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Tipo B1: Vocabulary Cloze: Unit 4 - Describing things and people

Choose the correct word according with the statement

Its a rainy morning so Sue is wearing blue jeans, a sweater and black plastic _____
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Sneakers
Thats correct. She is wearing black
plastic boots because of the weather.

b. Boots

c. Sandals
d. High heels

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B1: Vocabulary Cloze: Unit 6. Adverbs of time and phrases to indicate time
Choose the correct sentence according with the statement
Lisa usually wakes up at 6:45
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Lisa usually wakes up at six half past
b. Lisa usually wakes up at six oclock
c. Lisa usually wakes up at six past ten
d. Lisa usually wakes up at a quarter to seven

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B1: Vocabulary Cloze: Unit 2 - Daily activities

Choose the correct word according with the statement
Lesley gets up at seven oclock in the morning. She ________ by bus.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Go to bed

Thats correct. The right way to write is a

quarter to seven.

b. Have lunch
c. Take a bus
d. Goes to work

Thats correct. After she leaves home in the

morning. She goes to work by bus.


Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B1: Vocabulary Cloze: Unit 3 - Daily activities

Choose the correct word according with the statement
Michael usually has dinner at about 7 oclock. In the evening he watches television. He
usually _______ at about 11.30
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Has lunch
b. Takes a bus
c. Goes to work
d. Goes to bed

Thats correct. After dinner and doing some

activities he goes to bed late at night.


Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B1: Vocabulary Cloze: Unit 5. Objects in a room

Choose the correct word according with the statement
We use this object to light up our room and it normally is on the night table.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Lamp

b. Table
c. Carpet
d. Plant

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

That's correct. The lamp is use to light

up a room.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B1: Vocabulary Cloze: Unit 6 - Adverbs of time and phrases to indicate time
Choose the correct word according with the statement
______ my mom and I went to the mall.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Now
b. Today
c. Tomorrow
d. Yesterday

Thats correct. The action happend



Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B1: Vocabulary Cloze: Unit 1. Professions

Choose the correct word according with the statement
The person who works in the marketing department at Bank of America is
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Architect
b. Sales manager

c. Taxi driver
d. Clerk

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B1: Vocabulary Cloze: Unit 4 - Describing things and people

Choose the correct word according with the statement
What do people usually wear for a snowy day?
Seleccione una respuesta.

Thats correct. The person who works in the

marketing department is a Sales manager

a. Snow Jacket

Thats correct. Because it's the appropriated clothes

to wear for a snowy day.

b. T-Shirt
c. Shorts
d. Skirts

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B1: Vocabulary Cloze: Unit 1 - Professions

Choose the correct word according with the statement
I work at Saint Claire elementary School. Im a___________
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Doctor
b. Taxi driver
c. Engineer
d. Teacher

Thats correct. The person who works at

Saint Claire elementary School is a teacher.


Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B1: Vocabulary Cloze: Unit 1 - Family members

Choose the correct word according with the statement:
My brother's son is my __________
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Brother
b. Grand daughter
c. Mother
d. Nephew

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Thats correct. Because the daughter's

brother is the nephew.

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 1 - Family

Choose the correct option according to the listening My Family.
The family gets together:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Very frequently.
b. Three times a year
c. Several times a year.

Correct; they get together several

times a year.

d. Once a year.

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 1 - Family

Choose the correct option according to the listening My Family.
The womans daughter:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Studies at the university.
b. Works at a university.
c. Lives at a university.
d. Lives in Germany.

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : UNIT 5 - DESCRIBING A PLACE

Choose the correct option according to the listening The Museum.
The floor of the place looks:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Old but clean.

Correct; she lives in Germany.

b. Old and dirty.

c. Clean and slippery.
d. Shiny and clean.

Correct; the floor looks shiny and clean.


Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 5 - WH questions (Where, What, Which)

Choose the correct option according to the listening Helen and Daniel at the soccer match.
In the question: "What time does it start?", The underlined word could be replaced by:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. the show
b. the game

Well done, it is the correct answer!!

c. the dinner
d. the ticket

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 4 - Describing things

Choose the correct option according to the listening Helen and Daniel at the soccer match
According to the listening, Helen's correct expression is:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. You are a really Frog's fan!
b. Really, Are you a Frog's fan?
c. You really are a Dog's fan!
d. Really, Are you a Dog's fan?

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Well done, it is the correct answer!!

Tipo D1: Listening : UNIT 4 - DESCRIBING PEOPLE

Choose the correct option according to the listening A Famous Artist.
The man in the room is:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. A famous singer.
b. A famous teenager
c. Old and good looking.
d. Someone young and famous.

Correct; he is someone young and famous.


Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 4 - Vocabulary

Choose the correct option according to the listening Helen and Daniel at the gym
The word that best completes the sentence: "Helen Black does the ________ report on
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Weather

Well done, it is the correct answer!!

b. Sweater
c. Water
d. Were

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 2 - Adverbs of Frequency

Choose the correct option according to the listening Helen and Daniel at the gym
In the conversation, Daniel goes to school and studies until:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. 07:00 p.m.

b. 04:00 p.m.

Well done, it is the correct answer!!

c. 05:00 p.m.
d. 08:00 p.m.

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : UNIT 5 - DESCRIBING A PLACE

Choose the correct option according to the listening The Museum.
On the right wall you can see:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Many colorful little paintings.
b. Two big colorful paintings.

Correct; on the right wall you can see two

big colorful paintings.

c. Two big vases.

d. Two big white and black paintings.

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 4 - Vocabulary

Choose the correct option according to the listening Helen and Daniel at the gym
According to the listening, Helen is a:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Professional trainer
b. Dog walker
c. Tv announcer

d. Metereologist

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Well done, it is the correct


Tipo A3:Grammar (Dialogs): Unit 2 - Present simple: Negative forms

Complete the conversation:
A: Do you like this TV show?
B: _____________________
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Yes, do tv you likes I
b. Yes, I love it.

Right!! It is the answer that best completes

the question

c. I do, a lot of times!!

d. Because it is interesting

Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Tipo A3:Grammar (Dialogs): Unit 1 - The Verb To Be

Complete the conversation:
A: Are they in the Soccer game?
B: ________________________

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. That's better, see you later
b. Yes, They are in the soccer game

Right! It is the answer that best completes the


c. Yes, They do
d. No, They are at the Soccer game

Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Tipo A3:Grammar (Dialogs): Unit 3 - Expressions of agreement, disagreement and confirmation

Complete the conversation:
A: Does she like her new car?
B: ______________________

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Yes, she is completely happy.

Right! It is the answer that best completes the


b. Yes, she is going to fly it.

c. Lets help her to park
d. Yes, this morning

Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Tipo A3:Grammar (Dialogs): Unit 3 -Present simple: Questions

Complete the conversation:
A: Do you want a glass of water?
B: _________________________

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. No, I don't, thanks.

b. No, I haven't
c. Because it is full
d. Yes, coffe please.

Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Tipo A3:Grammar (Dialogs): Unit 1 - Demonstratives

Complete the conversation:
A: Where is this book?
B: ________________

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Mine

Right!! It is the answer that best completes the


b. On the next corner

Wrong! The answer is not grammatically correct because

the demonstrative indicates a near object

c. I usually read at night

d. Over there

Puntos para este envo: 0/2.

Puntos: 2

Tipo A3:Grammar (Dialogs): Unit 2 - Proffessions

Complete the conversation:
A: What do you do?
B: ________________

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. I am a Teacher

b. I am single
c. I am Thirty
d. I am George

Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Tipo A1: Grammar Advice: Unit 4 - Describing Things

Where can you find the sign?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. In a kitchen

Right!! It is the answer that best completes the


b. In a restaurants
c. In a library
d. In a building

Congratulations, sign corresponds with the answer.


Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Tipo A1: Grammar Advice: Unit 4 Grammar

What does the sign mean?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Cold water
b. You cant touch the wires
c. You must not come beyond where you
d. You can gets closer,

Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Tipo A1: Grammar Advice: Unit 7 - Vocabulary

What is the meaning of this sign?

Congratulations, the answer corresponds with sing

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. An area where animals are likely to cross.

b. An area where children play or go to school.

c. An area that is religious.
d. An area that is for eating

Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Tipo A1: Grammar Advice: Unit 7 - Vocabulary

What is the meaning of this symbol?

Good answer!!!! This sign means to be alert

for animals crossing, especially when you are

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. This means a traffic signal
b. This means free water
c. It indicates a makeup product area
d. This means danger.

Very well!!! Because a skull traditionally represent

death o high risk.


Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Unit - 6 Questions When (At) What time How long Where - Who
Answer the following question according to the reading "Butterflies"
Which of the following statements would the text have?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. The butterflies seem to enhance the beauty of the prairies,
forests and gardens. They reproduce in considerable quantity
and unerring instinct guides them to choose the most suitable
places to deposit their eggs.
b. The caterpillar has finished eating when began full growth,
and then looks for a place to turn, there spins its cocoon,
carefully holding a branch.
c. Butterflies are some of the most interesting insects on the
Correct. Is according to the context.
planet Earth. There are more than seventeen thousand
different kinds of butterflies! Butterflies come in all shapes and

d. The coloration of butterflies varies by region of origin,
climate and food, but the iridescence is due to the
decomposition of the light passing through very thin films,
such as in soap bubbles. The most dazzling shades come
from the tropics.

Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Unit - 6 Questions When (At) What time How long Where - Who
Answer the following question according to the reading "Butterflies"
What is the text trying to explain?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Its comparing the different insects on the planet
b. Its refering to the interesting process the butterflies

Correct. Is according to the context

c. Its talking about the places where butterflies use to
d. Its describing kinds of butterflies

Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Unit - 6 Questions When (At) What time How long Where - Who
Answer the following question according to the reading ""Ordering food - quantities"
Who has mood for a spicy dish?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Lisa
b. Mery
c. Thomas

d. Paul

Yes, Thomas has mood for a spicy


Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Unit - 5 Location of objects

Answer the following question according to the reading "Weekend listings"
Who sings at Grant Park Band Shell?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Kyung-wha Chung
b. Sergio Mendes
c. Guitar Wolf
d. Pilar Montenegro

Well done! this answer is correct because Pilar

Montenegro is going to present at Band Shell.


Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Unit - 6 Questions When (At) What time How long Where - Who
Answer the following question according to the reading "Ordering food - quantities"
Who does not like tomato soup?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Mery
b. Thomas
c. Paul

d. Lisa

Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Unit - 5 Location of objects

Answer the following question according to the reading "Weekend listings"

Thats right, Paul did not like

tomato soup

Which concert takes place at 303 first Ave?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Rock.
b. Latin
c. Classical
d. Jazz

Thats right, Jazz concert is at 303

First Ave.


Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Unit - 6 Questions When (At) What time How long Where - Who
Answer the following question according to the reading "Ordering food - quantities"
Who is going to start eating black bean soup?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Thomas
b. Lisa
c. Paul
d. Mery

Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Unit - 6 Questions When (At) What time How long Where - Who
"Answer the following question according to the reading "Butterflies"
What can you learn about this text?

Seleccione una respuesta.

Thats right, Mery starts with the

black bean soup.

a. There is only one kind of butterfly in the world.

b. "The butterfly may shed its skin 8 or 9 times"
c. "There are less than a thousand different kinds of
butterflies in the world."
d. "Butterflies go through four main stages of life."

Correct. Is according to the context


Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Unit - 6 Telling the time

Answer the following question according to the reading "Weekend listings"
What concert starts at half past eleven?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Rock
b. Classical
c. Latin
d. Jazz

This answer is correct, jazz

concert begins at 11: 30


Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Puntos: 2

Unit - 5 Location of objects

Answer the following question according to the reading "Weekend listings"
Who has a concert across from Grant Park?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Sergio Mendes
b. Guitar Wolf
c. Kyung-wha Chung

Very good, Kyung-wha Chung

has a concert across from Grant

d. Pilar Montenegro

Puntos para este envo: 2/2.

Tipo B2: Vocabulary Graphic: Unit 15
Choose the correct option according with the picture
We can find stopped cars in:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. A parking lot

b. A subway
c. A road
d. An avenue

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B2: Vocabulary Graphic: Unit 9

Choose the correct option according with the picture
The man who practices sports is called:

Correct! We find stopped cars in a

Parking lot

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Architect
b. Milkman
c. Baker
d. Sportsman


Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B2: Vocabulary Graphic: Unit 14

Choose the correct option according with the picture:
When you are very sick you must go to the _______.

Correct! It is the name for a person

who practices a sport

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Post office
b. Hospital

c. Shopping center
d. Disco

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B2: Vocabulary Graphic: Unit 8

Choose the correct option according with the picture
This woman is:

Correct! When you are very sick you

should go there.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Beautiful

Correct! The woman is beautiful

b. Handsome
c. Selfish
d. Ugly

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B1: Vocabulary Cloze: Unit 13 - Modal Verb

Select the correct option according to the following definition:
These Modal Verbs express Advice
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Should - Ought to - Had better

b. Will - Would
c. Must - Have to - Need to
d. Can - be able to - Could

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.


Correct!! These verbs are used to give suggestions or


Puntos: 1

Tipo B2: Vocabulary Graphic: Unit 12

Choose the correct option according with the picture
When you go to school you need a:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Letter
b. Trip
c. Cat
d. Notebook


Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B2: Vocabulary Graphic: Unit 11 - WH Questions

Choose the best option according to the picture:
The lady in blue is possibly saying

Correct! You need a notebook for

writing notes

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Where is the window?
b. What is your name?
c. Where is the plant?
d. Where is the umbrella?

Excellent! Because the girl is showing the

lady where the umbrella is.


Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B1: Vocabulary Cloze: Unit 13 - Modal Verb

Select the correct option according to the following definition:
These Modal Verbs express Abilities and Skills

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Can - Be able to - Could

Correct!! These verbs are used to express

ability and skills.

b. May - Might
c. Should - Ought to - Had better
d. Must - Have to - Need to

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B2: Vocabulary Graphic: Unit 9

Choose the correct option according with the picture
Meteorologist always give us_________

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Time
b. Weather predictions

c. Advice
d. Advices

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Correct! The Metereologist give us Weather


Puntos: 1

Tipo B1: Vocabulary Cloze: Unit 13 - Modal Verb

Select the correct option according to the following definition:
These Modal Verbs express Obligation and Necessity
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Can - Be able to - Could
b. Will - Would
c. Must - Have to - Need to

Correct!! These verbs are used to express

obligation and necessity

d. Should - Ought to - Had better


Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

According to the Reading "Home Sweet Home", choose the best option that completes the
Latin American families...
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. live in flats
b. dont talk to each other during meal time
c. live together as a big family

d. cook together

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

According to the reading "Iguazu Falls", choose the correct answer:

What do the tourists buy in Paraguay?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. clothing
b. foodstuffs
c. cell phones

Correct, that is a deduction made from the


d. videos

Correct. according to the reading in

Paraguay the tourists buy videos.


Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

According to the reading "Iguazu Falls", choose the correct answer:

The word It refers to:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Iguazu River
b. Paran River
c. The Itaipu Dam

Correct. The pronoun It replace the subject

The Itaipu Dam

d. Brazil River

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

According to the reading "The Iguazu Falls", choose the best option:
What is Foz do Iguazu?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. It is a big town

Correct. Your answer is according to the


b. It is a big country
c. It is a big city
d. It is a big river

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

According to the Reading "Home Sweet Home", choose the best option that best answers the
Which families spend more time together, live together and like eating traditional food together?
Seleccione una respuesta.

Correct, Latin american families spend more

time together, live together and like eating
traditional food together.

a. Latin American families are more traditional

b. North American families have a lot of time to

c. North American people like watching TV
d. In Latin America, children dont go to college

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

According to the Reading "Julian's work", choose the best option to answer the question:
In what piles are the books placed?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Into piles of fiction and non-fiction books.

Correct, that is the classification given to books

b. Into piles of funny and not funny books.

c. Into piles of long and short stories
d. Into piles of easy and hard books

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

According to the reading "Celebrities", choose the correct answer:

Who is an actor, producer, director and writer?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Jennifer Lopez's father
b. Jennifer Lopez
c. Jack Nicholson's wife
d. Jack Nicholson

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Correct. Your answer is according to the


According to the Reading "Home Sweet Home", choose the best option that completes the
Very few North American Families....
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Work a lot
b. Have a specific time to share with eachother.

Correct, that is mentioned in the text

c. Dont spend time together at all

d. Study together

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

According to the Reading "Julian's work", choose the best option to answer the question:
What does Julian like to do best at work?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. unload boxes
b. put books in piles
c. open boxes
d. put books on shelves

Correct, that is his favorite activity at work


Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

According to the reading "Celebrities", choose the correct answer:

Who likes dancing?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. The family
b. The children
c. Jack Nicholson
d. Jennifer Lopez

Correct. Your answer is according to the



Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 11
Choose the correct option according to the listening.
Why John is not happy?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Because it has been raining all day long
b. Because it has been raining all week.

Correct. John is not happy because it has

been raining all week.

c. Because it has been raining all weekend

d. Because is Sunday.

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 9

Choose the correct option according to the listening.
Where are most of the Steve and Georges friends?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. They're out of the country

b. They're out of town

c. They're out of space
d. They're dead

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 13

Choose the correct option according to the listening.
Stephens father let him drove his car in:
Seleccione una respuesta.

Correct! Most of the Steve and Georges

friendsare out of the country.

a. Indianapolis.
b. The park.

Right answer. Stephen was

driving around the park with his

c. The beach
d. Silverstone.

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 11

Choose the correct option according to the listening.
The pollution is:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. One of the biggest problems in our society.

Not true. This is contamination, not pollution at all.

b. A big problem for small countries.

c. A new rock band
d. The name of a country.

Puntos para este envo: 0/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 9

Choose the correct option according to the listening.
Some people are trying to:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Stop the contamination.

b. Learn how to swim in rivers and oceans

c. Invent another form to make garbage.
d. Create a new way to recycle

True. Every single day most people

are trying to stop this problem.

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 13

Choose the correct option according to the listening.
Becky had:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Lovely eyes.

True. She has lovely eyes ,amazing hair and

a shinning smile.

b. A Porsche
c. A Ford
d. 12 years old.

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 9

Choose the correct option according to the listening.
According to George, What is the worst thing can happen to a beautiful woman?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Get married to a Architect
b. Being fat
c. Get married to a very ugly fat guy

d. Lost her beauty


Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 11

Choose the correct option according to the listening.
What happened in Phillips first trip to London?

Correct! According to George Get married to a

very ugly fat guy is the worst thing can
happen to a beautiful woman.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. He lost his luggage
b. He got a cold
c. He lost his voice

Correct! In Phillips first trip to London he

lost his voice

d. He lost his wallet


Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 14

Choose the correct option according to the listening.
Why Phillip is able to compose any kind of song?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Because he loves birds
b. Because hes romantic

Correct! He is able to compose a song

because he is romantic

c. Because hes very boring

d. Because hes a genius

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 15

Choose the correct option according to the listening.
What is going to happen with Phillips fans tonight?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. They won't be dissapointed

b. They will be in an appointment

c. They will be in Anapoima
d. They will be dissapointed

Correct! won't be dissapointed in Phillip's



Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Tipo A3: Grammar Questions: Unit 14 - Modals to express ability
Choose the correct option according to the statement:
A: When Tom was 18, he was a fast runner, he ________ 200 meters in 23 seconds.

Seleccione una respuesta.

Good job!

a. could run
b. can't
c. couldn't run
d. can run

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo A3: Grammar Questions: Unit 15 - there is /there are / simple present
Choose the correct option:

A: Hey, ________ a book about computers in the library?

B: Let's see, __________ .

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Is there - Yes, there is one

Well done! It seems that you have studied the


b. Are there - Yes, there is one

c. there is - Yes, there one
d. Is there - Yes, is there one

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo A3: Grammar Questions: Unit 13 - Modal verbs: for obligation and necessity
Choose the correct option according to the question:

A: What are you going to have for dinner?

B: I'm not sure. ____________________________

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. I will have a sandwich

Incorrect: use of modals. It's not appropriate for the

content of the conversation

b. I should have a salad

c. I must have a sandwich
d. I might have a salad

Puntos para este envo: 0/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo A3: Grammar Questions: Unit 12 - Comparative adjectives.

Complete and choose the correct options:
A: In my opinion Facebook is ________ e-mail
B: Really? I don't think so, I think E-mail is ________

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. more popular / less used than
b. more popular than/ less used than
c. more used than / less popular
d. more used / less popular

Puntos para este envo: 0/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo A3: Grammar Questions: Unit 12 - Comparative adjectives.

Complete and choose the correct options:
A: I love my laptop, it's so much _______ than my old desktop.

Incorrect: use of comparatives

B: But aren't regular computers __________ than laptops?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. less good / more cheap
b. Better / cheaper

Well done!

c. good / cheaper
d. Better / cheap

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo A3: Grammar Questions: Unit 12 - Comparative adjectives.

Choose the correct option according to the question:
A: What do you think about web conferences?
B: Well I think they are ____________ real meetings

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. interesting
b. less interesting
c. Less boring than

Correct, Congratulations!

d. More boring as

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo A2: Grammar Cloze: Unit 9-1- Describing people using present continuous and present
Read and complete the paragraph selecting the best option.

While Abraham

is w earing
Is not w earing

means that Alex


a blue t-shirt, Alex

are w earing

is w earing

a white shirt. It

a blue shirt. Both Alex and



Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo A2: Grammar Cloze: Unit 9 - Present simple

Complete the paragraph selecting a verb from the options given.

Normally, Tom

read a book

plays basketball

at 4:00 p.m. and Tom

at 8:00 a.m. Later, at 10:00,

. In the afternoon, his father
eats his dinner

listens to music

at 6:00 p.m.

Parcialmente correcto

Puntos para este envo: 0.8/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo A3: Grammar Questions: Unit 11 - Wh-questions and the present progresive.
Choose the correct option according to the question:
A: Why _______ at me like that?
B: I ___________ at your new jacket

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. are you looking / 'm looking

Correct! Well done!

b. are they looking / 'm looking

c. are they looking / are looking
d. Is she looking / 'm looking

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo A3: Grammar Questions: Unit 14 - Modals to express ability

Choose the correct option according to the statement:
A: I love this room!
B: Yeah! You _________ the ocean from here. It's wonderful.

Seleccione una respuesta.

Nice Job! Well use of modals

a. Can see
b. could see
c. Can't see
d. Couldn't see

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Unit 10 - Ordering meals
Guiaded composition: Fill in the blanket with the right form of the verbs in ().
Would you ____ (like) anything to drink?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. liked
b. likes
c. like
d. don't like


Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 9 - Quantifiers
Guiaded composition: Choose the correct option to fill in the blanket.
Let's make a pasta for dinner, we have ________ onions.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. nothing
b. any
c. a lot of
d. anything

Puntos para este envo: 0/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 11 - WH Questions with the present progressive

Guiaded composition: Fill in the blanket with the right form of the verbs in ().
What are you ___ (do) tomorrow afternoon?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. did
b. do
c. does
d. doing

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 13 - Activities performed in a library

Guiaded composition: Fill in the blanket with the right form of the verbs in ().

Reading Month promotion, ________ (design) a new layout for your nonfiction book
collection, or developing a technology plan for your entire school district.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. designes
b. designs
c. designed
d. designing

Puntos para este envo: 0/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 9 - Affirmative sentences with the third singular person

Guiaded composition: Fill in the blanket with the wright form of the verbs in ().
Daniell_____ (prefer) detective movies

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. prefer
b. prefered
c. prefers
d. prefering

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 14 - Modal Verbs: Can

Correct the mistake.
He can play tenis well.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. can
b. well

c. play
d. tennis

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 12 - Comparative Adjetives

Correct the mistake.
I wash my Biger car

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. I
b. car
c. wash
d. Bigger

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 10 - Negative Sentences

Find the spelling mistake in the sentence:
I dnot have my glasses.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. glass
b. mi
c. have
d. don't

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 9 - Ordering food

Correct the mistake.
Why can't the woman hav dessert?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. can't
b. have
c. dessert
d. woman

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 8 - Questions with There is/There are

Correct the mistake.
Is ther a mall on the corner?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. corner
b. on
c. mall
d. there

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Tipo A1: Grammar Advice: Unit 11 - Present Progressive
Where can you see this ad?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. In a news
b. In the office
c. At the airport
d. In a book

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo A1: Grammar Advice: Unit 14 - Modal Verbs: Can

Where can you see this ad?

Wild animals can be dangerous.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. In the ocean
b. In the pool
c. In the zoo
d. At home

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo A1: Grammar Advice: Unit 14 - Modal Verbs: Might

Where can you see this ad?

It might rain tonight

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. In the zoo
b. In the news
c. In the supermarket
d. In a drugstore

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

ipo B2: Vocabulary Graphic: Unit 13 - Short answers

According to the picture select the correct short answer to the following question:
Is George thin?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Yes, he is
b. No, he is
c. No, he isnt
d. Yes, he is not

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo A1: Grammar Advice: Unit 13 - Modal Verbs: must

Where can you see this ad?
You must return the book
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. At a library
b. At the restaurant
c. At a gym
d. At a gallery

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo A3: Grammar (Dialogs): Unit 12- Expressing likes and dislikes
Complete the conversation:
A: I dont like spicy food.
B: ______________________

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Me neither .
b. I can it.
c. Too late .
d. You are late.

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo A1: Grammar Advice: Unit 14 - Modal Verbs: May

Where can you see this ad?

You may now go aboard the airplane

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. In a school
b. In a station
c. At the airport
d. In a hospital

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo A3: Grammar (Dialogs) : Unit 12- Comparatives and superlatives

Complete the conversation:
A: My brother is younger than me.
B: ____________________________

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. So, you are younger than your brother.
b. So, you both have the same age.
c. So, you are older than him.
d. So, you are old than he.

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo A3: Grammar (Dialogs): Unit 12- Expressing likes and dislikes
Complete the conversation:

A: I like chemistry.
B: ___________________

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. I greet, too.
b. I do, too.
c. No thanks, Im full.
d. I doubt, too

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Tipo B2: Vocabulary Graphic: Unit 14 - Use of modal verbs expressing skills and ability.
According to the picture, the following statements are true EXCEPT one:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. He cant fly like Superman

b. He can lift a car or a house

c. He can live in water
d. He cant smile

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

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