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Generations of

Janine Paz 11G

Introduction to Computers

Computers have existed since the year 1822 to the present.

They have been so helpful to mankind for research, technological
advances, making peoples life easier, and much more.
There are 5 Generations of Computers and in each generation
there has been an important advancement

Pre-Computer Age 1930s

The differential analyzer (invented by Vannevar Bush) is introduced as the
first serious attempt to design a computer that can do many kinds of
scientific computations

Charles Babbage
He was born in London and spent most of his educational life at home. He
went to Cambridge University where he was a genius mathematician. He
invented a machine called Difference Engine which made mathematic
calculations. Later on he invented Difference Engine which included letters,
numbers and memory to store things. He couldnt live to see it, but it was

First Generation

Period: 1946-1959
The first computer used vacuum tubes for memory for CPU
They used a machine code to program language on the computer
The old computers were huge
The ENIAC: was invented for the U.S. Army to know things for war.
It was a fast computer and nothing slowed it down

Second Generation
Period: 1946-1965
Transistor based: they are tiny switches in microchips that send electric signals in
In this time period they created programmed languages for computers such as:
FORTRAN (1956), ALGOL (1958), and COBOL (1959).
Development of 2 supercomputers (LARC) and IBM7030
Bardeen ,Shockley, and Brattain invented the transistor at the Bell Lab

Third Generation
Period: 1965-1971
Integrated circuit based: is an electronic circuit that passes small
pieces of information in the computer
Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce invented this on the third generation
The IBM system was invented
It was 263 times as fast as ENIAC

Fourth Generation

Period: 1971-1980
VLSI Microprocessor based: it serves to combine many transistors into one chip
Creation of a single silicon chip
RAM: its a type of computer memory that can be used at any time
The use of parallel processors increased

Fifth Generation
Period: 1980-today
ULSI microprocessor based: putting many transistors in one silicon
microchip, making it easier to store info
These computers are able to recognize images and graphs
They are able to solve more complex problems
They are much faster
They have natural language which meand that humans can relate to the
Easier to carry (laptops)

Steve Jobs
He created the Mac and saved Apple after the previous owner left it
Apple is the most admired brand, according to ACM News
He went beyond what was needed, he started to build the Macintosh in
his won garage and fought for its release. As we can see now, the
MacBook Pro and the Macbook Air are very modern computers
As the time passed his company grew more and more because of his
other inventions such as the Ipod Touch, Iphone, and many others
Steve Jobs was a genius by inventing this new things and his legacy
grows more and more each day


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