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Ged Coe Gk POLICY GROUP ACE-2015-433566 TO: LISA RAITT, P.C., M.P., MINISTER OF TRANSPORT SEATING OF CHILDREN WITH PARENTS ON FLIGHTS For Decision and Signature ISSUE: + Concams have been expressed over cases of parents and young children not seated together an flights. This brifing note proposes an approach whereby the Minister of Transport could write 19 ai carriers seeking clarification oftheir practices where this issue fs concerned, and promoting an industry-led solution to avoid such situations BACKGROUND: ‘+ Various factors may result in a lack of preclctabilt for air passengers aboul whether they willbe sealed with travelling partners, including parents and their children. Evolving business practices in the aiding industry, including advanced check-in and iow base fares with foes for advanced Seat selection, may contribute to this. For example, lower-fare air tickets often apply a charge for reserving seats al the time of purchase; although passengers are stil able to solact seats when they check in, whieh may be online up to 24 hours in advance, this puts them in competition with other travellers on a “fisl-come, first-served! basis ‘+ Pricing practices such as charging for advance seat assignment aca typleal af an industry where ‘margins are thin and much demand is discrationary ~ carriers are seeking targeted means of increasing revenues without resorting to increasing fares for all passengers. * On Dacember 31, 2014, the Canadian Transportation Agency (Ageney) ruled on a complaint involving the seat selection policies of WestJat, Air Canada, Air Transat, Sunwing Aidings, Jazz and Porter with respect to seating children under the age of 12 with their parents or guardian, The Agency ruled that carers’ tarilfs thal do not guarantee adjoining seats to parents aro neither unduly / unjustly discriminatory, nor uneeasonable, + As pait of their submissions to the Agency in this ease, air carriers revaniad thal they nave “supplementary” (.e., internal) policies and procedures on seating thal address the issue. Typically, thase involve having staff at the gate and on the aircraft making efforts to put families togather, tor ‘oxamplo by asking other passengers to switch seats, In ils ruling, the Agency also ruled that the carters’ terms and conditians relating to the cartiage of children are a mattar that must be included in their tani, The carers were ordered to file tariff provisions, no later than March 2, 2015, reflecting the fact that thay have such supplemantary seating policies and procedures, and are making roasonable bfforts to ansucn that chikiren aca saated with their aceompanying guardian * Other counties, notably the United States, also do not require aitines to guarantee that parants will bbe seated with theie chldcan, CONSIDERATIONS: * Its: natal dhat parents woul wish to be seated with underage childian on lights, with a view to fooking after theie wellira and safety. Ihe inability to do this —ar the percantion that itis not possinle ~ could bs ‘expocted to fend to adeltional tension, partioay when adelod to the normal prassuims assiciatar with {eayalting sith yous children, 00002 .21(n1@) 20H) POLICY GROUP ACE-2015-433566 H + The extent of the problem is difficult to ascertain, In some cases, it may be that parents’ distress is, i ‘based on concer that they might not be able to sit with their chitdren, as this would depend on the: {good will of other passengers an the aircraft, even though airlines are usually able to address the | matter. An additional challenge may be a lack ol a clear understanding around the pracasses involved for example, some passengers may nol understand that they need to check in as early as possible to ‘secure seats together ~ in this sense the Agency's recent ruling is uselul as it requires the carriers to bbe clearer about their practices. In other cases, parents may nat be able to check in early ~ for ‘example, if they have limited access to the Internat. children, + Transport Canada is exploring opportunites to address this issue and input from aie carriors would bo | | + There are no tedoal statues that exp equa a carers to seal parents together vith tei | | Cul that Fogare j | | COMMUNICATIONS ASSESSMENT: + The issue of parents being separated from children on planes is emotionally charged and always has the potential te elicit media attention, i i i | + Should tho iter be made pubic by the airnes (uke and macia cals be received, media ines are boing rated that ouline the inunt of tha ater fo seek an inducted solston that ensures parents and guardians are not separated from thair children, and have access to tha information they rnoed to holp avai the situation, RECOMMENDATION > is racommendedl that you write to Canada's largest carrirs (Ait Canada, Air Transat, Jazz Aviation, Porter Airines, Sunvving and WestJet), as well as to tho Air Transport Assoviation of Ganada (ATAC) representing the smaller cartier, requesting clarity regarding carriers’ policies on swating children ‘ih parents or guardians, anel encouraging them to seek aut additional means of avoiding situations where parents and children would ba separated on aircraft, Draft ltters age attached, shoul! you joe with this approach, ‘00003 POLICY GROUP ACE-2015-433566 Henry Schultz Director, Legal Services in Tupper, Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy Catherine Higgens, Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Poli _| rr ea Te rot approve ~__ See Annex __ yo te MAR 27108 eee Attachment: Letter Irom the Minister to WestJet, Air Canada, Air Transat, Sunwing, Porter Airlines, Jazz Aviation SE.C., and ATA. Tae aaee Tile: Policy Analyst Contact Person: Colin Stacey Tita: National Ae Services Policy Group Head Shawn Tupper Phone Number: 613- 998-1880 Tite: Assistant Deputy Minister, Pokcy Phone Number: 619- 909-4961 Date: March 5, 2016 Minister of Transport Ministre des Transports, Onin Caraca KALI Calin Rovineseu MAR 2 7 2015 President and Chief Executive Officer Air Canada 7373 Boulevard de la Ci Montréal (QC) H4S 173 ce-Vertu Ouest Dear Mr, Rovinescu As Minister of Transport { frequently hear edncerns raised by Canadian families about air carers’ seat selection practices, which can result in parents being separated from young children oon flights. am thus writing to you to seek cl non industry practices where this issue is concerned. My gout is to promote an industry-led solution with a view to eliminating such incidents and providing greater predictability to patents as they travel with children, AAs Tam sure you can appreciate, the provess of travelling by ait with young children is already stress, and this can only be made worse when parents discover that their chikdten may not be seated with them, Understandably, parents want to travel with their children in order to ensure theie safety and well-being. As you are aware, this issue was recently the subject of a decision by the Canadian Transportation Agency (Decision No, 459-C-A-2014), understand that the logistics of airline operations are very complex. For this very reason, Ubelieve it is essential to minimize the challenges that parents face when they embark on air travel with children, Lalso believe that considerable anxiety for parents and ait carrier employees dealing directly with passengers could be avoided by greater clarity around this issue. {sincerely believe that this is un issue where logic should prevail ~ it makes sense for parents tw he seated with young children on aircraft. With that in mind, {would appreciate being apprised oF your existing practices with regard to addressing this concern, 1 would alsa appreciate your proposals regarding how the Canadian air transport sector can further work to minimize this problera, including means by which those travelling with young children could be clearly intormed of what they need to do hefore they reach the airport. { would appreciate your response on this matter by April 15, 2015, Sincerely, The Lonourable Lisa Raitt, P.C,, MP. Minister of Transport Canad 00006 Minister ot transport Ministee des Irensports ‘ma Canad 43 08 Gregg Saretsky WAR 27 208 President and Chief Executive Otficer Wester 22 Actial Place N.E. Calgary AB T2E 301 Dear Mr, Saretsky: ‘As Minister of Transport I frequently hear concerns raised by Canadian families about air carriers’ seat selection practices, which can result in parents being separated from young children fon flights, am thus writing to you to seek clarification on industry practices where this issue is concemed. My goal is to promote an industry-led solution with a view w eliminating such incidents and providing greater predictability to parents as they travel with children. ‘As Lam sure you can appreciate, the process of travelling by air with young children is already stressful, and this can only be made worse when parents discover that their children may not be seated with them, Understandably, parents want to travel with their children in order to ensure their safety and well-being. As you are aware, this issue was recently the subject of a decision bby the Canadian ‘Transportation Agency (Decision No, 459-C-A-2014), Funderstand that the logistics of airline operations are very complex. For this very reason, Ubelieve it is essential (0 minimize the challenges that parents face when they embark on air travel with children. { also believe that considerable anaiely for parents and air catrier employees dealing directly with passengers could be avoided by greater clarity around this issue. I sincerely believe that this isan issue where logie should prevail ~it makes sense for parents to be seated with young children on aircraft, With that in mind, ! would appreciate being apprised of your existing practices with regard to addressing this concern, T would also ‘appreciate your proposals regarding how the Canadian air transport sector can further work to minimize this problem, ineluding means by which those travelling with young children could bo clearly informed of what they need to do before they reach the airport. 1 would appreciate your response on this matter by April 15, 2015 Sincerely, By S ‘The Honourable Lisa Raitt, PC. MP. Minister of Transport Canada wy Minister of Transport Ministre des Transports noma Coad KT ONS, Jean-Mare Eustache Chairman of the Board MAR 27 2015 President and Chief Executive Officer ‘Transat AT, Ine. (Air Transat) 5959 Coté-Vertu Boulevard. Montreal (QC) 14S 2E6 Dear Mr, Eustache: As Minister of Transpor { frequently hear concerns raised by Canadian families about ait acriers” seat selection practices, which can result in parents being separated ftom young children oon flights. am thus writing to you to seek clarification on industry practices where this issue is concerned. My goal is to promote an industry-led solution with a view to eliminating such incidents und providing greater predictability to parents as they travel with children, ‘As Lam sure you can appreciate, the process of travelling by air with young children is already stressful, and this can only be made worse when parents discover that their children may not be seated with chem, Understandably, parents want to travel with their children in order to ensure their safety and well-being. As you are aware, this issue was recently the subject of « decision by the Canadian Transportation Agency (Decision No. 459-C-A-2014), {understand that the logisties of airline operations are very complex. For this very reason, L believe itis essential to minimize the challenges that parents face when they embark on ait travel with children. also believe that considerable anxiety for parents and air carrier employees dealing ditoctly with passengers could be avoided by greater clarity around this issue. sincerely believe that this isan issue where logic should prevail ~ it makes sense for parents to be seated with young children on aircraft. With that in mind, I would appreciate being apprised of your existing practices with regard to addressing this concern, I would also appreciate your proposals regarling how the Canadian air transport sector van further work { minimize this probtem, including means by which those travelling with young children could be clearly informed of what they need to do before they euch the airport. I would appreciate ‘your response on this matter by April 15, 2015, Sincetely, The Honourable Lisa Raitt, P. Minister of Transport MP. . Canada ‘000007 Minister of Transport Ministre des Transports ‘naa Canaan KAOKS Colin Hunter Chief Executive Officer MAR 2 7 2015 Sunwing Airlines 27 Fasken Drive ‘Toronto ON MOW LK6 Dear Mr. Hunter As Minister of Transport frequently hear concems raised by Canadian families about ait cearriers’ seat selection practices, which can result in parents being separated from young children fon flights. T um thus writing to you to seek clarification on industry practices where this issue is concerned, My goat is to promote an industry-led solution with a view to eliminating such incidents and providing greater predictability to parents as they travel with childven, As Lam sure you ean appreciate, the process of travelling by air with young children is already stressful, and this can only be made worse when parents discover that their children may not be seuted with them, Understandably, parents want to travel with their children in order to ensure their safety and well-being. As you are aware, this issue was recently the subject of a decision by the Canadian Transportation Agency (Decision No. 459-C-A-2014). ‘understand that the logistics of airline operations are very complex. For this very reason, {believe itis essential to minimize the challenges that parents face when they embark on ait travel with children. Lalso believe that considerable unxiety for parents and air carrier employees dealing directly with passengers could be avoided by greater clarity around this issue { sincerely hetieve that this is an issue where logie should prevail ~ it makes sense for parents to be seated with young children on aircraft, With that in mind, | would appreciate being apprised of your existing practices with regard to addressing this concern, T would also appreciate your proposals regarding how the Canadian ai transport sector cun further work (o minimize this problem, including means by which those travelling with young children could be clearly informed of what they need to do before they reach the airport. L would appreciate {your response on this matter by April 15, 2015. Sincerely, Dlodh The Honourable Lisa Raitt, P.C,, MEP. Minister of Transport Canadil ‘000008 Minister of Transport Ministre des Transports Da Canasa RON Robert Deluee President and Chief Executive Officer Porter Airline Billy Bishop Toronto ‘Toronto ON MSV LAL MAR 2 7 206 Airport Dear Mr, Deluce: As Minister of ‘Transport [frequently hear concerns raised by Canadian fanilies about air carriers’ seat selection practices, which can result in parents being separated from young children con Mlights. Lam thus writing (@ you to scek clatifieation on industry practices where this issue is, concerned, My goal is to promote an industry-led solution with a view to eliminating such incidents und providing greater predictability to parents as they travel with children, ‘As Lam sure you can appreciate, the process of travelling by air with young children is already stressful, and this can only be made worse when parents discover that their children may not be seuted with them. Understandably, parents want to travel with their children in order to ensure their safety and well-being. As you are aware, this issue was recently the subject of a decision by the Canadian Transportation Agency (Decision No. 459-C-A-2014), 4 understand that the logistics of airline operations are very complex. For this very reason, { believe itis essential 19 minimize the challenges that parents face when they embark on air wavel with children, 1 ulso believe that considerable anxiety tor parents and air carrier employees dlealing directly with passengers could be avoided by greater clarity around this issue. {sincerely believe that this isan issute where logie should prevail - it makes sense for parents to be seated with young children on aircraft. With that in mind, L would appreciate being apprised of your existing practices with regard to addressing this concer. 1 would also appreciate your proposals regarding how the Canadian air transport sector can further work to minimize this problem, including means by which those travelling with young children could be clearly informed of what they need to do hefore they reach the airport. T would appreciate your response on this matter by April 15, 2015, Sincerely, Tok The Honourable Lisa Raitt, PC. MP, Minister of Transport Canada Minister of Transport Ministre des Iransparts ‘ns, Canada K 18 085 Joseph Randel MAR 27208 President and Chief Executive Officer Jazz Aviation S.B.C. (Jazz) 3 Spectacle Lake Drive Dartmouth NS_B3B [WS Dear Mr. Randell As Minister of Transport I frequently hear concerns raised by Canadian farnities about air carriers’ seat selection practices, which can tesult in parents being separated from young children oon flights. Tam thus writing to you to seek clarification on industry practices where this issue is concerned, My goal is to promote an industry-ted solution with a view to eliminating such incidents and providing greater predictability to parents as they travel with children As Lam sure you ean appreciate, the process of travelling by air with young children is already stressful, and this can only be made worse when parents discover that their children may not be seated with them, Understandably, parents want to travel with their children in order to ensure their safety and well-being. As you are aware, this issue was recenily the subject of a decision by the Canadian Transportation Agency (Decision No, 459-C-A-2014), understand that the logistics of airline operations are very complex. For this very reason, Telieve itis essential to minimize the challenges that parents face when they embark on air travel with children, [also believe that considerable anxiety for parents and air cartier employees dealing ditectly with passengers could be avoided by greater clarity around this issue. {sincerely believe that this, a issue where logie should prevail ~ it makes sease for parents, to be seated with young children on aircraft. With that in mind, { would appreciate being apprised of your existing pructices with regard to addressing this concern, I would also appreciate your proposals regarding how the Canadian air transport sector can further work ‘o minimize this problem, including means by which those travelling with young children could, be clearly informed of what they need to do before they reach the airport. T would appreciate ‘yout response on this nsater by April 15, 2015 Sincerely, ‘The Honourable Lisa Raitt, P.C., MP. “ Minister af "Transport Canadit 00040 Minister of Transport Ministre des fransports (ohawa, Cansaa KIA. ONS : Mr. John MeKenna MAR 2 7 2018 President and Chief Executive Oificer i i ‘Air Transportation Association of Canada \ 255 Albert Street, Suite 700 Ottawa ON KIP AI Dear Mr. McKenna: ‘As Minister of ‘Transport {frequently hear concerns raised by Canadian families about ait selection practices, which can result in parents being separated from young childven | ‘oo Mlights. am thus writing to you to seek clarification on industry practices where this issue is, concerned. My goal is to promote an industry-led solution with a view to eliminating such incidents and providing greater predictability to parents as they travel with children. stressful, and this ean only be made worse when parents discover that their children may not be seated with them. Understandably, parents want to travel with their children in order to ensure i their safety und well-being. As you are aware this issue was recently the subject of a decision i bby the Canadian Transportation Agency (Decision No. 459-C-A-2014), | understand that the logistics of airline operations are very complex. For this very reason, i believe itis essential to minimize the challenges that parents fuce when they embark on air I travel with children. 1 also believe that considerable anxiety for parents and air carrier employees dealing directly with passengers could be avoided by greater clarity around this isste { sincerely betieve that this is an issue where logie should prevail ~ it makes sense for parents tw be seated with young children on aircraft. With that in mind, [have written to your members (o ask that they inform me of thei existing practices with regard to addressing this concern, andl i their proposils as to how the Canadian uir transport sector can further work to minimize this problem, including means by which those travelling with young ehildten could be clearly informed of what they need to do before they reach the aizport. T would also appreciate your views on this matter by April 15, 2015, Sincerely, C The Honourable Lisa Raitt, PC MP. Minister of Transport Canadi ‘0004

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