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The American Institute of CPAs

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function getday(date) //alert(date); var newdate = new Date(date) var monthname = new
Array("JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC"); var
day = newdate.getDate(); //alert(newdate.getDay()); if (day 65) trunstr =
trunstr.replace(/^(.65[^s]*).*/, "$1"); return trunstr; // var maxLength = 50; // whatever the
max string can be // var strLength = str.length; // var shortenedStr = str.substr(0, maxLength); //
var shortenedStrLength = shortenedStr.length; // var lastSpace = str.lastIndexOf(" "); // if
(shortenedStrLength != strLength) // // only need to do manipulation if we have a shortened
name // var strDiff = strLength - shortenedStrLength; // var lastSpaceDiff = shortenedStrLength lastSpace; // if (strDiff > lastSpaceDiff) // non-whole word after space // // shortenedStr =
str.substr(0, lastSpace); // // // return shortenedStr; function GetCMTag(text) //alert(text);
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"'HP:MID:LEARN_EVENTS:EVENTS'".toLowerCase(); else if (text == "Press Releases") return
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"'HP:MID:LEARN_EVENTS:CPE'".toLowerCase(); else if (text == "Publications") return
"'HP:MID:LEARN_EVENTS:PUB'".toLowerCase(); else return ""; function
GetCMLinkTag(text, link) //alert(text + '

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