Bible in A Year 19 OT Numbers 12 To 24

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The Bible in a Year

Old Testament

Numbers 12 to 24
Read this coming week:
Mar 14 Num 12‐13, Ps 68:19‐36, John 9 Mar 15 Num 14, Ps 69:1‐18, John
10 Mar 16 Num 15, Ps 69:19‐36, John 11 Mar 17 Num 16, Ps 70, John 12
Mar 18 Num 17‐18, Ps 71, John 13
Mar 19 Num 19‐20, Ps 72, John 14 Mar 20 Num 21‐22, Ps 73, John 15 Mar
21 Num 23‐24, Ps 74, John 16

Reading Questions
For next week you’re reading Numbers 12 to 24.
Answer the following:
• What is the report of the spies after they go into
• Why do the Israelites wander in the desert for 40
years according to God in Numbers 14?
• How does the man executed in Numbers 15 break
the law of God?
• How does Korah rebel and what are the
consequences of this rebellion?
• What does the budding of Aaron’s staff prove to
the Israelites?
• Why is Moses not allowed to go into the promised
land according to chapter 20?
• Why does Balaam’s donkey speak in 22?
• What is the relationship between Balak and
God’s Presence in Numbers
The message of the book of Numbers could be summed
up in the phrase that God’s presence is with Israel. God
continually shows that He is with Israel, traveling with
them, leading them…and even disciplining them during
times when they may wish He was not with them.

God’s presence in Numbers may be partially understood

as the presence of a parent in a home with a teenager.
The presence of the parent is ultimately for the
teenager’s good, but the teenager in the midst of
rebellion and angst – may not always feel that the
parent’s presence is such an outstanding good.

Similarly, God’s presence in Israel’s camp is continually

faithful. His presence is found leading them both in the
pillar that leads them through the wilderness, but also in
the leadership of Moses and Aaron as well as God’s
signs of support for that leadership.

Our lives contain times when we are ambivalent about

God’s presence. Sometimes we may wish that He was
not there so that we might think it easier to sin without
His watchful eye. Yet God’s presence is continually with
us to see our sin, but also to forgive it and to rescue us
from sin’s deadly consequences.
Please don’t throw this away. If you’re not going to use it, leave it for
someone else to use.

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