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1994 F.S.U. (Bobby Bowden) Shotgun Offense (Original) 2. By 4994 PLAYER RULES & REGULATIONS = (FALL) I. GENERAL ROLES We will be in FishBowl in ‘941! Don’t embarrass the program! (a) Maintain FSU imaage - clean, confident, proud football players. your name, Family, Be on time for all meetings, meals, buses, etc. (a) The OFFICIAL time is on Coach Bowden's wrist. (b) Call BEFORE not AFTER, if you have an emergency. Designated spot for bulletins will be the Dining Hall (notices will be up by 11:00 aM) 8 ymment coach BEFORE missing practice (even if the doctor, trainer or Coach Bowden excuses you.) UNEXCUSED ABSENCE from practice will mean disciplinary action or expulsion. ATTEND ALL CLASSES (DON’T DROP COURSES). CLASSES CAN ONLY BE DROPPED WITH PERMISSION FROM DR. GROOTERS. Regarding class schedules: We are requesting that NO CLASSES be scheduled at the following times: MONDAYS after 2:30 PM, including evening. 8 TUESDAYS OR THURSDAYS that end after 1:45 PM 1s WEDNESDAYS OR FRIDAYS that end after 1:10 PM Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening classes must not start before 7:00 PM. Any exception to these expectations must be approved by the segnent coach and the academic advisor, No caps worn in the dining hall,“meetings, ar study-hetT. Do not use office telephon pernission. without a coach’s DRESS CODE - Banquets, trip: Coach Bowden says otherwise. etc., coat and tie, unless a2. 13. 14. 3a 1. 2. 36 a HAIR RULE - No hair flaring beneath back of helmet, mustache trimmed at corner of lip, NEAT AND WELL GROOMED. PRESS (a) Always be complimentary (especially regarding your opponents) . (b) Don’t talk about how good we are. (c) Talk i oe : CO) that of Rpg interior NCAA frat (a) No gambling or association with gamblers (b) Agents (Eligibility) Stay Away From You may be declared ineligible. (c) Athletes are not allowed to work during the tine period that they are on scholarship, except for holidays and sunner. (4) No athlete may advertise for or endorse a product, company or place of busin If any questions our compliance officer (Brian Mand). Ge) Ma" ngerte te donne No drugs No smoking No alcoholic beverages No performance enhancing chemicals (steroid) III. LOCKER ROOM - PRIDE You responsible for equipment - lock it up! (Report a thief to staff) Keep your assigned stool in your locker. Be sure the equipment fits . . check it out before practice starts Don’t put anything on the floor - trash, tap etc. (Seniors help). Don’t take our jerseys, socks, shorts, etc., (return if seen wearing it.) Don’t take drinks or cups into locker room. Lock your lockers. Do not bring guests into our locker room. Take your shoes off before entering locker room, after practice. CVs ON YIELD RULES: 10. 21. 12. 13. “ae Check equipment before practice Don’t throw paper SUPS on fieig t on one knee only (NEVER ait on anything) except Ke during break, ach from a drill, ROW from dri1i to @rill- BE Prrep , CON’ TALK BACK 70 4 coacr, Come to ny office i¢ You fee1 it he feels fo is necessary QUIT... vey TRADEMARK — (nen you 9° down ~ jump up and "Go Get’ “rn! ) (a) A priia (>) Sprints ang conditioners Never leave field until tne te, ndes8N8S oF group or ‘ed by the segment seach (includes Kickers ang Players who are unable to Participate in lity drilis wily either jump ah, ‘avy rope or do sit-ups Supervision during the vane block set aaine agilities yy addition they wilt report to the Teatten e208 AM, these Th: re xt mo; fe ) of Fehabilitation 1 continue until they are able to Participate in ALL AGILITY Deine. in any sf 1224 Scholarship Football Roster Clifton Abraham 48. Kevin Long Derrick Alexander 49. Marcus Lon Enzo Armella 50. Tyrant Marion Chad Bates 51. Kez McCorvey Harold Battle: 52. Tiger McMillon Scott Bentls 53. Pat McNeil Peter lware 54. Wayne Messam Derrick Brooks 55. Sean Mitchell Giddeon Brown 56. Dan Mowrey ‘Thad Busby 57. Melvin Pearsall saree Bush 58. Anthony Phillips Dev: Bush 59. Julian Pittman Byron Capers 60. Richardo Preston Kamari Charlton 61 Todd Rebol James Colzie 62. Philip Riley Forrest Conoly 63. Jam Roberson Andre Cooper 64. Samari Rolle Chris cowart 65. Orpheus Roye Samuel Cowart 66. Troy Saunders Henri Crockett 67. Travis Sherman Zack Crockett 68. Clay Shiver Andy Crowe 69. Eric Smith Terry Davis 70. Connell Spain Aaron Dely 71. Greg spir Warrick Dunn 72. Jon stark O’Mar Ellison 73. Demetro Stephens Larry Fleming 74. Tra Thomas Todd Fordh: 75. Greg Frey 76. Dale Valente Corey Fuller 77. Rodney Wells Steve Gilmer 78. Clarence Williams Lamarr Glenn 79. Rhodney Williams Billy Glenn 80. Reinard Wilson Henry Grant 35. Ernie Green 36. Lamont Green Jermaine Green Medical Non-Participant Dulack Guerrier Sean Hamlet 1. Robert Hammond John Donaldson Ly 41. Jesus Hernandez WALK-oNS 42. Deon Humphrey 43. ‘on Jackson 2. Dennis Andrews 11. Pat Millen 44. Tim Johnson 2. Danny Campbell Mike Mirando 45. Danny Kanell 3. Rhett cili Billy Rhodes 46. Suan Laureano 4. James D'Amico Scott Scharinger 47. Sean Lis 5. Clif£ Dell Kendrick Scott 6. Marc Donaldson Arrion Smith 7. Jason Floyd Shevin Smith 8. Marlon Green Jason Trumbower 9. Tony Librizzi David Walker 10. Rendell Long 7:1S- AM~ Wake-up call! (Student Managers and Trainers) 7:20 - 8:00 AM - Breakfast 8:00 AM- Physicals - Equipment Issued 9:00 ‘AM - Staff Meeting - Organization of freshmen testing - Dave Van Halanger 10:00 AM- Placement Tests (Grant, Green, Saunders, Hammond) 11:45 - 12:45 PM - Lunch - (put sign in cafeteria about 1:30 dressed in gym) 1:30-4:30 PM - Weight Program (meet in new work-out room) teach flex A. Bench Press B. Jump Rope 40 yard dash) to the C. Sit-ups shuttle run) track -2 pair D. Vertical Jump of shoes E. Dips F. 10 yard explosion 4:30 PM - Staff Meeting - or as soon as we can meet - results - could be earlier 4:30-5:30 PM - Rules & Regulations Meeting (Projection Room) A. Jimmie Callaway - Equipment and locker room (pictures in locker) Show players how to hang equipment B. Coach Gladden - Training Table rules & general rules, C. Coach Haggins - Housing Rules - Nick D. Agility - Film 5:30- 6:30PM - Dinner 6:30- 8:30PM - Segment Meetings Remind them of A.M. Schedule 11:00 Foren Freshmen should check into apartments during the afternoon and get equipment fitted before supper. 5:00 - 6:00 PM - Dinner (parents and wives are invited) 6:00 - 6:10 PM - Parents invited to Coach Bowden's office 6:15 - 7:45 PM - Freshmen Meeting: (O.L. Segment Room) ‘A. Coach Bowden - Greetings B. Compliance Meeting - Drug test form, student testing form, ACC initial eligibility (Mand & Staff). C. Randy Oravetz - Physical procedure, training procedures and facilities D. Announcements 11:00 PM - Curfew - Lights Out!! ten Ng fsingey Lamy 120198) 09739 uemgsend = HAE = 1 dora 3H rg - meas - ws om: 1. Out condition 2. Sewed up kicking game PUNT: A. Winning, proven personnel on punt team B. Sound protection scheme and 2-0 timing ¢. Cover scheme and pursuit Plan KICK-OFF: A. Winning proven personnel B. Disciplined kicks Cc. Sound coverage scheme D. Error proof safety procedure EXTRA-POINT: A. Must be automatic EXELD GOAL: A. Know range KICK-OFF RETURN: A. Good athletes up front B. Dangerous returners €. Sound bring-it-out plan D. Field every kick E. Select ‘natural’ returners (TB‘s, FB‘s) PUNT RETURN: A. Field every punt if return is on PUNT BLOCK: A. Find "The Man’ ~ B. Butler, Wessel, etc. a. = 98/C, backs, receivers B. Minimum running plays with no M.A. C. Sewed up G.L. and S.¥. offense D. Flexible passing game with no M.A.’s E. Perfect execution of blitz control DEFENSE A. No long 7.D.’s allowed B. Great G.L. and S.Y., defense C. Sound scheme that allows aggressiven D. stop the run E. Great tackling IDE-A-WAY - 1994 SBJECTIVE: Go over last minute details and get clear understanding of what we are doing and why. ROUND RULES: Any coach can bring up any question he may have to the stafr to clarify. When our boys report and we hit the field, all coaches must know ‘our program’ RONDEN/S INDEX: See if coaches have ‘a plan’. stimulate thinking To get defensive lock at offense and an offensive look at defense and offensive and defensive lock at kicking game, and critique within the starr. OUR GOALS (94: HIN: (1) To win 12 games; (2) state Championship (3) Conference championship; (4) Win major bowk and (5) National Championship. QUR-GOAL IS TO HAVE OUR PLAYERS BETTER PREPARED To PLAY THE BEST THEY CAN. We can’t control the rest. We must make it happen by being prepared in every little detail. Bill Walsh comments HOW_WE MUST ACCOMPLISH GOAL: KICKING GAMEL Coaching will be a factor. everyone get involved in punting game. - Get kickers 100% on E.P.’s. Use stop vatch perfection. Must always win kicking game. DEFENSE: Bxecute fundamentals 1 on 1. Don’t give up ’Big Phay’ itm? , Play great goal line defence. Discipline is key. “Establish an ‘attack’ plan earlier. OFFENSE: Eliminate turnovers and missed assignnents. Execute basic fundamentals, team work Great goal line offen: Neaa History, “* THIS ALL BEGINS WITH GREAT STAFF MORALE THAT FILTERS DOWN TO SQUAD MORALE. ## d_ unity. Best 2 min offense in A. SETTING THE HUDDLE S = s eae 2 + Center will set the huddle seven yards from the ball in a standing position. Guards will align 1-1/2 feet in front of the center. Their inside foot should align with the Center's outside foot. Tackles will align 1-1/2 feet in front of the Guards. Their inside foot should split the crotch of the Guard. ‘The Tight End (Y) and FB (or Ted) will align 1-1/2 feet in front of the Tackles, ‘Their inside foot should split the crotch of the Tackle, ‘The X and TB will align in front of the FB & Y respectively, splitting their stance with their shoulders facing the sidelines turned toward the QB. The Z will line up to the right of the QB. ‘The QB will align at the open end of the huddle, facing the Center. |. QB remairs outside the huddle until the play to be run is deoided. When QB Steps into the huddle, give your attention to him No talking in the huddle, Hustle in and out of the huddle. - When information is sent in, give it to the QB. Don't leave the sidelines unless you fully understand the information to be sent in . If you don't hear the play in the huddle, holler "CHECK", B. QUARTERBACK - Call of Plays in the Huddle 1. QB will call the play in the following order: &. Formation b. Motion ©. Play 4. Snap count 2. Center, "X" and "2" break the huddle as soon as the snap is given 3. QB will pause and repeat the snap count (giving "X" and "Z" time to disperse), then break the huddle with the command "Ready", then all say "Break" with clap, then sprint to the L.O.S. - BE DISCIPLINED !!! C. AT THE LINE OF SCRIMMAGE (L.0.S,) 1. "Y" will come to his position on the ball in a 3 point stance, 2. Offensive linemen will come to their positions in a 2-point (pre-shift) alignment. D. BASIC SPLITS AND ALIGNMENTS Oo SO@S'Cd © - Si @. Guards ... 2 feet ... down hand on toe of Center b. Tackles ... 2 1/2 feet ... align yourself with your Offensive Guard ¢. Tight End... 3-4 feet ... align with yourself on the ball 2. Split End & Flanker: X - Z line up with the ball a. Split Rule: 1, Boundary - split difference from end man on line and sideline 2. Hash - 3 yards outside for Hash 3. Middle - mid-point between Hash and Sideline. 3. Backs a. I Formation |, Fullback ... down hand at 4 yards, directly behind Center 2. Tailback ... directly behind FB, toes at 7 1/2 yards 4, Split Backs a. Fullback - Heels at 5 yards behind ST - up stance b. Tailback - Heels at 5 yards behind TT - up stance —— —-——E. CADENCE AND SNAP COUNT 1. Our starting count will be on: a. Ready Down: (which is a quick count). All Offensive Linemen hustle to L.O.S.: get in a down position, ready to go quick. Cadence will be "Down". b, On | or 2 - Offensive Line and Backs come to L.O.S. in Up position, line shifts down and backs shift to "I" after "Down". Example: Down - (line and backs shift) - Say It - Hike or Down (line and backs shift) Say - It - Hike, Hike ¢. Ready 1 or Ready 2 - Offensive Line comes to L.O.S. down and stays down: Example; Down - Say It - Hike or Down - Say It - Hike, Hike 4. On Center's snap (from Shotgun formation) - everyone lines up in an up stance. QB gives heel kick then center snaps ball at will. “TTF. FREEZE PLAY 1, We will use a Freeze to draw defense off-side 2. Cadence will be on 1 - no one will move except Center and QB if defense gets in neutral zone. If defense does not move, QB will then audible to appropriate play which will be on 1. Example of defense in neutral zone - Down - Say It - Hike. Defense jumps QB takes snap and goes down on knee. Example of defense not jumping in neutral zone: Down - Say It - Hike (no jump), Green 42, Green 42 - Hike. Play is 42 on Hike. -_—-..G. NO HUDDLE 1. QB will call strength of formation 2. Offense will line up in Shotgun formation according to strength call by QB 3. QB calls out code name for play - hand signals to skill people - defense front - cadence 4, Shotgun plays are on Center's snap $. 1 Plays are on "One" DEFENSIVE ALIGNMENTS = All head-up techniques are even numbers ~ Head-up on the center is 0, if nose offset, designate strong or veak shade. = Gaps are 4 Strong "B", nated by the letter and the strength of formation, (Weak "A", te.) ~ Defense is called predicated on defensive tackles alignments. oO oO oO ®G®®@OOO® L N fs oF WW uM bes 2 °ON ?37gWVXa ‘auyeL aids pueng 3410s < 9 wany, 1 “0 48,97 apisur apis 3h1ds ~ 3¥IW 27 @pts3n9 = 111K apis Guoaas - WyS PES “31 OL 49,87 apisang - G3 z ® jium oO oO ®@@@O2O@2® N FL aA ueS ma “aE veng 3y6tL 0 0 <0 “0 00 00 =,| Rights Dy 0 0 00 00 oo°0 ¥ ton) Fig. Right Twins o090 z & FB. ° oO ° ° Right Over Right Tight iL Twins Qo z IL tight 0 0 <0 00 OO <0 0 0 0 0 Sih 0 0 9 x 2 bal pO 00 00 Left Twins 0 0 ~O 0 00 00 Lefe over o eis o6.c'g R Tight Over Right Tight Over Lett Tight Over T Left Flex Right Wing Poogoos ° °o oO oO Zoogece FORMATIONS. 1. 900800 wR oO z LT. GUN ~ RIFLE PERSONNEL z I! e eeecce Split the difference detween the tackle and the sideline Line up 3 yards outside the has. 1 | ! @ a Tt e I I eccece Split the | difference » o reckiver ~é sideline PANTHER SPLITS x Split the difference bi the tackle and the 2 receiver Line up 3 yards outside the hash. a J e spuit the | attterence Zz beeween the tackle and the 2 receive Line up 3 yards outside the hash , x e Line up 1 yard inside the top of the numbers (9 yard mark) Line up 1 yard inside the top of the numbers (9 yard mark) e Line up 1 yard inside the top of the numbers (9 yard mark) i eco L, e ates e the | aims spurs I ! | | | | lrg wl S8ec0ce0e e | the the 2 1 e ate Bae between @ ckle and the Line up 1 yare Zz repairer 2 e Line up 1 yard inside the top of the number \ e (9 yard eark) : | pawrmm spurts ! Zz inside the top of the numbers Wee ene detepzence between @ Line up 1 yard inside the top of the numbers (9 yard mark) RULE IDENTIFICATION ON = Means Offensive Linemen has a Down Lineman on the Line of Scrimage (L.0.S,). Example: Split Tackle and Tight Tackle have ON Rules. Split Guard and Tight Guard have OVER Rules (Linebacker) = OVER = Means that a Linebacker is playing your area of responsibility not a Down Lineman. INSIDE - Means block first man lined up inside OUTSIDE - Means block first Down Lineman outside of you. FAN - Means block first and second Gown Linemen to Strong Side (Example 1), Tight Guard would turn out on Defensive Tackle, Tight Tackle turn out on Ed (Example #2). Tight Guard blocks Tackle and Tight Tackle Blocks Ed T.0, - Means Split Guard blocks first Down Lineman to Split Side! Split Tackle blocks second Down Lineman to Split Side (Example #1). Split Guard Turns out on Tackle - Split Tackle Turns Out on Will (Example #2). Split Guard blocks Nose - Split Tackle Turns Out on Tackle. COACHING POINTS FOR Z-Y-TB AND FB MOVEMENTS ——— 28: Start Movement with Head Nod or Heel Kick to Side of Motion Man Z-Y-TB-FB 1) You must set yard off the L.O. for 1 count before moving 2) Start motion on QB head nod or heel kick 3) Keep shoulders perpendicular to L.O.S. until ball is snapped 4) Do not anticipate snap count Motion > Across formation Zing + Toward formation turing up approx. 3 yds. from end man on the L.O.S. - at snap of ball run drag and setup over center 5 to 6 yards deep, Zip + Short motion toward formation Zoom > Same as Zing only go vertical at snap and run route called Jet > Motion toward formation - to inside leg of back side guard - reverse motion Empty = Motion to Tight End side TEM. * Start opposite of Call and Motion to Call COOSooo oO oO A/OOODOO oO oO COCCCO © So oO COOOC0CO oO © o © COCCCO © © oO OOOC0O s o oO OODO00 S 2) DOOOO0O oO PLAY SPLITTACKLE | SPLIT GUARD CENTER TIGHT GUARD | TIGHT TACKLE | Weak A Gap BASE 44 Block C Gap Block B Gap Slip "5" On N/T Inside Block Tackle Responsibility Responsibility Blast "4" Slide "3 BASE 46 B Gap Scoop ‘A Gap Scoop Scoop Strong A Gap | Pull Block Support | Block Tackle to Backside LBrer BASE 34 Cut-Off B Gap Block A Gap Block Strong A Gap | Zone B Gap Block Tackle On N/T Outside BASE 3S 43 On N/T outside T.O. vs. "4" Zone Weak A Gap —_| Cut-Off Strong A Gap | Cut-Off B Gap T.O. vs. "4" Solid vs. "5" | | BASE 47 Block Tackle Pull-Block Will Scoop Weak AGap _| Scoop Strong A Gap _| Scoop Strong B Gap Guard Uncovered - Covered - BASE 51 ‘Sweep Tackle Block A Gap to Block #1 Backside | Pull-Block IstMan | Block Tackle Guard Covered - Backside Lb'er Past Center Uncovered - Block Mike Block Sam Pull-Block Ist wa | Block Nose. LB'er to Playside Ist Backside LB'er .—————._-_—__ PLAY: 44 > | POS. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS x |. Block Comer Zz Same as 46 rules -———___—cY+- st _| Block C Gap Responsibility | 7.0. vs. Will Fire Can Swipe 1 Tech SG | B Gap Responsibility Slide vs. Weak Nose Ex. Stack i= ‘Weak A Gap Responsibility "| can Swipe 1 Tech c Slip "S" Blast "4" Slide "3"=To Mike | Slide vs. Weak Nose LB vs, Stack Slide to Will Tr On N/T Inside (Slip) vs. "5" Set - Block Tackle TG | Blast vs. "4" Tom vs. "3" vs. 8 Man - Fan SS sHOrr—r rr vs, Stk. - Deuce ‘Tackle Covered - Block End ‘i ‘Tackle Uncovered - Influcence to SS vs. Stack - Block End —_ = Blocker: Start Landmark at Outside Foot | vs. 8 Stack - Block Sam FB of TT - Block Sam LB'er vs. 8 Man and Tom Call - Ed BC: Open Step to Sideline Cross Over TB with Next Step to Tight End; TT Uncovered Look for "Tom" Block Read Nose - Nose Goes Weak Run and Stick It Off Tackle ‘Strong Nose Goes Strong Run Weak ‘Open & Sprint to Mesh with TB QB Behind TG - Hand Ball to TB - Set Up | Get Ball to TB as Deep as Possible and Fake 340's PLAY: 46 —————————— ee QB Pos. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS. Will Hawk; Outside Release xX _| Block Comer Block Comer Block Corer - If Comer Goes Deep * vs. Stack w/Invert QB Will Zz Block Safety (Cover 3 & 1) Make Fist Call - Block SS vs, Stack Block End ST B Gap Area Scoop vs. Stack w/Tuff Scoop B Gap Can Charlie Weak Nose SG Scoop A Gap Ex. Stack 3-G Can Charlie Weak Nose c ‘Scoop Strong A Gap to Backside LB vs. Stack Block Will a Sn | ee | "Crack" Call; Block Corner Lt Pull Block Support (Strong Safety) vs. Stack - Block Sam TT Block Tackle ¥ OnNTinside Bloc Ed Blocker: Drive for Inside Leg of TT FB Run 34 Landmark Track Strong Side LB | vs. Stack - Block Mike BC: Slow Flat Step Strong Side TB Taking Pitch; Run Downhill, Read Y's Block Reverse Pivot & Pitch to TB Going Strong; Fake Naked * vs. Stack Tuff "Zorro" Stack M S | M 3 ‘3 Hacks eHack . kGok: dost PLAY: 46 ON GOALLINE POS. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS ‘Scoop Weak "C" vs. Gap 8 - Cut Off WHAM | Block Ist Support if Playside if Backside Cut Off ST _| Scoop Weak "B" Gap SG __ | Scoop Weak "A" Gap | ic Scoop Strong "A" Gap vs. Gap 8 - Reach TG | Pull Block Ist Support vs. Stk. Block Sam If Wham is Playside - Block 2nd Support 1T Block Tackle vs. Gap 8 Reach vs. Gap 8 Y Block End Chip to Sam vs. Gap 8 - Cut Smoke FB | Block Sam vs, Stk - Block Mike TB _| Same Steps as 46 QB | Sameas Base 46 Mm 5 ¢ ' — $4 i N Kote oS es (S-tech) <> So mM xB S | N IICOO BOSCO COC@CO0 ‘ a a © jOCOBOCD. ODOC @®Ooo | . CO ce perenne __ au “ JoMTEE Y S 5] Z seh oe " Sdehge Sots Ueda Stack @ , : | Stack 3-¢ ox dt & | ety dhe 2» © a © BoMan POS. = 3 Step Read Block Comer feng sT Block On-T.0. vs. "4" ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS Ex. 35 or GNose Block On N/T Outside T.0. vs. "4" Sambo vs. Stack 4 SG __| Solid vs. Weak Nose Back Bo vs. Stack 3 Zone Weak A Gap Sambo vs. Stack 4 c Solid vs. Weak Nose Back Bo Stack 3 Fan vs. Hawk Call TG — | CurOff Strong A Gap Sambo vs. Stack 4 Back Bo vs. Stack 3 —_{|—___ Fan vs. Hawk Call TT _ | CutoffStrong B Gap Back Bo vs. Stack 3 ¥ Cut Off C Gap Fan vs. Hawk Call Block Mike vs. T.O. FB _| vs. Solid - Block Will Read ST Block vs. $4-55 and Fake 145 TB _| Lateral Step Cross-Over at B Gap 56 Block vs. 53 Possible Bounce vs. $3 Def. ‘Open & Sprint for $ Step Drop QB | Behind SG - Hand Ball to TB - Set up S008000) OCOBOOCO a Oo 2 IDODBOSS GOG@OO0 =~ oO = © ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS On N/T Inside WHAM | Motion Block Ist Support vs. Stk. with 3 or 4 Deuce to Mike SG | On N/T Inside vs. Stk. with 3 or 4 Deuce to Mike Lc | Scoop Weak "A" Gap Scoop Strong "A" Gap Scoop Strong "B" Gap ‘Scoop Strong "C" Gap Gate vs. Smoke vs. Stk. Block XB Lateral Step Cross Over to Outside Leg of Split Guard * Line up at 6 1/2 Yards Deep POS. ASSIGNMENT x Block Comer COACHING POINTS Zz Block Comer sT Block Tackle Pull - Block Will SG Log Hanging Tackle TG _| Scoop Strong A © _| Scoop Weak A faces —| TT _| Scoop Strong B — ¥. Scoop C Gap FB Block Mike Lateral Slow Step, Catch Pitch TB _| Key SG Block Reverse Pivot & Pitch Ball to T.B. QB —_| Going Weak - Fake Naked PLAY: 47 ON GOALLINE POS. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS Block End vs. Gap 8 - Chip to Mike vs. Gap 8 Cut Smoke WHAM | Block Ist Support if Playside if Backside Cut-Off | sr Block Tackle vs. Gap 8 Reach + vs. Stack Block SB SG _| Pull Block Ist Support - If Wham Man is Playside - Block 2nd Support - vs. Gap 8 Reach a c Scoop Weak "A" Gap TG Scoop Strong "A" Gap TT _| Scoop Strong "B" Gap Scoop Strong "C” Gap vs. Gap 8 Arch, Cut 2nd Support vs. Stack Block Mike FB | Block Mike ‘Same as 46, but Weak QB _| Same as 47, but Weak i ‘en: Sig : 3 ssrg le Shoot scbsscarkisasnas | | | | jocosege|coosces a Oo a Oo IDCOBCOCSO COC@ooOS. NO PLAY: 49 REACH - UNBALANCE POS. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS, xX | Reach Weak "C" Gap vs. Gap 8 - Chip to XB L™ Switch Call S/S st On Strong Side Scoop Strong "C" Gap SG Reach Weak "B" Gap Scoop Weak "A" Gap Scoop Strong "A" Gap Scoop Strong "B" Gap Scoop Strong "D" Gap FB _| Arc Cut Support Weak vs. Gap 8 Cut Smoke 1B Stretch to Comer QB | Pitch - Fake 49 Naked Soe ; egtosate play: 67 -42- ———————_—_—_—_—_—_—_——_—_ Pos. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS x Block Man Over Z Block Man Over ST Block C Gap Responsibility TO. vs. Will Fire Can Swipe 1 Tech SG | BGap Responsibility Slide vs. Weak Nose ex. Stack ‘Weak A Gap Responsibility Can Swipe 1 Tech € Slip "S" Blast 4 Slide *3" Slide vs. Weak Nose to Mike LB'er vs, Stack Slide to Will On N/T Inside (Slip) vs. 5 TG Blast vs. "4" Tom vs. "3" Set - Block Tackle if Covered vs, 8 Man - Set Block Sam TT _| Set- Uncovered Block Sam vs. Stack - Set Block Sam ee Tackle Covered Block End Y Tackle Uncovered - Influence to S.S. vs. Stack - Block End Slide Step Attack Ist Inside LB - vs. Stack - Mike FB A Gap Area ys. $0- Sam a 1 il er | Slide Step Aim at Strong Side Foot of TB | Center - Carry Ball Key TG's Block ‘Same as 44 Ball Except the Angle is QB _| Straight Back PLAY: 56 AND 36 Ye ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS < Block Comer Zz ‘Same as 46 eS) st ‘Cut-Off B Gap Area BtoC-Tech. Pull Block Ist Inside Backer SG to Playside c TB QB | Same as 44 Block Nose "9" Double Team Chip to Mike (Open. Hand) Help vs. Strong Nose Back Call - Covered w/Weak "2" or "3" Tag vs. Strong Nose TG _| Blast to Backside Backer Double "3" to Backside Backer TT _| Block Tackle "6" or "7" Block Ed (First to FB) ¥ Stack Block Dike SHAE + Block "C" Gap Player Lateral Step to Playside | Guards Outside Leg Key FB's Block PLAY: 56 AND 36 EMOL Ve POS. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS x Block Corner Z Same as 46 ST Cut-Off B Gap Area BtoC - Tech. Emol |_sc | | Help vs. Strong Nose Back Call - ¢ Block Nose Covered w/Weak "2" or "3" Tag vs. Strong Nose T Blast to Backside Backer Double "3" to Backside Backer TT Block Tackle "6" or "7" Block Ed (First to FB) Y "9" Double Team Chip to Mike (Open ‘Stack Block Mike FB Block Ist Inside Backer to Playside Lateral Step to Playside TB Guards Outside Leg Key FB's Block QB Same as 44 56 AND 36 EMOL SS x 3 Step Read PLAY: PANTHER 57 & 37 4 (55-.7) POS. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS vs. 8 Man Block Rover if Possible b+ Zz Block Comer Block "B" Gap Area to Ist st Backside Backer SG Block Weak A Gap & Strong A Gap Pull - Block Ist Inside Backer TG to Pl T Block "B" to "C" Y Block Walked out Defender FB Block Weak "C" Player QB | Sameas 45 pot layside | 57 Same Steps as 45 Key for F.B's Block TB _ [37 Aim for ButtofS.T. Block Comer "3" Double Team to Ist Backside | LBeer Stack - Block Mike "Back" call - Block Back "4" Slam Nose to Backside Backer "3" Double Team to Ist Backside Backer ———___| “Back” Call - covered with "2" or "3" on Pulling Guard pd pa stack-3 ©) Back -—— PLAY: 30 TRAP POs. LZ ASSIGNMENT COACHING POIN’ oOo x Block Corner Block Corner — —__|— vs. Back Call TG ST B-C Block Ist Inside Backer SG _| Pull Trap 1st Lineman Pass Center c Block Back on Ist Down Lineman Backside Backer Y Block End Run Track at Center's Butt. Align Hand 4 1/2. Yards From Ball Double Call vs. 2 LB'er Me - Block LB'er ‘You - Set Block End FB _|[ Key SG’s Block on 1st DL Pass Center| to Allow Trapping Guard to Clear rs | TB _| Scat Strong ——} 4 Open Step to Strong Side QB _| Get Deep as Possible and Give Center Line to FB - Fake § Step Drop PLAY: 3-GOUNTER 4 Ss POs. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS x Block Comer - Zz Block Corner ST _| BGapto Ist Backside Backer Block A "4" sc A Gap to Ist Backside Backer Strong A Gap Responsibility, Back "3" Shoot It "4" Pull Trap Ist Man Past ST Pull Block Ist Inside LB'er On N/T Inside - Clip A" Load 1st Man Outside T.T. B.C. Start 44 Run Counter to ST Fake to FB; Hand-off to TB Pe IND HOG, 22,87 aPispeR, 181 01 dep q Suong weg 0} uy os 240 Vu | AW 01 .V, Palaao3 PPE PONTIED 8G. dep y Suons 1d .0S, wes 01 dep - apeys 82%, ues 01 dep - parsaooun, FED V4 ARAL weg 01 S01 0S. aprsu 1 POH TIM »peg 2728 PINE, apisyaeg 0) 91UID) (0 2peys 1590] Jaypeg opisyoeg 2PISINO.UN UO | yA WOPUEL LN UO wopue]. NO} — or wopuEL NYO 2PPE-IND OIG 22,qT opIspEg 1S] On IQNOG .£. 23,01 Spisyoeg ae epIpeg| —s] 9155470 C, o-a lowg sporg-tima | dep y Buons yoo1q | 151 1 250N WEIS 4p, BET opEPEE VR PK 8] dep Gg >pO1g 22,01 pie, PE Tenispeg] — S11 919NOG JE 15] 01 2I4N0G WE, 281 2PINPEE P71 PIG | 151 01 250N WHS WF. | ED VAM BOI Jour 4p01g-1q_ o-d BL orden qyo1g | dep v Suons spo1g BGT opINpeg 31 OF 2qqNOC AE eT PEE o-@ sopeg apiskeid 2,7 PIS 1 01 21q00q WE, SI PoIg-INd | dep y Buong Pog | eq son us | 32,q°] OPIESNE IS] Vora POG, orden E>Po1g [amovianou | auvao sno ‘WHINID qauynourias | aTHOVLLIIas x ST POS. [7 Z___| Block Comer PLAY: PANTHER 91 2/27 Fee ASSIGNMENT Block Comer COACHING POINTS Block B Gap to Ist Backside LB'er "3" Double to Ist Backside LB'er "4" Slam Nose to Mike "3" Double to Ist Backside LB'er c Block Strong A Gap TG _| Pull Block Emol tr [Bc Block Walked out Defender Block 1st Inside LB'er Ball Carrier ‘Underneath Hand-Off STACK-G PLAY: PANTHER 92 af: 7 ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS Block Comer Pull-Block Emol Block Weak A Gap Block Strong A Gap Block B Gap to Ist Backside LB "4" Slam Nose to Ist Backside LB "3" Double to Ist Backside LB "3" Double to Ist Backside Block Walked out Defender Block Ist Playside LB'er Undemeath Hand-Off PLAY: 92 Ze Sere POS. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS x _ | Block Deep 1/3 Z__| Block Deep 1/3 st | OnN/T Outside Show Pass Pull Trap Ist Down Man SG | Past Center C _| #1 Backside; Back vs. "1" "2" or "3" Block Down With A Back Call TG _| Influence - Block Mike vs. Stack - Block Will Tr__ | TumOut C Gap vs. Stack - Block Mike ¥ | Block Sam "5 Tech” FB Load DE FB | Run28 Stack FB Load DE B.C. Shuttle to QB Run Off Split Guard's TB | Block Drop Back; Eyes Down Field gp | Hand Of OTB. aed SRAM M | M a ded: c Ea OE { s2y9eG 2pIsu IS] HPOLEED wMOAg WS, BS S80 - TIED Pu 2oyeg BPISU] J2qU2Q) J9A0 UE, 3901 11> APE. SA 2299692] 2UQ 5A Wi, PAPE, apisyoeg - J24eqoUr] wewrauy] wMog 38] Wo 98g OK, sa1uaQ seg YOUU] umoq ist dey-ind S| 9P01g sayoeqaUTT] Z SAUD .Iqnog, | 7 'S4 [IPD .aIqnod., 2yO-"nD BOD pis] NYO. pIsu LN YO V P24 LUN UO aDIOVL LHOLL avn LHOLL —— DEVE ® PLAY: 1 DRAW ASSIGNMENT Block Man Over On N/T Outside On N/T Tandem with Center to Backside Backer On N/T Tandem Lowest Shade to COACHING POINTS vs. 2 LBter in the Box: Block Playside vs, 1 LB'er in the Box: Block LB Cc Backside Backer Draw Set On N/T Tandem 1 Tech to 1G Backside Backer Draw Set TT | Block Cut Back Draw Set QB Slide to QB - Shoulder on QB Drop Line Take Snap - Under Ball Handling to TB - 3 Step Drop ‘Until Ball Exchanged PLAY: 14 4 POS. ASSIGNMENT x Block Comer Zz Block Comer st On N/T Inside Cut-Off On N/T Inside Cut-Off aa i ~| 'B" or vs, 8 Man with 2 LB'er "Push-It” | "B"or vs. 8 Man with 2 LB'er "Push-It” "Gap" or "Push-It” vs. 8 Man with 2 LB'er TG | OnN/T Strong B Tr | OnN/TStrongC "Gap" or vs. 8 Man with 2 LB'er | "Pusb-It" Uncovered Deuce Deuce vs. 8 Man with Guard Uncovered ¥ Block Walked Out Defender TED | Block Walked Out Defender Line Up Over ST TB Aim for Butt of TT Read TG's Block Underneath Hand-Off to Back [TT é PLAY: 15 POS. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS ——<$<$$ _—_—_— rd x Block Comer Zz Block Comer SSS ee On N/T Weak C | eee "Gap" or vs. 8 Man with 2 LB'er On N/T Weak B "Push-It" Uncovered Deuce Deuce vs. 8 Man with Guard Uncovered "Gap" or vs. 8 Man with 2 LB'er ic On N/T Weak A "Push-It" "B" or vs. 8 Man with 2 LB'er TG | OnNT Cut-off *Push-It" "Bor vs. 8 Man with 2 LB'er Tr | onnTcuor "Push-It" y Block Walked Out Defender TED _| Block Walked Out Defender Line Up Over TT TB | Aim for Butt of ST Read SG's Block QB | Underneath Hand-Off to Back | PLAY: DIRECT POS. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS x Ee Zz +— | sT B-C SG _| Pull- Trap'Ist Lineman Pass Center c Block Back on Ist Down Lineman Double Call vs. 2 LB'er TG —_| Backside Backer Me - Block LB'er You - Set Block End Double Call vs. 2 LB'er TT | Frontside Backer Me - Set Block End You - Block LB'er ¥ — FB 1B PLAY: 91-RIFLE rR |Pos. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS x Block Comer Zz Block Corner | st Block Weak B to Ist Inside LB "3" Double to Ist Inside LB "4" Slam Nose to Ist Inside LB'er SG__| Block Weak A Gap "3" Double to 1st Inside LB'er c Block Strong A Gap Covered vs. Weak 3 "Back" [1G _| PunBlock Emot Tr | "Bre c = 4. teal Block Walked out Defender TED _| Block Walked out Defender le TB ‘Same as 37 QB | Underneath Hand-Off STACK-G PLAY: 92 RIFLE Roh rSCF FH POS. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS, x | Block Comer a Zz Block Corner b —| "BT to "C* st SG Pull-Block Emo! ¢ Block Weak A Gap Covered vs. Weak 3 "Back" "4" Slam Nose to Ist Inside LB TG | Block Strong A Gap "3" Double to Ist Inside LB "Back" Block Back TT _{ Block Strong B to Ist Inside Back "3" Double to Ist Inside LB ¥ Block Walked out Defender TED _ | Block Walked out Defender 1B Same as 36 QB | Underneath Hand-Off O.L. REMINDERS IN PASS PROTECTION 200. 400 PROTECTION (P20, TIGHT TACKLE TIGHT GUARD CENTER SPLIT GUARD Think Hot side On N/T outside Only way I Trolly is vs. a Middle call If in Slide Protection (Tampa) & Sam or S/S is outside of you on LOS, then make a Fan call. Think Hot side On N/T DB read Molly On - make a slide call - Tampa. Slide is a Gap protection ‘now all the way from the Sam LB'er to the S/S. You've got Strong B Gap, to S/S responsibility "Middle" overrides all other calls (Molly, Tampa) "Middle" call by center - middle three (TG, C, $G) man to man on ‘TNT vs. DBL Eagle Give the TT the middle call because it puts him in Trolly Think Hot Strong On N/T slide strong side (Tampa) (You-Me) call On Middle call, always set to the weakest shade ‘Tampa is full slide protection - from Sam to S/S. You have Strong "A" Gap to S/S, vs. Stk Mike "A", A Gap, to Sam Think Hot Strong On NIT Sally Listen for Tampa (slide strong) call If uncovered, Sally is overruled by Tampa and you slide w/Weak "A" Gap responsibility If Tampa call and you're covered, you can not slide and must make ¢ Lock call Middle call overrides all calls Think Hot Strong OnN/T Outside Think: FB is heipiny my way therefore [ will mever be in 200/400 PROTECTION sa Mf EoadE s Oo}: o Sime” Teeny” Samay? te anuy” M S : Z : wsBggdio b | BbIIE. IS = “$Qd od ° a o . oo ro) 200/400 vs. BLITZ Ta Tampa” TT ee tow Me On Bal TAR Fan Pum our ree seni ecw Te Theeat 2 Sam on % ‘ at Te "Meuy” 500 PROTECTION SPLIT TACKLE SPLIT GUARD CENTER TIGHT GUARD TIGHT TACKLE Think Hot Weak On N/T Outside Only way I Tricky is vs. a Middle call vs. 33 Ifin Slide protection (Seattle) & Mike or Rover/Will is outside of you, then make a T.O. call Think Hot Weak On N/T DB read (Sally) On - make a Seattle call (slide weak) Remember: Slide is a gap protection all the way from Mike LBler to the Will/Rover. You've got wk B gap responsibility to Will/Rov. ‘Middle call by center overrides all other calls (ex. Sally or Seattle). Puts inside three man to man on their TNT vs. 33 Double Eagle. Give S.T. the middle call because it puts him now in Trick. ‘vs. all Stack defenses make Seattle call Think Hot Weak On NIT slide, slide Weak side (Seattle) (You-Me) Seattle is full slide protection - from Mike to Will/Rover. ‘You have wk. "A" Gap to Rover Think Hot Weak On N/T Molly Listen for Seattle call (Slide weak) If uncovered, Molly is overruled by Seattle and you Slide with ‘strong "A" gap responsibility If Seattle call and you're covered, you can not slide - make a Lock call Think Hot Weak On NIT outside Think: FB is helping my way therefore I will Never be in Trolly Sq: Stare” Té “Loui Sq:"tene" 76 prem foes Fert, pind Aase Pun oot ze AM | Pan oT Ree "2" Tew gen Suen, Mire Taet som $u:"sany * Ta: mouy EMPTY & FREE PROTECTION ST- ON N/T OUTSIDE, TRICKY VS. DOUBLE EAGLE SG-ON N/T DBL READ (SALLY) C - ONN/TSLIDE WK TG - ON N/T DBL READ (MOLLY) TT - TG COVERED TROLLY, TG UNCOVERED BLOCK ON PASS PROTECTIONS - HOT RULES 344 PROTECTION BASE I / PANTHER I ROT WR: x HOT OFF #4 DEFENDER WEAK 2 Front HOT_DEFENDER SIGNAL 8-Han Rover Fist 50/Stack Corner/Free Safety Finger ADJUSTMENT IS A STOP ROUTE ~ (8-MAN) (50-FRONT) 60 PROTECTION BASE 7 PANTHER HOT WR: X ORY HOT OFF SECONDARY BLITZER TO DESIGNATED SIDE (Poss. san) FRONT BOT DEFENDER STGRAL Y ~ 8-Man/Stack Strong Safety Finger X - 50 Front Corner/Free Safety Finger ADJUSTMENT IS A STOP ROUTE FOR BOT WR (STACK) CHA GALL + CENTER STROM: X HoT OFF CoR/FS) (8-MAN) (50-FRONT) 400 PROTECTION (22 To HoT Sice BASE SPLIT HOT WR: ADJUSTMENT IS A 4-STEP SPEED OUT 500 PROTECTION RIFLE W411 LB va. Stack HOT wR: TED HOT OFF: Will or Mike vs. 50 Rov. or Mike va. 8 Han FRONT HOT DEFENDER SIGNAL Stack Will LB S.A. 50 Front Wi11 or Mike S.A. 8 Man Rov. OF MURE, S.A. ADJUSTMENT IS A 4-STEP SPEED OUT BQ. i = ee sein ee é ° baes RIFLE Hot WR: Ted yaout ‘BOT DEFENDER SIGRAL Stack wa S.A. 8 Man Rov. /Mike S.A. 50 WALL/Mike S.A. Adjustment is a 4 step speed out AUTOMATIC, MIDDLE CALL. : gy og HOT DEFENDER SIGNAL San S.A. San/Sara S.A. San/lst Perimeter Player S.A. Adjustment is a 4 step speed out AUTOMATIC. MiBDLE @ALL Ww m 8 TON Te o oooosd ° Oo APE, 101g Arion, >POIG ELL ApIsINE, — r ven | a eaA ory YOM ory Suons "AOY O1 ITAN aoe ayoug SIONS TTA 1189 .a1PPIW.. | dep v duons-ye2 dep g Ye2M >PUS swopaaij-Aidwg, | pris - [12D 27g, 1D | PUL TED PIPPIN. 00s 2ptsi9O LN AOW LIN, «2mPag,, uo Ayes LN 2p1s1O LN wopea.4-Adury wo yea 10H YUIYL | UO YeaQy JOH YUNG] | — UO YBa JOH YUIYL Wo apis 10H] YULYL, ‘vO opts 10H YUM wma apes | apisu Un vo IPH. UNL Ue 21PPIN | SARA = AIPPHW | 18D OT passAod, ‘Ady L.21PPIW. S/S 01 ures “S'S. d0D Vy pul nosuid PISIMO.UN| dep q-|regedue] | Suons apis - edurey, «IPH UOsid vOb F 007 ‘wo apts 10H AUN = vo AI}OW UN Buons apts LUN P1510 UN Tay Wo apis 10H] AUN] | UO Guons oF YUIY] | UO Suang oH Yury] | UO SuoNS r0}] YUN], (yous ug) 2PISINO LIN YO PUN UO | 24101 950N.UN UO | 241H) 01 250N UN UO 2psing NuQ | —-ASHLINVa wOasvE 5.09 LaNuvD dep wf. oD Vu deD Ve RAL dep wa. BED De 08 asva aay asva PISUL LN YO RDENY | apISUl L/N UO ATEN dep v WA dD wa ded De ve 9p SSva APPEL Poig psu] UN YO pisyoeg Li pug pord | Aupqsuodsay dep gq] ASV ATSOVM L . 2 YooyYs!A - 1d APPEL PO dep y Suns dap v ea deo a dep ‘ASV bre Su “SA BIOS, dep B.YO-AND | dep y Bung. yO-MD| —_ dep y eam 207 abe AOL abe AOL ASV Sb SSVd P1519 LIN UO 2PISINO LN LO apo USL auvnd LHOLL ‘INGO quvad urias | FTHOVL.LITS "Id COACHING POINTS Gate, Block "B" Gap Responsibility Pull Block ED End #1 Backside Center Covered Block Inside Not There, Block On Block Tackle Pull 2 Flat Steps, Fish Hook No More Than 4 1/2 yds., Cut Ed Watch Sam "B" Gap vs. 50 Watch Sam "C” Gap vs. Stack Route on Sail, Bat Fake 7 OT Block Ist Man Outside Split Tackle Fake FCT. Pull up at T-T. Note: May break contain | I $$. —————1 ]——_———t ——$<=< 1——_——— << ———=—— Im ———$—— ieee ta =—— <== se, f. J ——_———«. ————— ]——__——«. 2 3 C. CURL ROUTE/16 YARDS (743) Y= BLOCK C GAP - No THREAT RUX DRAG. X = Post ROUTE FE - 3 yy FLAT ‘TB - FAKE 7 CT. BLOCK WEAK "c" GAP QS - FAKE 7 cr, - CONTAIN AS Oneeee Post 2 - Post ROUTE Y= BLOCK GAP. X = POST CORNER (743) FB - 3 FLAT a E 8 5 a B= FAKE 7 CTR. - BREAK CONTAIN PLAY: 344 es" rrr POS. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS x Route * Sight Read 4th Man Weak _—_—_—— ——> Zz Route st Block Weak C Gap eh SG Block Weak B Gap | QB Leo eee ee ee c Block Weak A Gap = | Block Strong A Gap TG | TT Covered - Block On rr Block Tackle * vs. 3 Stack Block Strong B Gap Y Route _ FB Block Ed End Fake 44 - Block Sam If Blitz - N/T Run Route Fake 44 - Set Deep In Guard - Tackle Gap vs, Sara Blitz, No Fake Block Sara z Y x 344 CADILLAC POST ROUTE DRAG ROUTE/6 YARDS SQUARE-IN/16 YARDS BLOCK DE Te - A s:98 game as "CY GPA TO 5 YARD CIRCLE ROUTE FAKE 44 - 7 CIRCLE STEP DROP ae POST ROUTE DRAG ROUTE/6 YARDS POST CORNER/ 10-25 BLOCK DE, W518 10 race 66 10 c" GAP To 5 YARD CIRCLE ROUTE FAKE 44 ~ CIRCLE STEP DROP 7 c 1 1. 13 J. t. 7 1. C 3. c 1. C. 1. C, y c 1. C. 1. C- 3 C. J. C, 2. C. 1. C, C. t. ——t t XH—- Block DE for 2 counts - release to Key TG, Block FB 5x5, catch screen Fake 44 + Run 344 Tulsa - No delay Fake 344 Tulsa Fade and throw screen PLAY: 344 TULSA ASSIGNMENT 344 Rule - wait 2 counts pull flat and cut roll support 344 Rule - wait 2 counts - pull - check peel - then crossfield Block 344 Rule Fake 44 to 3 yards from L.O. S. - key guard, release weak to 5x5 from ST, Catch ball Fake 44 - Set Draw Rush fade and throw screen COACHING POINTS Eyeball Mike LB for man coverage Key SG Block FE - Te - as - Fe - ae - DRAG ROUTE/6 YARDS TAKE-OFF BLOCK D.E. 2 couNTS RUN FLORIDA "4 X '4 FAKE TULSA FAKE 344 TULSA - THROW FT. WORTH TAKE-OFF TAKE-OFF BLOCK DE FAKE 44 (3 YDS. FROM LINE) RUN TEXAS 'Gx'4 FAKE 44 - SET 7 STEPS THEN RETREAT Muar! 344 Tulsa XI, Quick Screens 1, We will throw quick screens to wide receivers or widest players to that side. 2, We will also throw quick screen to tailback coming out of I. 3. B - This 1s quick screen to the widest man to the right. Tt could be Z, X, Y, or TB (Depending on formation-Jo—~ 4. 9 = Quick screen always to left (any player) 5. QB - On 8 or 9, take 3-steps starting to fake sprint draw (14/15). To opposite side when in 1. Take 3-steps faking sweep in split. 6. X,Y, Z, HB - On 8 or 9 - Catch the ball J-yard behind Los. 7. On TB ~ Quick Screen - QB take 7-steps TB runs check flare to weak side. Catch ball § yds. behind LOS. Is -45_X CHOICE 2 = cHorce Route/10 YARDS y= BLOCK ASSIGNMENT X = CHOICE ROUTE/10 YARDS (4#3) FE - SLAM WILL END RELEASE | FLAT RT / 3 YARDS TB ~ FAKE 45 ATTACK MIKE GB ~ FAKE 45 ~ 5 STEP DROP Ze 4 y- 1 “2 i it J——_—_—___¢. _— 34/46 RAKED | J. = oo 3————t 2 - post novre | = ——— i Le | | oe Y = DRAG ROUTE/6 yDs. | — | = : I | X = OUT RovTE ~ 16 vs | | meal i —S—— | SS : ie — || FE ATTACK "8" GAP | I 4 -~ | {oso ] TB ~ FARE 46 - packstpe | t HAND OW HIP | C. \ — ae ee ae) Gp = Fase 46 - non noorize | 45, RAKED Z COMEBACK ROUTE/20 vaRrs (6+5) Y = BLOCK DOWN 2 GAPS/FuAz ROUTE Sy Bites X = POST ROUTE Fecaeaaadl fa =a FR = ATTACK 4TH MAN WEAK fa | fea i t+ = FAKE 45 - BLOCK WEAK!) 4 INSIDE BACKER j ——— 1 i = PARE 45 = sl ro op 5 = RU BOpTLE j Po NY } owas i Y= CROSS ROUTE 10/20 T™ = BOUNCE ROUTE 5 STEPS TB ~ FARE 14 y Q2 - FAKE 14 BREAK CONTAIN to PLAY: GARNET ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS Check 4th Man Weak ff - ———— GARNET X_CORNER 3 3——__r Z = Post ROUTE | a | et — Y= tock ¢ GaP | 3 C | i ————¢. | 3 X = Post coRNER | ————t 43) 4 ———_——t | | at FE - Lock "D" car vEaK To || 3————t SCAT ROUTE | —_—_——« | 3—_—_—_t | TB - BLOCK "D" GAP | ie | 3 1 eS | SS Top - 5 ster vror I 1 pe ‘ ———t camm 60 : i i i 3 i Z - GOAL LINE CORNER t ar > t | : J —_—_—_____t—_—______—_——— Y ~ BLOCK GARNET PRO i ee | SS \ {_ 5 x Goat LINE CORNER : ——$——— ———_ ! FB - Scat BLOCK "D" GAP PLAY: RED 80 ——_—_ ee | POS. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS, x Route SSS Zz Route Tandem 3 Tech Tackle vs. 5 Tech, ST Block Tackle Watch EZ Stunt Cut!! ‘Tandem Weak Nose w/Center SG On, Over, Inside Tandem 3 Tech., Tackle w/Split T. Cut f! Block Ed Block 5 Gap 3 Step Drop Tandem Strong Nose w/Center vs. Stack Tandem w/Tight T. Cut!! Tandem vs. Stack w/TG Cut!! 1 Formation, 1st O/S Split T I Formation Ist O/S Tight T (Ed) Cut!! RED 82 i 2 = Suan ROUTE/s YaRDs Y FLAT ROUTE/3 YARDS X =SLANT ROUTE/S YARDS [Iris - FLAT ROUTE/3 vaRDs ——— TB - ATTACK CUT "Cc" GaP Qe - 3 STEP DROP RED 86 Z + STOP ROUTE/6 YARDS Y = CHOICE ROUTE/6 YARDS X = STOP ROUTE/6 YARDS : = CHOICE ROUTE/6 YARDS — = ATTACK CUT "C" GAP a = 3 STEP DROP 4 ~ TAKE-OFF - SPEED OUT/6 YARDS >) X= TAKE-OFF MT ~ SPEED OUT/6 YARDS ——m @ ian -——— ‘TB - ATTACK cuT c GAP =} i a: G2 -3 STEP DROP _3—————_—t—___ J——————-F. | :- 11 > i | | —————— fy - I | | Pa Jl | ————t | > - 1 - | 2 = FADE RovTE | Y= SPEED out | ¢ voc mone FE ~ ATTACK CUT "D" GaP TB - ATTACK cur 2 8 3 STEP DROP }OTH BACKS STRONG RED 82 Z ~ SLANT ROUTE/S YaRDs Y = FLAT ROUTE/3 vaRDs X = SLANT ROUTE/S Yarns FE FLAT/3 yps. 1B ATTACK CUT 5 GAP 3 STEP DROP STOP ROUTE/6 YARDS CHOICE ROUTE/6 YARDS STOP ROUTE/6 YARDS ATTACK CUT 4TH MAN WEAK ATTACK CUT 5 GAP 3 STEP DROP = SLANE ROUTK/S: YARDS ARROW ROUTE/3 YARDS X = SLANT ROUTE/S YARDS 4 a FLAT ROUTE 4 a ATTACK CUT 5 GAP as 3. STEP DROP SLANT ROUTE/5 YARDS FE = FLAT ROUTE/ 3 Y 4 memmonver | i QB -3 STEP DROP PLAY: 60's POS. ASSIGNMENT x | Route | Zz Route | COACHING POINTS st. On N/T Outside SG On N/T Nose to Mike c On N/T Nose to Mike On N/T Ed (Fan Switch) T.O. vs. Solid T.O. vs. Solid Check Solid vs. Strong ‘Nose - Block Nose to Sam Check Solid vs. Strong Nose - Block Nose to Sam vs. Solid - Check Ed ys. Solid - Check Mike fe GO Precrcn — rerio ASSIGNMENT Outside Release - Take-Off Outside Release - Take-Off On N/T Outside 60 Rule COACHING POINTS = Y |_FB QB On N/T Man to Man Mike LB'er Block 60 Rule On N/T Man to Man Sam TG | 60Rule On N/T Outside Set Deep and Cut mT 60 Rule Crack Ist LB'er Inside Tackle Box Block 60 Rule Drop Back Seven Look Down Field ‘Set 3 Counts Block Peel N/T Look Inside Set 3 Counts Block Support Look for FB on Second Drop Look for X on Man Coverage PLAY: TEXAS POS. ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS X | Crack Ist LB’er inside tackle box ->hH p Take-Off Block 60 Rule; on N/T Outside Block 60 Rule; 3 counts block support Block 60 Rule; 3 counts block upfield Block 60 Rule; 3 counts block peel N/T os TG _| Inside ‘if uncovered block solid —F TT Block 60 Rule on N/T Outside | Y Take-off Block F/S Free Safety vs. Zone FB Block 60 Rule LB'er Block 60 Rule; 3 counts Block Will unless split tackle 1B Set Screen uncovered - Block Mike 7 Step Drop look down field Look for TB on Screen Route ‘on Second Drop 2 - TAKE-OFF Y= CRACK 1ST LB INSIDE/OFF . ar eas temo A n= Aco viorection 20 | i SCAT | re - Y souip 60 PRotectrow KEY GUARD RELEASE 70] "ex 6 I 1 a: pega | | RETREAT | } pror C. 60 a | 7 i_* ia ——! =| | ———— ———} 4 a ee i a 4 [Fj yay a : -—— j . 2 e | 1 { z . _———} ~ venttcan i i =| | | -——— | ¢ i Sty! %, pareve 1] I go INSIDE/OFF q | ——— { 1 i 4 1 —<————f FB - 60 PROTECTION KEY | } i cepteemeiaaasiguadl GUARD, RELEASE TO 4 7 x — rh PE -—— ' . a= 1 few 3. as | { 3 So yf a} | ae Sein eeental a _ |] OB - SAME AS FLORIDA i eal ————— | grste i 3 3———_———_«. j}———_1 60 ¥ OPTION = OUT 16 YARDS = CHOICE ROUTE/10 YARDS (443) = OUT 16 YARDS * 60 RULE - SCAT ROUTE # 60 RULE - SCAT 5 STEP DROP \ i POST ROUTE ! = CHOICE ROUTE - 10 YARD: (643) I = SQUARE~IN/16 YARDS (743) = 60 PROTECTION TO CIRCLE ROUTE = 60 PROTECTION TO SCAT ROUTE = 5 STEP DROP | i | Mi | | I i HM 1 | | N FE ae 60 BAT INSIDE T.0. BAT ROUTE - 15-18 POST ROUTE oo PRO ~ SCAT ROUT! Heo m0 ~ rat nor 3 YARDS 5 STEP DROP BOUNCE ROUTE FLAG ROUTE BENCH ROUTE 60 Pro - scat at. FE - ae 60 DIP _——— | SQUARE~IN/18 YARDS (743) DIP ROUTE/10-12 YARDS (643) POST ROUTE 60 PROTECTION TO CIRCLE ROUTE/S YARDS 60 PROTECTION TO FLAT 3 ¥ .7 STEP DROP CHOICE ROUTE/10 YARDS (43) FLAT ROUTE/3 YARDS (wow) CHOICE ROUTE/10 YARDS (443) 60 PROTECTION TO SCAT ROUTE 60 PROTECTION TO HOOK ROUTE 5 STEP DROP |= az—| 64 suse etl 2 z STOP ROUTE/6 YARDS \ | ———— ZN > ~ mas sovteric-2s wos. ees ———— ‘% = STOP ROUTE/6 YARDS fay = || FE = 60 PROTECTION To FLAG | J toute = 10'Y f J =I t— I —_———— — [1 TB - 60 pnore Oo poprog—a Decision Rove a, te —— 4 C QB - 5 STEP DROP ——— ——— “60 WEBRASKA ae ' I ——————_¢. q | Z - CHOICE ROUTE/10 YARDS rt |” ~ aun oFF conven Se i - jt | y= owe srurr iene ‘TIGHT VERTICAL st I % = =CHOICE ROUTE/10 YARDS eel eee = —> r = re - 60 mo ~ scat noure | = =a ee! — QB - 5 STEP DROP BENCH ROUTE/10-12 (6) = BROKEN ARROW BENCH ROUTE/10~12 (6) ~ 60 PROTECTION TO 5 YARD CIRCLE ROUTE = 60 PROTECTION TO 5 YARD CIRCLE ROUTE 5 STEP DROP | | | BROKEN ARROW/10-12 || = TAKE-OFF = 60 PROTECTION TO 5 YD CIRCLE ROUTE 60 PROTECTION To 5 YD. CIRCLE ROUTE 5 STEP DROP | 260 vERr =r ; ————_—_p 4 ¢ 2 TAKE-OFF Sa : 3 C. -—— | : . Y ~ VERTICAL ROUTE (HoT) | 1 C. | 1. c. | : r X= TAKE-OFF 2 C. \ 2. C. | 7 A mm ~ READ ROUTE (FS) ! 1 C. | 2 c. | 3 t ! = TB - CIRCLE ROUTE c. 1. tt _—_—__ rr C. ae - Y= VERTICAL ROUTE (HoT) X = TAKE-OFF i TD - ANGLE ROUTE 15-18 TB - OUT ROUTE - 5 YDS TAKE-OFF ROUTE HN | VERTICAL ‘TAKE-OFF — tm ~ ANGLE ROUTE 15-18 Sey EF \— a cmedicaiel Se, TB OPTION RT. [Se aeo ot —————] et > St o ae ane a -T pd oy —— a A = {i — I P———} x - inswoe taxe-orr [-— ——3 — = I as el Y= BAT ROUTE 15-18 vos. — = [-— J = X= TAKE-OFF RT. -— ———y r— —s — [74 1 - FLAT ROUTE - 5 wos. in yy oe Elena | oN Soo mg oo 78] TB - 200 PRO - FLAT RT. 5 0 anes 3 eit 3 —_——s i 1 | | ———| | —— <<<] — ——————— i J 4 J =a al | I | «5 1 fiitinaiaemaal leet SS a === ss utitteit lial ote (os) ¢ o _— et te FE aE SMOKE RT. 10 YD. FLAG ROUTE SQUARE-IN - 16 YDS. DRAG ROUTE CUT EMOL __560_FB opr, POST ROUTE CHOICE ROUTE - 10 yD. SQUARE-IN - 16 YDS. OPT. RT. 6 YD. SCAT ROUTE a ~ SMOKE ROUTE/10 YARDS = FLAG ROUTE/10-25 YARDS > SQUARE-IN/16 YARDS = SHALLOW CROSS/3 YARDS = ATTACK AND PIN 5 GAP PLAYER, ~ BREAK CONTAIN 560_BOBCAT Z/- BENCH ROUTE/10-12 Y = CHOICE ROUTE/10 YARDS BENCH ROUTE/10-12 8 CHOICE ROUTE/10 YARDS a SCAT ROUTE 5 STEP > VERTICAL Y= SQUARE-IN - 15 YARDS X= VERTICAL, ram ~ HOT CLIMB TB -TOP ROUTE GB -5 STEP pRoP Z = INSIDE 7.0, ROUTE Y -BAT ROUTE - 15-18 YARDS Xx -POST ROUTE tm -FLAT ROUTE - 3 YARDS TB - FLAT ROUTE ~ 3 YARDS QB -5 STEP DROP lp i un | 2 ~ FLAG ROUTE = 10-20 Y = FLAT ROUTE = 3 YARDS X = FLAG ROUTE - 10-20 rj ~ FLAT ROUTE - 3 YARDS TB - +500 PRO. ~ DECISION ROUTE Qe - 5 STEP DROP Z = STOP ROUTE ~ 6 YARDS Y -¥-CO ROUTE ~ 643 X = STOP ROUTE ~ 6 YARDS tm ~ FLAG ROUTE ~ 10-20 TB - ¥~500 PRO. ~ CIRCLE ROUTE cp - | ~ CHOICE ROUTE/10 YaRDs RUN OFF CORNER Y ~ pip spurt ‘TIGHT VERTICAL ~ CHOICE ROUTE/10 YaRDs te ~ HOT CLIMB ROUTE TB - scat RouTE GE - 5 step prop ~ 15 YARDS SQUARE-IN TB - OPTION ROUTE QB - 5 STEP DRop ~ STOP ROUTE/6 YARDS = mugs soute/10-28 vasos = sr0r woute/® vasos = mac nouTe/10-25 vaaas ~ 500 rrorecrion - DECISION ROUTE - 5 STEP DROP 560 CHOICE Z = CHOICE ROUTE/10 YARDS FLAT ROUTE/3 YARDS (NOW) < CHOICE ROUTE/10 YARDS FLAT ROUTE/3 YARDS | SAME AS SMASH Qj il 5S STEP DROP 4 HU UI 4 ZOOS a VERTICAL / LANDMARK READ ROUTE VERTICAL/LANDHARK VERTICAL /LANDMARK o s00 PROTECTION ~ CIRCLE ROUTE 5 YARDS 5 STEP DROP aaeests — SS} * = el | Sa ee ae ™ I TR - ap - SHALLOW CROSS - 3 YDS CHOICE RT. - 9-10 YDS CHOICE RT. 9-10 YDS. FLAT RT. ~ UNDER SHALLOW CROSS 200 PRO ~ SCAT RT. z- I—_$—t—___ ry - li op - CHOICE RT. ~ 10 YDS SHALLOW CROSS - 3 YDS. CHOICE RT. 9-10 yDs. FLAT RT. UNDER SHALLOW cross 200 PRO - SCAT ROUTE oo | l tm - CLIMB == es TB - SCAT ROUTE See! Qe - 5 STEP DROP = LIGHTEN: |-—2 —| LIGHTENING TR ! z TAKE-OFF | al INSIDE TAKE: | — —— — Ct EE {+—— Y= BAT RT, 15-18 vos. s seeameaal ‘ceictereeetaieemenmeeantl t — i I T X= TAKE-OFF ROUTE. | f = | cmatitiedame rol | it iN a ~ FLAT RT. - 5 vps SMOKE PROTECTION con BENCH ROUTE/10 YARDS Y= CLIMB ROUTE X + FLAT RoUTE/10-25 YARDS TED = OUNCE ROUTE/5 STEPS = SCAT ROUTE e 5 STEP DROP - BENCH ROUTE/10 YARDS Y = CLIMB ROUTE X = BOUNCE ROUTE/ 5 STEPS TD FLAG ROUTE/10-25 YARDS TB -SCAT ROUTE QB -5 STEP DROP FREEDOM 1-2 Z_~ SHALLOW cRoss/3 YaRDS Y= CHOICE ROUTE/10 yaRDS ee = | aa —— 2 as = | | aielieee | ——s SS le ss = —— Slhgueticisentinee el TB scar ROUTE eee | Q® - 5 step prop I REED 1-7. | j { \ | i Z - CHOICE ROUTE/10 YaRDs i I _#———4 Y= SWALLOW CROSS/3 YARDS fee oe ea — — I Data cle | = CLIMB shen —— acetic eens | = Scat ROUTE i Se gel « 1 ff cn \ SS | LZ “s = 5 STEP DROP 1 ¢ —— el : a cH E —— cc —— 2 === ojos —z = ~ 7 Ft a ™ Te aE PRISON 1 TED BENCH ROTUE/10 YARDS CLIMB ROUTE CHOICE ROUTE/10 YARDS SHALLOW CROSS/3 YARDS SCAT ROUTE 5 STEP DROP PRISON 1-X BENCH ROUTE/10 YARDS = CLIMB ROUTE = SHALLOW CROSS/3 YARDS " CHOLCE ROUTE/10 YARDS ~ SCAT ROUTE =5 STEP DROP PLAY: GATOR ASSIGNMENT COACHING POINTS Take-Off Set Cut on N/T Outside Block Quick Screen Block Quick Screen Set Cut on N/T Outside Block DE 2 full counts Release upfield, when center crosses face At Sth Step, Fake Texas or Florida; then hit TE. — 46 TIGHT END BLOCKING ASSIGNMENTS T-PLAYS ON N/T INSIDE 4 47 SCOOP C GaP 44 ON N/T OUTSIDE TACKLE UNCOVER BLOCK 1ST SUPPORT 36/56 CUT OFF C GAP BLOCK 46 ASSIGNMENT SCOOP C GAP TO F/S, BLOCK 48 ASSIGNMENT [eae 6 OR 7 BLOCK ED. 59 DT HIP TO MIKE FIST BLOCK MAN/OPEN HAND FB BLOCK END [aa = f+ 37/57 BLOCK END SCOOP 7 TECH. SAM LB SIGHT ADJUST VS. MAN - F/S VS. ZONE po STACK BLOCK MIKE ‘TI UNCOVERED STRAIGHT TO MIKE INFLUENCE ED TT UNCOVERED - BLOCK SUPPORT WHEN FLEX OUT BLOCK THE MAN ON YOU BLOCK THE END UNTIL THE GUARD CROSS ‘YOUR FACE BLOCK F/S RUN DRAG WAVE HAND AS A DECOY PLAY Y - ASSIGNMENT | 60 GOALLINE BLOCK 5 GAP | 82 FLAT 88 88 RED BLOCK C GAP 60 BENCH TAKE-OFF 60 TAKE-OFF TAKE-OFF (AT THE FAR UP OF GOAL POST) | 268 ‘TAKE-OFF (3 YD. FROM HASH MARK) 60 EXPO spoT [s709 _[ Frat 344 CAD DRAG 344 X-CORNER DRAG 344 VERTICAL ___[verticat 344 ZEBRA. DRAG 344 ZEBRA-Z-CORNER DRAG 344 Z-CURL FLAT 344 DIP DIP ROUTE 344 TULSA. 1.0. BLOCK F/S 344 FT. WORTH DRAG (DECOY) 461-¥ spoT 344 BENCH TAKE-OFF 461-2 CHOICE a Ss 470 Y-UNDER 60 CHOICE 36 NAKED 37 NAKED 64-SMASH_ FLAG (BREAK AT 10 YDS. TO 20) 470-OPTION OPTION 460-DART VERTICAL 460 NEB TAKE-OFF 470 DIP DIP ROUTE (10-12 SQUARE IN) 7 WAGGLE BILOCK 5 TECH (5 GAP) UNDER DRAG SLAM TAKE-OFF BLK F/S TAKE-OFF BLK F/S BLOCK END UNTIL CENTER CROSSES YOUR FACE VERTICAL GATOR PASS E : ‘Squat Comer Release three basic releases that we will utilize versus a squat comer. The first is a speed release where cohoisah Ber tis 0s57 te Wa mats tease EW tity lames tbe Goncsing soban on ll teas boctae eae executing it, > oem Mr oiattaleg we soo ieying Se SSbapl we ll GY WSS Ullags ex diag lo's ww anand artisans time, give the squat comers different looks off of the same reiease, Eye Ball Safety Drive vertical once parallel to D.B. dip shoulder if chanc: of contact. ® ALL speed Must beat DB to this point. Release at 45° angle off 1.0.8. side line. Drive vertical Use swim tech to feet outside DB. sik Y eick Speed but control. Release at outside shoulder of D.B. tay 5 yds frob “The other two are the opposite shoulder and vertical release. Since they require more technique, I will detail " Ke DB backs our Tf catch & trail, Note: In-cuts demand Breat fakes. Out cuts okay. At 1-2 yds from DB, look for 1 of 2 thing fo occur. 1) Does DB catch & trail or 2Zoeg he back out £: Eiteas te sect Fee instie oo ut cut. Only ~ Great explosion to get on, DB quick. Release at outside shoulder of DR. OUTSIDE REL VS. MAN Eyeball safety. Drive vertical. TE DB Backs out use lovin to get inside. Drive back vertical. fot Likely to come insite on out cut.Oh possibility would be 7 route. In-Cuts day > x@-amoom> stant Speed Qut Bench ¥ Shallow Cross Flat Speed Out Choice Dip Flag Broken Arrow Vertical s/s pa ae 40 WHAM. NAKED ° oo@oo°o °o SCCe@000 ° ° ° 3° °o °° S 2 ° ecoe0c0co So eco@cKono ° ° ° ° ° ° ° OO eoe@co°o ° 00 o

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