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-Essay by Teodora Maracineanu-

AGE. What a simple word. 3 letters, but years and years of existence that lay behind. Years that
change you completely, a period of time when you create yourself out of the rawest materials of
them all. You come as nothing, you become a soul. You gain experience, you understand loss. Its
an adventure. Youre expected to be someone. You then greet prejudices.
So how does this work? Easy: you come to this world as a young, innocent person who
should learn from the others. But in a blink of an eye youre not as young anymore: things
have changed: you start caring for your looks, you have responsibilities now. You meet
maturity. Its a new chapter that comes with new achievements and challenges. The shift
is crucial. And its fast and irreversible. When do you feel more ALIVE? Is it NOW? But
just when you start thinking of an answer, years have passed by and now youre wiser,
but also older. You became fragile. It was not much of a choice. But dont you ever be
sad, there is always a lot to be thankful for. You just need to find the time to look at it this
way, to realise the cargo of experiences and memories that you carried with you all this
time. You are brave, you have reached a new phase. What does this mean? Its clear now
that you have overcome many obstacles, griefs and despairs. You have taken risks which
brought you where you stand. Its a life-circle. Its called the self-actualisation. People
need that. We need to go through all the chapters until the book is over. Its your story.
Life is pleasant, death is peaceful. Its the transition that is troublesome. Handle it your
own way.

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