = 9.5089 ‘Taking logarithm of both sides of this last equation, we obtain Fhy, x = by, 25059 KHA6S2 we ‘Then | BERS. From Figure 3-62 ve obtain the folloving equations: ee BD Hil) oe A = G20) G6) ~ Qs) + Que) Gs For each of the above equations, a block diagram can be dram, as shom next. =A@ I ow ag TM oe 0) oy ou SPoraning these elements of biock diagrans, we obtain a block diagram for the system as shown below. outed ae EM Z18e, 2K ee ey — blob Ging this block diagran successively, we obtain a reasonably simplified Block diagram as foliovs: ee 2.) Br] mr aw) a) 20) orl Pam Jncafe 0) ht (9) Z qs ROS) Ros et —e rere ae | ae From this last block diagram we obtain Hp(s) as a function of Qi(s) and <2 « as follows: Re ate = 0:64 CG st t's At) Garena | cia a 9 = anbient temperature : 1 = temperature of thermocouple 2 = temperature of thermal velL Ry * thermal resistance of thermocouple Rg = thermal resistance of thermal well Cy ~ therm capacitance of thermacoupie co = thermal capacitance of thermal vel hy = heat input rate to thermocouple - hg = heat input rate to thermal well . Q=0002VF , Harzsm, F=a0.c03 4 ait betine R= kit = f(y) = fa+ 8 (a-# + Since the higher-order terms in this equation are snail, neglecting the higher order terns, we obtain e- f= 26 (y-#) ‘Then, the equations for the systan can be written as where L ak, L eel Cid, = hate Beaks ip cowed ae =e Codd, = (he- Ay elt = $i) = 0.002 JEae =0.003 woere y= (6p ~ 81)/% and he = (@)~ 02)/R2. ‘Thus ve have — ; Oy 2.00/ Iie, t= 6, B- 0.003 = 2804 Cy 2, 25) va sh Ce bo-b, Be~ Oy Og A Q- 0.000 66671 = 0.00/56 eR RX, Tals 1s the Linearized equation about the operating point. By eliminating @2 from the last txo equctions, ve obtain “ oe Ob) a iS) RG RAG S*+ ORG + Rey tR2G)S +/ fae2eaf~, Far Noting that 3 eae i FR IO~ HD+ KOR) to — lhe Ree = he 30> = b vec j $- f@) =0.42*(x-2) Hence the denominator of ®;(s)/@2(s) vecones as 7] or RGRGS*+ (GARTER stl Yn 2x29 = 0:6 X2* (X-2) 3 60s* 4385 +/ = (168/58 +/)C6ISSt/) ‘Thus, the tine constants of the systen are ‘Thus, Linear approxination of the given nonlinear equation near the operating point is Ya ZF 3.2 1 651 sec, Ty = 36.35 sec 3 24 B319. | petine Baxttary thy! =foug) er oF = Fafanefzj+] Roz + Fy 5) + ceed Z=9, F=3 ‘Since the higher-order terms in the expanded equation are small, neglecting ‘these higher-order terms, we obtain E-E =k (X-2)+k& (9-7) vere 2 7 7 PETG = 2x94 443 = 30 = 26 =ef4+npe = Ka FE coz, yep TPE FAT = PAI 42K3 =72 Ba Rn azz tb7* = 9 + HK INS HER POKES Tas 2-263 = 30(X-9) + 72( 4-3) Hence, a Linear approximation of the given nonlinear equation near the operating point is —2¢3 F-30x-72y - Since the rate of oii flow Q to the pover cylinder 4s a function of ‘the piston valve displacement x and the pressure difference across the power, Piston AP = Pi ~ Pz, ve can write Q as follows: O= ex, aP) Lingarizing this nonlinear equation near the operating point (5 = 0, % = 0, ‘AP = 0), we obtain @-8= 26 (x-z) + 2E (aP-aP) Ki X— Ke aP >o X2k, aPuaP Fy | =-26 2 DP |xaz, apead Ex ote eae Qt Ap ay where A is the piston area and /p is the density of oll. Using this last equation, P can be written as-follows: are klkix~a)= £(Kn- aps) ‘The force developed by the power piston is equal to the pressure difference ‘4? times the piston area Ay or Force develope by the power platen = AAP =A (Kx-Ap9) Since the pover piston moves a load consisting of a mass and viscous friction, ve obtain mi bg =k, x-Aph) oe AY a mj + (b+ )g = Mex Hance the transfer function Y(=)/X(=) of the system can be obtained as Ak Yo fe XO met (be ABs = ‘ "5 [ke bk SRB + He = K SCTStD here Ke / ke “te ae? = Se ae ete Oa +AP CHAPTER 4 EAI. Tine constant = 0.25 min. The steady-state error is 2.5 depress. BAL2, Define the current in the armature cfrcuit tobe 4g. Then, ve have LB thar ne, (Ls+R) Ze) + Ks Onl) = El) @ Aso, ve have Vu bu tT = Te 2 ki, @) T=Eq ah Lb =7, Byuation (2) can be rewritten as (Tn +Te 8 = 7 Ken, (a tn*T,) 8 y= nk LG) a BY substituting Equation (3) into Equation (1), ve obtain (Zs+R) Coenen) st 8) + ks 22 ~&:4) [es FRMTat 0 T.)5*+K Ky 5] 06) = HKE,O) 0 4k Sf TO EO) s[(Ls4Ratn Je S+KK) PAR2, For the system shom in Pigure 4-54(b), ve have 6) 2 RQ) S*+ (40K se 4/0 2 Noting that 2 5Wy = 1+ 10K), Wp? = 10, § = 0.5, we obtain (+k, = 2X0. x Njo =o Bence Kya Bot nw o26 Note that for the original systen £9) — Re) — =O ses Re) Rw) Sesto For the tachoneter-feedback system £6) RO-00 Ste3.45 RY RO a ge tle For the unit-ramp input, ve have Stes a 26) Ge tt- Sashes o £r6) =(_S43.4s_ ) L_ stands S43,7654/0 3) 5 = S+3.US*+]05 3 fhe error versus time curves [e)(t) versus ¢ and ep(t) versus t] are shom on next page. m9 Bas. Rise tine = 2.42 see Peak tine = 3.62 sec Maxisum overshoot = 0.163 Settling tine = 8 sec (2 % criterion) Cy — __K(Ts+1) RG) STs*+KTStK Since T= 3, K/ = 2/9, ve have ; ... ve’ TE Ty tm notion of the mee m can be stoped by toter tmpalse force, ch at ce- EB), (t-3E) . 5(#-). ee BA9. For a unit-inpulse input c@ =-te*+2e7* For a unit-step input (er0) Cit)= /+te YW 226-1) XO) (S#2)( st) For a unit-siep input, the response is given by YW=-ge*+¢e-*-7 Ze) fA plot of y(t) versus & in show tai Sent, Bee Fay Fe en SenlteD ~ osanr = er ee fs gsm Xn eer = 1, x rieimic : x Logarivimic decrenent er ln rs Detine =H. ase A OR S* = A*(/— 52) 22 = Say 7 = Sen 2 = FES sr _ ae aaa a Vo) em ta Tea (Le ok Week y Bt-i2. For the given system ve have ee K RG) Se 25+ KRs tK Note that Kaan =o ab since 25am = 2t+kk ve obtain 2X0.7K % = 2+KK = 2+ BK ms ie wre k=0.225- (a a RO) S*+ (ab +R) STE From the characteristic polynomial, ve find Uy=t, 250% =2x0SKE = OP +ER tence . hao The rise tine ty 1s obtained from fp ah a since 04 = anf S* = AIH 02 = 3.96 3 Bm ain Ew den 0.046 aE 4otcte 7 SRE The peak time ty ts obtained as 42 24 2107 see - wd 3. ke The maximim overshoot Mp is eee Mp = FR = 6 VE nea jes The settling tine ty ts ve have = e.b0$ see sont tse Maiti ~ e357 aexR = 2 Ate EM. | YATIAB prograns to obtain unit-step response, unit-ramp response, and tnit-inpuise response of the given systen are shown belov, together with the response curves. * Unitstep response +++ = um = 19 9 101; sen'= (1 t= 0:0.0% 2 101! 0: thie Unit-Step Response’ xlabell't Sec") T T T T ylabel(‘c(t)") I | : ; Jf i za i ' { f Lf Ty {? Pe TT I i '* Unit-impulse response Wal T t impulsetnum.den.t a | gre - Etleuniimpuse Response) label Sach) viabetiety 38 b0$- See = The peak tine ty is obtained as ope ae Ode = Sag = 907 sco Ene mint recs Hy 1 Mp =e EF = 6 GE oe ‘The settling time ty is ¢ # . On 3a Gene =e unit-ramp response, and slow, together with the num = 10 0 10}; den=(1 2) 19}, t= 0:0.02:10; stepioum.den.t) tle('Unit-Step Response’) abel" Sec’) Ylabelt'eta') % ***** Unitramp response *++++ gum: = 10 9 0 101; genr = 11 2 10 ‘Ol ¢ = steploumy.denr.t); Biotic, ri Response’) * Unit-impuise response mpulsetnum.den.0 nd a tleUni-Impulse Response’) xlabell't Sect) vlabelrety ew s4 4 es miele ili ks i eet 35 ’ [A YOTLAB program to obtain a unit-step response of the given system Fatpiten tetou, togethar vith the unle-stap rerponse’cusve, Hoeruntstep fet Uni-Step Response’) ‘lobe Sect ‘abet? Output) I tl I eo ‘A MATLAB program to obtain a unit-ramp response of the given syste is presented Delov, together with the unit-ranp response curve. Enter mations AA, 8, CC, snd OD ofthe new enlarged ete ‘% eaueton'ond output equnon me A = IA, 2e0812,1:0 . gez lo} un 56 = fo ‘+++ emer stepresponte command itt] = steplAA.B9,6C.00) ** apt = sepia so OS 7 bre {ier uni.nemo Response) Jabot Sec ‘rebel Oetout ang Unit Ramp input) min SeOunper Finally, a MATLAB program to obtain a unit-impulse response of the systen is given next, together’ vith the unit-impulse response curve. °°" Unitimpulse response Aaa 05:1 0: 8 oso; ctor 5 = to; IempusetA,8,C,0) D416. The required, notified version of MATLAB Program 4-14 is given below. ‘The resulting impulse-response curves are also given. a "Moditved MATLAB Progen 14 4 ——Uninpe pee — ‘sre Unimpu gona canes xe nomad secant ndraytam Ga t+ 2als oor the ibe pnts ono the { ontep epoae fl scree The valet of ae conden here ar 01,03, os.onandiam— ‘4-1 rte ta ameter and dinate Ci for Xiucano tum =10 1 ob Senet o2 1: “i Spec he computing tine pin uch aft 02.110) ‘3 inden entersopespenatconmand & = epiondend teoome f= tepinam den. plato) ‘Crenplar eld 0 eer enamine fC fr 28a 03,05, Sor ansiom death 06 ah seul 1th Genel 1a genset 2 ny {i Sopimpon onthe dt uit ‘Erepone cones orton =03,05,09, and Db Eon scceay pepe command and pet Scomnao a= sepium den plot 3 Zpimmaend plot 4pm dent plot 52 epi densa plats stv ei tte lbel ayaa we {iecimpute Response Cone ori» e428 abet Se) ese Outpt, 3,4 ‘st laa eld on phic ee" old Curent ploelesed 38 CHAPTER 5 BSL. consider the systen shom below. 6) ew Fron the étagram ve obtain ats) PS) 7406.0) For a ramp disturbance d{t) = at, we have D(s) = a/s2. 6) = Lin 5 Cl) = Lin, —296) a 330 #8 7+ G0)G.0) 3° ~ Foe e(o*) becomes zero if Go(s) contains couble integrators. BE2- In the folloving dtagrams, (a) denotes the unit-step response and (b) Corresponds to the unit-ramp response. Hence, “) wa) : “| @ fo 7 ‘e ‘o Bhat Brat “ io o : ‘ 4g Ny z on, 40 weit si iat Bonk (04 deers) a(t rags) B53. The closed-loop transfer function is =~ 4 Was +R For a intt-ramp input, Ra) =2/e2, Tus, £6) ROC) __ ste Bs Rb) Ro US+BstK Us4Bs 1 Eb) = E+ 85 0 = Sepsek Cn = Cb) = bine £6) =e lie see that ve cen reduce the steady-state error és by increasing the gain K QF decreasing the viscous-friction coefficient B. “Increasing the gainer Secreasing the viscous-friction coefficient, hovever, causes the damping ratio to decrease, with the result that the transient response of the systen sili ‘Become more oscillatory. Doubling K decreases egg to half of its original value, vhiie 5 1s decreased to 0.707 of its origina value since € is inversely Proportional to the square root of K. On the other hand,decreasing B to halt Of its original value decreases both egy and § to the halves of their original values, respectively. ‘Therefore, it {5 advisable to increase the value of & gather than to decrease the value of 5. After the transient response has died out and a steady state is reached, the output velocity beconss the same as ‘the Input velocity. However, there 1s a steady-state positional exror between the unit-ramp response of the systen for three different values of Kare illuste om torr rated to the right. | ae Z EEA Te closed-loop transfer function of System I is Coes, L = Ris) steons +l ‘i s*4 3 7 FE IEG response curves for the three systens are shown in Figure 1. The 2Em Eititing proportional-plus-derivative control action exhibits the short ‘SB tine. The systen vith velocity feedback has the least maximum overs ‘ooz, ox the best relative stability, of the three systans- ‘The untt—ramp response curves for the three systens are shown in Figure 3. sy. ten TT has the advantage of quicker response and less steady error in following 2 ramp input. . ‘The main reason why the System TI that utilizes proportional-plus-deriva- tive control action has superior response chracteristics is that derivative control responds to the rate of chanye of the error signal and can produce ear Ay corrective action before the minitude of the error becomes large. Notice that the output of System IIT is the output of System IT delayed bya fire order lag term 1/(1 + 0.85). “Obtaining unit-ep, unitimpuise, end unit-remp responses 5% +58 Univstep responses of three systems ***** umd = {0 9. 41 dont (1 02 Mh umz=(0 ‘6.8. i; gong tty ums = (0 0 “i: geo a Stepioumt dent. Stepinuma’den2.t; 3, den3. 1% +++ Unitimpulse responses of three systems ***** XJ = Impulsetnumt dent. 32 = imputseinuma.dena’ x3 = lmpulsetnum3. a pitt ou . Ec Uitimpuise Responses abel add, x3 feet 0.5 System 1 fexut08,6.1" System 2 foie oei'sysen 3) Ga (22H, 123,01 * Unitramp responses of three systems **#** numtr = 10 0.0 - sentra tt o2 Genz tt Py ums = 110 00 Senge = (1 : at fotz-388, BSS. The closed-loop transfer function of the system {s Ki. _____#@ __ Re) Ost + 3° + Lest tO MATLAB program to obtain the unit-step response curve is given belov, together vith the untt-step response curve, Mc unt-step re Rint Step Response’ Mabel Sect) Mabel “4 seinen _Seeeuiait didnt ch ‘A NATLAD program to obtain the unit-ramp response curve {s given belov. ‘The resulting unit-ranp response curve is also shown. 3 8 Unicrame num = {0 0 0 0 401; jon = (Ott & {He-Unt-Ramp Response’) Mabel See ‘abel Ramp Input and Output x1" Woking that x2 = ee ve have @ Xe) $s. RG) ~ 01S) 45" + jos + HO ‘The response x9(t) for the unit~step input and that for the unit-ramp input can be obtained by using the folloving MATLAB program. The resulting response curves xp(t) versus t curves are shown below. ge 4°48 MATLAB program to obtain responses x2 to inputs rt] = 118 and Say a ener ume = {0 0 40 OF, Genz = 10.1 "1 “to “40 12'0.02:3; XZ = stapinvm2,den2.0; Blott.x2) rd {hlerResponse x2 to Input rit) = 11") abellt Sec) Mabeltx24 uma = 10 0 0 40,01 denar = 10.1 1°10. 40 on; Y2'= stoptnum2r denzeth Bowtie ot 8 a {hie Response x2 t0 nutri) = &.14") Xabellt Sec WabelCinput Unit-Ramp and Response x2') Tapors $7, foltoving MATLAB progran can be used to obtain respovises x3(t) to Amputs x(t) = 1(t) and x(t) = t1(t). The response curves are show ceo 3 5372" MATLAB program to obtain response x3 to mate ety = Mend eh ety sees rd {hl asponse x3 tout ot = 10 Mabel! Sec) ‘lebelInput Unit Ramp and x3") i i Next, we shall obtain x3(t) versus ¢ curves for the unit-step input and unit-ramp input. Noting that. X46) a X36) alse) and 46) tos RO” O1s'+ 5* + fos + ¥O ve have %6) _ XO) Xb) _ arses fos. RG) et) ROY 00.7594 5* e105 + HO 5° + hos S?+jos* + tos + 400 46 Finally, ve shalt obtain the error versus t curves. & curves vhen the input r(t) is 3 fF the following MATLAB program. Plots of o(t) versus unit step or unit ramp can be obtained by use: num = 10 0 0 40}: 1°10" 401 ‘ott st versus t whens) = 147) (esac pum = 10 0 0 0 40}; Gene = 10.1 71°10) 40 o}: YI = stepinumy. den Blotitma = ye! era Ahle Pot of at versus t when ri) = t.11") see tt ent tte") ‘The error e(t) versus curves are shoxn belov. 4 an + it ol ig ike 5 RO)” S(se(sea) + K The characteristic equation is Siesste2st Kk ‘The Routh array becones sos 2 s kK - ° . For stability ve require 6 >K and K > 0, or b>k>0 ca _ a} ROD S05-N(2543) #70 ‘The characteristic equation is 284 S35 4/050 ‘Te Routh array becomes 49 ob ses = S94 O54 (bat by) 5 + by by ‘The Routh array is s J btby os a bbs sb ° 5? bby Thus, the first colum of the Routh array of the characteristic equation con- sists of 1, by, bg, and bibs. B59. For this system ve have PA sky, (Fra Op = 9 de Eat x) 50 hid ~via byl Noting that poA-= lex, ve obtain Os mo ko wa see 26) _b Kite £6) “ath jy Kn, 4A ~% ‘The control action of this controlier is proportional. ‘Thus, the controller As a proportional controller. Define the pressure of air in the bellows as Fz + poe Then Ch agdt , = 424 = h se 45 ence of Re Be = fe a Define the area of bellovs as A and the displacement of the bellovs as F + y. ‘Then, noting that Pod = ky, Equation (1) becowes as ree E+ ty =n st rote eyo tp ‘Tus Ww z RO) ~ Res +] A block dtagram for this system is show belov. a wo 2a £0 .@ Or ere =a Pee z ‘ KK €6) = atb aE OKT ES Assume that KK >1. Pe) Eo) are 4 Ten bath Restl = (Be HY (Res 11) Thus, the control action is proportional-plus-dertvative. *® proportional-plus-derivative controllel 0) ‘The controller is Ra) RG; es) TE KK 1, then 2 “ar ELA TE a+b 32 Rese) 2b) ib Kik a) “atk “Kea A _ RCS ate & Rese] ‘The controlier is # proportional-plus-integral controller. KK 20.24 oat Res 7 ath & Rcse7 Best Tf KK D1, then RO) __» / . 4A mis Z £6) ~ a+b a i arb RCs 4) he,se] Rates, ma) (cs +) = al aa ae (RE Bia hes) -plus-integral-plus~derivative. The Thus, the control action is proportional: conttoller is a PID controller. BS14. vefine Output pressure 53 ea ee Displacenent of point A = nozele-flapper distance = Displacenent of point 8 Displacement of bellows Yey Tee Displacenent of point ¢ = W+y where For X ¥; , and Wi are steady-state values. the positive directions are indicated in the figure «hom heise fe “4: + € aed te, tela bs = Pee tn ‘ Fron OMe figure ve obtain the folloving emmtions Mrhx, 22 hp, Fo te tote emt Change in magnetic force due to change in current = Ki Change in spring force = k(y - v) ‘The torque balance equation is R(g-MC = ke (arb) ‘The displacement x and w are related by wee =x" o $0 the torque balance equation beccees Ki(atb) = bg +S ce By substituting «+, cl =_@ tee? 92 feet, into Equation (1), ve get cies) ~a(ahe bet ge a & saan (Beer Ga ‘Truss pp (change in the output pressure) 1s proportional to { (change in the current}. B5-15. Referring to the figure shown belov, ve can obtain the folloving ‘equations: For the élaphragm and spring assenbly, Aix ke * 20) Ae x6) For the jet pipe, rhe, Afduagde et te, a AR AP Te) _ _k& 206) ASs For the pilot valve, MNity =z de, Kew MN fe ; Yo) __ _ Te) Aas Hence We 0 ww ee ek XO)" Te) 20) XO apps ApS k SF vhare Kak Ae A ABR The controlier is a double integrator. A simplified block diagram ts shom XO Tag] 20 [RT] ve RT) vo a & aAe| “lane BEEAG. Define dispiacenents e, x, and y as shown in the figure below. From this figure we can construct a block diagram as shown below. 2) EOL) gy 10 From the block diagram ve obtain the transfer function ¥(s)/6(s) s follows: we Fi] ~ Arosa Rea | | | i I bok Yo _ aE Os) jy Ea ¥ Geb We see that the piston displacenent y is proportional to the deflection angie 8 of the contro! lever. Also, from the system diagram ve see that for each value of y, there is a corresponding value of angle g. -. Therefore, for each angle @ of ‘the control lever, there 1s a corresponding steady-state elevator angie 6. B57. For the systen hA=k(x-2) here A is the area of the bellows and z is the displacement of the lover end OF the epeings Also, gakfxe, gare ms W=Lxm, — Ye=-Z6) ence Abe) = k[X6)~26)] = k[ x0) + Yo) = kr Ey therefore, kA =—*A kU B) lst k) E,(s) = — RB I6) BS19. Te voltage at point A is amaze te) Ens) = ZL Erle) + Et) ‘The vottage at point B ts Recs (s) = Rees € 4) - HO) = eset ee Since [Ep(s) - E,(e)]K = Ho(s) and K>1, ve mist have Ey(s) = Eple). ‘Thus, Ry t [eu + eu] = Bey a fence - = es) 80 =- $9 Eb) _ _Rets~ Ei) ~ Rees tT REY Hence (st asee) 66) = (ks +b) [1+ Gé)] y= —Ks+6 «6 S(sta—k) ‘The steady-state error in the unit-ramp response is ale og slsta-w &e = % ke sem So Stkerh) a Bot 5 Ay oss RO) S$ a S9 ba Stn EO) SP haste + eae St Ry Ro) SHAS Te hays Oa 38 For the unit-ramp input x(t) £6) = Sasi rus C5 = LerpSE6) = Liew roe Ste arsa7 tans han tpn tans? oy 3 Se stra sts tangs*) (tras Oe pany San) Se CHAPTER 6 B61. the open-loop transfer function K GMO = Taare ea tS) has the polgs at s = 0, s = -1, 8-22 J] and no zeros. ‘The asymptotes have angies #45" and ¢ 135.” “the aeyeptotes meet on the nayative resi axle at a = -1.25. Two branches of the root Loc! cross the inaginary axta ats = g3ty, cf erate of departace tron the complex pote im the upper ha = plane a mio ‘A MATLAB progran to plot the root lock and asymptotes is given belovto- gether with the resulting root-locus plot- 3% °°" Rootlocus plot **°** tum = 10.9 9 9 41 éen=it $8 8 Ol ume = 10° “0/0 It dene = (1 88.275 78125 24a plore) Fo Vets 293. 3h axisiv; axie'equare’, oe {ler Pot of Root Loci and Asymptotes') Pate Ret a ern 1B Rien poe BE bai BL6-2. The open-loop transfer function Kise) HE) SOME) = Tot 45 +7) tas the potes ats = 0, = = -2 4 57 and the zero ab s + ~ ve angles’ 0° and tect the fea}wania at Ose 2'5. Crowe the dnoginay acie tt p <2} actae 9b anaie of depaseee tee te Complex Pole in the upper half plone Io -10ro** ‘The dominant closed-loop poles-having the damping ratio $= 0.5 can be located as the intersection of the root loci and lines from the origin having - angles + 60°. The desired dominant closed-loop poles are found to be at Sues 252508 : ‘Te third pole is at s = -1. The gain value corresponding to these dominant closed-loop poles is K= 1.’ A NATLAB program to plot the root-locl {s shown belov, together with the resulting root-locus plots ‘ocustaum, den} hold Chrrent plot nels X18 10-3: y = 10,5.190 foals: YE (488! 10" Hols axis exit square ote that the locations of the dontnant closed-loop poles and the corres- Ponting value of K can be determined as follows: Since £ 1s specified or oS, detine . SH xt jv7x Substitute s = x + j [3x into the characteristic equation Pest ist KEP IK =O ‘Ten, we obtain (HAIR) + 2 (x4 jEX)® +/( XAT X) 4K (x4 N54) +7 ko Symplitying this equation, ve obtain WBN B at ext K et TK + IVE (x4 2+Ki)=0 By equating the reat part and the imaginary part to zero, respectively, we get TPR A PFU REX IK=O . a ana Fat + xr kaH6 @ From Equation (2), noting that x # 0, ve have BAHT K =O Ks -8x-// ‘Substituting this value of K into Equation (1), BRI BAU C-8- 1) 2 + CH~BX “eo FUE +72 2499 =0 Solving this cubic equation for x, we obtain x = -1.5. (Disregard other values of x.) ear Thus, the dominant Closed-loop poies are located se Se xrtjVix = TAS Biase Then, the value of X is determined as K=-8(-145)-1/ =/ © ie A eed Si atc 3-6-3. A HATIAB program to plot the root loci and asyeptotes for the follow ‘ng system? K S (se 05)(5*4 0654/0) is given below and the resulting raot-Locus plot is shom belov. GONG) = Note that the emation for the asymptotes is —* Gro27s)F kK a Ste AIS b ORSIIS S*4 O.08F/STG SFO. Gab) Hyls) = 1% **°** Root locus plot * - fum = 10 0.0 0. 4h Gen'= I) 1110.3 8 oF tume= 10" 08, dinm = “04804 0.0851874 o.c0671911 £Mrgconoan dni let"Pot of Root Loci and Asymptotes (Problem 8-6-3") otot Rot tect Armpit _ehoblen B61 st - NS A Bos. ‘A MATLAB program to plot the root loc! and asymptotes for the systen —~ K GOW = Te aap ese 4s shown below. ‘The resulting root-locus plot is also shom below. The root loci cross the imaginary axis at w= 21.87. This point ie obtained by solving the folloving equation: [Gor + ajera] rte aje rs] tk = (WY Fa" + fot kK) + j(— tw +/pw)) =O By equating the imaginary part equal to zero, ve obtain W= + 1.8708. By equating the real part equal to zero, we get the gain value at the crossing point to be 9.25. 36 77° Rootloeus plot © pum = 10 9 9 0 th dons [4 11 44 10) puma = 10°10 0: cones) 46 4 th ix lggyaium don Caitent pot nel plot) Focustnume, dens) wee a8 BI: axis; axis square’) oad {leUPiot of Root Loci and Aymptotes (Problem 8-6-4") OAK) 8! + (246K) FOHDK s*+25+/0 14 G0) HO) = ‘The characteristic equation (+ K)S*+ (246K)5 + 10+ 0K =0 4 thas two roots at a AREF EL? oa L439K. atk *) 74K Tf ve write @ = X+ $Y, that is VRE RETD Xa - HK, y= 7k THK “= cet) ag yt (LAIR), KEP 0 CktE e+ (FR CE Ce =? indicates that the root loci are on a circle about the origin of radius B66. Te open-loop transfer function _ k(ste2) GOH) = Seen gp has the zero at s = -0.2 and the double poles gt s = 0 and a single pole at S=-3.6. The asymptotes have angles of + 90°. The asymptotes moet. on the Feal axis at @, = 1.7. The breakavay of break-in points are located ats = 0, 5 = -0.43155, and 9 = -1.6685. A MATLAB program to obtain the root 1ocis plot is shown below. The resulting root-locus plot is shown on next page. 34 15°" Rootocus plot © pum = 10 9 1, 0.21: den'= 11 3.6 '0 ol, FHoeustnum.den) "2 4}; exist) oxat'square anid fiterRoot-Locus Plot (Problem 8-6-6") 65 Rostionn et _Preien 867 pH} { |} | aL | TSS? - oath ae ~ Se abate aeshcsaea ipa iat BES, A WATAD progam to obtain a root-ioca plot 1s sham below. Ta B.E22. Te open-10op tranter function Fulting root-tocks pot fg Showman Soot 2a" 05) 60H) = —Kis#0.8) Bese] ‘asthe poles at s = 0.2929 « j 0.7026 and © = “1.4656. the zero te at Peet IMTAD progran to pio he Tot tock ie Sesh waite, TOSSA St iest“teche plot 18 chon o9 ust Se ; % **** Rootocus plot * pum = 10 0 0 2 21 den= It > 10 0 Oi: ume = 1100"; dara = 10.53 16 i: «= Hlogusinum, den) paws hoid Current plot hold lotro) Focusnuma, dena) VEO O10. 101 ait lel Plot of Root Loc! and Asymptotes 56 °°" Rootiocus plot *=+** 1 or oi ‘focustnum,dend Veto 33) 3k; axisits ria Ile" Root-Locus Plot (Problem 8-6-7") it'square': roviem 8.6.81") nist'squar 6 7 sng vas pepe rogram into the computer. origin fe shown Plot near the or! gin can be obtained by entering the £ ollov- ain ‘The resulting root-locus plot near the % '* Root-locus plot ***** ecu nt W'S 3 8 Shans: axe aquere: fide Root-Locus Pi ‘Locus Plot near the Origin (Problem 8-6-8) etre mre range of K for staphiney oe erie gine the closed-oen teanster function 15, co 2k (542 Gan = Sa 758 Ost BEST ae qaractertstie equation for te system 1 stapste reste aks + 2k =? econes a8 fol10%H x cay of coefficients outh ar sf ‘ eo 2k 2 7 2k st fex2E 2K 7 (qo-0D2K (4K a . 20 = 2K 7 2k ror stapiiity, we repre Jor2K $2- FK2O K20 mos, the range of K for stabitity 1s jeg, the characteristic enation for 8 systen 4 ste gste BS HK =O ven te eet equnt 00 2, then te caractertetie emmatlet cones stegstaes +2 =0 se closed-loop poles are iocated as FoiLo¥8s ° a 8 = -1.8557 + j1.8669 5 = -1.0557 ~ j2.8669 5 = ~0.2007 ‘See the following MATLAB program for finding the closed-loop poles. pall 4 8 2h foatetp) 1.8557 + 1.86691 1.8557 -1.8669) "0°2887 MATLAB progran to plot the root loci is sh 11. 3 hown below. The resui 7 ‘also shown belov. cae * Root locus plot * um = 19 9 0 4 Gena it 2s oft Fecustnum.dend exitsquare oe {io Root-Locus Plot of Gis) = Kitala"2+45 +81") | 610. Ci) _ k Re) ~ FH RK STR Noting tat SEEK SHK SCS4 HE SH NF) = Sb 2s tH we obtain Ki = 2 and K = 4. Hence, Rp = 0.5. ‘to plot a root-locus dlagran for the system vith Ky = 0.5, we need to rewrite the open-loop transfer function such that it contains a mitiplying factor K. Since the characteristic equation for Kh = 05 is Straskstk=0 ve revrite this equation as p+ SUED oo and consider K(0.5s + 1)/¢ the opentoop tranater finction, oF Kase Ge) = Ree) ‘Thus, the systen will have an open-loop zero. (This zero 1s not a closed-loop zero.) A MATLAB progran to obtain the root-locus plot is shown below. The Fesuiting root-locus plot is also shown below. Resttoam Pet (len B10) ¥ T 3% 7+ Rootocus pot * num = (0 08 4: Sen'= 11 0 OF, ocusiaum.der) Wats 1-3) 3); axisti; exis'squac 8 {tle Root-Locus Plot (Problem 8-6-10" BBé-11. The closed-loop transfer function is ce) kK k . RO) ~ Serer +o2KltK~ S p55 pase Rea ‘Tre doninant closed-loop poles nay be vritten as SIPS HAS +e 2KSHK sexeyTx subetituting 8 = x + 5 J3% into the characteristic equation, ve obtain CT)? +3 (x4 VT x)" + 2 (2 VF) + 0 AtNFD+K HB bat ax HOKE TK + QT) (30H Fase) = Dy equating the reel part and imginacy part to zero, respectively, ve obtain ~ PLP 6A + Ax FOZ EX +k=0 a BX* +x + a/kKx =O @ From equation (2), noting that x # 0, ve get BL 4/4 O/K =O K = -/0(3x+/) By subetituting this equation into Equation (1), we obtain BxI+ (22? +30X410 =O ‘To find the roots of this cubic equation, ve my enter the following MATLAB program into the computer: ¥ "s p= is 12 30 10; foots) “25622 + 173561 08623-43541 203756 79°" ‘The value of x must be real. Hence, we take x = closed-loop poles are located at 3756, Thus, the dominant Sa 077Sb Hj sS0E ‘The value of K for the dominant closed-loop poles is obtained as Ke -10(3"-7) 18 (- 3x 83756 4/) = 268 n ‘To obtain the unit-step response of this system, ve first substitute K = 1.268 into the closed-loop transfer function and then enter the following MAY= TAB program into the computer: Univstep response 10 0 0; 1.266%, (3) 22861-2681; * 0.08:20: Aer UnitStep Response (Problem 86-11) xlabelt Sect) label Output et") ‘Te resulting unit-step response curve is shown belov. Lacey reper Prtam e6) 7 oveact) Le KS = 30:50:800; Kee it K2 KS Ka. KSI: eustnum,den.K): n v= U5 3-4 th oxiiv; anit square’) ad filornoot-Locus Piet of Gis) = Kils"242s-2)8°2-+254510 ‘label Fest Axi vlabeltimay Axis) ‘Te root-locus plot is shown below. Posto Patt) = gaeananeveen T B6-13. The open-loop transfer function is given by K(s~0. 6669) S¥ 339087 + 7. aFES SE ‘The equation for the asymptotes may be obtained as G0) #6) k Ti+ (3.304 0ME7) S400 =‘ (5+ Baeereeeery 3 Gal Hals) = = kK (5473556) K 4 SP4 Fon FBS" + S.3S/SS FRIIS iat obi Hence, ve enter the folloving nunerators and denoninators in the program. For the systen, mun= [0 0 0 1 -0.6567) den = [1 3.340 7.0325 0 0} For the asymptotes, mma = (0 0 “0 11 dena = [1 4.0058 5.3515 2.3825] A MATIAB program.to plot the root loci and asyeptotes is given balov. resulting root-locus plot 1s also given below. 1% #449" Root locus plot rum = (0 00 1 0.6667) den = (1) 3.34 7.0325 0 Ol; 10°90. Hi: 4.0068 6.3618 2.38251, platrno) thier Root-Locus Plot lem Be fee ot (Problem 86-137) ‘me BSI. by substituting s = 0 + jw into =/ —a Sis41) and rewriting, ve obtain K= |(0+juorjwe)| [or juste oe jul] Jor Ott ju (s+ 20] ‘mus, Kt (Po wt)” + wr 20)" = [oco4 wt] + oC 0 + Hot) = [oC te)* +a Hence ‘The constant gain loci for K = 1, 2, ‘and 20 on Bo 4r 21 5) 10, and 20 on the 8 plane are sho B65. the tem (s + 1) in the foodforvard transfer function and the term {eri} in the tecduack transter function cancel each others "The resaced Characteristic eqation ie ese I+ OMS) = 1+ 2 a K S0s*e25e6) 547 ~!* S0s*has08) 7 ‘The open-loop poles of G(s)H(s) is at s = 0 and s = -1+j/5. The following YATLAB program produces the Foot locus plot shown belov. i ° pum = 100 0 11 Sen'= (26 aL ecusttum.den) Warning: Divide by zero see ee Lies; ax'square’ a {et Root-Locus Plot (Problem 8-6-5) Pectloan Pet prbien 865) | esate i4 | ‘fo find the closed-loop poles vhon the gain K is eet equal to 2, we may enter the folioving MATLAB program into the computer. pat 2 6 2 footsto) 0.9147 + 2.1754, ‘O.piay - 2.1781 2013708 n ‘Thus, the closed-loop poles are located at 5 = 0.81475 § 2.1784, — § = -0.3708 BEG. Te characteristic equation is z 540) = 0 ON) BIS Jn thie case the variable « Ls not a miltiptying factor. Hence, we need to Emurite the charactristic equation such that x becones 8 multiplying faccor: Since the characteristic equation is Sie 2st+ 25424 =0 we rewrite {¢ as follows: 2a +s = Sieasteas Detine K= 0”. Then, the characteristic equation becomes 2k =o S(S*4 2542) locus plot of this system my be obtained by entering the folloving A root. Tere B program into the computer. The resulting root~iocus plot is sree on next page. c+ % Root locus plot * pum = 10 0 9 21; dens 2 2 of K's 0:0.1:10; 2 = 100.5:200; Reiki Kae 55 again den; lal? Bont Current plot hots RT IO "BLY = 10 3.4641; neta) VE U9 1 12" 2i axial anit ngvare? (Problem 8-6-16)) ‘Ane label tmag Axi rom the! root-locus plot, the dominant closed-loop poles that correspond to the damping ratio 5 of 0.5 are found to be Sa nest joss ‘Te value of K corresponding to the dominant closed-loop poles is obtained as ke | S(5*4 2542) os ~~ Sener h jane B6-17. ‘The closed-loop transfer function is Sty ostro) fe) 545) Sr) 5+) EAS RID S+4e 70(s+70) + (S48) Sts) 5 (54 /Nstie)t lhe Thus, the characteristic equation is ae setstie) “G2 aioe Since the variable k is not a multiplying factor, we rewrite the characteristic equation as Gte)s (s4)C 5410) + (St /oks + GtKH)10 (54/2) = 0 Which may be reveitten sotses dbs Btelesrtes? + ss t/D + lots) ke _ ‘+ Grete tj/7382)CF42— fA 738) Notice that the open-loop poles are ats = -2, = -10, and s = -2 4 $1,732. ° | root 1ocus plot for the systen nay be obtained by entering the folloving MATIAB program Into the computer. Te resulting root-locus plot {a shown below. ‘The doninant closed-loop poles having the danping ratio equal to 0.5 can be determined as the intersections of the root-locus branches and the straight * Lines fron the origin having an angle of 60° or -60° vith the negative real ‘The intersections are located at s = ~5.14 + $8.90. ete obtained from axis. 1% **5** Rootocus plot 144+ num = 10 0 10 50.0}; den = 11 16 75 164 401; fume = 100. 40) demo, ‘lgeusindm.den) hte Current plot hela = vlogustnume,cens): lotta 8 5-10. 101: axisier: axit'square 35 (0.8561; y= (0 9.5263) inet ) roblem 86-1719 ora RileRoot Locus P textt2,3 asymp Pesttona et praien 8.47) 70 (345) = 7.08 80 ident tress ae ‘The gain value se msueejese os (SHEF With © 9,08, G(s)H(s) can be given as socs4 10) S(s4INS+ 10) + 70.8 ‘The static velocity error constant Ky is Ky = hi 5 GINO) Lo(s+0) S[E+IN S470) +%0.8) A root-locus plot of the system 1s shovn belov. The system becones unstable for K > 19.6398. ‘A root-contour plot of the system is shown on next page. Notice that the system becomes unstable if a <0, regardiess of the gain value of K. a show 0.8 A root-contour plot of the system with 0. K< of 1 0 € Ky cao is below. "The closed-loop poles on the root contour when’ k= 10"and Rhy = are show on thd root-contour plot. evi feo ak 2 3 CHAPTER 7 - The differentiat equation for this mechanical system is tilde 4.) +k (tex) = hd, ~ RK the Laplace transforms of toth sides of this equation, assuming zero Anttiai conditions and then revriting, we obtain Xl) b25 +h Xe) (bbe sth If ve detine bt tear, t= p>) then the transfer function Xo(s)/4(s) becomes Xb) _ Ts) + ste Kee) ~ prs+/ ste cris etadag,DetworK; Because the pole (s = -1/ T) is 1ocated closer to the origin than the zero (s = -1/1)- BEL2. he complex impedances 2 and Zp Z=R,, &, Filey eerreconction between the output voltage Eo(s) and the input voltage E(s) is given by Els) _2e ReCst) fi)" 24% Ge eyes ey 7s Rete Define tk Cat, eh oes) ‘en, the tranéfer function becenes fe) tet) [sak & 1) erseT 8 (oe Tis is a tag network. BEI-3. The folloving MATLAB program gives a root-locus plot for the systen. ‘The piot obtained 18 shown below. 1% **"* RootocuS plot pum = 0 0 0m: den'= (1 5 ol . HHocustnum, den} hola Current plot neta Sealy = 1 9.4041 tiny ‘aie square’ rh fiterRoottocus Plot (Problem 8-7-3) Rentiean Pet Pratten 8:73) roe Since the dominant closeé-toop poles have the camping ratio $ of 0.5, we * my write then os Sax aj Fx ‘The characteristic equation for the systen is Se pstess+ K By substituting s = x + jx into this equation, we obtain CUBA) + ee x) 4 Cx tVTX) EK TPO W824 SA 4K OF) (Erte ze )=0 as Py equating the real part and imaginary part to zero, respectively, ve get, P08 HERE K BO He: akin ox +252 =0 Noting that x ¥ 0, from Equation (2), ve obtain fxtas Xe 062 By substituting x = 70.625 into Equation (1), ve get Km Px'+ pxta sy = Fl-0tesy +8 (-0s25)* —5l-0.02s) = R296875- To determine a11 closed-Loop les, ve may enter the foltow! gran Peelttgenine a1 3 ot Y folloving MATLAB pro- pat footsto) 4 8 4.296875; “2.7800 ‘9.6250 + 1.08251 “0°6280 -'s ogee Thus, the clobed-toop poles are located at 0.625 + 31.0825 and = = -2.75. ie untt-step response curve can be obtained ATUAD program into the computers "pe eens BF fentering the fo1towing shom Belen. Mt-step response curve is a * UnitStep Response *+ee tum = 10 0 sre Spina, don ma ” 2 4.2860) 2 ARS! {eCUnit-Step Response (Problem 8-7-3) BTetione™hS folution ko such a probien is not unique. We shalt present two ‘solutions to the problem in ‘hat follows: Note that from the requirement stated fn the protien, the dominant ctosed-1oop poles.mist have fe Ooo eed @y WASH 2 S8E/ Notice that the angie deficiency is * t angle detictency = 100° - 120° - 100.894" - 40.894" Uethod 1 If we choose the zero of the lead compensator at s = -1 so that it SUL cancel the piant pote at s = -1, then the compensator pole mist be located ats =-3, oF Gee =k Tstl KT s+ ak st) . nse) See Te SF * 5 Sty Gels) = 3k StL ‘The value of K can be determined by use of the mgnitude condition. St) _ 10 px S43 S154) low a / s(st3) Ke Hence Gels) ‘he open-loop transfer function is A Zz Gl) GE) SUse3) ‘Te closed-loop transter function C(s)/R(e) becomes as follows: ~D. RG) ~ SPeasee Method 2: Referring to the figure shown on next page, if ve bisect angle OPA and take 20.447* each side, then the locations of the sero and pols ace’ feun a5 follova: zero at s = -1.9432 pole at s = -4,6458 ‘Thus, Ge(s) can be given as 7 Tse) pT stAgese sH19832 eet Tast/ Te SHR ORSE 2IUK gS? a7 ‘The value of K can be determined by use of the magnitude condition. - Stp932 yo 391K CRIS fo = on | F4 REE a, weeny pens ‘ k= | Graesescsty asap 397 (a4 2271541 Now ens vsat Hence, the compensator Go(e) is given by stho72 Spee ‘Ten, the open-loop transfer function becones as asisss+!) fo 4.040) overse (SSHeeL sis Gel) = p22085 25/38 22/5257, The closed-loop transfer function is ey) _ £138 (0.5/865+1) ROY SOS+N(0.21F¢5+/) 45/98 (OFVKSFT) ZOEK S +S /3P 02/82 57 +/2/s25* + BURRS AGTSE Zt, ie, interesting to compare the static velocity error constants for the two systens designed above, For the systen designed by Method 1+ ky = Lm 5s —2__. Son” S(S43) =k . easiest) 10 a Soe § (05138) s(st1) ‘The system designed by Method.? gives a larger value of the error constant. Be static veloctty ‘This means that the system designed by Method 2 will give fuller steady-state errors in folloving ranp inputs than the system designed by Method 1. In vhat follows, ve compare the unit-step responses of the three systens; ‘the original uncompensated systen, the systen designed by Method systen designed by Method 2.” The MATLAB program woed to Obtain 1, and the the untt-step response curves is given belov. The resulting tnit-step response curves are a1s0 shown below. um = 10 9 10}; don'= 11 101 Aumt = 10' 0 Bi dont = 11 en {itt Comparison of Unies abel Bat abet Outputs) fextl.3,1/8,"Uncompensated system’ di 1:05conpentatal gate K = 0.9198, 71 = 08146, 12 ‘Compensated systom with K = OS: = 1s 79'e Oesas9 Responses for Thee Systems’) = 0.2182) 7 BEI-5. The closed-ioop transfer function for the system is eo) k 2B)” 2S? 4 54 kkys tk From this equation, ve obtsin wefE, te0n Since the damping ratio § is specified as 0.5, ve get oy = Ih Terefore, ve have IK a The settling tine is specitied as £ @ 8" Fan” Tae i+ B47 the static velocity error constant ky is Ky = big 8608) = big s This value most be equal to or greater than 50. =k TERR, 25° ‘Thus, the conditions to be satistied can be sumarized as follows: Lek [E ae ItKKy ie) K Tt KK, 7 5° o Vax sy tk + eRe ak. @ @ @) @ finan Webi B26K Fron Equation (2) we obtain e = Spe It KK = VRE Ke sv0o Tf we choose K = 5000, then ve get ItkK, = 2K = (00 k, cia Free tof values Of K and fy as follower Ka $00, Kaeo rg With these values of K and fy, all specifications are satistied. = 0.0798 ‘Thus, we determined a 2+ j2/Fis BLT6. The angle deficiency at the closed-loop pole 180° 120° 90 "The 1024 compensator mist contribute 30°. Let us choose the zero of the lead compensator at s=-2. Then, the pole of the compensator mist be located at's = 4. ‘Thus, ar G0) =k $08 Be pe ee a ee S42 = | BE sedan a sentir S(St+#) « jae aS sen2ejad s+2 Gels) = 16 te Next, we shall obtain unft-step responses of the original system and the compensated systen. The original systen has the folloving closed-loop trans- fer function: Hence, fa) ve. Rb) ~ S* 4254/0 a ‘The value of K can be determined by use of the magnitude condition. [parin seztm2 se Se eset Se ie | (3 +R 4958 )5 (541) GAGS )S C54) 23.9/ (5479432) Hence, the compensator Ge(s) 1s given by I. 15 45 aPt/ S+AGeR2 OSIGES +1 6) = prong Sthese TEED G5) = p2285 Se pensh = 05038 TO ‘Then, the open-loop transfer function becones as oe esisistl) yo 4040) ~ osise EME) Te The closed-toop transfer function is ew S38 (0.186541) RO) ~ SEF (0.R1S2S +) +585 OFTMETTY 2648s + S73R 02/52 S7+/.2/525% + 34RNEO EIST ze is Interesting to compare the static velocity error constants for the ‘two systems designed above. * or the system designed by Hothod 1: Le a Seo” S(st3) ee For the systen designed by Method 2: bain 5 (0.5138) 2ELHE+1 _fo so K x5 baisas+/ (54) ahr Te eystem designed by Method? gives a larger value of the stapic velocity GiTor constant. | This means that the system designed by Method 2 wiii glee fmallet steady-state errors in folloving ramp inpits than the systen designed by Method 1 Zn what follows, ve compare the unit-step responses of the three systens; the original uncompensated system, the system designed by Method 1, andere Eysten designed by Method 2. ‘The MATLAB program waed to obtain the init etap Fesponse curves is given belov. The resulting tnit-step response cusves oro ‘also shown belov. P responses for three systems 4 5.1381; 2182" 3.644 5.198); ee Mabel Outputs extt.8.1-8, tL 1.0. textt1-1.0:3; errant en are ch = 9518.71 «ostas, 12 = o2%ee1 ered an wan = STH TY QSTSE TRG Copenh tne BEI-S. The closed-loop transfer function for the system is @___k RO) ~ “Beas ks aK From this equation, ve obtsin % = Since the damping ratio F {s specitied as 0.5, ty = the zs by f= ‘The settling tine is specitied as ‘Therefore, we have t,2 f= —*%__ oS San 14 Rey) # sich ttre seer Fc oe) F ae 40° Te = the static velocity error constant ky is K = bn 5 Gis) = hee s 536 > S547 FKK, = ‘This value mst be equal to or greater than 50. kT TERR, 75° K ve get. he kK Hence, Zz Si Lee Sy E IPKKy Se L 254 /4KRu > $a THER ‘Thus, the conditions to be satisfied can be sumarized as follows: HEA JE ot re) $F Wily ole a 7 a + Gls) = Esa! ob Ts+/ wii (%>%>e) we 7 rot D (hy seele) —Tis+/ Gip= Test/ (2 h>o) B84. The folloving MATLAB program produces the Bode diagram shown below. 1% ***** Bode diagram pum = 19 10 4 0% don't 08 3 Of odeinum,dent ‘subplot2, Ile'Bode Diagram of Gis) = 10(s"2+0.4s+ tVlste"2+0.88+81") Base Dagancl On = 20420. ht cane B85. Noting that. Ge) 25 on jw) rene G4) us BSG. A Bode diagram for this transfer cunction obtained by use of MATLAB Nersion 3.5 and that obtained by use of MATLAB version 4.0 differs slightly. The phifse curve’ obtained by use of MATLAB version 3.5 starts at 0” and ends at’ 180%, while the phase curve obtained by use of MATLAB version 4.0 starts rosé {2607 and ends at -180°. However, if we ada a very snail nonzero coefficient to thes tem, that is, change the characteristic equation to ‘§ S+Str Est / =o where £ is a very small nusber, positive or negative, obtained by use of MATLAB version 4.0 changes.” ‘The phase curve starts: fren 0° and ends at 180° (the sane as that obtained by use of MATLAB version 3:5). ‘The following MATLAB progran produces a Bode diagram vhere the phase curve starts from -360*', as shown in the Bode diagram show below, then the Bode diagran ae 8 °77°" Bode diagram num = 10 9 1 081: Germ i) Po Hi: Bedetnum.sen) svoplen(2 1 Ile Bode Giagram of Gis) = (s4+0.5)/(8°3+8°24 117 ate Dagan) a rave) it a fade diagran vere the phase curve MATLAB program shom next vill produce a Bode éiagr Starts fron 0") see’ the resulting’ Bode diagran shown below. 36 777°" Bode diagram num = 10 0 1 05k Gens 1 clodB8d00b0000000000001 11 Begeinun en titeP'Eods Blagram of Ga) = (9+0.8)8"94+8°24+0841") Bate input n= (0 SHON e i 3 4 i & co ‘7 7 In ) TK, Thre, (a) TarT>0, T>T>0 Im In Fil) Plane Fb) Plane 6 ‘Re { G Re (a) «) ‘The stability requirenent of the unity feedback control aysten vith Gu) = Kase) he) = eT 4s that -K be greater than +1, of Kei Since ve assume that K > 0, the condition for stability is J>K>0 B80. A closed-loop system with the folloving open-ioop transfer function GO)HO) = Fa (720) ue is unstable, vhite a closed-loop system with the following open-loop transfer fonction 1s’ stable. K(Tastt) G0He) = EGER Nyquist plots of these two systens are shovn below. (>t 70) Tm yn) = cq (itastaoe eMC = aregrzap Onetowe) seen Fie (not °) Ge Hi)» (stable) ‘The system 1s stable for 00. int = imeltoh; lotrel ea) end Tie riyquist Plot or IGVUNGe) abel(Real Ax label imag Axis) ‘To plot the Nyquist locus for - 0° < w < oe ‘The foltoving MATLAB progran produces the Nyquist plot for ¥3(J4) ‘The plot obtained is sham belov. 1 replace the plot comand plot(rel,im1) in the above MATLAB progran by piot(rel, inl rel,—iml). 123 [agmy|= eer, falay = tea —/30" ‘The phase margin of 45° at 1 requires that eter) a =/ ‘Tus, ve have thaw, = 180" = $5 /80" aarei=a* ga, = Solving for a, we obtain 4a =(%) = 0,64) B89. A Bode diagram of the systen is shom belov. | «TTS pm From this Bode diagram, roa ve find the phase and gain margins to be 27* and 13 4B, 124 ett a) F am me LN 1 Al/ae ‘The phase margin is 103.657° and the gain margin 1s 9.929 oB. pez. kK oask GO = Fase ®) ~ Slaass*+oiest)) ‘he quadratic term in the denoninator has the undanped naturel frequency of 2 rad/sec and the damping ratio of 0.25. Define the frequency corresponding to ‘the angle of -130 to be 3. Lan = = [jer = [(- 0 2501+ jarsey e280) = 90" ~ Tawi’ 17 0.250% = -/30° solving this last equation for «1, ve find Wy = 1.491. Thus, the phase angle becones equal to -130° at wie 1,491 rad/sec. "At this frequency, the Fognitude must be unity, or [G(j cy)| = 1. ‘The required gain K can be deter- fined from 025K CAN) (oss jase) [aGae29| 0.2890K 125 Setting [c¢j1-491)] = 0.2690K = 2, ve-find Ka 206 ote that the phase crossover frequency is at «= 2 rad/aee, since Lilia) = - fir - [na 28x2*+o.25%j24/ The magnitude [320] wien K © 3:46 become . 2.365 ayo] = 20-7 +03 a7) 90"~ 90"= —/80° = 686s =—/26 4B Te ome ai "FIN 8 1.26 eB. The mde dlagram of (Jeo ) vith K = 3.46 48 shown below. est ° Ng T Ay - we w mise B22. ote that Ketel to 2K Lei 41) Jeres JeGwtD ~ Fotajy eau He shalt plot the Bode diagram vhen 2k of That 48, ve plot the Bode diagram ej +) JO w+ NGws Dd angie 1g as SG ON NO page. The phase curve shows that the pase Bare the natal gd dat fas/aec. "since ve route the Shute Ee Staaten nmaaml tute of C(52+436) mast be egal tol oe Srapense masain to be Shooram indicator that 6(51.436) {9'5.48 Br vw need yo'ceaigg S27 5.40 dB, aGw K = 0,266 126 aon idpeeransa Baa TTT EE © Aad /oe rer ‘Since the phase curve Lies above the -100* Line for all w, the gain margin is Feo eB. k . 2k S(st4St0s) — S(est+ 25 4/1) Ge) We shai first plot a Bode diagram of G(Ja) vhen K = 0.5. That is, ve plot a Bode diagram for Z ve es i ee etn mp a SS a ste a eee Snob marae get aera yee ae Selah, gaia Sheer cb cate PT San naa a Seether Samia WP Sa te aciaona 2K =-23a8 Solving this equation for K determines the desired value of K as GGu) = Ko. /1¢ t 127 ow | jo a aa aa ew! Go =k a5") yord By setting K = 1, we draw a Nyquist diagram as shown on next page. eH ww (ad) = = 87, 34) 128 Note that ‘The Nyquist locus crosses the negative real axis at (= 0.442. Hence, for stability, ve require 2 a 842 >K>o 2262>K 20 ‘Te sane result can also be obtained analytically. Since K Con w—j aon w)(/~Jo) Cr joyjo) kev jo +7 Gb0 = kK ytat [exw ein w)+j (Hie wean) by setting the imaginary part of G(Jw) equal to zero, ve obtain Ain + Wer Ww =O W=- bnew Solving this equation for the smallest positive value Of a we obtain @= 2.029 Substituting w = 2.029 into Gijw) ylelds k GL 2029) Gt (tee 2.02F - 2029 x4n 2.029 ) T4208 129 ~oee2) K The critical value of K for stabi 114ty cen be obtained by Letting G(J2.029) = -1,. osg2/k =/ ‘Thus, the range of gain K for stability t= 2.262 >K>0 E825. me sagnttuse of clsuIH(J4) te k 4569 4G0)| = A [aGe>11G0)| = = roa The phase angle of (Jw IM(JO? 38 Lager) The maxim value of K ‘equations ~ Tid ~ 90" Tans) for stability can ve determined from the folloving two DIS TI WTwn fot tates = a0" wfars7 ° a P’eflizinating © fron these two equations, ve can obtain the maxim yalue of for stability as a function of dead tim 1. "A graphicat sontion Waren 4m the figure show below. K 2 ye Polat plots of G(jw) and e~3T# are shown on next page. Fron the approximation to the transport ag Be26. PLOtS, ve see that G(jw) gives « good FT tor the trequency range 0< wT? < 2/5, ares Oitmemne Oe tae bejoere -- 7) S(a/7s+1) .9-29. From the magnitude curve the transfer function for G(J@) may be ap- BBiead ty * cele Ousystt Ge curve. Therefore, ve so curve of 834) differs from the given phase fore, oe Tipect the presence of the transport aj sni/or minimanphase transfer Funct oF he form nes 27s tts » TFs! 7s Hence, we may assune G(Jo) to be , Gwe —L -4j8 ape ih oY “opst jut 7 jo rye By use of a curve fitting process, we find L Be (Lressiw\/ state je 9b” = asa © Treosju \7=o-re jo, ‘Thus, the transfer function G(s) is z = Sp (tress Vi teens G6) = sree © 7409S N= O7FS, 1 CHAPTER 9 e rT ri Bia | It | i t aad ee ir Gola) = 5(2 + 0.58) Bods Diagram of Gis) = 30.321516+0.65)°2/e7 ase gran a) = 2216065726 133 B94. choose the gain crossover frequency to be approximately 0.4 rad/sec ‘and the phase margin to be approximate'y 60% Draw the high frequency asymptote having the slope of -20 d8/dec to crost the 0 dB line at about ws D.3s rodvecc. (Ghoose the comer frequency to be 0.25 rad/sec. “Then the low-frequency asyme- ‘tote can be dravn on Bode diagram. "See the Bode diagram shown Below. NS : LY ote L Lt ~ a @ Ae free ‘he actual magnitude curve crosses the 0 4B Line at about = 0.41 zad/sec and ‘the phase margin is approximately 58%. Since we have chosen the comer frequency to be 0.25 rad/sec, we get Tee From the Bode diagran, Ky must be chosen to be -21.4 a8, or ka = 240 dB 2.088] ‘Ts Kae Tas) = 68S (1+ $5) ‘Then, the open-loop transfer function becones Ge) = LOPS Lt es) ‘Te closed-loop transfer function {s £6) we est (1495) = 2 rsh (ites) ast) REY SHORT (IF ED ~ Tos] + G47 A Bode diagran of cho ajwt) i Rie) 951 Ge) + jor] As shown on next page. From this diagran we see that the bandwidth is appro- ximately 0.5 rad/sec. 4s B95. Lat us use the folloving 1ead compensator: ft Tees stt GO = Ket reer = ke sg Since Ky is specified as 4.0 sec"l, we have s. Ts+/ kK 4g Ka = Lig She TaET Slate epee = ERK Lat us set K = 1 and define Kooy =f. Then Ree Next, plot a Bode diagram of —__*+__ FOBHYCSED 0] Fh/S FE ‘me folloving MATLAB progran produces the Bode diagram shovn on next page. 1% °°" Bode diagram * tum = (9 0 9 4 dora i848 tox isin {We Bode Giagram of Gls) = 4/is0.t-+ nie+ 111 135 ade Dagan eg « ro 0 e From this plot, the phase and gain margins are 17° and 8.7 48, respectively. ‘Since the specifications call for a phase margin of 45°, 1et us choose Fm = 5/74 )a = get (tis means that 12* has been added to compensate for the shift in the gain Srossover frequency.) ‘The maximum phase Lead is 40°. since (hn = 90") of 18 determined as 0.2174. Let us choose, instead of 0.2174, a to be 0.21, or tte of = 0.2/ ext. step is to determine the comer frequencies Ws 1/T and w= 1/(eT) of the dead compensator. Note that the maximim phase-lead angle ek oocues op the ‘foretsic mean of the tvo comer frequencies, ora/= i/(/E i. the some Of the Modification in the magnitude curve at w= 1/1) due to the ineieeen t the term (1s + 1)/(aTs +1) te aes le jor je | OR ‘Note that Oar Geek Vat = Gag 2822 = 6.7098 ae the eaea Lind the Erequency point vere, ven the 1ead compensator 1s added, the total magnitude becomes 0 dB. ‘The magnitude G(j a) is ce 7798 on ones 136 Ponds to a= 2.81 rad/sec. We select this frequency to be the nev gain cross- over frequency ‘je. Then ve obtain palmac= fort x 2.8) = 1.2897 fp = em PBL gag aT Vea . and € _serasey e776 s+/ Ges) OB SHEBII a zesst) ‘he open-loop transfer function becnes as 2266S +) i GO GC) = Feet) Soret) S106 SHE 0 OM 3/84 + 0.279% 5% +f 263) 5° +5 ‘he closed-loop transfer function ie C6) BLOEE SHG RU) 0.0763) SF 0.2798 5) +26 3/8*4 wiOERE TE ‘the tolloving MATLAB program produces the unit-step response curve as show on next ages 1% °°" Unit-step response ** ume = {0 00 3.1064 41; done = (0.01631 0.2794 1.2691 4.1064 41 ‘Stepinume,dene) a fitarunitstep Response of Compensated System (Problem 8-9: 7 Sintiarly, the foltoving HATIAB prosran produces the unt-ramp response Curve as shown bel 6 99" Univramp response ** ume = {0 09 0, 3.1064, 4) dares (OO1631 0.2786 °1.2631 4.1068 4 0} = stepinume, dene); bionic is thie Upit:Ramp Response of Compensated System (Problem 8-9-8) label Sees) erste’ Sr een WiabeICUnit-Ramp Input and System Output’) B.9-6. To satisty the requirements, try 2 lead compensator Ge(s) of the form £ rst! str Giulb) = Ke , Str ars +7 ste Define a WO=K GY = Tay Since the static velocity error constant fy is given as 50 sere K = Kost peenl, ve ive . pr _K 7 = Bi Gln60) hin = Ser erat = KP ie shall nov plot a Bode dtagran of 0 GO = Stee ‘the following MATLAB program produces the Bode diagram shown below. 36 *7°** Bode diagram * um = 10 0 50) Genet 1 of ade agra GH) = SOO 139 From this plot, the phase margin is found to be 7.8. The gain margin is +00 Bg ince the specifications call for phase margin of 0°. the asditionel Phase lead angle necessary to satisfy the phase margin requirennt eas ioet We may assume the mximun phase lead required to be 48". This means Choe 3.8 has been added to compensate for the shift in the gain crossover fresmency. Since a pe Lok i Fa fy GafB’, onresponds to w = 0.14735. (Note that w= 0.15 corresponds to sy = fi.6s: TT.) ether we choose ta = 46° oF fy = 47.657" does not make aueh oittex 0.15. rence in the final solution. “Hence, ve choose The next step is to determine the corner frequencies = 1/T and a= 1/(a?) Of tne lead compensator. "Note that the maximum phase-lead angle dy occurs, st the geometric mean of the two corner frequencies, or a= 1/1), "the ernst Of the modification in the magnitude curve at w= 1/(fit) due to the tcmein, of the term (1s + 1)/(ots + 1) is - we L GWOT Vote Wine | toes tt Lo pee etter ze rete ve eer S#20 #239 dB teaneed, te find the frequency point where, when the lead coepensator is added, Ge Eotat magnitude becomes 0 dB. The frequency at vhich the magnitude oe G1) } is equal to -8.239 ap occurs between w= "10 and 100 tad/ecn, Seon the Bote dlagran ve find the frequency point where [6(j4)| = ~8.299 09 cones te = 11.4 rad/sec. Noting that this frequency corresponds to 1/0" te a = hoe ve obtain co PRON BUKIT = bEere2 Le we ay at ae + ES = ops07 ‘Te lead compensator thus determined is Gls) = ke Sth Stkerse . ste S427 4287 here Kg is determined as —_-K__ se S020. Ke= OT OE 3 thus, lo00_stheyse aaréss/ 3 stepgsey 0.03397 5+ / x0 ‘The following MATLAB program produces the Bode diagran of the lead compensator Just designed, as sho below: — | 0+0+* Bode ciagram © umd = 191.325 501 Sent = (0.03397 “H1 we togspacet-t-3,1001; Bogen ene , subplot. ite Sode Sagram of Gea) = 50(0.22658+ 1/0.033978+1") tite Boat ose igre ef Gt) = 40.28 RO.ETEO) * + j 6 7 1 * 7 Front a) i i 7 ¢ e 7 o e ‘The open-loop transfer function of the designed systen is jooe /_s+hu/s2) | Ge Gl) = ABE (SEES ) Sera ‘The folloving MATLAB program produces the Bode diagram of Ge(s)G(s), which is shown on next page. * bode ag um = 10 0 1000 4415.21 dan She 635A oy w= Togensenir 100 Section iit ode Gigram of GteGi) = 100015 4.4182In318 428.4947 +17 aa co B04 9 Cte onto EHH ra * * Frequency (reduec) a a fa fs w . rou @ e From this diagram, it is clearly seen that the phase margin is approximate! 52%, the gain margin is » o¢db, and fy = 50 sec"ty all specifications are nate Thus, the designed systen ie satisfactory. Next, we shall obtain the unit-step and unit-rarp responses of the original ‘unconpensated systen and the compensated systen. ‘The original uncompensated system has the folloving closed-loop transfer function: ce) es RG See se The closed-loop transfer function of the compensated system is Ce _ __#eeo (3+ 4/52) RE) 305+29.83 %2)5(5+/) + /000 (St & 8/2) O57 +30 / S* 4/088. 308/54 PPFD ‘The closed-loop poles of the compensated system aze as follows: 5 = 11.1772 + 57.5636 -11.1772 ~ 37.5636 0804 ‘The MATLAB program given at the top of next page produces the unit-step res- Fonses of he uncompensated and compensated Systens, the resulting response ‘surves are shown on next page. na reso Mat % arse | GS ben UUnivstep response p Responses of Uncompensated and Compensated Systems? '25,\Compensated system’) ‘Uncompensated system! 4415.21, . ‘me HATLAB progran given below produces the unit-ranp respons pensated system and compensated systen. Shown on next page- 4% ###** Unitamp Respons Bere Ho! o°konp e182 BE hat MBedl aaah Bee Hv pepueet, ca Yoxt(1.5,,Compensated system Tentls.1'5,"Uneompensated system 4418.2 Ok iit arnp Responses of Uncompensated and Compensated Systems’) MabellUnitRamp Input and Outputs’ 1 of the uncon ‘The response curves obtained are 13 rod : 2 B97. Since the plant does not have an integrator, it is necessary to add ‘an Integrator in the compensator. Tet us choose the compensator to be Gi=K G0, hee =! ware Sc(e) is to be determined later. since the statle velocity error cons- tant is specified as 4 sec~!, ve have 7 t s kE Z Ky = Big SG) aT Ls SHG ay = kat mms, Ge = 4 G09 Next, ve plot a Bode diagran of y= —4__ GO" SoD ‘The following HATIAB program produces a Bode diagram of G(s). See the diagran shown on next page. 36 F777" Bode diagram +++ rum = 0 0 0. 41 en = {1 9.000000000000001 1 1: Sobpit( 2,11) tite Bods Olagram of A/iste"2-+11") ce gran ot 2 e om < e rents . i [ o i eatin ie need the phase margin of 50° and gain margin of 10 48 or more. Fran the Tene creat note that thevgain cressover frequency is approximately seve se faa oe ae ase that the gain crossover frequency of the eo ee ettcn vs be aoneinere betweon a= land t= 10 rad/sec. Let us choose Ge(s) to be Gel = (ast (45+1) * phase ead in the and choose @ = 5. Then, (as + 1) will contribute up to 90° phase iad igh frequency region: The folloving MATIAB program produces the Bode diagram of #(5541) s(st+1) ‘he resulting diagram is shown on next pages Subpltt2, 1.1) . {iter'80de Bagram of Gis) = 4155+ 1Mste"2+ 1 145, ec gran n= aM 2 oF o y . Frey res a tt 7 e 8 Foyer) Based on this diagram, we choose the value of b. The term (bs + 1) need to give the phase margin of 50°. By simple MATLAS trials, ve find b = 0.25 to Give the phase margin of 50° and gain margin of + e048." By choosing b = 0.25, Gs) = (541 leas s+/) land the open-loop transfer function of the designed systen is open-loop transfer functicn = 2°84) (o2ss+/)_/ s S47 Sstt2/s+ & vrs See the folloving MATLAB program and the resulting Bode @iagram show on next page. From this Bode diagram it is seen that the static velocity error cons tant is 4 secvl, phase margin is 50° and gain margin is +00 dB. Therefore, ‘the designed systen satisties all the requirements. Thus, the designed system is acceptable. (Note that there exists infinitely many systens that satisty all the requirenents. The present system is just one of them.) * ‘Bode diagram ***° pumt = 10 5 21, 4: Gent = (1 0 1 ol: Bodacrumt gent) subpiota, 11 {itll "Bode diagram of 415s 11(0.255+1MIsts"2+ 11) oan game Msn nose Mer “ 0 o ? LU] a e co e Next, we shall check the unit-step response and the unit-ramp response of the Sesigned systen. The closed-loop transfer function is C6) _ __gstr2is+# Rey ~ “S¥4 Sere ee Note that the closed-loop poles are located at 5 = -2.4052 + $3.9119 ss = -2.4052 - 43.9119 = -0.1897 Notice that the complex-conjugate closed-Loop poles have the danping ratio of (0.5237. A root-locus plot of this system is shown on next page. The follov- ing MATLAB program is used to obtain the root-locus plot. (The closed-loop. poles are indicated on the root-locus plot.) jen BSc Root Locus Plot of 4158+ 11(0.288+ tsts"24 10) 7 toca Petes 02540 4001 T T } Cnt bp ne — a A ‘The next MATIAB program vill produce the unit-step response curve of the com ‘pensated system vhich is shown belov. P reste me fume = 10 5 21 si: Gene = (1 8 22. Ali Stepinume.denc one l"Unit-Step Response of Com * Unittep response **+* nsated System (Problem 8-9-7) ? I curve of the com ‘The following NATLAB progran produces the unit-ranp response Ponsated system: The resulting response curve is shown below- 3% *+*+* Unitwamp response ** ume = 10 0 5 21 $i: does 8 22 4 Ol **0%0.08:20; plottieresut Pier Unit-Ramp Response of Compensated System label Sect . label Output and Input Ramo"? ent(10,7,"Compensated System’) (Problem 6-9-7" cme ‘the tiyquist plot is given next. The folloving YATLAB program produces, the nyqulet plot shown on next page te oe" Nyquist plot tumt = (0 5 214i: dent = 0.10; fyquistiaumt dent) Via [120-4080 80); axisyl;axis'square") ot of 8+ 110.288 Tite tidot Nya oa 9025 meats ee a BOS. the plant transfer function is 23 +e./ S(s* 40.5 4%) q@)= ‘The plant involves @ quadratic tem with {= 0.025. This tem is quite osci- Aatory. MATLAB program shown below produces the Bode diagram of G(s) as ‘sho on next page. 36 °°*** Boge diagram * pum = 10 0 2, 0.11 don (Ont = “oy! w= logspacet Bodeimam geno subplot; IhleBode Ciagram of Gis) = :26-+0.1V/6le°2+0.18 +4) ‘The closed-ioop transfer function of the original unconpensated system is £6, 2s+o/ ROD” “Sie 0./st+ereal ‘The closed-loop poles of the uncompensated system are 5 = 0.0417 + 52.4489 0.0417 ~ 52.4489 0.0167 ad grant fe = ABO.) ry ef a wo w wo The unit-step response of this original, uncompensated systen is obtained by entering the folloving HATLAD program into the computer. The resulting unit step response curve is shown below. ci num = 19 0.2, 0.11 dons) 0.1 6 “Ott Sepinum.cen) {ite-Unt-Step Response of Uncompensated System’ Univ step response 151 ‘To design a compensator for such a system, it is desirable to cancel the zero of the plant, since it is located very close to the origin. Tt is sone- tines useful to include double zero and double pole in the compensator. 50, we may choose the corpensator to be (s+2)' _sta 900) = Ke (sti) 3540] : where ve have chosen the double zero at = = -2 and double pole at = = -10. ‘The value of a is determined later. Since the static velocity error constant. As specified as 4 sec"l, ve have = ky= hin s =k Gra) sta _ 2st x B95 ROO = By he Grip aai8T Tsao) =ke do =e & ence, ; Kea = ¢00 = By several MATLAB trials ve find a fore, ve choose a = 4 and Ko = 100. Pensator becones 4 vini give a satisfactory result. Tere ‘Then, the transfer function of the com Grok see (ret Bst07 ‘The open-loop transfer function becones as follows: Ge) =100 : 00 (542)? (s+4) GeO Gls) = 7° Cele 5 (S013 100 57+ 500 s* + 20008 +600 So+ 20./ 56+ (0654+ 9OS*+ HOOF ‘The folloving MATLAB program produces a Bode diagran of Gc(s)G(s). The result~ ~~ ing Bode diagran is show on next page. * Bode aiegram ‘num = 10 © 100, 800 2000 16001; den'= (1 30.1" 108 80 400 ol; Bodetndm.den subpiett2, 1.1) {Wlet'Bode Biagram of 100%5+2)"21s +All + 10)" 2sie"2-+0.16-+41) From this Bode diagram, it is seen that Ky = 4 sect, phase margin is approxi- mately 50° and gain margin is +o0d5. So, all the requirements are met. sz ade gra of 0270 7M — 0 a 7 {LH i “S ca o a Frenne enc) ‘the closed-loop transfer function of the compensated system becones as follows: co 1003) + Boo s* + 20005 + 600 RG) Shao 88 + 2068+ BIOS + 2H00S +100 ‘the closed-loop poles of the compensated system can be found as follows. enc = (1 20.1 206 890 2400 16001: rooteldenc) 7.3481 + 7.21481 73481 731481 22438 + 3.37511 [23424 “3537501 ‘oSta9 ‘me folloving MATLAB program produces the unit-step response of the designed system. Univ step response 109. 800, 2000, 16001: {P .1'°206 "8902400 16001: Gene = (1 20.1 Stepinome.denc! SiterUnit Step Response of Compenseted System (Problem 6-9-8) 153 unit-step response curve is shown below The folioving MATLAB progran vill produce the uniteramp response of the cam pensated system. ® ° f the 55 Unicrame fume = 10 © 0 100 890 2000 16001; dene = 11 20.1) 2k ‘ genes 0-1 208 880" 2400" 1600" "o1, i Response of Compensated System (Problem 8-9-8" inet Ramo Compensated System (Problem 8.9-8)) YlabelrOutout and Input Rar Textt5.3,"Compensated 8 It ig noted that there are infinitely many possible compensators for this system. A fev possible compensators are shown below. (s+ 1)" G9) = 40? 9 (stad) Gen? . Gels) = 320 St20)( 2st0./) a Ste sel Gb) bo se Se 0.788 fe) = (2/212 SPBBL Gels) = (21212 Crist IMTst) (s+ 45+ #) Gren(onen) bY erge Since Ky 1s specified as 20 secr, we have Gel) = Ke . L Ws = bes © G9) Steaiytaeey = Ke F = 20 mcs Ke = /00 ettne (5) = (s)= Leo GO = 100 G0) = es) ‘the following MATEAB program produces the Bode diagram of G,(s) as shown on next page. % #795 Bode diagram * pum = 10 0 9 1001; ders tt 68 Ol se = logspacet-2,3, 100): Bodetnum dan, subpt i t Tietdods Blagram of Gis) = ToOMsts+ 16511) 155 — ttt 3 ao «7 roy ‘@ oa ? Frenne) L w wo f < ro e Frenne) From this dlagram ve find the phat requer = Fre se crossover cy to be = 2.25 rad/ sec, _ tev un choose the gain Crostover frequency of the designed eyaten to be +25 rad/eec #0 that the phase lead angle required at w= 2.25 rad/sec 1s 60°. Once we choose the gain crossover frequency to be 2.25 rad/sec, ve can determine the comer freuencieas of the phase lag portion of the lag-iead empensator” Lat us choose the corer Erequncy 1/p to be ne, decade beiow the new gain crossover frequency; or 1/T2 = 0.225, | for the lead portion of the comensater, vo first determine the Yalue of f thtt provides sy = 65°.(5* wt weg = 2 = ee 6+] we fing 6 = 20 corresponds to 64. nce we need 65° phase Ta R86 28 serene to s.r, sinc w in 5 ae marly we faze ‘Ten, the comer frequency 1/( $72) of the phase lag portion bacones v6 follows: L ‘ ores PR” wxg ouas Hence, the phase 1ag portion of the compensator becores as sro2es Some = 20 EERE SH/ 94 P5895 +/ 256 ve first note that Gilneas) = 03s AB te thw log-iead compensator contributes -10.35 @B at d= 2.25 rad/sec, then the 1 the 10 100 ce erequency vill be ae desired. The intersections of the Tine with slope +20 d8/dec [passing through the point (2.25, -10.35 4B)) and the Ling wien 10 g-0206 a8 Line Getermine the corner frequencies. Sich 9B Rie, ana 7S found as c= 0.3904 and c= 7-407 rad/secy respectively. ‘Thus, the phase edd portion becones sser7oe 1 (_26°98 st) Se7¥007 | 20 \O/srest] , For the phase lead portion, Hence the compensator can be written as Go = 100(. sastese/) (2é2eetl! aa.see9 st 1) 0035054] = 10 ( sro2es 8 370% stoe72e /\ s+ 78077 ‘ten the open-loop transfer function Ge(s)G(s) becomes as follows: _ asstses )(2ERbstL L Gels) Gls) = 100 (Fespegs41 SE) Sat 1199.90 S* + TH $25 +100 Tash 6102395" + SIS, M36 SI4 ESIMISS 4S ‘the folloving MATLAB program produces the Bode diagran of the open-Loop trans fer function. 3 O87" Bode diagram pum = 10 0 0 1199.90 714,42, 100k me the “Yet.g239. 895.1434 451.11 3/1001; 55 0 ‘the resulting Bode diagram is shown on next page. 1s7 Se gr Compr Sata ee 1 rd he phase margin and gin min praciety, we need to expand he dae fen between a's 1 and co = 10 rad/aec. ” Pais can be done easily by modifying the preceding tATLAS pronran, \{Simpiy change the comand w= logepace (2313 ¥ = dogspace(0,1,100).] The Fesulting Bode dlagran is shown below. | = et page Caren yt 84 —— 4, __ oH Ae ve! Fenoypetec) 158 Agnew eile il Fron this diagram ve find that the phase margin is approximately 69° and gain ceom isis 14,95 a8. The static velocity error constant is 20 sec"). ‘te closed-loop transfer function of the designed system is .. RO) 7 gate lh) ote 59H Ft WSIS + PGE +100 99.90 8% 4 216.82 5 + 100 ‘me folioving MATLAB program produces the unit-step response. The resulting Uunit-step response curve is shown belov. we ore? Unitstep ume = {0 © 0 1199.90 714.42, 1001, 212 Get 98.1 1681 719.4 1001: fepinume,denc)| ae Mllaruni-Step Response of Compensated System’) A ‘the ctosed-toop poles can be obtained by entering the folloving MATLAB progr into the computer. rootstaene) 9.7022 e110 + 3.04941 6.2463 "0.10761 159 Notice that there are to zeros (5 = -0.225 and s = -0.4939) near the closed- Toop poles ats = -0.2463 : J0+1096, Such a pole-zero conbination generates 2’tong tail with snail amplitude in the unit-step response. merosT™® foHt0ving YATIAD program Li produce the enltorenp response as shown "+77" Unitramp response *=*** fume = {0 0 0 0 1199.90 714.42 1001; Genes 112 te) $95.1. 1651 7198 100. of PTosbs:20: = stepinum pion Siac Habel YlabsllOutput and Ramp Input") Tent Butouths text, 9.-Romp Input) CHAPTER 10 BuO-1. Referring to Equation (5-30), ve bave : Ry RC + Re Ce) = SL ROD = 3950 a BR, Ce T= Rics + Ral, = 3.077 BiG Bale RG hele 5 0. 1692 Ric, + Rate Ta First, notice that (Rc) (acs) = 2-277 - (Ries (Pace) = OPER S077 = 23S ence we obtain Ril, =U S3ES, Belz Hh S2ES ‘since ve have six unknown variables and three equations, ve can choose three Since Wesvarbicrarily. So "we choose Cy = C2 = 10/F and one renalning varia~ ble later. Then ve get R=k From the equation for Kpy we have 153.85 kD. + Bla + Rel shee or ; Re tie now choose arbitrarily Rj = 10k. Then, Rg = 197-1 Kft. The PID cont- Toller obtained is shown below. = 592K E HIF Ld tps | ae ky ak~ ak, = ak —~ —*5— (a0, 426-4) . £6) tem (+a st de) : eRe 7H 5G. BEB) me ee’ E45) ke kas. oo) pn He a fie big Ba TE ar Ry fires Aya = —— ol) ste (get de )s+ ah BA0-3. Define . - ca ni) #+ RERE ye i) s(t ke 6) = A = 2 Gre) GO= iss Fe 6st = te step response curve of G(s) fs given below. besser bth (sed) ee (sed) Cg +e) er + (fe tke det #(#+#) Keo kyr From this curve, we find £ L053 sec, T=0.798 sec b Kae aa) = eth kK iG Balu Referring to Table 10-1; ve have Hence, if we define kas2L 228 Loge ? e 2.053 kp = 2h ORR Tea 2h = 2x 0.063 = 0.106 2.0265 - L L Ty = OSL SOS x OOS fy wk qhn phn) — ka sce ak 6 Ral G6) = Kp + hee Tas 2 EC seg +osds) CRs + PG -4) 162 163 Grd = (se seer = nyse Eraser ‘The open-loop transfer function 1s Gus) Gls) = ong gp PEIEIIN __fo tO (548) = 0.8K 0.798 $7RE S*+ IBOLT S + 170%. 52 SP resttes Te closed-loop transfer function is C6) ___ 4.784 5* + [80.685 +/704. $2 RG) 33 + (0.986 S*4 ER EESTIPORSZ ‘The folloving MATIAB program produces the unit-step response curve shown below. Un * ep response um = [0 4.788 180.68 1704.52); Gon'= I 16.708 185.68 1708-54i; ‘Steptnum.den) nd @ {tle Unit-Step Response’ ‘his response curve shows that the system is very oscillatory. The dominant Closedcloop poles are located very close to the ja/ axis, as the following NATLAB output shor = rootsiden “+13.23011 053: [0'5328 13.2300 ‘9228 Since this systen is very oscillatory, ve need to adjust the parameter values. ‘The first attenpt is to double each of the values of Kp, Tj, and Tg. This, ‘we adjust the paraneter values such that ky 3136, Teeezle, Ty = 00sd ‘Ten, G(s) becones as : = at Gels) = 36.136 (1 Le + 0.0835) St E2120 +053 S* = 3h. 36136 _ AEE S* + 36-1365 HDOKEIE s ‘The open-loop transfer function becaoes Gil0) G8) = LEZ ERE IBEEHITARSIS. __ [0 = GHC) _ _ihpgas*t 361.365 +) 70K S35 = OS estt ee ‘the closed-toop transfer function is Co) _ _ 1.182 st 360365 + 1708, 535 RG) 5) 25/52 S* + 306365 ITB SIS ‘he folloving MATLAB program produces the unit-step response of the modified system. Unit-step response ‘num = {0 19.152 361,36 1704,5361: Gon = (1) 25.182 366.36 1704.595); t= 9:0.01:2: Stepinum.den.t) io 165 resulting response curve is shoin below. From the response curve ve see that the tem th sevens cae at the maximum overshoot is 25x. Note that aminant. closed-loop poles of this system fave the damping ratio o ‘Me closed-loop poles are’ shom in the folloving ¥ATIAB ouepue. NS OT rootsisen) 8.9842 41251271 ‘These closed-loop poles are very acceptabl Rp Tus and Tg are Hence, the acceptable values of Kp = 36/36 Geo2/2 Te = 0.053 qe) £ S(54/)(54 20) 165, Using onty the proportional control action, the closed-loop transfer function becomes as follows? CB). Kp Ris) ~ S(s41)(st20) + ky ‘the characteristic equation ts SP 2st 205+ Ky sey 20 show ik 5! $20-ky 2 st kp he Routh table, ve find pxanining the coefficients of the first colum of tt ‘Thus, the critical gain Phat sustained oscillations will occur Sf Kp = 420. Ker is Ker = #20 with gain Kp set equal to Kor (= 420), the characteristic equation becomes s+ asst 205 + $20 =0 we substitute 6 = jw in- ‘To find the frequency of the sustained osc{I1ations, to the chracteristic equation as follovs: (jw)? + 21 ( ju)* + 20 ju) + 420 = 0 21(20-w") +5 (20-w)W =0 from vnich we find the frequency of the sustained oscillations to be WJ? = 20, cron rnlfio'= 21'S: Hence, the period of sustained oscillations 1s an or Pr = 2h = Se ah wore Referring to Table 10-2, ve determine the values of Kpy Tj, and Ty as follows: kp = Ob Key = bX G20 = 252 BS Kh KOO aS Pr = 2025 Ty = ORE R, = OLE KLOSY = O17 TERE 167 transfer function of the PID controller is this ~ Gl) = ky (14 et Tas) L o7e2ss = 252 (/+ +0./786285) 4.2898 S* + 2525 + 358.72 + 5 = fe asns (s42.0670)* Ea ‘The open-loop transfer function becomes G8) Gls) = PEZENES*H 28250 ISKJe 1 4 s S(s+1)(s #20) BE ZEISS* + 2525 r359.92 St+ 2/53 + gost The closed-toop transter function 1s . $2570 5*+ 2505 4358.72 Ro) St 42159 + GR ESOS S*+ 2525435892 ‘The foltoving MATLAD program produces the unit-step response curve as shown on ext page. 3 °°" Univstep response "+0 num = 10 0 44.2575 252 359.721 denicil) 21 64.2578 “282 388 72 aie IMleUnit-Step Response’) Fron the unit-step response curve ve see that the systen has the maximum over- Shoot of 6&X. " This is because the doninent closed-loop poles ace locates very near the Ji axis, a5 the HATLAS cutput below shows, rootsiden) 18.1666 “o.s134 + 3.26591 5134 3.2059) 8066 16e aa Eeret Since the system involves two poles at the origin, it is desirable to cance: ‘one of ‘the Zerpensator, zeros vith ‘the plant pole at s = -! ‘Suppose ve choose tho zeron of Gels) to be at e = -1 and choose Ge(s) as kK (s+ Gt) 2 KGt by several YOTIAD eriais, ve find K = 100 vist yield a desirable wnit-step Fesponse. Thus, ve may choose K = 100, Then the open-loop transfer function of the system becomes bisa GOGO) = << Sea Sten a0) Woo s*+ 2005 + 100. Se 2/5) +208" ‘Te closed-loop transfer function becomes Cte) loos + 2005 4/00 ROY ~ Sp 2/8? +208" + 2005 4/00 ‘The foltoving MATLAB program produces the unit-step response as shown on next page. * num = (0 © 199 200 1001 dona th 21 420 200100}: 2 60.015: stepinum.den.t) Univ-sep response on EtterUni-Step Response’) 169 | a : | Notice that the maximum overshoot is approximately 15% and the settling time is approximately 3 sec. the Closed-Loop poles. Noting that Fel) ve find Ker follows: Ky = 08 Key = 06x Tra 0. Ti =e. leo (5410 ‘The following MATLAB output shovs the locations of en = {1 21 120 200 100; footsisen! 12.7956 + 025 Key Bp s Leee = “ Rr ae ‘Thus, the final values final values of Kp, Tj, and Ty as determined satisfactory are a S Rr = OSKE =D 125 Fey = OBE KK EOS 10-5, For the reference input, the closed-loop transfer function 15 Pontrea of numerator polynomial by one by choosing a= 0. Then the Eloses-loop transfer function becomes by 2k (bs/)(342) ROY “S(atI) ste) + 2K (bs HN 5 42) Let us chiose the value of b to be 0.5 50 that the zero of the controtier 1s wee resets = 02. Then, the controller transfer function Gc(s) becomes _ Klasse _ 25k (s+2) Gels) = KUED AERETD . K(se2yt RE)” “sleriyeseve) +k 20" ‘me closed-loop transfer function for the disturbance input becomes as GO. 25 (52) Diy = Hest ste) + (se) yo satiafy the requirenent on the disturbance response, ve need to obtain the To satiety the os curve for the disturbance input. By varying the value Of unitcstep regPon's 0, K © 20, ete.) we find K = 20 satisfies the requlrenent Mean SM ceeling tine be 2 sec. Note that the closed-loop transfer function for the disturbance input 18 Spb) 2sttes DE) ~ S94 3/384 Gos +80 ‘The following MATIAB program vhere K = 20 is substituted in the equation. ‘me resulting Woduces the response to the unit-step disturbance input. Pésponse curve is shown on next page. s¥+** Unitstep response (Disturbance input) umd = 10 2 4, Of Gend = (1 31, 80 B01 Steplnumd,dend) one tr Unit-Step Respon (Disturbance Input") m Soe PENCE ‘This response curve corresponds to the settling tine of 2 Tis set ime of 2 sec. This may not be obvious. Therefore, ve plot the response to the unit-ranp disturbance input. The following MATLAB is used to obtain the unit-ranp response. ae * Unitramp response (Disturbance Input) humid = 10 0 2 4 of; denda = (1 31 90° 80. o}; Stepinumdd.deno or thiet'Unit-Ramp Response (Disturbance Input) ‘The resulting response curve is shown below. 17 ‘me settling time can be seen to be approximately 2 sec. — For the reference input, the closed-loop transfer function with K = 20 is cl) 20st + S05 + 80 RG) s? + 375% + 90s +80 ‘The MATLAB program belo¥ produces’ the unit-step response curve forthe refe- rence input, as shovn below. 36°77" Unitatep response (Reference Input * ume = 10 20 80 Bol: Genr= 11 31 90 80}; Stopinumr.denr) one {ie-Un-step Response (Reference Input") From this plot, ve see that the settling time for the reference input 1s 2 sec. ‘The closed-loop poles for the system are shovn in the MATLAB output shown belov rootsiéere) 27,8742 13629 + 0.65371 11'8629 0.6837 ‘The designed controtier is 13 Gils) = 20C0SS4D _ 10542) B10-6, The Closed-loop transfer function of the system shown in Figure 10- 2°39 (a) ts L . ci (+ tT) Ge ~ RG) a) Ike (tate +s) Gl) The closed-loop transfer function of the system shown in Figure 10-39 (b) can be obtained as'follovs: Define the input to the block Gp(s) as Ule)~. Then, T= ke (4TH 8) RO + | RO CU] = & CE TESDCL) Aso, ve have CE) = 4,6) Tis) <6) x Gyn he (lt aie t Tas) RO) — by (vt det Tas) Ce from which ve obtain C6) Ute tts) 40 RG) 141g (14 Et) GO) ‘iis last equation is the sane as Eqution (2). equivalent. > ‘Thus, the two systens are BLOT. he shalt first obtain the closed-loop transfer function C(s)/8(8) of fe T-FD controlied aysten. "In the absence of the eisturbance B(s), cre sinor loop has the folloving transfer functions oe) 39.42 Ue) SCStI)(StS) + 39.42 (140, 76925) where U(s) {8 te input to the minor loop. ‘The open-loop transfer function G(s) of the system is oor Spenntooe " Gt) L [ 39. 42 20098 | S(StNC545) + 39.92 (140.76925) 174 (2-82 . : Ste 6894 95, 92/9 54 39.028 ‘The closed-Loop transfer function 1s ce) (2.802 REY ~ Straw eae a/FT FP bas FARE. ‘Te folloving MATLAB program produces the unit-step response. The resulting response curve is shovn below. 1% °°" Unitatep response um = 10 9 9 9 1291121 don'= (1) 6 35.5218 99.42 12.6112), 12 Se.oséo, Stepinum. dent) {ier unitstep Response of IPO controled System’) Notice that the response is slow but shovs no overshoot. The closed-loop poles are shown in the folloving MATLAB output. rooteident 2.3514 + 4.92155 23814 “sears “O’ete6 + 0.1560 “o’eaa6 “0.1568, ‘Since the dominant closed-loop poles are located very close to the jw) axis, ‘the response speed is very slo compared vith that of the closed-loop system shown in Figure 10-40 (a Fanster function between the output ad the distureance Input ts ca) s DO) ~ S*(st/)(545) + 9. 42(S40.72504+0.76f25*) et S465? + a.92/9 5 4 BA H2S +/2.E/2 For the 1-20 controlied systes show in Figure 10-40 (b), the closed-160p as follows: LB eI De) ~ 5*(st1)( 345) + 39.42 (54032804 0-76925 s SP ESP + IE IAPS + BPD +1252 Since the tvo closed-toop transfer functions are identical, ve get the sane produces the response to the unit-step disturtance input. The resulting Fesponse curve is shown belov. 1% °° ** Unitstep response * pum = 10 9 9 3 o} Sonat) 6 35.3213 38.42 12.8112) Stepinum.cen) ‘a lat"Response to Unit-Step Disturba Input | TB.A6-8. For the PID controlied systen shown in Figure 10-40 (a), the closed- transfer function between the output and the disturbance input can be obtained lunlt-step response curves for the tyo systens, The folloving MATLAB program For the reference input, the closed-loop transfer function is 3 Gi Gul) RE) 1+ G8 )GxD HE) For the disturbance input, .. —_%0_ DED 7+ Gd Gsls)HE) ror the noise input, ed _ GB) Gals Hl) . MOY ~~ 7 G5) Gale) HE) Notice that the characteristic equations for the three closed-loop transfer functions aze the sane: 1 GAS) Grls)HE) = 2 at 1s, the characteristic equation for this system is the sane regardiess of Mitch input signal 1s chosen as input. B:10-10. The open-loop transfer function of the systen is GG) 1G) ence, the closed-loop transfer function {= ce) ED RO) ~ 7=G,6)* G0) 1€ Gp(s) 4g chosen neariy 1 but Jess than 1, then the closed-loop transfer funebion C(s)/R(s) becones nearly 1. (We mst make sure that all closed-loop poles are in the left-half plane for stability.) BAO-L. The closed-loop transfer function C(s)/R(s) for the reference input is 9141 2) GG He DG252 RO py GBH GG, GGG 7-654, Hs Gat GaGs ‘Te closed-2oop transfer function C(s)/D(s) for the disturbance input ts ob- tained as follovs: Noting that the feedrorvard transfer function is G3(s) land the feedback transfer function is [-G,(s)f(s) ~ Ha(s) J6a(s), and that the closed-loop systen is a positive-feedtack system, we have 7 Co) _ Se POD I> Gy [- Gt ~He) Ga 1¥ Gy Gay Hi + GGy Ha F meaoc for thm sytan shown tn tigi 10-44 (8), the cowed transfer fanetl fon for the disturbance input 1s 5) = K HH) DEY 7 RGAE) ‘to mininize the effect of disturbances, the adjustable gain K should be chosen fas small as possible, Thus, the ansver to the question is "no". 10-13. ‘The transfer function between the output C(s).and the disturbance BAPE civen by Cte) _/= Gls) 6465) Ds) 1t GGL) TE Gp(s)63(s) < 1 in the netghborhood of © = 0, then steady-state error to the Gistarbance can be eliminated. Thus Gls) = Lay tor san vatues of |] Limitation: This approach cannot be used if G2(s) has a zero or zeros in the Hight half © plane because of the stability consideration. BA10-14. The biock diagram of Figure 10-46 (a) can be simplified as follovs: mo 5 20) pes bE ee eee Ky ther base fu, frm eeaETe (aise From this last block diagram, ve obtain ° ie Sede os a De) L(*. het Bp v kas) + Ke (are) s(is+R) TL + (TREKKA DS + K (ky t hp) HK Ke ) can-be modified as follevsr w ‘the biock diagram of Figure 10-46 (b) De co |! ~ Feees ay Re TE 0) TEE aE 1s dtagran the transfer function 2¢(s)/D(s) becomes From thi os Th ERE R + Kets) OFS “Teast eR KA Re, _ TCHR DG) ~ S(ertR)tKRa s(éstR) Fis (IR + Kast + Key tk 5 +R Ke nich is the sane as Equation (1)+ Hence, the block diagrans of Figures 10° 1% (a) and (b) are equivalent. 179 B05. rm Yi) _ Ger Gp RS) Ger Gea Yo o__. DS) It Ger Gea Gp Yo) __— 421 ex Gp WO” 14 G1 Gea G Hence Gye = Ge Gut If Gyg is given, then Gyn is fixed but Gyr is not fixed because Gay is indepen dent’Se Gyq. Thus, two closed-loop traksfer functions asong three closed-loop franater Fince tons Gye» Gygy thd Gy are independent. ence, Ye system 16 8 two-degrees-of-frecdim sy ro) Yo) __ Ger Ger G RO Gea Mo) DO)” It Ger Gp YO) __= 4a NB) (+ Ge Gp Hence Gyr = Ger Gin Syd Gra -G % 1 Gyg is given, then Gy $e thxed fut Gye 18 not Fined pecase Geygen $12 Beadle Ss MD Sm $s aes DSP eater facelone ard ee closed- Gn 170 oop transfer functions Gyr» Gygs and Gyn are independent. Hence, the systen ig a two-degrees-of-freedon system. © Yor Ge Ris) 1+ GexG Ye) _ Gp Db)” [+ Gen YO _ =4GaG WB) It Ger Gp Hence Gyr = Ger Gya tt yg is given, then Gyn t= fheed. Gyr 18 not fiand because Gey Se inderan- "3 sl ayoten te 0 a8 Gent "oe Gyq- Thus, legrees-of freedom syste. 10-36. Define the input signal to box Gc3 as ACs). Then we have AG) = Gee RI) + Ger LRU ~ YON] = G1 Ges AD Y6) = Ger G, G, AW ELininating A(s) from the above two equations, ve get (Ger + Gen) Ris) = Ger YO) IGG, | (14 Gey G% * Ger Ges Gy a VO) = Ges G,Gx (Ger tGer)RE; YO) = G00 V& Hence, XO, _Gat Gea) Ga GG @ Gert Ger) G9 Ge Ro) 18 G3 Gy + Ger G3 G Ge ‘to find ¥(s)/0(s), we may proceed as follvs. Since 181 CHAPTER 11 AG) = Ge, [- Yel] - 5, [ 06) + Ges A) YO = GG. [00 t Ge AO] (a) Controllable canonical form: LS I-11 ra al (>) observable canoniéal form: ve have Yo = 914e | 309 + Ga = U7 Ges Gy Simplifying, ve have (14 G3 G, 4 Ger Ges 9/92) YO = Gs G2 Dl) Ya HG: DU) It Ges Gy t Ger Ger Ge Next, ve shalt find Y(s)/N(s). Since G11 =— Gyn * Ger Ges Gye ! If Gyg 18 given, Gyn is independent of Gyg because Goi + Gog is independent of i Gya- Gyr is independent of Gyg and Cyn because CazGc3 is independent of Gyn % o 0 ~3\l%} ly and Hence, all three closed-loop transfer functions Gyr, Gygy and Gyn ‘are independent. Hence, the systen is a three-degrees-of freedom system. ( 4) [eo -fx]_ fe { AG) = — Ge, [YG + NOD) ~ Ges G ACD . ye +|f la %] 4 76 |e { YO) = Ges G, Gs Ab) , ee . = Ger YG) ~ Gey WO) =[e «| ( YO © Ger GG, he HO gel a i Ut G03) ( (1 Ger G1 * G01 Ges 9140) VOD = ~ Ges Ges G Ge NE) pa1n2. the transfer function representation of this system {= i Mo, _# ns ( MO ___=40 G3 Ge Ge ___ Wo) = ya aTEae = DRIFT t WO)” 7¥ Gey) + Ger Ges, Ge ‘me partiai-traction expansion Yo 3 ~6 42 {From Bquations (2), (2), and (3), ve get Wes Hts ' 1» a diagonal canonical form of the system is \ Gan = ~ Ger Ges Grd | se. etn nonin fom i i a 1 0 ol}e| |r { t t t t 183 162 % yet -« 33/4 x Bil1-3. | Me shall present two nethods to obtain the controtiasie carcnical form Of the given eystem eqution, Method 1: Referring to Equation (9-32), we have . vale” -2) [7 6)=C(SI-A)"B=[v # Gs) a ) € st3] [2 1 sts 2 qe "Trasl J ~« s-iffe = sts bas bist bg SteastsS Si raystay Hence 4 2 42S, bo=0, b=3, b Then, referring to Equations (11-3) and (11-4), the controllable canonical form of the state and output equations are obtained as moo re oft 'gthod 2: Transform the original state vector x to a new state vector % by means Of the transformation matrix Ty oF Si = a=Te where at T=mw =(8 AB) rr aw a) 184 Hence, and ‘The state equation and 7 Ve) for 62 fal fas aos] 7 a 2 Ba. Referring to Equation (3-32), ve have 9) = CE-AY'B str 0-1 | fo Bly ol -7 gz oo o ° o S+3. t f (se2V(503) 0 al) le ayaa] 543 Conyers e eo Sra 503 © CHa) ~ Sees ete es sez fol ote (suse! Aithough this 1s a third-order systen, Pthe numerator and denominator. Of eecond order. there is a cancellation of (8 + 3) in Hence, the reduced transfer function becones —_ ! ‘The transfer function expression can be easily obtained from the state wR, yn space expression If WATLAD comand ‘ ; [nun den] = ss2t¢(2,3,C,D) : SS 4 used. See the folloving MATLAB ou:put. w= [1-0 1 2-00 0 Sh = Io Cri to B= for Tourer] = #82004,0,¢.0) © 0 1.0000 3.0000 ‘This output corresponds to the transfer function sta i Sees este { Notice that the MATLAB output does not show the reduced transfer function hen 4 t Saute ar eleee =o fff TI 2 543, BAIS. The eigenvalues are 24 et Met, AveHL ASS) eng se FT ~ Fez ' The folloving transformation matrix P viii give PAP = diag Ay/A2/A 3 A4)t 2 : ; 2 ' rrr y brat 1 CS Bee Te \ pal Ae Ardy aa) ' mopar ar ar al], 2,35 ete te ' Matar all pao, yp yt = q -2e%+2e7 ed 1 This can be seen as follows. Since the inverse of matrix P is Method 2: Referring to Bquation (11-46), we have 187 fl 186 wgetr ap! ae elt JIE 2et ent -2etr2e ents 267% Method 3: Referring to Equation (11-47), ve have aver om emt] <2 Toa eff cont et s-2 ef] =o boa ef which can be rewritten as ~eal+ (Asarye*— ef L =e ars 188 since we have ‘The given patrix As in the Jordan canonical form. ‘The eigenvalues x ut) wate) |= 40 At = ef x0) et tet et vert en zee) xe) zer* |] Aare) e* || %e) Ste 2st 3 = (s+ /4lE)e+/ VE) eae" [Gr-ayd = off ne }} -<| —4_| S(s42) 48 sti+/ yee ——— rn 189 sre. -3 | s. —— (sti) Pe se? stop Gri +E ea ee ce £ = __ GE aE GEE Gare -2 —= ste @ Grae Gein Gap Fetsner etanlet + fe tenet “Ret eave eee ver — retuned] 1 xt) = e4 x70) = ee] et ce Et . een rt ~ JE eae Et Baus. Define 6 1 6 Asl-v o "|. 8 $8 oe. - Define also the transformation matrix es P such that x= Pz. Pu Pa Palle, EaPE s/h pa palin Pu tn balls ‘Ten with this transformation the state equation and output equation: Y= ox ccan be written as a In this problem it is specified that aaa Hence since ve have -6 “1 ~6 ~246 wate -2 ° Ab=ely @ -7 ep 1 off2 o vie o oll2 ~bPat fr Vfias Pa ~Sfn from vhich ve obtain and fae-€, — oft Pas Sf + Pa -W pa +P oe -6 y 6 Yu ts) | 2 Pa Ps fe pals] Pa fy Par Ais 2 Be As, ~bfatfs| | Pte -“pstfyl=| Ba Bs tps | | Pa Ay Pa=-20) Pao “fa -/2-4 Pa~6 Ps =As 191 2 ‘ - 2 00 -6 10 = of 6 -R-Mpa Spo = Mfr bps “2 Up bps, “2 “Ups + Pry ~4fa= Pa bf = -12-V fab fo 3-H Pr -b fry 2-6 4 ra|s -2 2 -/2 36 We thus determined the necessary transformation matrix P, The output equation Yocom a qecpe=l2 ~ “ile 2s Alternative approach: An alternative approach to the solution of this pro- bien is given belov. Since the characteristic equation for the systen is ste 10 “ws 6 es \ lez-A]= BPH ES EMS +6 aoa sttastas we find 1 Me 6, ae, 49 = 6 1 Define : 2-6 1 Ma=LB Ag AB)=| 6-20 5 1 \ 2-12 36 ten : os \ Ls as . 192 __ It can be shown that . 0 0 -a| |o o -6 ‘ MAM =|! 0 -al=| 7 9 ~“/). Bale =“ me OF -a; of -6 ~ o dso Z-6 cM als © 0) 6 -20 sel =(2 -6 41 ~ 2 2 36 Hence, by use of the folloving transformation: “fa 2-6 x=Mz =| 4 -20 lle we [2 -2 36\\5] the given system. a Axr au iene) b= GM e+ abu ve ous 3 o o ~6|[z,| [/ g)=]l 0 -4 al tole ig] Le 7 -4jla} 12 a yal? ~6 Be A) Baicto. A MATLAB program to obtain a state-space representation is given fon next page. 193 10.4000 47.0000 160.0000 D- ° ‘The state-space representation is 4) [-« -se -o][x,] [7 a=] 7 oo |lmlelola a] Le 7 o le} le m gs[ee 47 “ellu] + Ou x, B= Io: Trusmden) = £82tH,8,¢,0) © © 0.0000 1.0000 en = 1.0000 1,00¢0 1.0000 o 194 ‘me transfer function representation of the system is — Ye) Z 5 U6) st4stes ‘ f e=n 0 ol - - B= Io o1 INOM don = 582014, A=i2 1 002 00 1 3) 13 i001 num = den = 17 wz INUM,don} = 68211A.8,C.0.2) Num = ‘the transfer function representation of the system consists of two equations: Yes) s-3 Tis) SP 75* + 165-72 Yo) stiss +6 Tis) S78 /65 12 BALI. The controllability and observability of the system can be deter ined by examining the rank conditions of Tz as el [et ate @c'] and respectively. 195 a rank! AC Ar 28C") 3 Since the rank of (BAB A%B) is 3 and the rank of [c' a’c’ Aer) is also 3, the systen Ts completely state controllable and observable.” = a=W B=0 e=h Brio tanks rankttc aoeey 2 rankIC*B C*A‘B C¥A"2*B) 2 From the rank conditions obtained above, rollable and completely observable. Note that the condition of the output controllability is that the rank of [ck cae gate] the system is completely state cont- ‘be m (the dimension of the output vector, which is 2 in the present system). 196 It is also completely output. controllable. A=10 1 0:0 0 a1 6h, B= loo: c= (20 9 1 =I fenklB A*BA*2*8)) 3 rankiic avs" AN=2*C'D 2c") ts atso Since the rank of [B AB A?B] is 3 and that of (C*_¥ us ‘Completely observable. 3, the system 18 corpletsly tate controllable and comple * Beat-16. oro ° Asloo rl], Balol, gale ee od -6 -1-6 t The observability matrix is c, 6ey -6l0,-66) Gy -Mey Het bec, Co Cr 6c, Gb cyt 2 Ses ‘There are infinitely many sets of cy, cz, and cy that will make the system un- observable. Examples of such a set of Cy, cz, and cy are cele 7 ey este 7 #F] exle 5 /] galy vs ¢] With any of these matrices ¢ the rank of the observability matrix becomes less than 3 and the system becomes unobservable. 197 20 6 a-|e 2 ol) C=lr 7 VJ oa: oer 26 fer ater arety=|1 os = 7 4s two, because ate Hence, the systen is not completely otservable. (b) If the output vector is given by Ae: x | then the rank of j . a ,r 22404 | [er atée artetls]. 2 5 3 3 os - 3s / 3 4 3 te enree, pecause the determinant of 2 3 x 3 matrix consisting of the first, {atthe ind siath coluan | 12 ¢ —| 113 gh] =n #2 | 33 | since the rank of (G+ ands 26+] ss 3, the systen ie completely observable. A MATLAB solution t6 this problem Ts given on next page. 199 A= [2 0.00 2 00 3 1 Cait tt a onkilc’ "ave a'-2sc'9 2 A=12 0 002 90 9 ea ota 2 rankile? ‘Av? AN24C'D 3 Banas. consider the systen Baate+c’v, re)=0 tn Problem A-11-16 {t vas proved that this system is completely State control~ lable {£ there 18 no cancellation in Hn) Hot “ Al) CaS" = Taal pl) Hence, the dual system znhe 77x 4s completely observable 1f thare is no cancellation in Ae) * L Ab) ‘SI-A)C | GE-AIE Bi-al| : Pals) or Af there te no cancelation in 1 -A)= 8) pals) «++ Pal) SCE-4 = Ta [A pad --+ Pale) 199 Referring to Bquation (3-32), ve have i stro -1)]"[o GO=CGIE-AY'B=li/ el -1 sez | oe #38 (se2sea) 0 st2 Yo L tanger lM st3 (senses) 1 Ho a direct approach to the solution to thts probien can be ob ig the steps chow in Problem Arlicié., i Prontem can Be ovtaines by CHAPTER 12 | | | 2 o o (stnsra}l! =o? 53 (ANG+ ast) Hebe eae o comparing this transfer function with be 53 + by S*t be 5 +b Sas dest ay wo obtain 26, Me, ase t be=0, m=0. b=], ad ( (2). cuntroliabie canonical tom: Referring to Bguations (21-3) and (11-4, ye nave ( ( a] fe * olfa] fo 4 %|=| 2 o WYixa f+ fo lee @) ‘ af [76-4 ~élla] |e 1 t " : gels 7 on a 1 a 4 , 201 ote, vat because of she conceltation of the terms, (g + 3) in the transtor funcefon, the system defined by Equations (2) and (3) is stave controllable, but not observable. (b) Qbeervable canonical form: Referring to Equations (11-5) and (11-6), ve % o @ -élfn] fs Hla] eo -|)nlels | « a 4) le 7 ~éjls} fe x] gale o sx, (3) x, Because of the cancellation of the tems {5 + 3) in the transfer function given by Equation (2), the system defined by Equations (4) and (5) is observable, but not state controllable, Tt 1s important to note that vhen cancellation of the numerator and deno- inator of the transfer function occurs (see Equation (1)], the system becones Controllable but not observable or observable but not controllable depending on how one writes the state and outpit equations. Baz, sero -1 "fo G@)=C (sE-AYB= [1 1 QJ -1 st2 0 ‘ oo ses} |/ , fist2n(se3) 0 s+z fo = Vr ses Gerysey 9 llr (st (542 (543) : 2° csenyll 2st 8548 2st este EVE} ‘ghis is the equation for the full-order state observer. Baz. sme characteristic equation for the minimn-order observer 48 |sT-Au+heAw| = st2the = StS St2tke= Sts he = 3 ‘The equation for the minimm-order observer is Fm (A he Aas) Ft [(Assm he Ant) he + Ade + (By- he Bau Aula where u = 0 for this aysten. Thus Ba (-2—3 FG + [(-2-321) 43 41-304 -SFR-My GesFa-4 ‘this equation defines the dynamics of the minimun-order observer. Buz-10. A cull-order state observer for the given systen is designed by use BARTeie. ” ‘the MATLAB program used for the design of the state observer 1s * ae 1144 This programm determing F cased om Ackormann’s formu ge *194* Enter mouices A and G *°*°* Axo 1.00 0 15 -6 OF E21 o oi 4 +4449 Entor the observ etc anc An2C rankiN) 3 4 #248» Since the rank ofthe observabity maui is 3, desion % of observer ts possi ‘gg o+4+4 enter the desirad characteristic polynomial by ds Biro fending metric J'and entering statement poly) JH 10 0 00 -10 010 0 -15K Ad = poly) we 35 4001500 4 14+ Enter characteristic polynomial Phi * Phi = polyvalmipoty(J-Al: gg +4496 The observer gain matrix Ke is obtained from Ko = Phittinvte1)*10:0:11 referring to Equation (12-51) the fult-order state observer ts, given by Bo (A-GOEt bet kes g] [- 7 olfz| fo 35 %|=|-39% 2 ele] e]4 tl] see | 9 a) [reve -6 lel LO Lae a3 BolZ-12. We shalt present two methods for obtaining the full-order state ob- arver Gain matrix Kg. A.MATLAB solution is also given, pf MeBNOD Ls Referring to Equation (12-50), the state observer gain matrix Ke ‘can be given by ‘ asa Q]en— a aay atrix g ts given by B= (wy) ” sere loo N=[ct atc? attct]=[o / of=r Fi ~ oso “ oor aa 1 ' wele re roe 4 he values of ay and a2 are determined fron the characteristic equation of the original systen: 5 ° ‘ IsI-al=| ¢ . = . A2KR -O39SE SAT ES| BS +a yyes® B9SS S/H 2KH SP tas +astas ence - 4 ABS, a ms 0398 avery WS) ares a, ‘ o a ooo 7 of -3e ‘ oO. 4 44S 0.2866, aa ‘The values of % 1, % 2, and O 3 are determined from the desired characteristic equation. (5+ iN (s-p0 5") = Cres pssst eejiNF st) = (544+ fos + 100 (54/0) = $9+20s*+ 2005+/000 | SS bays tt me stay a W220, wyn202, wy =/000 ence Ms 4 eo °@ y (002 + A2 6K hea Blu-al=|o 7-3 |l 200 t0.s966 wna} [7 30° sov2eeel| Ge are ess =| 47.387 Son 387 Yethod 21 Derine the state observer gain matrix as «fl ‘The desired characteristic equation becones soe] fo 7 oo 7 fal IsI-Atkeel=|[esel-lo 5 7 lela 00 - — oos L28K 0.3956 -3./8S) |ke: , Ste, -1 o =| te s “1 whaen they — ~ostes 54 32/88| F594 Chey $33) S* + (2185 he, ther HSE)S t+ L2EY thes + 38S he, — 0.9956 he, ) as S?4205' + 2005+ 1000 =0 her + 3/95 = 20 S/4S he, + Ke, ~ 0 F956 = 200 TAZ HG + hey + 3KS hey ~O39S6 he, = 1000 from which ve obtain hep ESS) hey =l27.587, hey = 58625) ss Ke =| s97. 387) a se#.38/] Referring to Equation (12-51), the full-order state observer becones Z= (A-keg)E+2u they %) [-eess 7 o Tz) fo bass R=) -72397 0 0 1 WRl+] © | e+! rep ze2 | 4 %] [-ssxv97 assess sel] %] [ewe] — [see 207 BOTAB solution: A vATLA® propran to obtain the state observer gain mtrix Ke i8 shown Belov. I 222+ This program % based om Acker 36 *24** Entor mauices A and C * Az 10 1 0:0 0 111.244 0.3956 -3.1451 + Peat o oe % *74** Enter the observabilty matrix N and check its rank ***** Neic are! An2tC venkit 3 polynomial by geting % te tousing matte end enteng stetement Boyt 4m ES+S*tsqiI3I)41 0 0:0 -5-5%Usqrl3I*i 0:0 0-101; = polviay we Phi = polyvainiolyid). Al: ‘The observer gain matix Ke Is obtained from iaviN')*10:0;11 16.0550 1473866 544.3009 Referring to Equation (12-71), we have FA ad Define [sI-Ass+ Ke Ant | = safe 07 fe [Sate onl te St hes -/ Stas ~ 2.2996 + key = S*+ Chet 265) 5 + (3/8 hey 0396 thes) ‘The desired characteristic polynonial fer the mininun-order observer is (3-Mi MS5-pa) = (54S [NF ster jNd) = s*+i0s +100 Hence ve set 5% Cheat 3.125) 5+ (3:/S hee — 93458 thes) BSt4+ 0s + 100 from vinich ve obtain Kea t3ES R10, 3.14 Shey 0.3998 + hex = 100 her = 6 FSS, hey = 78237 Tus . “ ae acl Ho | 79.237) Referring to Equation (12-79), the equation for the minimm-order observer is given by w]e © = (Ashe Aes E+ [Ane Ke Aes Ke + Aten Ke t+ (Bi -Ke Badu Where 218 i | | | | ws Ve) ffrease 0 Yeree Ble pee, —3/0s||% “7Eee/ —3/eS|| 78.639| af 2 )[electy el] 2] [62%] xe] nave] 7 pn937] neve] |anear WbESS 7 WR) | 30 bes ° = alt ye 4“ smasy -a1es\|%] [-2ened/|" [Meee Fea B:233. From Figure 12-21 ve obtain nb (1-21) hata hts = Ke ther where KaDk he ks) Noting that the rank of oot M=[6 AB AB]=|0 1 -% a a2 oe AA oD is three, arbitrary pole placenent is possible, The characteristic equation for this systen is s 7/0 |st-al=|2 5 <4 [= sttertess wow lo 6 ste a5? t4)s*4 dis tas =0 4=6, M=S, 420 Since the state equation for the system is already in the controliable cano- nical form, ve have T= J. The Gesired characteristic equation is 219 a q ‘ ‘ 4 « ‘ ‘ « Gr arjen(s ra-jeseia) = 9? 410 84 bos +200 SST HOS HOES Hay | Ma/k, %2=b0, a =200 | Ka[% 4s nae -as] Tt | =[200-¢ bo-s —7¥~-8 ]E | =[200 se PF] i ‘Te state equation for the designed systen is Z=Ax+ Bu =Axt BE-Kxtkr) =Q-abat Ear since o 1 o| fo of e AnBk =|o 0 ;|-lo|lzee ss e]zlo 6 7 os ’ -200 -60 “Wt ve have 2 7 ells] | o eo 6 1 [Ix] o |r a) 1%] [-200 -40 || x5] | 200] ‘The output equation is x) - gal’ © ellx, @ 4 ‘THe unitestep response of the designed system can be obtained from Equations (2) and (2) by substituting r = 1(t) and finding y(t). A MATLAB program to obtain the unit-step response curve [y(t) versus ¢ curve] 4s given on next page. ‘The resuiting unit-step response curve is shown belov. HE 7 Z{ tity Baz. Derivation of the state-space equations for the system: Referring to Section ‘Tost, a mathesntlcal model forthe inverted perddlae system shown in Figure 12- 2's’ given by Mem t+ mL = mob tml i= mele nich can be moditied to MLE = Ht) 58 — Me Since the state variables are defined as un-mgs x8, we get the folloving state space equations aX, Xa a - ° 1 0 olfy] f° - Atm ' — iy 0 0 olle| [-% + “« a o o 0 six] "| o - “Ht 2 0 lls] | ap - % ul 4 2 @ ally @) a} | 2 2 7 oll 35 Suistttuting the given numerical values into Bquations (1) and (2), ve obtain the folloving state-space equations for ihe eyevent (“nt (2+ we otal { my o Jo allx, o 4 % i222 0 0 a i | 4 % ° ootlly ° 4 ~2HS2E 2 0 Oll% OS ‘ a] ' *] t wi) _[7 2 2 ofa 4 %| [oor olly ( x etammination of the state-foodback gain matrix k: since matrices A and B for . . SRS f Ame 4 o foo o ‘ saaees 0 A o?), gs * o oot ~ o : taes2s 0 0 0 os and the desired closed-loop poles are at 22 Se-eejt, se-enj#, s 20, 52-20 teedbeck goin iat program gotarmines Enter mavices A,8,C, and D =I gle,GoQi22628 © 9 0 0 0 112.4825 0 0 OF = (0-018:0108 {9000 0 1 oO: B= to:08 5% ***** Define the controlabilty matrix M and check its rank M=(B AB A‘2"B A'3°BI; rank) * x x * a @ € * Since the rank of M is 4, the system i completely ble. Hence, erblrery pole placement is % possible, 9 *2*+* Enter the desired cheracteristic polynomial which 3 can be obteined by defining the fllowing mati J and 3 entering statement poryi) + 4m bata 0 0 0:0 -44%1 0 00 0 -20 00 0 0 -204 Su polytat we 148752 4480 12800 * Enter characteristic polynomial Phi * ee Pi = potyvalmipoly(d) Al: fecback gain matrix K can be determined K = (0 0 0 GaviMn=PRi - ke 1.084003 * 4.1381 -1.0094 -2.6096 -0.9134 23 the following MATLAB program can be written for the determination of the state Feedback gain matrix K- response of the system to the oltovt To obtain the system response Thtelat ondfelon we voed’ the folowing notations al "3 —— Response to ltl condition AxtBe 3 ae °**** This progrem obtains the response of the system 4% xdot = (Anat to the given inital eondiion m0) * Enter .ratioas A B, and K to produce matrix SaaS Aber A= 10 1 0 0:12.2625 0 0 00 0 0 1:24525 0 0 Of d get the following equation: £=-BOE - ich, vhen the numerical values are substituted, can be given by iz, ° 2.00/ o o |x, %| | -20ste -osow7 -n3089 -0.¥s87 || a Brat ° 2 ° acor ly 206 0.50b7 3088 a 9S87|ly bea xe 00 32510 7 0 OF ( keAx were ; ° eel ° ° t 4 _ [reste -esep7 - 13088-08567 ov veeue Aa ot versus) ' a abel Sec ° e @ evees Yabelte2 = Toate dot) 4 20666 2.5047 A3088 OKSb? subplo-2 3; 1 pia 4 fio 3 (Spiacement of Co versus) Define the initial condition vector as 8, o ees Con wesus Ylabelx3 = Displacement of Cart’) ° ‘ ~_|3 subpio.2,4; ‘ a= ie - eo . / woe ‘Than the reponse of the systen vo the Initial condition can be obtained by solving’ the folloving equations The resuiting response curves are shom on next. page. gaAg+ ee xn Aerie 224 25 (ata vent 12a cn nt, feedback gain matrix -— i i ‘This program determines the state-feedback gain i Il & mavian Km AZ KS. ka by use of Ackermann's i i % formula eo" A= 10 1 0. 0;20,601 0 0 0:0 0 0 10.4905 0 0 O1:" B= (0-1.00.51 E=i' 9000 0 1 oF A208 A°3°6) Lite mea * ark of M is 6, the system is completely s ‘ance, arbisery pole placement is ‘ 5 ‘ : ie FF q % can be.cbtsned oy detning the foowing mtx J and sia 4 % Shtering statement poly) ® ° ( J= [1.341 0 0 0:0 -1.34 0 00 0 -20 00 0 0 -20; 4 = poivisd BA1215. The state-space equations for the system are we 4 . daAxtrzu 1.004003 * 4 - - 0.0010 0.0426 0.5067 1.1476 1.0760 ‘ a= ox 5 seee _ && 16 +994" Enuar characteristic polynomial Phi * ‘ 7 Phi = polyvalmiply. Al ° J 6 o} 0 « ck gain matic K can be determined wwe 6 0) g_|-/} g [1 000 4 - ° eo rlra lol slo ore, K= 0 0 0 1Minviony*Phi ‘ ops 0 0 0 os ke ‘ +882,1330 -101.0913 -109.6840 -116.9827 Case 1! The desired closed-toop poles are at 4G £444* state fesdack goin matrix K is thus 4 ° Har TseT a8 GSP OoTa steeds -s6'9e27 «+++ A SE AA3Hj SHANB-j, SH-20, 5: 1A NaTIAB program to determine the state-feedback gain matrix K is given on 4 next page. - 4 ‘The response of the system to the initial condition can be obtained as follows ‘ By substituting u= -i into the system equation = Ax + Bu, we obtain ‘i £=G-3e)2 = Ax i vere « 225, 2 " golving the folloving equations: : ‘Then, the response of the systen to the initial condition can be obtained by ‘The folloving MATLAB program produces the response of the system to the given initial condition. In the MATLAB program ve used the folloving notations: daar, Bote % 125+ This program obtains the response of the system 5% xdot = (Ahatix to the given inal condition x10) ***=* 47 19_,1,,0,0:20.601 0 0 00 0 0 1;0.4905 0 0 0} i -101.0813 -109.6840 -116.98271; 0 0 tex! Plot response curves x1 varsus t, x2 versus t, x3 6 and x4 versus on one diagram ***"* ‘subpton(2.2.1 Blot t) gra filet (theta) versus) labelt Sec). label? = Thete') subplot2, 2,21; Blottaz):9n fet "2 (Theta dot) versus (1) label Sec’) 28 subpiot2 : 2.1 >See 1 car) versus 1 Sen etc of Cart veut) toc of Car vera ire Sec” ‘The resulting response curves are shown below. (eterna 2m agent (Vy Car mt a Case 2: The desired closed-loop poles are at Sa-2, S2-2, se-yo, s2-/0 AMATIAB program to determine the state-feedback gain matrix K 1s given below. + This program determines the state-teedback gain 3 matic e2 KS" ke by use of Ackermann’ % formulas" A= 10 1 0 0:20.01 0 0 0:0 0.0 1;0.4905 0 0 of B= (o-10,0.51 Cai 6'0 G0 0 1 oF B= look, Me iB At A-20 A-3tBl: am 29 ‘ — ~ Since the rank of Mis 4, the system is completely able.“ Henice, atbivaty pole placement © 2 desired characteristic polynomial which i ilowing matic d end 4FIZ9,0 0:0 2 0 00 0 -10 00 0 0 -t0% = polvin we 1 26 188 480 400 % **** Enter characteristic polynomial Phi * Phi = polyvalmipoty. Al; * feeubeck gain maurx K ean be determined % from * = 10.0 0. 1y*tinvinmePhi ke 226.9884 -48.4648 -40.7747 -49.9297 Feedback gain matic k ig thus 84 A8d48 40.7747" 48,9297) Fotioeing warns Re given, inktia condition can be obtained by centering the following MATLAB program into the Consites Response to intial condition — ‘This program obteins the response of the system dot = (Ahetix to the pian intial sooo teh BEST IB sto,851020:801 0.0 00 0 0 10.4905 0 0 o; [-224.$364' 49.4848 40.7747 48.9297), > eR mK: ep * Enter the inital condition matix BB = Bhat Flot response cues x1 versus t, x2 versus t, x3 ves t | % and x4 veraus't on one diagram Seas 230 subpiot2,2,1); Bott gd tit Seta versus 9 Miabol't Sec abetet he supp. 2.2 ot Betz ‘he ot) versus i") ‘abet ‘hata dot) subpiot2.2.91, - Plottx3t gi {He (Daplacement of Cart) versus) label Sect. WlabeI"x3 ™ Displacement of Ca) Biot ge nia Le (Rit of cory versus) lapel See abelte6 = Velocity of cant) ‘The resulting response curves are shown belov. ay na capt tnt 7 3, 1 mic aa i + i oa = ae “2 4 on 2Omumnetstcanvenst kay ta nat BAA | 3. I NN # te ea at ot Gonparing response curves x; versus ¢ (1 = 1,2, spectively, they are substantially the sane, 13/4) for Case 1 and case 2, ree ‘This means that the response Toeatea a Hage aEe AEOUE the sane provided the Goninant closed eo Seance located in the same general region and the non located far avay from the origin, a '-dominant closed-loop poles are "B-I2-16. Referring to Section 12-8, the inverted pendulum control systen can described by the following equations: ° EeAzrge = y20x wenkethed Fariygsr-Cx where the state vector x is defined by | fo a é ze das] |x x] [® and matrices A, By and ¢ are given by ° 100 ° zee) 0 0 0! gal-~1|, elo oo] + e oor] = Jol = -asfos 0 0 0 os ‘Te state error equation can be given by Equation (12-114), or g=fe+Bu vtare o 1006 ° a fag. | ter eee ol « Bal" le) 2 0 es of, we 0} |oser 00 5 5 4 or 90 ° and tg 18 given by “e=—Kke where hr] = [hi ka ha hy i br) E-Ck ‘The desired closed-loop poles for this system are located at -l0, 5=-/0 s ‘A MATLAB program to produce the state-feedback gain matrix K and the integral ‘gain constant ky is given belov. - 2 SH-2, 55-10, § ‘% —- Design of an inverted pendulum control system mines the state feedback gain mati Integral gain constant Ki by use of 13% Ackermann’s formula * 1% t 98 Entor matrices A, B, C, and D A= 10 1 0 0:20.601 0 0 0:0 0 0 1;0.4905 0 0 ol; B= 0-10.08), €=l0 01 oO: BE Io; 6°80" Enter matices At and B1 + AL = 1A aerosi4,1):¢ 0) Br = 18: 9% °**** Define the controllability mattix M ***** Bt AI“4*Bt) Mater Aten At-2tBr At” 5% 944% Check the rank of matrix M * vankine) 5 % 1447" Since the rank of Mis, the system is completely % state controtabie. "Hence, aviary pole placement i % possite, 3p *2*°* Enter the desired characterste polynomial, which 3 can be obtained by detning 3 entering statement poly > J=12 9 0 $23 8 8 8 9-0 % % 8 8 40 8 88 8 8 4b 2 = polis an 34 42423205200 +++" Enter characteristic solynomiat Phi Phi = polyvalmipalylut At % £44** State feedback gsin.matix K and integral gain constant ‘% kl can be determined from * KK = 10 0 0 0 11"tiwiM +P KK = 709.6367 -162.6378 -530.0714-287.2756 407.7472 KY KET, 2 = KKI2I, KS = KRIS, Ka = RKC), KI = KKIB) ke 709.6367 ke 162.6378 ka 520.0714 kee 287.2756 ue 407.7472 Unit-step response of the designed systen: Referring to Section 12-8, the ‘Step response in the cart position can be obtained by solving the following ‘equations zeaxeze Sr r-cx a]_[4 e]fe] fe] fe @ al_\¢ ef), fe), Jel, Pre of of “L since Werks thee _ Equation (1) becomes 2) [are ~eeslfe] [e ; E/ ja es ~B4s||z]. Je), FT| -¢ 2 |e] |e The solution of this state equation vhen r= 1(t) gives the unit-step response (of the systes. A MATIAB program to obtain unit-step curves 18 shown Delor ‘% — Step response ofthe designed system % +4444 Enter necessary matrices *+4+# BI 12 ho, o5j020-61 © © G10 0 0 110.4905 0 0 of C= 10 6'1 Oo; 162.6378 -530.0714 -287.2756), © oy 88 = (ooo: ee = te or BB = 15; ‘6 ***** Enter the folowing command to obtain step response 1 = 00016; It apiAA x "0 oy 3251900 B10 8 wale $ 210 ° sia. 21) patti Tiere vets £9 label See} vibe} subplot3,2,21 to: gid Iie" vereus xlabolt Sec) Mabe) 28 Soe me mm mk on no a kk tl lll lla subpion3,2:4); Plotitaa: grid Tio vereue #9 Mabel Sec’) vlabela). subplot,2,5) ote x8) grid Wb versus ¢) belt Sec, label 5") ‘The step response curves obtained by use of the above MATLAB progran are shovn belov. 236 CHAPTER 13 ‘B11. The given quadratic form can be written as oo -7Ix -3 lane 1 Sle =x, R=[4 x xy] 7 -3 -2ly 1-2-1 hx Applying Syivester's criterion, ve find a ~i0 bs = St 52S, F538) D0 by = 5/525, >0 Since by 7 O, if there are any negative s's, then the nunber of buch negative sts must be even. Suppose that 61 <0, 52<0, and's3>0. Since by > Ov have ah Isr sles Isl <5, Isal 0), the optimal value of a is 1.823. Bas. ow. 25K RGD SER LSS HOSFESK From this closed-ioop transfer function, we obtain 2am hS, at masterk Since § is given as 0.5, we obtain 5 isa s O05 + 2.5K fom vale ve Get K = 0.7, Wy © 1.5. ‘then we entain Ch) _ LAOS RO) = Wa sstRIs E(s)/R(s) can then be obtained EO) _ Rid~ cb) RG) = Rey SHAS SHOWS SH ASS +225 Eeusd +2200 Fr psisosr since £ = 0 in this probien, ve have O+nsé+2.28¢ =0 Define e; =e, e2 = ¢. Then ve have a]_fe “fei a] f-22s -xslle, Hote tnt Jemae =S"e'%@ ew ae where ° ° eo =|"), ga|’% ° ” aft) - o 0 et us solve afb + FA=-9 for P. Using this P ve obtain T= [Petter = 27) Per) Note that for a general case of ve pave i Ea i pa| Bete | Fa z “ 2 zoe asen thus, ve obtain ele) ‘ ac = (a) ele. = Jpetodr lem ewe ef 2Y 12], = L Pu = Gyan * Gn By substituting $ = 0.5 and Wp = 1.5 into this last equation, we obtain ‘BAZIZ, The optimal contro! signal u vill have the formu = -Kx. There- fore, the performance index J becones = ("Getz radat = [arr xde since B+ Xin thie probten, quation (18-29) comes (A-BK)"P + P CA-BR) =~ (1+ KT) and Byntion (19-25) eames ErLE THEE here B is determines from the reduced mtrix Riccatt equition: AZ + LA Page -r=0 Solving for P, requiring that it be positive definite, ve obtain ef] The optinat feedback gain ratrix K becomes 27 K=BP =l0 af Jee 4 ‘Thus, the optimal control signal u is given by u=-Kkz= BA313. Define Veena where bo Pia ze (k “| Then Ve Pi t+ 2Pa bet Pare and Vm pu Xiryt2pare+ 20 Pit fate Equation (13-54) becomes Hlxuya Sh +Lex,u) F2Pa Lika t 2 fate + 2C Park, + fee xa ut Bepaed ‘he optimal controt signat u(t) {8 the one that minimizes H(a,u)- Therefore, ve differentiate H(xu) with respect to wand set the resulting equation to aH pa = 2Pat t+ 2px. +24u =0 fron vhich ve obtain 42 =PaX fat, By substituting this last equation into the equation for W(/u) and setting ‘the result equal to zero, ve obtain iS WEP) tty (2 Fam Paps ELEC HP, fd =O ‘Tais equation mst holé for any xy and x2. Hence, ve require (Pe lo Pa Pa = 8 Mt fam fal = (Note that these three equations in the piy are identical vith those obtained in Banple 13.9:) "Solving these three stiultaneous equations for Pity Plar ‘and p22 requiring that P be positive definite, we obesin a Pu =JPTZ , Pals Pap = fare ~ The optinai control law is then given by sx, ~ (atta, "With this control lav, the systen state equation becones : F 4]_fo a] fo : + 4,-JMFE x, RIEL IE ese x, o 4 ay a] [+ -vaRI ly Note that the coefficient matrix in this last equation is a stable one. Thus, ~ the origin of the system is asymptotically stable and the present approach to the solution 1s valid. BAZ14. A MATLAB program to solve the given quadratic optimal control pro~ ~ blen is shown below. * Quedratie optimal enol 10 1 0 0:20.601 0 0 00 0 0 1,-0.4905 0 0 Ol; a 10,1; 0; 0.51 100 0 06:0 10.0001 0000 11 = 1aHA.8,0,8) -54.0554 -11.8079 -1.0000 -2.7965, 8 a K K ‘Athe state-feeaback gain matrix is obtained as follows: Kx [sneer -104079 — 10000 2.0965] “Next, ve shall obtain the response to the given initial condition. We sub- seitiee wake into the originat state-space equation and obtain the fottoving equation: Hndat« =dx- Bkx =(A-gke Dz 4n the fottoving MATLAB program define . AR = A- 8K ‘hen use the method presented on pages 175-176 of tho text. The HATLAD progran 248 id anne suleditbente sen sealed tig etn 89-0050 Inna) = stoptAnla, Am xett oo R209 8 3210 0 7 Ope 4210 0 6 Sees plotat) i abl Bech O11 Theta Tbe Tet or {ec Response of x2, a xlabel('t Sec") a) Wabeltx2 = Theta dot) plowtx3) fer 1, sponse of x3, Displscement of Crt’ Aabelt'Bec') 017 Piso veer abaix3 ™ Displacement of Cart’) Potts) is on {ile Response of x4, Velocity of Car’ {ec eszong elocty of Cart’) label's = Velocity of Cant’) ay rt r c Lt LJ “tt +

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