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Mid Shot

Long Shot

High Angle

Tracking shot of character walking down the


Match on action of character opening the door

Tracking shot of character waling down the


Close up

Long Shot

Close Up

Panning shot of character walking down the stairs

Match on action with character opening the


Close up which is finally revealing the character

Long Shot

Over the shoulder shot

Over the shoulder shot

characters sitting down in the interrogation room

Shot reverse shot showing the conversation between

the two characters

Shot reverse shot, this time from the other characters


Long Shot

Long Shot

Close up

Long shot of the character standing up ready to leave

Match on action of the character leaving the room

Close up of the character by themselves sitting at a


Created with Storyboard That for Miss Walker

Image Attributions:
stairs down ( by Drunken Monkey License: Attribution, Non Commercial (
arne jacobsen, central steel staircase, rdovre town hall, 1952-1956 ( by seier+seier License: Attribution (
34 / 365 - French inspired chair ( by Kelly Hunter License: Attribution (

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