Tea Website Rws

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Tea Website

Good Afternoon, my name is Andrea Tovar and he website that I chose was the Tea
or Texas Education Agency website.
1. The URL has .gov
a. This indicates that it has a government website, this gives it credibility.
2. The Seal of Texas
a. The seal located at the bottom of the website indicates that its
recognized by Texas government.
3. Colors
a. The Light blue color matches the Seal of Texas which indicates its a
Texas site.
4. The History
a. In the Overview page we see the history of the TEA making it a
credible establishment. (Logos)
1. Wording:
a. AP Scores Climb or School Volunteers Honored
i. This positive diction allows for the audience to feel as though
the organization cares. It also shows success, which in the
education system is a must
2. Pictures:
a. Student artwork displayed in the home page
i. By exhibiting students artwork it gives the feeling that this
organization also cares about creativity and are proud of the
students they are in charge of.
3. Features Social media:
a. The home page features a segment that states Stay Connected with
the TEA this reassures people that this organization is participating in
the community. It also allows for people to be involved in what the
organization is planning, this makes them feel included
1. Statistics in the home page:
a. The ACT Participation graph that is featured in the home page with
Nearly 40 percent of students taking the college admissions test were
Hispanic. Participation has increased 22.8 percent since 2011.
2. Following the article
a. Shows an abundance of percentages and facts
3. Accountability Page
a. Shows past scores and percentages.

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