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Year Ten — Humanities, Geography ‘Tuesday 8" September ~ Period 1 Your start of the lesson is much more solid: asking students to be quite while doing the role, setting them ready with opened notebooks, brainstorming their understanding of the topic of the day. Good terminology (e.g. urban renewal): don’t be afraid to let them think for couple of minutes...while you double check the actual definition. Create a timeline with the periods highlighted in the TED video ‘Ask students to write somo notas down (be explicit) for instance, when you asked “why do you think they start bringing vertical or roof gardens in the city’. There are at least 3 reasons, let students dot- point them. nome acy chills Great idea to let them build a pie-chérts and tables as we read in class. Be careful with some terms (e.g. subsistence): don’t be scared of checking the dictionary yourself: they must learn that when we don't know something, we can check rather than being confused. We are not only teaching them but also inspiring them to search and inquiry. Good use of mapping: Manila ‘Sound organisation of homework, You still need to sharpen time management! Great lesson,

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