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Basic Needs

['b3di] [badi]
: -dies
Everyday Expressions
Swimming is the best way to build up your body.

Hes got a great body!

The mind governs the body.
Congress is a legislative body.
n. (of)
Theres something wrong with the body of a letter.


Linguistic Skill
Useful Phrases
--- body shape
--- body lotion
--- body building
--- body clock
--- body language sign language
--- body bunker
Idioms & Slang
body and soul ---
keep body and soul together ---

Communicating Clearly
Street Talks
Youve got the body and Ive got the brains.
A: Dad, I found a dealer!
B: Over my dead body will you sell this house.
A: Its illegal to write this kind of article. You see?
B: Ill write whatever I want to!
A: But theyll put you in prison, dear?!
B: They can imprison my body, but not my mind.
A: I do not think Jenny is very good-looking.
B: But youve got to love that body!

Cultural Focus

Well, you wont see my body, but you know how a caterpillar becomes
something else?

Joe: But hes not here.

Kathleen: Well, if hes not here, he has a reason. Because there
is not a cruel or careless bone in his body, but I
wouldnt expect you to understand anybody like that
Youve deluded yourself into thinking that youre some
sort of benefactor bringing books to masses. But no
one will ever remember you, Joe Fox. And maybe no
one will remember me either, but, plenty of people
remember my mother, and they think she was fine and
they think her store was something special. Youre
nothing, but a suit.
A little body often harbors a great soul.

Your body is the church where Nature asks to be reverenced.
Marquis de Sade (1740-1814), French author. Mme Delbne, in LHistoire de
Juliette, ou les Prosprits du Vice, pt. 1 (1797).

The body is an instrument, the mind its function, the witness and reward of
its operation.
George Santayana (1863-1952), U.S. philosopher, poet. The Life of Reason,
Reason in Common Sense," ch. 9 (1905-6).

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