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Wednesday 27/05/2015

YEAR LEVEL: Foundation

TIME: 50 mins

LESSON TOPIC: Ordering events


(From ACARA, or Desired Student Outcome from SACSA)

Compare and order the duration of events using the everyday language of time (ACMMG007)

knowing and identifying the days of the week and linking specific days to familiar

knowing and identifying the days of the week and linking specific days to familiar

LESSON OUTCOMES: (These should relate to both the topic and to the curriculum link)

Students will be able to recognise change and order over time.

Students will be able to correctly order events.
I can put events into order.
I can recognise the importance of the order of events.


The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Paper cut into 8 s.
Student allocations into pairs.


Was the student able to correctly order the events of the Very Hungry Caterpillar?
Was the student able to correctly represent the events of the very hungry caterpillar?
Was the student able to work well in a pair?

Where the students able to meet the aims of the lesson?
Did the students enjoy the lesson?
Did the teacher enjoy the lesson?
Was the classroom sufficiently organised for the lesson?
How much clarification did the students need about the task they were set?
Do the aims of this lesson meet ACARA aims?


Maths Wednesday



TUNING IN (whole class)

5 mins
Read the Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Discuss what happened first. What happened after that?
What happened next?
Discuss with students why the order is important. Does
the story make sense if we change the order things
happened in?

10 mins 2.

INTRODUCTION (whole class)

Introduce learning intentions.

Decide on success criteria (I can statements). Should be
similar to what is stated above.
Introduce activity.
Complete activity as a whole class to provide support for
students who require it.

20 mins 3. EXPLORATION/PRACTICE(pairs)

Take photos and

checklist as evidence

Students will be given half an A4 piece of paper

(lengthwise), cut into quarters.
Students will be
working pre-selected
Students will draw the stages the hungry caterpillar went
through, one for each quarter. Students are encouraged to pairs.
put as much detail as possible into their drawings. What
might we see in a picture of a caterpillar?
Students will swap their drawings with their partners to
see if their partner can put the drawings in order.
Students will glue their own drawings, in order, into their

5 mins

4. CONCLUSION (whole class share/reflect)

Discuss if learning has been achieved according to the
success criteria.
Award trophies to good learners and tokens for students
who put in good effort.

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