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Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan





Contact sheet / Communication Pyramid

General Direction on Crisis Communication

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Appendix A (Sample Crisis)


Appendix B (Media Training Support)


Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan

What is this document?
The crisis communication plan is a basic outline of options and resources you should
consider in the midst of a crisis. The goal of this plan is to provide a standardized strategy
directed by a coordinated crisis communication team. The purpose of this manual is to be a
unified structure, management, and communication resource necessary to provide an
accurate response to a crisis by establishing accountability and minimizing the negative
impact on the industry and community.
What is a crisis?
A crisis is a situation that threatens the integrity and reputation of your company. It includes
situations that are unexpected, disruptive to businesses, and otherwise have potentially
negative consequences for an industry. The crises outlined in this document pertain
specifically to the firearms industry in the state of Kansas.
Parameters for Use
Each crisis is unique. The development of this document will serve as the generalized
structure to formulate a response for any crisis. It is essential that the development of a
crisis communication plan entails the predetermined priority of circumstances or scenarios
that provide the potential for negative exposure to the firearms industry. These scenarios,
called trigger points will activate the use of this plan. Due to the multi-faceted nature of
Frontier Justice, there are a number of scenarios that could be considered as trigger points
for the establishment. The most prominent Trigger Points are outlined below:
Trigger points:
Incidents involving firearms

Fatal accidents identified as incidents caused by unintended discharge of weapon

causing death.
Murders identified as incidents where one individual intently shoots another causing
Suicides identified as incidents where an individual intently shoots himself/herself
causing death.
Non-fatal accidents identified as accidents caused by unintended discharge of
weapon causing a non-fatal injury. (Most common non-fatal accidents occur during
cleaning, clearing and holstering process).
Accidents due to negligence identified as accidents caused by inadequate or
improper supervision.
Accidents during training identified as accidents caused during official training
Accidents involving stray bullets identified as fatal or non-fatal accidents involving
stray bullets that fly beyond the range premises and enter neighboring areas.
Accidents causing fire identified as accidents where the range premises has
intentionally or unintentionally been set on fire.

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan

Illegal activities at store identified as incidents of activities occurring at the store

that are considered to be illegal by federal or state law. (Includes wire fraud, sale of
illegal products).
Theft identified as incidents of intentional theft and armed robberies at the firearms

Incidents involving clothing retail

Theft Identified as incidents of intentional theft and armed robberies at clothing
Weather related incidents

Structural damage Identified as damage to the structure due to incidents such as

floods, storms and tornados which impedes regular function of the establishment.

Incidents involving social & media issues

Misrepresentation Identified as damage to the reputation of Frontier Justice due to

incorrect or misrepresented information by the media.
Clarification Identified as incidents where it is necessary to correct statements
made by an employee/ owner of Frontier Justice when the values of the statement
contradict those of Frontier Justice.

This plan will contain resources and reference materials that may be helpful in covering a
crisis and developing an effective and timely response. Handling any crisis correctly and
responsibly can minimize its potential negative impact. When confronted with a crisis,
remember to tell it all, tell the truth and do so in a timely manner while using this document
as a resource. Doing so will ensure that you have done all you can to handle the crisis.
Moving forward
This crisis communication guide is divided into two broad phases which reflect the stages of
the crisis. Following the steps will allow you to be prepared and handle a crisis situation

Step 1 involves preparation before a crisis occurs and

Step 2 involves steps to be taken during the course of the conflict.

The document also contains a set of appendices which could serve as resources to
complement the document.

Appendix A contains a set of sample crisis communication templates that could be

applied to certain crisis situations at Frontier Justice.
Appendix B contains media training resources and communication templates to allow
effective and efficient communication with the media.

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan

Contact Sheet
In case of a crisis or on witnessing a trigger point, notify one or more members of the list
below to put into effect the crisis communication strategy.



Email address


Bren Brown


Chief Executive

Mike Brown


Media Liaison

Jessica Bjorgaard



Third Party

Jason Wagoner


Steve Stockstill


Legal Counsel

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan

Communication Pyramid
The purpose of the communication pyramid is to be a process of alerts whereby the
members of the lower end of the pyramid assume the responsibility of alerting the member
above them. This ensures that misinformation is minimized and that every individual can be
alerted efficiently.

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan

Bren O/
Steve Stockstill,
Jason Wagner, Director
of firearms
Anna Henry,NRA certified
Rachel Valdez, Retail
Team leaders (Firearms / retail)
Hourly employees - team members


Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


General direction on crisis communication

Step 1 Before crisis occurs
Crisis communication team
A crisis in the firearms industry, as illustrated by the identified trigger points, is often serious
and the management of the crisis is usually the responsibility of the proper authorities
(police, medical staff, etc.). The communication during the crisis is directed by the staff of
the location where the crisis occurs. The media relies on individuals who are familiar with the
policies of the store and are up to date with industry knowledge to explain the crisis and
communicate that effective steps are being taken to mitigate it. The crisis communication
team fulfills this responsibility.
The crisis communication team is essential to identify the actions to be taken when
communicating during a crisis. The team should be comprised of individuals who are key to
the situation including the CEO, the chief of Public Relations, senior managers, the safety
officer and the organizations legal counsel. Additionally, anyone else who can shed some
light on the situation such as an eye witness or industry expert should also be included.
The job of the team is to come up with a plan of action and deciding on an appropriate
person and supporting roles. It is important that in a situation of crisis, each member of the
team has an assigned role whether it be being the media liaison and take calls, conduct
research on past occurrences of the crisis or communicate with the organization staff and
keep them updated.
Once the crisis communication team is in place, a list should be compiled with the names,
contact information and designated responsibility of the team members so that they can be
reached during the build-up to the crisis. Check the Contact sheet on page 5 and the
Communication Pyramid on page 7 for examples.
Third party sources
A communicated message is more likely to be accepted and hold credibility if appropriate
third-party sources are used. Sources such as industry professionals, academics and
government officials have the ability to lend credibility to your message with fact and
statistical support.
Develop a list of constituents that can validate or support your position when a crisis strikes.
For instance, if a crisis occurs, a third party source such a security expert can verify that you
had, in fact, taken all necessary precautions from your end.
Similar to the crisis team, gather a contact list of third party sources and use them
appropriately in your messages and crisis communication strategy.
Primary spokesperson
One individual on the crisis communication team should be the primary spokesperson for the
company. It is his/her responsibility to make statements and answer media questions during
the course of the crisis on behalf of the company. Preferred criteria for the designated
spokesperson include:

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Knowledge about the organization and its policies.

Prior experience in dealing with media.
Skilled in identifying key points.
Clear and efficient communicator.
Ability to stay calm in stressful situations.
Able to establish credibility with the media.

A secondary spokesperson should also be appointed for situations where the primary
spokesperson unable to perform his/her duties.
Look to Appendix B for a basic media training resource and a list of questions
reporters are most likely to ask of a spokesperson during a crisis.
Field experts
Lastly, it is also important to designate individuals who will serve as technical experts or
advisors. These individuals can most likely be members of the Third Party Sources list.
These individuals should be authorities or technical experts in their fields and should be
available to supplement the knowledge of the spokesperson.
Mock scenarios
How a company acts during a crisis can make or break its reputation. Effectively
communicating through a crisis can result in the company emerging as a more trusted brand
once the crisis is dealt with. Likewise, bad crisis communication will decrease consumer
trust. This is especially true in the firearms industry where crisis involve death or severe
injuries. Mock scenarios and practice runs allow members of the store and crisis
communication team time to familiarize themselves with the process of crisis
communication before an actual crisis occurs. This makes the actual process less daunting,
smoother and more effective. As the old adage goes, Practice makes perfect, and this is
the best way to stay prepared.
The following serves as a pre-crisis checklist. The points contained in this list will allow
you to manage a crisis effectively:

You have reviewed the materials in the crisis communication handbook.

You have attended crisis communication training.
You have run mock scenarios to familiarize yourself with the process of crisis

You understand the types of crisis that your industry and store could encounter.
You have a crisis communication team in place.
You have completed the crisis communication teams contact sheet.
The crisis communication teams contact sheet is readily and easily available to all

The team contains the following people:
o Company CEO
o Company Public Relations officer
o Company legal counsel
o Senior staff
o A witness who can provide a first-hand explanation of what happened.
The crisis communication team has designated the following roles: Spokesperson,
Media liaison, Third party liaison and secondary spokesperson.

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Each member of the crisis communication team has a designated role.

Step 2 When crisis occurs

First signs of a crisis
Crisis are unexpected but an understanding of the early warning signs of a potential crisis
could afford you time to gather your crisis communication team and prepare to address the
issue effectively. An incident involving a trigger point is the most prominent notification of a
crisis, the crisis communication team must be contacted immediately following one of the
triggers. Additionally, look for the following signs to prepare your team:

Consumer complaints
Notification of legal issue
Contact from news media outlet
Contact from regulatory agency
Publication or broadcast of negative news report

Gather the crisis communication team

Once one or more signs of a potential crisis are observed, assemble the crisis
communication team as soon as possible. Use the crisis communication member sheet to
ensure all members of the team are present. Use the third-party sources sheet to notify the
appropriate sources of the crisis so they know to expect a request for their input. All
information that third party sources require should also be complied to assist them in
understanding the situation and your expectations.
Effective crisis communication can be done using the following steps:

Understanding the crisis

Understanding the audience
Formulating the message
Defining recovery
Communicating the message.

Understanding the crisis

Before you respond to a crisis, it is important to gain a collective understanding of the
incident. This will allow for decisions to be made on all the available facts which will prevent
confusion and misinformation. This can be done by asking the following questions:

What or who is involved in the accident? (identify the trigger points)

When did we first learn about the issue?
When did the issue first develop?
Who first learned about the problem? How long has it been going on?
Where is the event unfolding?
What is our role in the mitigation of the accident?
Did we do everything to prevent the accident? What steps did we take/ could you
have taken?

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


How are we responding to the crisis? OR How do we intend to respond to the crisis?
What steps are we currently taking/ intend to take to prevent such an incident from
occurring in the future?

Understanding the audience

Understanding the key audiences in a crisis situation allows you to craft messages using the
best means of communication for each separate audience and prioritize the importance of
communicating with each audience. Furthermore, understanding the attitude of the
audiences will allow you to address specific concerns which would help you manage the
situation effectively. Potential key audiences and communication vehicles for the audiences
are illustrated below:
Table 1

Potential comm.
Email or newsletter
Personal contact

Potential key messages


Phone calls
Personal contact
Other media



Conference calls
Personal meetings
Faxed statements
Other media
Conference calls
Personal meetings

What do they need to know about the

source of the problem?
How is the company resolving the
Will it affect employees in any way?
What are the employees expected to
do in the situation?
What do they need to know about the
source of the problem?
How are they affected? (financially/
What actions do they need to take to
help the situation?
What information could they provide
you/ other customers to aid the
ambassador or third-party source for
Will the association assist in finding
experts for you?
What actions are you taking regarding
the situation?
How would those actions improve the
What actions are they going to take?
How will those actions impact you and

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan



800 number
Press statement
Media, social media


News release
External Q & A
News briefings
Third party groups

your operations?
How are consumers affected?
What facts are available to you now?
How are you trying to resolve
When would you return to business-asusual?
To whom can they direct their
Complete report on the incident with
up-to-date facts.
Will the operations reputation be
Where can news media find more
Is this a national issue as opposed to
an individual issue?
What steps are being taken to resolve
the issue?
What would you identify as a resolution
to the issue?

Formulating the message

After understanding the crisis and the stakeholders affected by it, you can proceed to
communicating your goals to the target audience by formulating your core message. It is
advisable to use the 4 Rs when formulating your core message strategy.



Expressing concern that the incident occurred should be the first message
communicated across all platforms. Do so even if it was not the
organizations fault.
Whether the cause of the problem was the operations fault or not, the
operation should be prepared to take responsibility to resolve the issue. It
shows that the organization is committed to doing the right thing. It is
important that your actions reinforce the words.
Ensure the stakeholders that your organization is doing all it can to prevent
the incident from happening again.
If appropriate, detail how you and the industry will help those who have
been affected by the problem.

Note: All 4 Rs may not be applicable to all situations, the must be used
As seen in Table 1, different audiences have different concerns. The priorities of the media
could be different from those of your own employees which, in turn, could be different from
consumers. An effective crisis communication team is able to address each audience
separately while still remaining clear and consistent in their message. In order to do so, it is
important that you identify the key points and concerns that need to be addressed.
Defining recovery

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Effective recovery of a crisis should be the restoration of the industry or organization to its
original if not an improved condition. Recovery must be defined within the communication
strategy at it allows for the crisis communication team to have a set of clearly defined goals
to attain as well as address any changes that might be required to ensure that the crisis
does not happen again. In the firearms industry and cases of injury or death caused by
negligence, it is important to reiterate the precautions taken by the organization to prevent
it from happening again. Any larger implications on the industry uncovered as part of the
investigations into the incident should also be shared.
Communicating the message
Communicating a message can be more comprehensive and effective when you know the
audience and the message that is to be communicated to them. It is also important that
your message is clear and opens the avenue for two-way communication with the audience
where appropriate. Use the following points to ensure you have a sound plan in place that
covers all aspects of crisis communication.
1. Identify audience: Identify the stakeholders to whom the message is going to.
o Primary audience: This includes audiences that interact with the company on
a daily basis such as customers and employees. Also include the media in
primary audiences. Provide information to these audiences proactively.
o Secondary audience: This includes audiences that do not interact with the
company on a daily basis such as suppliers and city officials. Provide
information to these audiences only if asked.
2. Identify issue: What is the issue they have to deal with? (Varies by audience but
stems from original crisis)
3. Key messages: 3 points maximum. Written in a clear, 6-8 th grade language level.
Directly respond to concerns. Include what is being done to resolve the issue.
o Supporting information: facts and details about supporting Key messages.
Could use primary or secondary sources and third-party sources. Visuals,
personal stories and any other credible forms of information are also okay.
4. Information contact: If audience requires more information, who should they contact/
where can they find it?
5. Define recovery: When/ how will the organization return to business as usual?
Reiterate your steps taken to manage the crisis and how you are taking steps to
ensure the crisis does not occur again.
Refer to the table below to stay on-track with your messaging and communicate clearly.
Make a separate table for each identified audience to tailor your message to them.

Key message

Supporting info
1.A A A
2.B B B
3.C C C

The following serves as a post-crisis checklist to ensure all aspects of the crisis
communication process have been covered:

Trigger point of crisis was identified appropriately.

Initial response (if required) was acted upon.

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Crisis communication team was assembled with all required members present.
Thorough understanding of the situation was reached.
Team was able to identify both primary and secondary audiences.
The team was able to formulate messages catering to individual audiences.
o Language of the message was easy to understand.
o Message was short and on-point
o The 4 Rs were incorporated in formulating the message.
A plan of recovery or business as usual, was established
The messages were communicated to appropriate audiences through the right media

Reflected on success of program and identified areas of improvement.

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan




Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Crisis communication for Frontier Justice

Step 1 Before crisis occurs
Frontier Justice houses a number of functions within its establishment. As such, the crises
that the firearms section of the organization could potentially be exposed differ from those
of the clothing section. Firstly, prevention of crises and trigger points for crises should be a
priority for Frontier Justice. This can be done by implementing industry best practices and
taking any appropriate additional measures to ensure that the chances for a crisis scenario
to occur is minimal. The steps below outline some steps that should be taken to prevent
crisis and trigger points from occurring:

Understand the types of potential crises that Frontier Justice could face.
Keep the crisis communication contact sheet easily accessible.
Familiarize all employees of the communication chain.
Conduct crisis communication workshops.
Maintain positive and respectful attitude with all employees.
Continuously research and implement industry best-practices.
Run regular trials of the crisis communication process to be familiar with the process.
Maintain positive and cordial relations with potential third-party sources.
Maintain positive and open relationships with the media.

Management of the often serious crises at firearms facilities is the responsibility of external
authorities such as the police or medical staff. The communication phase of the crises,
however, is the responsibility of Frontier Justice. It is the responsibility of the crisis
communication team (outlined on pg. 3) to identify the correct response to a crises and
maintain open lines of communication with the appropriate audiences.
Third party sources
Using testimony from an external authority to illustrate or provide factual data lends
credibility to your claims and makes them more believable and therefore more efficient. For
instance, if you are dealing with a crisis where a firearm was accidently discharged causing
injury, having a representative from a regulatory agency validate that you had done all you
could to prevent the incident from occurring (such as emphasis on safety in training,
conspicuous signage promoting safe use of firearms) gives credibility and mitigates some
blame from being placed on Frontier Justice. Maintaining positive relations with suppliers,
government regulators, local academics and the local police department is one way of
ensuring that when a crisis occurs, you will have favorable and fact-based support to aid
your claims
Frontier Justices list of third party sources can be found in the front of the binder with the
crisis communication contact sheet.
Mock Scenarios
Mock scenarios and practice runs allow members of the store and crisis communication
team time to familiarize themselves with the process of crisis communication before an
actual crisis occurs. This makes the actual process less daunting, smoother and more
effective. As the old adage goes, Practice makes perfect, and this is the best way to stay

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Frontier Justice will schedule mock scenario exercises twice a year. During these practice
runs, Frontier Justice will alert local authorities, customers and employees of the mock
scenario before it occurs.

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Pre-Crisis Checklist
The following serves as a pre-crisis checklist. The points contained in this list will allow
you to manage a crisis effectively:

You have reviewed the materials in the crisis communication handbook.

You have attended crisis communication training.
You have run mock scenarios to familiarize yourself with the process of crisis

You understand the types of crisis that your industry and store could encounter.
You have a crisis communication team in place.
You have completed the crisis communication teams contact sheet.
The crisis communication teams contact sheet is readily and easily available to all

The team contains the following people:
o Company CEO
o Company Public Relations officer
o Company legal counsel
o Senior staff
o A witness who can provide a first-hand explanation of what happened.
The crisis communication team has designated the following roles: Spokesperson,

Media liaison, Third party liaison and secondary spokesperson.

Each member of the crisis communication team has a designated role.

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Step 2 When crisis occurs

First signs of a crisis
Crisis are unexpected but an understanding of the early warning signs of a potential crisis
could afford you time to gather your crisis communication team and prepare to address the
issue effectively. Warning signs or trigger points vary in in every scenario. Sometimes, the
incident itself can serve as the first warning sign (such as an accident at Frontier Justice) but
sometimes the first signs show up days later in the form of customer complaints. For Frontier
Justice, the following potential crises have been identified:
Incidents involving firearms

Fatal accidents identified as incidents caused by unintended discharge of weapon

causing death.
Murders identified as incidents where one individual intently shoots another causing
Suicides identified as incidents where an individual intently shoots himself/herself
causing death.
Non-fatal accidents identified as accidents caused by unintended discharge of
weapon causing a non-fatal injury. (Most common non-fatal accidents occur during
cleaning, clearing and holstering process).
Accidents due to negligence identified as accidents caused by inadequate or
improper supervision.
Accidents during training identified as accidents caused during official training
Accidents involving stray bullets identified as fatal or non-fatal accidents involving
stray bullets that fly beyond the range premises and enter neighboring areas.
Accidents causing fire identified as accidents where the range premises has
intentionally or unintentionally been set on fire.
Illegal activities at store identified as incidents of activities occurring at the store
that are considered to be illegal by federal or state law. (Includes wire fraud, sale of
illegal products).
Theft identified as incidents of intentional theft and armed robberies at the firearms

Incidents involving clothing retail

Theft Identified as incidents of intentional theft and armed robberies at clothing
Weather related incidents

Structural damage Identified as damage to the structure due to incidents such as

floods, storms and tornados which impedes regular function of the establishment.

Incidents involving social & media issues

Misrepresentation Identified as damage to the reputation of Frontier Justice due to

incorrect or misrepresented information by the media.

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Clarification Identified as incidents where it is necessary to correct statements

made by an employee/ owner of Frontier Justice when the values of the statement
contradict those of Frontier Justice.

Gather the crisis communication team

Once one or more signs of a potential crisis are observed, assemble the crisis
communication team as soon as possible. Use the crisis communication member sheet to
ensure all members of the team are present. Use the third-party sources sheet to notify the
appropriate sources of the crisis so they know to expect a request for their input. All
information that third party sources require should also be complied to assist them in
understanding the situation and your expectations.
Once the crisis communication team has been gathered, follow these steps for effective
crisis communication:

Understanding the crisis

Understanding the audience
Formulating the message
Defining recovery
Communicating the message.

Understanding the crisis

Before you respond to a crisis, it is important to gain a collective understanding of the
incident. This will allow for decisions to be made on all the available facts which will prevent
confusion and misinformation. This can be done by asking the following questions:

What or who is involved in the accident? (identify the trigger points)

When did we first learn about the issue?
When did the issue first develop?
Who first learned about the problem? How long has it been going on?
Where is the event unfolding?
What is our role in the mitigation of the accident?
Did we do everything to prevent the accident? What steps did we take/ could you
have taken?
How are we responding to the crisis? OR How do we intend to respond to the crisis?
What steps are we currently taking/ intend to take to prevent such an incident from
occurring in the future?

Understanding the audience

Understanding the key audiences in a crisis situation allows you to craft messages using the
best means of communication for each separate audience. Furthermore, understanding the
attitude of the audiences will allow you to address specific concerns which would help you
manage the situation effectively. Potential key audiences and communication vehicles for
the audiences are illustrated below:


Primary Audience Respond proactively
News release
Who, what, where, when, why?
Does the company have a history
Local news
External Q & A
of incidents?

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan



News briefings

What safety procedures are in

Why didnt the safety procedures
See Appendix for more questions.
What happened?
800 number
Should we be concerned for our
Press statement
social What is Frontier Justice doing for
restitution and to prevent this
from happening again?
Email or
What do I need to do?
Can I contact loved ones?
Personal contact What should I do if the media asks
me questions?
When will the store reopen?
Secondary Audience Respond reactively
Conference calls Could the association be an
ambassador or third-party source
for you?
Will the association assist in
finding experts for you?
Other media
State of Missouri
What actions are you taking
Lee Website
regarding the situation?
Conference calls How would those actions improve
the situation?
What actions are they going to
How will those actions impact you
and your operations?

Formulating the message

After understanding the crisis and the stakeholders affected by it, you can proceed to
communicating your goals to the target audience by formulating your core message. It is
advisable to use the 4 Rs when formulating your core message strategy.


Expressing concern that the incident occurred should be the first message
communicated across all platforms. Do so even if it was not the
organizations fault.
Whether the cause of the problem was the operations fault or not, the
operation should be prepared to take responsibility to resolve the issue. It
shows that the organization is committed to doing the right thing. It is
important that your actions reinforce the words.

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan



Ensure the stakeholders that your organization is doing all it can to prevent
the incident from happening again.
If appropriate, detail how you and the industry will help those who have
been affected by the problem.

Note: All 4 Rs may not be applicable to all situations, the must be used
As seen in the table under Understanding the audience, different audiences have different
concerns. The priorities of the media could be different from those of your own employees
which, in turn, could be different from consumers. An effective crisis communication team is
able to address each audience separately while still remaining clear and consistent in their
message. In order to do so, it is important that you identify the key points and concerns that
need to be addressed.
Defining recovery
Effective recovery of a crisis should be the restoration of the industry or organization to its
original if not an improved condition. Recovery must be defined within the communication
strategy at it allows for the crisis communication team to have a set of clearly defined goals
to attain as well as address any changes that might be required to ensure that the crisis
does not happen again. In the firearms industry and cases of injury or death caused by
negligence, it is important to reiterate the precautions taken by the organization to prevent
it from happening again. Any larger implications on the industry uncovered as part of the
investigations into the incident should also be shared.
Communicating the message
Communicating a message can be more comprehensive and effective when you know the
audience and the message that is to be communicated to them. It is also important that
your message is clear and opens the avenue for two-way communication with the audience
where appropriate. Use the following points to ensure you have a sound plan in place that
covers all aspects of crisis communication.
6. Identify audience: Identify the stakeholders to whom the message is going to.
o Primary audience: This includes audiences that interact with the company on
a daily basis such as customers and employees. Also include the media in
primary audiences. Provide information to these audiences proactively.
o Secondary audience: This includes audiences that do not interact with the
company on a daily basis such as suppliers and city officials. Provide
information to these audiences only if asked.
7. Identify issue: What is the issue they have to deal with? Check understanding the
8. Key messages: 3 points maximum. Written in a clear, 6-8 th grade language level.
Directly respond to concerns. Include what is being done to resolve the issue.
9. Supporting information: facts and details about supporting Key messages. Could use
primary or secondary sources and third-party sources. Visuals, personal stories and
any other credible forms of information are also okay.
10.Information contact: If audience requires more information, who should they contact/
where can they find it?

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


11.Define recovery: When/ how will the organization return to business as usual?
Reiterate your steps taken to manage the crisis and how you are taking steps to
ensure the crisis does not occur again.
Refer to the table below to stay on-track with your messaging and communicate clearly.
Make a separate table for each identified audience to tailor your message to them.

Key message

Supporting info
1.A A A
2.B B B
3.C C C

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Post-Crisis Checklist
The following serves as a post-crisis checklist to ensure all aspects of the crisis
communication process have been covered:

Trigger point of crisis was identified appropriately.

Initial response (if required) was acted upon.
Crisis communication team was assembled with all required members present.
Thorough understanding of the situation was reached.
Team was able to identify both primary and secondary audiences.
The team was able to formulate messages catering to individual audiences.
o Language of the message was easy to understand.
o Message was short and on-point
o The 4 Rs were incorporated in formulating the message.
A plan of recovery or business as usual, was established
The messages were communicated to appropriate audiences through the right media

Reflected on success of plan and identified areas for improvement.

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan






Intentional fatality


Non-Fatal Accidents





Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


EXAMPLE A: Crisis with intentional fatality

A crisis with an intentional fatality would be considered any situation in which a shooter
purposefully shoots himself or another person with the intention of killing the target.
Potential causes for an intentional killing include mental illness (schizophrenia/PTSD) and
crimes of passion (hate/revenge/political motivation).
This news story has been used to build this example: Mom kills son, then self at shooting
First Response to Crisis
Call an immediate ceasefire to all lanes.
Call 911
Close Frontier Justice for the time being.
Administer required first aid
Follow the communication chain to alert the crisis communication team
Keep all visitors in store till authorities arrive
Instruct all on-duty employees on next steps
Gather the crisis communication team
Once first response of the crisis has been completed, assemble all members of the crisis
communication team as soon as possible. The team should go through the following steps to
move forward with crisis communications in the best way.

Understanding the crisis

Understanding the audience
Formulating the message
Defining recovery
Communicating the message.

Notify third party sources if they can expect a request for a media appearance.
1. Understanding the crisis
At this point, immediately after the crisis has occurred there is no way to know the
motivation of the shooter. It is imperative that the team discusses all aspects of what they
do know in order to present the facts in a unified manner and avoid confusion and

Who did what and where?

o Visitor Marie Moore shot her son, Mitchell Moore, killing him, and then shot and
killed herself. The shootings happened in one of the handgun bays at Frontier
Who first learned about the problem?
o Frontier Justice Firearms Director, Jason Wagoner, who was managing the lanes
and saw Mitchell drop, immediately following by Marie.
What is our role in the mitigation of the accident?
o We immediately called emergency services
o Closed the range and retail store
o Verifying that all safety protocols were being followed.

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Did we do everything to prevent the accident? What steps did we take/ could you have
o Review our safeguards for screening for patrons for any warning signs of
o Review response in place if we believe someone to be a danger to themselves or
How are we responding to the crisis? OR How do we intend to respond to the crisis?
o We are deeply saddened by the events, and are fully cooperating with law
enforcement during the investigation of this incident. We have/will turn over
security videos of incident to the authorities.
o We wish there were a way to clearly identify those who need help because of
mental illnesses, but unfortunately many times we find out too late.
What steps are we taking/ intend to take to prevent such an incident from occurring in
the future?
o We are reviewing our protocol for screening range visitors for both mental and
emotional handicaps that may increase the risk of accidents to identify any
potential areas for improvement.

2. Understanding the audience

Understanding the key concerns of the audience will allow you to address each concern
individually using the media that is most convenient to them. The following are the most
important audiences in this scenario:


Primary Audience Respond proactively
News release
Who, what, where, when, why?
Does the company have a history
Local news
External Q & A
of incidents?
News briefings
What safety procedures are in
Why didnt the safety procedures
See Appendix for more questions.
What happened?
800 number
Should we be concerned for our
Press statement
social What is Frontier Justice doing for
restitution and to prevent this
from happening again?
Email or
What do I need to do?
Can I contact loved ones?
Personal contact What should I do if the media asks
me questions?
When will the store reopen?
Secondary Audience Respond reactively
Conference calls Could the association be an
ambassador or third-party source

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


State of Missouri

Other media
Conference calls

for you?
Will the association assist
finding experts for you?


What actions are you taking

regarding the situation?
How would those actions improve
the situation?
What actions are they going to
How will those actions impact you
and your operations?

3. Formulating the message

After understanding the crisis and the stakeholders affected by it, you can proceed to
communicating your goals to the target audience by formulating your core message. In the
case of a murder-suicide, the communication of facts and names should be left to the
appropriate authorities. Frontier Justice, in its communication should express their support
and cooperation with the activities of the authorities and outline steps to re-iterate their
commitment to consumer safety.


We regret that the incident occurred at Frontier Justice. Our staff and
partners are deeply saddened by this accident. Frontier Justice is
committed to fostering a safe atmosphere through responsible gun use.
While we have taken all possible precautions to prevent accidents from
occurring on Frontier Justice premises, we do realize that all we can do is
sometimes not enough. We believe that a more educated and responsible
use of guns, along with more improved screening for mental illness before
the use of firearms is key to a safer environment for all.
We are currently reviewing all screening protocols for range visitors for
both mental and emotional handicaps that may increase the risk of
accidents to identify any potential areas for improvement.

4. Defining recovery
Recovery or a return to a business as usual environment can be brought about by
communicating Frontier Justices stance on safe and responsible gun use and an increased
emphasis on doing so in all modes of instruction directed by Frontier Justice. It is also
important to reiterate the steps frontier Justice plans to take to restore the business as
usual environment. This can be done by:
a. Reviewing all screening protocols for range visitors for both mental and emotional
handicaps that may increase the risk of accidents to identify any potential areas for
improvement; and
b. Increasing signage that promotes responsible and safe gun use around the shooting

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


5. Communicating the message

Use the messages and processes outlined in the previous steps to formulate your final
message. Make sure you are clear and concise with your primary audiences as well as
answer any questions and engage them in all forms of media identified in Step 2. Also,
identify which team member will be responsible for communicating with each audience.
Local news


Key messages
What do we know?
How are we
How are we solving
the issue?

a. A customer at Frontier Justice shot her
son, killing him, and then shot and
killed herself. The shootings happened
in one of the handgun bays at Frontier
b. Frontier Justice Firearms Director, Jason
Wagoner saw the incident and called
the authorities.
c. Operations
indefinitely, any announcements about
resuming operations can be found at or through
social media.
d. In an attempt to resolve this issue we
are reviewing all screening protocols
for range visitors for both mental and
emotional handicaps that may increase
the risk of accidents to identify any
potential areas for improvement and
Increasing signage that promotes
responsible and safe gun use around
the shooting range.
e. We have and will continue to extend
complete cooperation with the police
and medical services on this matter.
f. Media can find more information by
contacting Bren Brown, Owner and CEO
of Frontier Justice at and/or 816 868 4325

What do we know?
What is the truth?
How are we solving

a. A customer at Frontier Justice shot her

son, killing him, and then shot and
killed herself. The shootings happened
in one of the handgun bays at Frontier
b. We have and will continue to extend
complete cooperation with the police
and medical services on this matter.
c. Operations
indefinitely, any announcements about
resuming operations can be found at or through

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


social media.
d. We and our partners are deeply
saddened by this incidents and would
like to stress the importance of
responsible gun use by all.
e. In an attempt to resolve this issue we
are reviewing all screening protocols
for range visitors for both mental and
emotional handicaps that may increase
the risk of accidents to identify any
potential areas for improvement and
Increasing signage that promotes
responsible and safe gun use around
the shooting range.
f. Consumers can find more information
through our Facebook page and
immediate concerns please contact


What do we know?
How can you help
How does it affect

a. A customer at Frontier Justice shot her

son, killing him, and then shot and
killed herself. The shootings happened
in one of the handgun bays at Frontier
b. Frontier Justice Firearms Director, Jason
Wagoner saw the incident and called
the authorities.
c. Operations
indefinitely, any announcements about
resuming operations can be found at or through
social media.
d. We and our partners are deeply
saddened by this incidents and would
like to stress the importance of
responsible gun use by all.
e. We have and will continue to extend
complete cooperation with the police
and medical services on this matter.
f. In an attempt to resolve this issue we
are reviewing all screening protocols
for range visitors for both mental and
emotional handicaps that may increase
the risk of accidents to identify any
potential areas for improvement and
Increasing signage that promotes

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


responsible and safe gun use around

the shooting range.
g. For more information, contact your

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan




Bren Brown, President


LEES SUMMIT, Mo. We regret to confirm that we have had two fatal shootings at our
training facility today. We are currently working closely with law enforcement to get to the
bottom of this incident. We dont know the motive, but from the initial evidence this appears
to be a murder-suicide situation.
All members of our team are deeply saddened by this mornings events. A cornerstone of
our business is to promote and provide a safe environment for our community to enjoy
shooting sports. We have and will continue to cooperate completely with the authorities till
this matter is resolved. As of now, Frontier Justice has been closed indefinitely.
While we have taken all possible precautions to prevent accidents from occurring at Frontier
Justice, we do realize that all we can do is sometimes not enough. We believe that a more
educated and responsible use of guns, along with more improved screening for mental
illness before the use of firearms is key to a safer environment for all.
In an attempt to do all we can to resolve this issue, we are reviewing all screening protocols
for range visitors for both mental and emotional handicaps that may increase the risk of
accidents to identify any potential areas for improvement. We are also increasing signage
that promotes responsible and safe gun use around the shooting range.
Frontier Justice is a one-of-a-kind company that not only provides a next generation firearms
training facility, but also offers a unique retail experience that combines a hint of the west in
an urban setting with apparel, jewelry and home furnishings. Frontier Justice firmly believes
in faith, family and freedom while promoting personal responsibility. To fulfill this mission all
products, training classes and services are offered for the entire family, regardless of age,
ethnicity or gender. Owned by a Christian family that is committed to supporting the faith
community, Frontier Justice donates ten percent of all sales directly to the National Christian
Foundation. For more information, visit

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


EXAMPLE B: Non-fatal accident

A crisis with a non-fatal injury would be considered as any situation where an injury or bodily
harm is caused due to the accidental discharge of a firearm Research shows that this
mainly occurs during the cleaning and holstering phase of shooting. The main cause of nonfatal accidents at a gun-range is mainly negligence on the part of the customer.
This example is based on the following news story: Man shot in stomach by friend at
shooting range.
First Response to crisis
Call an immediate ceasefire to all lanes.
Call 911
Close Frontier Justice for the time being.
Administer required first aid
Follow the communication chain to alert the crisis communication team
Keep all visitors in store till authorities arrive
Instruct all on-duty employees on next steps
Gather the crisis communication team
Once the initial response of the crisis has been completed, assemble all members of the
crisis communication team as soon as possible. The team should go through the following
steps to move forward with crisis communications in the most efficient way:

Understand the crisis

Understand the audience
Formulate the message
Define recovery
Communicate the message

Notify third party sources if they can expect a request for a media appearance.
1. Understanding the crisis
At the point immediately after the crisis has occurred there is no way to know the motivation
of the shooter. It is imperative that the team discusses all aspects of what they do know in
order to present the facts in a unified manner and avoid confusion and misinformation.
Who did what and where?
o A customer, Anthony Crowe was shot and injured on lance C today around
3:30pm. He was shot by his friend who was attempting to clear his weapon when
it was accidently fired. Crowe was taken by authorities to the Lake Hospital
systems in Willoughby and was airlifted to MetroHealth medical center from there.
Who first learned about the problem?
o Lauren (fict.) one of the team leaders in the firearms section of the store
witnessed the problem and communicated the incident up the communication
What is our role in the mitigation of the accident?

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


We immediately called emergency services

We closed the range and retail store
Verified that all safety protocols were being followed.
Did we do everything to prevent the accident? What steps did we/ could we have
o Review our safeguards for mentally ill patients.
o We have conspicuous signage that encourages patrons to be careful and carry
their weapons responsibly.
o We have classes and instruction that emphasizes on ways to thoroughly clean and
care for firearms.
o Do we have a response in place if we believe that someone is in danger of to
themselves or to others?
How are we responding to the crisis? Or how do we intend to respond?
o We are regret the accident that happened and are cooperating with law
enforcement during the investigation. We have turned over all security footage
from the incident to the authorities. To ensure that an accident like this is not
repeated, we are increasing the emphasis on handling weapons and focusing on
cleaning, clearing and holstering of weapons safely.
What steps are we taking/ intend to take to prevent such an incident from occurring in
the future?
o To ensure that an accident like this is not repeated, we are increasing the
emphasis on handling weapons and focusing on cleaning, clearing and holstering
of weapons safely.

2. Understanding the audience

Understanding the key concerns of the audience will allow you to address each concern
individually using the media that is most convenient to them. The following are the most
important audiences in this scenario:

Communication Media

Addressing key concerns

Primary Audiences: Respond proactively

Local news

News release
External Q & A
News briefings


800 number
Press statement

Complete report on the incident with

up-to-date facts.
Will the operations reputation be
Where can news media find more
Is this a national issue as opposed to
an individual issue?
What steps are being taken to resolve
the issue?
What would you identify as a resolution
to the issue?
How are consumers affected?
What facts are available to you now?
How are you trying to resolve

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan




State of Missouri
City of Lee Summit

When would you return to business-asusual?
To whom can they direct their
Email or newsletter
What do they need to know about the
Personal contact
source of the problem?
How is the company resolving the
Will it affect employees in any way?
What are the employees expected to
do in the situation?
Secondary Audiences: Respond reactively
Conference calls
Personal meetings
ambassador or third-party source for
Will the association assist in finding
Faxed statements
experts for you?
Other media
What actions are you taking regarding
the situation?
Conference calls
How would those actions improve the
Personal meetings
What actions are they going to take?
How will those actions impact you and
your operations?
Media, social media

3. Formulating the message.

Once there is a consensus on the facts about the crisis and the individuals it affects the
most, you can proceed to formulate the message that will be communicated to the different
audiences. In a situation where one patrons negligence caused injury to another, Frontier
Justice would likely not have to assume responsibility. However, in keeping with the 4Rs, it
would help Frontier Justices brand by being proactive and expressing regret that an accident
happened at it premises and outline how they plan to be proactive using the resources at
their disposal.


We regret that the incident happened on Frontier Justice premises. Frontier

Justice is committed to safety and responsible gun use and we hope that
Mr. Crowe has a quick recovery. While we have taken all possible
precautions to prevent accidents from occurring on Frontier Justice
premises, we do realize that all we can do is sometimes not enough. We
believe that a more educated and responsible use of guns is key to a safer
environment for all.
We have increased emphasis on safely clearing, cleaning and holstering
guns in all classes and means of instruction provided at Frontier Justice. We

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


are also working to make the signage around our shooting range more
prominent and conspicuous.
4. Defining recovery
Recovery or a return to a business as usual environment can be brought about by
communicating Frontier Justices stance on safe and responsible gun use and an increased
emphasis on doing so in all modes of instruction directed by Frontier Justice. This can be
done by:
a. Introducing a mandatory session on clearing, cleaning and holstering weapons before
every class; and
b. Increasing signage that promotes responsible and safe gun use around the shooting
5. Communicating the message
Use the messages and processes outlined in the previous steps to formulate your final
message. Make sure you are clear and concise with your primary audiences as well as
answer any questions and engage them in all forms of media identified in Step 2. Also,
identify which team member will be responsible for communicating with each audience.
Local news

Key messages
g. What do we know?
h. How are we
i. How are we solving
the issue?

a. A customer using the firing range at
Frontier Justice accidently shot his
friend in the stomach as he was
clearing his weapon.
b. The victim was shot in the right side of
the stomach and is currently receiving
medical treatment.
c. Frontier Justice closed the firing range
and store and alerted emergency
services while the range administered
the required first aid.
d. Operations will remain closed for the
rest of the day, any announcements
about resuming operations can be
found at or
through social media.
e. In an attempt to resolve this issue we
are placing a greater emphasis on
safety and responsible gun use on our
premises. We are in the process of
introducing a mandatory session on
gun safety practices at the beginning
of every course at Frontier Justice.
f. Media can find more information by
contacting Bren Brown, Owner and CEO

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


of Frontier Justice at and/or 816 868 4325


j. What do we know?
k. What is the truth?
l. How are we solving


What do we know?
How can you help
How does it affect

a. A customer using the firing range at

Frontier Justice accidently shot his
friend in the stomach as he was
clearing his weapon.
b. The victim was shot in the right side of
the stomach and is currently receiving
medical treatment.
c. Frontier Justice closed the firing range
and store and alerted emergency
services while the range administered
the required first aid.
d. Operations will remain closed for the
rest of the day, any announcements
about resuming operations can be
found at or
through social media.
e. In an attempt to resolve this issue we
are placing a greater emphasis on
safety and responsible gun use on our
premises. We are in the process of
introducing a mandatory session on
gun safety practices at the beginning
of every course at Frontier Justice.
f. Consumers can find more information
through our Facebook page and
g. For immediate concerns please contact
a. A customer using the firing range at
Frontier Justice accidently shot his
friend in the stomach as he was
clearing his weapon.
b. The victim was shot in the right side of
the stomach and is currently receiving
medical treatment.
c. Operations will remain closed for the
rest of the day, any announcements
about resuming operations can be
found at or
through social media.
d. In an attempt to resolve this issue we
are placing a greater emphasis on
safety and responsible gun use on our

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


premises. We are in the process of

introducing a mandatory session on
gun safety practices at the beginning
of every course at Frontier Justice.
e. You can help by familiarizing yourselves
with the Frontier Justice Mission
Statement and going through any
firearms safety instruction.
f. For more information, contact your

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Sample News Release


August 06, 2014


Bren Brown, President


LEES SUMMIT, Mo. We regret to confirm that an accident causing a non-fatal injury
occurred on Frontier Justices premises at the shooting range today. The shooting occurred
around 3:30pm today when a customer accidently discharged a firearm during the clearing
process, shooting another customer in the stomach. The victim is currently receiving medical
treatment at MetroHealth medical center.
A cornerstone of our business is promoting safe and responsible gun use and providing our
community a comfortable environment to enjoy shooting sports. While we have taken all
possible precautions to prevent accidents from occurring at Frontier Justice, we do realize
that all we can do is sometimes not enough. We believe that a more educated and
responsible use of guns is key to a safer environment for all. We further believe in doing all
we can to prevent an incident of this nature from happening. We have therefore increased
emphasis on safely clearing, cleaning and holstering guns in all classes and means of
instruction provided at Frontier Justice. We are also working to make the signage around our
shooting range more prominent and conspicuous.
We would like to express our support for the work done by emergency services and wish the
victim a safe and quick recovery.
Frontier Justice is a one-of-a-kind company that not only provides a next generation firearms
training facility, but also offers a unique retail experience that combines a hint of the west in
an urban setting with apparel, jewelry and home furnishings. Frontier Justice firmly believes
in faith, family and freedom while promoting personal responsibility. To fulfill this mission all
products, training classes and services are offered for the entire family, regardless of age,
ethnicity or gender. Owned by a Christian family that is committed to supporting the faith
community, Frontier Justice donates ten percent of all sales directly to the National Christian
Foundation. For more information, visit

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan



Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


EXAMPLE C: Misinformation
A crisis concerning misrepresentation would be considered a situation where the false claims
about Frontier Justice are being made to the public either through the news or social media.
Consider the following scenario. An employee scrolling the official Frontier Justice Facebook
page encounters a number of reviews posted by an individual named Ken M. All reviews
have a similar tone and common word choice and have been posted through the same
account. Ken M asserts that he had recently been to the Frontier Justice where an employee
had denied him service because he was African American.
Ken M asserts that the employee then refused to allow Ken M into the gun range and had
asked him to leave Frontier Justices premises. Ken M is furious at Frontier Justice and claims
that his race was the reason Frontier Justice had not allowed him in.
The employee brings this to the attention of a supervisor who deems it a trigger point.
First Response to Crisis
Attempt to contact the posters and resolve the issue offline by asking them to
directly contact Frontier Justice via email or phone.
If issue cannot be resolved or no response is obtained from the original poster,
contact the crisis communication team.
Screenshot/ print all posts and communication with posters.
DO NOT make negative comments about posters.
DO NOT delete the comments or attempt to censor the post unless directed to do so
by the media liaison.
DO NOT attempt to justify any comments before directed to do so by the crisis
communication team.
Gather the crisis communication team
Once the initial response of the crisis has been completed and the issue has not been
resolved, assemble all members of the crisis communication team as soon as possible. The
team should go through the following steps to move forward with crisis communications in
the most efficient way:

Understand the crisis

Understand the audience
Formulate the message
Define recovery
Communicate the message

Notify third party sources if they can expect a request for a media appearance.
1. Understanding the crisis
At this point, it is clear that Ken Ms motivation was not meant to be constructive and cannot
be resolved through private means. It is also clear that the comments posted on social

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


media were viewed by any visitors to your page and might have also been featured by local
news outlets, blogs and any potential customers. Before formulating a response, it is
imperative that the team discuss all aspects of the situation. This will allow them to form a
uniform, top-down strategy and decrease opportunity for misinformation to spread.

Who did what and where?

o Poster Ken M created a post on the review section of Frontier Justices
Facebook page claiming that Frontier Justices claimed it would not serve him
because he is African American.
Who first learned about the problem?
o Frontier Justice was alerted to the post by an off-duty employee browsing
through its FB page.
What was our role in mitigating the accident?
o We attempted to contact the poster through direct messaging to find out more
information about the incident.
o We looked through our own records for a Ken M to see if we could verify any
o We found no information and did not hear back from Ken M so we assembled
the crisis communication team.
Did we do everything we could to prevent the accident?
o Yes, Frontier Justice has a strict non-discrimination policy that forms a part of
our mission statement.
o All staff have instruction to not discriminate against any customer or potential
o Once crisis was noticed, attempt was made to constructively solve the issue
How do we intend to respond to the crisis?
o Acknowledge that we noticed the post.
o Express regret that such misinformation has been spread about Frontier
o Explain that you took steps to resolve the issue.
o Express regret that the issue has not yet been resolved.
o Reaffirm our status as an establishment that is open to all.
o Provide contact details for future complaints of this nature.
What steps do we intend to take to ensure the crisis does not occur again?
o We are making it easier to report issues of such sensitive manner.
o We are making our policies and position on the issue of discrimination in all its
forms clear to all employees.

2. Understanding the audience

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Understanding the key concerns of the audience will allow you to address each concern
individually using the media that is most convenient to them. The following are the most
important audiences in this scenario:

Communication Media

Addressing key concerns

Primary Audiences: Respond proactively

Local news




State of Missouri
City of Lee Summit

News release
External Q & A
News briefings

Complete report on the incident with

up-to-date facts.
Will the operations reputation be
Where can news media find more
Is this a national issue as opposed to
an individual issue?
What steps are being taken to resolve
the issue?
What would you identify as a resolution
to the issue?
How are consumers affected?
800 number
What facts are available to you now?
Press statement
How are you trying to resolve
Media, social media
When would you return to business-asusual?
To whom can they direct their
Email or newsletter
What do they need to know about the
Personal contact
source of the problem?
How is the company resolving the
Will it affect employees in any way?
What are the employees expected to
do in the situation?
Secondary Audiences: respond reactively
Conference calls
Personal meetings
ambassador or third-party source for
Will the association assist in finding
Faxed statements
experts for you?
Other media
What actions are you taking regarding
the situation?
Conference calls
How would those actions improve the
Personal meetings
What actions are they going to take?

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


How will those actions impact you and

your operations?

3. Formulating the message

After noting the primary audiences and their main concerns, formulating the message in
accordance with the 4 Rs can ensure that all concerns are addressed in a responsible
manner. In a situation concerning a crisis caused by misrepresentation, the concept outlined
by the Restitution phrase does not apply as Frontier Justice was wrongfully accused of an
action. However constructing a message expressing regret and citing an initiative to reform
a practice can send the signal that Frontier Justice takes the issue seriously and is willing to
take steps to go above and beyond to rectify the issue.


In the initial comment on the post, express regret that Ken M had a
negative experience at Frontier Justice before offering to resolve the issue
In your response, express regret that such misinformation has been spread
about Frontier Justice. Also express regret that people had their feelings
hurt by the misinformation.
Our goal is to make issues as sensitive as discrimination easier to report to
the highest level. We are taking steps to create a form where issues and
concerns can be brought directly to the owners attention. In the
meantime, the owner can be accessed at (info)

4. Defining recovery
Recovery or a return to a business as usual environment can be brought about by
communicating the values and stance of Frontier Justice on the issue of discrimination clear
to all primary audiences and either resolving, clarifying or denying the accusations posted
on the Facebook page. Additionally, from an internal perspective, such matters can be
resolved by:
c. Reaffirming our policies of non-discrimination within our employees; and
d. Making it easier for customers, potential customers and the general public to report
issues of this nature to the store owners.
5. Communicating the message
Use the messages and processes outlined in the previous steps to formulate your final
message. Make sure you are clear and concise with your primary audiences as well as
answer any questions and engage them in all forms of media identified in Step 2. Also,
identify which team member will be responsible for communicating with each audience.
Local news

Key messages
m. What do we know?
n. How are we
o. How are we solving

g. An employee noticed a comment
posted on our Facebook page claiming
we denied him entrance based on his
ethnicity. We looked through our

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


the issue?


p. What do we know?
q. What is the truth?
r. How are we solving

records and tried to contact him about

the issue but we are yet to hear back
from the poster.
h. We regret this kind of misinformation
spreading to the customers and we are
trying to contact those responsible.
Frontier Justice is a non-discriminatory
establishment that emphasizes on
treating all its consumers with utmost
respect regardless of their sex, age or
ethnicity. More information about
( )
i. Operations will remain open and
function as usual.
j. We have attempted to contact the
poster but have not heard back.
k. In an attempt to resolve this issue we
are making it easier for customers and
the general public to inform us of
incidents such a sensitive nature
through. Customers will now be able to
send any complaints of the nature
directly to the owners of Frontier Justice
at (Bren Brown email)
l. We express our condolences to anyone
who was hurt by the review and we
hope to see you at Frontier Justice
m. Media can find more information by
contacting Bren Brown, Owner and CEO
of Frontier Justice at (email) and/or
(phone number)
a. An employee noticed a comment
posted on our Facebook page claiming
we denied him entrance based on his
ethnicity. We looked through our
records and tried to contact him about
the issue but we are yet to hear back
from the poster.
b. We regret this kind of misinformation
spreading to the customers and we are
trying to contact those responsible.
Frontier Justice is a non-discriminatory

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan






What do we know?
How can you help
How does it affect




establishment that emphasizes on

treating all its consumers with utmost
respect regardless of their sex, age or
ethnicity. More information about
( )
Operations will remain open and
function as usual.
In an attempt to resolve this issue we
are making it easier for customers and
the general public to inform us of
incidents such a sensitive nature
through. Customers will now be able to
send any complaints of the nature
directly to the owners of Frontier Justice
at (Bren Brown email)
We express our condolences to anyone
who was hurt by the review and we
hope to see you at Frontier Justice
Consumers with questions can contact
the Frontier Justice staff by emailing us
at (info) or calling us at (info)
An employee noticed a comment
posted on our Facebook page claiming
we denied him entrance based on his
ethnicity. We looked through our
records and tried to contact him about
the issue but we are yet to hear back
from the poster.
We regret this kind of misinformation
spreading to the customers and we are
trying to contact those responsible.
Frontier Justice is a non-discriminatory
establishment that emphasizes on
treating all its consumers with utmost
respect regardless of their sex, age or
ethnicity. More information about
( )
Operations will remain open and
function as usual.
You can help by familiarizing yourselves
with the Frontier Justice Mission
Statement and attending the briefing

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


about non-discrimination on (date).

e. In an attempt to resolve this issue we
are making it easier for customers and
the general public to inform us of
incidents such a sensitive nature
through. Customers will now be able to
send any complaints of the nature
directly to the owners of Frontier Justice
at (Bren Brown email)
f. For more information, contact your

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Sample News Release


August 06, 2014


Bren Brown, President

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan



LEES SUMMIT, Mo. Frontier Justice noticed numerous posts by one individual accusing Frontier Justice of
racial discrimination. These posts were found on the review section of Frontier Justices official Facebook
page on August 5, 2014. The posts accused Frontier Justice of denying service to a customer for being
African American.
Frontier Justice completely denies these accusations and regrets that misinformation of this nature has
been spread via social media. We also regret that the values held by Frontier Justice in high regard are
being misrepresented. Frontier Justice has no records of the original poster being at our premises and
repeated attempts to contact the poster have resulted in no response.
Frontier Justice has a strict no-discrimination policy which is reinforced in our Mission Statement. The
African American community forms an important part of our business and we would like to express our
condolences for any anguish caused by this misinformation.
Frontier Justice is currently working on making it easier for customers to provide us with feedback to
ensure that complaints of such sensitive nature do not go unnoticed.
Frontier Justice is a one-of-a-kind company that not only provides a next generation firearms training
facility, but also offers a unique retail experience that combines a hint of the west in an urban setting with
apparel, jewelry and home furnishings. Frontier Justice firmly believes in faith, family and freedom while
promoting personal responsibility. To fulfill this mission all products, training classes and services are
offered for the entire family, regardless of age, ethnicity or gender. Owned by a Christian family that is
committed to supporting the faith community, Frontier Justice donates ten percent of all sales directly to
the National Christian Foundation. For more information, visit

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan



Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan

Article A: Basic Media Training

The basic media training kit is intended to serve as a resource that spokespersons can go over before
addressing the media. It contains helpful tips and best practices that will allow the company to have a
mutually beneficial interview with the reporter and remain clear in the message strategy. Materials in the
guide were accessed from a free resource for the firefighting industry.
Key messages

No more than three key messages and three supporting facts for each key message.
Can be in bullet point format
o Message
o Supporting information
Stay On message throughout the interview.
Saturate the interview with your key messages. Take every opportunity to repeat your points

What to wear
A dark suit jacket is ideal.
Keep ties simple in color and print.
Make sure if you have long hair, that it is arranged away from your face.
How to prepare
dont drink caffeine or alcohol before the interview
Practice key messages and bridging before the interview. Know your points inside and out
Delivery tips
Maintain eye contact with the reporter. Dont look directly at the camera.
Try to speak fluidly with composure. Avoid saying um, uh, like and other filler phrases.
o Speak concisely. Do not ramble.
If you feel nervous, focus on breathing deeply.
Deliver information in inverted pyramid style:
o Deliver the most important information first, followed by supporting details in descending
order of importance.
Speak in sound-bites. Short 5-10 second sound bites. Say any more, and run the risk of having your
message edited, any shorter and it could be left out.
Be conversational, confident, concise and patient. Never get defensive or let a reporter get under
your skin.
There is no such thing as off the record. Never tell a reporter anything you would not like to see in
the front page of the New York Times.
Answering Questions
Prepare for the five most likely and toughest questions the reporter could ask ahead of time.
Remember, for every question, no more than three messages and three pieces of supporting points
per key message.
Do not repeat negative information when giving your answers, it could be used out of context.
Do not speculate or answer questions outside your responsibility.
Never say, No comment. A better response would be, Im not sure of the answer, but I could find
out and follow up with you on that later. Collect the reporters contact information, find the answer
and follow up.
Dont let the reporter take the interview in a direction that is not relevant to your message.

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan

Always respond to the question that you are asked, then, within the response, you can transition
phrase to make another key point or to redirect the session back to the key message.
Following are some examples you can use to redirect the discussion back in the direction you want:
o The bottom line is
o The key thing to remember is
o The point that is really important is
o On the contrary
o Im not the right person to answer this question, but I can refer you to an expert who can.
What I can tell you is

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan

Article B: Basic questions asked during a crisis

The following resource was obtained from the California Primary Care Association (CPCA) media training
resources and crisis communication supporting materials which was accessed from the U.S Environmental
Protection Agency website.
Recent research conducted by the Center for Risk Communication and other groups indicates that
questions and concerns raised by stakeholders in emergency situation can be identified in advance.
The following is a list of the 77 most frequently-asked questions by journalists during a crisis. The list was
generated by researching a large database of questions posed by journalists at news conferences
immediately following a disaster and distilling the larger list into 77 questions. Use this resource for
identifying potential questions for which message should be developed.
Information about representative
What is your name and title?
What are your job responsibilities?
What are your qualifications?
Establishing context

Can you tell us what happened?

When did it happen?
Where did it happen?
Who was harmed?
How many people were harmed?
Are those that were harmed getting help?
How certain are you about this information
How are those who were harmed getting h
Is the situation under control?
How certain are you that the situation is u
nder control?
Is there any immediate danger?
How much damage occurred?
What other damage may have occurred?
How certain are you about damages?
How much damage do you expect?
If you are not sure of the cause, what is yo
ur best guess?
Who caused this to happen?
Who is to blame?
Has this ever happened before?
Can this happen elsewhere?
What is the worstcase scenario?

Role of the Organization

What is being done in response to what ha

Who is in charge?
What can we expect next?
What are you advising people to do? What
can people do to protect themselves and t
heir families now and in the future from
Did you have any forewarning this might
Why wasnt this prevented from happenin
Could this have been avoided?
How could this have been avoided?
Who is conducting the investigation? Will t
he outcome be reported to the public?
What are you going to do after the investi
What have you found out so far?
Why was more not done to prevent this fro
m happening?
What are you doing now?
Who else is involved in the response?
Why did this happen?
What was the cause?
What else can go wrong?
What precautionary measures were taken?
Do you accept responsibility for what happ

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan

Company Response

When did your response to this begin?

When were you notified that something ha
d happened?
Did you and other organizations disclose i
nformation promptly? Have you and other
organizations been transparent?
What is your personal opinion?
What are you telling your own family?
Are all those involved in agreement?
Are people overreacting?
Which laws are applicable?
Has anyone broken the law?
How certain are you about whether laws h
ave been broken?
Has anyone made mistakes?
How certain are you that mistakes have no
t been made?
Have you told us everything you know?
What are you not telling us?

Post-crisis actions

Is there any continuing danger?

Are people out of danger? Are people safe
? Will there be inconvenience to employee
s or to the public?

How much will all this cost?

Are you able and willing to pay the costs?
Who else will pay the costs?
When will we find out more?
Have these steps already been taken? If n
ot, why not?
Why should we trust you?
What does this all mean?
What lessons were learned?
Were those lessons implemented? Are the
y being implemented now?
What can be done now to prevent this
from happening again? What steps need
to be taken to avoid a similar event?
How long will it be before the situation ret
urns to normal?
What help has been requested or offered f
rom others?
What responses have you received?
Can you be specific about the types of har
m that occurred?
What are the names of those that were ha
rmed? Can we talk to them?
Do you think those involved handled the si
tuation well enough? What more could/sho
uld those who handled the situation have
What effects will this have on the people i
What would you like to say to those who h
ave been harmed and to their families?

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan

Article C: Sample Press Release

News Release


May 19, 2014

Bren Brown, President



LEES SUMMIT, Mo. This is the leading paragraph. It should contain the most basic, important information:
who, what, when, where, why and how.
The following paragraph should flesh out additional/ supporting information, in order of importance
A quote from a credible source within your organization will usually be included in the third paragraph, or
thereafter. Format for quotes should be as follows: Quote, said [insert name and title]. Finish quote, if
Frontier Justice is a one-of-a-kind company that not only provides a next generation firearms training
facility, but also offers a unique retail experience that combines a hint of the west in an urban setting with
apparel, jewelry and home furnishings. Frontier Justice firmly believes in faith, family and freedom while
promoting personal responsibility. To fulfill this mission all products, training classes and services are
offered for the entire family, regardless of age, ethnicity or gender. Owned by a Christian family that is
committed to supporting the faith community, Frontier Justice donates ten percent of all sales directly to
the National Christian Foundation. For more information, visit

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan

News Release
May 19, 2014


Bren Brown, President


LEES SUMMIT, Mo. Frontier Justice, a next-generation firearms facility and destination retail shop, will
break ground on its flagship location on Monday, May 19 at 1 p.m.
Located at 800 NE Jones Industrial Drive, Lees Summit, Frontier Justice is the first of its kind. Owners Bren
and Michael Brown said that Frontier Justice will offer a unique mix of services and products for firearm and
fashion enthusiasts alike. Aside from firearms sales and the training facility, Frontier Justice will feature
Western Chic style mens and womens clothing, jewelry, art and home furnishings.
We saw an opportunity to offer our community something new and we took it, Michael, CEO of Frontier
Justice, said. No other company is offering this mix of services and products.
The mission of Frontier Justice is to promote faith, family and freedom in an inviting, family-oriented
atmosphere where safety and training take precedence. The Browns hope to do this by focusing on
education and encouraging people to be responsible firearm owners. Once the training facility opens,
Frontier Justice will offer classes with an emphasis on first-time owners regardless of age, ethnicity or
Bren, president of Frontier Justice, has a long history of working with non-profits and charitable
organizations. She plans to bring her experiences from that work to her familys new endeavor.
Our family strongly believes in making a difference in this life, Bren said. We are building a business
that stands for something more than just profits. We want to contribute to making our community a safer
and better place.
The training facility will be open for tactical and recreational training. There will be short- and long-range
firearm lanes, and an archery training area. Memberships are available that include benefits such as
access to a gunsmith, priority on lanes and a members-only lounge area. Frontier Justice is slated to open
in late 2014 or early 2015.
Frontier Justice is a one-of-a-kind company that not only provides a next generation firearms training
facility, but also offers a unique retail experience that combines a hint of the west in an urban setting with
apparel, jewelry and home furnishings. Frontier Justice firmly believes in faith, family and freedom while
promoting personal responsibility. To fulfill this mission all products, training classes and services are
offered for the entire family, regardless of age, ethnicity or gender. Owned by a Christian family that is
committed to supporting the faith community, Frontier Justice donates ten percent of all sales directly to
the National Christian Foundation. For more information, visit

Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


Frontier Justice Crisis Communication Plan


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