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Invention Convention

How do tools enhance or improve a skill or solve a problem in real

Task: Each student will use scientific inquiry and/or scientific technology to design and
present a tool or model of a tool that will enhance or improve a skill or solve a problem
in real life.
1. Each individual will select one real-life problem on which to focus.
2. Each student will research existing tools that address similar problems
and submit their findings
3. Each student will will design an original tool, or a model of the tool, and
submit it to the teacher.
4. Each student will gather, analyze, and interpret data and communicate the
results through their engineering notebook submitted to the teacher. This will
a. the name of the tool
b. what problem the tool addresses and how it will improve life;
c. a description of the tool;
d. the strengths and weaknesses of the tool;
e. and an explanation of how the tool was developed, tested
and modified.
5. Each student will design a presentation promoting the tool and its potential
to improve life. The presentation will be shared with the class.
6. During the presentation, the student relates appropriate visuals. The
student communicates clearly in an organized manner using appropriate voice
and eye contact. Timeline:
Turn in Real life problem focus.Sept. 29
Turn in Research...Oct

Turn in Design.....Oct 16
Turn in Drafts of Final report.... Oct 23
Final Report & Presentation.Nov. 9-11

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