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Ed Psych 3502- Christina, Jodie, Makaila, Ashton

Applied Behavioural Analysis

(Chapter 7)

Key Words: ABA, Positive or Negative reinforcement,

Behaviour modification, Shaping, Premack principle,
Reprimands, Time out, Group consequences

ABCs of Learning

Principles of Behaviour

The instruction or environmental cue

v ABA is the science of LEARNING

v The consequence following the behaviour either makes
the behaviour more likely or less likely to occur again
v If the consequence is positive, then the behaviour is likely
to happen again; this is REINFORCEMENT
v If the consequence is bad, then the behaviour is not likely
to happen again; this is Punishment

BehaviourThe response to the antecedent

ConsequenceThe result of the behaviour


Relevancy to Teaching
Elementary School- Demonstrate simple instruction
that is clear and concise, in order for students to
successfully meet expectations the teacher has set.
Middle School- Understand that all
behaviours have a purpose and as
teachers we must learn how to
determine the proper consequences.
Attention seeking behaviors
Difficulty transitioning
Poor social skills
Lack of waiting skills
Disrespectful to teacher
Elopement (wont stay in classroom)
Destructive (throw things, break chairs,

Cut dotted line for bookmark

High SchoolMaking students aware of the Token

program in their community outside of

All KSAs connect to Applied
Behavioural Analysis one way or
another because each teaching
situation is different and in constant

1. No tokens
2. Engage in target goals (punctual,
participation, citizenship)
3. Receive tokens for meeting target
4. Tokens may be used as personal
achievement rewards (good
marks, scholarships/ awards)
As students transition into
adulthood, acquiring money takes
the place of tokens. Time and
effort can also be used to achieve
goals which may be
acknowledge with job promotions
and bonuses.

That being said here are a few outlined

to guide your teaching practice.
1(a). How contextual variables affect
teaching & learning.
Making appropriate decisions for the
current behavioural situation.
6(f). The purpose of short, medium, and
long range planning.
Accommodate your planning to
incorporate individual reinforcements
to meet the needs of your unique

Consider This

7(g). Students needs for physical,

social, cultural, and psychological
Engaging students in classroom
routines using ABCs (Antecedent,
Behaviour, Consequence) in a creative
practice provides minimal disruptions
to learning.
9(i). There are many approaches to
teaching and learning.
Possessing the tools to reinforce
behaviours not students.
16(p). The importance of guiding your
actions with a personal, overall vision
of the purpose of teaching.
Modeling positive behaviour to match
the expectations set in your classroom.

References- I Love ABA!: ABA in The Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved September 27, 2015. First Grade Smiles: Hall Pass Linky. (n.d.). Retrieved
September 29, 2015.

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