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The Prophetic Callling of Jerimiah

Memory Text: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a
prophet to the nations (Jeremiah 1:5, NKJV).
Superintendent: Elder Cameron Munro
The Church at Study 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Praise & Worship.Team 3
Hymn of Praise.Praise Him! Praise Him!.....#249
Intercessory Prayer ....................Elder Gene Bernardo
Pastor Fred Nichols, Invitees to Evangelistic Meetings; Maritime &
Newfoundland- Labrador Conference
Next Week

Pastor Fred Nichols and participants in Evangelistic Meetings,

Missing Members, Carolina Conference Simone Biggs

Childrens Story.............Alonso Lopez

Offering.........Local Budget..........Elder Cameron Munro
Scripture...Ezekiel 37:1-7....Ernie, Renice & Renecia Eccles
Special Music.............................................. .Jonathan Bartosz

Elder Evadne Henry

Dry Bleach Bones
Hymn of Consecration..Watch, Ye Saints...#598

1. Fall clean-up day TOMORROW
starting at 9 am till 1 pm. We invite
all volunteers to come and assist
with cleaning up the church yard.
2. Church Board meeting will take place
Monday evening, October 5 at 7 am.
Please submit your agenda items to the
pastor, the first elder Clara Baptiste or the church
Secretary Larris Biggs.
3. Inviting ALL to our mid-week church service on
Wednesday night at 7 pm. It is time for
extra prayer, Bible study, and
4. Youth Bible Study Group for youth
ages 15 - 25+ continues every at
Thursday 7 pm @ 785 Nadine
Avenue (Ferreiras home). All are
invited; bring your friends to grow in knowing Christ.
5. Early Teens Bible Study Group for
youth ages 11-14 is open Tuesdays
at 7 pm. This week Michelle Taylor
is hosting @ 36 Kinnear Cres.
London, N6K 1V8. Teens are using
Amazing Facts curriculum Most
Important Questions. Free books are gifted to every
participant. Parents are welcome as you give a ride, to
come and fellowship.
6. Pathfinders Club will resume meetings
October 18, Sunday 10 am, starting new
classes cohorts.

Benediction...........Elder Kirmane Allen

Sunset Today: 7:05 p.m. Next Friday: 6:54 p.m.

Please send all bulletin related information by WEDNESDAY
9:00 p.m. to

7. Blessed with the gift of

song? Join the choir and make a
joyful noise! Choir will resume
practice 7:30pm, October 30th. New members are
welcome. Returning members please bring your
folders and all choir music.

8. TONIGHT 7 pm the Living Truth
fellowship is hosting a Gospel
Concert He is My Strength &
Song. Free Admission. A
night of inspiring Christian and
Classical Music. The concert is a fundraiser for
upcoming GYC trip for youth. The concert will
take place in the Sanctuary of the Oakridge
Presbyterian Church, at 970 Oxford Street, West.
9. 22nd CHIP session is taking
place in our fellowship hall and
will continue for 1 more week.
Please pray for those
facilitating and attending.
10. October 17-24 Evangelistic Proclamation Event
G.O.D. will be presented by
pastor Fred Nichols. He will
cover the following topics:
God Of Design (October 17
opening Sabbath Evening)
God On Descent (October 18,
God Over Deception (October
20, Tuesday)
God Our Deliverer (October 21, Wednesday)
God Oversees Development (October 23, Friday)
God Over Doubt (October 24 Sabbath Morning, 11
God Of Dancing (October 24 Sabbath Evening)
Invite your friends and family for this Revival Week.
Invitational flyers will be ready and available for
11. A training session will be provided for those
interested in serving as ushers during the
Evangelistic/ Revival Meetings. Please see elder
Clara Baptiste or Teresa Ferreira for details.
12. If you are over 55, or have
friends who are over 55
and would like to join our
Golden Agers for a buffet lunch on Tuesday,
October 20th at The Elm Hurst Inn 415 Harris St,

Ingersoll. We will meet there at 11:30 AM. For more

information please talk to Don Topper or Adrien Intering.
Please sign the Sign Up sheet in the foyer.
13. A Vegan Banquet - Where: St. Thomas Adventist
Church, 380 Manor Rd.
Date: November 29th, 6:00 -8:00 p.m.
RSVP by November 22nd
Contact Debbie Boskovic, 226-239-8179 or Cost $10.00 per
person; Dress Semi formal. Proceeds are to support
the church health ministry programs.
Conference takes place in Louisville,
KY December 30 January 3, just over
the New Year holidays. The registration early bird price,
$199 students and $299 for adults, ends on October 14.
A bus transportation will be organized from London for
free. Please speak to pastor Alex if you would like to
attend. The theme this year is based on Revelation 17:14
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall
overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings:
and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and
15. Mission trip to Nicaragua is
planned for January 26
February 17, 2016 as a follow
up to the May 2015 mission. The cost, including airfare
tickets from London to Managua, food on site, local
transportation costs, and donation for mission, is $2500
Canadian per person. Construction work is planned. If
you are interested, please sign up at the announcement
board, or speak with pastor Alex.
Birthday Wishes for October
Oct 1 Anniekay Allen
Oct 2 Kirmane Allen
Oct 2 Samuel Golovenko
Oct 2 Maria Stajfer
Oct 2 Lystra Shimla
Oct 3 Beverlyn Sealy
Oct 3 Kyle Mahon
Oct 3 Georgie Perez
Oct.5 Yemi Olawoore
Oct 5 Stephen VanLeeuwen

Oct 6 Sandi Rusek

Oct 7 Sarah Onyango
Oct 7 Natalie Magati
Oct 8 Steve Hurst
Oct 10 Santiago Perez
Oct 11 Natalia Bartosz
Oct 11 Shaquille Sealy
Oct 14 Dennis Plyley
Oct 17 Clayton Roemer
Oct 18 Max Mantiri

Oct 18 Kirmane Allen (Jr.)

Oct 21 Aloma Martin
Oct 22 Renata Starczewski
Oct 24 Ernie Eccles
Oct 25 Susan Stevens
Oct 27 Jana Topper
Oct 28 Etta Eccles
Oct 30 Nyamouch Rial
Oct 31 Jason McQuire

Evangeli-living loving, liking and living


I like the word Dr.Errol Lawrence coined over a decade ago

Evangeliving! You could add Evangeloving, Evangeliking, Evangelonging.
I keep repeating this term evangel good messenger, a bearer of good
news, one who gives an excellent report!
Watching some reports from the United Nations this week, where the 70th
session of the General Assembly is taking place, it was interesting to note
the vast differences between interests of different nations. When Mugabe
said we are not gays the assembly rolled with laughter. When Obama tried
to defend his concept of a world order based on seven decades or USA
global leadership, emphasizing that he will never hesitate to use the military
force, he was challenged by Chinese, Iranian, and Russian presidents, and
other leaders. It was Putins first appearance in 10 years at the UN council.
Russia currently serves as the president of the UN Security Council. He
spoke candidly that the experimentation with changes through revolutions
had brought more hurt, war, pain than solutions. Countries of North Africa
and Middle East are in fiery turmoil and Europe that was involved in
destabilizing systems there is stressed with the influx of migrants and
refugees. No one can win by manipulating, or forcing others, because in the
process it is hard to know who is manipulating whom. He pleaded against
double-standards, and for common values to be practiced, and draw
attention to what started UN Yalta Conference after the end of the World
War 2, appealing to the necessity of cooperation for the good and benefit of
all. The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called all leaders to
"compassion, prevention and, above all, action. As world leaders are
discussing 2030 Agenda and are focusing on the environment, poverty,
hunger, urbanization, youth they all talk about stability, peace and safety.
I do not want to get political in this blog, but must draw attention to the
Bible students, that the Second Coming of Christ will happen when there is
stability, peace and apparent security. 1st Thessalonians 5:3 About the time
everybodys walking around complacently, congratulating each other
Weve sure got it made! Now we can take it easy!suddenly everything will
fall apart. (The Message)
As the world is saying more action is needed to pursue its plans for
global order, we must consider our actions to further the Kingdom of God.
Are we sitting as excited spectators ready to point finger on actions of the
world, marvelling what is happening, or are we active workers of Gods
Kingdom, inviting people to know God through Jesus Christ? Have you been
active witnessing for Gods Kingdom and Gods Love to use revealed in
Jesus? Are you sharing the Love of the Holy Spirit with those who may take
a stand as your enemies? Do you give people likeable picture of Gods
Kingdom, so they would want to come and experience the fellowship of the
Body of Christ, the Church? This is what the true longing for Jesus to come
will do daily evange-living, evange-loving, evange-telling, evange-longing!
your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko


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