Adjunct Faculty Report

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Adjunct Faculty Report

Dear Sir as per your directions, I talked with the adjunct faculty regarding
issues like course progress, contents, Lecture plans, absences and projects.
I was allocated with the responsibility to discuss with Mr. Bilal Farooq
instructor of BBA-22 for the subject Negotiation & Conflict Management
and Mr. Ismat ullah Butt instructor of BBA-25 for the subject Business
Law & the Legal Environment.
Mr Bilal instructor of Negotiation & Conflict Management told me that
until now he has conducted 19 lectures of his class the students are
frequently informed about their absentees; Students are assigned with
course projects, quizzes are held regularly in his class. In addition he also
told me that the midterm result of his class will be delivered to the program
office in the ongoing week moreover Mr Bilal

has no absentee on his

credit up till now. Practical case studies regarding negotiation, conflict

management and resolution are also discussed within the class. Mr Bilal is
following the university outline and the course plan is going in adherence
with the course outline.
Mr. Ismat ullah Butt instructor of Business Law & the Legal
Environment told me that he has conducted 20 lectures of his class until
now. He has also assigned projects to his students which will be submitted
by the students on 10th of this month, 2 quizzes are taken from the class up
till now; students on the higher side of absentees are regularly informed
and warned to get punctual. He is following the same outline provided by
the university and course plan is going the same way as directed in the
university outline of the course.
For my part I am teaching Organizational Behavior to the students of
BBA ITM 19 and MBA MIS 01. I have conducted 21 lectures till today of
both the classes. I am following the same course plan of the university
course outline, 4 quizzes are taken from the aforesaid classes in addition
industrial projects of organizational behavior are assigned to the student

which will be presented by them in the ongoing week. Assignments

pertaining to organizational behavior are also provided to students.
Furthermore, in every subsequent class after lecture discussion a relevant
case study is provided to the students for analysis and brainstorming.
Muhammad Ali Asghar Sandhu
Teaching/Research Associate

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