3-The Highway - 3rd Draft Word

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The Highway

Jenny, I got your number. I need to make you mine The voice
coming from Richard Elless throat wasnt terribly on key, but the
nineteen-year-old sang as loud as if it were, putting his lips to the ear
of the girl in the drivers seat of the avocado Volkswagen Beetle. At
sixteen, she was a sophomore in high school; he was a freshman in
college. Eightsixsevenfivethree-oni-ine.
Come on, Rich, thats not even my name. The car cruised down
the darkened highway.
Close enough, he reasoned, Jenna, Jenny He reached over
and twisted the volume knob clockwise until the radio pounded in their
ears; Jenna turned it back again. Richard frowned. Hey, whats the
matter, baby?
She stared ahead. Its just Just that Im reconsidering
throwing my life away. just that Im scared of getting caught.
Hey, come on. Its not like anyone ever went to jail for running
away, did they?
No, but But I feel guilty that I didnt even leave a note telling
Mom I was okay.
But, nothing. Jenna, weve been through this before. Theres
nothing to worry about. Ive got everything worked outmy cousins
got a job waiting on me, and well stay at his place til I can get some
more money together. Relax. He turned the music up again, though

not as loud. Have fun, he added as an afterthought. When Jenna

didnt respond, he grabbed at the wheel.
Stop it! Whats wrong with you!
Im just trying to get you to loosen up, babe, said Richard with
feigned apology.
Well, youre gonna get us killed if you keep doing that.
No, Im not. Theres not even anyone else out on the road right
You dont know that. Its nighttime. Its dark out.
Then if there was anybody else, wed have already seen their
headlights. I told you, theres nothing to worry about.
Jenna couldnt help envisioning all the horrible things that could
happen. What if their headlights are out? What if theyre on a bike?
What if we hit a deer?
Jenna, youre drifting, he cautioned her. Without warning, she
slammed on the brakes and jerked them both into their seatbelts.
Fine. You know what? You drive. She threw the car in park,
wrenched off her seatbelt, and swung open the door.
Hey, I wasnt trying to upset you. You dont have to get so
defensive, said Richard. Jenna crossed around, opened his door, and
stood waiting. Alright, Im coming, he said as he hopped out and
went to the other side. They both got in; Richard punched the radio off
and started driving. Geez, Jenna, whatre you so mad about?

She slammed her palm onto the dash. What am I mad about?
Im mad that you managed to convince me to run away from home and
leave the state with you and leave my mother and my baby sister all
alone after my daddy already walked out on us, and that Ive probably
lost my job because I didnt show up tonight and didnt call in, and that
everyone I know is going to be worried sick about me and theyre
never going to see me again and theyll probably think Im dead and
youre just sitting here tuning me out with the radio and almost getting
us killed and telling me to calm down because everything and
everyone is going to be fine, and its not!
You dont have to shout at me! Youre the one who was telling
me that you hate your life and your boss is a creep and your mom
doesnt respect you or understand you and that your friends all hate
you and talk about you behind your back, and if I recall correctly, you
wanted to leave with me!
Jenna twisted in her seat and tried awkwardly to slap him,
causing Richard to swerve precariously into the other lane. You have
no right to talk about my lifeor my familyor anything about me that
way! You have no idea what its like to live in my head or to deal with
my life! And yes, I did want to come with you on this stupidstupid
thing, but now I think I was completely wrong and I wish Id never
agreed to it at all! I want to go home!

Jennas cell phone went off in her back pocket. Jenny, dont
change your number She grabbed it out and looked at it. Its Mom,
she said exasperatedly. Richard scowled at her darkly. Not knowing
what else to do, Jenna answered it. Hello?
From the other end came, Jenna? Carries sick. Shes got a high
Jenna began to worry. What? When did this happen? It started
to rain.
Shes been feeling bad since breakfast, but it didnt really show
up until after you left for work. I hate to do this to you, sweetie, but can
you leave work early to help me take care of her?
IIll see if I can, she lied, knowing she was over four hours
away, Ill try to hurry, Mom.
Thanks. Are you all right, honey? You sound like somethings
Im fine, Mom. I promise.
Alright. I love you, honey, and Im sorry, again. It would really
help out, though. And it would make Carrie feel better, too.
Richard interrupted, Give me the phone. I want to talk to her.
What? No! Jenna hissed. Alright, Mom. Ill be there.
Richard reached over, the wheel turning dangerously. Give it to

No! What are you doing? Stop it! Jenna unbuckled and leaned
away from him, flailing her limbs to push him away, but he still
managed to grab the phone from her. The rain outside the car came
down harder.
Jennas mothers concerned voice came from the other end,
Jenna? Whats going on? Are you okay?
Richard spoke into the mouthpiece while angrily watching Jenna.
Jennas not coming home again, Mrs. Tiller. Shes sick and tired of you
and everyone else so shes leaving.
Rich! Stop! Hes lying, Mom! Jenna screamed.
Richard went on, She hates her life, and she never wants to see
you again. He shut the phone and threw it into the floorboard where it
bounced under the brake.
Rich, I hate you! Why would you do that? Jenna was crying and
enraged. Richard, full of anger, began speeding up. Rich, whatre you
doing? The car went faster. Rich!
Richard was now overdriving his lights, and the speedometer
needle kept rising. Jennas cell phone rang in the floor. The Volkswagen
began drifting to the right. Suddenly
Rich, look out!
A lone man waving his arms in the pouring rain had appeared
next to the previously empty stretch of highway, directly in the center
of the cars headlights. Jenna screamed. Richard tried to stop the

speeding car, but the brake only depressed partway, as it was jammed
by the frantic telephone. It was too late, even before he tried to kick
the phone out. The car collided with the frozen figure, which flipped
over the hood and slid across the roof and off the back end. Jennas
bright pink phone finally came loose and ceased ringing as Richard hit
the brake pedal again and the bug skidded and spun on the slick
tarmac, throwing the un-harnessed Jenna into the windshield. The tires
squealed, and the car slid to a halt, the back wheel landing hard off the
shoulder of the road. Jenna fell sideways to the floorboard, her head
connecting with the gearshift on the console. The phone started to ring
again. Richard yelled as loud as he could and slammed his fist into the
horn, then unbuckled violently, snatched the cell phone, shoved open
the door, and threw the phone out into the night. At the faint end of
the headlight beams he could see a dark, crumpled figure lying on the
ground. Richard stood in the rain with his head bowed, beginning to
cry. His wet t-shirt clung to him; his black hair dripped. Then,
somewhere out in the darkness, the ringing pink telephone shorted

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