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Schedule Place VISION IAS” wwweisioniasin |\> 47 NOV 2016 75° www.visionias.wordpress.cpm Classroom Distance Learning | CLS Eco te 420) Nemectcancdate | anwar Ook ] Registration No. { & Module Classroom & Distance Learning of INDEX TABLE Maximum Mark: Marks bt ned Total Marks Obtained ) Remarks: nish the appropri in (viz. Name, 10 Number and TestCode) od wa amare & (a, ve There are TWENTY-FIVE questions printad HINDI andin ENGLISH, ih ore yo Fe Iho da wh lum authorized in the which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Guestion-cum-Answer (QCA) Bookitir /pace provided. No mar Word limit in questions should ve ashore to Any pager portion othe um-Ansiver Booklet mus ea ee Raat Overall Macro comments / feedback / suggestions on Answer Booklet: All The Best 420 VISION IAS" All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. Answer the questions in NOT MORE than 200 words each. Content of the answer is more important than its length, 1, Examine the role of Sanskrit in development of Indian literature. Also Illustrate the influence of Persian language on medieval literature 10 caret afiten 3 Pree H atop stem A Bea a Fier AAT | cap are ft mewrrtte anfger oe are are wou et AT sareeur fs ere deahpatt isd Athastd oA tht Agel dado COL + Porn He hal te ealebbithment Veoklie bee bl tat ebhL Sultanate 5 dansk’ fumarnod, the Lowmgrange pf int Cette hich Havahachasctte) ata Uurdroke , Romo (# : epnticilputed gnats nen A Cait us 9660617607, s9ga0z9030 Visit us » wivw. isionias. in log» Email "ajay wsionias@amail com Page 1 of 66 jay visionias@amall com Don write anything th eae age aes VISION IAS” thar acnipt ~ nus, Loumskert bos - dumetopmtintat Hole diy Andro Tnfuuden of Prcucein Ome mraleued Teat Pula berima dh, Court lougucge ceodlae the beth Subnet, and sonlipboit Mesut 6 Tr anf ence * feuk Yage ovel = Cail us - 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us: www. visionias in Email : log : vw visionias ad Page 2 of 66 420 VISION IAS" 2 {a) Give an account of Manipuri Sankirtane. safe aise aruba fA | Call us - 9650817807, 9968029039 Bipg « worw.visionias, wordpress, com Page 3 of 66 Visit us = ww vsionias in Blay.visionias@qmail corm 420 VISION IAS" Cail us | 985061780: Blog : wwn.visionias ° " Page 4 of 66 Viet us : wnww visionias on Email. ajay.visionias ao = VISION IAS” 2. (b) Describe various forms of Puppet theatre in India. area Brana Sree 3 Pea waret AT errear A | dome mayee found of Puppet een tn Uncle ara t— od Kammpetld Dower, Rajout (2) Patel Manck , deat Banga Call us - 9660617807, 9968029099 Visit us = hog : wn visionias, Email: ajay Page 5 af 66 Don’ we anyinng bie ig inet age as a0 Den't wie synng VISION IAS” = a aaa 2 : architecture fife areqren ft arene deft fare seit A err AA | Lhe O hile > . oe) aA Ow Co op MM {a} Describe the distinguishing characteristics of Hoysala style of temple pradanannn, or aumbatatbry PA | Sails 9660617807, 9968029030 vist us iin ‘Blog ww. visionias mal | aa visoniasiagmal om 2 4 Page 6 0f 66 | VISION IAS” — Pelasoct trol oar aintrioalisy hotued pillorrd — Wit ee vporunel + Yo wae eA teri“n ik Cokaale: ae jon Be pi prrodtinee purbiel useal de olffeoube ad 2 i we wodls = Fy eg pot oe ae Abst LOVvn any — Temples awere ge oe Call us - 9650817807, 9968029039 Blog : waww.visionias. , Page 7 of 66 VISION IAS” 3. {b) What was the significance of stupa and how did stusd architecture develop? Sat sarap rae ore te aap areaery Fite ware Pera ee 7 5 busclal i we oie euroluscl cuts doiacliver , Ubper as a counploa Aue, Ave 19650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : ww visionia es, visionias Email Fone ES page 8 of 66 me © 420 ™ Pa as aie) 4. “In Brtish India, the judicial administration looked significantly different from what it Was under the Mughal rule and these changes the ordinary Indians found hard to comprehend". Discuss 10 fafa area arfara: gure tore arate aelter efit array at cite ses feat sit ererea orate are Hoar a | eT IATA | ee Qritisls aduaipistiedion pitt a oe Cae peep send onal posal opie Atuvenn Asatet anol Call us : 9650617807, 9968020039 Blog : warw.visionias wordpress.cor Visit us von visions in m Email : ajay. Page 9 of 66 a = VISION IAS" (| Acetic covrrpladnt prom _DiaDulot Kouxts and Anbordinele Lowy Ven, diwant aclalotk wotldd gh te oe eakase Saver aololot + CT ae tan 04 aipaccaltion Callus 9680617807, 9968026099 Visitus wow visions in Blog waru iionias, Emal : jay Msionias@grnail com "3 " Page 10 of 66 oY 9 VISION IAS” Call us . 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit Blog - www-visionias, nce OE Page 11 of 66 VISION IAS” 5. Peel Commission appointed to look into military affairs of india after the revolt of 1857 recommended that - “The native army should be composed. of different nationalities and castes, and as a general rule, mixed promiscuously through each regiment”. Give possible reasons for this recommendation 10 1857 % Peat svarrer are eh Aer arereti ve Regen ler aed a oqeiary A fa -aoff ae faite atvarr site onftat anfrea art snfte re oe rarer firey Fe aE ae ate HF ah weaeer Fito rar safe | ea agate fubel — of fierred Slt Uns suid as Che p A d* id eae sy 1954 s 807, 99680; 1g, ww visionias, Ema ‘ewe visions. jay Page 12 of 66 ea one ago ert) eae eed a ae Cail us 8660617807, 9964029039 Visit us Blog vrs. visionias., s Page 13 of 66 wow visionias.n Email: ajay vstonias@gmail com VISION IAS" 6. (a) What were the new forms of struggle espoused by the Swadeshi movement in Bengal? 5 ara Wi veal ae Bearer septa ead ae separ IT | 2 dre Surdidhi mrowenent mocked La AALenrt potioualiat Gall us 9880017807, 99se029009 Vit uo wivw iloniag in ‘Blog " wvw.vistonies Emal ajay visonies@gmail co 3 Pres owe 14 of 66 oer VISION IAS” Sites. tpt Alia foong> plates » preted cae eg cht bk dap madd a ie ae pbeeles otiawe ne Sa LOWE qoow amd Aboeps RRMIMAL + aig Cail us 9680617607, 9968920000 Vai us : wwnwtsionias in Blog " wwsvisionias, vege Fill: aay. sisionlas@qmaicom Page 15 of 66 VISION IAS” = apnea 6. — (b) Quit india Movement was not just an impulsive response of the masses. Elaborate 5 saree Be reat era A ear eM aa Par ag at | Fear are Yrs Quik tuolioe Mousnend mw 1942 svordpress,com Email 2jay.visioni Page 16 of 66 me Don't wit VISION IAS” 3 Give an account of the weaknesses in the process of abolition af Zamindari system. Also evaluate the outcome of the abolition of the Zamindari system 10 aaron ot aoa heat at tas ASA | safari cree: sexe in Peorit oftaf} ror RT| Call us : 9650817807, 9968029039 Visit ws : log wre. wslonas. wordpress. corn Email: ajay visianiasdagrnal com i " Page 17 of 66 VISION IAS” (es) wie mot hawk adndalc —Viedid Ku Uebel 5 Magy ALLL scat aay din, Lee 9050617807, 9968020030 Callus 9 Visite {Biog wiv sions Email 9jay 8 ee Page 18 of 66 { Blog VISION IAS” | us 9650617807, 9968029039 ‘ww visionias wordpress cor Visit us Page 19 of 66 VISION IAS” 8. "At that time, the free market critique, the human development and the ecological critique, all were scattered and politically weak. There was an overwhelming consensus in favour of a heavy industry oriented, state supported model of development”, Elaborate with respect to the economic model adapted in india during the Nehruvian era. 10 aT, qe aan & arias, art fore ate wiPtfeasie arate ait gt ar carlifars ey a pHSTe @ | are TeaVTATE ere wT Prone ay sftree 3) ver Ear arene lt | area ee & cher ore areata sis ate We aeet f Peqa sree AAS | . tne tronomic model aolaptid uv yan Nebrunow oo, Or Re Morrolanotes anavocled Gaee ann ny yt 0617807, 9968029039 Biog * wir visicnias, Page 20 of 66 VISION IAS” Yu, at Mot ime at wto4 Daw moat obur0Lied one | Houwuer, . LAL ( thar mascker apport spoke inal protectionist Mager’ Of “aaa tooo to danse 207 be Ant ppicierd: tilion, oy ony wn ee hi i Call us : 8850617807, 99HBN2039 Hog : wivw visionias, Page 21 of 66 oer 420 VISION IAS" an dudloinokle Aratloprnead AW IGROS » Uw ) Ave poe dnd pence’ dandua| te Nbbeumran ore OX panoted jor olurclopanant of 9. “The emergency was a script jointly authored by JP (layprakash Narayan) and Indira Gandhi. Both had shown too iittle faith in representative institutions”, Discuss. 10 arraara ft qarar ay By A arora array afte afraid art firoh aett ft | are afk aoa steaalt arger woe Fibarer Peer or | ara iT | | (Call us | 965061 FBO7, 968029039 Visit us : www vislorias ia Blog . warm. visionias., Email anyivrath e nea — Page 22 of 66 420 ‘i VISION IAS” fa [usar Call us - 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us nas. wordpres = Email ajay visioni ’ age 23 of 66 420 VISION IAS" a Gai us | 9650617807. 9968029039 ‘Vit us: ww vision leg | www. visionias, sin Email Page 24 of 66 i ‘i bon VISION IAS sere Sona 10. Give a ‘rief account of the major reasons responsible for the growth of Assam Nationalist movement. What were the major demands of the movement? 10 rer ay arpa aredtone 3 Flare fer, sree ger rewire ey Sapte GA | rede ft vege aT aT AH? The Aiiam Nokonalit Movement begase god ee pose of aeusscal ci amwiog mumbye of muon Cab us : 9850617807, 9968029039 Visit us - www Bipg - wow visionias, Emall: ajay vsionasieomail ; 0 nage 28 or69 [Msi Wslonae@anal com VISION IAS” Najoe dewnancls asoee | () Wren ging ‘ vleclorat Alls pS de Qu) dowd eatricled ; 5 quvesaaas plroutd be cmpoded eS quoalipicadioms 4m eae foes 17807. 9968020039 Veit us «a visionias.n joni, Email: ajaysicenias@gmai com mS Page 26 of 66 Hey @e 420 VISION IAS" 11. "Nehru said non-alignment was not a mere evasion; it had # positive charge to it.” Discuss with special reference to the Asian Relations Conference and “Bandung Conference held immediately after independence. 10 "hee 4 wer qePcinar ara garerarh Aft aft ft za oe TATE sara fh arr | ern Gea ware ante elder weds areata arsine Pea aieek HY ecat PAA | ane miitfrolity bak Qeline 7807, 9968020038 Visit us warwevisionias in Bing wuw.visionias, Emad - Page 27 of 66 Sen nons Dertwole any the mavgin (sot ud aga mia VISION IAS” Callus 96506" 7807, 9968029039 15 wwe visionias: mr sin Biog _ www.visionias., Email : ajay.visionias@omail com Pane 28 of 66 is VISION IAS” a nels troughs sop ey ae ae ote Call us 9650817807, 968020029 Blpg - www visionias wordpress com, Pape 290/66 VISION IAS” : 12, rt period from August 1988 to December 19: communism it Eastern Europe was swept away. Elaborate the statement along with causes responsible for the same, ia wh A) aah sort 1988 # feaear 1991 ae, gai gata & arate ze are a) sem fe sear ares are ce eer AY Pears & SET Ray : ° as Ye poued 4erovw rArigaiat 19 ore. bl a Deoembse 199( Ase Munolutiont color ho ta dhe gee DROS AGu A yeorpinitny 4 WOM ae lai! toe you a fiarnd poliries Led fe mort Aeron Mme bask barspe ” Call us» 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us = wovw. vis Bie weew.viSionias. Email ~ me 0 30 of 66 omc 420 Cont ork arth ths VISION IAS” expressions fe ont on the poteiee 44 yas He be tiswed, ry gall aw 1984 + Me Ria volae ae Brsse, paolo mosiked tra fal apie tees ee / apr an 420 VISION IAS" dhe ole wht 198% ka dates ae ae Uses fetloused by The haat ralion 4 ULER 13. “Mussolini aimed to make italy great, respected and feared.” Examine the policies adopted by him in this respect. 10 aha gre tea ites ate aerate 28 avs fan art gen eter sneer anf arth wr efter AA | Muswotint oro bls Foariet prwdieck arusrol oo Me Amstoast diay > Alasnolaing aunoing Lint, fe ue Im Pia erualeet a) He fee ee to rourticod . CLiiopie Hoye ea a he abd © 0517807, 9968029039 Visit us wraw visions in Blog : weve visionias wordpress com, Email: ajay istoncas@agrvail com Page 32.0f 66 . oe VISION IAS” = age () He sungiolea, pos Aintisin ite __ peas! ye punel be leacdut ae inno sgl wy), Educotiow aad alae cuscivrrdsd ie ype tools poeeice fdros avol “he wos abou to be Call us » 9650817807, 9968020039 Blog = www -visionias. wordpress. co Emai Page 33 of 66 420 VISION IAS” an ape wrk nacdt 327) aw Oe Uae » 17807, 9968028039 Visit us : wwewvisioniasin a8 wordpress com Email: ajay.visionias@qmailcom Page 34 of 66 VISION IAS” 14. "World War | broke out largely because of an arms race, anc World War I because of the lack of an arms race.” Elaborate. 10 raw Pa qa a aren efarat A ats ot ae Atte Pea ae wT TET afierah fh ate sr arora ar | Pre aay phil oud Ment dene pe bende Aowptilint mi arcine , dod wb lay Me Healt 45 youn Magra y asedsine —asnrdh 2 pd appectinutict by Hoe Ate 4 Cal us 9650617807, 9968020030 ‘Viet us : ww vein in ‘wie visions. Email aj. visioniasi@gmal. com ‘ e Page 38 of 66 mw es VISION IAS” * Une prtauact Alesrkee Meenties tp made Ae ation, tartu mort Aina ' ohn Ratko esc Aurol Balkan wore (1402-!2) ieee mvillerseieey by has mune b . ng tnt ad ok eos © ing deel te Hétlor’s dumands gud the Munich Fact ashielo aloud dite to dake Mer Sudelimlanc of Cately Repube - Call us 9850617807, 9968029039 c Visit us : www visionias in log | wanw visionias wordpress. Email ajay.visionias@gmail com 2Omn ” Page 36 of 66 420 VISION IAS Urls swer1eased 44twe’e corpses aud. anole Aum belive That home. usrtt be poelialisrn - le buss and Yuanee had hopek Out Yaserion woul be durcecleol aide Thy aes % Derek eh a gator (1939) Seber Germany pow betieol BR sis Wis aura te 45. The inevitability of the French Revolution was not rooted merely in economic factors but went much beyond it. Elucidate, 10 a rift raat nfs arest Ht fife aff fl afer err sat fl] eye Atha | Ye’ Yuonels Renottiow hoe Moots bn. fie, tee 7 blermt}- me Berns hod wh Lt weporetiitina of “paging Mats Cal us 9650617807, 9958929099 Visit a © woewy Blog | wow velonies. mab ajyvist id ane Page 37 of 66 sd VISION IAS” (u) we political Abotdn wos aloo - mot fowduclan fo openee | Outs XVI anhalt An econsuially weeds, Att Ap anal Bae Lowrtaly te ats er ac Pane ization ANCHE (0 tha vatcinen to altro polit papoose Sefalss Gpunal by Avdap ole Tou, of ‘ous mam, ous wa’ » HoT. rnd ornpenlh mogoruty , Thaw Aods board majeruty fed Corsead Aiseonlnt ° yu deck ey He Mens Count Doth? and | ae in Andtemt ” Marvy fntallectrcls clio ptougeat c B 7, sone029030 Visi us: wowvlclonias in Email ajy.vcioniasé ORGS EN a eip areas oY - VISION IAS” fa key Hole ae tm geuunaaw of | Penfatcie pronnolad fu speteny asd Ri os a fw expel poredel iNeed parra an scyclsp fet L aobcete on sNjondmgisen apes about apes "6, pawtrs 4 Wiis, verte Meeilrppolmeat Oud cnrteliectivol fw or against Ta boeing aed Call us : 965 Blog Yesit us Email: aj SN ae 39 of 66 VISION IAS” 16. Globalisation poses a threat to cultural diversity because it is the cause of widespread cultural homogenisation, Critically evaluate, 10 siege Peat fe eee aa oem tif a err aarterrem a arco & [arate yeaa AA | YiobalivaTion lends & a frus plow 4, met only eo plat, auol tabout but alip ef Adead Ouro walect VA Areonoliing Ko ano arnucltic lived Aoi , Ga pot A sulak, LeaLlirok, ee Whee 44 Lica, Bebe nla he RE ce =—dtiens of qr pees ; nielsen , wolues ante Tne wiiel Uda 0 Abe pgetior 4 hE one Wee eau iB a i (Go dictianad Call us | 9690017097, s9ge0z9039 Visit us - yaww {Blog : ww visionias, 49 org Ema: alayasienias@@amail com aye 40 oF 6 VISION IAS” Sigh oh tuk aon Aighen te He am hy as a loot diler. aTumpt bm mountain Froditionl Ce oun 5 rare Hi Looper ay inorcosing eulliocad decrees i ‘ F Mawy i owe sostiti, ae USE eT 4 a |® ae phim howl Wesee bb Aseral dino G aes again » we mog cha) ee patslade et awe col auetioud We APOVALIHUAOLTAL Call us 9660047007, 9969020030 Bipg : wwe vsionias., a . Pope 41 of 66 Visit us > www «ior Email; ajay.visioni 420 VISION IAS" 17. Give an account of the factors responsible for juvenile delinquency in India. Which of these can be traced to the Indian social structure? Enumerate the stops taken by the government to address juvenile delinquency. 10 ares are age fer sacar aprcont wr ere geeer thine | srt aT sir saree arrarfinn azar Sa ay are #2 aver arcenen A Fara Far, arrare ener aor amy went a Ae AAT | Facts Mispontibele for fumnite www visionias., Don tree anybng ht VISION IAS” e ee Locos ee ae Le eh (b-18 Aone MAE | the Knowtedge a 4 ov Dictizk Yew worth,,¥2 aay haw - cay aie detain Tous, rroat: present oA : dimag ua lile » pooely t Gf a 5 venilaied aoe tnuscabidna, opperlanuaes “~ Asean a io _ftipd takers megane Eline gouimnrsnt hee peagenet payors fo tow fall Ff see (ss) fox ened Att, A | Vielt us Email: ojay: VISION IAS” ete asudy land”. Uatldreer, Udho fase tlnareges voit he prott sw a chilol - smowmumr > ha oat vf 2 yo, J A ysemmaw ofp owtd posse | Ww) Qin eooe Of detunguints ame AES oye 4 te-te a 44, Regen ain board ($76) 40 Mee» Ths pull be Patid o4 C Aednoud euuntt etronal pau tin ay) Se pe rae Paoluay 7 ae our ound” atti — Cai us: 9650017807, 9368029039 Visit us : www. vesionias.n Blog: wave visionias Email: Page 44 of 66 VISION IAS” 18. Elimination of poverty is not merely a question of economic upliftment but is also related to socio-political awareness of people. Comment 10 ated sega tea nfl sear an pa afl tates ata A area arate area a a aidfira 2 | owt AR | Finny, Guana daoty, (Meg inte veel cl offend de morris, pihile eeononuc Anplaf le pater Che cboiinclonals of Wary de Als anol asl mane dae AUsOt ee ; tor dey -onsel dle 5 Call us - 9660617807, 9968029039 Visit us - www visionias in Blog ww vslonies wotpress com, Emai : ejay KS FESS COM ye 45 of 66 sai noe Devt arte anytvrg (6 it n cena a ar) VISION IAS” practien An Aelia” ond dantation| me Le eh ian gastos urd -&—peeket ' due we te | eolurotiov, Am dep erections aarnrd erauraned Visit. us - wirw visianias in Emait- ajay Page 46 of 66 420 VISION IAS" 19. Ethnic similarities are as importent as territorial boundaries in promoting the feeling of common brotherhood amang the citizens of a country. In Context of the above statement, examine the problems faced by people trom North-East in other parts of India. Also analyse the steps taken by the government in this regard. 10 ae arnt omen wre A ant are wT aera BA oe Taiprae afl sat Areal & red otra tert | ort err Herd 7 yates & anit & ama 2% ae a ar oh areata ft Fh OTR aera Sa ade Ht rears grey gare ae weet wr Mf FAQQMT AAPA | Bis (peepee | neem. NY batt) paar jy various parti wb Ge courte Callus - 9650617807, 99680; Bilpg - www. vislonias wordpr 1039 Visit us - wow visions in com, Email jay. veloniagggrval com Page 47 of 66 ee Dar ase anything igs (ga vd VISION IAS” tome tiition , — Aine of te mate Hiotond belind, hrs Aacriminadien po Be nobly Rone Aw teu paste oa) = Misainrilanritioe 8 pap from NE quropheoce Mncencizs cue TG ABijpnt focink pratvas make — hee Aas lores Arout. Scand (Recratca! ue ssatvilation & rorial _ pore) pected Duuse pare = phase por 94 taslia hea pitanbetent Le ales harmful as ue aioe is 7a Pree pees Aapueynins ae NE tn adler. dn dioklo thee pabtetey Bu eae 7, 9968029039 Visi us : www .vik, Email ajay-visions Page 48 of 66 Blog VISION IAS” ias.wordpress. corn Call us : 9680647807, 9968629039 Blog: www.visionias, n, ° a Page 49 of 66 Differentiate between planetary winds and local winds in terms of their origin, influence and scales of operation. Also illustrate the impact of local winds In influencing the climate of any area 10 “sever, rare ate rare By Paar eee ae ate eat aa ea aarsm | sat ara Rett ot dr A aearg at nna wet 8 eerie vert ora se af a A | 20. ae ae plgeinothe oes. weeding oe aes peceived by ee pale of Tne ease 5 sale con S anak appue OSG eros Ant lott Crolec meq mon molly by oe dln bet + Yhery 00 ape Taare by tnlbow Une cai cit Arar Polase pastertins VISION IAS” fo east : Yona (172) Prorabarey, yaliel abet all us - 965067807, 9968029039 Visit us: ‘Blog www visionias Email ajay Page $0 of 66 Call us 9680617807, 9968028090 9g www visionlas, VISION IAS” Page $1 of 66 Visit us wonwevisioniagin Emal : ajay-visionias@gmail com Dorit vit VISION IAS" sige 21. (a) What are tides? List the various ‘tide generating forces’. What are the effects of various positions of Moon on tides? Ss a 8 Pa sere sere ait’ A ge) AAA | sare oe stan aT ffs fafa rem gar peat 22 Page $2 of 66 VISION IAS" Spring Posiford Nop Tike Posieom Callus ; 9650617807, 960029039 Blog - wr. visionias Poge s30r66 VISION IAS” 21. {b) How does the theory of Plate Tectonics help in explaining the theory of continental drift? 5 coe Prentfactt figte fier ware at appre Peteernrs erate oft ervey ert A repay wea A? Wie els aah plata “Meronis eaplaind Call us 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : wivw. visions. in Blog www. visionias, Email ajay vistonias@gmall com Page $4 of 66 420 Dortwnte VISION IAS” mage seat fire wrt ' 22. How do tsunamis originate in the open aceans? Why Is it difficult to detect ‘tsunami waves in the open seas and why are they more destructive in the coastal areas? 10 aaret far care aga arr H sora ath 8 7 A Mare A apt ser ver ere at fe er 8 ac art Sra Herat finn PaeraraTAl ATA 29 Tenants orignal daw © agus ci a annol Ain dk ROT ony apes ard Call us. 9650817807, 9968029039 Visit us: wn in fig: wwwivsionias, Emall ajay elonioedBgmalicom i Page $5 of 66 a <7 VISION IAS” mos ne Aumela Trench, Jawa, Lt Xs eLiffeeule te lcliet 7807, 9968029039 nis, Page 56 of 66 VISION IAS” is eee Up Ira "CN Ley ecto shift , ~~ e Pempagetiee — — A bot Call us 9650617807, 9968029030 Visit us Biog : ww. visionias,, J Page 87 of 66 VISION IAS” 23, (a) Describe the causative factors which generate waves and also discuss its movement from the open seas till it ‘breaks’ at the shore. 5 Tet sone ea aT ee reat A seve A ae wT TEE A a Pratt qr cere 22a ae Ft af At at Ata | Cla TEES. ¢ Donte Gallus 9650617807, 9963028030 Visit os www viioniasin {log wir visiorias. Emall-ajy s me Page 58 of 66 ey Ss VISION IAS” more ha And GAS lly conan 24) ddan Lihaoe eS ee an tb Abort - 23, (b) Define corals and reefs. Describe the ideal conditions for coral roet formation? Also give an account of distribution of coral reefs in India 5 vara? ate Pafrat ay afore fier | carafe a frat Gh aeek sere Ferrer A | area Ht vare-PAR ral Ree er Rarer ff | emcbonede Vouk sinelues bulle Aulte all us - 9050617807, 9968029099 Visit us » wwn.visionias in Blog | wun visionias., wag EMal : ajay i Page 59 of 66 7, eonn020030 Viet : roi Emal ajay vision : Page 60 of 66 4 Blog VISION IAS” 24, (a) Give an account of distribution of fisheries in the world. List the majar reasons for depletion of fishing resources throughout the world. $. Fever Fy rreem rere farercor wpe fatercoy etfs | Per re ay ery ararrepel sare Sh age apreit ft sft seq HFN | Diatubutiow Am Une worlol Ab wA jt alloutd faa ee auch aware cole ane WADI tks BL New Fousnol land fiw Me tomariven, (who, warare GA in lami wos Odea Boule UK 2 neggme os arte fea ae © Aoulhs "oe ego ches) , Callus» 9650617807, 968029039 Vist us : wale in lpg : wwlslonia, Email, ajay.visianiast@igmall com fe Page 61 of 66 ey nl 420 VISION IAS” Reodons fox cbiplations of fel parties Ne a awrtely olora met fins Jor apeusniig davel ipl * Botton, Proustirg ancuadsg Lurbsolly wantin aunel pithe Comnnl Aururd® + Rewose Of ehirieal potuutants © OL apis 24, (b) What are the factors, which affect the location of thermal power plants? 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