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Why drinking age

should be

Lowered to 18 years of age

The drinking age in the U.S. should be

lowered to 18 years of age so young
adults can drink in controlled
environments such as restaurants,
taverns , pubs , etc.

The drinking age should be lowered

because of the solemn fact that an 18
year old American citizen is considered
and adult.

Right to vote and to go to the

legal adult is given the right to vote
and register for the military so it should
be given the tight to drink alcohol.

In the military 18 year old are in charge

of running a tank, plane or holding a
gun yet the government thinks they
cant handle a drink in a responsible
manner. It is obvious that if you can
handle leading your comrades through
battlefields or operate a multi-million
dollar vehicle like a tank or a plane, then
you can handle a drink.

Binge drinkers

A binge drinker is considered someone

whom has a least 5 drinks once a week.

If the government lowers the drinking

age to 18, you can count on seeing a
big decrease in binge drinking amongst
teens because drinking alcohol will not
be a rare event anymore for 18 year

A decrease in binge drinking will also

lead to solving other problems such as
memory loss, liver disease, cancer,
falling behind in college and sexual
assaults amongst teens.

If the government lowers the age

to 18

Alcohol will be available to 18

year olds and older for constant
amount of time so they will be
able to drink in moderation and
will not feel pressured to drink as

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