Week 4 Under List

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Name : ____________________

Word Work Contract: Week 4

This week we are focusing on the prefix under-. A prefix is a word part that comes in the
beginning of a root/base word. Under- means too little, not enough, or below/underneath.



1. undergrown
2. underpaid
3. undercook
4. underuse
5. underweight
6. underarm
7. underestimate
8. underground
9. underfed
10. underline

Not grown enough.

Paid too little.
Not cooked enough.
Not used enough.
Weighing too little.
The underneath part of the arm.
An educated guess that is less than the actual amount.
Beneath the ground.
Not fed enough.
A line drawn underneath a word.

Assignments: Pick one of the following to complete each night. This means two activities
will not be completed. You will be tested on Friday.



Choose 5 of your under- words and write a sentence using each word correctly. A good
3rd grade sentence has 5-8 words and begins with a capital letter and ends with
Ex. (underestimate): I underestimated how many cupcakes I would need for the party.
Find 5 new words that also have the prefix under- and use them in a sentence.
Have a parent or older sibling give you a practice test and have them sign it. You will be
expected to know the meaning of the word. Your teacher will say, for example, The bird
looks very skinny and underfed. You will be expected to write fed too little (or a similar
definition), for some of your words.
Write each word in alphabetical order and draw a quick picture next to each word to
show its meaning.
Type your list 4 times on a computer, with each list typed in a different/fun font. Print
it out and turn it in! You can also handwrite these if you do not have access to a computer.
Use all ten words to create word pyramids on a separate sheet of paper.

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