Genre 2

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Choose 3 genres and research its conventions

and formats including 3 examples

Bright setting
Clear diegetic sound for dialogue to be heard and
laughed at
Non diegetic sound to emphasise humour in certain
Props like everyday objects are vital in slapstick
Types of comedies : slapstick , dark humour , wit /

Chase sequences
Tragic deaths
Sinister and up beat racking music
Good vs evil
Explosions and crashes
Examples: dark knight , I robot , john wick

Period drama
Period dramas are dramas which focus on life in eras
such as the 1700s or 1800s, for historical purposes .
Quite often based on books written in these eras.
Very elaborate costumes,
sets and props used to capture the feel of these time

Linear narrative(a movie that flows

in a chronological order )

Non linear narrative(a story that

doesnt flow in a chronological

Flashback(used to explain background story of a

character or remind a character of an earlier scene or
time in their life )

Realist(based on real life events or biographies of

famous or important people or even about human
behaviour and relationships)

anti realist(fictions work of someone's brain child which can consist of any
limits of their imagination and currently with the advancement in
technology , it is becoming much easier to make the fictions and unreal
content seem more believable )

Open ending(the story doesnt finish and leaves every

individual to think of their own interpretations or room
for a sequel )

Closed ending (the story wraps up

and ends )

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