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The Conclusion:

A piece of persuasive writing usually ends by summarizing the most important details of
the argument and stating once again what the reader is to believe or do.
1. Restate your thesis or focus statement.
2. Summarize the main points: The conclusion enables your reader to recall the
main points of your position. In order to do this you can paraphrase the main
points of your argument.
3. Offer solution / what needs to happen / Write a personal comment or call for
action. You can do this:

With a Prediction: This can be used with a narrative or a cause and effect
discussion. The conclusion may suggest or predict what the results may or
may not be in the situation discussed or in similar situations.
With a Question: Closing with a question lets your readers make their own
predictions, draw their own conclusions.
With Recommendations: A recommendations closing is one that stresses
the actions or remedies that should be taken.
With a Quotation: Since a quotation may summarize, predict, question, or
call for action, you may use a quotation within a conclusion for nearly any
kind of paper.

4. Leave audience with a thought to ponder


Restate the idea

of the thesis in
different words
Sum up ideas in

Offer solution
/what needs to


Cleo is forced to face the most horrific

consequences as a result of his
impudence the death of a loved one.
Throughout the story, he refused to
listen to his parents, treat others with
respect or even pay attention to the
needs of others. Such behavior is what
has lead to the decline of American
society, today.
Cleo had the opportunity to do the right
thing, but struggled internally with these
decisions and, ultimately, made the
wrong choices. When faced with difficult
or conflicting decisions in life, children
should turn to their parents, as they
have lived life and are able to give sound

Leave audience
with a thought
to ponder

- Perhaps if more of todays youth would

turn to their parents and not the streets
for the answers, fewer parents would
have to bury their children.

Restate the idea
of the thesis in
different words

The world of non-violent youth sports must

be returned to the children where they can
all learn to enjoy a sport, learn the skills of
a sport, play, and most of all have fun.

Sum up ideas in

Parents have a responsibility to be role

models for their children, and not the
source of violence in their lives.
Parents across the United States and into
Canada need to let go of their own
agendas, and athletic associations need to
enforce parental and coaching codes of
conduct through classes and training.
How else can we expect for children to
behave appropriately when faced with
adversity when the adults in their lives are
acting like children, themselves?

Offer solution
/what needs to
Leave audience
with a thought
to ponder

Persuasive Graphic Organizer #5

The Conclusion

Restate the idea of

the thesis in different

Sum up ideas in essay

(each of the 3 topics
youve discussed)

Offer solution /what

needs to happen

Leave audience with a

thought to ponder

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