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Complaint under section 18 of RTI Act, 2005. Complainant : Shri. Vivek Velankar, President — Sajag Nagrik Manch, Pune 1. Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra, Madam Kama Road, Hutatma Rajguru Chowk, Mantralaya, Mumbai — 400 032. 2. Additional Chief Secretary, Public Work Department, Madam Kama Road, Hutatma Rajguru Chowk, Mantralaya, Mumbai — 400 032. 3. Managing Director, MSRDC, Nepeansea Road, Opp. Dena Bank, Adjacent to Priyadarshini Park, Mumbai — 400 036. ORDER ‘The complainant Shri. Vivek Velankar, President — Sajag Nagrik Manch, Pune has filed complaint under section 18 of RTI Act in which he has stated the following:- “DOPT (Central Government) have issued circular to Chief Secretary, Maharashtra state on 15.04.2015 directing them to publish certain information about PPP Projects proactively on website. The copy of the circular is attached herewith for your ready reference: The circular says 1.2.1, if Public services are proposed to be provided through a Public Private Partnership (PPP), all information relating to the PPPs must be disclosed in the public domain by the Public Authority entering into the PPP contract/concession agreement. This ,ay include details of the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), if any set up, detailed project reports, concession agreements, operation and maintenance manuals and other documents generated as part of the implementation of the PPP project. Further, information about fees, tolls or other kinds of revenue that may be collected under authorization from the Government, information in respect of outputs, and outcomes, process of selection of the private sector party may also be proactively disclosed. All payments made under the PPP project may also be disclosed in a periodie manner along with the purpose of making such payment. Unfortunately Government of Maharashtra & MSRDC department have not disclosed any information about any PPP project/toll contract. Hence, under section 18 of RTI Act, 2005 we are lodging complaint against State Government (Chief Secretary, Maharashtra state) & MSRDC for not following directives of DOPT. ‘We request you to kindly instruct the concerned authorities to adhere to directives of Central Government and immediately publish all the information relating to all PPP Projects/Toll contracts on website as mandated in DOPT Circular; starting with express ‘way toll contract. This issue is concerning larger public interest.” The provision of section 4 of RTI Act are abundantly clear and itis obligatory on the part of all public authorities to ensure that suo motu information is put in the public domain in regular intervals particularly, the information which relates to important policies, decisions affecting public and also to communicate reasons for administrative or quasi-judicial decisions to the citizens. ‘The complainant has particularly pointed out that MSRDC has not disclosed any information about any PPP project/Toll contract on website. It is sad that even after the lapse of 10 years of the enactment of RTI Act, provision of section 4 are not being implemented by Government/its field formations. In exercise of powers vested in me under section 19(8)(a), itis hereby ordered that :- 1. The Additional Chief Secretary, Public Work Department & Managing Director, MSRDC will ensure that all information pertaining to PPP Projects in the State and especially Toll contracts is put up on their websites by 24.08.2015 positively and compliance be reported accordingly. 2, The Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra is directly to ensure that the instructions contained in Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training dated 15.04.2013 are implemented forthwith. (Ratifakeir Gaikwad) State Chief Information Commission, Maharashtra. Date: 23.07.2015 Place: Mumbai

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