Linguis Tic Rights in Austral Ia: Educationa L Programs

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l programs


How does
t support


Sydney as
al country

What does
the society

Linguistic Rights in Australia

In actuality Australia has to deal with many situations about the linguistic rights of
the population. We define linguistic rights as the right of any person to choose the
lenguage that he/se want to use to express itself in public or private, accordic to
that we can find that Sydney is the most multicultural city in Australia with 65 per
cent of people eho its mother lenguage is not english. It is important to investigate
what are the things that Sydneys population take to help the linguistic rights to be
respected. This essay examine what are de linguistic rights stablished for Sydneys
population, what are the educational prigrams that rhe government apply to
promote them and what Sydneys society think about the importance of protecting
their lenguage and expression.
First of all it is necessary to analize what are the specific linguistic rights that
Sydneys law try to protect. According to the website Sidney counts
with almost 240 forgein lenguages so it is necessary to stablish some laws to
protect their rights to speak, Sydneys law stablishes that all students have the
roght to learn differen lenguages, all non english speaking person in the city have
the right to be translated in official an private situations, nobody has to be
discrimitated for the lenguage they speak or their ethnical race. If any person is
considerating move to Sydney they have to ve informed about this kind of rights.
The next thing that we consider important to know is how the goverment promote
linguistic rigths to the population? We find that there are specific clases aboyt
human rights(Linguistic rigths included) in Sydeys schools so studens of all grades
are motivated to respect them and share that information with their family and
Friends, also they have created publicitary campaigns to promote them with
posters, radio programs and debates and social networks. All that helps and
facilitate to create awarness about these theme.

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