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Genre Horror



Camera work:

The overall camera work is hardly every a continuity editing; it

normally is very expressive as It wants the audience to feel
different emotions at specific times.

High and low angles; highlighting dominance from the subject or

highlights vulnerability and fear, this would be accompanied by a
wide shot to express the isolation.

Point of view shots; usually from the monster/thing.

Handheld shots are now more commonly used in films such as

Paranormal Activity, this makes the film more immersive
making the audience feel as if they are the person within the

Sound work:

There is a lot of non-diegetic sound within horror movies; these

help build tension and suspense to make the audience realise
that something is going to happen.

The use of ambient sounds can also be used to make a scene

more scary; such as squeaky floor boards or dogs barking, It
bringsforth the idea of them not being alone.


Visual style: often dark colours are used like red and blacks to
signalise the connotations of blood, danger and evil.

Lighting is expressive and typically very non naturalistic. Low key

lighting can hello to create shadows and unfamiliar shapes

Props are also used to easily identify the genre; this can involve
weapons such as a knives, machetes, or less conventional
weapons to match the beings characteristics of persona.

Location wise, it usually involves small communities that are

deprived of some form; also isolated.

Can also include places with a dark history, such as a previous

killings, asylums, hospitals. Etc.,,

Narrative specifics:

Can leave it on a cliff hanger; makes the audience ask what

happened after, or they are able to carry on with a sequel.

There is a vulnerable victim; may possibility have a relations with

the killer.

The killer may have some psychological matter which made them
want to kill; such as a bad childhood.

Returning to a former place which is recognisable to the killer;

where they grew up etc.

May be one survivor that can tell the tale, usually a female.

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