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Note: (I) Answer all questions «uin) © ™ MINING ENGINEERING wo. us 12 Set Cade : Booklet Code :| @) Each question carries 1 mark. There are no negative marks. Q) Answer to the questions must be entered only on OMR Response Sh ide ‘separately by completely shading with H.B. Pencil, only one of the circles 1, 4 provided against each question, and which is most appropriate to t INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Canwidates should write their all Ticket Number only inthe space provided at the top tated his hookletand also inthe space provided onthe OMIR Response} ‘ANDIDATE: SHOULD ENSURE THAT THE APPROPRIATE CIRCE LL TICKET NUMBERS ARE SHADED USING H.B, PENCIL ON SHEET. DO NOT WRITE HALL TICKET NUMBER ANY WHERE, Immediately on opening this Question Paper Booklet, check (a) Whether 200 multiple choice questions are priated (80 questions 25 questions in Chemistry and 100 questions in En (b)_ Incase of any discrepancy immediately exchange the 5 questionsin Physics, et of same code by bringing Use of Caleulators, Mathematical Tables and Log books is Candidate must ensure that he/she has received the fion Booklet, corresponding to his/her branch of Engineering. Candidate should ensure that the booklet Code and I Number, as it appears on this page is entered at the appropriate place on the OME msd\shvdet by shading the appropriate circles provided therein using H.B. pencit only. Car id no)) that if they fail 0 enter the Booklet Serial their Answer Sheet will not be valued. Zesponding question on the OMR Response that their OMR Response Sheet will be invalidated Jk Blue ink pen / Ball pen / any other peacit Number and the Booklet Code on the QMR. Candidate shall shade one of the ¢ Sheet using HB. Pencil only. Canch if the eiveles against the question a other than HB. Peneil or if more 1 ‘One mark will be awarded for every The OMR Response Sheet wll andidate (a) Writes the Hall Ticket Nav ‘the OMR Response Shect except in the space provided for the purpose, (b) Writes any relevant my daious symbols, words, prayersor any communication whatsoever (6) Adopts any Rough work shout ce provided in the Question Paper Booklet [No toose shel the examination hal Vinings of Ted {10 1.09 Candidate shoul he/ shberfers his/her name and appends signature onthe Question paper booklet, leaflet attached to a paper booklet and also on the OMR Response Sheet in the space provided. Canidate qayikt coho thal the Invgilator puts his sigiature on this question paper booklet, leaflet attached to the question paper bodQlpt anid also on the OMR Response Sheet 1 the geyiNination hall candidate should return both the OMR Response Sheet and the leaflet ‘question paper booklet tothe invigilator. Failure to retum any ofthe above shal be constrved wine examination. Question paper booklet may be retained by the candidate. tains a total of 32 pages including Cover page and the pages for Rough Work FA wy, MATHEMATICS ey qa) 3 (2) 9 @) 271 @) 1° askew symmetric matrix, then the mi) wt @ 2 @) NS 4 ‘What is the number of all possible matrices with ery ‘or | if the order of matrices is 33) (1) 64 (2) 268 of fr (4) 256 ami @) @) 3 a) 4 3A 5. The solution of a system of linear equations 2x (I) xe-Ly=-22=-3 Q) GB) x=2yelz=3 (4) 6. B) lett A A AL 7 GPG) GF y apna EA aa, @) 2A, @ 8. The period of the function x) =|sin x| is a) x (2) 2x 9. ILA+B=45°, then (1-cotA) . (I~ wit @) 0 ¢ 10. The value of sin 78° + cos He) VS+1 ay 7 G) Il, IA+B+C=4 65 )inac= (1) 4 cosA sin gos! @) (3) 4 c0sA gos! @) 12, The pripeipakgolugn of Tanx = 0 is (1) Gey (2) a -y+32=9xty42=6x-yheg Set Cou Booklet Code : ee3yo2r=1 xely=2,753 Oo oBe elvan Lt ai ai ai (4) 4m 2 (4) =I ¥3-1 5-1 7 OE 4sinA cosB sinC 4 sinA sinB sinC x0 x= nna, neZ Set Code Booklet Code :| 13. The value of Tan (2) + Tarr (3) is, x o 4 @ F i oF 14, Ifthe sides ofa right angle triangle are in A.P., then the ratio of its sides is| ° (1:23 Q) 234 (3) 3:45 aes 15, Thevalue of rr.ryryis a) & @ at @) a @) 16. 1 8) acl a + Ox i) M5 17. =9, then the value ofagele (1) cos"! (2/9) (2) cos" (R/S) cos"! (7/9) (4) cos" (1/3) 18. The polar form of complex number t () Wer (2) ©) (3) V2e"? @) We"? mity. then the value of 2”..2°".2° is 19. If 1,@, 07 be the gybe rd Qo @) 1 (4) 0 20. ‘The intercept nde on f circle PyPgrt2frte = Ois O s-© GB) 2¥g-¢ 4) aff 21, Ione Gedmneter of the circle x°4y2-Sx-8p+13 = 0 is (2,7), then the other end of the iar ces (2) G3) QB) (-3,-1) (4) (-1,-3) WS ° Set Code Booklet Code ; 22, The radius of the circle V1+m? (x? + y*)~2ex—2mey =0 is (1) 2e (2) 4e GB) of2 4c 22 23. ‘The parametric equations of the ellipse 5 +e are (1) xs asecd, y= 6 tand @ x GB) x= a cos0, y= b sind 24. The equation of the directrix ofthe parabola 2x?=~7y is C) 87-0 (2) 8y-7=0 GB) TPK8= Bx-7=0 2 25. ‘The condition fora stright tine y=mste tobe ata @sduta hyperbola =, —¥ = CD) c=alm Q) =a Dy B (4) e=alm 2, 1 YA-ve a el @ 3 @) 2 4 a1 27. logi= (ly) x2 (2) (3) in/2 (4) ina 28. 1 1 @) he’, (4) log 29. @) eter (4) eer 6a a[ afte xo. flier a 31, Ufx= af, y= 2ar, then 2. a) f Q@) — a (2) 2xe" é 33. The equation of the normal to thf@ury (I) x+20p= 99 34, The angle between the curves ix = Og 38, Ifu=x'y ay say) 36. fe O° Re xteotx) tC x/2) + C * i @) : 8) AE 32, The derivative of e* with respect to Vx is ¢ A @) x+2dyQ01 set Code :[ 12] Booklet Code 2 GB) Te +x" @ Ve 1 S C5 (6) eet sx aU THE point (1, 5) is = 20y=99 (4) x~20y= 10 P= Sis G) tan") (4) tan'() 3) 6? ) 6 (2) log (cot x/2) + C (4) ~cosee x.cot x +C 7A 38, 39. 4. ¢ GB) Tan! (x+7)+C CG +7+C tan xe ky Set Code: Booklet Code :[75] Pecos! x de = 256 256% x as © 693 ) “693, OF o Pdf} a= » ale @ Llc @ wef de (e+ Tvx+6 Tan" (le ¥6)+C @) 1) san 'e+ Hiogtl +e)4C ix 3) x? Tan +C (4) xTantx-logvl+x? +C Ss 1) log (14@R) + (2) log (+e) +C ay aor: (4) e+e Qt (3) 2 (4) -1 43. 44, 45. 46. 47. Set Code Booklet Code :| ‘Area under the curve flx) = sin x in 0, x} is (1) 4squnits (2) 2squnits 3) 6 sq.units (4) 839. units 2 ‘The order of x? fy 2 EP syox is ° met @) 4 GB) 3 (4) The degree of [ ay 4 Q) 2 8) 1 The family of straight lines passing through the origi (1) yee xdy = 0 (2) xdy-yde= 0 (3) _xd MSY the differential equation § (4) xde-yady~0 ‘The ifterenialequitaion Bs. aes (1) Homogeneous (2) Exact Linear (4) Legender G) ye ax+e (4) yarte \D*+D+1) y= 10 is 2) Ccosx + C,sine + Ce" A) C+Cx+ Cy) er Set Code : Booklet Code PHYSICS 51. Twoquantities A and B are related by the relation A/B = nt where m is linear mass andA is force. The dimensions of B will be (1) same as that of latent heat (2) same as that of press O° (3) same as that of work (4) sameas that of m 52. The dimensional formula of capacitance in terms of M, L, T and Lis Q) MPP] 2) (ML*rr) GB) (M'LTT] ) TP] 53. If, mand n are the direction cosines of a vector, then Cd) l+m+ Q) Ptm+nt=1 (3) TS 1) Imn = 1 54. The angle between it and j+k is (1) oF (2) 90° aa) ) (4) 60° 55. Apatite is moving eastwards with a velog !. In 10 seconds the velocity changes to Sms" northwards. The average acs ie is 1 (1) jj ms*towards north-west Ll L (3) ms?towards north (4) jy ms* towards north-east 56. The linear mome time fas p = a+b¢ +e which of the following is correct?” (1) Force vs atic manner, (2). Force i GB) The vel ticle is proportional to time. (4) The ilps of the particle is proportional to t. moving with a velocity v suddenly explodes into two pieces. One part of mass lonary. The velocity of the other part is (2) 2v (3) 3w4 (4) 4w/3 iy 57. Ashel Set Code : Booklet Code :| 58, The velocity ofa freely falling body after 2s is (1) 98mst (@) 10.2 mst (3) 18.6 ms" (4) 19.6 ms"! 59. A large number of bullets are fired in all directions withthe same speed t. mum@yea on the ground on which these bullets will spread is a & a) 2 QP ® 60. The minimum stopping distance fora car of mass m, moving with a) 7 Q) x QB) ug ug 61. When a bicycle is in motion, the force of frietigargser the ground on the two wheels is, such that it acts (1) Inthe backward direction on ee {the forward direction on the rear wheel (2). Inthe forward direction on t jn the backward direction on the rear wheel (3) Inthe backward direction on froniy(nd the rear wheels (4) Inthe forward direction o /and the rear wheels 62. Ina perfectly inelastic collisis Ge) odies. (2) strike and explode (2) explode without striking (3) implode an ‘ (4) combine and move together 63. Under the actiohQafa dapgtant fot%e¢a particle is experiencing a constant acceleration, then the powers O° (1) zero O (2) positive GB) ng (4) increasing uniformly with time eS - 65. 66. 67. 68. 69, Set Code [TZ & Booklet Code : Consider the following two statements: ‘A: Linear momentum of a system of particles is zero. B: Kinetic energy of a system of particles is zero. ‘Then (1) Aimplies B & B implies A (2) Adoes not imply B & Bos yA (3) Aimplies B but B doesnot implyA (4) A does not imply B (PB Tmghi ‘An engine develops 10 kW of power. How much time will it ta ft of 200 kg toa height of 40 m? (Given g = 10 ms) () 4s Q) 5s @) & os fa spring has time period T. and is cut into 1 equal pagts, tagnthe Bihre period will be - T () Tyr QF @Q) a 4) T ¥ When temperature increases. the frequency GZ (1) increases (2) decreases (3) remains same (4) increases or decreases depen ‘materials Ife simple harmonic m +rox=0, its time period is, 5 2% ay. 28 Q) one ) @ a > ‘Acinema hQD has Sune of 7500 m?. It is required to have reverberation time of 1.5 seconds. The totgLabgorpt ‘the hall should be 5 (2) 82.50wem? 3) 8.250wem? — (4) 0.825 wen? 70. n 72. 7B. 74 78, Set Code :{ T2 Booklet Code : To absorb the sound in a hall which of the following are used (1) Glasses, stores (2) Carpets, curtains (3) Polished surfaces @)_ Platforms IfN represents avagadro’s number, then the number of molecules in 6 gm offiProgen aN TP is, () 2N (2) 3N @) N @ ‘The mean translational kinetic energy ofa perfect gas molecule at th ture T Kis 1 3 a) jar Q) ar @) par @ ‘The amount of heat given to a body which raises its temj re by (1) water equivalent Qa ity (3). specific heat 4) te dient During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a fay/é fondo be proportional to the cube of its absolute temperature. The ratio Cp/Cv for 93S Q 5 o) 5 (2) to protect the fiber ff A (3) to protect the fiber(Gommypechanical strength (4) to protecy theNiker Iba oO O° S 76. 7. B. 79, 80. 81 82, 83, Set Code : aN) Booklet Code :|/A YZ CHEMISTRY The valency electronic configuration of Phosphorous atom (At.No. 15) is, (1) 3s*3p? (2) 3s'3p?3d'—(3)_-3s?3p?3d' (4) 3s! 3p? 3d Oo Anclement ‘A’ of ALNo.12 combines with an clement ‘B*ofALNo.17. formed is (1) covalentAB (2) jonicAB, —(3)._covalentAB, —(49(Cioni ‘The number of neutrons present in the atom of ,,Ba!” is () 36 (2) 137 (3) 193 4) Hydrogen bonding in water molecule is responsibl (2) decrease in its freezing point @) (3) increase in its boiling point (4) Inthe HCI molecule, the bonding between hydf (1) purelycovalent (2) purely ionic (SY Potassium metal and potassium ic (1) both react with water QY have the same number of protons (3) both react with chlorine g ) have the same electronic configuration 5.85 gms of sodium chloride \\ ‘ved in water and the solution made upto 100 ml in a standard flask. 10 ml of t ti water into 100 miso /ng-gaucentration of the sodium chloride solution now is (1) 01M (2 3) 05M (4) 025M so ution of phosphoric acia in water is e pipetted out into another flask and made up with distilled (2) 1.0N @) 2.0N (4) 3.0N (1) 033ND (2) Berylium chloride (4) Magnesium oxide 14a 85, 86. 87. 88, 89, 90. 1. 92. 93. Set Code :[ 12) Booklet Code :[ AC} Which of the following constitutes the components of'a buffer solution? (1) Potassium chloride and potassium hydroxide (2) Sodium acetate and acetic acid (3) Magnesium sulphate and sulphuric acid (4). Calcium chloride and calcium acetate Which of the following is an electrolyte? (1) Aceticacid (2), Glucose (3) Urea Calculate the Standard emf of the cell, Cd#/Cd"//Cu"/Cu giver E°CwCu"=(-)0.34V. Q) OLov @) Lov 8G .78V A.solution of nickel chloride was electrolysed using Blath (rodes. After electrolysis, (1) nickel will be deposited on the anode (2) liberated at the cathode (3) H, gas will be liberated at the anode (4) _nt deposited on the cathode Which of the following metals will undergo oXAtion fstest? a) Go @ Li 3 (4) Iron Which of the following cannot be dsz4for thepeAllization of drinking water? (1) Ozone Calcium Oxychloride (3) Potassium Chloride (4) Chlorine water A water sample showed it ‘mg/litre of magnesium sulphate, Then, its hardness in terms of calcium garb (1) LO ppm valent is 3) 0.60 ppm (4) 2.40 ppm Soda used in H.-S pldeess fObsGelening of water is, Chemically. (1) sodium biedbenal (2) sodium carbonate decahydrate (3) _sodiunggarbot (4) sodium hydroxide (40%) ) ge (2) zincing (3) metaleladding (4) electroplating The prd = sfehtation with zinc powder is known as Set Code :[ T34 Booklet Code : 94. Carrosion of a metal is fastest in (Z (1) rainwater (2) acidulated water (3) distilled water (4) _de-ionisei 95.. Which of the following is a thermoset polymer? (1) Polystyrene (2) Pvc ° (3) Polythene @ terete 96. Chemically, neoprene is (J) polyvinyl benzene (2) polyacetylery (3) polychloroprene (4) poly-1,3-butkine 97. Vulcanization involves heating of raw rubber with (J) selenium element (2) efgiment ur (3) amixture of Se and elemental sulphur (4) Advi elenium and sulphur dioxide 98. Petro! largely contains (1) amixture of unsaturated hy. (2) amixture of benzene, tolues (3) amixture of saturated hydrog (4) amixture of saturated hy cS 99. Which of the following gg ‘responsible for acid-rain? (1) $0, &NO, (2) CO, & water vapour 3) CO,&N, (4) N,&CO, 100. BOD stands for (1) Biogepgzic Oxygen Dermand (2) Biometric Oxygen Demand (4) Biospecifie Oxygen Demand 160 Set Code :[ TA} Booklet Code :[ A] MINING ENGINEERING (Z LOL, The core (dia in mm) size obtained with NX size (+) 2k . 2) 28 @) 40 (4) 54 102. Bore hole deviation is___ degrees for 30 m. at @ 2 @ 3 @ 4 Z 103. The following safety device is provided in sinking shaft in case (1) spider Q) kil (3) detaching hook 4) tid 104, The method of sinking adopted in unstable or fia ‘A))heavy inrush of water encountered is (1) German tubing drop for (3) cementation method Ke Zing method 105. The Velocity of detonation of prem! s (1) $000 m/s 2) 7000 m/s 3) 3500 m/s (4) 3200 mvs 106. The constituents @glurdexp)PsiveCTNT : AN: Water) (1) 20:15: v) (2) 20:65:15 GB) 15:20:6: (4) 65:15:20 107. Relieving h&id shoukpe drilled at least _m away from the misfired hole in the under ground. ml O° Q) 05 GB) (4) 0.2 9 in on Booklet Code :| Set Code : Ko 108. The pattern of cut mostly preferred for laminated strata is (0) Ringdrilling (2) fan cut 3) pyramideut (4) burncut: 109. To get lumpy coal ot to minimize the coal dust the blasting technique adopbis_ OQ | (1). cushion blasting (2) muffled blasting | (3) coyote blasting (4) pop shooting, | 110. Inroof stitching the face should not be advanced more than _ fast tensioned rope | () 4m 2) 3m G) 24m m | IIL. Insand stowing incorrect profile will leads to (1) cavitations (2) (3) setup pulsation 4) 112. Ring rose detector works on the principle (1) Formation of gas cap 2) Wheatstone bridge (3) Diffusion-combustion-contn ‘Optical properties, 113, The elements in the delay eler horddelay detonator j (1) Antimony and pote (2) Red lead and sili (3) silicon and’ (4) PETNARUAS, 114, Cone sheet e (1) Sills (2) Dykes @) f ° (4) faults SS. . Set Code : (HZ! Booklet Cos 115. Stocks of circular out crop, upon the surface are known as (1) Voleanic necks (2) Lopoliths 3) Laccoliths (4) Bosses Oo 116. The upper portion of regolith, under suitable condition, transfor (1) Sand (2) Alluvial (3) Silt i 117. Granulite isa (ary (1) Plutonic Rock (2) (3) Metamorphic rock (4) Tepegus 118, The following is NOT a process of erosion cau QB wind. (1) denudation (Qfeembion (3) abration i 119. The following is a process for fe of Capyon ») over and side cutting the valley floor (1) downcutting ofa valley fl (3) under cutting of a platea X =) (4) washing out the plateau floor sorynw 120. § G : we (2) dormant volcano (4) Stromboli volcano 121 uakés are transmitted due to _set up within the earth, a (2) Longitudinal vibrations (4) Radial vibrations 122, ger rocks spread covering the older rock itis known as inforpfity (2) joints (3) Inlier (4) Overlap 1A omy Set Code : Ko Booklet Code ; 123. The cuddapah system is convex towards the while its concavity lies towar (1) East, West (2) West, Fast 3) North, South (4) South, North 124. Quartz is a common gangue mineral associated with the ore mineral (1) Bauxite (2) Haematite (3) Chaleopyrite (4) Galena 125. Molecular or even atomic substitution takes place i @) (1) Stock work Q) G) Metasomatic replacement (4) Sub 126. The average number of faces in a district if nu Q) 2N-1 2) 2N-1) 127. Witha good sandstone roof the areexy notmore than____sq.matone stook extraction and___ sq.m if 3-4 stooks under eXéraction» (1) 20; 400 30; 600 3) 49; 900 (4) 50; 900 128. Ina seam with locomoti Stem the junctions with main headings are staggered (1) for easy trabQing (2). to minimize roof exposure (4) _ to prevent the speed of loco 129, For designing pill is used. (1) cowards diay (2) proximate analysis 8) sO (4) pentagraph ws, . 132. 133, 134. 135. Set Code: IS Booklet Code :| Ifthe depillaring is proceeding from dip to rise and seam inclination is not mild so n(f@Beakea be submerged in water then the line of goaf is (1) Diagonal (2) Step diagonal (3) parallel to strike (4) Arrowhead Oo ‘The face formed which is developed on bord and pillar method monte II retreating with stowing is called (1) Z shape face (2) Barry face (3) Bleeder road method (4) double unit fe Roadway reutilization is possible in__longwall fac’> (1) Single unit Q) subie unit cing) 3) Zunit ), Inclined slicing in descending order is ap if thé)seam inclination is (1) less than 35° (2) than 35° (3). less than 45 and more than yore than 45° (3) winging (4) movingtthe s Chock shields cah\work\) steeply inclined seams up to maximum _deg. ay 45 O 2) 60 @) 70 (4) 85 ber can be used only where inclination of the raise from horizontal is (2) 20deg G) 30 deg (4) 40 deg 2A, ry) 137. 138, 139, 140, 141 142 143. Set Code: Booklet Code :| Raising by long hole drilling is limited to () 10totsm — (2)_15t050m (3) $010 100m _~— (4): 100 to ‘The mineral is transported downwards in different sections to the lower ind al(Ghe ore is carried to crusher at lowest level through (1) Mine tubs (2) Winzes 3) Ore passes (4) Hoists of small c In vertical crater retreat method the spherical charges are used Id not exceed is a) 14 Q) 4:1 Q) 6 1:6 ‘The method of stoping best suited to low grade depos OE horlepyfal or mild dip and of thickness. upo $m is (1) Open stoping G ing, . (3). Sublevel stoping Shyjifkage stoping ‘The method of stoping, suitable fokQhigk ORRdy strong ore stable handing and foot wall steeply dipping ore is (1) Open stoping ) Shrinkage stoping (3) Cutand fill stoping (4) Sublevelstoping ‘The method of stapin; for steeply dipping reasonably firm ore mixed graded ore with irregular boundarigs ai 1d surface is to be protected from subsidence is (2) Shrinkage stoping (4) Sublevel stoping, cavingis (2) 35 10.45% (4) -above 60% 144. las. 146. 147. 148. l49. 150. Set Code : Booklet Code :| ‘The method of stoping, for high grade ore with walls of the ore body and back of weak which do not stand without support even for a week time is (1). Sublevel stoping (2). Shrinkage stoping (3) Square set stoping (4) Cutand fill stoping S° Recovery of ore by shrinkage stoping, is (1) 4010 30% (2) 5010. 60% — (3) 60 10 75% Ge 0% In the centrifugal fan smooth flow air and conversign of fh into pressure energy these INS (1) Inspiral casing, 2) Inge M (3) Atthe tip of the blades (4) (Gacevase ‘The maximum permissible speed of the axial ffoy ant (1) 8000 m/min (2) 6000 nymin Ca) m/min (4) 4200 m/min Ina mine of high resistance the soNarranDeqypht of fans gives a considerable increase in the quantity of air flowing is (10% (2) 29) (3) 30% (4) 40% On reversal of air curr xr fan the quantity of air reduces to, (1) 20% ( %, (3) 40% (4) 60% Ifthe booster Wplacdshin bye Ex neutral ine (1) Leakage ishaxii (2) Zone of recirculation takes place (3) Fan wdami (4) Leakage is minimum works on the principle of of gas cap (2) Wheatstone bridge i (4) Optical properties BA oy Set Code : Booklet Code =| 152. The quantity of air to be circulated by an auxiliary fan depends upon (1) Lenght of the heading (2) Number of persons in the dri (3). Size fo the drift (4) Rate of emission in the roadway Oo 153. The coal is not liable to spontaneous heating if the coal has oxygen c (1) lessthan2% (2) 4% @) 8% Cnc 9% 154. Ignition temperature of methane is (1) 250-350%e (2) 350-650°e (3) 650-7502 50-1000°e 155, For coal dust explosion the quantity of coal is __ a) 10 (2) 20 @) (4) 40 156, Hoolamite is a mixture of (1) Manganese dioxide + coper oxide Y supl (2) Potassium superoxide +e (3) Silica get + potassium pal 157. The CO, absorbent used inp (1). Caleium hydroxi (2) Calcium cftkgna (3) Sodiu@yyd (4) Calcium gro! 158. The mi Ghaver lumens/sq,ft of light at roadways is @ O (2) 1.25 G) 04 @) 09 ws. - 59. 161. 162 163. 164 165. 166. 167 Set Code Sy Booklet Code = ‘The wire gauge in flame safety lamp should have a total heat radiation area of not le (1) 400 sq.m. (2) 355 sq.m (8) 250 sqm (4) 155 saa . While approaching a water logged area with safety boring apparatus an emesgency shpiyff door shall be built away from the site of boring machine at a distance of () 10m Q) sm @G) 20m as If the smallest division of a vernier is longer than the smallest, ‘main scale, the vernier is called, (1) Microptic (2) Retrograde (3) Veytical ys ier difference The accuracy of @ chain survey is (1) 1/250 to 1/1000 @ > 10 G) 1/25 to 1/100 4) 150 the following scale smallest one? om (2): RF=1/8900 3) NEETa000 (4) tom=10km If the bearings of the two lines AB yd BB are $48°E and N45°W, then the angle ABC equals to Whiel q) te (1) 90° (2) 18) (3) 135° (4) 360° Ifthe fore bearing of ABA the fore bearing of BA is___ (1) N35°%E KS (3) S65°W (@) S35°E In subtense mt vd cheor _ (\) d\n @) atp () a-p Oo ; ‘The correction forraRdetion is_that of curvature and to the observed staf readin, O° « additive (2) one-seventh, subtractive RS feenth, additive (4) one-seven hundredth, additive SS os = Set Code ; Booklet Code 68. Permissible error in underground leveling (1) 2emperkm (2) Immperkm (3) 4emperkm (4) 4mm per, |69. The following is NOT a feature of tacheometer (1) the telescope should be powerful having magnifition of 20 to 30 diz rs O (2) the aperture of the objective should be 350 to 450 mm in diamet have sufficiently bright image (3) the magnifying power of the eye piece should be greater t aff graduation clearer at a long distance (4) the telescope should be fitted with an analytic lens. 170. Ifthe reading of the vernierson the vertical eircle is not RxQwhenyke line of sight is horizontal] the error knwon as (1). Residual error Qt (3) graduation error CO fror 4 171. The upper plate of a theodolite is; _ (1) horizontal circle inner spindle (3) outer spindle vertical circle 172. rosacea) a circular curve of radius R will be equal ifthe angle] of deflection is (1) 30° ¢ @) 90° (4) 120° 173. The degree of MeuradNin secdhege triangulation is__ (1) 1 in 50000\\ (2) 1 in 5000) 1 in 500 (4) Lin50 oe) 174, Where a rife is gained by means of a drift, correlation is carried out by a) method (2) Alignment method Dit ersing method (4) Approximate alignment method S wa ow us. 176. 17 178. 179, 180. 182, Set Code: Booklet Code ;| ‘Weisbach method of correlation is also known as (1) Directalignment method (2) approximate alignment method (3) direct traversing method (4) Co-planning method Oo ‘The type of rope most suitable for balancing rope in koepe winding is (1) Regularlay (2) Locked coil (3) Flattened strand (4) Spiral strand Internal stresses of the rope can be relieved with the pse off Y (1) Normalising the wire 2 (3). Performed wire @) Ws ‘The exhaust gases from the engine amounting OakoUY _cu.m per B.H.P per minute. (1) 0.58 (2) 0.654 ¢ &: (4) 0.085 ‘The steepest gradient in favour of ji is determined by (1) Tractiveeffort required Q2)/ Load on the train 3) Braking effort }) Drawbar pull Where the series of belt conve sed for transport of coal there shall be (1) Remote copigol (2) Sequence control (3). Single point ebatrd (4) Multipoint controt ‘The valve used rit before start is (1) Foot valye (2) Retaining valve (3) Byspasgvalvey (4) Sluice valve ml ‘stator is of the rotor in roto pump ju (2) twice (3) thrice (4) V2 A amy Set Code: rma Booklet Code : “ oO 183. The rope used for track rope in aerial rope way is (1) Locked coil 2) Lang's tay (3) Regular tay (4) Flattened strand 184. The electric dill is capable of drilling __holes each 1.5 m depth in & hersshift. O (1) 60 (2) 70 (3) 80 ay 185, The cutting unit of continuous miner of borer type the gearing i (1) Compound wheel type (2). Spur gearing’ (B)_ Beveltype (4) Syaand, 186. ‘The power is supplied to the coal drill is the (1) Score armoured cable @ G3) 4 core screened cable ( 187. The most common type of flame proof pete (1) Hermitically seated protect Flange protection (3) Hinge protection QY/ Open protection (EN assy coal mine must be 188. All signaling apparatus in thing degrosy (1) Flame proof apparatyg QI (2) Hermitically sealed protection (3). Flange profectio On (4) _Intrinsically safe 189. In koepe wintdag thddyer wh Copy (1) Detachins Nk (2) Automatic contrivances (3) Convergencd {the guides (4) Safety hook ° 9 Pa ony Set Code :[ T2] Booklet Code ws) 190, ‘The pittop and pit bottom arrangement which deals with reasonable output per month: less space is (1) Runround arrangement (2) Back shunt circuit (3) Turntable circuit (4) Traverse circuit ° 191. Ifthe number of persons employed in the mine is 5000 then the quantip (ot watecxoduired is _ (1) 10000 tit (2) 5000 lit (3) 25000 fit sit 192. On orbefore the ___every year the owner; agent or manager of tine sb4jl exhibit on the notice board at the office of a mine information regarding/teav (1) 20" Feb (2) Jan a) ‘) 20" May 193. At every mine employing more than ___ persons! 7 of the preceding calendar year there shall be provided suitable first aid room (a 50 (2) 100 (NAA 50) (4) 250 194. Mine rules comes into force on (1) 2" March 1955 QY 2 July 1955 (3) 2" May 1955 A) 2* January 1955 195, Every travelling roadw: ‘the inclination exceeds __from the horizontal in addition to steps hand rails or ropes shall be provided (1) 30° G) 60° (4) 80° 196. An undergroun railway ete. yhiich (1) 50m of any part of the workings measured on the horizontal plane 100 m 3) 150m (4) 200m Sse - Set Code : Booklet Code = 197. Every detaching bell used in connection with a safety hook shail be examined once > C1) 30 days (2) 3 months (3) 6 months (4) 12 mont 198. Every stopping between the main intake and main return airway shall be constacted offfasonary or brickwork not less than atleast___ in thickness. (1) 1Sem 2) 25cm @) 38cm andor 199. Lockout shall not declare during a pending of conciliation pi ings Before a conci boardand before ___affter the conclusion of such proceedin; (1) Tdays 2) 14days GB) 39ays; ‘40 days 200. Mining industry is organized by (1) Line organization @ FA ization (3) Line and stafforganization ¢ ization 7 S Ve S

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