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A Texas Root Rot is a plant issue caused by the phytopatogen fungus

Phymatotrichum ovnivorum, it attaks more tan 2000 species of ornamental and
food plants and is too hard to eliminate by common antifungical products
,causing huge economic losses to the agricultural sector. It has been shown
that the use of essential oils rich in thymol and carvacrol is effective against
some fungi , and have not been used against this species. An antifungal
product was made, based on essential oils of oregano , clove and thyme,
obtained by steam and characterized by chromatography. The product was
tested by culture of the fungus mielio in sterilized soil and using sorghum seeds
as substrate. After obtaining the sclerotia, they were placed on a PDA culture
medium containing different concentrations of antifungal developed, being the
culture with a concentration of __ % which present a less developed. Thus, the
essential oils inhibit fungal growth by so the product is functional.

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