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Speaking test 2 E.S.O.

Third Term

About you

Photo description

1 Talk about you.

3 Describe the photos.

Are you a sports fan? What sports do you like?

Photo A

Have you ever watched any sporting events in a

What has happened?

What was the person doing when it happened?

Do you do sport? What sports do you play?

What is the person doing now?

Are there places to do sport in your town or city?

What do you think is going to happen next?

Is this sport always dangerous? Why?

Role play

Photo B

2 Complete the dialogue with the expressions.

Then practise the dialogue.

What has happened?

What was the person doing when it happened?

if youre interestedtheres a lot

are you doing anythingSounds good.
shall I meet you

What are the people doing now?

What do you think is going to happen next?
Is skateboarding always dangerous? What

A Hi, Matt. (1) ____________________________

should people do to stop injuries?

on Friday? Were organising a barbecue.

EXTENSION Answer the questions.

Its going to be at the youth club,

(2) ____________________________.

Look at both photos. Which sport do you think is

B (3) ____________________________ Can I do

the most dangerous? Why?

anything to help?

What sports do you think are dangerous? Why?

A Yeah. (4) ____________________________ to do.

Have you ever injured yourself while you were

Weve got the food, but we havent got any

music. The CD players broken.
B Oh, no. How did it happen?

doing a sport? What happened?


A It fell on the floor!

B Dont worry, I can bring one.
(5) ____________________________ at the youth
club on Friday, then?
A Yeah, great!

EXTENSION Imagine you are talking to some

friends who are organizing a basketball match at
the youth club on Saturday.
A explain that you are organizing a basketball
match and invite your partner
B accept the invitation and ask where it is
A say when and where the match is happening
B offer to help
A explain that you havent got a referee
B offer to be the referee
A accept

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