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CLASSROOM LANGUAGE Teacher instructions

Work in groups of three

Open your books

Give me your paper

Close your books

Turn to page...

Cambridge University Press 2013

Listen and practice

Work with a partner

For homework, please...

Take out a piece of paper

Please repeat

CLASSROOM LANGUAGE Student questions

Excuse me, can
you repeat that?

How do
you spell...?

Can you speak

more slowly?

Any questions?
What does...
Whats the answer
for number 4?

How do
you pronounce
this word?

How do you say...

in English?

Cambridge University Press 2013

CLASSROOM LANGUAGE Student questions

Which role are you
going to take?

Ill be Student A

Yes, I am

No, not yet


Who wants to go first?

Can I borrow your...?
Ill start
Whose turn is it?

Its your turn

Lets change roles
and do it again

Cambridge University Press 2013

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