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How to Show Participants on Map in Sales Compensation

Objective: By adding ZIP codes for a participant, map would be active on Navigator
Sales Compensation My Teams Compensation for its Manager.
Step 1: Login with admin user on Fusion IC instance. Below are the credentials
Application URL: https://fs-aufsn4x0<abc>
User Name: abc
Password: abc123
Step 2: Hit Navigator link present at top left of the screen and select Customer
Data Management Dashboard, as mentioned in below screen shot.

Step 3: click on Search sub task under Tasks menu, present left of the screen
and select list of value People from Search.

Step 4: Give Participant Name (Territory ID) under Name attribute for which
you want to add ZIP information and hit Search button. It will populate Search
Result section.

Step 5: Click on value under Name attribute. (Sample Name)

Step 6: Select Addresses section under Edit Consumer: <Participant

Name>: Profile (Sample Name)

Step 7: Click on + icon to create address for the participant. It will open a new

Step 8: Add participants address values (Address Line1, City, State & Zip
Code) from provided list and hit Ok button when values entered.

Step 9: As shown below with sample values

Step 10: Entered value will show under Address attribute. Then click on
Action and select Set Primary, it will add sign

under Primary

Step 11: Hit Save and Close and re-iterate step#4 onwards to create other
participants address.

Step12: It will show participant on respective address on map in the Report called
My Teams Compensation. Below participants will show on map on their
respective address.
Navigator Sales Compensation My Teams Compensation

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