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Water as a fuel

Can you imagine by 2012 paying $8 a litre or more for your fuel? Can you
imagine when oil runs out what will the world run on? Can you imagine
running your car on the most abundant thing in the universe? Hydrogen is
the answer! Now with a little bit more refining it will be.
Good morning fellow students today I will be talking about hydrogen
powered vehicles. Firstly, some terms need definition.Hydrogen- a
colourless, odourless, flammable gas which is the lightest and simplest of
all known elements.Vehicle- A device or structure for transporting persons
or things.
Secondly, now to explain the ways to use hydrogen as a fuel. The first way
is called electrolysis. It is where an electrical current is sent into the water
in the fuel tank where the hydrogen and oxygen atoms split from each other
and then rejoining creating a stronger electric current to drive the vehicle.
The only by-product of this is harmless water vapour. The second way is
burning the hydrogen in a very similar way to the way you burn petrol.
That’s why the hydrogen burning vehicles will also run on petrol with no
modifying. We know that it will burn well enough because the sun is made
up of 75% hydrogen. The only by-products from burning hydrogen are heat
and water vapour.
Thirdly, hydrogen powered cars will not cost very much. At the moment
the price of one is about $50 000 and up to over a few hundred thousand.
Once they become the main stream of transport the price will drop
dramatically and become the price of about an ordinary unleaded vehicle.
Another positive about the hydrogen vehicles is the price of fuel, I mean
paying over $8 for normal unleaded fuel. Hydrogen will cost hopefully
when it becomes the main source of fuel about 30c a litre and has about 2
to 3 times better fuel efficiency than normal unleaded
According to the the young inventor, the generator he has designed is
capable of running a motor car for 80 kilometres using only one litre of
water, without any danger to life or any impact on the environment.

The energy required to power the vehicle is produced by the splitting off of
H2O (water) into separate Hydrogen and Oxygen molecules, of which the
former is burnt according to a specified ratio to produce the energy needed
to power the engine.
"The technology of using water to produce hydrogen gas has been existing
for the past 60 years. In certain countries, water-powered vehicles have
also been produced using Hydrogen found in water.
The specialty of my invention is its ability to produce this energy from water
with a minimal electric current of barely 0.5 amperes, which was not
possible earlier," Thushara says.

Thushara, on his test run of the water-powered car has travelled all the way
to Anuradhapura and back on mere three litres of water, a journey that
would have cost several thousand rupees on a petrol or diesel vehicle.
"This generator could be fixed to any petrol or diesel vehicle with suitable
adjustments depending on their cylinder capacity. While Hydrogen is 1000
times faster than petrol, the exhausts of water-powered vehicles consisting
of water vapour are also entirely eco-friendly. Using water as opposed to oil
that react with lubricating oil would also extend the life of the vehicle," .
The setup for introducing hydrogen into the engine
involves a hydrogen source, tanks or on-board
processor and metering equipment to measure various
combustion parameters. This process can be applied to
both spark ignited engines and compression engines.

In this experiment, initially we used two copper wires, one twelve-volt battery, and
some drinking water to do the tests. The process was slow and caused excessive
amounts of corrosion on the copper wires and discoloration in the water. To avoid
corrosion of electrodes and discoloration of water, we repeated the test using Graphit
Rods as electrodes. Also to speed up the process we added some Sulfuric Acid to the
water as electrolyte.
Materials Used:
Copper Wire, Graphite Rods, Sulfuric Acid, Test Tubes, Beaker, Water
Fillup ¼ of beaker with clear watter, secure two test tubes filled with water in the
beaker in a way that test tubes are up-side down over the beaker. Mount the wires or
electrodes that you have prepared and then connect the electricity.
Check the produced hydrogen and oxygen gasses in five minutes.
Repeat the test with different electrodes and different amounts of
electrolytes and record the results in the table below. You may
want to repeat the experiment with different electrods. (Electrod
is only the area that has contact with water, not the part that has
insulator or plastic cover. In the above picture electrodes are

identified with yellow color).

Department of
Biological and
University of Idaho


Stanley Meyers

Who is Stanley Meyer?

Stanley Meyer was an entrepreneur who claimed to have created a
limitless energy system in which water was broken down into
hydrogen and oxygen, and then the two molecules were burned to
produce fuel, which produced more energy than it took to break them
down. He claimed that the water fuel cell could reuse the water that
the combustion created, and it could repeat the process, but by
doing so, it would go against the first law of thermodynamics, which
is that the amount of energy used S is equal to the amount of energy
released by a device such as an t engine.
How was it built? n
The fuel cell uses steel plates to be l the capacitor, and uses pure water
as the energy source. A current e then passes through the water,
causing it to break apart, but being y different from electrolysis, this cell
sends a staircase of pulses at about 42khz.
It is not a real fuel cell though, for Mit is actually an electrolytic cell,
because it uses water and not e waters base elements to produce
its final product. y
What if we put it in a car? r
Meyer has a video of the fuel cell powering a car called “It Runs on
Water”. He showed a dune buggy working by having a fine mist of water
injected into the engine and the water was then electrified and
combusted. The resulting combustion allowed for the base molecules to
be turned back into water, and the process could be performed again.
Meyer claimed that only 22 gallons of water had to be used to cross the

The water fuel cell, as described in Meyer's patents.

The circuit used to drive the water fuel cell, as described in Meyer's patents.
The new fuel cell system- Water Energy System (WES) developed by
Genepax, Japan uses water as a fuel and does not emit CO2. The system
can generate power just by supplying water and air to the fuel and air
electrodes, respectively. The basic power generation mechanism of the new
system is similar to that of a standard fuel cell, which uses hydrogen as a
fuel. The main feature of the new system is that it uses the company's
membrane electrode assembly (MEA), which contains a material capable of
breaking down water into hydrogen and oxygen through a chemical reaction.

Genepax unveiled a fuel cell stack with a rated output of 120W and a fuel
cell system with a rated output of 300W. The 300W system is an active
system, which supplies water and air with a pump. In the demonstration, the
company powered the TV and the lighting equipment with a lead-acid
battery charged by using the system. In addition, the 300W system was
mounted in the luggage room of a compact electric vehicle "Reva"
manufactured by Takeoka Mini Car Products Co Ltd, and the vehicle was
actually driven by the system.

In future Genepax intends to provide 1kw-class generation systems for use

in electric vehicles and for residential applications. The production cost is
presently about ¥2,000,000 (US$18,522), it can be reduced to ¥500,000
($5000) or lower if the company succeeds in mass production. Genepax
believes that its fuel cell system can compete with residential solar cell
systems if the cost is reduced to this level.
Gas4Free Results #1: Florence Sigusmundi
"I personally installed this system no problem at all...the
first week I increased my mileage by 60%"
I'm so glad I tried your system. I thought it be a big headache
and would involve getting into the guts of my engine. It was
much easier than I expected. I am a florist and I need to drive a

When gas prices go up, I spend all of my money at the gas pumps and my
paycheck suffers at the end of the week! I personally installed this
system no problem at all and after the first week I increased my mileage
by 60%. Not only that I was able to make the fact that I drive a
hybrid truck into an actual selling point for my business – I am now
known around town as the Green Florist who drives the truck run on a
water-hydrogen system. Not only have I made sure more flowers will grow
in the future by reducing greenhouse gas emissions but if this keeps up I
will also save thousands of dollars on gas this year.

Florence Sigusmundi - Without: 14MPG / With Gas4Free: 25MPG

Gas4Free Results #3: Harry Paulson
"your book has saved me and my customers a ton of
I run a car rental company up here in Canada that specializes in
auto sharing. Most of my cars are already economy cars but I
have gone one step further and converted every single on of the
cars in my fleet to water/hydrogen burning systems.

Doing this myself by using the simple system outlined in your book has
saved me and my customers a ton of money. I am super pleased with your
product and I have not ever had a single compliant from one customer
ever! No cars have broke down and my company has saved thousands on

Harry Paulson - Without: 32MPG / With Gas4Free: 72MPG

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