WW 30.09.15

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Wednesday Weekly Newsletter

Through working together, the best is yet to come
Issue 4 30th September 2015

Dear Parents,


I would like to say a huge thank you for so many generous donations from our parents, grandparents and carers who
donated cakes and provided a 1 for their children to enjoy this event. Every class came to visit the coffee morning
for a short break and everybody enjoyed a drink and cake raising a whopping 366 for the MacMillan Trust. The
amount raised really made it a success! The Year 6 children and their staff did a tremendous job hosting the event
thank you very much and well done!




There has recently been publicity highlighting concerns over the bottles issued to schools by United Utilities following
the drinking water ban over the summer holidays. It is understood that the issue relates to an incident at a school in
Blackpool where a child was chewing a bottle and a piece broke off. Blackpool Council confirmed a school reported a
water bottle breaking, but said it did not have any immediate concerns about their safety.
I would like to ask that parents ensure that all uniform worn fits with our uniform guidance in the school brochure.
Items such as black shorts and skirts are being brought into school but should be grey. I understand if you have
recently bought these items, but in the future, grey trousers and skirts should be worn in school. Earrings should also
be removed if ears are now fully healed following the summer break and now that we have reached October.
I would very much like to support a very busy food bank situated in Bamber Bridge through our celebration of Harvest
this year. It is in constant demand by members of our community and supports a large number of people every week.
If you would so kind, please put to one side any tinned or dried foods such as pasta products which are still in date so
that we can give these to Brian Walton, a distributor for this particular local food bank. The children in the Junior
classes will again be holding their assembly in St Aidans Church on the 14 October at 11.30am which parents are
welcome to attend (be warned that there is limited available sitting space but this is short assembly with plenty of
standing room) . Our infant children will be holding a harvest theme for their assemblies in the same week. Any
donations will be most welcome and can be brought in from Monday 12 October.
In an attempt to remove all cash payments and cheques from school, we are asking all parents to use an e-payment
method which will be starting after half term from 2 November. Many of you may already use a system like this
already, particularly if you have a child at high school as well. This is proven to be secure and very easy and can be
done online using a website called ParentPay. A letter will be sent home next week giving you clear details along
with your username and password. A second letter will be distributed just before half term to ensure you have
received all the vital information to make this change a smooth one.
I am pleased that the following members of our 100 Club have won:


1 Prize: Alison Armstrong 24


2 Prize: Andy King 19.20


3 Prize: Southern/Raynor Family14.40

The swimming pool raised 38.40

If you wish to be a member of our 100 Club, then please let us know or see Mrs Billington in the Infant building.
We would like to give our Year 6 Bison children to opportunity to take up the challenge of passing the Bikeability
qualification next week. Your child should bring their bicycle, which should be in good working order, and a cycle
helmet on the dates listed below for their class. This opportunity is provided through the South Ribble Borough
Council and it focuses on getting our children safely managing road skills and practical road cycling training which is
helpful with their transition to high school next year.
Bison Class Mr Bennett Tuesday 6th October Friday 9th October 1.30 3.10pm
Ribble Valley Cycle Club have offered to come at carry out bike checks and carry out necessary minor adjustments
to childrens bicycles next Monday 5th October at 3.15pm before their Bikeability event. Bicycles may then be left in
school overnight to help parents with transportation.
We have become aware that since the start of the term some emails that parents have sent to school have not
reached us. I am glad to inform you that this issue has now been fixed! If you have tried to email one of us and not
received a reply, please resend the email. To send an email to a member of staff, this can be done via the school
website through selecting the avatar for your childs class teacher. Thank you.
As you are aware, we kindly ask for a parental donation of 12 each term to be made towards the swimming lessons
your child receives. This is about 1 for each lesson which is great value and something which your children benefit
hugely from. Please help us by making your payments to the school office, cheques are to be made payable to
Lancashire County Council or L.C.C.



This is a reminder to apply for a school place if your child has a 4 birthday between 1 September 2015 and 31
August 2016 and /or if your child is in his or her last year of primary school from 1 September 2015. Please apply
even if an older brother or sister is already attending your preferred school or academy. You must apply for a school
or academy place online at: www.lancashire.gov.uk/schools.
Congratulations to our Super Pupils from last week:
Bison Class- Anja
Manatee Class- Lauren
Falcon Class - Hannah
Eagle Class - Christopher
Jaguar Class - Isabelle
Leopard Class- Hamza
Loris Class - Lucy
Kakapo Class- Jorja
Gorilla Class- Max
Orangutan Class- Ryan
Elephant Class- Lucas
Rhinoceros Class- Dylan

Yours sincerely,
C. Shields


30 September

Lostock Hall Academy Open Evening for prospective parents and children 6.30pm 8.30pm


1 October

Penwortham Girls High School Open Evening 6.30pm

St Marys RC High School, Brownedge Open Evening

5th October

Central Venue Football Tournament at Lostock Hall Academy- 4pm


6 October

Early Years Maths workshop- 6:30pm

Year 6 Bison Class Bikeability (Children will need to bring in their bicycles) (Tuesday to Friday 1.120 3.10pm)


Open day for prospective parents


Open day for prospective parents

8 October
9 October

12 October

Adrian Bowden Science Shows on Forces for Infants and juniors

Central Venue Football Tournament at Lostock Hall Academy- 4pm


13 October

6pm PTFA Bingo Night in Junior Hall

Early Years arts and design workshop- 6:00pm


Junior Harvest Celebration Assembly at St Aidans Church 11.30am


19 October

Central Venue Football Tournament at Lostock Hall Academy - 4pm

21st October

PTFA Halloween Crafts 3.15 4.30pm

14 October


23 October

PTFA Halloween Disco Infant 5.15-6.15pm/Junior 6.30-7.30pm

Break for half term holiday


2 November

Return to school after half term

4th November

Year 6 Shakespeare Festival Charter Theatre, Preston


9 November

Y1 History Workshop- Great Fire of London


10 November

Resources Committee for Governors at 5pm

Curriculum Committee for Governors at 6pm

16th November

Parents Evening
Anti-Bullying Week


24 November

Sports Hall Athletics Event at Lostock Hall Academy Y5/Y6

5TH December

Christmas Fair


9 December

Y4 depart for Robinwood Residential, Todmordern


Y4 return from Robinwood Residential, Todmordern at approx. 1:30pm


Christmas Dinner KS1

10 December
14 December

KS2 Carol Service practise


Whole School visit to Blackpool Grand Theatre Pantomime - Snow White


Christmas Dinner KS2

15 December
16 December

KS2 Carol Service at St Marys Church 6pm

17th December

Infant Christmas Party 9:30 - 10:30am

Junior Christmas Party 1:30 3pm


18 December

PTFA - Breakfast with Santa KS2 Hall 8am 8.45am

Hobgoblin Theatre Company - Christmas Carol 9.30am
1:15pm End of Term
Christmas Break

Hot School Dinners junior children

I would like to sign my child up for hot school dinners from September at 2.30 per dinner. (Please tick)
Monday Friday


Friday Favourite

Childs name.Class.
Signed parent/guardianDate.

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