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eS Hydrostatic shoe bearing arrangements Contents SKF Hydrostatic shoe bearings Bearing design The hydrostatic principle Self-alignment capability Load carrying capacity Bearing shoe materials Bearing shoe sizes Guiding pads Brackets for guiding pads Special bearing designs Oil supply system SKF involvement Hydrostatic shoe bearing applications Horizontal rotating arrangements Girth ring design Bearing frame seal casing Vertical rotating equipment Application examples Vertical raw mill Lathe steady Parallel debarking drum 4.2 m optical telescope Copper grinding sag mill Tables Swain a 10 10 10 10 BT 14 14 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 21 22 SKF hydrostatic shoe bearings Large, heavy rotating equipment often presents a problem to the designer when suitable bearings have to beselected. Diameters or weights of, for instance, grinding mills, debarkers, telescopes or grinding steadies may be so large that conventional rolling bearings or support rollers can no longer be used. ‘The SKF hydrostatic shoe bearing is the ideal so- lution to this problem. 2 high carrying capacity unlimited support diameters virtually no friction or wear ability to withstand heavy shock loads * * + self-alignment to irregularities of the girth ring * + independence of speed or rotational direction * high running accuracy and stiffness ‘Typical applications areas are: Ore grinding mills Cement mills Debarking drums Coal grinding mills Rotary kilns Air preheaters Dryers for grain Sugar diffusors Heavy machine tools Telescopes Arrange of standard and special designs facilitate the choice of bearing for any individual application, Bearing design The hydrostatic principle Oil is injected by a pump into the pocket formed between the sliding pad and the girth ring, fig 1. Pressure built up in the pocket causes the girth ring to lift until a gap is created. Oil can freely escape through the gap. If the gap is sufficient to separate the shoe completely from the girth ring, the latter can rotate with low friction at any speed from very slow to high, and in either direction. The pocket pressure is solely dependent on the load on the girth ring and the pocket size. The height of the gap depends on the pressure, oil flow rate and viscosity, as well as the geometry of the sliding pad. Fig] Self-alignment capability Itis very important for the shoe to be able to accom- modate any misalignment of the girth ring, caused by manufacturing and mounting errors, distortion, or settling of the machine foundations. Four design features enable the SKF hydrostatic shoe bearing to accommodate considerable angular misalignment even at high speeds, fig 2. + The sliding pad rests on a hemispherical surface which permits tilting in any direction. % In order to reduce friction, the ball/seating con- tact is partially relieved of its load hydraulically, by applying equal oil pressure to the piston shaped underside of the sliding pad and to the central pocket. + The central pocket of the sliding pad is surround- ed by four corner pockets. These corner pockets are fed with oil, partly via the dividing lands and partly through ducts with restrictors. Since pres- sure differentials can build up between the corner pockets, the sliding pad is able to correct its posi- tion relative to the girth ring. * The sliding pad itself flexible enough to adapt toa certain degree of torsional irregularity in the girth ring. Fig 2 Load carrying capacity SKF hydrostatic shoe bearings have a very high load carrying capacity since they can be operated at high oil pressures. For practical reasons, however, the oil pressure and the size of shoe must be limited. Therefore, for higher loads, the number of shoes has to be increased. Inorder to provide correct positioning fora girth ring rotating about a horizontal axis, two shoes are sufficient, fig 3. These are termed master shoes and are radially fixed, fig 2. If the load requires additional shoes, these have to be free to move radially in order to adapt to deformations of the girth ring. They are termed slave shoes, figs 3 and 4. ‘The slave shoes, which are hydraulically con- Fig 4 nected to the masters, are designed in such a way that they share the lodd equally in spite of any deformation of the girth ring, mounting errors, or settling of the foundations, fig 5. Thus the unique master/slave principle makes it possible to design bearing arrangements for very high loads and for girth rings with slim cross section and economic manufacturing accuracy. The shoes adjust to deformations which may also vary in the course of time. Overload on individual shoes or stress concentration in the ring are avoided. When the oil system is not pressurised, only the masters carry the girth ring. The slaves retract slightly and make no contact with the ring. Two master shoes position the ring. S SSIEIN an RA SSN WLLL Slave shoes boost carrying capacity. Fig3 Fig 5 Bearing shoe materials The sliding pad and the lower section are made of spheroidal graphite cast iron or steel. Ball and seat are produced from hardened ball bearing steel. The contact surface of thesliding pad is coated with a layer of bronze. In the event of contact with the girth ring, the bronze will sacrifice itself rather than damage the girth ring, Bearing shoe sizes SKF supplies five standard sizes of shoe in master or slave design, see Table 1. Master and slave have exactly the same external design and carrying ca- pacity. The slave sliding pad, however, can move up and down by 5 mm around the fixed height of the master. ‘The standard dimensions in combination with the master/slave principle enable the designer to arrive at the bearing with the required capacity by choosing exactly the right size and number of shoes, on a modular principle. Guiding pads For axial guidance of horizontally rotating equip- ment or for radial guidance of vertically rotating equipment SKF guiding pads can be used in com- bination with hydrostatic shoe bearings, see figs 10 and 11, page 15. 10 ‘The pads also operate on the hydrostatic princi- ple. Their sliding part is connected toa support bya spherical plain thrust bearing. This in combination with the 4-pocket pattern makes the pad fully self- aligning, Table 1. ‘The contact surface of the sliding part is coated with bronze. The pads should be arranged and shimmed so that the free axial or radial movement of the equipment is kept within 0.5-1.5 mm, ‘The pads are manufactured in two sizes with flat or curved sliding contact surface, see Table 1. Brackets for guiding pads Both sizes of guiding pad can be mounted on a bracket as shown in Table 2. The bracket, which is available in three sizes, is made from spheroidal graphite cast iron. ‘The bracket is either attached to the equipment structure or, for the sizes 410 530 mm 500 640 mm 600 X 765 mm integrated in the master shoe, Table 3, offering a compact and simple design. In both cases the bracket is fixed by a flat key and two prestressed bolts with hardened washers. The appropriate degree of prestress is given in Table 3. The bolts can be prestressed and dismounted using an SKF HYDROCAM HTS 55 bolt tensioner. Special bearing designs The standard shoes and guiding pads can be modi- fied in order to adapt to special demands such as high or low speeds, high accuracy or stiffness, minimized oil consumption and available space. Oil supply system ‘The sliding surfaces of the hydrostatic shoe and the girth ring must be fully separated from each other by an oil film in order to guarantee safe operation. A proper oil film can be generated in several ways. For practical reasons SKF hydrostatic shoe bearings are provided with a flow of pressurised oil which is constant and of an equal rate for all shoes or pads of a given size. This means that the film thickness will vary with load, temperature and speed. However, the magnitude of oil flow and viscosity are chosen for each application so that the film is sufficiently thick even under worst condi- tions. The oil pressure in the shoes directly proportional to the load acting oni. This fact can be used for load ‘measurements based on the oil pressure in or near to the shoe. The principal working mode of the oil supply system is shown in fig 6. An oil pump supplies a constant primary flow through a filter to a flow divider. Equal sub-flows, 4 Oil tank 2 Pump 3 Electric motor 4 Relief valve 5 Sequence valve 6 Oil filter 7 Check valve 8 Accumulator 9 Flow divider 10 Master shoe 11 Slave shoe 42 Girth ring 18 Shoe pedestal 14 Oil sump 15 Oil cooler 16 Valve for cooling water 17 Thermostat 18 Flow control valve Fig 6 one for each shoe or guiding pad, are provided by the flow divider. ‘The return oil is collected in the sump beneath the shoes and then passes back to the oil tank. There the oil is pumped through a separate tem- perature regulation circuit before it is pumped back to the shoes. Should, for any reason, the oil supply be inter- rupted, the drive of the equipment is stopped and the bearing arrangement is supplied with oil dur- ing coast-down from an accumulator. ‘The oil supply system is provided with tempera- ture, pressure and flow controls which are inter- locked with the control system of the equipment in order to guarantee safe operation under all condi- tions. The actual design of the oil supply system is made according to the application and customer needs. i SKF involvement In addition to supplying the shoes and oil supply system, SKF provides all engineering know-how needed to design, assemble, start up and maintain hydrostatic shoe bearings. First of all SKF recommends the optimum bear- ing arrangement consisting of shoes, guiding pads and the oil supply system. SKF also assists with advice on how to design and manufacture the associated parts of the bearing arrangement including the foundation, girth ring, hood and seals. Computer programs for calculation of girth ring temperatures and deformations are available. SKF also delivers an interlocking scheme for the integration of the oil supply system into the control and monitoring systems of the customer's equip- ment. After delivery of shoes and oil supply system by SKF, the customer is expected to + install the shoes and provide the necessary fixing elements * provide and install all piping between shoes and il supply system * carry out the mechanical and electrical installa- tion of the oil supply system including connec- tion to power supply, wiring of all control com- ponents and their connection to the in-house control system +* supply nitrogen gas bottles for precharging the accumulators + supply and fill ol into the system. Before the first trial start-up of the equipment SKF check and approve the complete bearing instal- lation on site. This includes a measurement of the girth ring shape and a check of the interlocks. The SKF warranty takes effect from the date of approval of the trial start-up. SKF also offers a maintenance service contract. 13 Hydrostatic shoe bearing applications Horizontal rotating arrangements ‘The ever-increasing feed diameters and weights of ‘equipment such as grinding mills require very elabo- rate designs of trunnions, support heads and shell. The trunnion diameters are now often so large that, the size limit for rolling bearings is exceeded. The only possible alternative bearing arrange- ments are those which do not restrict the support diameter and preferably can operate directly against a girth ring encircling the drum. This permits large feed openings and light head and shell designs, fig 7. Girth ring arrangement Fig 7 Such arrangements include various types of plain bearing or support rollers. The life of support rollers is often inadequate. In order to generate sufficient load carrying capacity at low speed, hydrodynamic plain bearings have to be made very long and wide. Deformations and manufacturing tolerances of the girth rings makeit difficult to maintain a full oil film over such large bearing surfaces, The SKF hydrostatic shoe in combination with the master/slave principle is the ideal bearing so- lution for large trunnion and girth ring diameters. Upto approx 12.000 kN radial load per ring can be carried. Basic bearing arrangements and their load carrying capacities are given in Table 4. The carrying capacity is an approximate figure for the maximum permitted load during operation under normal conditions. For other conditions it ean be higher or lower. 14 Girth ring design In the following, recommendations are given for the design of girth rings or trunnions. Tnorder not to perforate the oil film, any inaccu- racies of the ring within the surface occupied by an individual shoe must lie between two coaxial cylin- drical surfaces at a distance of 0.04 mm apart, fig. The inaccuracies may be caused by manufacturing errors or deformations under load. Thanks to the self-aligning capability of theshoes, their limited size and the master/slave system the complete bearing arrangement can adapt to far greater total inaccuracies than 0.04 mm, e.g. ovali- sation. The surface roughness of the ring should not ex- ceed Ra 3.2 1m (equivalent to fine turning) and its axial run-out should be less than + 1 mm. Joints of welded or segmented rings must be oil tight and smooth. Foran axially non-located bearing the ring should have a width which always covers at least the entire shoe surface. Here, itis necessary to consider % how accurately the radial shoes can be mounted in relation to the girth ring centre, % what axial movement due to thermal expansion and clearance of the axial guidance can be expect- ed. Asa guide line value it is recommended that the width of the girth ring for an axially non-located bearing arrangement be selected as being at least the width (W) of the sliding shoe plus 10 mm, fig9. Shape tolerance Figs Oo —— 4 anon Fig 9 For an axially located bearing the width of the girth ring depends on the arrangement of the axial guidance: Axial guidance integral mith a master shoe. 05-150 W.20ren= 05

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