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Name: Raka Rahman

NIM : 125020300111012
Class : Akuntansi-CE

Commentary Paper
Chapter 2
In cross-cultural business we will dihadapakan the differences in different cultural
environments are characterized by differences in language , the unique system of values ,
beliefs and attitudes of different societies . These factors clearly affect the international
business dimension . Cross-cultural risk is defined as a situation or event where cultural
miscommunication put human values on a certain level . While it also refers to the culture of
learning , sharing attitude , as well as the order of the pattern of eternal life within the scope
of a society .
To avoid fatal errors caused by cultural misunderstandings or misconceptions that can
harm as well as cross- cultural business can destroy then businesses is expected to keep
increasing the understanding and appreciation of cultural differences that will face pattern
and increase the sensitivity for any differences.
Carry out international business will of course have more barriers than in the domestic
market . Other countries will of course have a variety of interests that often inhibit
terlaksannya kai international business transactions . Besides the cultural habits of another
State or of course be different from their own country . Therefore there are several obstacles
in the international business , namely :
1 . Trade restrictions and tariff duties
2 . Differences in language , culture social / cultural
3 . Political conditions and legal / regulatory
4 . operational constraints

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