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1. Bring club to order- Ring the bell- whistle- dance whatever to make your club unique
2. Good morning/afternoon/evening and welcome to the Rotaract club of
______________ Meeting.
3. The Presentation/Event/Discussion will be delivered today
4. Visiting Rotaractors: Are there any visiting Rotaractors?
5. Guests of Rotaractors: Are there any guests of Rotaractors?
6. New Members to be recognized: Please welcome ________________ into our
Rotaract Club today he/she is our newest member. (Have them stand up and be
7. Rotaract Minute: _________________ will give us a Rotaract minute. (little
information about a club member)
8. Announcements:
9. Sponsor club update :The following activities were supported by our club:
(contributions made or projects that were endorsed)
10. District Rotaract Update: Check website ( for upcoming events
11. Board Decisions: our club board of directors made the following decisions.
12. Our Program chairperson today is___________________ who will introduce our
13. Thank you to the program speaker, visitors (name them) guests (name them)
welcome again to our newest member____________.
14. Last minute reminders.____________ ______________ ____________
15. Closing inspirational thought for the day:
16. Ring the bell to close the meeting We are adjourned

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