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NAME: Hailey Cormier

Ideology: a set of beliefs and values about how society should be organized and what goals it
should pursue.
Instructions: Complete the following chart. You may choose to take point form notes
during the film to ensure you are prepared to complete the chart.
General Mandible
Beliefs and
The queen believes that
Total opposite from Z the Z is a huge believer of
everyone has a place in
general had a different
society based on
set of values and beliefs. He doesnt like the way
different factors that are
He doesnt believe that
the society is run
uncontrolled because of
everyone should choose He questioned why he
the factors the ants wont freely of what they want, had to listen to what the
be able to fulfill
that their predetermine
colony asks of him. Z is
themselves . She
role is what they have to an intelligent thinker, and
basically believes what
follow. General thinks the values freedom and
the general thinks is right individualism is bad and
and when she doesnt
dangerous and that the
agree she use diplomacy strong beats the weak,
to solve the problem
and to him discipline,
sacrifice, order and
commitment is important.
She cared and
General Mandible plans
Zs goals or plans for the
for the Colony maintained the colony
for the colony was to be
colony was to make it like
the same way it is now
strong and only have
a utopia society, where
with stability and order.
soldiers by his side while the freedom and rights of
in governing while
the ants is granted, also
princess bala by his side where everyone was
with dictatorship
treated the same and
with respect to do what
they want without being
told what to do.
How they
Opposite from the
The general would have
Z tried to deliver his
deal with
general she wouldnt kill
many different ways to
thinking in a logical
those of
or torture them and
deal with those who
argument, in the case
unlike z she wouldnt
oppose him some are
that no one agreed with
walk away she would
persuasion, violence and him he did what he
deal with it in a
wanted which meant
diplomatic manner with
opposing authority.
very much respect.

Type of

She mainly resembles an

aristocracy leadership
because she is a believer
in social stratification.

General Mandible has an

autocratic dictatorship,
leadership style. This is
because he is a leader
who wants to make all
the decisions and

Z resembles a
benevolent leadership
style, this is because he
seems to care about
giving his citizens their
rights of freedom and

Type of

judgments, without any

regards to the others
ants ,while the queen
doesnt get a say in it and
cant stop him
The queen resembles a
General Mandible has a
monarchy because she is military totalitarian
the monarch who
dictatorship, this is
inherited the position.
because he appreciates
She also could be a
the military to the extent.
constitutional monarchy
There is only the one
because of the general
colony that listen to him
who rules everything and either willing or by force.
doesnt let her have a

individualism also the

respect they deserve.

Z resembles a
democratic government
because he believes that
the people should be
able to choose freely of
what they want, which
democracy is, the power
of the people.

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