Mapping Skills Task 2 Assessment

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TASK 2 Mapping Skills

Year Eight Humanities (Geography)

Name: ______________________________

Date: Friday 18th September 2015



PART 1: Topographic mapping 20 marks

Weight: 20%

Answer the following questions referring to the map provided on the next page
(Source 1)
1. State the scale of the map (1 mark) ___________________________
2. What is the contour interval? (1 mark) _________________________
3. Calculate the straight line distance between
a. X and D (1 mark) _____________________
b. X and Y (1 mark) ______________________
4. Calculate the distance between the wind pump and the bridge (1 mark)
5. Calculate the distance by road between the wind pump and the bridge
(2 marks) ________________
6. Estimate the area of the orchard (2 marks) _______________________
7. What is the elevation of
a. point A (1 mark) ______________
b. point B (1 mark) _____________
c. point E (1 mark) ________________
8. What is the direction of:
a. the bridge (AR2829) from the small creek hill (AR 2826) (1
mark) ___________
b. the cemetery (AR3630) from the school (AR 3430) (1 mark)
9. What landform feature is found in AR3526? (2 marks)
10.In what area reference is the Post Office located? (1 mark)
11.What is the Grid Reference of point Y? (1 mark) _______________________
12.What features of the built environment are located at
a. GR 366304 (1 mark) ________________
b. GR 302305 (1 mark) ________________

PART 2: Cross Section 10 marks

Source 2a is a topographic map used to produce the cross sectional profile of
Source 2b.
a) Identify at least 2 natural and 3 constructed features, reporting their
position on the horizontal axis. An example of built environment has been
provide for you (1 marks each)
b) Estimate the following spot-heights on the topographic map (1 mark each):
1. Point C: ______________
2. Point D: ______________

3. Point E: ______________
4. Point G: ______________

c) Calculate (in metres) the distance by road from point A to the train station:
_________ (1 mark)
8. PART 3: Sketching skills 20 marks
9. Source 3 is a photograph of Rottnest Island, Western Australia.
10.Create a sketch (5 marks) of the photograph, including both natural and
constructed features. Make sure you include:
a) B.O.L.T.S. (5 marks)
b) Annotate the following features on your sketch diagram (10 marks)
Rocky coast line
Sandy beaches
Salt lake
Road network
Beach houses
Tennis courts
Water storage tanks
Offshore wave-cut platform

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