McWilliams Scholarship Application 2015

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$1,000 McWilliams Trust

Elementary Education Scholarship

The McWilliams trust was established by her daughter-in-law, Virginia
Lageschulte, after her death. Granddaughter, Cordelle Lageschulte writes: My
Grandmother taught country school back when she drove a horse and buggy to get
there. She was always concerned about young children getting a proper education.
It is in this spirit that the McWilliams Trust Elementary Education Scholarship is
A $1,000 Scholarship will be given each year to a member of Trinity United
Methodist Church in Waverly Iowa for a person pursuing an Elementary Education
Degree. If there is less than $2,000 in the account on a given year the whole
amount left shall be given that year. If there are no applicants in a given year, that
year would be skipped.
Scholarship Criteria:
Eligible applicants would be pursuing an Elementary Education Degree
Student must be a member of the Trinity United Methodist Church in
Waverly Iowa
A written essay of no less than 500 words on why the Elementary Education
field was chosen.
Please include the attached page along with a copy of your acceptance letter
with your essay. If you are currently an Elementary Education major,
include a copy of your (unofficial) transcript that shows your declared major.
The deadline for application is April 30, 2015
Scholarship Management
Committee of church members will select winner from candidates
The check to the scholarship winner will be made out to College of his or
her choice.
This is a onetime scholarship per person

$1,000 McWilliams Trust

Elementary Education Scholarship

Please include the following as well as a copy of your acceptance letter with your essay.

Name_____________________________ Birthdate:_________________
Phone__________________________ Email_____________________________
Parents names______________________________________________________
I plan to attend_____________________________________________in fall 2015
Address for check to be sent to:_________________________________________

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