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DABBA Care Instructions

1) Bathroom
a. Between 6am & 10am
b. Between 6pm & 10pm
c. As Needed
d. May scoot after pooping
i. Just snap fingers and say No.
ii. Not an indication of worms (Fecal screening came back
negative), she is just wiping her ass.
2) Feeding (1/2 cup per feeding for 9 days)
a. Between 6am & 10am
b. Between 6pm & 10pm
c. cup of food
i. For the next couple of days, soak food in water before giving due
to dental surgery.
d. Limited quantity of human food per feeding.
i. No large chunks.
ii. Humans finish first, Dogs get to lick plate NO EXCEPTIONS
iii. Soft foods only
3) Medication
a. 1 pill at each feeding
i. Place pill in peanut butter
4) Walks
a. Attach Leash only to Harness.
b. Collar is used for identification purposes only.
5) Play
a. No rough housing.
b. She doesnt fetch.
c. Chase only

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