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Ww oT hbo ek ENTERPRIOE 2 ee) a Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley Express Publishing Published by Express Publishing LUberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Barkshire RG19 6HW Tol.: (0044) 1695 817 963, Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463, ‘e-mail: INTERNET http: / © Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley, 1999 Design and iustration © Express Publishing, 1999 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any ‘means, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior writen permission of the Publishers, First published 1999 New edition 2000 ISBN 1-84216-107-5 Acknowledgements ‘The authors and publishers wish to thank the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this. book. Colour itustrations: Evan Photograph Acknowledgments: Audio Visual for the photographs of The Man in the Iron Mask (p. 88), Armageddon (p. 90), Ace Ventura {p. 32) © 1994 Morgan Creek Prod. In Al rights reserved, Cher (p. 32), The Bodyguard (p. 2) © 1982 Wamer Bros. Inc. Al rights reserved Tara Lpinsh (p. 32) © INKE HVE forthe photographs of Anastasia (p. 87) 20th Century Fox Distributed By, © Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Dr Doli (p. 91) 2th Century Fox Disibuted by © Twentieth Ceftury Fox Home Entertainment Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders but if any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers willbe pleased ‘to make the necessary arrangements atthe first opportunity. Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Contents People around the World Night and Day Shop till you Drop! Days to Remember . Planning Ahead ... Food, Glorious Food Profiles ..... A Brush with Danger A World of Wonders Stick to the Rules! Our Precious Planet Holidays with a Difference .. Join in the Funl .... live and Let Live Surf the Net Progress Tes! Video Projects... la People around the World @ Vocabulary 2 Fill in: eats, rude, talkative, shy, mean 1 Sally is a very person. She never 1. Fill in the correct adjectives from the lists, then underline the phrases which justi each person's character. tells lies. 2 Bill is a quiet boy. He's quite 3 Robert always wants what others have. He's a clever, brave very person 4 SUSANIS a .rnenenee PORSON. She's rarely quiet. 5 Jack never spends any money. He's 6 Phil has bad manners. He's very A. Sean Connery is famous for his role as James Bond in the early 007 movies. James Bond is 1) sesnmnnnes DOCAUSE he deals with many dangerous people. He is also 2) He always thinks of a way to get out of difficult situations and is always the one who wins. reasons, then bse 3 Match the adjectives to th wis and relatives) hem to describe your fri as in the example. a give a lot to people generous \.| b make other people feel relaxed kind ¢ like talking to other people happy have good manners | e f 9 h friendly stubborn, selfish, determined B Whitney Houston plays the role of Rachel Marron in the film The Bodyguard. Rachel is 1 evn SNE doesn't think of anyone but herself. She is calm not laugh very often serious always think of other people stubborn smile a lot | polite never change his/her mind eVousons Ted is very friendly. He likes talking to other people. 4 Choose words from the table below to describe 2) because PA the people in the pictures, as in the example. ‘she wants to be the best, but this also makes her 3) cossesnstsnsene » She Never listens to other people (very) young, middle-aged, old Haren Bren Dye, Neer ige short, long, curly, straight, wavy, dark etary beard, moustache, glasses, friendly smi © David Duchovny is :| dark/fair complexion, wrinkles famous for playing Agent Mulder in the TV series The X-Files. Mulder is a 1) person; he doesn’t trust other people. He is also 2) and even those close to him don't know everything about him. independent, sensible D Gillian Anderson plays the role of Agent Scully in The X-Files. Scully is a(n) 1) woman, who thinks for herself and makes her own decisions. Scully is very 2)... # $ Lisa is very young, with long straight dark hair. She has She doesn't like taking dangerous risks got a fair complexion People around the World 0 Grammar 5 Fill in the missing words. are you from? old is she? does he look like? colour eyes have you got? tall is he? . do you live? ousens 6 Study the sentences below and say whether ’s is is or has as in the example. 1 Jill's got a good figure: 2 Tim's short and fat. 3. Greg's a handsome man. 4 Nora's got long red hair. 5 Paul's got broad shoulders. 6 Ken's bald 7. Ray's got light blue eyes. 8 Jenny's a pretty gil aS. 7 Use the words in the list to dialogue below. mplete the am, is, are, do A: Hello? B: Hello, Tracy. This 1) ........ Tom. What 2) you doing? A: Hi, Tom. 13) studying for an exam. How 4 you? B: Oh, 15) fine. | want to ask you a question. A: Sure. B: 6) .»- You know anyone who repairs cars? A: OF COUPEE 7) .onnnnnnt MY COUSIN Jeff B) nnn @ mechanic. He loves repairing cars — especially old cones like yours! 8 Write the third person singular. 1 I catch - she 6 I plant - She nn 2 I meet: she . 7 Isit-she . 3 listen - she .. 8 I relax- she .... 4 I tide - she 9 Ineed - she 5 I wash - she .... 10 I visit - she 9 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. John: Where 1) ...d0 you come from... (you/come from), Tina? Tina: 12) (come from) Paris. John: 8) sn (youjlive) near the city centre? Tina: Yes,14) (do). 15) .. (ive) in a small fiat with my sister, Denise. John: 6) .» (you/go) to university? Tina: No, 17) 1 (MOWAO). 1B) so. (work) for a law firm. 1 9) (be) a lawyer. John: 10) .- (youlike) it there? Tina: Yes, very much. 10 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. 6th August, 1. (write) to you from Italy. “(be) on holiday with some 12) friends. We 3) . | (stay) at a beautiful hotel in Venice. | The sun usually 4) .. | brightly all day at this time of year, but it 5) . (rain) at the moment. My friends and 1 6) (shine) .. (be) never bored. There are so many things to do here and (try) hard not to | we 7) miss anything. We 8) .. (have) a snack right now, and we 9) .. eal forthe rain to stop. Everyone _ (have) a great time, Best wishes, Jennifer ~ ~~ People around the World 11 Look at the picture below, then use the prompts to make sentences about Bill, as in the examples. 1. paint/pictures ...Bi! paints pictures... 2 playitennis Bil does’ ply toms. 3. have/a cat 4 use/a computer... 5 have/posters on the wall. 6 like/reading 7 8 9 10 have/piano lessons .. hhave/a telephone listen to/music.. have/a dog 12 Tick the correct sentences. 1 a) Anna is painting pictures in her free time. . b) Anna paints pictures in her free time. 2 a) | am driving my son to school every day. b) | drive my son to school every day. 3. a) Steve is playing tennis at the moment. b) Steve plays tennis at the moment. 4 a) Jill watches TV every weekend. b) Jill is watching TV every weekend. 5 a) Mum cooks dinner at the moment. b) Mum is cooking dinner at the moment. 6 a) He phones his friend right now. ») He is phoning his friend right now. 13 Look at the pictures and prompts, then make sentences, as in the example. have a shave, work out at the gym, take a taxi to work, cycle to work, have breakfast, wash the car 1 Kim usually has breakfast at 8:00 on aa y morning, but today she nen 2 Paul usually after breakfast, but today he . “ts 3 Karen usually in the morning, but today she ... b @ Communication: Getting to Know People =~ 14 Use the sentences to complete the dialogue. © Really? Where in Spain? § Julio? How do you spell that? © Yes, itis. © Yes, I do. It's lovely. Hello. fs this your first day here? ri I'm Rick. What's your name? My name's Julio, 2) we J-U-L-1-0, Where are you from? 'm from Spain, eee I'm from Barcelona. Do you like it here in London? SPePeReweReD People around the World | ORe ‘ading b) Match the headings to the paragraphs. 15 Read the letter and answer the questions below. Pew Recommendation .... Via Diaz 29 Location/Accommodation 80194 Naples People (Looks/Character) sn. Italy FOO «.......0.05 2nd August, ... Weather/Sights/Activities ........... Sear cach ©) Which of the phrases below | can't believe I'm here in Naples on holiday! ony Everything is so different here. Do you remember the | Parat — Bollinis? They live here now and I'm staying with them. Yours faithfully Yours ‘They live in a beautiful old house close to the bay. At the Best wishes Love moment, I'm having some ice cream and enjoying the Yours sincerely All the best wonderful view. * ‘The weather here is quite warm. Naples has over 400 17 Imagine you are on holiday in churches and the city centre is clean. | spend most of | Para? Brazil. Use the information ‘my time with the Bellinis, walking along the waterfront or below to write a letter to a around the old city. friend (100-150 words). Use Neapolitans really love their city. They're very friendly], the letter in Ex. 15 as a model. ‘and like having fun. They're quite good-looking, too. Most of them have got dark hair and brown eyes. The food is excellent. Neapolitans like eating pizza, ] | pasta and seafood. | love eating the fresh seafood here, |Pa* especially shrimps. Tomorrow, I'm taking the train to Pompeii to see the Roman sites. I'm also going to visit the Teatro di San |P*5 Carlo opera house. I'm leaving Naples next Wednesday, 0 I'll call you then, ‘You really should visit Naples soon. I's a truly’| paras amazing city! See you soon. Yours, explore city with the Serpas Mary Po 1 Which city is Mary in? 6 What do they look like? 2 Where is she staying? 7 What do they like eating? 3. What's the weather ike? 8 What are Mary's plans? 4 How does she spendhertime? | 9 How does she recommend 5. What are Neapolitans like? Naples? 5; Braz i love tasty seafood & great coffee O Writing (a Friendly letter) , 16 a) Read the letter in Ex. 15 again and mark the sentences as T (true) or F (false). Then correct ‘Museum of the Empire next the false sentences. week We write our address in the top left-hand corner. We don't wit the date after the address. We start with Dear + the recipient's first name. There aren't any paragraphs. here soon We can end with Yours + our first name. anene Night andDay o Vocabulary 1A: ...What time does John wake up?. B: ..He wakes up at seven o'clock in the morning... 1 Look at the key below and complete the & A times, as in the examples. ie B: ‘am = ante meridiem (before 12 noon) a pm = post meridiem (after 12 noon) B: 5 A: 1 ight ..0'clock in the morning... B: 2 x ..0'Cl0ck in the evening. 6A 3 UF an 5: 4 5:30 am = halt... A; 5 10:15 pm = a quarter 6 6 9:45 am = a quarter ae 7 3:20 pm = twenty . 2 Fill in the gaps in the chart below. >. a fe oe erent), Pera 4 Fill in the table with play, have, do and go, 5 par aon @ seen eee then use the phrases to make sentences about nine fittee yursel family, as in the example. 4 10:50... ten to eleven BD sai cashes Sora Sechaba 5 1:45. one forty-five =e oer le football 3 Look at John’s daily routine, then make short | the shopping ‘computer games. dialogues, as in the example. fe the ironing the piano to schoo! to work to the cinema 1:do my homework in the evening. iE bpave &: 7:30 (have Mum does the shopping on Saturday mornings. shower breakfast o@ Grammar ae } 5 Look at the chart below and make sentences, as in the example. a s 8:00/catch the —_9:00/start work _5:00/leave work bus <> gi 2 a 6:30;have —9:30/watch the _10:30/go to bed dinner news Ken is a student. His History lesson starts at a quarter to eleven. It finishes at twelve o'clock Night and Day / 8 a) Read the text and fill in the gaps with the verbs in the list in the correct form. 0, enjoy, type, wake up, cook, have, watch, dress, say, catch, arrive, take, finish, answer Cindy Mills is a secretary at a large computer pate) SHE 1) oes snennne at half past seven and 2) veeesnninnmnes SHOWAF. SHO 3) quickly, ‘and leaves her house at a quarter past eight. Then she 4) .. the bus and 5) at work just before nine o'clock. She makes a ae coffee, to read the mail. She then sits down to re’ ra ee "a break at half past twelve to the restaurant next door 6 do / homework / evening 7 Put the words into the correct order. 1 fishing / at / weekends / often / Greg / goes Greg often goes fishing at weekends. 2 cooks / dinner / rarely / Dad TV until it's time to go to bed, In her free time, Cindy 13) .. and going to the theatre. ied ‘Cindy likes being a secretary.“ like the people | work with, and the pay is good,” she 14) ..... *Yes, | am happy with my life at the moment. . reading 3 on/ Carla / up / Sundays / never / gets / early 4 always / her / does / Jessica / homework : ena she ieee aca b) Correct the statements below. 5 the / car / momings / he / on / sometimes Saturday / washes Cindy wakes up at a quarter past eight. Cindy makes coffee and reads her mail all morning, Cindy usually leaves work at about six. Rae rie ar Cindy enjoys cooking and typing letters in her free 7 gym/1/to /rarely / go / the time. cent ea 3 5 Cindy is unhappy with her life at the moment, 6 jeans / T-shirt / usually /and / Jason /a/ wears BONG ! 10 Night and Day 9 Sam had an exciting lifestyle when he was 30 years old. Unfortunately, things have changed. Use the prompts and make sentences about Sam's life then and now, as in the example. THEN wear designer clothes ‘drive a sports car ‘be married to a model ‘live in a large house ‘eat at expensive restaurants have a lot of friends ‘ewake up very late Sam used to wear designer clothes when he was younger. Now he wears old clothes. 10 Look at the prompts and ask and answer questions about Robert, as in the example. Robert, GS fo} GS Pk & 3 fees eae eae ee) have a pet fish have a pet dog have a bicycle have a car allnbedertics::: yxPetened lets: SA: Did Robert use to have a pet dog when he was six years old? SB: No, he didn't. He used to have a pet fish 11. Fill in the gaps with do(n't), does(n't) or did(n't). peace you do the ironing yesterday? B: No, | I watched TV. 21 have breakfast in the mornings. BI ! Nove breakfast! 3A you start work at seven o'clock? B: No, | I start work at nine o'clock. 4 A: Mark .». do his homework again, and his teacher was very angry. B: she call his parents? 5A Bill drink coffee? B: Yes, he ... but he drink tea, 12 Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets, then match the items to make full sentence: 1 Jim usually yesterday, | (play) football (take) the bus. on Saturdays, but last night, she 2 Jusually (read) a book. (drive) to work, but last weekend she 3. They usually (order) a (visit) friends at pizza weekends, but last Saturday, he 4 Mum usually (go) to (Cook) dinner, but the beach. 5 Ann usually .. e last weekend, they (paint) pictures in (stay) her free time, but at home. 13 Correct the sentences as in the example. He gaiGh the bus to school every moming. catches She go to the beach last weekend. They use to live near the city centre | am do the washing-up at the moment. Pam didn't used to have short hair. My father cooking dinner last night. ‘They are play basketball now. David don't like watching TV. @Vousena @ Communication: Agreeing - Disagreeing 14 Use the phrases in the list to complete the dialogues below. I don't - Nor do 1-1 do - So dol 1 A: I never tidy my bedroom. Bi Oh, £eAllY? -.consresnsennea} it doesn't take a long time. 2 A: Lalways do my homework, | ne ee - 3A: I never watch TV in my free time. 4A: Joten go to the cinema at weekends B: > I hate going to the cinema. @Reading 15 Read the letter and mark the se ise), then look at the picture family look like. nces as T (true) or F say what Sally and 8 Rutherford Drive Toronto Canada 6th May, Dear Laura, name is Sally Shelby and | live in Toronto, ee Van tite years old and | am tall and-slim | Pert with green eyes and long straight brown Fair. ‘There are four of us in our family; my parents Nick and Heather, my sister Susan, aged fourteen, and me. My father is a policeman and my mother works at the local library. They're kind people and very generous. My sister is kind too, but she can be a bit bossy sometimes. aonemoe enon | Para 2 to music. My favourite basketball player is Shaquille ‘O'Neal and my favourite singer is Mariah Carey. | also like going to the cinema and visiting my friends at peers b Well, that's all about me. | hope you like the pictures of my family. Write back soon and please send me a picture of your family. Pras Best wishes, Sally —— nis) Night and Day i 1. Sally lives in Toronto, ‘Australia. 2 Sally is short and slim, 3. Her sister is Heather. 4 Inher free time she loves playing basketball 5. She hates going to the cinema, 16 Read the | in Ex. 15 again and answer the questions. 1 Which paragraph is about what Sally likes? 2 Which paragraph is about Sally's family? 3 Which paragraph is about what Sally looks like? Which paragraph is the conclusion? How does Sally start/end her letter? oe O@Writing (a letter toa new pen-friend) 17 Make notes about yourself under the following headings, then use your notes to write a letter to your new pen-friend. Use the letter in Ex. model. Name- Gity/Country - Age - Appearance - Family Members (Looks/ Character) - Like/Love i 12 Shop till you Drop!___ chocolates, television, silver ring, haircut, sofa, cereal, tulips, sweets, tablets, lettuce, aspirin, red roses, oranges, diamond earrings, steak, manicure, washing-up liquid, sausages socks, shoes, skirt, jeans, tie, jumper, shirt, jacket, hat, trousers, blouse Michelle will Matt of, on, to, at, with, in, for, along 1. Her skirt has blue flowers it 2 My umbrella is blue a wooden handle. 3 Galleries Lafayette is the biggest department store .. Paris. 4 The chairman .....0nm Harrods is Mohamed Al Fayed. 5 went Leonidas to buy some chocolates. 6 [il meet you one thirty tomorrow. 7 WAIt oosnmrene YOU if YOU Want to try it on. 8 There are bookstalls the banks of the River Seine. She lives in a big house. He bought a lovely jacket last weekend. | had a wonderful time last night. ‘My father is an old man now. He has got green eyes. 6 ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is an excellent play. waone Shop tUl you Drop! , Sees oanuns That's a heavy box. I can't find my black sweater. Helen is a very pretty girl Prague is a beautiful city in the gaps with the opposite of the adjectives in bold. ls your mother a young woman? No, she’s quite ... Is that bag heavy? : No, it's very Did Sally buy an expensive car? : No, she bought a Does she wear short skirts? : No, she wears ce Do you live in a small house? No, Hive ina pipe s London an ugly city? No, it's a very .. |s Titanic’ a boring film? : No, it's a very Do you have a light blue jumper? : No, Ihave a blue jumper. one. skirts. house. an City. . film, D> OP OP OP OP TPE aE Look at the pictures below, then fill in the gaps with adjectives from the list, as in the example. warm, rectangular, rubber, leather, woollen, small, old, big, cotton, round It's a(n) round rubber. basketball They're gloves tts.a(n) duck. It's a(n) . American flag, Its a(n) .- cowboy boot. ts.a(n) blackboard. 7 Put the adjectives into the correct order. 1. abrown/wooden/large bed 2. asilk/small/black shirt 3. a square/blue/big box 4 alleather/light/grey briefcase 5 atiny/rediround ball 6 avelvetiovely/blue dress 7 a(n) bigiwhite/expensive car 8 a(n) nylon/green/old rucksack 8 Fill in must or can't, Is this your bag? No. it book is inside. \: Is this John’s jacket? No. It . ssonnee BO His. It's too small \: Is this Tim's £20 note? INO. It ssnnnnne B@, Tim's spent all his money. : Is this Don's shirt? Yes. It. bright colours. : Is this Anne's bracelet? INO. It ssn .. be hers. She only likes silver jewellery. 22 bbe Elaine's. Her address e BP OPar be his. He always wears oP 9 Make speculations about the people in the pictures as in the examples. businessman, student, 18 years old, married, pilot, single, earn a lot of money, work long hours ‘She must be a student. She can't be married. , Shop till you Drop! 10 F W in the gaps with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. That was .. (bad) film of all, Your car is a (expensive) mine. Winnie's makes - (good) hamburgers in the city. My suitcase is (heavy) yours. Billis . (ld) in his family. I think Paris is... (beautiful) city in the world. A mouse is (small) a horse. lam ... (tall) my sister. Wie SS (big) department store in your city? The bus is : (cheap) the train. Use the comparative or superlative form of the words in the lists to complete the dialogues below. tasty, expensive, cheap, close A; I'm hungry. Let’s have dinner at Mario's. B: Mario's? It's 1) restaurant inthe city! We haven't got enough money. : How about Carla's Bistro? It's 2) : That's true, but it's far away. | know! Let's go to The Chicken Shack. It's very near, in fact it's 3) ... of all three restaurants and it has 4) . .. Chicken wings around! B: Great idea! Let's go! big, small, good, beautiful T: Hi, Paula! How are you? : Hi, Tanya. I'm fine, thanks. | heard you moved house. Yes, I live in Rosedale now. : Oh, Rosedale is a tts 1)... area in the city = Yes, itis llove my new house. i's got four bedrooms so it's much 2) .. my last one, The garden is 3) . my old one, but | don't mind. : Rosedale also has 4) ...... of the city, doesn't it? : Yes, it does. You must come for a visit soon. Sure! views 12 Read the information about the two cars below, then complete the sentences, as in the example. at £18,000. This car is ten years old. It has a top speed of 100 | Miles per hour. It's for sale |e at £2,000. 1 Car Ais ...bigger than Car B... . (big) 2 CarBis See (old) 3 CarAis... ba .- (fast) 4 CarBis -(cheap) 5 CarAis, @ Communication: a) Asking about Prices 13 Look at the pictures below, then use the logues, as in the prompts to make short (good) ‘example. a a bananas / £1.10 sunglasses / £40 bicycle / £190 per kilo ites || av__| et ey umbrella / £15 flowers / £7 briefcase / £50 SA: Excuse me. How much are these bananas? SB: They're £1.10 per kilo, This car is two years old. It | has a top speed of 160 | miles per hour. t's for sale | | Shop till you Drop! , b) Polite Requests and Offers 14 Complete the dialogues below with sentences from the list. - Would you like anything written on it? = Certainly. How much would you like? - 1 think a chocolate one will be fine. - Two loaves, please. a A: I'dlike some bread, please. » ro 2) Here you are. I'd lke to order a birthday cake, please. Of course. What type of cake would you like? A isis 2) Yes. "Happy Birthday Elaine’ @Reading 15 Read the letter and tick the objects that are in Mr Clarke's briefcase, then match the headings to the paragraphs. POOP @>o Dear Sir/Madam, | believe | left a briefcase at the Bridge Hotel during my stay there from 6th to 9th | Parat June. | was staying in room 207. It is a rectangular black briefcase. It is quite large and is made of leather. My initials, ALC, are in gold letters on the handle. Inside, there are some important’] paras documents, a watch and a camera. if by any chance someone has handed my briefcase in to the hotel's lost property office, please contact me on (0171) 237 5429 before 8 pm. Para 2 Yours faithfully, ‘Andrew Lee Clarke description of lost item reason for writing description of contents how to contact the owner 16 Read the dialogue and fill in the missing questions. Then, answer the questions which follow. = Did you have much money in the purse? - Was it that new one you bought? - How was your holiday in the Cotswolds? - It was quite old, wasn't it? A: Hi, Dora. 1) ci : f B: Oh, great, thanks Barry. The countryside is so beautiful there. The only problem was that | think | left my handbag at the Lakeside Hotel, where | was staying. ‘A: Ohno! 2) B: No, itwas an old one, but I really liked it. It was the small brown leather one. It's square and has got a long shoulder strap. You know the one. ‘A: Oh yes. remember. 3) B: Yes, but the problem is that it had my purse in it and my address book ‘Oh dear. 4) de Well... yes, over £80. I eally think you should write to the hotel and see if they've found it. Pop Where does Dora think she left her handbag? What does her handbag look like? What was inside the handbag? How much money was in the purse? What does Barry suggest? aeons @ Writing (a formal letter inquiring about lost property) 17 Use the information from Ex. 16 and the plan in Ex. 15 to write Dora's let to the hotel asking if they have found her handbag (80 - 120 words). Use the letter in Ex. 15 as a model. 1 Days to Remember i 5 The helicopter .. sone 09 the roof of the buidling and five men jumped out. 6 The pilot for help, then pulled his coat around his shoulders to keep warm, 7 There was a big black bag ... from one of the tree branches. 8 Ataxi driver .. the old man and took him to hospital. 4 Fill in the appropriate adjective from the list. horrible, wintry, delighted, unharmed, ‘wonderful, amazing, comfortable @ Grammar 5 Underline the correct word. 1 The girl smiled sweetisweetly as she accepted the flowers. 2 Sudden/Suddenly, they heard the sound of ‘someone coming up the stairs. He gentle/gently picked up the tiny puppy. ‘They were scared when they heard the heavy/ heavily footsteps. He closed the door soft/softly because he didn't ‘want to wake the children, He was careful/carefully not to drop the vase. She did good/well in her tests. No o so 6 Read the text and write the words in brackets in their correct form. ‘The sun shone 1) . . (bright) as Todd's mother drove him to the ski resort. ‘Don't forget ths," she said, handing him his rucksack. Todd threw the bag over his shoulder and went towards the ski lift ‘Snow began to fall 2) (Soft) as the lit took him to the top of the mountain, Todd jumped off a) vues (Careful), but he slipped on the ice ‘and fell. The chairlift behind him caught his rucksack and pulled him 4) . . (violent) into the air. Todd screamed 5) . (loud) as tire itt started again and carrie upwards. Luckily, it wasn't going very 6) .. (fast) and ‘someone heard his cries and stopped the lift. ‘A skier hurried 7) = (quick) over to him. “Are you alright?” he asked. “Yes,” said Todd 8) (brave), “but | don’t know how I'm going to get my rucksack back!” He looked up. The. bag was still hanging from the ski lift. 7 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. 1 The\etter . -» (ie) on the table when she got home, 2 They (watch) a film when the pizza arrived. 3. “I don't know where she is,” he (reply). 4 Dr Lewis her shoes off 5 Melinda ... (gasp) in amazement when she saw the beautiful diamond ring, 6 The bride was wearing a white lace dress and she .- (hold) a bouquet of roses. 7. She was reading the letter when she (hear) a noise behind her. (sit) down and took 8 The fireman . (climb) the tree to rescue the cat when it jumped down on its own 9 She «- (shake) her head and walked away. 10 It was twelve o'clock and Mrs Stone .. une (Walt) for her daughter to come home. 11 Mr'Smith (paint) the. hall when his wife walked through the front door. 12 The waiter was carrying a plate and two glasses (fall). (decide) to buy her birthday. ll Days to Remember 18 ‘There were a lot of tourists in the castle. Suddenly, there was a terrible scream. Harry was talking to Ali and Maya. Jane was looking at the painting. The guide was sitting on a box. Ali and Maya were listening to Harry. Mick was taking a photograph. Mr West was walking into the room ‘Mr Brown was listening to the guide. Pam / scream / when / she / see / the stranger in her house the thieves / steal / the painting / while / guard / not loo the man in the photo / wear / an old suit / and / hold / a blue umbrella it / snow / heavily / as / the climbers / reach / the camp he / walk / in the park / when / he find / a set of keys it / stop / raining / so / the children /-g0 out / to play the loudspeaker / break / while /the band / play / their first song Days to Remember 4 10 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple ‘or past continuous A: How 1) (be) your trip to Leeds Castle last Saturday? 2) arty pha {you/enjoy) it? B: Oh, yes! We 3) ... (have) a great time. Its a fantastic place, although the staff 4) .... -- (€lo8e) part of it just before we 5) (arrive). ‘A. Oh, what a pity. B: Well, yes, but do you know why? A television channel 6) sons (make) a film about the life of King Henry Vil, and Jeff Springer 7 (play) the part of the king! ‘A: How exciting! B: Yes, it 8) ... (be). The sun 9) (shine) too, so you can imagine how fantastic the costumes 10) «- (100k). But something really amazing 11) (happen) on the way home. ‘A: Oh? What was that? B: Well, we 12) . (drive) down the motorway towards London, when suddenly the car 13) z (break down). Guess who 14) (8€€) US aNd 15) .onnnnn (Give) US a lift to the service station! B: Who? A: Jeff Springer himself! 11. Under ime expression. 1. The man in front of me kept talking during/while the concert, 2. She started a diet all day yesterday/yesterday. 3. Gill was writing a letter during/while Steve was doing the washing-up. 4 He had a car accident two weeks ago/for the last two weeks. 5. This time last Saturday/By last Saturday, | was lying on a beach eating ice cream 6 He was riding his bike while/when he saw the dog. 7 The man was climbing through the window just ‘as/while the policeman walked into the room. 8 They were cooking all day/during yesterday. 9 The tired child slept at nightfall night long. 10 She phoned him at seven o'clock now/last night. 12 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous, then choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 1 Samuel ie) in bed when/while he .. . (hear) a noise, ai .». (watch) television ‘when/during the lights oe (GO Out), 3 Betty... (sing) so/while her sister Cecilia (play) the piano. 4 NAOMI ern -- (wear) her smart new suit as/and she ..... (carry) her new leather briefcase. Sites .. (burn) my hand white/during | (cook) the evening meal. 6 Ben. svmunne (@8K) me to go with him to the doctor's, butiso | (go). 7 The cat ..- (have) her kittens while/ during the night when everyone (sleep). (knock) at your door last night, (be) asleep. 8 I. as/but | think you 13. Read the beginning of a story entitled “The Accident”, then take turns to continue the story using the key words. Finally, write the story. $1: It was raining heavily and I was glad | was sitting in my warm fe 2: Suddenly, | heard car brakes screeching. key words: rai/heavy, sittwarm flat, hear/screeching, lookiwindow, see/car, man and woman/get out, woman/shout, hear/doorbell, afraid/answer, hear/bang/door, hear/car engine start, slowly/open/door, see/dog, dog/injured, take/indoors, call/vet, dog/get better, decide/keep Days to Remember 14 Bruce went on a bike tour around Australia. Look at the pictures and use the prepositions to fill in the gaps in the text. Then, put the pictures in the correct order. Finally, look at the pictures and talk about Bruce's journey. ‘At last it was time to begin my long journey. | got 1) .. bike and said goodbye to my friends, Leaving them 2) ie | pushed my bike 3)... the ferry which would take me 4) the Sydney Harbour Bridge. | was starting my 16,000 kilometre cycle ride around Australia. First, l cycled mainly 5) the coast road. Then, | followed the Caprician Highway 6) Longreach. The road 7) ... . 10 the top of the mountain was difficult, but the view was beautiful. Then | went 8) : the other side of the mountain at top speed and o outback, cycling 9) «nn. ... hundreds of kilometres of dried grass. Everyone | met on the journey was very kind to me. Some people even gave me comfortable beds to sleep 10)... .. was glad they were so generous because | had a long way to go! my 15. Read these story beginnings and underline the correct form of the verb. 4 One day, as | was walking/walked to the station, | noticed a anes man, He looked/was looking in a jeweller’s window. | 3 It was Saturday night. | was locking/locked my car when | heard/was hearing someone The sun shone/was. shinin when we left for the beacty ‘Suddenly, as we arrived, it was wted raining heavily. @ Communication: A Witness’ Report 16 Put the verbs in the correct tense, then act out the dialogue in pairs. AS Hi, Frank. 14) ooo .. (see) three police cars on my way here. What's going on? There 2) abank robbery Sree fat home when it 4) (happen)? Yes, but | 5) ae (hear) some people shouting outside, s0 1 6)... (go) outside to have a look. 7 (be) ago. - (you/be) a few hours (the police/arrive) in time? Yes, they 8) (catch) one of the robbers, but the other 01 9) i (escape). Luckily, as he 10) .. (run away) he 11) . (drop) the bag with the money init Days to Remember i @ Reading 17 a) Read the following story, and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Venice, with its many ancient buildings 1) ‘ (look) beautiful on such a clear ‘summer's day. The sun 2) .. (shine) brightly over the calm waters as James and Elsa 3) vavnnnnnsninnewn (F@@CH) the Grand Canal, where a gondola 4) .. . (wait) for them. thought I'd surprise you with a boat ride,” said James. While they 5). (travel) along the canal, they 6) times so that Elsa 7) . admire the wonderful churches and monuments. Their uide helpfully 8) - (tell) them the name of each place. As other boats 9). (pass) them, their cheerful passengers 10) 2 . (wave) and 11) (smile) at the happy couple. Laughter, music and the delicious smell of talian cooking 12) . ‘When they 13) ... Bridge, they suddenly 14) roar. A motorboat 15) them! As it 16) (rush) past, a huge WAVE 17) . (Splash) James and Elsa with dirty canal water. The guide 18) (fall) backwards and 19) . . (shout) angrily at the people in the motorboat. “Oh dear,” 20) .. . (laugh) James. “Perhaps a gondola ride wasn't such a peaceful and romantic idea afterall!” @ Writing (a story) 18 Look at the pictures and match the sentences to the pictures, then write the events in the [[_] Carlos's grandfather couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the egg and immediately called the authorities to tell them the exciting news. BT _] Catlos felt very proud that his story appeared in every newspaper, and he even gave some interviews on television. [[-] One summer moming, as he waved goodbye to his grandparents and set off on his bicycle, Carlos had a feeling that it was going to be a very special day. (4[_]A few hours later, Carlos was breaking some rocks to look for fossils inside, when he noticed a strange-looking rock. yi" b) Correct the sentences, as in the example. 1 Ahelicopter was waiting for them. ‘No, it wasn't. A gondola was waiting for them. Elsa admired the wonderful statues. They suddenly heard a loud splash, A car was speeding towards them. James shouted at the people in the motorboat. asen [51] Early the next moming, Carlos set off on the long hot bus journey to the Carmen Funes Museum in Plaza Huincul with his precious egg. E[] Over the next few months, scientists found hundreds more dinosaur eggs. 19 Use the information from. Ex. 18, as well as your own ideas, to write a story entitled “Carlos’s Lucky Find” (120-180 words). 11 BEM Planning Anead oe Vocabulary : 3 Use adjectives from the list to make sentences, as in the example. 1. Look at the pictures, then use words from athletic, courageous, polite, creative, strong, the list below to fill in the gaps. imaginative, patient, careful plumber, hairdresser, secretary, photographer, eee Trapeze artists ../iave to be courageous and careful ™~ iS lige ote! Rie) tah ret b An) Bie iat gente y ¢ Ain) - on .. US@S a Spanner. Waiters. d Ain) uses a ‘a palette and paintbrushes. ss e Ain) Jasseseeeeee USES @ COMD. 8 AD) sree uses a camera. 2 Match the jobs to the responsibilities, then 4 Fill in: as, in, at or for. make complete sentences, as in the example. 1. Do you think you're ready... your test yet? eee ity 2 .... September, we're going to buy a new house. 3. Tim works a gardener at the Hote! Royale. mechanic. _ prepares meals in a restaurant 4 : the moment, I'm still at school farmer plays songs on the ra 5 Rachel and Diana are studying History chef repairs cars university. nurse designs buildings disc jockey grows crops and raises animals architect fixes leaking taps 5 Underline the correct verb in bold. |_plumber looks after patients in a hospital 1. I'ma doctor, so | mustn't make/do mistakes at work. 2 The staff in this office practise/work very long hours. 3 We studied/learnt about sharks at schoo! today. 4 When are you passing/taking your driving test? 5 I've got a job interview this morning, so wish/give me luck! A mechanic repairs cars. n Planning Ahead A 8 Barbara is going on holiday to Jamaica next @ Grammar oeed saline lngeabeshonelagiis abiionns 1. send/invitations First study her shopping list and cross out the ier abotitibath situation, thet akake things that she doesn’t need for her holiday, predictions using going to and a phrase from then make sentences about what she is/isn't the list. going to buy as in the examples. become a vegetarian, replace them, become a firefighter, go whitewater rafting, make a reservation, pick it up ‘A customer has complained that the knives and forks are dirty, The waiter .. eae ready. stn Young James is an anirpal lover who hates eating meat. He .... She is going to buy some suncream. Sarah wants to go on an adventure holiday. She isn't going to buy an umbrella. She George wants to save ives and he's not afraid of Match the problems to the offers, as in the danger. example. He aes esd aiaas) ‘The Smiths are Organising a party for their t son, Jason. Look at the pictures and use the | 1 My car has broken a ‘I'll give you one. prompts to make sentences about what they down. b ilwash it for you. are going to do, as in the example. 2 I'm very col ¢ Til make some 3. I've lost my pencil sandwiches. 4 My back really hurts. Hl drive you to the) 5. I'm hungry! i owrenas 6 My jumper is dirty. e Fidos ts pidow.| iphone the doctor. | 10 Complete the short dialogues with will, won't or am going to. 2 cleanihouse 1A: Why are you wearing a suit and tie? BI meet my new boss this afternoon, 2 A: | can't pick up this box. BI. help you with i. 3. A: Don't forget to buy some tomatoes today. Don't worry, | fa 4s Wat ae your pens for Sunday? B: ... Visit my grandparents. eke et 8. Teese heal B: Okay, | . turn the volume down, 5 buy/present for Jason 4: This coffee is too strong, 1. They're going to send invitations. BI vvswnewe Put Some more milk in it a Bh 7 &: Don't come home late tonight 3% B: Don't worry, Mum. |. 4 8 A: It's quite cold today. 5. B: Yes, itis. I think it... snow. 3 J Planning Anead 11. Complete the sentences with the correct 14 Look at the pictures below, then use the form of the verbs in brackets. prompts to make sentences about what each person will do when they graduate 1 ifthe -. (miss) his this summer. flight, he won't be able to go to Madrid BQ MYOU case careful, you'll hurt yourselt 3 Ifshe gets a job, she..... 4 Ifyou drink some tea, you (feel) better 5 ithe one (Notiset) his alarm clock, hell be late for work. 6 Ifshe .. (g0) to the gym, she'll lose weight 7 if (not/have) enough time to cook, I'l order a pizza 8 IfSheila (wake up) early, she'll do the shopping, 9 iit (rain) tomorrow, well stay at home. 10 if you make dinner tonight, | (do) the washing-up. 12. Match the items in column A to those in column B, as in the example. Sam- buy a ‘computer ‘Ann - buy a car a ...When Mark graduates, he'll go to Sydney. 1. If get a headache, @ youwill feel healthier.) > oe ager | 2 Ifyou 00 to bed to] lll open the window. * | tonight, ¢ I'ltake an aspirin. q | 3 Ifldon’thave lunch, — d_I'llbe hungry later. e 4 If you don't eat junk e we'll go for a walk in) | food, the park. 5 lfitgetswarminhere, f you will be tired ; ih. ak Bin @ Communication: Making Appointments, Reminding and 13 Use the prompts to make sentences, as in Reassuring People the example. 15 Fill in the gaps with will, ’m afraid, ‘d like, What will happen if you ... ‘collation aowla. 1 go to Paris? I 1 go to Paris, I wil visit the Eiffel Tower.. e ieee ge 2, peek (0. Me any 2 have a stomach ache tomorrow? i e's ra meeting at the moment 3 forget to tidy your room? oe YOU like to leave a message? 4 goto the city centre? A: Yes, please. 4) se YOU tell him that Mr 5 are very tired after dinner? Jones called? 6 do well in your exams? B: Certainly, Sit. 18) .nnmnnm a8k him to contact 7 have a party? you as soon as he’s finished. 8 miss the bus? ‘A: Thank you very much. 4 1G Fill in the gaps with will or won't. the supermarket. know, | 1) .. 2D > shopping list. Don't worry, 1 2) 2D way home. Okay, | 3)... ‘ ‘Make sure you call me if you need any help. 14) S22 @ Reading 17 a) Read the advertisement and letter, then answer the questions below. 1 Where did Andrew see the advertisement? 2 Has he included all his question points in his lett 3. Why are there two addresses in Andrew's letter? 4 How does he finish his letter? Why? ‘Make sure you go to the bank before you go to Don't forget to buy all the vegetables on the ‘Oh, and don't forget to get a newspaper on your SPEND THE SUMMER in AMERICA aoe? Do you enjoy working with kids? / We're looking for active and creative(young) J ren and women to,work)at our lovely summer ccamp by Lake Tonawonda> pes write to us iF you are interested in enjoying seme ot sports and theatre in the United States. 4 Contact: Mrs Lynn Davis Lake Tonawonda ‘Summer Camp Syracuse, New York 10025 USA b) Match the headings to the paragraphs. your questions ... closing remarks .... reason you are writing .. Planning Anead J 15, Harton Street London 9€23 1DW England 16th May, = Lynn Davio Lake Tonawonda ‘Summer Camp Syracuse, New York 10025 USA Dear Mrs Davis, Lam writing regarding your advertivement In the ‘April edition of ‘Working Away’. | would be grateful para 1 if you could send me some. further information a6 | am interested in working at Lake Tonawonda Summer Camp this summer. First of all. your advertisetnent stateo that: you ‘are looking for young men and women to work at ‘the canip. Which age group are you interested in icing? ! would also like to know how mary hours a |Para2 day statt are required to work, I addition to this, $e you pronde menle ond accorsmodation for the ‘taf? Finally, which morthe i9 the camp open during the surmer? Tank you for yeu asitance, 00k fort £0" yg hearing from you soon. Youre sincerely. ‘Andrew Simin @ Writing (a formal letter asking for information) 18 Look at the advertisement in the May edition of ‘Summer Work’, then use the question points to write a letter asking for information (100 - 150 words). Use the letter in Ex. 17 as a model. Collingbury Farm is looking ‘* be young and fit ‘* have previous experience Martin Ellis Collingbury Farm NN4 SYL Tramford Ua 6 @ Vocabulary 1 Use words in the list to label the pictures below. crisps, salad, ketchup, chocolate cake, steak, strawberry, milk, cereal, hamburger, soup, FA = & ive reasons, as in hhot chocolate, hot dog 2 Cross the odd word out. the example. apple juice, Als, coffee, milk (the rest are drinks) doughnut, peach, lemon, watermelon ice cream, chocolate cake, spaghetti, apple pie lettuce, steak, cabbage, carrots hamburger, banana, hot dog, pizza oaone Food, Glorious Food ___ 3 Fill in the table with words from the list. coffee, milk, flour, soup, cereal, crisps, tea, apple juice, sugar, salad, orange juice, hot chocolate 4 Put the words in the list bel ‘appropriate columns. into the carrot juice, hamburgers, beer, cereal, grapes, crisps, sweets, yoghurt, doughnuts, watermelon, chocolate, fruit salad Cravath TST VRy 5 Underline the correct adjective in bold. 1 The food was delicious/horrible. All the dishes that we tasted were well-cooked and freshly made. 2 The service was extremely fast/slow. We had to wait for half an hour before a waiter appeared. 3 The staff were very helpful and polite/rude, Our waiter took the time to explain the menu to us in detail 4 The menu was boring/varied and had a great selection of salads, pastas and meat dishes. 5 The food was rather expensive/cheap. We had to pay almost £50 for two people. 6 The restaurant was quite quiet/noisy. The music was so loud that | couldn't hear what my wife was: saying. Fill in the correct word in the list. dessert, bill, order, main course, starving ‘Are you ready to Shall we order now? I'm Could I have the a Vd lke grilled chicken for the... Til have some strawberries for si? please? 1 2 3 4 5 5 bread | 9 ese. |10 doughnut | 7 mm orange {11 sandwich | 8... tomato |12 = €99 spaghetti ew banana cherries, 8 Look at the list of foods in Sarah's fridge, then make sentences using some or any, as in the ‘examples. There is some meat in the fridge. There aren't any carrots in the tridge. 9 Underline the correct word in bold. How many/much biscuits would you like? ‘There isn’t many/much sugar in this tea. How many/much chocolates did you eat? I didn’t use many/much eggs to make the omelette. ‘There isn’t many/much milk left. How many/much hot dogs would you like? You didn’t put many/much salt in the soup. How many/much bacon do you need? ‘There isn't many/much lettuce in this salad. We haven't got many/much wine for the party. Se@vonsons 10 Put the words in the list below into the appropriate columns. raisins, cake, flour, sweets, sandwiches, cereal, ‘peaches, ham, mushrooms, marmalade Food, Glorious Food 6 11 Correct the mistakes, as in the example. Seorvousonas There aren't hugh carrots left. There are any eggs in the fridge. ‘There is a few tea lett in the teapot. Would you like a apple? Is there many cheese left? Do you want an hamburger? How much oranges do you need? ‘There are a little grapes left in the fridge. ‘Are there some olives on that pizza? ‘Would you like some doughnut? samany.. 12 Fill in the correct word from the list. A any, an, a, some ‘A: Would you like 1) eee OfANGE? B: No, thanks. Id rather have 2) .. - coffee, A: Sorry, there isn't 3) wn. Coffee left. How about 4) lass of milk? B: Sure. ‘many, much, a few, a little, some A: How 1) . cheese do you need? B: Just 2) ~~. . We only have 3). ‘eggs lef, though. A: Okay. I'l buy 4) then. How Be - shall | get? B: | think six will be enough. 13 Tick (V) the correct sentences. 4 a) Can | have an egg, please? b) Can | have some egg, please? a) Would you like any milk? b) Would you like some milk? a) Is there many ice cream left? b) Is there any ice cream lett? 'a) We don't need many strawberries, b) We don't need much strawberries, a) I'd like a little sugar please. b) I'd like a few sugar please. a) Would you like a meat? ; b) Would you like some meat? a a) There are a few biscuits left. b) There are a litte biscuits let. ‘ a) There isn't many juice in the fridge... ') There isn't much juice in the fridge. a) I'd like an Coke, please. b) I'd like some Coke, please. a) Is there any ketchup? 'b) Is there some ketchup? i] ii Food, Glortous Food 14 Use should or shouldn't to make sentences about driving safely, as in the example. 1. keep your eyes on the road You should keep your eyes on the road... 2 drink and drive 3. drive when you're tired 4 drive with the al on at right 5 drive carelessly 15. Use should or shouldn't and a verb from the stay, phone, eat, ask, spend 1 A: Lean't do my homework. B: You .» Your teacher for help. 2. A; Tracy is always buying new clothes. B: She .. 80 much money. 3A: My car has broken down B: You 4 A: I don’t feel well B: You... 5 A: | want to lose weight. B: You ‘a mechanic. 16 Read the leaflet below giving owners of ‘sing, advice to fish and make sentences ‘or shouldn't, as in the example. HOW TO TAKE GARE OF YOUR PET FISH 1. ¥ feed fish/small amount once a day You should feed your fish a small amount once a day.... 2X leaveffish tank in the sun 3. 7 change/water once every two weeks 4 X keep fish/in a small fish tank 5 v put/some rocks in the fish tank 17 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the future simple. 1. Let's have dinner before We enn (watch) the film. 2 When . about your exam results? ‘3. When Karen's plane please call me. 4 Kevin won't go to bed until he .. (find) his teddy bear. 5 When ready? .. (you/find/out) (arrive) . (dinner/be) 18 Make full sentences using the prompts, as in the example. 1. you/add yoghurt to curry/itinot taste so hot WlWhen you add yoghurt to curry, it doesn’t taste 0 hot. 2 plants/not get enough waterithey/die 4. youlpressithis switchithe lighticome on 5 youlheat/icejit/melt @ Communication: Polite Requests & Offers; Making, Accepting & Refusing Offers’ 19 Use the phrases in the list to complete the short es below. Where does each dialogue take place? can I help, would you like, do you want, would like AA) a to see the dessert menu, madam? B: No, thank you. I'm full ‘A; Would you like some tea or coftee? B: 12) .. . Some coftee, please. BA 1) you? B: Yes. Id ike a cheeseburger and some chips. A 2). «anything to drink? B: Coke, please. Food, Glorious Food i @Readini @ Writing (a report about g ints of 20 a) Read the report and fill in although, firstly, secondly, ng tool AAA Eto finally, and however, then mark the sentences which a place) follow as T (true) or F (false). 21 Tim Davis visited the new Introduction Fontana’s Pizza House in ‘The purpose of this report is to assess the new Blue Moon Sunford last week. Read his restaurant in Abbington’s city centre, which | visited on | Perat ‘comments and fill in the table 44th May. below. Use the completed table Food and Prices to write his report. Use the The menu at the Blue Moon is rather boring for in Ex. 20 as a model vegetarians as there are only a few salad and pasta (120-160 words). dishes to choose from. 1) there are plenty ‘of delicious dishes for those who eat meat. | ordered the grilled chicken with Basmati rice. The chicken was very tasty, but the rice was rather cold. | also thought that the Para2 Blue Moon was rather expensive. Service though my guest and | asked a lot of questions, our waiter Noisy — | think they should play remained polite and patiently explained many dishes to | para quieter music. us. 2) vase it WaS very busy on the night | visited 4 the Blue Moon, the service was still fast. sneranlashwara a < Atmosphere ‘clean and the furnishings were The comfortable seating, lovely furnishings and live piano music helped to give the Blue Moon a relaxing ‘atmosphere. The excellent food and service definitely made our evening pleasurable. Conclusion ‘The new Blue Moon restaurant in Abbington’s city centre is, on the whole, a wonderful place to dine. However, | very modern. Paras Ri. cel ‘The menu was rather boring — I think they should add some ferent dishes. The service was think the manager should make a few changes. 3) .. .. She should have a wider selection of vegetarian — I think the manager should Gishes, so that al customers are satisfied. 4). train staff to work faster. she should make sure that all hot dishes are ser 5) -» She should lower the prices to give everyone a chance to visit this fabulous new restaurant. The staff at the Blue Moon were friendly and helpful. Even The staff were very friendly. _——_—— isle Se 1 The menu is great for vegetarians. 2. The restaurant was rather expensive 3. The statf were rude. 4. The restaurant is a wonderful place to dine. b) Read the report again and match the paragraphs to the paragraph descriptions. @) good & bad points about food & prices b) good & bad points about atmosphere ¢) name of place, location, purpose of report 4) comments & suggestions ) good & bad points about service WUE Profiles @ Vocabulary 1 Look at the picture and label the parts of the body with words from the list. ‘knee, ankle, finger, ear, arm, head, hand, wrist, foot, shoulder, elbow, leg il a] 2 2 Which of the items in Ex. 1 can you break, sprain, hurt or cut? 3 Fill in the correct preposition fromthe list. pis. at, into, down, in, on, for, to, over, rom There are a lot of hospitals and clinics the area srsnmninse fist, the doctor was Worried thet the Cut would not heal properly ‘The doctor told him to return the hospital for a check-up. Thave had a bad COld 0. weeks. That student has a good career of him. My doctor wrote rn. had to buy. John had chickenpox and had spots all. his body, Make sure you keep all medicines away ... children. The MUFSE COMES ..nnnnnnim Gut at ten o'clock. The scientists are doing reseAFCh wu... the causes of cancer. the last two v» the medicines What's wrong with each person? Match the prompts to the pictures, then use them to write short dialogues, as in the example. get/toothache, burn/finger, break/leg, catch/cold, get/stomach ache, get/cough Profiles 5 Use the prompts and the phrases in the list to complete the dialogues, as in the put some cream on it, put it in cold water, put a plaster on it, go to the gym tonight, get some cough medicine, get you an aspirin, see your dentist, get some ice 1. A: Your back /s sunburnt. (back/be sunburnt) B: Shall Ieee oan ack wae B: 3k B: ak: B: 5A B: Why don't you 6. Ape eds B: You should .... 7 A My. (stomach muscles/hurt) B: You shouldn't 8 A: I think | B: rl " (hurt/ankle) for you. @ Grammar 6 John went to the doctor's last week. Look at the list of things John has to do, then write sentences, as in the example, 7 Tick Yes or No, then make sentences about yourself using the present perfect simple, as in the example. Toe had the fli./Cve newer had the fu Read the short dialogues and fill in yet, already or just. A: I've been feeling ill all week. Have you seen a doctor A lve vw got back from the doctors He says Ive got the fu A: Has Janet returned to work B: No. She's still in hospital. ~ ‘A: John is staying at home again today. He's got a temperature. B: He's . _ missed two days of school! | hope he gets better soon. A lve. . found out that my son has got measles. Perhaps you shouldn't come to the house. : Oh don't worry. I've .. had measles. : Have you done your homework... 1'm sorry. | haven't finished : I've still got a terrible headach Would you like an aspirin? Wve .. ; hasn't worked A 2 >Oroe taken one, but it 31 Profiles 9 Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the past simple. ‘A: What's the matter, Bill? B: 11) (hurt) my arm. ‘A: Oh, when 2) (you/do) that? B: 13) (do) it yesterday when |1was playing football A: Is it still painful? B: Well, it 4) (hurt) a lot when it 5) soosmne (Happen) ALO bpe. (you/see) a doctor yer? B: Yes, 17) .- (go) last night but | 8) (not/break) any bones and I just need to rest. ‘A; No football for you for a while, then! B: Oh, I don't know about that! | 9) (never/injure) myself playing football before. Besides, 'm sure I'l be okay in a few days. 10 Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues using the correct reflexive pronoun and should/shouldn't ‘A: What's happened? B: I've cut A: You careful .. be more What's wrong? : She's hurt for a while Poe “walk ‘A: What are they doing? B: They're enjoying in the pool AL ThOY on more often. - exercise What's wrong? He's injured He: tennis for a while. Por “play 5 A: What's happened? B: I've hurt A: You sv lift such heavy weights. 11 a) Fill in since or for. 7 the last three | 6 was six years 7 last Monday 2 yesterday | 8 we moved 3 six months house 4 breakfast ime | 9 two o'clock 5 . 1998 | 10 four hours b) Now make up sentences using the present perfect simple and five of the 12 Match the pictures to the prompts. Then, expand them into full sentences using the present perfect continuous with for oF since. 1. play / professional tennis / over ten years 2 record /hit songs / 1965 3. skate / she was three years old 4 make / albums / fourteen years 5 act/ comedy films / 197 oo000 13 a) Read the article and put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. He had a difficult childhood, but this Canadian actor 4) omen (always/make) people laugh. He 2) - dostncesnssaroeeerone (work) in comedy since he was fifteen and 3) ‘ .. (perform) ‘on the stage for many years. Since he 4) (live) in Los Angeles, he §) «nis (make) many very successful comedy films, including Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Dumb and Dumber and The Mask. However, he 6) Sonne (Play) ‘some serious roles too, such as Truman in The Truman Show. Lately, he 7) 2 sesevenenceconenges ceneseoneseneeeen (PpRaCtise) his singing for a new film about the Beatles. He is, without doubt, a very talented man. b) Can you guess who the actor is? @ Communication: Talking about Injuries 14 Fill in the missing words from the list below. Then, act out the dialogue in pairs. write, aspirin, wrist, hurts, sprained Doctor, | think I've broken my ie shee : Can you move it? Yes, I can. Well then, you haven't broken it. You have 2) at : Is that bad? : Itmeans you can't play basketball for a few weeks. CaN Stil 3) on 2 ‘Yes, but not too much. You should rest it as much as possible. Itreally 4) : .: You can take some 5) .. to stop the pain. Thanks, Doctor! Sue: Sue: Doc. Sue: Sue’ Profiles | @ Reading 15 Read the letter and answer the questions which follow, descriptions to the paragraphs. similar expressions to replace Best wishes. then match the Finally, think 17th May ... Dear Elaine, I in ‘Guess what? I'm in hospital! '™m in the Royal General, ward 4 and I've been here since Saturday. 've broken my |— but don't worry, I'm okay. re0 pappened on Saturday night outside the ch and chip shop in Rose Square. | was in a hurry and | ran down some ‘tops. There was some oil on the steps, but I didnt see it $0 | slipped and fell. ce that my parents were with me. They sgh totnshogpta had an Xray andthe doctor si my Jeg was broken. Now it is in plaster and I'm ect alowed W move it. The doctors and nurses have been very kind, Put food here is awful! Anyway, they've said | can go ome tomorrow or the next day. : How are things with you? Ihope you're well. Can yousend me a rice long letter, or phone me when | get home? Best wishes, Carol J = ns 1 Where is Carol? 2 Why is she in hospital? 3. How did the accident happen? 4 What happened at hospital? 5 When can she go home? the after the accident details of the accident .. : reason for writing . closing remarks .... @ Writing (a letter describing an accident) 16 Put the prompts in the correct order, then use them to write a letter to your pen-friend explaining what happened (100 - 150 words). Use the letter in Ex. 15 as a model. [a]_] lucky/sister/with me — she/take me/straight/hospital — doctor/ ‘examine/arm/say/badly scalded — now/ttin a bandage/not allowedi/get it wet — doctors/nurses/very nice - say/l/go home/ tomorrow [BT_] City Generaljward 17/Sunday — scald/arm/not worry/okay [e]_] hoperyoustamily/well — write soon/tell me/allinews [@]_] happen/Sunday morning/kitchen/nome — boil/some water/ panffall oft/stove/all/water/go/on/arm 33 Ui @ Vocabulary 34 le the correct item. The fisherman had just... his fishing line into the water when it started to rain. A pushed B cast When | visited Paris, | went on a learnt a lot about the city C pulled sow tOUF and A guided B popular C crowded A: Do you know Dr Smith? es, | work with him. He iS @ 0... of mine, A colleague B tourist’ ~—_C scientist. Kim's mother had ....... the laundry by the time she got home from school. A cleaned B gone € done ‘The boat was damaged in the storm and it... to the bottom of the sea. A drown B sank C tell The breeze gently... the small boat from side to side. A rocked B smashed € destroyed She had ......... the floor before she mopped it. A polished BB swept C dusted Mary was so deep in that she didn't hear her son crying. A search B horror thought Replace the words in bold with their synonym, terrified, quickly, deserted, excitedly, exhausted, desperately Katie didn’t go to the party because she was tired. Steven ran as fast as he could to the edge of the lf and grabbed Lee's hand. When Adam couldn't find a way out of the burning house, he started shouting anxiously for help. The sun was shining as Beth and William walked along the empty beach. Carol was scared when she realised a strange man was following her. The crowd screamed wildly when the rock star walked onto the stage. 3 A Brush with Danger __ 3 Match the animals in the list to the nouns, whales, cows, flies, deer, bees, wasps, dolphins, sheep, elephants, fish, birds 1 asschool of ..whales, 2 aherdof ... 3 aswarm of 4 afiock of .. 4 a) Which of the following means of transport would you use to travel by land, by sea and by air? Use words from the list to fill in the table. hot-air balloon, train, jeep, yacht, motorbike, car, aeroplane, ship, ferry, bicycle, bus, helicopter by land by sea by air b) Which means of transport do most people use in your country? 5 Fill in the correct prepo: One of the preposition from, at, for, on, in, of, to 1. The brave policeman helped Jeff 2 Wesearched... safety. _»the torch, but we couldn't find it anywhere because it was too dark 3 Don't let gO. away. 4 [eel that | have benefitted greatly . at the summer camp. 5. My grandmother was born in Italy and spent the first years of her life... the island of Sicily. 6 Peggy and Sue stopped to have IUNCh wnnne @ nice restaurant. the string or your kite will fly som working 7 When at last a boat appeared.......... the distance we all felt relieved. 8 Nobody believed what he said except... his mother. A Brush with Danger 10 1" 12 8 4 ‘After he had finished his homework, a when his receptionist called to cancel it. They went to bed | Rese adjust sat ot ® She heat the phone Hor neridoceare: ¢ he went for a walk on appontment eae fa scommeerene tet after the burglars had noe vacuuming left. 1 Lisa was having a 2 After nits the carpet, 'e : cup of coffee at Awe vee, hee The poice arved at ® 42, 900, a= their | Coen someone (play) tenis they the house sess (Call) her had some juice. on her mobile phone. Henry » (return) home by the time Rachel phoned She she had taken a shower. After Jim ae plants, it started to rain ‘As soon as the plane had landed, the captain (turn off) the seat-belt sign By the time Vicky woke up, the children (already/make) breakfast. (not/go) to bed until .. (water) the 4 Mike and Gary won Michelle .onnnvmnessnessnnen (wash) the dishes (plant) first prize because after everyone had gone home. flowers when we they Diana snnnen (NEVEr/See) an ed sn (62th) elephant before she went to Aftica the biggest fish. Don and Ellen had just finished eating when the doorbell... (ring), He didn't read the newspaper until he .. .. (lake) the dog for a walk By the time Martin completed his report, everyone Bienes aA) OT She (not/want) to watch the film as she had seen it before. We .... .. (lock) the door as soon as everyone had left. Tom .. (already/have) dinner at his friend's house, so she didn't need to r 00k for him. est sev f8) ‘Anne took Simon to the doctor's because he... (already/fall) asleep his bicycle when | (cut) his finger. saw him. 3 Q 8) A Brush with Danger 9 Join the sentences below using the word(s) in brackets and the past perfect simple. 1 Ann called for a taxi. She packed her suitcase. (after) 2 Pam and Tom went to the funfair. They finished their homework. (as soon as) 3. We arrived at the harbour. The boat lef. (by the time, already) 4 Thomas entered the stadium. The football match started. (when, already) id all the washing-up. (until) 6 She went to sleep. Her brother came round to see her. (just, when) 7 The burglar left with the painting. ‘The police arrived. (before) 8 The mechanic fixed the car. The customer returned to the garage. (already, when) 10 Read the extracts below and put the verbs in brackets into the past simple, past continuous or past perfect simple. ‘At midday they ee rere morning. s. Ona tain heading fr Amsterdam, when suddenly, “Sige the had to get off break down). ‘Jean and Nick .. (find) a nice spot on (put on) our swimsuits (dive) into the water. A few minutes . (swim) near the 36 11+ Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple, past continuous or past perfect simple. 1A ‘ (Mary/already/feed) the baby when you .... (get) home? B: Yes, and she... (also/put) his toys away. 2 A: When (be) the last time you i (Go out) for dinner? B: Ages ago! It - (be) on Jim's birthday, | think. He Sees (take) us to a Chinese restaurant. aa (they/finish) painting the house WhEN YOU wrens (return)? B: Yes, and they {alsoffix) the roof. ak (happen) to Cathy? B: «: (Play) in her (Cook) dinner, when, suddenly, 1 (hear) a noise coming from the kitchen. | (cun) and .. .. (discover) that Cathy (ust/put) her ‘china doll in the washing machine. ‘A: Oh, dear! ‘nse (hurt) herself? B: No, thank g¢ ut she was upset because her doll (break) and we had to throw it aw 5A (Tom/watch) TV at six o'clock yesterday? B: No, he h (play) computer games with his friend, Sean. @ Communication: Apologising 12 Use the words/phrases in the list to complete the dialogues below. all right, I'm afraid, Never mind, sorry, Twas ill, matter, too busy, worry 1A suse: Fean't help you with the shopping for the party. | haven't finished cleaning the house yet. Don't about it. PIM $0... sesssssnssnere | did't do the laundry, Mum. | was exhausted. Never mind. That's .... siete ‘: Sorry | didn’t take the dog to the vet. | was That's okay. It doesn't... see 'm so sorry | didn't come to your birthday pany. ‘Are you better now? >D 22 > 2D Yes, I'm all right thanks A Brush with Danger 0 @ Reading 13 Read the story and number the paragraphs in the correct order, then answer the questions. [2] Pam screamed when she saw the man running past her. | Suddenly he slipped on the wet | pavement and fell to the ground. Pam quickly picked up the bag that | had fallen from the man’s hand and | pulled off his mask. At that moment the police arrived. [PT_] Tiree hours later, Pam was walking home when a man stopped her. It' was the man she had seen ‘chasing the thief out of the shop. "Miss | Brown? I'm Hans VanBurg. | just wanted to thank you for your bravery, hhe said, "Here, this is for you.” He handed Pam a small velvet case. Inside it was a beautiful diamond necklace. “Oh, my goodness!” Pam ssaid with a delighted smile on her face. “Dreams really can come true!” in October and Pam Brown was on | hher way to the supermarket. It had rained earlier, so the pavements ‘were wet and slippery. {@]_] Pam walked past all the ‘expensive shops. She stopped in front of VanBurg Jewellers and admired the magnificent jewellery in _ the window. It had always been Pam's dream to own a diamond necklace. Suddenly, a man wearing a mask and carrying a bag ran out of the shop. Another man rushed out after him, shouting, “Stop that thief! Stop him!” ass Why were the pavements slippery? What was Pam's dream? What did Pam do when the thief fell? Who stopped Pam as she was ‘walking home? Why? How did Pam feel in the end? bone [€[_] ttwas.a cold, cloudy morning | @ Writing ( story) 14 a) The pictures below show what happened to an explorer Nigel James and his parrot Polly while they were in the Amazon Rainforest last summer. Look at them and answer the questions. 1 What is Nigel doing in picture a? 2 What is Nigel putting on in picture b? 3. Why is Nigel scared in picture c? 4 What is Polly doing in picture d? 5 How does Nigel feel in picture e? bm pas } b) ee Use the prompts below to help you tel * hot summer morning - the Amazon Rainforest - Nigel & Polly have breakfast ‘Nigel decide - go for a walk - put on hat - Polly follow Nigel dangerous snake - Nigel stand stil - terrified Polly pick up snake - drop snake from high above * Nigel relieved - Polly a hero ) Use the prompts above and the plan below to write the story (120 - 180 words). Paras 1: _ who, when, where, what Paras 2 - 3: events one after the other Paras 4: end the story & people's feelings 3] A World of Wonders 2 Underline the correct word. @ Vocabulary 1. Although the lake is man-made 1. Read the descriptions of the places and fill in the traditional, itis stil beautiul missing words. 2 Unfortunately, pollution has open, named, built, carved, visited, situated, performed, broken/damaged the monument. designed, lined, made 3 You can find out more at the information desk/ table. Stonehenge is a famous building/landmark. They have been invited to the ‘opening/open day of a new art gallery The artist had used water colours in his painting/carving. The telephone was invented/ discovered by Alexander Graham Bell ‘The Romans completed/located the Colosseum in 82 AD. They told us not to touch the exhibitions/exhibits. Entry to the museum was free otfrom charge Fill in the missing adjectives from the list. © The Royal Albert Hail near Kensington Gardens in London old, traditional, fascinating, circular buiiding with a huge Sees enormous, popular, unforgettable roof, Itis 7) . vee the husband of Queen Victoria of | Jorvik Viking Centre, York ‘The Jorvik Viking Centre is a1)... ‘. place to visit, with many | Strange and delightful sights to see. ‘The museum is located underground, in the 2) « . town of York. Visitors can see part of the The Sphinn pope Viking town that was dlscovered most famous landimaiis tM oe when a local shopping centre w this also oe se | being built. The museum has a constructed over 4,000 years Bey 3) Nie 2 To face of King Kraehe ng of | display stumes, You can also sooan Egypt at that time, is 9) «. ® : into the rock, The Sphink is 10 wooden fishing boat, which is a 5) exhibit with many tourists. Visitors to this museum will spend an 6) hi. time here. 38 ees AWorld of Wonders y 4 Complete the chart with words from the list. Some words can be used twice. antiques, paintings, bridges, castle, statues, chapels and churches, gold and silver, carvings, art galleries, sculptures pete teen? | eo ‘Landmarks and] buildings found} in a town Items found in museums and galleries @ Grammar 5 a) Rewrite these sentences in the passive. 1. They are holding a festival next month. 2 The company will offer guided tours. 3. They must fix the lock on that door. 4 Somebody stole a famous gallery yesterday. 5 Did Robert design that leaflet? from the b) Rewrite these sentences in the active. 1 Some money will be given to charity by Elaine, 2 The room has been decorated by Ray. 3 The fence will be repaired by Jenny tomorrow. 4 The Eiffel Tower is admired for its unusual design. 5 That note wasn't written by Rosie. 6 Use the prompts to write sentences in the passive, then guess the country. Franc / use / as currency The Franc is used as the currency. b Champagne / make / this country Capital, Ottawa / visit / many tourists b Many beautiful beaches / can find / county 7 Look at the advertisement and complete the sentences with the correct passive tense. 1 West Park Golf Club .. (open) on June 19. 2 Golf clubs can .. (hire) at reasonable rates. 3 Membership .. - (offer) to all experienced piayers. TiS ons (wear) in the club bar. 5 Mrs Handson can ‘on 0333 45569. .-» (contact) 8 Complete each sentence with two to five words including the words in bold. 1. Did they build the house out of stone? built Was the house sae stone’ 2 Have they opened the castle to the public? been Has the castle . .. the public? 3. Police discovered the discovered The theft .. este 5 “cine the police. g A World of Wonders 4 That souvenir shop sells beautiful jewellery. sold Beautiful jewellery .. that souvenir shop. 5 They have closed that part of the gallery because of the fire. closed That part of the gallery because of the fire. 6 Miss Jones must write all these letters. written Allth@S® sou ci Miss Jones. 7. Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa painted The Mona Lisa . Leonardo da Vinci. 8 They will organise a yacht race for next Sunday. organised A yacht race for next Sunday. 9 You can only reach this island by boat reached This island Sf Beet boat. 10 They speak Spanish in most of Latin America. spoken Spanish sane in MOSt Of Latin America. 9 Look at the headlines and complete the first line of the newspaper articles. «ORE! FIRE DESTROYS FACTORY 2 1. Westland Bank was robbed by an armed gang at 3 pm yesterday. 2 ALCO nn last night. 3 Anurse ‘on Tuesday morning, 4 Ahuge new car park... the local council. 5 Leonardo DiCaprio... Solel Patti. at the Prince Theatre. 10 Fill in enough or too. 1. This box is .. 223.5. 3 He's old 40 heavy for me to lift hot for us to work outside, «to tle his own shoelaces. 4 t'm just tired to play tennis today. 5 It's sunny for a picnic, isn't it? 6 She didn't buy the watch, as it was expensive. 7 The water is .. Cold to swim in today. 8 John doesn't work hard to be successtul 110 Match column A with column B. a an aie problem. to travel alone. © to be interesting big enough for the new statues. 1 They aren't fit 2 It is too dangerous 3 Danny isn’t clever 4 1am too hungry to wait for dinner. 2 ameeen et f enough to climb to 6The fam was too long) ii. "te YP of the tower. 12 Under ine the correct word. Don't take that camera. It's my/mine. They lost their/they tickets. That luggage is ours/us, Paris is her/she favourite city. The strawberry ice cream is your/yours. Just as they unpacked the things for them/their picnic, it began to rain. 7 Ben was very proud of him/his holiday photos and showed them to everyone. 8 Jean had an accident while driving her/hers car. onsens @ Communication: Asking for and Providing Information 13 Fill in how, where, what or when, then read out the dialogue in pairs. y is Notre Dame Cathedral? Its in Paris. 2) .. ‘was it built? twas builtin 1345. 3) is it used for? It's used as a place of Worship. 4)... tall is it? SA: Itis 68 metres high. 5) .. Notre Dame famous for? SB: The Cathedral is famous for its stained glass windows. Recommendation ‘Name/Location/Deseription .. Historical Facts .. Things to see/do there ‘Uluru might just be the most photographed rook in the world. This beautiful, enormous rock 1) : (locate) in Uluru National Park, 450 kilometres from Alice Springs in Australia, “The rock was first seen by Europeans in 1872 and 2)... .. (discover) by Emest Giles. It) fate ue “ue (Gall) Ayers Rock until 1985 when it ay ae “give back) to the Anangu Aborigines. They are deeply religious people and the giant rock is very specialto them. That's why it's now called Uluru, which means “The Centre of the Earth’. UIUIU 8) on nennmnenrinens (SURFOUNA) by very flat land, 0 the giant rock can be seen from far away. People 6) «.. e sninsnenens (@lWays/amaze) by its beautiful ‘orange colour and they enjoy exploring its small caves that contain fascinating carvings and drawings. Visitors who climb to the top of Uluru also get a fantastic view of the countryside. Uluru is certainly one of nature's most dramatic and beautiful sights. It should not be missed by any vistors to the Australian Outback. Para 4 1. Uluru National Park is located in Alice Springs. 2 The rock was fist seen by Aborigines in 1985. 3. The Anangu Aborigines are deeply religious people. 4 Uluru is surrounded by giant rocks. A World of Wonders whati/called, where/located, what/look like, who/built by, when/completed, what/made of, what/used for, who/discovered by, whatito do Pyramid of the Sun ancient city of Teotihuacan, Mexico pyramid with hundreds of steps that lead up to the site of an old temple The Teotihuacanos ‘AD 200 earth and red rock for religious reasons ‘Aztecs first found the ancient city things to do: climb up steps to top of pyramid — admire view — can 99 two other pyramids and ancient road 4] Stick to the Rules! put, touch, climb, look, use, come Make SUT YOU sn right and left before crossing the road. Aways’ straight home from school. Never sharp scissors when I'm not around. - Never svonmnesnene YOUR OBE under the water when 'm not with you. Don't snmnnnenee ANY OF TNE bottles in the medicine too high on the climbing frame. 1 2 3 around, with, to, from, in, of, on, away, at Always turn off electrical equipment when it's not use, Don't eat bed. You might get mice in your room! Don't play ... those soissors. You might cut yourself You shouldn't be rude people. It's impolite We went a day trip yesterday. Stay away people you don't know. They might be dangerous. The professor went to the woods in search. rare plants. You should put a fence .... stop your dog from escaping. We have fitted safety gates the top and bottom of the stairs to make the house safer for ‘our kids. Please put the magazines finish reading them. your garden to when you fall into / pool 4 drop / shopping scald / himself 5 fall off /horse score / goal 6 go/prison a Ci oanens | Stick to the Rules! | ( 4 Match the warnings in column A to their reasons in column B, as in the example. 1 Don't eat too many You might catch a ‘sweets. cold. 2 Keep children away| You could | geta from the stove. parking ticket. 3 Don't car Pea a You might get a 4 Take your umbrella. ‘stomach ache. | 5 Stay away fromthe It could scratch you. | cat. | 6 Diy yourhair before ° yney. coud burn you go outside. Se f It might rain today. 5 Fill in the gaps with must or mustn't. 1 You .~- Be late for your job intervi today. 2 You... pay the rent on the first day of every month. 3 You . bring food into the classroom. 4 .. forget to go to the chemist's 5 . phone her mum as soon as Chee chic .. eat any more sweets or he'll have problems with his teeth. . be at the airport by eight o’clock. wear a helmet when you ride son be late for the party. sve tidy your room every 6 Jim and Nicole's mum is away all day today. She has left a list of things for the children to do. Look at the two lists, then use the prompts to make sentences with have/has to or doesn't have to as in the example. Do your homework. Cook dinner. Do your homework. Do the washing-up. Tidy your room, Do the ironing. Give the dog a bath. Tidy your room. Buy some stamps. Take the dog for a walk. Nicole/washing-up? ..Nicole has to do the washing-up... Jim and Nicole/homework? Nicole/dinner? Jim/dogl Jim and Nicole/rooms? Nicole/stamps? Jimidogiwalk? Use the prompts below to make short dialogues, as in the example. ... smoke in the office? {moke outside) A. ...Can | smoke in the office?... jo, you aren't allowed to smoke in the office, but you can smoke outside... su turn left here? (tur left down/next street) We ride our bikes here? (ride/bikes/park) he cross the street here? (cross at/pedestrian crossing) Stick to the Rules! 10 Use the prompts below to write a short paragraph about what you could and | drive in the city centre? couldn't do when you were five. (use/bus service) ing * swim © dance ® play tennis © read * play a musical instrument * use a computer * ride a bike © speak English When | was five 8 Complete each short exchange by filling in +... the correct reflexive pronoun. : 1 A: [fell off my bike yesterday. B: Did you hutt.. ee ‘1 3 Berto ae @ Communication: Positive/ B: Yes, | scalded Negative Agreement Stee ee ee 11 Look at the pictures below, then use the BE No, lcaredo'R,. prompts to make short dialogues, as in the 4 A: He has broken a glass. eahiegtsi B: Did he cut rit 2 7 5 A: Where did you buy that lovely dress? wD B: | made it sppesiane 2. 6 A: Did George take his car to the garage? B: No, he fixed it. ae Es 7 7 A: The Robinsons have got a very nice house. B: Yes, they painted it ‘i {go to schoo! {go to my piano lesson 8 A: That cake is delicious. 1 A; | have to go to schoo! tomorrow. B: My mother made it. B: So do |, but I don’t have to go to my piano lesson. A: Neither do | 9 Look at the list of things Mark and Julie had to do. Write sentences about what éach of them had to and didn’t have to do for the picnic, as in the example. THINGS TO DO 1. Go to the supermarket. 2 Make the sandwiches. 3 Buy a film for the camera. 4 Wash the picnic blanket. Ey) a mark post a letter ay the phone bill xx 5 Bring a football. 1 ...Mark had to go to the supermarket. Julie didn’t ) hhave to go to the supermarket. . s a Con =a i) 3 nek : give the dog a bath water the plants , es 4 5 B: A 4 Stick to the Rules! l 0) 4 tyou don't check your equipment, you won't have any problems while you're underwater. 5. You shouldn't dive if you've got a cold. 6 You will be okay if you run out of air. {go shopping go to the bank Ke an @ Writing (a safety leaflet) B: A 13. Look at the prompts and make sentences with always or never, as in the example. , ff _— SAFEISAILING a take my cartothe take my cat to the vet. mechanic BAS. B: & @Reading 12 Read the leaflet, then mark the statements 1 check/weather forecast before as T (true) or F (false). going sailing — you/sail into/storm Never dive alone. If you dive alone, you ‘won't have anyone ‘to help you if there's ‘a problem. 3 take warm, + wy ‘Always mark the waterproof clothing with you — itiget cold place where you are - youlfreeze to death diving with a flag. if al ‘you don’t, a boat might hit you. Never panic if you see a shark. f you do panic, it could attack you. Make sure you check your equipment carefully before you dive. If you don't, you might have serious problems while you are underwater. Never dive when you are ill or tired. If you do, you ‘might not have enough energy to save yourselt in a dangerous situation. Make sure you check your air supply regulary while you are underwater. if you don't, you could tun out of air and drown. 5 sail close to rocks — you/ \\destroy/boat/hurt yourself) drown \ 6 saitnear swimmers — Na yourhurt somebody ag ‘Always check the weather forecast before going sailing. Ityou don't, you could sail into a storm. 1 You should dive alone, 2 It's a good idea to mark the place 14 Use ideas from Ex. 13, as well as your own, where you are diving with a flag. s to write a leaflet on safe sailing (100 - 130 3 Ifyou see a shark, you should panic. o5 words). Use the leaflet in Ex. 12 as a model, 43 Our Precious Planet 5 Fill in the opposites of the adjectives in bold. new, rare, heavy, clean 1A: Is this lake iid nal 2 B: No, it’s very dirty. 2 A: Are these plants Very ens pant B: No, they're common. You can find them ‘everywhere, 9 Ar Youve gota ol as, haven't you? B: No, I've gota one. 4A: The traffic must be very light at seven o'clock inthe moming. B: Normally itis, but today it was very There was a serious accident in the city centre. @ Grammar 6 Match the problems fo the advice. 1 I want to lose weight. | a if | were you, I'd see a doctor. 2 Iwant to go to university. b if! were you, I'd call the police, 3 I can'tsleep at night: | ¢ if | were you, I'd go ona diet. 4 I've got a really bad cold. dif! were you, I'd study harder. B j\dike tog0.0n 6 |e itl we I'd drink holiday this summer. |° jose cofite | 6 Someone has stolen my purse. 1 if were you, I'd start saving some money. 7 What would Bill do if he won a million pounds? Make sentences, as in the example. ts buy/helicopter I Bill won a million pounds, he would buy a new car. go/on/eruise 8 Make sentences using conditionals type as in the example. 1. I'm not rich. | can't give much money to charity. It Lwere richer, I'd give more money to charity. 2 People waste water. There are serious water shortages in many parts of the world 3 I have got a car. I don't cycle to work. 4 Factories pour chemicals into rivers. Rivers are polluted. 5. People leave rubbish on beaches. They are dirty. 6 We don't take care of our planet. 7 He hasn't got a garden. He doesn't grow vegetables. 8 Mary lives in a flat, She hasn't got a dog. 9 Finish the sentences about yourself, using conditionals type 2. if Ihad a bicycle, if had enough money, iflwere you, 4 4 If worked fewer hours, 5 Ifthad a big house, ene 10 Fill in the correct tense and identify the type of conditionals used (0, 1 or 2). 1 If people ...used... (use) bicycles to get around, they would be fitter. ...ype 2... 2 Manimals... (not/keep) in cages, they feel happier. at 3 Ityou (take) more exercise, you'll be fitter. ee 4 it . (have) a car, | would use it to get to work... 5 Ifyou .. (heat) water to 100°C, it boils. 6 Ityou (wear) suncream, you won't bum... Our Precious Planet 7 If people (eat) more fruit, they would be healthier. i 8 If people ... (recycle) more paper, logging companies would cut down fewer trees. 9 Itwe.. - (continue) to hunt endangered species, they wil ll ie ifour strests .. (be) cleaner, our 10 A cites would be nicer places to lve i, 1 What wi places? C uld you do if you lived in these ise from the prompts. © eat / best restaurants @ breathe / clean air © go// cinema / every week go / long walks © go shopping / city centre © see / lots / animals # have / busy life © have / peaceful life © make / lots / friends © work / farm If lived in the city, | would eat at the best restaurants. It Iived in the village, | would breathe clean air @ Communicatio 13 Look at the pictures and the prompts. In 12 Jane is on holiday and has some complaints. Make sentences by matching the items in column A to those in column B. ‘we could swim in the 1 IMfeverything didn't a cost so much, sea. : * we could go for a 2 Ifit weren't so cold, Sai 3. If we spoke the © I could take pictures. language, d we could buy some souvenirs. 4M ihad my camers, 5. we could talk to the 5 Ifitwasn't raining, local people. : Giving Advice pairs, act out and No, if Iwere you, 1 putthis rubbistybin _take/it/recycling centre & # 2 give/money/help save _give/money/help save snakes bears gues using Shall .. as in the example. 3. get/rabbit get/cat oo, ae 4 eat/some chocolates eat/some grapes SA: Shall | put this rubbish in the bin? ‘SB: No, if I were you, I'd take it to the recycling centre. 0 @ Vocabulary 1 a) Label the pictures with words from the list. hotel, theatre, restaurant, funfair, campsite, gallery b) Which of the following activities can you do at the places above? Make sentences as in the example. pitch a tent, have dinner, watch a play, admire Paintings, take a ride on a roller-coaster, relax by the swimming pool, order dessert, buy art posters, make a camp fire, call for room service, walk through a haunted house, watch a musical You can pitch a tent at a campsite. Holidays with a Difference 2 Fill in the gaps using adjectives from the list. stormy, sunny, cloudy, snowy, rainy, windy 1 Itwasa day in the middle of January so we made a snowman. 2 twas such a .. day that my umbrella was blown inside out. 3 Most people like to go on holiday when it is hot and 4 Half an hour later the weather became very They could hear the rumble of thunder and they saw flashes of lightening across the sky. 5 Ona stars in the sky. 6 The town's river overtiows every year during the . Season night you can't see any 3 a) Match the items in column A to those in column B to say what activity you would prefer to do, as in the example, © cloudy {90 skiing | © sunny {go sailing © rainy go to the cinema © windy ‘stay indoors and read a book | © stormy rent a video: © snowy go on a picnic | On a cloudy day, | would prefer to go to the cinema. b) Can you think of any other activities you would prefer to do? Fill in the correct preposition from the in, of, with, on, from, at, for 1. Buckingham Palace is located London. 2 The train station is only five minutes away the Museum of Fine Ars. 3 Versailles is one of the most famous palaces the heart of .. the world 4. You will find tresh fish ........ any time of year in the local market. 5 Los Angeles is located the west coast of North America. 6 Brown's department store offers a wide range board games. 7 The Canary Islands are an ideal place ...... an exotic holiday. 8 After work, Helen likes to relax... a good book Holidays with a Difference | / Read the sentences below and match the words in bold to their oppo the list. boring, unsuitable, disgusting, ordinary, terrible, stressful The Riverdale Campsite is ideal for families with young children. We had a fantastic time at the funfair. Last year we had a very relaxing holiday. | read a really interesting book last week The buildings in the city are quite extraordinary. The food at that restaurant is delicious. oanen @ Grammar 6 Match the jobs to the places, then make sentences using who, as in the exampl underwater on a ski slope at sea at a pool on a plane in the fields 5 diver 6 fight attendant seaece A sailor is someone who works at sea. 7 Match the places to the things you can do there, then make sentences using where, as in the example, 1 guest house ' cook your own meals: 2ining room Pb stay when on holiday 3 reception desk © pay your bill bathroom work out 5 self-catering apartment |e have dinner 6 gym thave a shower 11 A guest house is a place where you can stay when on holiday. easen 8 Fillin the gaps with who, which or where. ‘Space Camp, Florida, DY is right next to NASA's famous Kennedy Space Centre, is a place 2) : people can go to lear ‘about space travel. Many activities are offered 3) provide visitors with the excitement of being in space. One of the many is the attractions ‘Gravity Chair’, 4) lets you see exactly how difficult walking in space really is! There is also a project 5) ives you the chance to build your own rocket and see it take off! ‘Camp programmes are available for children and adults 6) . ._ want 10 experience an astronaut's life. The ‘Space Habitat’ is a place you can eat freeze-dried food and ink bed, just like a real astronaut! Unfortunately though, children 8) .. are under nine years old are not allowed to take part in these programmes 9) ie --= last from one to five days and cost from $550 to $875. 9 Match the items in column A to the descriptions in column B, then make sentences using who, which or where, as in the example. ‘You can sit in hot steam in 1 sleepingbag— a there. ee b It keeps food cold. liao stecuan © He serves meals. } d_ You can enjoy a delicious | 4 cooler ‘meal there. | ‘ @ She cleans rooms, | 5 receptionist f You sleep in it when you go Berar camping. | g You can watch a football | 7 restaurant match there. } h_ He/She welcomes guests at eee ahotel. oh anaean 1 It protects your skin from | the sun. 10 waiter {| Ithelps you find directions. A sleeping bag is something which you sleep in when you go camping. 4] | ! Holidays with a Difference 10 Look at the plan of Niceville Zoo, then ask and answer questions about the location of each of the of animals, using the phrases below. south section, south-west section, north-east section, north section, west section, north-west section, east section, south-east section, heart SA: Where are the birds located? SB: The birds are located in the north-west section of the 200. 11) Underline the correct word(s) in bold. 1 Sue needs to buy some/something fruit to make a fruit salad. 2 Tim called Phil's house, but anyone/no one answered the phone. 3 I'm hungry, but I haven't got no/any bread to make a sandwich. 4 Paul doesn't feel well. He isn't going somewhere/ anywhere tonight. 5 I'm sure Frank is going to buy Vivienne ‘something/nothing for their anniversary. Do you know no one/anyone by the name of Marilyn Moore? We had any/no mail today. Jimmy does something/nothing but watch TV all day. | feel ike going somewhere/anywhere by the sea this weekend, |s there some/any orange juice in the fridge? © o~ 10 @ Communication: Booking a Hotel Room 12 Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps with words from the list below. double, breakfast, nights, book, bathroom, forward, view, balconies Royal Hotel. How can |help you? Hello. I'd like to 1) please. Certainly. When would you lke it for? From the 1st to the 3rd of May. Alright. With oF Without @.2) sno 2 With, please. Could you tell me how much that will be? The 3) madam, ‘Are there any meals included in the price? Yes, a full English 4) ... vn i8 included One at rgaien = cctv 8 cg 5). 2 ‘A: Of course, All our rooms have 6) .. with a fantastic sea view. B: Oh, that! be lovely! A; Okay. So, that's a double room for tW0 7) ens « Could you please give me your name? B: Amanda Wilkinson. ‘A: Allright then, Mrs Wilkinson, we look 8) to seeing you on the 1st of May. 2> ‘a room for two, Pror = .. fooms are £60 per night, Pee 13 Use the phrases below to fill in the gaps in the dialogues. How about, We could, Would you like to, What shall, Why don't aA). we do tonight? B: 2). .. we go out for dinner? A: Hmm. I'm not really in the mood for that. Have you got any other ideas? B: 3) -n get something from the Chinese takeaway. A: Oh, yes! That's a good idea. b A 4) Museum tomorrow? B: I'd love to, but I can’ sister. A 5). soe going on Saturday, then? B: Yes, that would be fine. go to the Science ‘m babysitting my little Holidays with a Difference l / @ Reading @ Writing (a holiday postcard) 14 Read the postcard and look at the pictures. 15 a) Match the prompts to the pi Which of the pictures do not match the information given in the postcard? below. (0) Histenitalian songs [2L] mum/dad/sit/pool/sunbathe (aL) Rome/capital/taly [aL city ful offinteresting monuments [BL] weistay/quest house [eL_ food/delicious/we try/ditferent/pasta dish/every day Vhave/cup of coftee hot/sunny/weather/be Dear Sally, We're having a fantastic time in beautiful Horoks, Hawaii, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The quest house we are staying at is lovely and ‘our room hae got a balcony with a spectacular oe b) Use the plan and the prompts to write a ‘The weather ie marvellous. At the moment, | am pos to your friend (50 - 100 words). relaxing and having a cup of coffee. Dave ie Bolan pes pete wore turfing. You know how crazy he ie about surfing feard ‘Hawaii ie a really wonderful place to epend a ne holiday. The seafood here 1 abeolitely delicious | Para 1: where you are on holiday & where you are ‘are full of life till the early staying fre ot to maid Para 2: the wouter, what you ae doing al he td better go now. See you in two weeks moment, who you are with & what they are doing at the moment Love, _| Para 3: your impressions of the place and the food Para 4: closing remarks og WEE Join in the Fun! @ Vocabulary 1 Label the actors and actresses with their roles (king, wizard, bride, butler) then use the prompts to say what they are wearing using a variety of adjectives, as in the example. ed . —_ = neckle on cloak gown dress, : high-heeled iy hat 2m eI > lasses (gown #3 shirt jacket 3 trousers The bride is wearing a long white dress, ... 2 Fill in the appropriate adjectives from the 4 tasty, funny, local, amazed, incredible, favourite, traditional, exhausted 1 The people organised the festival. 2 Everyone had put a(n) amount of work into the show. 3. There was a buffet with really ne 1000. 4 Iwas. at the size of the cake. 5 My father’s band is the Rolling Stones. 6 They sang folk songs and danced to... music. 7 They were all happy but... long performance. 8 The comedian’s after the jokes made us laugh. 3 Underline the correct word: 1 The atmosphere at the concert was amazing! generous. 2 Colourtul/Noisy kites filled the sky at the kite festival, 3. This celebration is a(n) kind/annual event. 4 I love going to rock/sound concerts. 5 When my party was over | felt amusing/ exhausted. 6 The firework display was really stunning/playtul 4 Match the words in bold to their opposites in the list. plain, good, boring, delighted, disgusting ‘The new building had a very elaborate design. The students found the speeches very interesting. The food was really delicious. ‘They were shocked when they heard the bad news. He was disappointed with his fancy dress costume, 5 Match the items in the two columns, then waone make sentences using them. to play, clapping to bang a prize tostatt ~®Xa guitar | to win drums towave speakers | to organise —_ whistles tosetup flags to blow aparty 6 Label the comments with I (for inviting), A (for accepting) or R (for polite refusal). 1. I'm sorry Bill, but | won't be able to make it to your farewell party.[_] 2 Would you like fo come to our barbecue? [_] 3. Oh yes, I'd love to go to the cinema tomorrow night! 4. I'm afraid I've already arranged to visit my aunt that day. [_]) 5 Are you interested in coming to the theatre? [—] 6 I'm sorry, | can't. That's the night of my French class. 7 That's very kind of you. What time does it start?(_] 8 We'te all going on a picnic on Sunday. Why don't you join us? [__] Join in the Funt o@ Grammar 9 Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the list in their correct form. Use each verb twice. 7 Match the items in column A to those in eens column B to make correct sentences. 1. must remember a letter to my aunt. 2. | don't remember that note, : 3 [never forget ...ssssessnssnes my frst CD. Pe tae @ visit the Taj Mahal 4 Don't forget. mik on your way home, pidge, ileyou're in india’ © 5 They stopped the policeman for | agree Breanne | cretion . ! lePen cearias fim 6 Please stop 80 many questions © painting pictures. ; 10 Fill in the gaps with one of the verbs from 4 You must to give up smoking tie take cocrees Soca, 1B Pleeab témember') {10% lock the door work, get, eat, go, speak, look +f to help her sister with 6 Tom has decided her homework @ forward to going to 7 They were looking re tance: h laughing at the funny 8 Brenda loves, mo 8 a) Make sentences using the information from the chart below, as in the examples. 2. I'm really looking Andy would lke to go to the cinema. He enjoys eating pizza. "Our son has. decided // 4 Would you the camera, i. cinema eam French travel more > Could you eat pizza __meet people read books | @ bit louder. Se eee \ please? tidy room play chess _ sing oc ec (BEA stuay mains dance watch TV (8! would love to b) Make sentences about yourself, using" bed now. would like, enjoy, not like and can’t stand. | 3 Join tn the Funt 11. Complete the survey betow with verbs from @ Communication: Giving the list in the correct form. Directions read, learn, travel, enter, stay in, play, visit 13 a) Read the dialogue and fill in the missing words. right, take, reach, go past ‘STILLWELL LeisuRE CENTRE GENERAL SURVEY 1 Do you enjoy ... museums and galleries? 2 Do you mind and watching TV? 3. Do you like books? 4 Would YOU TKO nme foreign language? 5 Do you enioy....... Feter | sports? ‘ 6 Do you expect sn for your holidays this year? 7 Do you wart ... 2 ur free draw for a 2-week holiday in Paris? Colin: So, where So, ware are yu having your 18th bithday abroad We thank you for completing the above survey. Please leave your completed forms at the reception desk in the Stillwell Leisure Centre. Jane: About nine o'clock. Colin: Great. Ill see you there! 12 Complete the dialogues by forming questions using the prompts. ‘A Bob: What 1) (youlenjoy/doitree time)? to parties, Ann: Well, | love goi Bob: Do you 2) .. : (like/dance)? Ann: Yes, | de Bob: What 3)... (you/hate/do)? ‘Ann: Well, | hate listening to boring music! B Beth: Did 1) ; ke Sonn (YOU remember/collecttickets/concert/tonight? Alan: Yes, but we've got an extra one because Kenny can't come. 2) 2, b) Use the prompts below to give dit sss: (would/your by o Eris ia Beth: I'm sure he would. faa Rangers hg Ca Alan: 3) % a wn turn left/right (down)... take the Ist/2nd/ -w- (hellikejlisten tojclassical music)? 3rd turning om your ... when you reach .. Beth: Oh, yes! He's got lots of classical CDs. nom your leftright/your ... between Hi Join tn the Funt @ Reading 14 a) Read the text and fill in the missing topic sentences from the list. Itwas a day that my friends and | had all been looking forward to for ages, and we were proud to | be there after three years of hard work. ‘We went to a large room where they gave us 3k caps and gowns. After that, we wrote our names in the graduation book and went off to get ready for the ceremony. [3|_] We smiled at our parents who were sitting on the balcony watching. Once all the students had sat ‘down, the university officials came into the hall. The ‘chairman of the university gave a speech, then he started calling out names. One after the other we walked up to the stage and collected our degree cettiicates. Then everyone cheered as we went back to our seats. Finally, there were some more | speeches before we all went outside into the | university gardens to take photographs of each other. [4] _] Graduation meant that we weren't students | any more. It was the end of our university days, but |itwas also the beginning of something new. Two hours later, we were sitting in the huge graduation hall, waiting for the ceremony to begin We were all extremely proud, happy and excited to have graduated, but we were sad too. Last September I graduated from university. (On the morning of the graduation ceremony, | arrived early and met my friends outside the main building. b) Match the paragraphs to the headings below. writer's feelings ... before the ceremony . what? where? when? .... during the ceremony @ Writing (a composition about a celebration) 15 Complete the dialogue by forming questions using the prompts. y S (youfhave/good/weekend)? Yes, it was fantastic. My parents decided to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary with a huge pal helped to organise it 2). (when/where/be/it)? On Saturday night, at our summer house by the lake. a). . (how many/people/be/there)? There were over two hundred people. Wow! That was a big party! 4) (preparations /take/long time)? Wel, my sisters and I had to make the food, clean the house and put up the decorations. | also had to book a jazz band. It took several days to get everything ready. So, 5) (your parents/enjoy/themselves)? Oh yes, they certainly did! Everything was perfect — the buffet, the music and the decorations. We sang and danced to the music all night long. I'm sure it's going to be a great memory for them. It sounds like you had fun! Actually, I'm having a party next weekend. Would you like to come? 16 Use the information from Ex. 15 to complete the table, then talk about the celebration. A: featmwoe | during the celebration: 17 Write a composition about a wedding anniversary celebration (100 - 150 words). Use the completed table from Ex. 16, as well as the text in Ex. 14 as a model, a] Ue @ Vocabulary 1. a) Look at the pictures and label the parts of the animals with the words below. beak, ear, head, leg, neck, nose, tail, teeth, tongue, wing b) Which of these words do we use for parts of the human body? 2 Write the words in the correct boxes. Which of the animals are endangered species? bee, salmon, parrot, cow, lion, eagle, snake, ant, dolphin, chicken, tuna, alligator, shark, butterfly, lizard Live and Let Live 3 a) Label the pictures with words from the list, then match the animals to the notes. cheetah, crocodile, elephant, emu, shark FP ag we long legs, small wings; thick skin, ivory tusks; can pick things up with trunk long tail, sharp teeth, thick skin; lives on land & in water ‘harp teeth, pointed fins, ‘muscular tail; can swim very fast b) Use the notes to talk about each animal, as in the example. A cheetah has got spots, a long tail and sharp teeth. It can run very fast Fill in the gaps with words from the list. captivity, companion, danger, pets, protected, survival 1 These animals are now in of becoming extinct. 2 I don't think that een sold as 33 3. Rhinos need to be . who kill them for their horns. 4 | believe that it's wrong to keep wild animals in from hunters, 5 We must help endangered species so they have a better chance of . : 6 Acat ora dog can make a good ..... for children or the elderly. Live and Let Live | 4 @ Grammar 5 Fill in said or told. 1. “Welcome to our safari park,” the guide to the visitors, 2 The wildlife expert are facing extinction. 3 Ben that he would meet us at the entrance. 4 My parents me that I could have a dog if | looked after it myself, 5. “I'm afraid your cat isn’t very well,” the vet Us that many species © Read what these people said yesterday, and write each sentence in reported speech. 1 ...She said that she loved horses. 7 Jamie recently visited a z00, and he was asked ‘some questions as part of a survey. Read what he said, then complete the questions in the survey. They asked me if | had visited the 200 before, and if | had enjoyed my Visit. They wanted to know what I had liked best about the zoo, and if there hhad been anything | didn't like. They also asked if | would visit the 200 again, and if | would recommend it to imy friends. What .. 8 Rewrite the question: in the example. 1 The waitress asked them .... if they were ready to order yet. 2 “Can I go and play in the park?” The boy asked his mother 3 "Do you think it will rain?” My friend asked me 4 “Have you ever been to Britain?” The teacher asked her students 5 “How much does the white skirt cost?” uill asked the shop assistant 9 | i Live and Let Live 60 9 Correct the mistakes, as in the example. 1. He asked me what was the time, I told that it was three o'clock. 2 She asked me that | had a pet. I said her that | had a dog. 3. Mike said Joanne if she would like to go to the cinema. “Yes, I'd love to,” she told 4 | asked him why had he done that He said that he haven't done anything. the time wa 410 ‘Complete each sentence using the word in bold, as in the example. 1. He told me he couldn't help me. can't “Vim afraid | ca elf 3th rrnen "he said. 2 “Do you like animals?” she asked me. it She asked ME vrmnennnnnn .- animals. 3 We asked how much the dog food cost. does “How much 2" we asked. 4 “I've never seen a python," she said to us. told she never seen a python 5 "When will we get there?” they asked. would They asked ..... svsnmnnnmnes GOR NER, 6 “Iforgot to do my homework.” he said. forgotten He said his homework 11 Choose the correct word in brackets and join the two sentences, as in the example. 1 Many species are endangered. Their natural habitat is disappearing, (but/because) Many species are endangered because their natural habitat is disappearing 12 Use the questions > PrPare I believe that dogs are the best pets. They can be tiring, (and/although) Green-cheeked parrots are difficult to breed. The species is slowly dying out (so/also) Rabbits are friendly animals. They can hurt you if they're scared. {and/but) Big dogs need to eat a lot of food. They need a lot of exercise. (so/and) Communication: Arranging to Meet Somebody the list to complete the dialogue below. ‘© Would you like to come? © Promise you'll be on time? © What time? ‘© What are you doing this weekend? © What about you? » a Ihaven't made any plans yet. 2)... We're going to the safari park on Saturday. 3) tribe fun, I'd love to. 4) Well, not later than 11:30, Fine. Ill meet you here at 11:15, then. Okay. 5) Yes, | promise! @Reading 13 Read the article and match the sentences (A-©) to the gaps (1-3). Then, read the article again and answer the questions which follow. ‘A On the other hand, some people say that owners Of wild animals take good care of their pets B Furthermore, keeping wild animals as pets can be unhealthy for the animals — and dangerous for their owners! First of all, it’s cruel to take away a wild animal's. freedom, “Wild animals should not be kept as pets.” Do you agree? Wid arimals such a chimpanzees, parrots and even pythons ‘are wonderful to wath and have interesting personalities — but should people keep anes ‘my opinion, itis completely wrong to keep wild animals as pets. 3 [7] Animals such as eats and dogs usally enjoy ving with humans, but wild animals don't. They need to le @ natural life in ‘heir natural habia and thay ned open Spaces whee trey can move teay [2] Animals kept in a small house or flat cannot get the ‘exercise they need. tis also dificult to give them the same food that ‘they eat in the wild. Also, many wild animals are dangerous and might suddeny attack thelr owners, [31] Tey took ater the animals; and give them love and protection, However, wid: animals dont-want our love and protection — they want ter reedom Alin al! believe that wid animals should not be kept as pets, because every animal has the right to live freely in its natural environment 1 What is the writer's personal opinion about keeping wild animals as pets? Where does the writer state this opinion? 2 What two viewpoints are given to support the writer's opinion? In which paragraphs does the writer discuss these viewpoints? 3 Which paragraph mentions viewpoint? 4 What is your personal opinion about keeping wild animals as pets? the opposing Live and Let Live 14 Read the introduction below, then match the viewpoints to the reasons. “Animals should not be kept in zoos.” Do you agree? Most people enjoy going to the 200 and looking at the animals — but do the animals enjoy it? 1 think they are often unhappy and unhealthy. In my opinion, it is completely wrong to keep animals in 200s. Ge sole een eS eee Viewpoints T]_] t's crue! to take away an animat's freedom. 2 _] Zoos can be unhealthy places for animals. 3]_] Zoos can help to protect animals. Reasons a - animals in zoos are safe from hunters - species which can't survive in wild can be bred in captivity - would be better to save & protect the animals’ natural habitats 'b - often kept alone in small cages, can’t move freely many become so bored & unhappy that they die ¢ - can't get the exercise they need - dificult to give them food they eat in wild - weather conditions may be unsuitable (e.g. too Cold for lions, not cold enough for polar bears) @ Writing (an opinion article) 15. Use the information in Ex. 14 to wri magazine article about whether anin should be kept in zoos (150 - 180 words). Use the article in Ex 15. as a model. @ Vocabulary 1 a) Match the items in the two columns to form phrases, as in the example. current Screen World Wide the net email events surfing information download sites web Web ‘computer message b) Read the on-line dialogues and fill in the phrases from above. There is one phrase that you do not need. ee Wolf > Are you there, Gait? Gail > Hi Wolt — yes I'm here — did you get my 1) itn ai Nit Bn Wolf > Yeah, | got it just now. Sorry | didn't have the chance to check my mail earlier — | was too busy 2), Gail > Did you find any good 3) .. “@ ‘Wolf > Well, I found a great site called Music Mania. You can 4)... ‘on all the best groups. You can even download songs and video clips! Flyer > Are you on-line, Aries? Aries > Hi Flyer — what have you been doing? Fiyer > I've been catching up on 5) -- on the net. What about you? ‘Aries > I've been doing boring housework. My 6) was really dirty. st | now! | Flyer > Yuck! Housework! Surfing the net is much | ‘more fun, isn’t it? 2 jee what you’ re saying Surf the Net! 2 How do you print something from the net? Put the instructions in the correct order. Wait for the document to be downloaded and the page to appear on your screen. Decide which part of the document you want to copy. Click on the print symbol to print your selection. [£_] Enter the address of the web site fe L_] Wait for your computer to be connected to the web site. 3 Gross the odd word out. Give reasons, as in the example. 1 modem, 72fdio, mouse, keyboard (the others are used with computers) 2 go skiing, join a newsgroup, make new friends, listen to music 3. send e-mail, post a letter, make a phone call, download a document 4 but, however, in conclusion, on the other hand 5 advantages, disadvantages, pros, good points @ Grammar 4 Underline the correct word. 1. A: Guess what? | won first prize in the competition! B: What/How wonderfull 2 A: Somebody stole Jake's car. B: What/How a pity! it was brand new. ‘A: Ruby's moving to France! B: What/How a surprise! Why is she moving there? : Guess where John and | are going this summer? Brazil : What/How exciting! Iwas stuck in traffic for hours! What/How terrible! Look at the diamond ring George gave me for our wedding anniversary. What/How a gorgeous gift! o @ por c Surf the Net! | 1} Fill in the correct question tag. Atfirst the Internet was mainly used by scientists, 2 You don't need a CD to send e-mail, SABO They've already got a web site, 2 | can pay for my ticket through the Met, nm. Surfing the net for information is so exciting, 2 She won't download all those documents, 2 Bob likes sending e-mail to his friends, 2 That isn't a computer Vitus, nn Fill in a, an or the where necessary. My father had terrible headache, so he went to doctor, Is leaming how to surf... net easy? She told Me ..... Very unusual story. Most .. Children today know how to use ‘computer. How many years ago did .. First World War take place? Has Tom ever sent yOu ........ @-mail message? DO snes Smiths have yacht? If you want to visit web site you have to enter anne AGATESS. A: Will you take holiday this year? B: Yes, | will. 've decided to spend month on Canary Islands. When was . Internet invented? Vread nnn excellent book last week. BOOK tells nr SHOFY OF sn nsnne YOUNG itl WhO was born in China Victoria Station is one Of «rn busiest stations in Britain. Correct the mistakes, as in the example. There's 3x man standing at the door. You weren't late for school, was you? What kind of you to invite us! “How old are you?” Mary said me. Why don't you take a umbrella with you? How a naughty boy he is! She didn't forget to call, didn’t she? Ken told me don't to use his computer. That's a dog that bit me! Fred asked Katie too buy some eggs. 8 Use the prompts below to write questions with question tags, as in the example. © you/spend/a lot of your free time watching videos © yow/have got/a lot of fans © your/fan-club web site/be/one of the most visited web sites on the net © you/not like/playing computer games © jou/get engaged to/the singer Dee Brown Tast month ‘Laura: I'd like to welcome Chris Newton to the studio | this morning. Your fans want to know all about | what you do in your free time.) ... You spend | ‘2 lot of your free time watching .videos, don't | Chris; Yes, | do. | prefer the cinema but | get followed by fans everywhere | go now. ‘Laura: 2). (Chris: Yes, | have. Sometimes | can't believe how | much mail | get! | Laura: 3). (Chris: Yes, it is. | love reading e-mail from my fans. Laura: 4). i Ki Chris: No, that's not true. | love playing computer games. It's great fun. ‘Laura: 5) (Chris: 1'm sorry. | don’t want to talk about Dee. That's private. ‘Laura: Oh ... okay. Well, thanks for coming into the studio to talk to us. Now, let's hear your latest F ng | is J Surf the Net! 9 The students in Mr Penny's class are having a test. Look at his instructions and report them, as in the example. ‘Mr Penny told them not to talk during the test. 1 2 3 4 5 6 e 8 10 Read the reported conversation, then complete the actual conversation using direct speech. | asked Nancy where she lived, and she told me that she lived in Perth, Australia. | also asked her how old she was and she told me that she was thirteen years old. When | asked her if she had any hobbies, she told me that she had a lot of hobbies. She added that she enjoyed swimming, playing volleyball and that she also liked collecting stamps. | told her that I collected stamps too, and that | had ‘over 100 stamps from many different countries. | asked her how many she had and she told me that she had about 220 from all over the world. | asked her if she had many friends and she told me that sshe did, but only two of them were her best friends. Their names are ‘Amy and Ellen. Jenny: Where do you live? Nancy: 11) . : ... Perth, Australia, : 2 ‘any hobbies? “hobbies. | 6) - t00! 19) .. from different countries. How 10) Fe ag Nanoy: 111) fe . from all over the world. denny: 12) ‘many friends? Nancy: Yes, 13) , DUE 14) Their names are Amy and Ellen. ——— a fia il 11 Read the sentences below and underline the correct linking word/phrase. 1 For example/in conclusion, | think that owning a motorcycle has both good and bad points. 2 Shopping at second-hand shops has many —_advantages. Firstly/Also, you can buy quality clothes for very low prices. 3 The clothes in this shop are beautiful, What is more/On the other hand, they aren't expensive. 4 Being a nurse is a rewarding job, bbut/also it can be tiring at times. 5 Travelling by yourself can be very exciting. Finally/On the other hand, it can be dangerous. 6 All in all/Unfortunately, | believe that owning a mobile phone makes our lives easier. 7 John is a very generous man. For example) However, he loves aiving gifts to his friends, 8 The Grill House is a great restaurant for meat lovers. Also/However, if you are a vegetarian, you should try Green Leaves on Broad Street. @ Communication: Exclamations 12 Fill in How or What a(n), then act out the dialogue in pairs. ‘A: | would like to buy a new music system, B: This is our latest model. It takes up to ten CDs. A: Wow! 1) amazing CD player! B: You can programme it to play the songs in any order and repeat your favourite songs as many times as . clever! How much is it? B: t's £880. It also comes with a free gift — this leather CD-storage case. Cah nice idea! | like that! Would you like a demonstration of how to use the CD player? ‘A Oh, yes! 4) Thank you! .. kind! Surf the Net! | @ Reading 13 a) Read the article about teleworking and match the topic sentenc paragraphs, then underline the correct linking words/phrases in bold. a) On the other hand, disadvantages. 'b) In conclusion, | believe that teleworking will change the way we work in the future. ) Teleworking is a fresh and new type of ‘employment d) Working from home has many advantages. teleworking has a few ieee co 7 T_]It allows people to work from home using their telephones, modems and computers and communicating with their employer and co-workers through the Inter. Teleworking ‘can make the way we work easier and less stressful, buvin ‘conclusion atthe same time, it can cause several problems. 2 [_]However/Firstly, it allows employees to work in the related atmosphere of their homes. This means that they can plan their working day ina more productive and convenient way. Also/in conclusion, teleworking is less time-consuming. People do not need to commute to their jobs and, a a result, they have ‘more time to work effectively. For example/ Finally, teleworking can havea postive effect on the environment. If people in large cites work from home and stop using cars and buses, there will ‘rafc and therefore less polation. [3 T_]For example/But, some employees find it dificult to Concentrate at home. This problem actually makes their work harder and more stressful. However/What is more, people who work at home may feel lonely at times, because they are not involved in the everyday lite of an office. This can lead to ‘unhappiness and boredom. [4 ]_] t may have a few disadvantages, but | believe it nat only ‘fers people the opportunity to work ina new and original way, but itbonefts our environment too, b) Match the paragraphs to the headings. sum up pros & cons... state the topic points against ..... points for ©) Which good points does the writer mention about teleworking? How does he explai ‘each? d) Which bad points does the writer mention about teleworking? How does he explain each? @ Writing (a For-and-against essay) 14 Match the viewpoints in column A to their explanations in column B. Then, read the topic sentences in the box below and decide which a) introduces the main topic, b) introduces points for, c) introduces points against, and d) sums up the topic. 1 Computers cando A Asaresult, employers certain tasks much ‘can reduce their faster than people. workers’ workload and increase their wages. B This could lead to 2 Computers don't uae high unemployment. ie rnimaee: © This means that they can do the time- 3 Computers don't ea aa need to be paid for concentrate on other the work they do. alas D This means that they ‘can't judge people's 4 In many industries, characters or help ‘computers may people with replace people ‘emotional problems. altogether. E Therefore they can be used to help workers such as air- it Conriglders co 110 traffic controllers or have personalities or ‘surgeons whose fay work is dangerous or demanding. 1 On the other hand, using computers in the workplace also has disadvantages, 2 In the last few years computers have become a part of almost everybody's. everyday Ives. — ‘especially in the workplace. 3 Inconclusion, | believe that using computers in the ‘workplace has both positive and negative points. 4 Using computers in the workplace offers many advantages. 15. Use the information from Ex. 14 to writ for-and-against essay Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers in the Workplace” (100 - 160 words). Use the article in Ex. 13 as a model. 65 ‘ PROGRESS TESTS EL ON) class: @ Vocabulary & Grammar in the missing words. 1 csnenmnnnne O10 15 ShO? . you go swimming yesterday? to have long hair, but now he's BE HO oe got short hair 4 He has got a cat, but He ..nen:mn Got @ dog. 5 “How sso 8 your school from your house?” *2 kilometres.” 6 Niceto.... you, Alan. 7 The . here is quite cold and it's raining, 8 We're staying .. lovely hotel. 9 What do you start work? 10 The Italians eating pasta and seafood, 11. Jim always ‘a shower in the morning, 12 I wake «at 6.00 every morning. 13 “rcscnnennene JO you have French?” “In classroom 8.” Ma are you doing tonight? 15 We went to the beach .. Saturday. 16 John use to have a bike, but he has one now. 17 Mum... .-» the shopping every Friday. i .. eyes has he got?” “Green.” 19 Paula goes to school . foot. 20. What do Thais. like? 2 Choose the correct item. 1 He's forty-five, HE'S rnc Rod B middle-aged young 2 Her .- food is pizza A strong B delicate € favourite 3-1 aM HOOKING «nnn 10 the trip to Oslo, A forward Bat C over (Time: 20 minutes) | 4 What type of... is he? A build ‘complexion _C height 5 Our flight . Madrid next Monday. A.used to leave Bis leaving C leave 6 Sorry, I didn't... your name. A take. B catch C meet 7 James is very of his country. A traditional B warm-hearted C proud 8 Jim .. v. aS a teacher. Adon'twork B isworking —_C works. 9 Steven is of sow height. A middie B medium C well-built 10 We often visi tends weekends. Ain Bon Cat @ Communication 3 Complete the dialogues. FADS. endl gente ap . 2 B; She's tall and slim with short brown hair and green eyes. 2h ae ne? B: 1's from London. 3 A sescsnessage au B: Fine, thanks. ae there? B: I usually go by bike. Beate oa a B: He has History from 1:30 to 2:30. @ Vocabulary & Grammar Fill in the missing words. 1. This isn’t exactly what | . in mind. 2 Susan was cleaning .. Ann was doing the washing up. ‘ 8 HOW wnnmunnsnees going to Mario's? They serve delicious pizza there. Her umbrella is red «wooden handle. She be 16 years old. She looks older. | can't wait to... ..« Shopping, What... of cake would you like? ‘She was waiting a taxi when it started raining. Don't miss the .. . 0. go shopping in Milan. * saammnnan Gid YOU lose it?” “At the bus station.” re ss Will that be?” “£10. She's got fait hair. She bbe from Sweden. tm we haven't got any apples left. She's the best student her class. This skirt is the .. wv» rice as that one. We had a great .. .. at the party. My new ROUSE iS... Bigger than my last one, The sun was .. a the calm water of the lake. sonmnn the firefighters arrive in time? She gasped amazement when she saw the diamond ring. .» brightly over Choose the correct item. I'd like to A deliver we @ bouquet of flowers please. B order C take Suddenly, there was a loud rumble of A lightning Brain C thunder This hat is cheaper that one. A than Bin trom (Time: 20 minutes) 4 Doyou take .... cards? A credit B prescription cash 5 That WAS the ..scunsnene film of all A bad B worst C worse 6 Allhis toys were ‘on the floor. A laying B lying C lied 7 Small flower stalls line the of the river. ‘A chops B sales © banks 8 Thisis the «famous department store in Paris. A most B more © much 9 | could hear a siren . vin the distance. A flashing B barking CC wailing 10 There's someone ‘on the door. A screeching —_B dripping C knocking @ Communication 3 Complete the dialogues. 1 A: Excuse me - =o B: This shirt? It's £45. 2 A: So, Mr Stuatt sonnsnem yoSterday? B: There was a burglary next door. 3 A: I'd like some eggs, please. B: Certainly 3 else? aa it .- holiday? B: It was fantastic. SARS as look like? B: I's a brown plastic handbag with two yellow straps. 7 a tL eSN @ Vocabulary & Grammar aeons + on Fill in the missing words. Doctors mustn't . mistakes at work. Is there anything t0 @af? 1M s..0 There isn't sso Milk in the fridge. THE wnsonnnnmne at the restaurant were friendly and helpful. ‘Are you vn t0 order, madam? The food was rather . We paid £30 per person. 15 sccasnnmnmn any butter left in the fridge? There are a... biscuits in the cupboard. HOW ..nssmnne Bfad do you need? Would you some strawberries? Nurses ... after patients in hospitals. ‘Are you ready .. your test? H1do on .. in my exams, my parents will buy me a bike. I'm taking my test tomorrow, 80 ... me luck. ¢ will unch be ready?” “At 12.30." “Don't forget to buy some eggs.” “Don't worty, | You a eat so much junk food. rm . you can’t see Mr Rogers. Vike -». vegetables, ‘She works fa teacher in a primary school, Choose the correct item. You have to ... an appointment to see Dr Harris. Ado B close © make ‘Would you like to see the wine 38. A service B list menu Buy three ... ... of chocolate, please. A bars jars C slices Units 9-6 DATE: MARK: (Time: 20 minutes) 4 The price ... a return flight from Gatwick A includes B contains shares 5 Canthavea... of cake please? A bowl B piece C carton 6 She's medicine at university. A learning B passing studying 7 HOOK fOrWAFT ..n.nsnsne ffOM YOU SOON. A hearing Btohearing —_C tohear 8 Would YOU like «.nnnnne FANGS juice? A some B any Cafew 9 A doctor has to WOFK wnnnmmns NOUS. Ahard B long © much 10. There isn't . Sugar left. A many Batew € much @ Communication 3 Complete the dialogues. 1A SE RR ach O B: Yes, please. I'd like an orange juice. BAL WMA earner .. summer? B: We're going to Jamaica. 3 A: Would .... the dessert menu, sir? B: No, thank you. I'm full. 4 A: Hell! .. speak to Mr Robins please? B: I'm afraid not. He's in a meeting at the moment. BA: DOYOU sn . drink? B: Yes — an apple juice, please, 13 ait 10 " 2 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 20 Fi in the missing words. She hasn't gone back to work ... Make sure you vu Medicines away from children, ; HaVe YOU oo nnnn YOur Ded? Jidn't call you yesterday. | was very busy. twas Meiis cosyeboni gis iat. When she woke up, Tony had left. How . Don't touch the finger. All my friends came to my party except... James. He has been in Rio three weeks now. was the last time you went abroad?” .her guests arrived. Have you ... had mumps? The night doctor comes duty at ten o'clock. They haven't smoked ... last month, eaten Chinese food before He had ... he went to Chi They searched the ring, but they couldn't find it anywhere. He was so shocked, that he couldn't word. ‘The firefighter helped little John She had dog came in, safety. .. mopped the floor when the Choose the correct item. We didn't go out it had stopped raining, Abythetime —B until C after There aren't many 0... in this museum. A exhibits B landmarks C tours 10 Units 7-8 Pm sa .. can't help you with the cleaning. A anxious B worried C afraid We sawa .~~« of whales in the distance. A tock B herd school He was so deep in .. that he didn't hear the knock on the door. A thought B tide © beach What's «sss JON? ‘A problem B wrong C matter dim hates going ON «nme LOUFS. A popular B guided € giant The boat started to ... Slowly. A sink B cover C gather Have you ever had a... bone? A broken B twisted C out She ... enn COffe@ when the phone rang. Ais having Bwashaving Chad @ Communication Complete the dialogues. & .. to the park with my friends? B: No, you can't. A: I'm so sorry | didn't do the washing-up. | was very tired. BE N@VEF osm . That's OK. A: What's. Jenny? B: I've got terrible earache A: Is « .. play on my computer? : Sure, A: I've got terrible toothache. B: Why ... «the dentist? 1 at SNL) Units 9-10 @ Vocabulary & Grammar 1 Fi the missing words. 1 We enjoyed ... snow @10t at the party 2 David Coppertield ... written by Charles Dickens. collection will be on display? . play near ponds, Si 4 Young children .. 5 The mayor will... - invited to the opening of the hospital. 6 He isn't old sve tO drive a car. 7 Has the gallery . s» Opened to the public yet? 8 The building ........... destroyed by fire in 1788. 9 “Idon't have to water the plants.” * i dol.” 10 * vnnsnsneees WAS the MUSEUM completed?” “In 1887. 11 The building was used a place of worship. 12. Be careful with the knife or you'll cut... 13 Ws... .-» 601d to play in the garden. V8 YOU cern ‘amazed by the scenery. 45 You aren't to smoke in here. 16 You must stay .. don't know well from people you the shopping. _ jacket made of? I's made of leather : i telephone invented by? ;: Alexander Graham Bell. 2> o> @ Vocabulary & Grammar ween 10 "1 12 13 14 5 16 7 18 19 20 Fill in the missing words. Ona sunny day | enn 1. prefer to go to the sea. ‘What would you do . you won £1,000? It's boiling ... 1. outside, He went to Rio he met his wife. Jamaica is an place for summer holidays. This lake is . You can swim in it. ‘We look “. to seeing you on the 3rd of August. ..of the sea. traffic that he was Our room had a fantastic There was SUCH «1. late for work. We... go to the zoo if you'd like. Do you know .. by the name of James Smith? He d0€S nnn but play computer games all day, The hotel provides guests with warm ... bags. 'm not really in the .......» for going out tonight. it's ach dinner together, shall we? We should take of our planet before it's too late. “Could you please tell Me YOUT .ninnnmmnnnn?™ “Ann Tims. We can't live water and air Iwant to make a cake, but | haven't got flour. “How -.- will that be?” “£70 per night.” Choose the correct item. Are there any meals... in the price? A reserved B booked C included Naples is on the west Of italy A heart B coast shore Venice fs... in the north-east of Italy. Astretched ——_B located C met (Time: 20 minutes) 4 Akey is something .. 1. Opens doors. ‘A which B who. C where 5 Pandas are a(N) .......... species. A basic B endangered C leaking 6 The government should «a law to ban cars from city centres A make B pass C create 7 A nurse is someone ....... looks after sick people. ‘A where B which ‘C who. 8 Air pollution causes ...... rain. A acid B public C rare 9 You look very tired. You ..... .. to work less hours, A ought B should C must 10 Carfumes the ar. A survive B waste. C pollute @ Communication 3 Complete the dialogues. 1A: Aston Hotel. How can ......... ‘2 Hello. I'd like to book a room for two, please. 8 AK: Shall we go out tonight? B ., but | can't. I'm working late. can't lose weight. Batis cn anleiets . td walk to work. going to the cinema on Sunday? B: That would be lovely, What shall we do this weekend? ae, - 90 to the beach? 19 a tL NAMI RASS tect @ Vocabulary & Grammar 10 n 12 13 “4 15 16 7 18 Fill in the missing words. twas the best party 1'Ve ....0mnn» been to. “How ... ‘do you go there?" “Twice a week.” She asked me .... Hived. in coming to the cinema? tome. .. @ speech tomorrow to go to the rock concert 'm sorry, but | won't be able to .... . it to your party. Are you ready ... -»- your test? Go down Green Street and the first tuming on your left. 1 couldn't it when | saw my favourite singer appear on stage. Will you give me a... with the dishes? He was wearing a hat to protect himself = the sun. Tam looking .......... 0 going on holiday. The cinema is about 50 metres down the street . your left. What a8 it .c.0onn0» at the concert? Steve went to the fancy-dress party .. a pilot. He asked ...ncsuu | knew Steve. I can’t. .. listening to rock music. | just hate it. Choose the correct item, Stop .. v.« please. | can't work. A talking B to talk C talk I couldn't ... laughing at his costume. A stand B mind C help Remember von @ jacket with you. It may be cold. A to taking B to take C taking Unils 13-14 (Time: 20 minutes) 4. Alot of animals are facing ne ROWadays. A wild Beextinction —_C survival 5 He can't stand to pop music. Ato listen B listen C listening 6 Stop... ..« your whistle, please. ‘A blowing B banging playing 7 This gift will you good luck. ‘A show B bring C give 8 He had never seen a tiger... F A before B ago C after 9 *Ihaven't seen him lately,” Ne .....nnn ME. A asked B said C told 10 Look at him! HE'S wenn @ flag, Amatching ——_B waving C flying @ Communication 3 Complete the dialogues. 1 A: Excuse me. ..... here? es, there is. I's in Green Street. 1» Supermarket near the party? . at the rock ‘concert? B: Over three thousand people. an .. fo come to the circus? til be fun. B: OK. What time? SW AS eres seetcicsnnenresscuew tire OWI | YOU free time? B: Well, I love playing basketball 81 Mitte Unils 1-15 @ Vocabulary & Grammar 1. Fill in the missing words. 1 .. Clever of you to do this. 2 i you, I wouldn't eat so many sweets. 3. “Lalways wake up early” “nun do.” 4 is the weather like today? 5 Who was America discovered «ns? 6 He insists going to sleep early. 7 He hadn't seen Rachel «0... last Monday. Si .. a lovely dress! 9 He asked me . .-. Stop talking. 10 Its... . cold outside. 11. He didn't go to bed he had finished his homework 12 Will we have time to do our shopping? 93 DO vennnnnsnne Smiths Own a car? HA tea do you travel to and from work?" “By bus.” 15. She's short to reach the cupboard. 16 What does your jacket like? 17 She works as a lawyer, on. she? 18 Can you please give me that ..... of honey over there? 19. Have you ... . flown in a hot-air balloon? 20 “How are you?” “ . thanks.” 2 Choose the correct item. 1 Newspapers give information on = OVENS. A current B chat C omine 2 This is the... skirt of all ‘A cheap B cheaper C cheapest 3 He anything until she finishes. Ahasn'tdone Bdoesntdo —_C won't do 4. SHE'S snneee Maths at university. A having B studying € leaming (Time: 40 minutes) 5 The Intemet is a great learning for children. A tool B world C search 6 Can you buy me a............ Of flour please? A bag B carton © box 7 She's got a dark A hair B complexion C build 8 Ave YOU In en. of children using the net? A favour B doubt C screen 9 He's the cleverest student .... his class. A from Bof Cin 10 Does your watch show the correct .. A minutes: B time C hour o@ Communication 3 Complete the dialogues. 1 A; Would you like some coffee? B: Yes, please. And . some biscuits, too? 2 A: I'm sorry — what senses YOU name was? B: Bill, Bill Stevens. 3 A: Someone stole Jack’s bicycle. Bae, pity I was brand new, 4 A: Sorry | didn't come to your party. | was out of town. B: Never That's all right, 5 A: I've gota terrible cough. B: Why...... some cough medicine? 83 Projects The films below are to be seen after the relevant units have been taught. They are as follows: Anastasia (93°) Unit 7 The Man in the Iron Mask (132') Unit 8 The Mask of Zorro (137°) Unit 11. Armageddon (145') Dr Dolittle (85") Video cassettes of the above films can be found in your local video shops, or ordered through the Internet via: http/www. Blockbusters. com 85 UNIT? Anastasia (93’) 1. Look at the picture. 1 Where is Anastasia? 2 Who is the little gil in the painting? 2 Choose the correct item. 1. Anastasia was the youngest daughter of the Tsar B Russia Germany 2 ing ofthe fl Anastasia was... Aataconcet B ataplay C ata 3. Empress Maria, Anastasia’s grandmother, gave her ‘Aa music box a wooden box 4 The evil man who wanted to destroy the Romanov family WAS oneness A Dimitri B Vladimir Rasputin 5 Anastasia's family, the Romanovs, were killed during the .. A review B a jewellery box revision revolution a helped Anastasia to escape. A Rasputin —-B Dimitri += C Anya 7 When she was 18, Anastasia left the A hospital B prison © orphanage svnnnnne, DAME Anastasia’s best friend. A Pooka B Polka C Beeka 3 Anastasia's Iife at the orphanage was very Afferent to her Ife atthe palace. Use the prompts to talk about her iife, as in the examples. ‘© wearfbeautiul clothes | * wear/ragged clothes * ‘eatidelicious food * eat/plain soup ‘© ownlexpensive jewellery | © owninothing |'* havelloving family | © have/no one * Ivefhugeiuurous | lvelsmal, cramped @g. Then she used to wear beautiful clothes. ‘Now she wears ragged clothes. Explain why the name ‘Anastasia’ is a suitable on Tick the different forms of transport Anya, Dimitri and Viadimir use. plane CI ship horse bus [J tain EF] ory 2 Find the answer. Where were they travelling to? IRSPIA Dimitri tries to talk to Empress Maria when they are atthe [LABLTE] What does it say on Anastasia's necklace? in Paris. [ROTEEGHT] Write a sentence about what happens at the end of the story to: ) Rasputin b) Dimitri and Anastasia c) Bartok (the bat) aeons Sy 1 Do you have a good relationship with your grandparents? Tell the class. UNIT 7 The Man in the Iron Mask (137) 1 Look at the picture. 1 How many of the musketeers can you name? 2 Who's the man in the tron Mask? 2 Choose the correct item. 1 The film is about King Louis... A XV B XIV c xv 2 Louis was king of France in the A17th century B 18th century 19th century 3 Louis sends Raoul away because he is in love with AAnna B Christine Maria 4 Phillippe was kept in prison for years. ag B2 c6 5 Louis and Philippe are years old, Aa B 22 c 32 6 Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D’Artagnan are ‘A musketeers B pioneers C engineers 3 Rearrange the words to form the musketeers’ motto. all one for one all for and 4. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb In brackets. yw for six 1) {be) in this prison no. years. 12) nn (wear) this mask Since | came here. Before that, 13) (live) in a country house with an old woman and a priest. One day some men in black 4) (come) to the house. They 5) (bring) ime to this prison and 6) (put) me in a mask. Why? What 7) (Udo)? —— ——a 5 Look at the picture. Name the characters and explain what is happening. 6 Tick which of the following activities the musketeers train Phillippe to do. fencing (1 _ horseriding cooking —()_—_ dancing diving 1 singing 7 Mark the sentences as T (true) or F (false 1 D’Artagnan was Louis and Phillippe’s father. Louis was happy to learn he had a twin brother. 3. Phillippe was taken back to prison at the end of the film, 4 Louis XIV went on to become a great king. 8 Use the cues to write a paragraph about King Louis XIV of Fra King of France (1643 - 1715) Louis born St. Germain-en-Laye, France, 1638 became king/aged 5 ‘married Marie Therese, 1660 built palace at Versailles —took 27 years to build ruled France 54 years —called ‘Sun King’ — known as France's greatest king © died Sept 1, 1715, age 73. eee 1 Musketeers were bodyguards to the king and queen. Which famous person would you choose to be a bodyguard to, if you could? Why? 2 Would you like to have an identical twin? Why/Why not? 89 1 Zorro gives young boys in the square. ‘A awatch = B_amedallion C_acoin 2 Don Diego de la Vega (Zorro) arrests ‘A Rafael Montero B Ralph Mills € Richard Monroe 3 The name of Zorro’s horse is. A Typhoon B Twister Esperanza, Zorro's wife is A shot B stabbed 5 The Murrieta brothers are A Albert and John B A’ejandro and Joanquil CC Anthony and James 6 There is A coal B siver to one of the two © Tornado poisoned in the mine. © gold Alejandro goes to the banquet. The slaves are set free from the mine. ‘Alejandro and Elena meet. Elena and Alejandro marry and have a son Don Diego dies. enoce ey | 1. Alejandro became the next Zorro. Don Diego trained him. (after) ae yy’, LVS me A ee ae Captain Love killed Joanquil He put his head in a jar. (after) Don Diego looked old and dirty He was in prison for 20 years. (because) Elena thought Rafael was her father. ‘She was brought up by him. (because) ‘The old woman recognized Elena. ‘She was her nanny. (because) The story is set in California. Alejandro and Joanquil were from a rich family Don Diego teaches Alejandro to become a gentleman. Zorro's mark is the letter °X’ Elena finds out who her real father is. Can you name some other fictional heroes who are ‘servants of the people’? Who are the people in real life who rescue us from danger? Have you ever been rescued from danger? Tell the class. 91 UNIT 11 Armageddon (Ii) 4 Complete the paragraph with words from the list. slim species explosion —_ destroyed | ___ imagine asteroid planet ‘The chances of a(n) 1) hitting our 2) are 3) If, however, this happened, our world would be 4) There would be a huge 5) mugh bigger than any we can 6) Every single 7) on earth would be killed instantly 5 What did It say on the badge AJ gave Truman at the end? For all [KMINADN] Explain why this was a sultable logo. 6 Complete the following sentence. 1 Look at the picture. W1thad only one night left on earth, | would Who are the three characters? 2 What is their relationship to each other? Choose the correct item. 1 Harry Stamper's daughter was called A Grace B Hope C Faith 2. Harry worked on a(n) A farm B island oilrig 3 The names of the two shuttles were A Freedom and Independence B Freedom and Unity © Freedom and Equality 4 were protesting against drilling for oil at the beginning of the film. ‘A United Nations B UNICEF C Greenpeace 5 The Russian cosmonaut Lev worked A. ina.gas station B ata radio station © ona space station 6 stayed behind on the asteroid to etonate the bomb. 7 Look at the picture, Explain what is happenin, AAS. B Harry — C Rockhound Serena nates eee hat would you do If this happened’ 7 Atthe end of the film takes place. A atfuneral B aparty C awedding oes so 3 Sort out the sentence to find the English 1 Which natural disaster do you fear most? Why? translation of ‘AD ASTRA PER ASPERA’ 2 Why was the film called ‘Armageddon’? 3. Who was your favourite character in the film? Why leads / rough / a / to / stars / the / road eI " What does this mean? 93 UNIT 14 1. Where is Dr Dolittle? 2 Why is the dog there? + 1. John Dolittle hit with his car. A acat B asquirel © adog 2 Rodney was Aaguineapig B agoat © araccoon 3 The owi came to Dr Dolittle because it had hurt its Ateather B beak = C wing 4 were eating from the rubbish bin. A Pigeons Bats © Pigs 5. The Orangutan spoke A French B Spanish talian 6 Dr Dolittle named the stray dog A Jake B Lisa © Lucky 1. “Ilove you," John said to Lucky. 2 “Isaved your life,” Dolitle said to the rat 3. “T've got to get help,” Lucky said 4 “Tove nuts,” said Rodney. 5 “Have you ever done this operation before?” the tiger asked Dr Dolittle. pig duck elephant bear goat penguin sheep cow chicken the ‘swan’ egg, the tiger. The tiger was going to jump because it was depressed. Dr Dolittle had two sons. Dolitte's father knew he could talk to animals, {At first everyone thought Dr Dolitie was crazy. Maya really enjoyed summer camp. Would you like to be able to talk to animals? Why/Why not? I you could keep an unusual pet, what would it be? Do you think animals should be kept in zoos? Why/Why not? 5

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