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Unit Outline (10 weeks)

Weekly Outline
Assessment Guide
Six Lesson Plans
Commedia Dellarte is a style of comedic drama that many students find
enjoyable. Commedia Dellarte helps students to improve on their
understanding and knowledge of the elements of drama. It extends on their
confidence, interpretive and analytical skills. Students build on general
capabilities include creativity and social skills. General literacy skills such as
speaking, writing and reading are utilised and developed thoroughly in this
unit. Numeracy skills such as measurements are also required for success in this
unit. A variety of technological resources and auditory, visual and kinaesthetic
activities are incorporated into the unit to ensure learning is inclusive.


Unit Outline
Week 1. Introduction: Background How it developed/when it was popular and basic workshop
Week 2.Elements of Commedia. The core elements involved in this style of performance.
Clowning/movement workshop to help students develop big movements
Week 3. Characters: Learn the main characters, their status, personality and walking style.
Students get an idea of what the characters look like and how they act.
Week 4. Reiteration and extension on character work. Work on movement and face with the
addition of a mask. Help students learn how to perform when most of their face is covered. Add
grummelot to movement activities.
Week 5. Basic Lazzi introduction including slapstick, video examples: Three Stooges, Kath and
Kim. Lazzi for one and two mime scenarios and activities such as mirroring
Week 6.Lazzi/Burle scenes with traditional props and music. Lazzi for three
activities/scenarios. Introduce concetti
Week 7. Character profiles: Fill out what you have learnt, start script: (Script is two-four people
2-3 minutes per person, must have a song plus include lazzi, burle and at least one concetti
Week 8. COMPONENTS OF COMMEDIA ESSAY DUE. Work on script/performance, workshop
concentration activities
Week 9. SCRIPT DUE. Work on performance, costume and mask discussion. Dress rehearsal
last lesson of this week
Responding, Forming and Presenting

Research Essay on the Components of Commedia Dellarte

Due Week 8

-Origin and Influences

-What components make up a typical Commedia performance?
-What did it aim to express to the audience? What style was it?
-Give examples of Commedia routines including a routine from a
person/group today who used an element of Commedia. Can
take example from Kath and Kim or Three Stooges episode, or
elsewhere if you find something.



-1500 words
-6 references
Script is written for two-four people, 2-3 minutes per person. Must
have at least one song and concetti and also include lazzi , burle
Marking on basic skills: such as effective movement, voice, and
timing. Characterisation: Did you portray the character
competently and accurately? Theatrical Statement: appropriate
props and costuming, organisation, correct relationships etc.

Due Week 10

Due Week 11

Rebekah Gilliland
Drama: Commedia Dellarte: Introduction. 45 minutes

Synopsis of the lesson: Year level, prior knowledge, content to be covered etc.
Year 11 students who have undertaken drama in previous grades will have experience in improvisation and
melodrama. Both of which will be helpful in the Commedia Dellarte unit. Students who are new to drama may feel
slightly challenged by the eccentricity of some activities but will be supported throughout the unit. Commedia Dellarte
requires energy, exaggeration and it is usually improvised.
In lesson one, students will be introduced to Commedia Dellarte. They will develop a brief understanding of how
Commedia began and where it came from. Since Commedia Dellarte can be an embarrassing unit, this class aims to
help students feel relaxed and enthusiastic. Hopefully, it will also encourage them to exaggerate both their voice and
movements which will be useful in future lessons.
Outcome statement

The purpose of
Concentration/ Woo as the
warm up game is to
provoke both energy and
enthusiasm in the students
at the same time as
demanding concentration.
Students need to integrate
all three of these qualities to
succeed in Commedia

-Without boring the students,

establishing a brief outline of what is
involved in Commedia Dellarte will
give students an idea of what they
are doing and what is to come. The
worksheet will be a helpful resource
which they can refer to in the future,
or refer to if they learn better visually
than audibly.

-Tell students to come inside, put their
bags/books to the side and sit in a straight line
facing a partner. Explain to them the rules of
Concentration also known as Woo. Then play
a game ( See appendix, activity one)
-Tell students to collect books and glue sticks if
they own them and sit back down. Hand out the
Background of Commedia Dellarte sheet
(small one) and tell students to glue into their
books as it is vital information which will help
them understand Commedia and also prove
useful when they are writing their essays.
This sheet briefly details the history - (discuss
main points when relevant through lesson) - tell
them to read thoroughly later in their own time
and just go over the main points most relevant
to the first activity to begin with:
Commedia means comedy of a professional
craftsman. It is a boisterous, exaggerated,
comical theatre. There are masks, music,
vulgarity, ridicule and its improvised. Its not
natural/realistic acting its silly and fun and over
the top.



-Background of
Dellarte Hand
-Several Glue

mins for
into the
mins to
ce to

Outcome statement
-This game is fun and will hopefully
fire up a bit of healthy competition in
the students which will potentially
get them enthusiastic, energised
and attempting to behave comically.
Acting silly in front of only one other
person will help ease students into
the style.
-There are a range of acts, some
are less embarrassing, shy students
can start with these and again ease
into it.
-The acts in this game are relevant
to Commedia Performances so
students can begin to get a feel for
characterisation without the
pressure of context.
Examples Telling someone you
love them in an exaggerated way is
something one of The lover
characters would do

(In reference to discussion had in introduction)
You can feel silly acting like this so we are
going to do an activity to loosen us up and get
us thinking in a comedic and over the top way.
We are going to play confusion Bingo
(refer to appendix page one)



-Several glue
sticks (same ones
from previous


-4 small prizes of
some sort

glue in)

-Laptop or CD
player to play
Clown Song

to play)

-Bingo Hand out

Pass around sheets and get students to also
glue these into their books
Outline rules because this activity could get
rowdy: Volume needs to stay low or we will
stop playing sooner, if you hear me say quiet
talk in a whisper. No pushing or shoving or
running, must walk. No cheating, do it properly!
I will be watching/checking!
You have ten minutes to do as many as you
can and when your hear this clowning song *
play a song exerpt* ,you must finish up what
you are doing and sit down in a circle. If you
finish before you hear the song (you shouldnt)
then sit down quietly in the circle with
everything out of your hands so I know that you
are done. Ill say when to go
When activity ends and everyone is sitting
down in a circle quietly, Hand out four prizes:
- A prize to the first person finished/ The person
with the most boxes finished
-Three prizes to the most energetic and best
performing students (make sure one of these
students is a weaker performer who seemed to
try hard/ harder than usual. Hopefully the prize
will support them to continue this way)
( quick summary/ introduction to activity two


Outcome statement


-This will explain to students the

purpose of the games they
participated in. It will give them
insight into what they will learn in
the future and hopefully get them
excited about the unit.

(In reference to last activity)



I want you to keep in mind that same energy

and enthusiasm and exaggeration when doing
future commedia activities and performances.
The style is all about losing your inhibitions,
dont being afraid to quack like a duck or have
a mock sword fight, do so with confidence and
conviction, have fun.

If students seem like a loud or rowdy

class, introduce lesson with a
discussion of expectations that are
required in practical lessons and advice
they need to be met for activities to

Extension task to think of three

activities that they can add to confusion

Read through background of

Commedia sheet more thoroughly and
to ensure students are doing so, ask
them questions relating to sheet

Resources and references used:

- Bring several glue sticks as most students presumably will not have glue
- Bring enough handouts for every student in the class plus five extras
(The hand out being a brief background on the history of Commedia DellArte & Confusion Bingo)
Navigating Drama
-Bring 5 prizes plus 2 extra just in case in the form of chocolates/lollipops/stickers OR depending on schools
rewards system could be for example A merit point that puts them in the running for a tuckshop voucher
-Bring laptop/CD player and a recording of a clown song


Rebekah Gilliland

Drama: Commedia Dellarte: Introduction. 45 minutes
Synopsis of the lesson: Year level, prior knowledge, content to be covered etc.

Year 11 students who have undertaken drama in previous grades will have experience in improvisation and melodrama.
Both of which will be helpful in the Commedia Dellarte unit. Students who are new to drama may feel slightly
challenged by the eccentricity of some activities but will be supported throughout the unit. Commedia Dellarte requires
energy, exaggeration and it is usually improvised.
In lesson two, students will further discuss the origin of Commedia Dellarte. They will begin developing basic
performance skills through practical activities which will help them to get used to the Commedia style. It will also help
students, particularly students who are new to drama feel comfortable acting in front of their peers.
Outcome statement


It is important for students to have

an idea of where Commedia came
from, how it evolved and how it is
still relevant in contemporary
society. Background knowledge
always leads to the development of
a greater understanding on the topic
(and will help with essays)

Tell student to come inside the classroom and

to sit in a circle with their books and a pen,
opened to the Background of Commedia hand
(Reiterate behavioural expectations if students
were particularly rowdy or passive in the
previous lesson).
Introduce lesson by saying:
I want you to keep in mind that same energy
and enthusiasm and exaggeration that you had
last lesson when participating in activities
today. Remember this style is about feeling
relaxed and silly
Introduce next activity by discussing hand out:
Refer to the Background of Commedia
handout and discuss the origins of Commedia.
Highlight that from 1550 1750 it was
enormously popular in Italy and Europe. In
England influenced Shakespeares comedies
still prevalent today in some stand up,
pantomime and in all sorts of outdoor
Commedia was an outdoor theatre and it is
said it probably developed in marketplaces.
Magicians and quacks and performers would
shout across the market place in hopes that a
crowd would gather. They would entertain them
and hopefully make a sale/ get money.

-Personally refer
to notes if
necessary, tell
students this
information is
related to the
Background of


This information leads into the activity

Outcome statement


If Commedia developed from

marketplace entertainment, it makes
sense for students to start at this
point as well. This activity is a first
taste of character work. Requires
students to be over the top,
ridiculing (in a friendly way) and
comical in a general manner.

Play game called Attracting

Attention/Fairground Spruiking

By actively looking for what

skills are most entertaining,
students may
remember/strive to
incorporate these into their
future performances make
this suggestion to the


One prize

We are going to pretend we are in the 1600s

in the marketplace. Four students are going to
be the performers and the rest of us will be the
Choose four students one at a time and give
them a different character, with a swift example
of what you mean by said character and brief
idea on how they could act it:
1. A priest threatening hell fire (expand for
clarity: were all going to die the world
is ending, sell your belongings now)
2. An inventor selling a new invention
3. A quack (a not so smart person that
thinks they are smart) selling cure all
4. A magician, juggler or snake charmer
Tell four students that you will give them a few
minutes to think about what they might say or
do, reminding them they can ridicule/mock
themselves/other characters but do not
sabotage others, they must play fair. Turn to the
rest of the class.
We are the audience that needs to be
entertained what do you think is going to attract
our attention?
Allow for group discussion and ideas make sure
following points are mentioned
-Humour content, actions, tone of voice
-Commitment and conviction to character
-Someone who seems knowledgeable on the
character and therefore believability as the


Get students to perform for 30 seconds alone
and then for 30 seconds all together. Then tell
them to sit down.
Discuss who drew the most attention and why?
(Give them a prize also)
Make effort to include these qualities in your
own work.
This task can also be done in small groups.
Students can be given a longer time to plan
what they are going to say depending on the
confidence levels of the students

Outcome statement
-This will explain to the purpose of
the previous activity

Summarise last activity saying that
Entertainment in Commedia revolves around
having knowledge of the characters and style
and having a grasp of the style required. This
means knowing what kind of voice, movement,
costuming, relationships etc.
Say that we will be developing a knowledge
and style in the upcoming lessons.
Encourage students to bring a glue stick next
Ask students to write a reflection on the activity
that they just participated in. Provide example
questions for students to ensure students are
reflecting on the important elements.
Questions could include:
-What was difficult about the task?
-What was enjoyable?
-Which performance did I find the most
entertaining and why?
-What is a goal I could set myself for next

If we still have time after this can play



attracting attention again in a different

way. Example, could ask students to
modernise the characters into people
who are attention seeking in modern
society. Example, Kim Kardashian, a
Resources and references used:
- Bring several glue sticks as most students presumably will not have glue
- Bring enough handouts for every student in the class plus five extras
(The hand out being a brief background on the history of Commedia DellArte & Confusion Bingo)
Navigating Drama
-Bring 5 prizes plus 2 extra just in case in the form of chocolates/lollipops/stickers OR depending on schools
rewards system could be for example A merit point that puts them in the running for a tuckshop voucher
-Bring laptop/CD player and a recording of a clown song


Name: Rebekah Gilliland
Subject/Lesson: Elements of Commedia Dellarte and Clowning/Movement Workshop. 45 minutes
Synopsis of the lesson: year level, prior knowledge, content to be covered etc:
Last lesson gave students an introduction into the drama style known as Commedia Dellarte.They were given a
brief history of where it came from, understood that it was comedic theatre and were presented with the basic
skills that are prevalent in the style such as boisterousness, ridicule and exaggeration. In this class students will
build on their knowledge and discover what elements a typical Commedia performance consists of. They will
also take part in a movement workshop with elements of clowning to ease them into a comedic style and to
connect students with the range and power of movements.
Outlook Statement:


-The workshopping in this

-Tell students to come inside, put their
class revolves around large,
books/bags to the side and form a circle
exaggerated enthusiastic
standing up.
movements. This kind of
movement does not come
-Demonstrate/Explain Exaggeration warm
naturally and therefore a
up game. (One person in the circle steps
warm up to ease students into
forward and performs a noise and a
the style is beneficial.
movement, following this, the rest of the
Thinking of their own
circle has to repeat the noise and movement
movement on the spot also
three times, getting bigger and louder each



helps their improvisational

skills, which is beneficial in
this unit as students will have
to perform some traditional
Commedia i.e Improvised
Theatre in upcoming lessons.
Outcome Statement

This handout will give

students some
context of what they
are doing and what is
involved in the style.
They will have an
idea of what the
workshops and the
activities in the
lessons are leading
up to. Background
information like this is
imperative to
learning. Students
cannot excel without
this foundational

time. This continues the whole way around

the circle.)

Activity 1:
-Once the warm up game is complete ask
students to grab their books, pens and glue
sticks if they brought them and sit down in
the middle. Have back up glue sticks with
you as most students will still not have glue.
-Give students an Elements of Commedia
hand out and a Characters hand out.

-Several glue sticks
-Elements of

-Refer to the Elements of Commedia

handout and summarise for the class the
main points (brief):
-Commedia performances all have a
typical storyline which generally will involve:
-Someone in disguise
- Plans that dont work out
-Someone in love
-Someone who wants money
-Stock characters each have own walk,
gestures, fit into certain storylines

all the dot
points it is
only a
take more
than 10

-Characters are in three categories:

Old men
Each routine will include lazzi , burle and
concetti. Swordfighting , acro, music, props
and dance.
(expand on aforementioned terms later into
the term, this summary is just to give
students a general overview to begin
developing a basic understanding)

Outcome Statement

-Tell students to read handout thoroughly in

their own time, may give time later in the
Activity 2:



-This activity will help

students adjust and discover
the possibilities of their bodys
ability to move. This will help
students to develop a sense
of character particularly
expressed through clear
movement and by adding a
word that is relevant to said

-Students walk around the room silently and

in neutral (explain what neutral is so that
they definitely know.)

-Cd player or
Laptop and a
clowning song


-Ask students to walk around leading with

their chin, groin, shoulders and chest. (Can
move this body part from side to side not
just in a forwards direction as if they are
being pulled.)
What differences of character do these
induce? Think to yourself what types of
characters might walk like this as you go
Walk at different heights and speeds.
-Ask aforementioned question to class
Move with an action, swishing with moving
hips, pointing, thrusting, gliding, striding like
a peacock, pushing, storming etc.
-Ask class to combine some of these
elements together and develop their own
walk. Perhaps they will walk quickly, at a low
height , while pointing and leading with their
shoulders, endless possibilities. Give them a
minute or two to think about this while they
walk then tell them to form a straight line at
the back of the room.

In a catwalk style students will walk

down the runway in their chosen
walk style while a clowning song
plays. At the end of the runway they
will pose.
Repeat but this time students have
to think of a noise/word to say at the
end of the catwalk that suits their
character. This noise or word can
introduce their character if they
would like e.g hello in a funny voice
with a wave.

Outcome Statement
-This is to summarise the
lesson and inform students of
what the next week will


Ask students to sit down in the

middle with their book and make a
note of what they learnt in class

Marker and Duster
in case you choose


Explain that next week we will learn
about the Commedia characters
and will extend on our movement as
a part of this.

to make helpful
conclusive notes
on the board

Resources and References Used:

-Several Glue Sticks
-Elements of Commedia hand out, enough for the class plus five extras just in case
(Keep spare extras from last lesson just in case student still managed to lose it)
Characters handout, enough for the class plus five extra
-Whiteboard Marker
-Whiteboard Eraser
-CD player or laptop and clowning song
Name: Rebekah Gilliland
Subject/Lesson: Commedia DellArte: Characters. 45 minutes
Synopsis of the lesson: year level, prior knowledge, content to be covered etc.
In the past three lessons students have learnt about the history and origins of Commedia as well as the main
elements of what is involved in the style. In the upcoming weeks these main elements will be explored further so
that students can improve their understanding and abilities within the genre. The next two lessons focus on
introducing the stock Commedia Dellarte characters. Students will be introduced to the characters appearance
and dress. However, the focus will be on the characters status, relationships, movements and personality.
Students will participate in movement activities where they will be required to impersonate the movement and
voice of these characters with guidance and demonstration. They will also see video performances for further
Outcome statement


-This exercise will warm up

students concentration
skills at the same time as
incorporating movement
techniques that they learnt
in the last class. This is a
way of reiterating and
practising techniques so
that students may
remember, advance and
feel comfortable with them

-Direct class to put bags/books to the side of

the room and form a circle standing up. Inform
students that we will be playing a warm up
game to increase their concentration.
Introduce game and connect to Commedia:
I will choose one person, that person has to
make eye contact with someone else in the
circle and walk over to them. Once they reach
them, that person has to make eye contact with
someone else and walk towards them and so
on and so forth.

worksheets, in
case students
have forgotten or
lost them


Since however, we have been learning about

exaggerating our movements the catch is you
have to walk in one of the styles that we
explored last week. Choose a body part to lead
with and choose a pace. DO NOT just stroll
across the room or you will have to go back
and do it again. You all can do it
-Once the game is over instruct students to
grab their books and pens and sit down in the
centre looking at the overhead projector. Books
need to be opened to the character sheet they
were given last week. (Have spares if people
have lost these.)
Outcome statement


-Students will develop an

understanding of the
characters ranking. They
will develop an
understanding of what the
Old Men characters are all
about and how they
generally stand, talk and
behave. This is imperative
information for the
presenting tasks and the
final performance task. It is
also imperative information
for students to include in
their essay, if it is to be
informed and knowlegable.

-Students will now learn about the characters.

Start by expanding on what was briefly
mentioned last week. There are three main
groups of characters. Instruct students to write
them down. Have them up on the screen in a
pre-prepared power point presentation.
The Old Men (Higher Class)
-Ill Dottore
Il Capitano Capitano is in the old man
category but he is more agile than the other
two, the other two would lose their breath in a
chase and are either fat or hunched over (but
we will expand on that later.)
The Lovers (Higher Class)
(Generally named)
The Zanni (Servants, lower class)
There were many commedia characters
developed over the years but these are the



-A pre-prepared
presentation that
Information about
the three groups
of characters as
well as a video
example of each
character in
action. Also have
a copy of the
descriptions from
the Characters
sheet in the power
point or on the
-A personal copy
of the Character
worksheet to refer
to instead of on
the powerpoint

main characters. We are going to start by

looking at the old men.
Refer to second slide of pre-prepared power
point. The second slide will be a short
Pantalone video that shows his costumes and
his stance and his voice (15 seconds
maximum). Students will be instructed to refer
to their Characters hand out and students can
read out loud the brief character description.
-Will basically say who he is:
High status, greedy, loves money, powerful,
tells people what to do. Thinks he is handsome
but he isnt. Lusts after Colombina, grovels to Il
Dottore, mean to his servants. Not a friendly
character grumpy, squawky selfish, usually
doesnt notice the audience unless he is
concerned they will steal his money or stand in
his way.
How he performs: Hunched over, neck out,
guarding his money bags, squawking chicken
After the How he performs component is read
students will stand up where they are and
practise, following teacher demonstration. They
will form his stance, walk on the spot and say a
relevant word in his voice like Money,money,
Repeat this action with Il Dottore and Il
Outcome statement


-This is to summarise
learning and to inform
students on what will
happen in the next lesson.

-Advise students to read over the character

descriptions and remember the movement style
that we have been working on as next lesson
will be a practical lesson
-Students re-read through notes, write a
reflection on what they have learnt this lesson.

Resources and references used:



-Powerpoint presentation which includes, main character groups and videos of Il Dottore, Pantalone, Il Capitano,
Arlecchino and Colombina.
-Character sheet from previous week, for personal reference and spare copies for students that may need them


Name: Rebekah Gilliland
Subject/Lesson: Commedia DellArte: Characters. 45 minutes
Synopsis of the lesson: year level, prior knowledge, content to be covered etc.
Students will be introduced to more characters discussing appearance and dress. However, the focus will be on
the characters status, relationships, movements and personality. Students will participate in movement activities
where they will be required to impersonate the movement and voice of these characters with guidance and
demonstration. They will also see video performances for further guidance.

Outcome statement


-This a fun, energetic way

to reiterate the movement
information the students
learnt in the previous
lesson. This will raise their
energy levels whilst
solidifying their knowledge.

Tell students to stand in a circle. Then play

Concentration but instead of clapping the
teacher will call out to the class a character and
the students will have to act like the character.
For example Il Capitano,
Students will have to put their noses in the air
and pretend to sword fight or walk on the spot
like a peacock.

Outcome statement


-This will help students

develop an understanding
of The Zanni characters.
How they behave and
perform as well as the
differences between them.
Introducing Colombina is
essential as often girls,

Skip over the lovers and start on the Zanni.

First Describe Colombina, as most female
students will probably like to explore a female
character. Afterwards describe Arlechinno.
Show the difference between the Zanni.
Arlechinno moves like a cat, is silly, not very,
intelligent but he reacts to everything. Very



-Refer to
powerpoint. Have
videos for both
Colombina and
-Refer back to


particularly shy girls, need a

character that they can
relate with to begin with that
isnt too over the top.

jumpy, his plans are often foiled. Higher

Characters are not respectful to him.

personal copy of
the Characters

Colombina is usually played a sexy, strong

woman who struts around the place and has all
the men, quite often Arlechinno , lusting after
her. She is intelligent and feisty, shes flirty and
tricks the men. She can also be played as coy
and feminine. She does not wear a mask.
-Repeat concentration activity with these two
added in.

Outcome statement


-This is to summarise
learning and to inform
students on what will
happen in the next lesson.

-Advise students to read over the character

descriptions and consider the movement and
style that was practised today. Ask students to
start brainstorming which character they would
most like to play in the end of term assessment
piece. Spend final ten minutes of lesson
researching videos and information relating to
that character

Students will need
their laptops
(If school does not
provide laptops
computer room)


-Tell students to revise over elements of

commedia hand out
-Inform students that the next lessons will be
focussed on grummelot and mask work.

Resources and references used:

-Powerpoint presentation (from last lesson) which includes, main character groups and videos of Il Dottore,
Pantalone, Il Capitano, Arlecchino and Colombina.
-Character sheet from previous week, for personal reference and spare copies for students that may need them


Name: Rebekah Gilliland

Subject/Lesson: Commedia Dellarte, Character Work, Mask and Grummelot. 45 minutes

Synopsis of the lesson: Year level, prior knowledge, content to be covered etc.
The last two lessons were intensive classes on the characters. At this point students should have at least a
vague understanding of how the main characters behave and a strong understanding of how they stand, move
and speak. This class is aimed to build on students characterisation skills through a variety of practical
activities. Also, students will learn a Commedia stage technique known as Grummelot which will help students
extend on their ideas for the responding and forming tasks.

Outcome statement



-The purpose of this

warm up is to get
students feeling energetic
and comical. Helping
them to laugh at
themselves because
ridicule is a component of
Commedia. This activity
is a fun way to practise
movement skills that the
students have been
developing over the past
lessons. It will also help
students remember to
use their faces and know
that their faces need to be
as big as their bodies
particularly their mouths.

-Tell students to leave their bags/books at the

side of the room and find their own space in the
room monitor behaviour

-Popular or Clich minutes

-Aerobic high energy body and face warm up.

This will involve running on spot, air punching ,
hip swaying , shoulder rolling. Basically this
activity is incorporating exaggerated movements
again but this time in a slightly different way. A
popular or clich pop song will be playing as we
do this.

-CD player or

Outcome statement

Activity 1

-This is to reiterate the

movement and
characterisation that we
touched on in the last
class. The purpose of
adding voice is to build on
the characterisation. By
choosing students to
present, their peers can
absorb elements of
characterisation that they
may not have considered


-Students also need to learn to use their face

when wearing a mask or lots of makeup so we
will include face exercises in this warm up such
- pretending to chew a big piece of gum
-Saying the vowels with your mouth as wide as it
can be.

Tell students to walk around in neutral

position and as they walk call out style of
walking that connects to a character.

Show me a fat man Waddle like Il Dottore

While doing this, take a moment to explain
how the lovers walk, while the students are
walking in neutral. Mention that they are
vein, gentle and most of all in love. They
float around the stage in a balletic and



themselves and therefore

peer learning will take

graceful teeter.
Then build on this and call out to students
little scenarios and tell them to add their
Act like you are one of the characters and
you have just stepped in dog poo
Yell out freeze
Then choose three people to perform their
enactment of a Commedia character
stepping in dog poo etc
- Then tell students to form a circle sitting down,
ready for activity two.

Outcome statement
-This activity requires
students to think quickly
when becoming a
character or creating a
scene. The pressure to
think fast will help
students feel comfortable
and get a firmer grip of
both the character and
improvisation. As well as
working together because
all the students have to
seethe together and no
one is the star or cowers

Outcome statement
-An untypical conclusion,
but since the class was all
workshopping there is no
need to summarise
information and the time
is better spent introducing

Activity 2:



-Choose five students at a time to Mill and

Seethe (see appendix activity two)
Students have to seethe into a particular style of
character or scenario.
For example: When I say seethe you will seethe
like Colombina OR When I say seethe you will
freeze like Il Capitano being frightened by a
While students are in the circle give them each a
number from one to three and tell them once
they have their number to remember it and take
a seat at the back of the room, ready for activity
three. (Number of groups will depend on number
of students and number of masks available for
students to use, adjust accordingly.)

Inform class that we will be walking

towards each other in the circle, as we
have done in previous lessons (refer to
introduction, lesson plan 3) except this
time will be talking in Grummelot as we

-As many masks
as you can get
your hands on,
ideally 5-6. Plain,
white, plastic


a simple Commedia Style

that is fun and will help
students particularly in
their forming and
responding tasks.

-Explain that Grummelot is just a combination of
jibberish words and sounds that are complete
nonsense and have no meaning, but are
sometimes used to convey a certain character.
-Demonstrate Grummelot in a tone and with
gestures that make you seem really emotional
and upset about something. This will make
clearer what you meant when you said to
convey a certain character.
If there is still time at the end of the class split
students up into partners. Give them a scenario
to create using Grummelot.
For example:
You are the lovers Isabella and Flavio pledging
your commitment and love to one another
-Present a few of these.

Resources and references used:

-Cd player or Laptop
-A playlist with a pop song and at least three instrumental pieces

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