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Tanzania Chapter
P.O. Box 369, Dar es Salaam; Tel +255 786 185 199; email:

2nd Pan-African Mosquito Control Association (PAMCA)
Annual Scientific Conference, 6-8th October 2015
The Pan African Mosquito Control Association (PAMCA) is an
organization that coordinates information sharing concerning vector
control activities within the African continent and beyond. PAMCA
was established in 2009 and culminated into an eventual high profile
launch in Durban, South Africa in 2013 by Goodwill Ambassador for
the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Partnership, Hon. Yvonne Chaka Chaka
during the 6th MIM conference.
PAMCA brings together various mosquito experts collaborating in
different research themes, promotes dissemination of research
findings, and influence public health policy. PAMCA's mission is to
provide leadership, information and training/education leading to
enhancement of health and quality of life through suppression of
mosquitoes and other mosquito-transmitted diseases, and reduction
of annoyance levels caused by mosquitoes and other vectors, as
well as pests of public health importance.PAMCA has its
headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya and is currently hosted by the Kenya
Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) in Nairobi.
The 1st PAMCA Annual Scientific Conference was held in Nairobi
Kenya in October 2014. As a follow-on to this conference, PAMCA in
collaboration with the National Institute for Medical Research is
organising the Second PAMCA Annual Scientific Conference which
runs from the 6th-8th October 2015, at the Dar es Salaam
International Conference Centre, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. It is
expected that up to 200 conference participants will come from
producers of mosquito control tools and government ministries in
the Africa region and beyond. The PAMCA conference will focus on
vector biology and control in Africa as vectors are fast becoming a
potential threat to human health and the global economy.

The goals of PAMCA are straightforward and simple: To bring

together various mosquito experts in order to form networks,
disseminate research and influence public health policy. Its overall
aim is to promote the control of, and research on mosquitoes and to
disseminate information on the ecology of mosquitoes, primarily
across Africa.
The theme for this Second PAMCA conference is Emerging
mosquito-borne diseases in sub-Saharan Africa and is
devoted to tackling the dynamic challenges that present themselves
in the era of globalisation and insecticide resistance. Unfortunately,
mosquitoes in Africa and elsewhere are developing resistance to the
armoury of chemicals that have historically proved successful in
suppressing vectors and with a limited number of compounds in the
pipeline and shrinking global funds, we must equip ourselves to
address these challenges. This conference through the rest of the
symposia and plenary sessions will explore novel ways to address
these challenges.
A keynote address will be delivered by a renown Tanzanian Scientist,
Prof. Wen Kilama, focusing on Health research ethics in malaria
vector trials in Africa.
ProfessorFranklin Mosha from the
Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo) will
deliver a speech on a more challenging subject focusing on:
Multidisciplinary approaches to tackling mosquito-borne
diseases. In addition to these and several other scientific
presentations, the conference will host three important symposia as
1. Larvicide application methods hosted by Valent Biosciences
Corporation of Illinois, USA
2. The Sterile Insect Technique: An additional control technique
for mosquitoes in Africa, hosted by the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) of Vienna, Austria
3. Capacity building on vector biology and control in Africa
hosted by PAMCA Secretariat, Nairobi, Kenya.
Prof Maureen Coetzee of University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
will deliver a plenary speech on Emerging insecticide resistance
in Africa: past, present and future prospects which will
provide a timely platform for informed discussions of these pertinent
issues. Cognizant of the fact that we have made progress by gaining
ground against most of the mosquito-borne diseases, Africa
currently faces a new set of challenges that require us to seek new
ways to outsmart these newly evolving disease trends. PAMCA is one

such platform that will enable Africa to emerge victorious in the fight
against mosquito borne diseases.

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