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A Brief Table of X-Ray Line Energies and Widths Compiled by Mike Haungs August, 1986 A bibliography of works consulted is included at the end of the table. Unless otherwise noted, the energies of the various K and L lines were taken from the paper by Bearden (1967), Krause and Oliver (1979) give a table of semi-empirical values for all the K-alpha line widths beginning with neon. The articles by Faessler and Tomboulian give a compilation of experi- mental data from various sources on the widths of x-ray lines associated with the valence bands of metals. For many lines, no data on width could be found, and in these cases only the line energy has been given. Line Energy FWHM Resolution COMMENT (eV) eV) (E/AE) 3° Lithium (Li) K-alpha 53 4 13.3 Energy and FWHM from Faessier (p.774). Bearden gives energy as $4.3. 4 Beryllium (Be) K-alpha 109 5 218 From Faessler (p.775) @® carton © K-alpha an 78 35.5 FWHM for graphite from fp Faessler, p.777, K 7 Nitrogen (N) K-alpha 392.4 X-Ray Line Widths 8 Oxygen (0) K-alpha 524.9 9 Fluorine (F) K-alpha 6768 10 Neon (Ne) K-alpha 848.6 11 Sodium (Nay K-alpha 1040.9 K-beta 1071.1 12 Magnesium (Mg) K-alpha 1253.7 K-beta 1300 6 2 0.24 03 36 87 3534 3470 3483 325 Energy from Bearden. FWHM estimated from plots in Faessler (p.779). Width and location of peak vary with different oxides. Energy from Bearden. FWHM estimated from plots in Faessler (p.781) of KE. Width and location of peak vary depending on the fluorine compound used. LiF, NaF, and MgF, all have somewhat broader peaks. Energy from Bearden, FWHM from Krause. Energy from Bearden, FWHM from Krause, sy) Energy from Bearden. (iy FWHM from Krause. S From Faessler. Peak is quite assymmetric - it is much wid- er to the left of the maximum. eC q “X-Ray Line Widths ; 13. Aluminum (Al) oo K-alpha 1486.7 43 3457 From Bearden/Krause. (, : K-beta 1555 8 194 From Faessler. Bearden gives 1557 for energy. Peak is broad to the left of the max- imum, but drops sharply to the right. Aluminum oxide has the peak shifted 10 1550, with secondary peaks around 1535 and 1557 due to the presence of oxygen. 15 Phosphorous (P) K-alphal 2013.7 ST 3533 Energy from Bearden, FWHM from Krause. K-alpha2 2012.7 56 3594 K-beta 2139.1 17 Chlorine (C1) K-alphal 26224 © 723642 Energy from Bearden, FWHM from Krause. K-alpha2 26208 72 ©3640 K-beta 2815.6 18 Argon (Ar) K-alpha 2951.7 81 3651 Energy from Bearden, FWHM from Krause. K-beta 3190.5 20 Calcium (Ca) K-alphal 3691.7 98 3767 Energy from Bearden, FWHM. from Krause. K-alpha2 3688.1 98 3763 K-beta 4012.7 Za oa Lue UID, 21 Scandium (Sc) K-alphal K-alpha2 K-beta Lealpha L-beta 22 Titanium (Ti) K-alphal K-alpha2 K-beta L-alpha Leta 23. Vanadium (V) K-alphal K-alpha2 K-beta Laalpha L-beta 4090.6 4086.1 4460.5 395.4 399.6 4510.8 4504.9 4931.8 452.2 458.4 4952.2 4944.6 5427.3 S113 519.2 1.05 3896 1.06 3855 116 3889 118 3818 4 113 1.26 3930 128 3863 5 102 From Bearden/Krause From Bearden/Krause Energy from Bearden, FWHM estimated from graph in Tom- boulian. From Bearden/Krause Energy from Bearden, FWHM estimated from graph ‘in Tom- boulian. / &Ray Line Widths 24 Chromium (Cr) K-alphal K-alphad K-beta L-alpha L-beta 25 Manganese (Mn) K-alphal K-alphad K-beta L-alpha L-beta 26 Iron (Fe) K-alphal K-alpha2 K-beta L-alpha L-beta 5414.7 5405.5 5946.7 572.8 582.8 5898.8 5887.6 4904.5 637.4 648.8 6403.8 6390.8, 7057.9 705.0 118.5 1.35 1.37 1.48 1.50 1.61 1.62 35 4011 3946 143 3986 3925 159 3978 3945 201 From Bearden/Krause Energy from Bearden, FWHM estimated from graph in Tom- boulian. From Bearden/Krause Energy from Bearden, FWHM estimated from graph in Tom- boulian. From Bearden/Krause Energy from Bearden, FWHM from Faessler(p.788) Iron oxide has FWHM of 5.0 for L-alpha and L-beta. xenay Line wiams 27 Cobalt (Co) K-alphal K-alpha2 K-beta L-alpha L-beta 28 Nickel (Ni) K-alphal K-alpha2 K-beta L-alpha L-beta 29° Copper (Cu) K-alphal K-alpha2 K-beta L-alpha -beta 6930.3 6915.3 7649.4 776.2 7914 7478.2 7460.9 8264.7 851.5 868.8 8047.7 8027.8 8905.3 929.7 949.8 1.76 1.76 4.0 40 1.94 1.96 27 2.11 217 37 35 3938 3929 194 198 3855 3807 315 3814 3699 251 an From Bearden/Krause. Energy from Bearden, FWHM from Faessler (p.788). CoO has similar FWHM. From Bearden/Krause. Energy from Bearden, FWHM from Faessler. Peak is broad to left, but cuts off sharply to right of max. FWHM for nickel oxide is 2.9 for L-alpha, 2.8 for L-beta. (Faessler p.789) From Bearden/Krause. Energy from Bearden, rest of L-data is from Faessler. Alpha peak is wider to right than to left of the maximum. CuO spectrum looks almost identical to Cu, has FWHM of 3.2 for alpha. (Faessler p.790). X-Ray Line Widths 30. Zine (Zn) K-alphal K-alpha2 K-beta L-alpha L-beta 39 Yttrium (¥) K-alphal K-alpha2 K-beta L-alphal L-alpha2 L-beta 40° Zirconium (Zr) K-alphal K-beta L-alphal L-alpha2 Lebetal L-beta2 8638.9 8615.8 9572.0 1011.7 1034.7 14958.4 14882.9 16737.8 1922.6 1920.4 1995.8 15775.1 15690.9 1767.8 2042.4 2039.9 2124.4 2219.4 2.32 2.39 1.75 215 5.02 5.18 5.4 5.62 3724 3605 578 481 2980 2873 2921 2792 From Bearden/Krause. Energy from Bearden, rest of data from Faessler. Alpha peak much broader to right, with several secondary peaks. ZnO has similar shape, but with extra peaks around L-beta. FWHM of ZnO is same as for pure Zn. (Faessler p. 791) From Bearden/Krause. From Bearden/Krause. A-Kay Line widths 41 Niobium (Nb) Kalphal 16615.1 K-alpha2 16521.0 K-beta 18622.5 L-alphal 2165.9 L-alpha2 2163.0 L-betal 2257.4 L-beta2 2367.0 42 Molybdinum (Mo) K-alphal 17479,3, K-alpha2 17374.3 K-beta 19608.3, L-alphal 2293.2 L-alpha2 2289.9 L-betal 2394.8 L-beta2 2518.3, 47 Siver (Ag) K-alphal 22162.9 K-alpha2 21990.3 K-beta 249423 L-alphal 2984.3 L-alpha2 2978.2 L-betal 3150.9 L-beta2 3347.8 58 6.01 631 6.49 9.16 9.32 2865 From Bearden/Krause, 2749 2770 From Bearden/Krause. 2677 2420 From Bearden/Krause. 2359 em X-Ray Line Widths 50. Tin (Sn) K-alphal K-alpha2 K-beta L-alphal L-alpha2 L-betal L-beta2 54 Xenon (Xe) K-alphal K-alpha2 K-beta L-alphal 252713 25044.0 28486.0 3443.9 3435.4 3662.8 3904.9 29779 29458 33624 4109.9 112 2256 From Bearden/Krause 113 2216 146 2040 From Bearden/Krause 14.8 1990 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bearden, J.A., “X-Ray Wavelengths,” Rev. Mod. Phys. 39, 78 (1967) Facssler, A., “Roentgenspektrum und Bindungszustand”, in Landolt-Boernstein: Zahlenwerte und Funktionen, 6. Auflage, 1.Band, 4.Teil, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1955 Krause, M.O. and Oliver, LH., Natural Widths of Atomic K and L Levels ...' “Tomboulian, D-H., “Experimental Methods of and the Valence Band Spectra of the Li J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 8, 329 (1979) Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy ight Elements" in Handbuch der Physik, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1957 © 1986 Mike Haungs 9

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