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Z A Textbook of “Enaineering”” Mechanics a Published by LAXMI PUBLICATIONS (P) LTD 22, Golden House, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110002. _ { 011-2826 2368 Phones he 011-2325 25.72 Faxes : axes | ou-asa52s72 Branches : © 1290/1, Ilrd Main Road, IX Cross, Chamrajpet, Bangalore (Phone : 080-26 61 15 61) © 26, Damodaran Street, 'T. Nagar, Chennai (Phone : 044-24 34 47 26) © St. Benedict's Road, Cochin (Phane : 0484-239 70 04) © Pan Bazar, Rani Buri, Guwahati (Phones : 0361-254 36 69, 251 38 81) * 4-2-453, Lst Floor, Ramkote, Hyderabad (Phone : 040-24 75 02 47) © Adda Tanda Chowk, N.D. 365, Falandhar City (Phone : 0181-222 12 72) ‘* 106/A, Ist Floor, S.N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata (Phones : 033-22 27 37 73, 22 27 52 47) 18, Madan Mohan Malviya Marg, Lueknow (Phone : 0522-220 95 78) © 128A, Block 3, First Floor, Noorani Building, LJ, Road, Mumbai (Phone : 022-24 46 39 98) © Radha Govind Street, Tharpagna, Ranchi (Phone : 0651-230 77 64) EMAIL : WEBSITE + EEM-0552-240-ENGG MECHANICS © Dr. RK. Bansal and Sanjay Bansal All Rights Reserved. This book, or part thereof, may not be reproduced! in any form or translated with the written permission of the authors and the publishers. Compiled by : Smt. Nirmal Bansal First Edition 1991 Reprint 1 1992, 198 Second Edition : 1994 ‘Third Edition : 1996 Reprint 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, Jan. 2001 Fourth Edition : 2002 Reprint 2 April 2003, Mareh 2004 Reprint + October 2004, June 2005 Price :Rs, 240.00 Only (C—10642/05/06 ‘Typesetting by : Goswami Printers, Delhi-110053. Printed at : Sanjeev Offset Printers, Delhi. Contents Chapter Pages PARTI—STATICS Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics 1—23 LL.__Introduetion 1 L2__Definitions 1.2.1. Vector quantity 122. Scalar quantity 1.23. Aparticle A. Law of parallelogram of forces 2.5. Law of triangle of forces a ee me L.3.__ System of Units oe 5 13.1. C.G.S. system of units 5 132. MKS. system of units 5 3. 8.1. system of units 5 ‘Trigonometric Formulae and Expressions 6 Differentiation and Integration 6 15.1. Differentiations 6 1.5.2. Integrations. 7 Solved Problems 1.1—19 ~ 7 1.6. Resolution of a Force 14 1.7. _ Resolution of a Number of Coplanar Forces 14 Solved Problems 1.10—1.13 14 1.8. Moment of a Force ws 16 18.1. Units of moment 7 18.2. Effect of Foree and moment on a body W Solved Problem 1.13 W 1.9. Laws of Mechanics 18 1.9.1. Newton's first and second Inws of motion 19 1.9.2. Newton's third law 19 1.9.3. ‘Tho Gravitional Law of attraction 19 1.9.4. ‘The parallelogram law 20 1.9.5. ‘The Principle of transmissibility of forces 21 Highlights os 21 Exercise L 22 2.__Coplanar, Collinear and Concurrent Forces 24—42, 21. Introduction 24 2.2, Classification of a Force System 24 2.21. Coplanar collinear 24 2.2.2. Coplanar concurrent 25 2.3. Coplanar parallel 25 2.2.4. Coplanarnon-eoneurrent, non-parallel = 25 2.3, Resultant of Several Forces 25 Chap. 24 (viii) Resultant of Coplanar Forces 2.6, Resultant of Collinear Coplanar Forces Analytical method i" 26 .5.2. Graphical method oe 26 Solved Problem 2.1 ~ 26 26. Resultant of Concurrent Coplanar Forces 27 2.6.1, When two forces act at a point . 27 2.6.2. When more than two two forces act at a point . 28 Solved Problems 2,.2—2,10 2.049222 Highlights 41 Exercise Al 3.__Coplanar Parallel Forces 4360 ..__Intreduction. 43 4.2.__Moment of a Force 43 Solved Problem 3.) 3.3. Principle of Moments (or Varignon's Principle) _ 44 Salved Problem 3.2 | 6 3.4. ‘Types of Parallel Forces a 47 4.1. Like parallel forces AT 3.4.2. Unlike parallel forees oo 47 4.5__Resultant of Two Parallel Forces a 3.5.1. Resultant of two like parallel forces oo 47 8.5.2. Resultant of two unlike parallel forces (unequal in magnitude). 48 3.5.3. Resultant of two unlike parallel forces which are equal in magnitude a 49 Solved Problems 3.3—3.5 ws 49 3.6. Resolution of a Foree into a Force and a Couple 52 Ived Problem 3. oe 2 4.7. General Caso of Parallel Fores in a Plane oo 5a ‘Solved Problems 8.73.8 54 3.8. Equivalent System 55 wed Proble 3.10 Highlights . 57 Bou 4, Conditions of Equilibrium 61-91 4.1.__Introduction 6 42. Principle of Equilibrium oe 61 4.2.1, Equations of equilibrium for non-current forces systems: oe 61 42.2. Equations of equilibrium for concurrent force system 61 4.3. Force Law of Equilibrium . 62 4.3.1, ‘Two forve system . 62 432. Three force system - 62 4.3.3. Four force system _ 63 Solved Problems 4.1—4.7 . 63 44, Action and Reaction " a (ix) Chap. Pages 4.5, Free Body Diagram os 72 Solved ProblemegB—49) Hightights 88 Exercise$ 5._ Support Reactions 92—113 5.1__Introduction 22 5.2. Types of Supports os 92 5.2.1. Simple support or knife edge support - 92 5.2.2. Roller support we 92 5.2.3. Pin joint (or hinged) support . 92 5.2.4. _ Smooth surface support oe 93 5.2.5. Fixed or built-in support us 93 5.3. Types of Loading - 93 0.3.1. Concentrated or point load os 93 5.3.2. Uniformly distributed load oe m4 5.3.3. Uniformly varying load 34 5.4, Method for Finding out the Reactions of a Beam 94 5.4.1. Analytical method . 94 5.4.2. Graphical method far finding out the reactions of a beam 94 5.5. Problems on Simple Supported Beams we 3m Solved Problems 6.1—6.5 95 5.6, Problems.on Overhanging Beams os 100 Solved Problems56—67 1 5.7. Problems on Roller and Hinged Supported Beams 101 Solved Problems 6.85.12 a 101 5.6. Problems When Beams are Subjected to Couples as 110 ‘Solved Problem §.J Highlights ui Exereise 5 ut 6.__Analysis of Perfect Frames 114—153 6.1,__Introduction ua 6.2, Types of Frames : 114 6.2.1. Perfect frame 4 6.2.2. Imperfect frame 115 6.3.__Assumptions Made in Finding out the Forees in a Frame 115 64. Reactions of Supports of a Frame . 115 6.5. Analysis of a Frame 116 6.5.1. Method of joints = 118 Solved Problems 6.16.6 6.5.2. Method of joints applied to cantilever trusses oe 127 Solved Problems 6.6—6.7 a 6.5.8, Method of joints applied to trusses carrying horizontal loads. 129 Solved ProblemaBR—89 0a 6.5.4. Method of joints applied to trusses carrying inclined londs 134 ‘Solved Problem @.19 8 Zz Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia 154—194 71. Centre of Gravit os 154 712.__Centroid 154 7.8. Centroid of Centre or Gravity of Simple Plane Figures 164 7.4. Centre of Gravity of Plane Figures by the Method of Moments 154 74.1. Centre of gravity of plane figures by integration method 155, 74.2. Contre of gravity of a line 185 7.5.__Tmportant Points 156 ‘7.5.1. Centre of gravity of structural sections: sue 156 Solved Problema 207.5 6 7.5.2. Problems of finding centro of gravity of area by integration method os 162 7.5.3. Problems of finding contre of gravity of line-segment by integration method ea 167 Pi 167 ‘L6&.__MomentofInertia 00 7.7.__Radius of Gyration ee 175, 7.8, Theorem of the Perpendicular Axis eee 175 L9__‘Theorem of Parallel Axis i768 7.10.1.__Moment of inertia of a reet section oe 117 ‘L.10.2._Moment of inertia of a cireular section J ___.. __180 7.10.3._Moment of inertia of a triangular section a 181 Z.10.4.__Moment of inertia of a uniform thin rod ___..____ 183 7.10.5. Moment of inertia of area under a eurve of, ation _ 183 ‘Solved Problems 7.12—7.14 i” 185, Highlights ae 189 ‘Exercise 7 a 190 Friction 195—238 ‘8.1L Introduction 195 8.2. Definitions at 195, B21 Coefficient of friction . 195 5.2.2. Angle of friction se 195° B23. Come of friction 198 8.3. _ "Types of Friction os 197 Copyrighted material Chap. (ai) | 8.5. le of Repose ce 204 8.6, Equilibrium of a Body Lying on a Rough Inclined Plane 204 8.7.__ Analysis of Ladder Friction os 229 88. Analysis of Wedge Friction oe 230 Highlights. se 234 Exercise 8 Lifting Machines. 239—289 9.1 Intreduetion ‘29 92___Definitions 239, 9.3___Reversible and Irreversible Machine 20s 94. Condition for Irreversibility of a Machine oe 240 Solved Problems .1—O.4 a 95 Lawafa Machine 00g 9.6.1. Expression for maximum mechanical advantage . zag 9.6.2. ion for maximum effici = 245, ‘Solved Problems $.5—@6 ||| 9.6. Friction of a Machine Expressed in Terms of Actual Effort (P) on 247 9.7. Friction ofa Machine Expressed in Terms of Load . 248 Solved Problems 9.79.02 000 98 Important Lifting Machines . 262 9.8.1. Simple wheel and axle = 253 9.8.4. Single purchase crab winch os 267 ‘Solved Problem 9.36 1 sg ‘9.8.5. Double purchase crab winch... ‘Solved Problem @.7 0g 9.8.6. Pulleys a 262 ‘Solved Problems 9.18920 eg 9.8.7. _Weston's differential pulley block os 269 ‘10.1._Introduction 200, Copyrighted material (xii) Chap. Pages 10.2. Work 200 108 Virtual Work 9 10.4. Prineiple of Virtual Work 291 10.5.__Units of Work 291 10.6, Forces to be Omitted While Applying the Principle of Virtual Work es 291 10.7. Important Points to be Remembered while Applying the Principle ofVirtual Work 10.8. Uses of the Principle of Virtual Work es 292 10.8.1. ‘The principle of virtual work for problems on beams oe 202 Solved Problems 10.1—10,5 0g 10.8.2. ‘The principle of virtual work for problems on Framed structure. 802 Solved Problems 10.6—10.17 22.2222 10.8.3. ‘The principle of virtual work for problems on lifting machines. 323 Solved Problems 10.18—10.19 323 10.9, Virtual Wark Done by Moment (ar Torque) 25 ‘Solved Problem 10.20 326 Highlights 328 Eeertive 10 5 11. Belts, Ropes and Chain Drives 332—378 1L.L_Introduction 282 11.2, Open Flat Belt Drive a2 11.2.1. Velocity ratio of open belt drive = 333 Solved Problems 11..—11.2 00 ag Slip of the belt. i 334 (Creep of the belt 336 Solved Problema LLg—1Lg ag 11.3. Cross Belt Drive ~ 339 114. Compound Belt Drive “ 339 Solved Problem pig 0° 11.5._Length of Belt os 341 ‘of an open belt drive 241 2. Length of a cross-belt drive om 343 Angle of contact for open belt drive oe 350. af Angle of contact for crossed belt drive oa 350 11.7. Power Transmitted by Belt oe 350 Solved Problems 11.9—11.10 v= 351 118. Centrifugal tension - 362 11.9. Maximum Power Transmitted by a Belt . 353. Solved Problems 11.11—11,14 ‘355 ‘diel Tenaion in the Bal 256 Solved Problems 11.15—11.17 - 360 1L.1L. V-belt Drive and Rope Drive os 365 Solved Problems 11 W123 0G (iit) Chap. Pages 11.12. Chain drive 273 11.13. Relative Advantages and Disadvantages of Chain and Belt (or Rope) Drives . 373 Highlights a74 Exercise 4) 8G PART II—DYNAMICS 12.__Linear Motion BR1—413 12.1._Introduetion 0 122. Velocity os 381 12.5._Acceleration 381 12.4. Equations of Motion in a Straight Line oe 382 12.4.1. Equation for final velocity - ‘382 12.4.2. Equation of motion for distance covered (s) - 382 12.4.3. Derivation of" =u = 2a8 383 Solved Problems 12.1—12.6 - 385 12.44, Distance travelled in the nth second on 389 Solved Problemi27 12.4.5. Equation of motion due to gravity “ 390 12.5. Points tobe Remembered 00091 ved 8 12. 12.6, Velocity and Acceleration of a Body Moving in a Straight Line by Differentiation - 401 Solved Problems 12.18—12.20 . 401 12.7, Velocity and Displacement of a Body Moving in a Straight Line by Integration . 403 Solved Problems 12.21—12.24 404 Highlights - an. Exercise 12 412 13. Curvilinear Motion, Circular Motion, Rotation and Translation 414—440 18.1,_Introduction 414 13.2. Angular Velocity . 414 13.2.1. Relation between linear velocity and angular velocity " 414 13.3.__ Angular Acceleration. - 7 415 13.3.1. Relation between linear acceleration and angular acceleration. 415 13.4. Equation of Motion Along a Circular Path = 415 13.4, Equation for angular displacement (6) at 416 13.4.2. Derivation of the angular displacement in terms of initial and final angular velocities _ 416 13.4.3. Relationship between r.p.m. (N) and angular velocity («) a 416 Solved Problems 13..—13.8 29 ga 13.5, Types of Motion 422 13.5.1, Motion of translation 422 18.5.2. Motion of rotation 2 423 13.6.3. Combined motion of translation and rotation. oe 423, Solved P: 139 2 (xiv) Chap. Pages 13.6._Analysis of Reciprocating Engine Mechanism . 425 Solved Problems 13.10—13.11 429 13.7._Analysis of Four Bar Mechanism. a 434 Solved Problems 19.12—18.18 24.4.|\|\| ga Highlights oe 438 Exercise 13 439 14._ Projectiles 441—470 14.1.__Introduction sal 14.2. Terms Used with the Projectiles oo 441 14.2.1. Velocity of projection. 441 14.2.2. Angle of projection. rvs 14.2.3. ‘Times of flight a Aa 14.2.4. Horizontal range a 4a1 14.3.__Equation For the Path of a Projectile a 441 14.3.1, Maximum height attained by projectile 442 14.3.2. Time of fight 448 14.3.3, Horizontal range of projectile (2) on 443 14.3.4, Value of angle of projection (=) for maximum horizontal range 443 14.3.5, Time to reach the highest point 443 Solved Problems 14.1--14.11 ” 444 14.4. Motion of a Body Thrown Horizontally from a Given Height into the Air. 454 Solved Problems 14.12—14.17 a 455 14.5, Projectile on an Inclined Plane ~ 460 14.5.1. Time of flight 461 14.5.2. Range on inclined plane we 461 14.5.3. Projectile down the inclined plane « 462 Solved Problems 14.18—14.21 “ 463 Highlights ~ 467 Exercise 14 468 15.8. Motion on an Inclined Rough Surface. . 480 Solved Problems 15.1515 9.4999 a 16.9. Analysis of Lift Motion oe 488 Solved Problems 15.16—15.20 0048 (xv) Chap. Pages 15.10. Analysis of the Motion of Two Bodies Connected by a String . 493 Solved Problems 16.21—15.25 494 15.11. Analysis of the Motion of Two Bodies Connected by a String When One Body is Lying on « Horizontal Surface and Other is Hanging Free - 499 1.11.1. ‘The horizontal surface is smooth and string is passing over a smooth pulley ue 499 1.11.2. The horizontal surface is rough and the string is passing, over a smooth pulley . 501 Solved Problems 15.26—15.29 a 502 15.11.3. The horizontal surface is rough and the string passes over a rough surface . 504 ‘Solved Problem 16.30 2.211 15.12, Analysis of the Motion of Two Bodies Connected by a String When One Body is Lying on Inclined Plane.and the Other is Hanging Free in Air. 506 15.12.1, First case when the inclined surface is smooth 506 15.12.2. Second case when the inclined surface is rough 508 Solved Problems 15.31—15.32 ve 509 15.13. Momentum and Angular Momentum (or moment of momentum) - Si 15.13.1. Momentum : oul 15.13.2, Momentum of momentum or angular momentum. su 15.14. Moment of Inertia of a Circular Section 7 512 15.15. Radius of Gyration (K) 514 Solved Problems 15.33—15.34 . 515 15.16. Laws for Rotary Motion . 516 15,17, Kinetic Energy Due to Rotation 517 15.18, Total Kinetic Energy of a Body 518. Solved Problems 15.95—15.38 - 518 15.19. Rotation Due to a Weight W Attached to One End of a String Passing: Over a Pulley of Weight Wo . 621 Solved Problem 16.99 oe 522 15.20. Rotation due to Weights Attached to the Two Ends of a String, which Passes Over a Rough Pulley of Weight Wo oo 523 Solved Problems 15.40—~15.42 oe 525 165.21, D’ Alembret's Principle Applicable to Plane Mation . 530 Solved Problem 15.43 532 15.22. D’ Alembret’s Principle Applicable to Rotary Motion os 533 Highlights os 536 Exercise 15, “ 539° 16. Simple Harmonic Motion and Mechanical Vibrations 544—579 16.1,_Introduetion Bad 16.2. Definitions of Some Terms Used with S.H.M. . BAT Solved Problems 16.1—16.9 . 647 16.3. Oscillation of the Bodies Having Simple Harmonie Motion - 556 16.3.1. Oscillation of a vertical elastic string or spring ' 566 Solved Problems 16.10—16.17 “ 558 (vid Chap. Pages 16.3.2, Oscillations of a simple pendulum o 588 Solved Problems 16.18—16.19 367 16.4. Gain or Loss of Oscillations Due to Change in gor 1 for a Pendulum a 367 Solved Problems 16.20—16.21 . 568 165, Free i 569 16.6.1. ‘The longitudinal vibrations 569 16.5.2. ‘The transverse vibration 570 16.5.3. The torsional vibrations 570 Solved Problems 16.22—16.25 571 Highlights 876 Exercise 16 . 8m7 17, Collision of Elastic Bodies 580—605 17.1. Introduetion . 580 17.2, Some Definition 580 580 ‘Time of restitution 580 ‘Time of collision 580 17.24, Law of conversion of momentum 580 17.3. ‘Types of Impacts 580 17.8.1. Direct impact of two bodies 580 17.3.2. Indirect impact of two bodies a 581 174. Co-efficient of restitution 583 Solved Problems 17.1—17.7 a 584 17.5, Loss of Kinetic Energy During Impact 592 Solved Problems 17.8—17.12 592 17.6, Impact of a Body on a Fixed Plane ~ 597 17.7. Direct impact of a body on a fixed plane . 597 Solved Problems 17.13—17.15 “ 588 17.8, Indirect Impact of a Body on a Fixed Plane 600 Solved Problems 17.16—17.17 600 Highlights 602 Exercise 17 ae 603 18.__Work, Power and Energy 606—6387 18.1._Intreduction 606 182. Work 608 18.3._Units of Work, 8G Solved Problems 18.1—18.7 . 607 18.4. Power 610 Solved Problems 18.8—18.11 610 18.5, Work Done By a Torque o 614 18.6. Pawer Developed by a Torque os 614 Solved Problems 18.12—18.13 ~ 64 . Energy . 615 ‘Mechanical Energy a 615, 18.8.1. Potentinl energy os 615 ( xvii) Pages 18.8.2. Kinetic energy - 615 18.8.3. Work done is equal to change of kinetic energy 616 Solved Problems 18.14—18.15 617 18.9. Law of Conservation of Energy 618 Solved Problems 18.16—18.21 o 619 18.10. Energy Lost By a Body Falling on Another Body and to Caleulate the Resistance Offered the Ground o 626 Solved Problems 18.22—18.28 627 Highlights 635 Exercise 18 ve 635 Forces in Space 638657 19.1, Introduetion - 638 19.2. Notation of a Vector 638 19.2.1. Magnitude of a vector 638 19.2.2. Multiplication of a vector by a scalar 638 19.3. Components of a Force . 638 19.4. Unit Veetor 639 . Components of a Force When Two Points on its Line of Actions are Given... 640 19.6. Position Vector of a Given Point 640 Solved Problems 19.1—19.5 640 19.7. Important Vector Operations . 646 19.7.1. Vector addition 646 19.7.2. Dot product oa 646 19.7.3. Cross product or vector product 647 Solved Problems 19,6—19.10 647 19.8 Moment of a Force 650 Solved Problems 19.11—19.15 “ 650 Subject Index 858 PARTI STATICS 1 Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics 1.1, INTRODUCTION Engineering mechanics is that branch of science which deals with the behaviour of a body when the body is at rest or in motion. The engineering mechanics may be divided into Statics and Dynamics. The branch of science, which deals with the study of a body when the body is at rest, is known as Statics while the branch of science which deals with the study of a body when the body isin motion, is known as Dynamics. Dynamics is further divided into kinematics and kinetics. The study of a body in motion, when the Forces which eause the motion are not considered, is called kinematics and ifthe forces are also considered for the body in motion, that branch of science is called kinetics. The classification of Engineering Mechanics are shown in Fig. 1.1 below, ENGINEERING MECHANICS | 1.Staties 2. Dynamics (Body is at rest) (Body is in motion) () Kinematics (i Kinetics Fig 1.41 Note. Statics deals with equilibrium of bodies at rest, wheteas dynamics deals with the motion of bodies and the forces that cause them, 1.2, DEFINITIONS 1.2.1, Vector Quantity. A quantity which iscompletely specified by magnitude and direction, is known as a vector quantity. Some examples of vector quantities are : velocity, acceleration, force and momentum. A, vector quantity is represented by means of a straight line with an arrow as shown in Fig, 1.2, The length of the straight line (ce., AB) represents the magnitude and arrow represents the direction of the vector. The symbol AB also # 8 Tepresents this vector, which means itis acting from A to B. Fig. 12, Vector Quantity. 1.2.2, Sealar Quantity. A quantity, which is completely specified by magnitude only, is known asa scalar quantity. Some examples of scalar quantity are : mass, length, time and temperature. 1.2.3. A Particle. A particle is a body of infinitely small volume (or a particle is a body of negligible dimensions) and the mass of the particle is considered to be concentrated at a point. Hence a particleis assumed to a point and the mass of the particle is concentrated at this point, 1.2.4, Law of Parallelogram of Forces, The law of parallelogram of forces is used to determine the resultant® of two forces acting at a point in a plane. It states, “‘If two forces, acting at a point be represented “The resultant of a sysiem of forces may be defined asa single force which has the came effect as system of forces acting on the body. 2 ENGINEERING MECHANICS. in magnitude and direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram, then their resultant is represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram passing through that point’. Let nwo forces P and Q act at a point O as shown in Fig. 1.3. The force P'is represented in magnitude and direction by OA whereas the force Q is presented in magnitude and direction by OB. Let the angle between. the two forces be ‘ct’. The resultant of these two forces will be obtained in magnitude and direetion by the diagonal (passing through 0) of the paraltelogram of which GA and OB are two adjacent sides. Hence draw the parallelogram with OA and OB as adjacent sides as shown in Fig. 1.4. The resultant R is represented by OC in magnitude and direction, Fig 13 Fig. 14 Magnitude of Resultant (R) and and From € draw CD perpendicular to OA produced. Let ‘a= Angle between two forces Pand Q= LAOB Now LDAC = LAOB (Corresponding angles) . ce In parallelogram OACB, AC is parallel and equal to OB. * AC=Q. Intriangle ACD, AD=AC cosa = CD=AC sina=Qsina. Intriangle OCD, 0C?=0D* + DC. But QC =R, OD =O0A+AD=P + Qcosa BC=Qsina ‘ R= (P+ Qcosa)' + (Qsin ay = P? +O" cos? a+ 2PQ cos a + 0" sin? = P+ G2 (cos? + sin? a) +2PQ cose 740 + PO cosa Cr cos* a+ sin? = 1) * R=VP'+Q"+2PQ cos & (1D) Equation (1.1) gives the magnitude of resultant force R. Direction of Resultant Let 8 = Angle made by resultant with OA. ‘Then from triangle OCD, cp sina tan = = OD P+Qcosa our ord (0.2) P+Qosa FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS 3 Equation (1.2) gives the direction of resultant (R). “The direction of resultant can also be obtained by using sine rule [In triangle OAC, OA = P, AC = Q, OC =R, angle OAC = (180— a), angle ACO = 180 — [8+ 180 —aj = (@-8)] sin@ _ sin(180~a) _ sin(a 8) AC oc OA sin @ _ sin(180-a) _ sin(a~6) Q R “OP ‘Two casesare important. Fig 14(a) Ist Case, If the two forces P and Q act a right angles, then a= 90" From equation (1.1), we get the magnitude of resultant as R=VP'+Q?+2PQ cosa =VP*+Q? + 2PQ cos 90° “VPage Cr cos 90 =O) (1.24) From equation (1.2), the direction of resultant is obtained as ous’ (pate) P+Qoosa wt (C2 sin 90° = 1 and cos 90° = 0) P+Q cos 90° 2nd Case. The wo forces P and Q are equal and are acting at an angle « between them. Then the ‘magnitude and direction of resultant is given as ReVP4Q?+2PQ cosa =VP*4 P+ 2P x Pxcosa@ (: P=Q) = V2P" 4 2P eos a = VIFP(1 + cos a) Vv £ oa 2 2 V2P x2 ces? 5 (: 1 veesa.-2e0s'§ | £V 4P* cos? $= 2P cos $ 13) tar! (—28ina_)_4,,1_Psina_ pa and 6 = tar (Fedara)=" P+Posa ( P=@) tar? PSO gq t ine tan Pilscosa)"" Tecosa 2sin £ cos stant = sina=2sin cos Zens? a2 2 (4) 4 ENGINEERING MECHANICS It is not necessary that one of two forces, should be along x-axis. The forces P and @ may be in any direction as shown in Fig. 1.5. Ifthe angle between the two forces is ‘a’, then their resultant will be given by equation (1.1). The direction of the resultant would be oblained from equation (1.2), Butangle 0 will be the angle made by resultant with the direction of P. 1.2.8. Law of Triangle of Forees, It states that, ‘if three forces acting ata point be represented in magnitude and direction by the three sides of a triangle, taken in order, they will be in equilibrium.” Fig 15 1.2.6, Lami’s Theorem. It states that, “If there forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, each force will be proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two forces."” Suppose the three forces P, Q and R are acting at a point O and they are in equilibrium as shown in Fig. 16, Let «= Angle between foree Pand Q. B= Angle between force Q and R. = Angle between force Rand P. ‘Then according to Lami’s theorem, Passine of angle between Q and Rat sin B. Fig. 1.6 Similarly 22 constant and —*— s constant siny sing, or et. Proof of Lami's Theorem. The three forces acting on a point, are in equilibrium and hence they can be represented by the three sides of the triangle taken in the same order. Now draw the foree triangle as shown in Fig. 1.6(2). Naw applying sine rule, we get "ye sin (180 -y) ~ sin (180-2) This canalso be written Po Rk sinBsiny~ sina Fig. 1.6 (@) Note. All the three forces should be acting either towards the point or away from the point. This is same equation as equation (1.5), FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS 5 1.3. SYSTEM OF UNITS ‘The following system of units arc mostly used : 1. CGS. (ie., Contimetre-Gram Second) system of units. 2. M.K.S, (ce. Metre-Kilogram-Second) system of units. 3. Sle (ies International) system of units. 13,1 C.G.S, System of Units, In this system, length is expressed in centimetre, mass in gramand time in second. The unit of force in this system is dyne, which is defined as the force acting on a mass of one gram and producing an acceleration of one centimetre per second square. 13.2. MKS. System of Units. in this system, length is expressed in metre, mass in kilogram and time in second. The unit of force in this system is expressed as kilogram force and is represented as kgf. 1.33. S.L. System of Units. S.1. is abbreviation for “The System Intemational Units’. Itis also called the International System of Units. In this system length is expressed in metre mass in kilogram and time in second. The unit of force in this system is Newton and is represented N. Newton is the force acting on a mass ‘of one kilogram and producing an acceleration of one metre per second square. The relation between newton (N) and dyne is obtained as One Newton = One kilogram mass x One. tnette = = 1000 gm x 100s (one kg = 1000 gm) § = 1000 x 100 x #2 =S" # = 10% dyne . syne ene | ‘When the magnitude of forces is very largo, then the unit of force like kilo-newton and mega-newton is used. Kilo-newton is represented by KN, One kilo-newton or KN and ‘One mega newton = 10" Newton ‘The large quantities are represented by kilo, mega, giga and terra, They stand for : Kilo = 10° and represented by Mega = 10? and represented by Giga = 10° and represented by Tera = 10" and represented by wovunT “Thus mega newton means 10° newton and is represented by MN. Similarly, giga newton means 10°N and is represented by GN. The symbol TN stands for 10'? N. ‘The small quantities are represented by milli, micro, nano and pico. They are equal to Milli = 10 and represented by Micro = 10% and represented by Nano = [0-* and represented by Pico = 10"? and represented by ‘Thus milli newton means 10°? newton and is represented by mN. Micro newton means 10 N and is represented by jN. ‘The relation between kilogram force (kgf) and newton (N) is given by One kgf = 9.81 N 6 ENGINEERING MECHANICS Weight of a body is the force with which the body is attracted towards earth. If W= weight of a body, ‘m = mass in kg, then W =m x g Newtons If mass, m of the body is | kg, then its weight will be, We 1g) x9.81-3= 9.1 N, 1.4, TRIGONOMETRIC FORMULAE AND EXPRESSIONS ‘The following are the trigonometric formulae in a right-angled triangle ABC of Fig. 1.7. a AC ” AB @sinO=36 (i) cos 8 = FC c a) ana 24 iti) 1an 8 = 5 (iv) sin (A +B) =3in A cos B+ cos A sin (v) sin (A —B) = sin A cos B—cos A sin B (Wi) cos (A +.B) = cos A cos B—sin A sin B (vii) cos (A - B) = cos A cos B + sind sinB a tanA + tan B (vidi) tan (A+B) = A ~tanB (i) an = By (3) sin 24 =2 sin A cosa Fig 1.7 (xi) sin? 0+ cos?0= 1. 1.5, DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION 1.5.1. Differentiations. (i) Differentiation of a quantity (say A) with respect to x is written as HA) ort de de ay d - (i) 08) = 48, Fant 1 and ( yA (er + 24 e+ SP x8 ww 4 (4) = 0 as differentiation of constant is zero. dv du d 5 Og usdeu Baus [when wand v are functions of 2] (+i) Differentiation of trigonometrical functions dg, ie ina) = c08 x a i Gp (084) = = sinc Kann = sex, FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS 7 1.5.2. Integrations. (i) Integration of a quantity (say A) with respect to x is written as f Adx. 1 often (ii) [Ade = 4x 4, _ (8e4sy'*! Cor fer sy dea BS Problem 1-1, Two forces of magninule 10 N and 8 N are acting at a point. If the angle between the two forces is 60°, determine the magnitude of the resultant force. Sol. Given = Force P=10N Force Q=8N Angle between the two forces, «t = 60° ‘The magnitude of the resultant force (R) is given by equation (1.1) R=VP 4074+ 2PQ cosa = V10? + 8 42 x 10x 8x ons 60" =V1004 64+ 2x 10x 8x! = V100 + 64 + BO = V244 = 15,62 N. Ans. Problem 1.2. Twoequal forces are acting ata point with an angle of 60° between ther. If the resulzant force is equal ta 20 x V3 N, find magnitude of each force. Sol. Given: Angle between the force, «= 60° Resultant, R= 20x V3 “The forces are equal, Let P is the magnitude of each force, Using equation (1.3), we have R=2Pcos$ or ROVE = 2P cos 22x Sera v5 va .'. Magnitude of cach force = 20 N. Ans. Problem 1.3. The resultant of the two forces, when they act at an angle of 60° is 74 N. If the same forces are acting at right angles, their resultant is VI36 N. Determine the magnitude of the two forces. Sol. Given: Casel ) =2Pes0r I Ps =20N. Resultant, Ry = 14N Angle, a=60° Case Il Resultant, Ry = V136N Angle, a=? Let the magnitude of the two forces arc P and Q. Using equation (1.1) for case I. R=VP*40"+2PQ cosa or 14=-VP? +0? + 2PQ «cos OF = VP + G+ 2PQx! or 142VP*4 074 PO ‘ or or ENGINEERING MECHANICS, Squaring, 196 = P+? + PO wali) Using equation (1.2 A) for case Il, R=VP+Q or VBG=VP 4g? 136 = P?+ (Squaring both sides) Subtracting equation (ii) from equation {i}, we get 195 — 136 = P24 0? + PQ-(P? 4 @2) 60= PQ iii) Multiplying the above equation by two, we get 120 = 2PQ iv) Adding equation (iv) to equation (ii), we get 136 + 120 = P* + 0? + 2PQ 256=P?+Q74+2PQ or (16)'=(P +O) 16=P4+Q * P=(16-Q) wv) Substituting the value of P in equation (iif), we get 60 = (16-0) x @=16Q-Q" of O?-162+60=0 ©. This is a quadratic equation. 162V(-16F-4%60 162VB6-20 1624 e- 2 . 2 as 644 and ‘Substituting the value of Qin equation (v), we get P=(16—10) or (16-6) = 6 or 10. Hence the two forces are 10 N and 6 N. Ans. Problem 1.4. Two forces are acting at a point O as shown in Fig. 1.8. Determine the resultant in ‘magnitude and direction, Fig 1.8 Fig 1.9 Sol. Given = Foree P =SON, Force Q = 100N ‘Angle between the two forces, = 30° “The magnitude of the resultant R is given by equation (1.1) as R=VP4Q"42PQ cosa = V50"+ 100 +2 x 50 x 100 x cas 30” = VZ500 + 10000 + 8660 = VZIT60 = 145.46 N. Ans. FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS 9 ‘The resultant R'is shown in Fig. 1.9, The angle made by the resultant with the direction of P'is given by equation (1.2) as __Qsinw tn 8 =F Oca . ee tant (—2since_) _ 51/100 x sin 30° P+Qcosa 30 + 100 cos 30° = tan”! 0.366 = 20.10" «. Angle made by resultant with x-axis = 0 + 15° = 20,10 + 15 = 38.10". Ans. Problems 1.5. The resultant of two concurrent forces is 1500 N and the angle between the forces is 90". The resultant makes an angle of 36° with one of the force. Find the magnitude of each force. Sol. Given: Resultant, 1500 N Angle between the forces, a = 90° Angle made by resultant with one force, @ = Let P and Q are two forces. Qsina P+ Qos an 36° = 2510.90" @xi_ g g tan 36° = 5 Ocas 0° P+Qx0p % %726= or 0 =0.726 P Ad) Using equation (1.1), R= VP? +Q? + 2PQ cos a or R= P40? +2PQcosa or 1500? = P? + (0.726P)" + 2P(0.726P) x cos 90° Q=0.726P) 1500 = P* + 0.527P? +0 (cos 90° = 0) =1527P Using equation (1.2), an = 1500? __1500 1527 © 1.2357 iting the value of P in equation (i), we get Q=0.726 x 1213.86 = 881.26N. Ans. Alternate Method, Refer to Fig. 1.9 (a). Consider triangle OAC. Using sine rule, we get sin 90° _ sin 36° _ sin 54° = 1213.86 N ‘Subst B c R Qo. P or sin 36° @ Rsin36* or Satyr ‘(where R = 1500N) = 10005877 _ 591.67 N. Ans. Fig. 19(@) = 1213.52 N. Ans. FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS B Sol. Given: Weightat C= 15N LOAC = 60° LCBD = 45° Let 7, = Force in string BC Ty = Force in string AC Ist Method Using Lami's theorem at C 15 sin of ZBCA~ sinof ZACE But LBCA = 45° +30" = 75° LACE = 180° 30° = 150° ZBCE = 180° — 45° = 135° 15 TN. sin 75° ~ sin 150° ~ sin 135° 15 x sin 150° Tye ag 7 TIGN. Ans. and = Wxsin 135° a sin 75? 2nd Method ‘The point C is in the equ Resolving all forces at C’in the horizontal direction = 10.98 N. Ans. rium. The forces acting at C are 15 N, 7, and 7. T, sin 45? = Tysin 30° or TxgpeTaxy os ety xgevixn, -) Resolving all forces at C in the vertical direction, T, cos 45° + T; cos 30° = 15 wedi) 1 ve or Tix gettan y= is Substituting the value of T» from equation ({) into equation (i), devtxnx Sais Tix 2 or Fos or Ty+V3T=1SxVZ or Ty(1 +V3) = 15x VE 1, = 18208 -176N, Ans. Substituting this value of 7; in equation (), we get Tz, =V2 x T, = V2 x 7.76 = 10.98 N, Ans. 14 ENGINEERING, MECHANICS. 1.6, RESOLUTION OF A FORCE Resolution of a force means “finding the components of a given force in two given directions.”” Let a given force be R which makes an angle @ with X-axis as shown in Fig. 1.14. I is required to find the com- ponents af the force R along X-axis and Y-axis. Components of Ralong X-axis = R cos 8. ‘Component of R along Y-axis = R sin 8. ° tena 3 x Hence, the resolution of forces is the process of find- ing components of forces in specified directions. Fig. Ld 1,7, RESOLUTION OF A NUMBER OF COPLANAR FORCES Let a number of coplanar forces (forces acting in one plane are called co-planar forces) Ry Ros Ry, we are acting at a point as shown in Fig. 1.15. Let 0, = Angle made by Ry with X-axis 0; = Angle made by Rz with X-axis 05 = Angle made by Ry with X-axis H = Resultant component of all forces along X-axis V= Resultant component of all forces along Y-axis R= Resultant of all forces: = Angle made by resultant with X-axis, Each force can be resolved into two components, one along X-axis and other along Y-axis, ‘Component of R along X-axis = Ry cos 0 Component of R, along Y-axis = Ry sin Oy. Similarly, the components of Rand Ry along X-axis and Y-axis are (Ry cos 8, R; sin 83) and (Ry cos 5, Ry sin O4) respectively. Resultant components along X-axis, = Sum of components of all forees along X-axis. & H = Ry cos 0, + Ry cos By + Ry cos 0; +... (1.6) Resultant component along Y-axis. = Sum of components of all forces along Y-axis. V=R, sin 8; + Rz sin 6; + Ry sin O +... Ry ‘Then resultant of all the forces, R= VH? + “The angle made by R with X-axis is given by, tan 0 ot Problem 1.10. Tivo forces are acting at a point Q as shown in Fig. 1.16, Determine the resultant in magnitude and direction, Sol, The above problem has been solved earlier. Hence it will be solved by resolution of forces, Force P= SON and force Q= 100N, Let us first find the angles made by each force with X-axis, FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS 15 Angle made by P with x-axis = 15° Angle made by Q with x-axis = 15 +30= 45° Let = Sum of components of all forces along X-axis. V = Sum of components of all forces along Y-axis. ‘The sum of components of all forces along.X-axis is given H =P eos 15% + Qeos 45° = 50x cos 15" + 100cos 45° = 119 N The sum of components of all forces along ¥-axis is given by, V =Psin 15° + sin 45° 50 sin 15° + 100 sin 45° = 83.64 N ‘The magnitude of the resultant force is given by equation (1.8), R= VEPs = V119" + 83.647 = 145.46 N. Ans, “The direction of the resultant force is given by equation (1,9), tan @ = 0 = tant SEK 38,10", Ans, Here 0 is the angle made by resultant R with x-axis, Problem 1,11, Three forces of magnitude 40 kN, 15 KN and 20 KN are acting at a point O as shown in Fig 1.17. The angles made by 40 kN, 15 kN and 20 KN forces with X-axis are 60, 120° and 240° respectively. Determine the magnitude and direetion of the resultant force. Sol. Given: Ry = IO KN, 8; = 60° y= 15 KN, 0; = 120° Ry = 20 KN, Oy = 240° ‘The sum of components of all forces along X-a euation (1 6) as H = Ry cos ®, +.R2.c05 6 + R605 = 40 x cos 60° + 15 x.c0s 120° + 20x cos 240° 340 x34 15 x (3) +20x (4) =20-75-10=2.5kN. ‘The resultant component along Y-axis is given by equation (1.7) as VR, sin®, + Rzsin 0; + Ry sin 8, = 40 x sin (60°) + 15 x sin (120°) + 20 x sin (240°) B 615.2 420% ( =) is given by 404 +15 E =20xV3 + 75x VE - 10x V5 =175 «VERN = 30.31 KN. ‘The magnitude of the resultant force is given by equation (1.8) R=ViP + = 25243031 = 30,41 KN, Ans, ‘The direction of the resultant force is given by equation (1.9) =H? 357 12.124 = tan 85.28° © = 85,28" or 85° 16.3’, Ans, tan 15, 16. 1 ENGINEERING MECHANICS According to Lami's theorem, ‘“Ifthree forces acting.a the sine of the angle between the other two forces.” ‘The relation between newton and dyne is given by One newton = 10° dyne. Moment ofa force about a point = Force x perpendicular distance of the line of action of the force from that point. “The force causes linear displacement while moment causes angular displacement. A body will be in equilibrium if (0 resultant force in any direction is zero and (if) the net moment of the forces about any point is zero. Gravitational law of attraction is given by, pointare equilibrium, each force will be proportional to my x my z ational constant. FsG where G = Universal gra my, my mass of bodies EXERCISE 1 (A) Theoretical Problems ‘What do you mean by scalar and vector quantities ? Define the law of parallelogram of forces. What isthe use ofthis law ? State triangle law of forces and Lami’s theorem. ‘Two forces P and @ are acting at a point in a plane. The angle between the forces is “a. Prove that the resultant (Ry of the two forces is given by R=-VP¥ +0" + 2AQ aa Define the following terms : dyne, newton, meganewion and moment of a force. Prove that one newton is equal to 10° dyne. the terms : clockwise moments and anti-clockwise moments. tne effect of force and moment:on a'body ? Indicate whether the following statement is trve or false. “The resultant components of the forces seting on a body slong any direction is zero but the net moment of the forces about any point is not zero, the body will be in equilibrium’. (Ans. Fatse] Write the S.1. units of: Force, moment and velocity. What do you mean by resolution of a force? Acsumber of coplanar forces are acting at a point making different angles with x-axis. Find an expression for the resultant force, Find also the angle made by the resultant force with x-axis. ‘State and explain the pinciple of transmissibility of forces. ‘State and explain the following laws : (8) Newton's laws of motion. i) The gravitational law of attraction. Using gravitation law of attraction, prove that W = mx g. Explain fully the following terms : (@ Resolved part of a given force in a given direction. Gi) Lami’s theorem. (B) Numerical Problems Determine the magnitude of the resultant of the two forces of magnitude 12 Nand 9N acting ala point if the angle between the two forcesis 30°. [Ans. 203 N] FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS 23 h 10. Find the magnitude of 1wo-equal forces acting at a point with an angle of 60° between them, if the resultant is equal 10 30xV3 N. [Ans 30 N] ‘The resultant of two forces when they act at right angles is 10.N, whereas when they act at an angle of 60° the resultants is VTAB . Determine the magnitude of the two forces. [Ans. 8N and 6 NJ ‘Three forces of magnitude 30 kN, 10 kN and 15 kN are acting ata point 0. The angles made by 30 KN force, TKN forceand 15 KN force with x-axis are 60°, 120° and 240° respectively. Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant force. [Ans 21.79 kN, 83° 24] A weight of 800 N is supported by two chains a8 shown in Fig. 1.26. Determine the tension in each chain, (Ans, 273.5N, 751.7] Anelecttic light fixture weighing 20 N hangs from a point C. by two strings AC and BC. AC is inclined at 60° to the horizontal and BC at 30° to the vertical as shown in Fig, 1.27. Using Lami’s theorem or othcrwise determine the forces inthe strings AC and BC TAns. 8.929 N, 13.05 NJ Fig. 1.26 427 A beam AB of span 6 m carries a point load of 100 N ata distance 2m from A, Determine the beam reaction, [Ans. Ry = 66.67 N ; Ry =33.33 N] Four forces of magnitudes 20 N, 30.N, 40N and SON are actingrespectively along the four sides of a squate taken inorder. Determine the magnitude, direction and position of the resultant force. 2g, 7a ‘Ans. 20x VEN, 225", 5 ‘Two forces magnitude 15.N and 12.N are acting at a point. Ifthe angle between the wo forces is 60°, determine the resultant of the forces in magnitude and direction, [Ams, 23.43 N, 263°] Four forces of magnitude P, 2P, 3 x V3P and 4P are acting at a point 0. The angles made by these forces with x-axis are 0", 60°, 150° and 300° respectively. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force. [Ans. P, 1200) 2 Coplanar Collinear and Concurrent Forces 2.1. INTRODUCTION Coplanar forces means the forces in a plane. The word collinear stands for the forces which are having common lines of action whereas the word concurrent stands for the forces which intersect at a common point. When several forces aet on a body, then they are called a force system or a system of forces. In a system in which all the forces lie in the same plane, it is known as coplanar force system. Hence this chapter deals with a system of forces which are acting in the same plane and the forces are either having a common line of action or intersecting at a common point, 2.2, CLASSIFICATION OF A FORCE SYSTEM. ‘A force system may be coplanar or non-coplanar. [fin a system all the forces lie in the same plane then the force system is known as coplanar. But if in a system all the forces lie in different planes, then the force system is known as non-coplanar. Hence a force system is classified as shown in Fig. 2.1. Force System 1. Coplanar 2. Non-coplanar Collinest ‘Concurrent Parallel Non-concurtent Non-parallet Concurrent Parallel Non-concurrent Non-paralie! Fig. In this chapter, we shall discuss only coplanar foree system, in which the forces may be : (@ Collinear (i) Concurrent (i Paraltet (iv) Non-concurrent, non-parallel (or General system of forces). 2.21. Coplanar Collinear, Fig. 2.2 shows three forces Fy, F2and Fyacting ina plane. These three forces are in the same line de., these three forces are having a common line of action. ‘This system of forces is known as coplanar collinear force 24 Fj Fs Fig. 2.2. Coplanar Collinear Forces. COPLANAR COLLINEAR AND CONCURRENT FORCES system. Hence in coplanar collinear system of forces, all the forces act of action. the same plane and have a common line 2.2.2, Coplanar Concurrent. Fig. 23shows three forces F,, Fz and F; acting in a plane and these forces intersect or meet at a common point O. This system of forces is known as coplanar concurrent force system. Hence in coplanar concurrent system of forces, all the forces act inthe same plane and they intersect atacommon point. 2.2.3. Coplanar Parallel. Fig. 2.4 shows three forces F), F) and Fy acting in a plane and these forces are parallel. This system of forces is known as coplanar paral- lel force system, Hence in coplanar parallel system of forces, all the forces actin the same plane and are parallel. 2.2.4, Coplanar Non-concurrent Non-parallel, Fig. 2.5 shows four forces F), Fa, Fy and Fy acting in a plane. The lines of action of these forces lic in the same plane but they are neither parallel nor meet or intersect at a common point. This system of forces is known as coplanar non-concurrent non-parallel force system. Hence in coplanar non-concurrent non-parallel system of forces, all the forces act inthesame plane but the forces are neither parallel nor meet at a common point, This force system is also known as general system of forces. 2.3. RESULTANT OF SEVERAL FORCES Wher a number of coplanar forces are acting on a rigid” body, then these forees can be replaced by a single force which has the same effect on the rigid body as that of all the forces acting together, then this single force is known as the resuftant of several forces. Hence a single force which can replace a number of forces acting on a rigid body, without causing any change in the external effects on the body, is known as the resultant force. 2,4, RESULTANT OF COPLANAR FORCES 3 Fig. 2.3. Concurrent Coplanar Farces. Fig. 2.4. Coplanar Paraflel Forces. ¥ Fa fs Fig. 2.5, Non-concurrent Non-parallel. ‘The resultant of coplanar forces may be determined by following two methods = 1. Graphical method 2. Analytical method, “Rigid body is a body wh h does not deform under the action af loads or extemal forces. In casc of rigid body, the distance between any two points of the body remains constant, when this body is subjected to loads. Though all (he bodies do deform to same extent under the action of loads, but in many 6 ition, this deformation is negligible small 26 ENGINEERING MECHANICS, The resultant of the following coplanar forces will be determined by the above two methods : (i) Resultant of collinear coplanar forces (i) Resultant of concurrent coplanar forces. 2.5. RESULTANT OF COLLINEAR COPLANAR FORCES As defined in Art. 2.2.1, collinear coplanar forces are those forces which act in the same plane and have a common line of action. The resultant of these forces are obtained by analytical method or graphical method. 2.5.1, Analytical method. The resultant is obtained by adding all the forces if they are acting in the same direction. If any one of the forces is acting in the opposite direction, then resultant is obtained by subtracting that force. i. 2.6 shows three collinear coplanar forces F;, F, and A & F, acting on a rigid body in the same direction. Their resultant Rwill be sum of these forces. R=F\+F,+Fy of2.1) Fig 26 If any one of these forees (say force F,) is acting in the ‘opposite direction, as shown in Fig. 2.7, then their resultant will be given by RaF\-Fy+Fy A2.2) 2.5.2, Graphical Method, Some suitable scale is chosen F, Fs and vectors are drawn to the chosen scale. These vectors arc added/or subtracted to find the resultant. The resultant of the three collinear forces F;, F; and F) acting in the same direction will be obtained by adding all the vectors. In Fig. 2.8, the force F, =abto some scale, force Fz = be and force Fy = cd. Then the length ad represents the magnitude of the resultant on the scale chosen. The resultant of the forces F), F) and F acting on a body shown in Fig. 2.7 will be obtained by subtracting the vector F,. ‘This resultant is shown in Fig. 2.9, in which the force F, = ab to some suitable scale. This force is acting from a to b. The force Fis taken equal to be on the same scale in opposite direction. 2 This force is acting from b to c. The force F, is taken equalta f_R=Fi-Fe #Fs_ J ed. This force is seting from ¢ to d. The resultant force is represented im magnitude by ad on the chosen scale. Fig. 2.9 Problem 2.1. Three collinear horizontal forces of magnitude 200 N, 100 N and 300 N are acting on a rigid body, Determine the resultant of the forces analytically and graphically when (@ all the forces are acting in the same direction, (ii) the force 100 N acts in the opposite direction. Sol. Given: Fy = 200N, Fy = 100 Nand Fy = 300N (a) Analytical Method @ When all the forces are acting in the same direction, then resultant is given by equation (2.1) as R= F\+Fy+ Fy = 200+ 1004300=600N, Ans. COPLANAR COLLINEAR AND CONCURRENT FORCES 27 and Fig. 2.10(a).. {ié) When the force 100 N acts in the opposite direction, then resultant is given by equation (2.2) as R=F,+F,+ Fy= 200-1004 300=400N. Ans. (6) Graphical Method Select a suitable scale. Suppose 100 N = 1 em. Then to this scale, we have Fy= 20 22m, (@ When all the forces act in the same direction. Draw vectors ab =2cmto represent Fi, vector be = 1 em to represent F; and vector cd = 3 cm to represent Fas shown in Fig. 2.10. Measure vector ad which represents the resultant. By measurement length ad = 6 cm te Resultant = Length ad x chosen scale =6x 100 =600N. Ans. (i When force 100 N = Fy, acts in the opposite direction Draw length af =2 cm to represent force Fi Chosen scale is 1 em = 1001N) From, draw be = 1 em in the opposite direction to F, Fs represent F>. From c draw ed = 3 cm to represent F3 as shown in ae bd Measure length ad. This gives the resultant, Fie 21008) By measurement, length ad = cm Resultant = Length ad x chosen scale =4x100=400N, Ans. 2,6. RESULTANT OF CONCURRENT COPLANAR FORCES As defined in Art, 2.2.2, concurrent coplanar forces are those forces which act in the same plane and they intersect or meet at a common point. We will consider the following two cases : (@ When two forees act at a point (Gi) When more than two forces act ata point. 2.6.1. When two forces act at a point (a) Analytical Method In An. 1.2.4, we have mentioned that when two forees act at a point, their resultant is found by the law of parallelogram of forces. The magnitude of resultant is obtained from cquation (1.1) and the direction of resultant with cone of the forces is obtained from equ: Fig. 2.11 and avis the angle between them. Let @ is the angle made by the resultant R with the direction of force P. according to the law, the diagonal through the point O gives the resultant R as shown, (12). Suppose two forces Pand Q act at point O as shown in Forces P and Q form two sides of a parallelogram and 28 ENGINEERING MECHANICS ‘The magnitude* of resultant is given by R=VP +Q?+2PQ wsa ‘The above method of determining the resultant is also known as the cosine law method. ‘The dircetion* of the resultant with the force P'is given by -t sina our! ( paste) (b) Graphical Method (i) Choose a convenient scale to represent the forces P and 2. (ii) From point 0, draw a vector Oa = P. (iii) Now from point O, draw another vector Ob = Qand at an angle of «as shown in Fig. 2.12. (é) Complete the parallelogram by drawing lines a¢ || Ob and be || to Oa. (v) Measure the length OC. ‘Then resultant R will be equal to length OC x chosen scale. (vi) Also measure the angle 0, which will give the direction of resultant, ‘The resultant can also be determine graphically by drawing a triangle oac as explained below and shown in Fig. 2.13. @) Draw a line oa parallel to P and equal to P. (ii) From a, draw a vector ac at an angle ct with the horizontal and cut ac equal to-Q. (ii) Join ve. Then oc represents the magnitude and direction of resultant R. Magnitude of resultant R= Length OC x chosen seale. ‘The direction of resultant is given by angle 8. Hence measure the angle 0. 2.6.2. When more than two forces act at a point (a) Analyticat Method ‘The resultant of three or more forces acting at a points found anal ytically by a method which is known as rectangular components methods (Referto Art. 1.7). According to this method all the forces acting ata paint are resolved into horizontal and vertical components. and then algebraicsummarion** ot horizontal and vertical ‘components is done separately. The summation of horizontal component is written as EH and that of vertical as EV. Then resultant R is given by /ReV(SHP + (YP. ‘The angle made by the resultant with horizontal is given by sr tan 9 24) an (SH) Let four forees Fy, Fz, Fy and F, act at a point O as shown in Fig. 2.14. 2.2 Fig. 2.13 Refer Art. 1.2.4, for the derivation of magnitude and direction of resultant on page 1. **Summation means addition. Algebraic summation of horizontal components means that if all the horizontal ‘components are in the same direction then they are added, But if one horizontal component is in opposite direction thea it is subtracted. COPLANAR COLLINEAR AND CONCURRENT FORCES o| Fisingy y 214 (ud y Fa.cos Q, _ of Facos@q x x x eae ay wf Fig. 2.1406) Fig. 2.14 (©) 214d) ‘The inclination of the forces is indicated with respect to horizontal direction, Let 6, = Inclination of force Fy with OX 6, = Inclination of force F, with OX" 05 = Inclination of force Fy with OX 64 = Inclination of force F, with OX. ‘The force F; is resalved into horizontal and vertical components and these components are shown in Fig. 2.14 (a). Similarly, Fig. 2.14 (6), (¢) and (d) shows the horizontal and vertical components of forces F3, Fy and F4 respectively. The various horizontal components are : F cos 8 (+) F cos 8 = (-) Fycos 8 = (=) Fycos 8, — (+) Summation or algebraic sum of horizontal components : EH = Fy cos 0) — Fyc0s 0)— F3.cos 05+ Fycos Oy Similarly. various vertical components of all forces are : Fy sin th t (+) Fy sin ® t+) Fysin O40) Fysin® §@ Summation or algebraic sum of vertical components EV =F; sin 0, + Fpsin 0) — Fy sin Oy— Fy sin 0 30 ENGINEERING MECHANICS, ‘Then the resultant will be given by R = V(ZH} + (£VP QA) And the angle (8) made by resultant with x-axis is given by tan 0 = op (2.2) (6) Graphical method ‘The resultant of several forees acting at a point is found graphically with the help of the polygon law of forces, which may be stated as ““If a number of coplanar forces are acting at a point such that they can be represented in magnitude and direction by the sides of a polygon taken in the same order, then their resultant is represented in magnitude and direction by the closing side of the polygon taken in the apposite order. Let the four forees Fy, Fy, Fyand F, act at a point O as shown in Fig, 2.15. The resultant is obtained uraphically by drawing polygon of forces as explained below and shown in Fig. 2.15 (a). F, c 2 fl Fe Fy a b 7; 5 1 ; ty ° fa 3 4 RESULTANT Fig 215 Fig. 2.15 (@) (0) Choose a suitable scale to represent the given forces. (ii) Take any point a, From a, draw vector ab parallel 0 OF, Cut ab = force F; to the scale, (iit) From point b, draw be paraltel to OF ,. Cut be = force F;, (iv) From point C, draw ad parallel to OF ;. Cut ed = force Fy, (0) From point d, draw de parallel to OF ¢ Cut de = force Fy, (+i) Join point @ to ¢, This is the closing side of the polygon. Hence ae represents the resultant in magnitude and direction. Magnitude of resultant R = Length ae » scale. ‘The resultant is acting from ato e. Problem 2.2. Two forces of magnitude 240 N and 200 N are aeting at a point 0 as shown in Fig. 2.16. Ifthe angle between the forces is 60", determine the magnitude of the resultant force. Also determine the angle P and y as shown in the figure. Fig. 2.16 Sol. Given: Force P=240N,Q=200N COPLANAR COLLINEAR AND CONCURRENT FORCES, 31 Angle between the forces, a = 60° The magnitude of resultant R is given by, R=VPP +O? + 2PQ cos a = W240" + 2007 + 2 x 240 x 200 x cos 60° = V57600 + 40000 + 48000 = 381.57 N. Ans, B 16 (a). Using sine formal we get =2. —_f__ di) Sin at siny ~ sin (180° - a) P Now refer to Fi or singe sini 2) , MOsin( 180-60), oe 381.57 30.5447 P= 240N, ct = 60°, R = 381.57 N) = 240 x sin 120° =" 381.57 f=sin'0.5447=33°. Ans. i 2 .__k__ From equation (), also we have E> = Te sin y = 250.1180 —a) - R _ 200 sin (180 - 60) _ 200 sin 120° ~ 381,57 “38157 4539 y= sin”! 0.4539 = 26.966. Ans. Problem 2.3, Two forces P and Q are.acting at a point Q as shown in Fig, 2.17. The resultant force is 400 N and angles B and y are 35° and 25° respectively. Find the two forces P and Q. Y ct < <4 LT ° Po Fig. 2.17 Fig. 2.17@) Sol. Given : Resultant, R=400N Angles, B=35%y=25° ‘Angle between the two forces, a = B+ y= 35° + 25° = 60" Refer to Fig. 2.17 (a). Using sine formula for AOAC, we get —P .@ Rs A) sinB siny sin (180 - a) ” Pook sinB~ sin (180-a) Rin _ 400xsin 35° © sin (180) ~ sin (180 - 60) 400 x 0.5736 ose = 2OISN. Ans. R= 400, p= 35, a= 60") ENGINEERING MECHANICS R Also from equation (2), we have 2° = Say ay Rsiny _ __ 400 x sin 25° _ 400 x 0.4226 sin (180 = ct) ~ sin (180° = 60°) 0.866 = 195,19N, Ans. Problem 2.4. Two forces P and Q are acting at a point as shown in Fig. 2.18, The farce P = 240 N ud force Q = 200 N. Af the resultant of the forces és equal 4o 400 N, shen fad the values of angtes fh 7 and te Given Forces, P=240N,@=200N Resuliant, R= 400N Let {5 = Angle between Rand Q, Angle between R and P. clear that, a= +4. From Fig. 2.18, Letus first calculate the angle at (ie. angle between the two forces), Using the relation, RaVP oOo 2PQ asa ork?=P40?+2P0 cosa or 400? = 240? + 200? +2 x 240 x 200 x cos ce or 16000 = $7600 + 40000 + 96000 x cos a 16000 = 57600 - 40000 . = 5000 0.65 M a= cos! 0,65 = 49.458" = 49° (0.458 x 60') = 49° Now using sine formula for AOAC of Fig. 2.18, we get, —Rk__ Sin ~ sin (180 ~ @) or —F__ . in (180 = a) _Psin 180 2) _ 240 sin (180 - 49.458) . sin B= 400 P= 240, = 49.458") _ sin ‘ 130.542°) = 00 0.4559 os f= sin”! 0.4550 = 27,12". Ans. i 2 ,__k Also from equation (), we have E> = aay sin-y = 2510 (180 ~ a2) _ 200 x sin (180 ~ 49.458) y= R = 400) = 20xs ‘ 50548 = 0.3700 y=sin”! 0.3799 = 22.33". Ans, Prublem 2.5, A force of 100 N is acing at a point making an angle of 30° with the horizontal Determine the components of this force atong X and ¥ directions. COPLANAR COLLINEAR AND CONCURRENT FORCES, 3 Sol. Given: Force, F=100N ‘Angle made by F with horizontal, 0 = 30° Let F, = Component along x-axis Fy = Component along y-axis ‘Then Fy = F cos B= 100 cos 4° 100 x 0:86 86.6N. Ans. and Fy =F sin @ = 100 sin 30° = 1000.5 =50N. Ans. Problem 2.6.A small block of weight J00N is placed on an inclined plane which makes an angle (0-2 30° with the horizontal. What is the component of this weight ; (ii) parallel to the inclined plane ancl (ii) perpendicular to the inclined plane ? Sol. Given : INCLINED ‘Weight of block. W = LOO N PLANE Inclination of plane, @ = 30° ‘The weight of block 00 N is acting verti- cally downwards through the C.G. of the block. Resolve this weight into two components ie.. one per= pendicular tothe inclined plane and other parallel tothe HORIDNTAL inclined plane as shown in Fig. 2.20. The perpendicular (normal) component makes an angle of 30° with the direction of WW. Fig. 220 Hence componcat of the weight perpendicular to the inclined plane Weos 30° = 100 x 0.866. 66N. Ans. Component of the weight (W) parallel to the inclined plane = Wsin 30° 00 xO.5=50N, Ans. Problem 2.7. #ég. 2.27 shows a particular position of the connecting rad BA nud crank AQ, At this position, the connecting rod of the engine exerts a force 2500 N on the crank pin at A, Resolve this horizontal and vertical components at A. Also resolve the given force al A along AO and along perpendicular to AO. Sol. Given : Length BA =50cm Length AQ= 25cm. PERPENDICULAR TO INCLINED PLANE 34 ENGINEERING MECHANICS: Force exerted by connecting rod BA at A = 2500 N. This force is acting along BA at point A. Let «c= Angle made by BA with horizontal. ‘This angle can be calculated by drawing a perpendicular AC from point A on the horizontal axis, Naw the side AC is common in triangles ABC and AOC. Intriangle ABC, sina = “ or AC=ABsina=50sina (2 AB=50) Intriangle Ao, 25 sin 45° Equating the two values of AC, we get 50 sina = 25 sin 45° = Bsin dS’ 0.3535 or a=sin"'0.3535 = 20.7" 50, Now the foree 2500 N is acting along BA at point A as shown in Fig. 2.21 (a). *. Horizontal component of this force at n sina A= 2500.cos et ‘ += 2500 cos 20.7" ’ = 2338.61.N, Ans. . a Vertical component = 2500 sin a 18800— = 2500 x sin 20.7 . nA” =883.75N, Ans. Ind Part Fig. 2.21 (a) “The force of 2500 N is acting along BA at point A as shown in Fig. 2.21 (b). This force at point A is represented by AD. Hence BAD isa straight line. Resolve the foree AD along AO and perpendicular to AO i direction AE where AE is perpendicular to AO at Now angle QAD 345+ 20.7 = 65 ‘Component of force AD along AQ =AD cos 65.7" = 2500 cos 65.7" = 1028.78N. Ans, Component of force AD along AE = AD sin 65. = 2500 x sin 65.7 =2278.5N, Ans. Problem 2.8. The four coplanar forces are acting at @ point as shown in Fig. 2.22. Determine the resultant in magnitude and direction analytically and graphically. Sol. Given : Forces, F, = 104N, F,=156N, F,=252N, and Fy2228N. (@) Analyticat Method. Resolve each force along horizontal and vertical axes, ‘The horizontal components along OX will be considered as +ve whereas along OX" as—ve. Similarly, vertical components in upward direction will be -+ve whereas in dowaward direction as—ve. COPLANAR COLLINEAR AND CONCURRENT PORCES 35 (0 Consider force Fy = 104 N, Horizontal and vertical ‘components are shown in Fig, 2.22 (a). Horizontal component, Pay = Fy cos 10° = 104 x 0.9848 = 10242N Vertical component, Fy, = Fy sin 10° = 104 0.1736 = 18.06N. (ii) Consider force F; = 156 N. Horizontal and vertical components are shown in Fi (). Angle made by #3 with horizontal axis OX = 9 ~24 = 66" Horizontal components, Fxg = F005 66° 63.44.N. tis negative as it is acting along OX". Vertical component, Fy = Fysin 66° = 156 x 0.9135 = 142,30N, (+ve) (ii) Consider force F, = 252 N. Horizontal and vertical components are shown in Fig. 2.22 (c). 156 x 0.4067 Horizontal component, Fry = Fycos 3° = 252 x 0.9986 = 251.64 N. (-ve) Vertical component, Fyy = Fy sin 3° = 252 x 0.0523 3.18 N. (ve) (iv) Consider force F, = 228 N, Horizontal and vertical components are shown in Fig. 2.22 (d). Angle made by F, with horizontal axis Ox =90-9 Horizontal component, Fr, =F, cos 81° = 228 x 0.1564 =35.66N (ve) Vertical component, Fyy = Fysin 81° = 228 x 0.9877 =225.2N. (ve) Now algebraic sum of horizontal componentsis given by, EH = Fry — Fry = Fey— Fg = 102.4 ~ 63.44 ~ 251.64 ~ 35.66 248.32 N. Fig. 2.22 (d) 36 ENGINEERING MECHANICS —ve sign means that / is acting along OA" as shown in Fig, 2. rly, the algebraic sum of vertical components is given by, EV = 18.06 = 142.50 + 13.18 - 225.2 =-T782N. 2 (¢). v 503134 cm. Hence the force - 5 104.N will be represented by x = 4.16 cm, force 156 N will be represented by 4156 = 6.24 em force 252 N 25 228 = — 10,088 em and the force 228 N will he represented by =" will he represented by .1Zem. Fig. 2.23 (6) (4) Take any point a. From point a, draw vector als parallel to line of aetion of force 104.N. Cut ub = 4.16 cm, Then ab represents the force 104 N in magnitude and direction. (iii) From point, draw vector be parallel to force 156 N and cut be= 6.24 em. Then vectored represents the force 156 N in magnitude and direction, (i) From pointe, draw-a vectorcd parallel 252 N forceand cut ed = 19,08 em, Then vectored represents the force 352 N in magnitude and direction. COPLANAR COLLINEAR AND CONCURRENT FORCES, 37 {v) Now from point d, draw the vector de parallel to 228 N force and cut de = 9.12 em. Then vector de represents the force 228 N in magnitude and direction. (v8) Join point a to ¢. The line ae is the closing side of the polygon. Hence the side av represents the resultant in magnitude and direction, Measure the length of ac. By measurement, length ae = 10.4 cm Resultant, R= Length ae x Seal =260N. Aus. ‘Now measure angle made by ae with horizontal. This angle is 17.4° with axis OX’. Ans. Problem 2.9. The resultant of four forces which are acting ata point O as shown in Fig, r Y-axis. The magnitude of forces F,, Fy and Fg are 10 kN, 20 kN and 40 kN respectively. The angles made by 10 EN, 20 RN and 40 KN with Xeaxis are 30°, 90° and 120° respectively. Find the maguitude and direction of force if resultant is 72.4N, Sol. Given: = 10.4 x 25 t F)= 10 KN, O, = 30° 2 @y=8 Fy= 20 KN, 0; = 90° F.,= 40 KN, 0, = 120° Resultant, R=T2kN Resultant is along Y-axis. Hence the algebraic sum of horizontal com- ponent should be zero and algebraic sum of vertical components should be equal to the resultant. s 2H=0 and 2V=2R=72KN But EH = Fy cos 30° + F2 cos + Fy cos 90° + Fy cos 120° = 10 x 0.866 + F; cos 6 + 20x 04 40 x(-4) .66 + F cos 8 + 0-20 = F,c0s0~ 11.34 * Hf=0 of Fac0s8-1134=0 or Freas 6 Now LV =F, sin 30° + F; sin 0+ Fy sin 90° + Fy in 0+ 20x 14-40 x 0.866 04204 34.04 = Fysin 0 + 59.64 R Fysin 0 + 59.64 = 72 Fy sin 0 = 72.59.64 = 12.36 ii) Dividing equation (if) and (i), Fysin@ 1236 F,cos 8” 11.34 ‘ @= tan! 1.0899 = 47.46". Ans. oli) =10xt+F; Bur tan 6 = 1.0899 38 ENGINEERING MECHANICS. Substituding the value of @ in equation (ii), we get Fz sin (47.46*) = 12.36 12.36 12.36 jin (47.46°) ~ 0.7368 — 16.77 KN. Ans. Problem 2.10. Determine the magnitude, direction and position of a single force P, which keeps in equilibrium the system of forces acting at the corners ofa rectangular block as shown in Fig, 2.25. The position ofthe force P may be stated by reference to axes with origin O and coinciding with the edges of the block. or Pye Sol. Given + 25N Length OC =4m, Length BC=3m Force at O=20N(4) Force at C=35N() Foree at 25N(—*) Force at ON (1) Let Obe the origin and OX and OY be the 20n reference axes as shawn in Fig.2.26. Forces 50 N and 20 N form a concurrent system and their line of action intersect at O. Fig, 2.25, Fig. 2.26 ‘The resultant of these forces R, = V50F + 20? = VOT = 53.85 N 20 + ‘ a = 20) «91.8° with v - ad y= tan“! ( Zr | = 21.88 with vertical axis ‘Similarly the forces 35 N and 25 N forma concurrent system and their line of action intersect at B. COPLANAR COLLINEAR AND CONCURRENT FORCES 3 ‘The resultant of these forces Ry = V252 + 35? = VIBSO = 43.01 N 2 and 032 tan! ( 2 ) =35.53° with BC ie., with vertical These two forces R, and Rp intersect at D. The angle between these forces is 0, + Oy ée., angle R\DR, = By +8 = 21.8 +35,53° = $7.33°, LLet Pe the resultant of the forces R, and Ry. S PaVRy + Re +2R, x Ry x cos (57.33°) = V53.85" + 43.017 + 2 x 53.85 x 43.01 x cos 57.33° = VEI00 4 1850 + 4632.17 x 05398 = 85.15N, Ans, The angle made by the resultant P with Ry is given by Rysin $7.33° 43.01 sin $7.33° Ry + Ry cos 57.33° ~ 53.85 + 43.01 x cos $7.33° 43.01 x 0.8418 _ 36.2058 °'53.85 +2321" 77.06 * c= tan“ 0.4698 = 25.16" Hence the resultant P makes (ct=0,) angle with vertical in anti-clockwise direction ie., P makes (25.16 =21.8= 3,36"), Ans. Position of the force P ‘The position of the force P is obtained by equating the clockwise moments and anti-clackwise moments, about G (Refer Fig. 2.26), Let OE = Perpendicular distance between O and line of action of the farce P. ‘Taking moments of all forces about 0, 20x 0+ 50x 0435x4425 x3=PxOE tana= = 0.4698 = = 2/52 252 or 040+ 140475 =85.147xGE of OE = 555 =2525m From right angled triangle OED, sin a= 2 tom right angled triangle OED, sin a= p> _ OE. OE =5939 © sina ~ sin 25.16" ~ 0.4241 Let x and y are the e0-ordinates of the force P with reference to the axes with origin O. ‘Then x= OF and y= DF In right angled triangle OFD, OF = OD x sin 9 = 5.939 x sin 21.8" =220m Also. FD = OD x cos 0, = 5.939 x cos 21.8° = 5.514.m oa x= OF =2,.20m. Ans, and y=FD=SS514m. Ans. 40 ENGINEERING MECHANICS © 2.27) Graphical Method (Refer to Fig. 2.27 (a)] (i) To asuitable scale, take OG = 50 Nand GH =20N. Join OH. Then OH represents the resultant Ry in magnitude and direction, Produce the line HO backward. Gi) From point B, Take BJ = 35 N and JK = 25 N. Join BK, which represents the resultant Ry in magnitude and direction, Produce KB in the backward direction ta interest the line of action of Ry at point D. (iii) To find the resultant of Ry and R2 (ie., force P) refer to Fig. 2.27 (6), (iv) Take any point ‘a’ From this point draw linc ab paraltel to Ry and equal to R). From point ‘b*, draw line be parallel to R; and equal to Ry. Join the point cto a. (+) Then ca represents in magnitude and direction the force P. Hence measure ca. Then Pxea=85.15N. Ans. (v/) From point D, draw the line DL parallel to ca, Hence DL represents the direction of the force P. COPLANAR COLLINEAR AND CONCURRENT FORCES, 41 (vii) To find the position of the force P which is acting at point D, draw DF parallel to axes OY."Then OF represents the x-coordinate and FD represents the y-coordinale of the force P. Measure OF and FD.Then hy measurement, and a 3. OF 2x2220m. Ans. FD 514. Ans. HIGHLIGHTS, ‘Coptanar forees means the forces are acting in one plane. ‘Concurrent forees means the forces are intersect c ig ata common point. linear forees means the forces arc having same tine of action. ‘The resultant of coplanar forces are determined by analytical and graphical methods, ‘The resultant (RJ of thece collinear forces FF) and Fy acting in the same direction, is given by R= Fy + Fs+ Fy. Whe force F is seting in opposite direction then their resultant will be, R= Fy —F + Fs, “The resultant of the two forces P and @ having an angle ce between them and acting ata point, is given by consine law method as R= VP* + Q? + 2PQ cos a . And the direction of the resultant with the force Pi ang 2 5N Proce given by, “The resullant of three or more forces acting at a point is given by, R= V (EH) + (EV}" , where EM = Algebraic angle sum of horizontal components of all forces, EV = Algebraic sum of vertical components of all forces. The Inge by the resultant with hozontat given by tan = (EPP “The resultant of several forces acting at a point is found graphically by using polygon law of forces, Polygon law of forces tates that if anumber of coplanar forcesate actingat.a pointsuch that they canbe re prese in magnitude and direction by the sides of » polygon taken in the same order, then their resultant is represented in id direction by the closing side of the poly gon taken in the opposite order. EXERCISE 2 (A) Theoretical Questions Define and explain the following terms = (i) Coplanar and non-coplanar forces (i Colinear and concurrent forces (Gti) Paralle| and non-parallel forces. What is the difference between cotlinea State and explai nd concurrent forces ? he following laws of forces : (0) Law of parallelogram of forces Gd) Law of triangle of forces ii) Law of polygon of forces. Derive an expression for the resultant in magnitude and direction of two coplanar concurrent forces using «: Jaw method. in detail the method of finding resultant in magnitude and direction of three or more forces acting al a analytical and graphical method in the procedure of resolving a given force into two components at right angles to each other. ‘Three collinear forces Fy, Fy and Fy are acting on a body. What will be the resultant of these forces, if (a) all are acting in the same direction (b) force Fis neting in opposite direction, Si law of parailelogram of forces and show that the resultant R = VP” + Q* when the two forces P and Q ste acting at right angles to exeh other. Find the value of R if the angle between the forces is zero. ENGINEERING MECHANICS (B) Numerical Problems “Three collinear horizontal forces of magnitude 300 N, 100 N and 250 N are acting on rigid body, Determine the resultant of the forces analytically and graphically when : (i) all the forces are acting in the same direction : Gi) the force 1001 N acts in the opposite direction. Ans. (i) 650.N. (1) 450 NJ “Two forces of magnitude 15 Nand 12 Nare actingat apoint. The angle between the forces is", Find the resultant is magnitude. [Ans 20.43 NJ A force of 1000 N is acting at s point, making an angle of 60° with the horizontal. Determine the components of this force along horizontal and vertical dite [Ans. 5001N, 866 N] ‘A small block of weight 100 N is placed on an inclined plane which makes an angle of 60° with the horizontal. Find the components of this weight (?) perpendicular to the inctined plane and (Fi) paralfel to the inclined plane, [Ans. 50 N, 86.6 NJ ‘TWo forces P and @ are seting at.a point Q as shown in Fig. 2.28. The force P = 264.9 Nand force @= 195.2. AF the resultant of the forces is equal to 400 N then find the values of angles fly, (Ans. B = 35%, y= 25°, = 60°] A small block of unknown weight is placed on an’ inclined plane which makes an angle of 30° with horizontal plane. The component of this weight parallel to the inclined plane is 100 N, Find the weight of the 2.28 block [Ans 200 N] In question 6, find the component af the weight perpen sicular to the inclined plane. [Ans. 173.2 N} forces are acting at a point as shown in Fig. 2.29. ine the resultant in magnitude and direction analytically and graphically. [Ans, 1000 N, 0 = 60° with OX] ‘The four coplanar forces are acting st a point as shown in Fig, 2330. One of the forces is unknown and its magnitude is shown by P. The resultant is having: a mognitude 500 N and is acting alo Determine the unknown force Pand its inclination with x-axis. [Ans P= 2865 N and = 53° 15] RESULTANT =500N 200N Fig. 230 3 Coplanar Parallel Forces 3.1. INTRODUCTION The forces, which are having their line of actions parallel to each other, are known parallel forces. The two parallel forces will not intersect at a point. The resultant of two coplanar concurrent forces (i.., forces intersecting at the same point) can be directly determined by the method of parallelogram of forces. This method along with other methods for finding resultant of collinear and concurrent coplanar forces, were discussed in earlier chapters. ‘The parallel forces are having their tinesof action parallel ta cach other. Hence, for finding the resultant ‘of two parallel forces, (two parallel forces do not intersect at a point) the parallelogram cannot be drawn. The resultant of such forces ean be determined by applying the principle of moments, Hence in this chapter first the concepts of moment and principle of moments will be dealt with. Thereafier the methods of findingresultant of parallel and even non-parallel forces will be explained. 3.2. MOMENT OF A FORCE ‘The product of a force and the perpendicular dis- tanceof the lineof action of the force froma pointis known as moment of the force about that point. Let F= A force acting on a body as shown in Fig. 3.1. r= Perpendiculardistance from the point onthe line of action of foree F, ‘Then moment (Af) of the force F about Q is given by, Ma For ‘The tendency of this moment is to rotate the body in the clockwise direction about O. Hence this moment is Fig 3 called clockwise moment, If the tendency of a. moment is to rotate the body in anti-clockwise direction, then that moment is known as anti-clockwise moment. If clockwise moment is taken — ve then anti-clockwise moment will be + ve. In S.E system, moment is expressed in N m (Newton meite). LINE OF ACTION OF ORE. [PERPENDICULAR T pea DISTANCE 44 ENGINEERING MECHANICS. Fig. 3.2 shows a body on which three forces F, Fz and Fyare acting. Suppose itis required to find the resultant moments if these forces about point O. Let 7, = Perpendicular distance from O on the line of action of force Fy. ry and ry = Perpendicular distances from Q on the lines of action of force Fy and Fy respecti Moment of Fy about Q = F) x ry (clockwise) (-) Moment of £2 about Q = F x r2 (clockwise) (-) Moment of Fy about O = Fy x r3 (anti-ctockwise) (+) ‘The resultant moment will be afgebraic sun of all the moments. ‘The resultant moment of Fy, Fyand F about 0 = Fran Fixnthsxry Problem 3.1, Four forces of magnitude 10 N, 20N, 30 N and 40 N are acting respectively along the Jour sides of a square ABCD as shown in Fig. 3.4, Determine the resultant moment about the point A. Each side of the square is given 2m. Sol. Given : Length AB=BC=CD =DA Force at B=10N, Force at C=20N, Force at D=30N, Force at A=40N, ‘The resultant moment about point A is to be determined. The forces at A and B passes through point A. Hence perpendicular distance from A on the lines of action of these forces will be zero. Hence their moments about A will be zero. The moment of the force at C about paint A. Fig. 3 40N = Force at C x 1 distance from A on the line of action of force at C. = (20. N) x (Length AB). =20%2N m=40N m (anti-clockwise). ‘The momentof force at D about point A. = Force at D x 4 distance from A on the line of action of force at D. = (30 N) x (Length AD). = 30 x 2 Nm = 60 Nm (anti-clockwise). Resultant moment of all forces about A. = 40 +60 = 100 Nm (anti-clockwise). Ans. 33. PRINCIPLE OF MOMENTS (OR VARIGNON'S PRINCIPLE) Principle of moments states that the moment of the resultant of a number of forces about any point is. equal to the afgebraic swm of the moments of all the forces of the system about the same point. And according to Varignon’s principle, the moment of a force about any point is equal to the algebraic sumn of the moments of ils components aboul that point. COPLANAR PARALLEL FORCES 45 Proof of Varignon’s Principle @ Fig 34 Fig. 3.4 (a) shows two forees F, and F, acting at point O. These forees are represented in magnitude and direction by OA and OB. Their resultant R is represented in magnitude and direction by OC which is the diagonal of parallelogram OACB, Let Q’ is the point in the plane about which moments af F,, Fz and R are to he determined. From point O', draw perpendiculars on OA, OC and OB. Let 17, = Perpendicular distance between F, and O'. r= Perpendicular distance between R and O'. rz = Perpendicular distance between F; and 0. “Then according to Varignon’s principle ; Mament of R about O' must be equal to algebraic sum of moments of F and Fz about 0’. or Rerskyxry+Fyxry Now refer to Fig. 3.4 (6), Join 00" and produce it to D, From points C,A and B draw perpendiculars on OD meeting at D, E and F respectively. From A and B also draw perpendiculars on CD meeting the line CD atG and H respectively Let @, = Angle made by F; with OD, 0 = Angle made by R with OD, and y= Angle made by F; with OD. In Fig. 3.4 (6), OA = BC and also CA parallel to BC, hence the projection of OA and BC on the same vertical line CD will be equal £e., GD = CH as GD is the projection of QA on CD and CH is the projection of BCon CD. Then from Fig. 3.4 (b), we have P, sin @, =AE=GD=CH F, cos 8, = OE Fysin 0 = BF = HD F, cos 6; = OF = ED ° (OB =AC and also OB ||AC. Hence projections of OB and AC on the same horizontal line OD will be equal ie., OF = ED) Rsin®=CD Reos0=OD Let the length OO" = x. Then x 8in®, =r),xsin@ = randxsin ©, = 1; Now moment of R about 0" = Rx (1 distance between Q' and R)= Rx r =Rxxsin® & 46 ENGINEERING MECHANICS =(Rsin 8) xx Dxx Co Rsin@ =CD) =(CH+HD) xx = (F, sin 8, + Fzsin 83) xe (0) CH =F; sin @, and MD = F; sin 8, = Fy xxsin®, + F2xxsin 8. ert Frere (eo xsin = rand x sin =r) = Moment of F about O' + Moment of F; about O'. Hence moment of R about any point in the algebraic sum of moments of its components {ie., F; and F) about the same point. Hence Varignon’s prineiple is proved. “The principle af moments (or Varignon’s principle) is not restricted to only two concurrent forces but is also applicable to any coplanar force system, i., concurrent or non-concurrent or parallel force system. Problem 3.2.A force of 100 N is acting at a point as shown in Fig, 3,3, Determine ihe moments of this force about 0, Sal. Given : Force at A=100N ‘Draw a perpendicular from O on the line of action of force 100 N. Hence O8 is the perpendicular on the line of action of 100 N as shown in Fig. 3.5. Ist Method ‘Triangle OBC is a right-angled triangle. And angle v OCB = 60°. OB sin 60* = 22 OB = OC sin 60° x 0.866 508 m Moment of the force 100 N about O QO 00 x OB = 100 x 2.598 259.8 Nm (clockwise). Ans, 2nd Method ‘The moment of force 100 N about O, can also be deter= mined by using Varignon’s principle. The force 100 N is replaced by its two rectangular components at any convenient point. Here the convenient point is chosen as C. The horizontal and vertical components of foree 100 N acting at C are shown in Fig. 3.6. (@ The horizontal component = 100x cos 60° = 50N But this force is passing through O and hence has no moment about O. ‘The vertical component = 100 x:sin 60° = 100 0.866 = 86.6.N “This force is acting vertical dawnwards at C. Moment of this force about O. = 86.6 x OC = 86.6% 3 ¢ = 259.8 N (clockwise). Ans. OC =3m) COPLANAR PARALLEL FORCES a7 3.4. TYPES OF PARALLEL FORCES ‘The following are the important types of parallel F; forces 1. Like parallel forces, 2. Unlike parallel forces. 3.4.1. Like parallel forces. The parallel forces which are acting in the same direction, are known as like parallel forees. In Fig. 3.7, two parallel farces F and F; are shown. They are acting in the same direction. Hence they are called as like parallel forces. These forees may be equal or unequal in magnitude. 3.4.2, Unlike Parallel Forces. The parallel forces which are actingin the opposite direction, are knownas wnlike paralicl forces. In Fig, 3.8, wo parallel forces), Frareacting in opposite direction. Hence they are called as unlike parallel forces. These forces may be equal or unequal in magnitude. ‘The unlike parallel forces. may be divided into: (i unlike equal parallel forces, and (i) unlike unequal parallel forces, Unlike equal paralle! forcesare those which arcacting Fi in opposite direction and are equal in magnitude, Unlike unequal parallel forces are those which are Fig. 3.8 acting in opposite disection and are unequal in magnitude, Fig. 3.7 3.8, RESULTANT OF TWO PARALLEL FORCES ‘The resultant of following two parallel forces will be considered : 1."Two parallel forces are like. 2, Two parallel forces are unlike and are unequal in magnitude. 3. Two parallel forces are unlike but equal in magnitude, 3.5.1. Resultant of two like parallel forces. Fig. 3.9 shows body on which two like parallel forces F, and Fare acting. Itis required to determine the resultant (R) and also the point at which the resultant R is acting. For the two parallel forces which are acting in the same direction, obviously the resultant Ris given by, RaF\+Fo In order to find the point at which the resultant is acting, Varignon’s principle (or method of moments) is used. According to this, the algebraic sum of moments of F, and F2 about any point should be equal to the moment of the resultant (Rt) about that point, Now arbitrarily choose any point @ along line AB and take moments of all forees about this point. Moment of F about Q = F, x AO (clockwise) (-) Moment of F about O = F; x BO (anti-clockwise) (+ ve) Fig.3.9 48 ENGINEERING MECHANICS Algebraic sum of moments of Fy and F about O F, x AQ+ Fox BO Moment of resultant about @ = R x OC (antieclockwise)(+) But according to principle of moments the algebraic sum of moments of F; and Fz ahout O shauld be equal to the moment of resultant about the same point O, —F,\ AO + F,x BO=4R x CO=(F, + F,)x CO (Ce R=F,+ Fy) or F\(AQ + CO) = F{BO-CO) or Fy xAC= Fy x BC (+ AO+CO=AC and BO - CO = BC) or lation shows that the resultant R acts at the point C, parallel to the lines of action of the given forces Fy and F2in such a way that the resultant divides the distance AB in the ratio inversely proportional tw the magnitudes of F and F;. Also the point C lies in line AB Ze,, point C is not outside AB, ‘The location of the point C, at which the resultant R isacting,can also be determined by taking moments about points A of Fig. 3.9. As the force F; is passing through A, the moment of F, about A will be zero, ‘The moment of F about A =F; AB (anti-clockwise) (+) Algebraic sum of moments of F, and F; about 0 =O + Fx AB= Fx AB (anti-clockwise) (4) 0) ‘The moment of resultant R about A R x AC (anti-clockwise)(+) i) Bul according to the principle of moments, the algebraic sum of moments of F and Fyahout A should be equal to the moment of resultant about the same point A. Hence equating equations (i) and (id), Fy, xAB=R x AC But R=(F, + Fy) hence the distance AC should be less than AB. Or in other words, the point C will lie inside AB. 3.5.2. Resultant of Two Unlike Parallel Forces (Unequal in magnitude). Fig 3.10 shows a body on which two unlike parallel forces F, and Fare acting which are unequal in magnitude. Let us assume that force F, is more than F}. It is required to determined the resultant R and also the point at which the resultant R is: acting. For the two parallel forces, which are acting in opposite direction, obviously the resultant is given by, R=F\-Fr - Let the resultant R is acting at Cas shown in Fig, 3.10. In order to find the point C, at which the resultant is acting, principle of moments is used. Choose arbitrarily any joint O in line AB. Take the moments of all forees (i.e., F, F2 and R) about this point. Moment of F; about O = F, x AO (clockwise) Moment of F; about O = F; x BO (clockwise) Algebraic sum of moments of F and Fzabout 0 =F{XAO+FxBO 0) ‘Moment of resultant force R about @ = Rx CO (clockwise) =(F,\-F) x CO =F, xCO-F,xCO fig, COPLANAR PARALLEL FORCES 4 But according to the principle of moments, the algebraic sum of moments of all forces about any point should be equal to the moment of resultant about that point. Hence equating equations (i) and (ié), we get F\ x AO 4 F,%BO = F, x CO- Fx CO or FBO +CO)= F(CO-A0) Fax BC = Fy x AC (2 BO4CO= BC and CO-AO=AQ) Be LF Fi ac AC" PF, FAC it Fy > Fy hence BC will be more than AC. Hence point Q lies outside of AB and on the same side as the larger force F,. Thus in case of two unlike parallel forces the resultant lies outside the line joining the points of action of the two forces and on the same side as the larger force. ‘The location of the point C, at which the resultant R isacting, can also be determined by taking moments about point A, of Fig. 3.10. As the force F; is passing through A, the moment of F, about A will be zero. ‘The moment of F; about.A = F, * AB (clockwise) (-) Algebraic sum of moments of F and F's about A =O + Fy x AB = Fy x AB (clockwise) (-) ‘The moment of resultant R about A should be equal to the algebraic sum of moments of F) and F (é.. x AB) according to the principle of moments. Also the moment of resultant Rabout A should be clockw ise. As Ris acting upwards [Fy > Fz and R= (Fj = F) so is acting in the direction of Fy}, the moment of resultant R about A would be clockwise only if the points C is towards the tefl of paint A. Hence the point C will be outside the line AB and on the side of F) (ie, larger force). Now the moment of resultant & about A =R x AC (clockwise) (-) wali) Equating equations (i) and (ii), FyxAB=RxAC = (Fi~ Fy) xAC ce ) As Fy, Fpand ABare known, hence AC can be calculated. Or in other words, the location of point Cis known, 3.5.3, Resultant of two unlike parallel forces which are equal in magnitude, When two equal and opposite parallel forces act on a body, at some distance apart, the wo forces from a.couple which hasatendency to rotate the body, The perpendicular distance between the parallel forces is known as ara of tre couple, Fig. 3.11 shows a body on which two parallel forces, which are acting in opposite direction but equal in magnitude are acting. F ‘These two forces will form a couple which will have a tendency to rotate the body in clockwise direction, The moment of the couple is the product of either one of the forces and perpendicular distance between the forces. Let F= Force at A or at B a= Perpendicular distance (or arm of the couple) fF ‘The moment (M) of the couple is given by, M= F xa. The units of moment will be Nm. Problem 3.3. Three dike parallel forces 100 N, 200 N and 300 N are acting at poitus A, B and C respectively on a straight line ABC as shown in Fig. 3,12, The distances are AB = 30 cm and BC = 40 cm, Find the resultant and also the distance of the resultant from point A on line ABC. or 50 are parallel and acting in the same direction, their resultant ENGINEERING MECHANICS Sol. Given: Foree at Foree at Force at Distance AB = 30cm, BC = 40cm. As all the forces Ris given by A 8 jo Ic R= 100 + 200 + 300 = 600N tee Let the resultant is acting at a distance of xem from 30cm->}+— 40em-—} the point A as shown in Fig. 3.12. Now take the moments of all forces about point A. Fig. 3.12 ‘The force 100 N is passing A, hence its moment about A will be zero. or Moment of 100 N force about A ‘Moment of 200 N force about A ‘Moment of 300 N force about A 200 x 30 = 6000 N cm (anti-clockwise) 00 x AC 300 x 70 = 21000 N cm (anti-clockwise) Algebraic sum of moments of all forces about A = 0+ 6000 + 21000 = 27000 N em (anti-clockwise) Moment of resultant R about A = Rx = 600 xx Nem (2 R600) But algebraic sum of moments of all forces about A = Moment of resultant about A 27000 = 600 xx or xed =45cm. Ans. Problem 3.4. The three like parallel forces of magnitude 50-N, F and 100 N are shown in Fig. 3.13.1f the resultant R = 250 N and is acting ata distance of 4 m from A, then find or (i) Magnitude of force F. (id) Distance of F from A, Sol, Given : Forces at A= 50 Nat B= FandD = 100N R= 250 N, Distance AC = 4 m, CD=3 m. (8) Magnitude of force F ‘The resultant R of three like forces is given by, R=50+F +100 C al 3m—el 250 = 50+ F +100 (/ R=250) . F=250=50=100=100N. Ans. Fig. 3.13, (ii) Distance of F from A ‘Take the moments of all forces about point A. Moment of force 50.N about A= 0 force 50 N is passing through) Moment of force F about = A=Fxx (anti-clockwise) Moment of force 100N about A = 100 x AD = 100 x 7 = 700 Nm anti-clockwise) Algebraic sum of moments of all forces about A =04+Fxx4700Nm = Fxx4700Nm (anti-clockwise) COPLANAR PARALLEL FORCES St Moment of resultant R about A =Rx4=250x4=1000Nm {anti-clockwise) But algebraic sum of moments of all forces about A must be equal to the moment of resultant R about A. . Fx x+700=1000 or F xx = 1000-700=300 300 _ 300 or x=" = 09 F=100N) =3m. Ans, Problem 3.5. Four parallel forces of magnitudes 100N, 150.N, 25.N and 200N are shown in Fig. 3.14, Determine the magnitude of the resultant and also the distance of the resultant from point A. 10ON ISON 25N 200N a 8 o fo—0.9m —e}e— 1.2m ——=Ha--0.75m -=4 Fig. 3.14 Sol. Given: Forces are 100 N, 150 N, 25N and 290 N. Distances AB =0.9 m, BC = 1.2m, CD = 0.75 m. ‘Asall the forees are acting vertically, hence their resultant Ris given by. R=100-150-25+200 (Taking upward force + ve and downward as~ ve) = 300-175 = 125N ++¥e sign shows that R is acting vertically upwards. ‘To find the distance of R from point A, take the moments of all forces about point A. Lat x= Distance of R from A in metre. ‘As the force 100-N is passing through A, its moment about A will be zero, Moment of 150N force about A = 50x AB = 150 x 0.9 (clockwise) (-) = Moment of 25 N force about A= 25 x AC = 25 x(0.9 + 1.2) 25 x 2.1 (elockwise) (-) = - $2.5 Nm. Moment of 200 N force about A = 200 AD 200 x (0.9 + 1.2 +0.75) = 200 x 2.85 (anti-clockwise) (+) = 570 Nm Algebraic sum of moments of all forces about A =- 135-525 +570= 3825. Nm i) + ve sign shows that this moment is anti-clockwise. Hence the moment of resultant R about A must be 382.5 Nm, ie., momentof R should be anti-clockwise about A.’The moment of R about A will be anti-clockwise if R is acting upwards and towards the right of A. Now momentofRabout A= 2 xx. But R= 125 25 xx (anti-clockwise) (+) +13 xx (i) 135 Nm 52 ENGINEERING MECHANICS Equating (3) and (i), we =3,06m. Ans. Resultant (R = 125 N) will be 125 N upwards and is acting at a distance of 3.06 m to the right of point A. 3.6. RESOLUTION OF A FORCE INTO A FORCE AND A COUPLE A given force F applied to a body at any point A can always be replaced by an equal force applied at another point B together with a couple which will be equivalent to the original force, This is proved as given below : [Let the given force F is acting at point A as shown in Fig. 3.15 (a). 3825 =125"x of x M=F.X w O) © Fig. 3.15, ‘This force is to be replaced at the point B. Introduce two equal and opposite forces at B, cach of magnitude F and acting parallel to the force at A as shown in Fig, 3.15 (b). The force system of Fig, 3.15 (4) is equivalent to the single foree acting at A of Fig. 3.15 (a). In Fig. 3.15 (6) three equal forces are acting. The two forces ie., force F at A and the oppositely directed force F at B (i.e., vertically downward force at B) from a couple. The moment of this couple is F xx clockwise where x is the perpendicular distance between the lines of action of farces at A and B, The third force is acting at # in the same direction in which the force at A is, acting. In Fig. 3.15 (c), the couple is shown by curved arrow with symbol M. The force system of Fig. 3.15 (c} is equivatent to Fig. 3.15 (6). Orin other words the Fig. 3.15 (c) is equivalent to Fig. 3.15 (a). Hence the given force F acting at A has been replaced by an equal and parallel force applied at point B in the same direction together with a couple of moment F x.x. ‘Thus a force acting at a point in a rigid body can be replaced by an equal and parallel force at any other point in the body, and a couple, Problem 3.6.A system of parallel forces are acting on a rigid bar as shown in Fig. 3.16, Reduce this system to : (@ a single force 325N ISON 675N oN (id) a single force and a couple at A (iii) a single force and a couple at B. Dp Sol. Given : Forces at A, C, D and B ate 32.5 N, 150 N, 67.5 N and 10 N respectively. Distances AC = 1 m,CD = 1 mand BD = 1.5m. (0 Single force system, The single force system will consist only resultant force in magnitude and location. All the forces are acting in the vertical direction and hence their resultant (R) in magnitude is given by R= 325-1504 675-10=-60N, Ans. Fig 3.16 COPLANAR PARALLEL FORCES 33 Negative sign shows that resultant is acting vertically downwards. Letx = Distance of resullant from towards right. To find the location of the resultant take the moments ofall forces about A, we get Moment of resultant about A. = Algebraic sum of moments of all forces about A or Rxxs=50xAC+675xAD=10 x AB (Taking clockwise moment ~ve and anticlockwise moment +¥e) or (6) xx=50% 14675 x2~ 10x35 aceon (Res) or ~ 60% =~ 150+ 135-35 =—30 =50 + x= 252.0533.m. Ans. 60 Hence the given system of parallel forces is equivatent toa ->0-833m[-4— single force 60 N acting vertically downwards at point E at a distance of 0.833 m from.A shown in Fig. 3.16 (a). Fig, 3.16 (a) (i) A single force and a couple at A. The resultant force R acting at point E'as shown in Fig, 3.16 (a) canbe replaced by an equal force applied at point A in the same direction together with a couple. This is shown in Fig. 3.16 (c). The moment of the couple = 60 x 0.833 Nm (clockwise) — 49,98 Nm. Ans. (C-ve sign is due to clockwise) (iid) A single force and a couple at B. First find distance BE, But from Fig, 3.16 (b), the distance BE =AR—AF = 35-0833 = 2.667 m. GON R=60N 60N cB 3 M,=60x0.833Nm c) o) Fig. 3.16 Now if the foree R = 60 Nis moved to the point B, it will be accompanied by a couple of moment 60 x BE or 60 x 2.667 Nm. This is shown in Fig. 3.16 (e). The moment of the couple = 60 x 2.667 Nm (anti-clockwise) =160Nm. Ans. ENGINEERING MECHANICS 3.7. GENERAL CASE OF PARALLEL FORCES IN A PLANE 3.17 shows.a number of parallel forces acting ona body inane plane. The forces F,, Fy and Fy are acting in one direction, whereas the forces F, and Fs are acting in the opposite direction. Let Ry = Resultant Fi Fe Fs Fa Fs A 8 c o E Fig 3.17 of forces F, Fy and Fy and Ry = Resultant of forces Fy and Fs. The resultants R and Ry are acting in opposite direction and are parallel to each other. Now three important cases are possible. 1. Ry may not be equal to Ry. Then we shall have two unequal parallel forces (R, and Rz) acting in the ‘opposite direction. The resultant R of these two forces (R, and R;) can be easily obtained. The point of application of resultant R can be obtained by equating the moment of R about any point to the algebraic sum ‘of the moments of individual forces about the same point. . Ry is equal to Rz. Then we shall have two equal paratle! forces (Ry and R3) acting in the opposite direction, The resultant R of these two forces will be zero. Now the system may reduce to a coupte or the system is in equilibrium. To distinguish between these two cases, the algebraic sum of moments of all forces (F,, Fa, Fs) about any point is taken. If the sum of moments is not zero, the system reduces a resultant couple. The calculated moment gives the moment of this couple. 3. Ry is equal to Ro and sum of moments of all forces (Fy, Fa, Fs. Fa, Fs...) about any point is zero, then the system will not be subjected to any resultant couple but the system will be in equilibrium, Problem 3.7, Determine the resultant of the parallel force system shown in Fig. 3.18, 4N ON BN IGN I2N c D em, 6m, Fig. 3.18 Sol. Given = Forces at A, B, C,D and £ and 4.N, 8 N,8 N, 16 N and 12 N respectively. Distances AB = 0.6m, BC =09 m, CD=12m, and DE=0.6m. Since all the forces are vertical and parallel, hence their resultant is given by R=-448-84 16-12=0 As the resultant force on the system is zero, there will be two possibilities. The system has a resultant couple or the system is in equilibrium. To distinguish between these two possibilities, take the sum of moments ofall forces about any point. Let us take the moments about point A. COPLANAR PARALLEL FORCES 35 Algebraic sum of moments of all forces about A = 4 048xAB-8 x AC + 16 xAD- 12x AE =04+8x 06-8 x (0.6 +0.9) +16 (0.6 +0.9 + 1.2) 12 x (0.6 + 0.9 + 1.2+0.6) =0+48- 124 16x 2.7-12x3.3Nm 48-12 + 43.2396 = 48-516 -3.6Nm As the algebraic sum of moments of all forces about any point is not zero, the system will have a resultant couple of magnitude —3.6 Nm ie., a clockwise couple. Ans. Problem 3.8. Determine the resultant of the parallel forces acting on a body as shown in Fig. 19, 20N 20N 4QN 30N ION 2m JO.5ery 0.5 2m Fig. 3.19 Sol. Since all the forces are vertical and parallel, hence their resultant is given by Re=20+20+ 40-30-1050 “Taking moments of all forees about the point A, we get Resultant moment = 20 x 0+ 20x 2 +40.x25~ 30 x3-10x5 30+ 40+ 100-90-50= 140 140=0 AAs the resultant moment is zero and also the resultant force on the body is zero, the body will be in equilibrium, Ans. . 3.8. EQUIVALENT SYSTEM ‘An equivalent system fora given system of coplanar forces, isa combination of a force passing through given point and a moment about that point. The force is the resultant of all forces acting on the body. And the moment is the sum of all the moments about that point. Hence equivalent system consists of : (® a single force R passing through the given point P and. (i asingle moment Ma ihe resultant of all force acting on the body. Mp = sum of all moments of all the forces about point P. Problem 3.9. Three external forces are acting on a L-shaped body as shown in Fig. 3.20. Determine the equivatent system through point Q, where Sol. Given ; Force at ‘A= 2000 N, Angie = 30° Force at B=1500N Force at C=100N Distance OA = 200 mm, OB = 100 mm and BC = 200 mm Angle COA = 90° Determine the equivalent system through O. This means find 36 ENGINEERING MECHANICS 4) single resultant force, R (i) single moment through O. Taking x-axis along OA and y-axis along OC. ‘The force at A is resolved into two components. Component along x-axis = 2000 x cos 30° = 1732 N Component along y-axis = 2000 x sin 30° = 1000 N Resolving all forces along X-axis ie., TF, 1000 cos 30° — 1500 - 1000 = - 768 N Similarly ZF, = ~ 2000 x sin 30° =— 1000 (Cvesign is due to downward) ©. Resultant, R= VEF2 +26, = V(~ 768) + (- 1000) = ¥S5RO824 + 1000000 = 1260.88 N Taking moments of all forces about point O, . Mo = (-2000 sin 30) x 200 + 1500 x 100 + 1000 x 300 200000 + 150000 + 300000 = 250000 Nmm = 250 Nm ~. Equivalent system through point O is R= 1260.88 N M=250 Nm Problem 3.10, Fig. 3.21 shows wo vertical forces and a couple of moment 2000 Nim acting on a horizontal rod which is fixed at end A. (i) Determine the resultant of the system. 40008 2500N (ii) Determine an equivalent system through A. Sol. Given: Force at C= 4000 N, Force at B = 2500 N Moment at D = 2000 Nav Distance AC=1m, BC =1.5m CD=08m, BD=07m COPLANAR PARALLEL FORCES s7 (@ Resultant of the system This means to find the resultant of all the forecs and also the point at which the resultant is acting. There are two vertical forces only. Hence resultant, R = 4000-2500 = 1500 N acting downward ‘The point at which the resultant is acting is obtained by taking moments about point A. Far moments there are two Forces (4000 N at C and 2000 N at 8) and also a moment at D. ‘Moment of force 4000 N about point A = 4000 x 1 += 4000 Nm (clockwise) Moment of force 2500 N about point A = 2500 x (1+ 1.5) = 2500 x 2.5 - =6250 Nm (anti-clockwise) Moment at D = 2000 Nm (clockwise) 2. Sum of all moments about A = 4000 (clockwise) — 6250 (anti-clockwise) + 2000 (clockwise) ~ 250 (anti-clockwise) ‘The resultant isacting vertically downward. If itis acting towards right of A, then it will give clockwise moment. But we want anti-clockwise moment. Hence the resultant must act towards the left of A. Let x = Distance of resultant force (1500 N) from A 2. Moment of resultant force (R) about A 300 x x 1500 xx = 250 250 25 [59p 7 0-166m. Ans, Hence resultant of the system is 1500 N J acting ata distance of 0.166 m left to A. Ans. (ii) Equivalent system through A ‘This means to find a single resultant force and a single moment through A. Single resultant force, R= 1500 N Single moment through, A = 250 Nm. Ans. HIGHLIGHTS Parallel forces are having theit lines of action parallel to each other. ‘The moment of a force about any point is the product of force and perpendicular distance betwecn the point and 1¢ of action of force. Anti-clockwise moment is taken +ve whereas clockwise moment is taken — ve. 4. Varignon’s principle states that the moment of a force about any point is equal to the algebraic sum of moments oF its components about that point, Like parallel forces are parallel to each other and areacting#n the sarne direction, whereas the unlike parallel forces are acting in opposite direction, 6 The resultaat of two like parallel forces is the sum of the two forces and acts at a point between the linc in such a ‘way that the resultant divides the distance in the ratio inversely proportional to the magnitudes of the forces. 7. When two equal and opposite parallel forces act on a body at some distance apart, the two forces form a couple which has a tendency to rotate the body. The moment of this couple is the product of either one of the forces and perpendicular distance between the forces, re 58 & 10, ENGINEERING MECHANICS A given force F applied tora body at any point A can always be replaced by an equal foree applied at another point B in the same direction together with a couple. If the resultant of a number of parallel forces is not zero, the system ean be reduced to a single force, whose ‘magnitude is equal to the algebraic sum of all forces, The point of application of this single force is obtained hy equating the moment of this single force sbout any point to the algebraic sum of moments of all forces acting om the system about the seme point. IC the resultant of # number of paralie forces is zero, then the system may have a resultant couple oF may be in equilibrium. If the algebraic sum of moments of all forces about any point is not zero, then system will have a resultant couple. But ifthe algebraic sum of moments of all forces about any point is zeTo, the system will be in equilibrium, EXERCISE3 A. Theoretical Questions Del the terms : Coplanar paratle! forces, like parallel forces and unlike parallel forces. Define and explain the moment of a force. Differentiate between clockwise moment and anti-clockwise moment. {a) State the Varignon’s principle. Also give the proof of Varignon’s principle. {b) Differentiate between : (# Concurtent and non-concutrent forees, Gi) Coplanar and non-coplanar forces, (tii) Moment of a force and couple, Define moment of a forex about a point and show that the algebraic sum of the moments of two coplanar forces shout a point is equal to the moment of their resultant about that point. ‘What are the different types of parallel forees ? Distinguish between like and unlike parallel forces. Prove that the resultant of two like parallel forces Fy and F is Fy + Fp. Also prove that the resultant divides the Hing of joining the points of action of Fy and F> intemally in the inverse ratio of the forces. ‘case of two unlike parallel forces the resultant lies outside the line joining the poi two forces and on the same side as the latger force. ‘Describe the method of finding the linc of action of the resultant of a system of parallel forces. “The resultant of a system of parallel forces is zero, what does it signify ? ‘Describe the method! of finding the resultant of two unlike parallel forees which are equal in magnitude ‘Prove that a given force F applied to a body at any point A can always be replaced by an equal force applied at ‘another point & together with a couple. ‘State the principle of moment. Indicate whether the following statements are True or False. (a Force is an agency which tends to cause motion, (ii) The tension member of a frame work is called a street. Gid) The value of g reduces slightly as-we move from poles towards the equator. {v) Coplanar forces are those which have the same magnitude and direction. (&) A couple consists of two unequal and parallel forces acting on a body, having the same fine of action. (vd) A vector diagram of a force represents its magnitude, direction, sense and point of application, (vid) The force of gravitation on a body is called its weight. (iii) ‘The centre of gravity of a body is the point, through which the resultant of parallel forces passes in whatever position may the body be placed. (As, (i) True (is) False (iii) True (iv) False (v) False (vi) False (vit) Trus (wii) True.) sofa COPLANAR PARALLEL FORCES B, Numerical Problems: Four forces of magnitudes 20 N, 40 N, 60 N and 80 N re acting respectively along the four sides of a square ABCD as shown in Fig, 322. Determine the resultant moment about point A. Each side of square is 2m. [Ans, 200 Nm anti-clockwise} A force of SON is acting at a point A as shown in Fig. 3.23. Determine the mament of this foree about O. , [Ans. 100 Nm clockwise) ‘Threc like parallel farces 20 N, 40 Nand GON arc acting. at points. A, Band € respectively on a straight line ABC. ‘The distances are AB = 3m and BC m. Find the resullantand alsathe distance of the resultant from point Aonline ABC. [Ams. 120 N, 4.5 m] ‘The three like parallel forees. 101 N, F and 300 .N are acting as shawn in Fig, 3.24. Ifthe resultant & = 600 N and is acting at a distance of 45.em fromA, then find the magnitude of foree Fand distance of F and A. (Ans, 200 N, 30 em] Four parallel forces of magnitudes 100 N, 200 N, 50 N sand 400 N are shown in Fig, 3.25. Determine the mag- nitude of the resultant and also the distance of the resul~ tant from point A, [Ans. R= 350 N, 3.07 m] Fig. 3.22 y ry so a a ° % k4m +} Fig. 3.23 R=GOON 100N F 300N 4 ' 1 lA a} te ® Asc oe 28e1 Fig. 3.24 100N 200N SON 400N J L d fetmafa sm —efeim of Fig. 3.25 59 on (ENGINEERING MECHANICS 6 A system of parallel forces are acting an a rigid bar as shown in Fig, 3.26. Reduce this systemn 10: ( asingle force, [Ans. (2) R= 120N 01 2.83.m from A (Gi) a single force and a couple at A. GB) R = 120 N and My = 340 Nm (iit) asingle force and a couple at B. ii) R= 120 N and Mp = 120Nmi] 20N 100N 40N 80N a D B Im f= 1m aje— 2m —| Fig. 3.26 7. Five forces are acting on a body as shown in Fig. 3.27. Determine the resultant. [Ans, = 0, Resultant couple = 10 Nm] 20N 20N 40N 30N ION A 8 Ic IF 2.5m Sm ry 2m ——»| Fig. 3.27 8 Determine the resultant of the parallel forces showa in Fig, 3.28. [Aas, Bosy is in equilibrium) HON 40N 30N ION 10N 2m 05m) 1.0m | 0.5m, Fig 3.28 4 Conditions of Equilibrium 4,1, INTRODUCTION ‘When some external forces (which may be concurrent or parallel) are acting on a stationary body, the body may start moving or may start rotating about any point. But if the body does not start moving and also does not start rotating about any point, then the body* is said to be in equilibrium. In this chapter, the conditions of equilibrium for concurrent forces (ie., forces meeting at a point) and for parallel forees will be described. Also the concept of free body diagram, different types of support reactions and determination of reactions will be explained. 42, PRINCIPLE OF EQUILIBRIUM ‘Tho principle of equilibrium states that, a stationary body which is subjected to coplanar forces (concurrent or parallel) will be in equilibrium if the algebraic sum of all the external forces is zero and also the algebraic sum of moments of all the external forces about any point in their plane is zero. Mathematically, expressed by the equations : iF=0 41) IM=0 nf) ‘The sign X is known as sigma which is a Greek letter. This sign represents the algebraic sum of forces or moments, ‘The equation (4.1) is also known as force Law of equilibrium whereas the equation (4.2) is known as moment law of equilibrium. The forces are generally resolved into horizontal and vertical components. Hence equation (4.1) is written as EF, =0 (4.3) and EF, =0 (4.4) where ZF, = Algebraic sum of all horizontal components and EF, = Algebraic sum of all vertical components. 4.2.1, Equations of equilibrium for Non-concurrent forces systems. A non-concurrent force systems will be in equilibrium if the resultant of all forces and moment is zero. Hence the equations of equilibrium are EF,=0,2F,=0 and EM=0, 4.2.2. Equations of equilibrium for concurrent force system. For the concurrent forces, the Hines of action of all forces meet at a point, and hence the moment of those force about that very point will be zero of ‘EM = 0 automatically. ‘Thus for concurrent force system, the condition EM = 0 becomes redundant and only two conditions, LF, =0 and SF, =O are required. “A body will bein equilibrium if both the resultant of the forces and resultant moment are zero, whereas a paraticle ‘will be in equilibrium ifthe resultant force acting on itis zero. CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM 63 Now let us apply the three conditions of equilibrium : () EF, = Os there is no horizontal force aeting on the body BF, =Oie, Fi+hy= Fe EM = Oabout any point. Taking the moments of Fy, F2 and F; sbout point A, IM, =— Fy AB + Fy x AC (Moment of F is anti-clockwise whereas moment of F is clockwise) For equilibrium, 2M, should be zero ie, Fx AB + Fs xAC = 0 I the distances AB and AC are such that the above equation is satisfied, then the body will be in cquilibrium under the action of three parallel forces. \ 43.3. Four force system. The body will be in equilibrium if the resultant foroe in horizontal direction is zero (ie, ZF, = 0), resultant force in vertical direction is zero (ise, ZF, = 0) and moment of all forces about any point in the plane of forces is zero (ie., EM = 0). Problem 4.1. Twoforces F, and Fzare acting on a body and the body isin equilibrium. Ifthe magnitude ofthe force F is 100N and its acting at O long x-auis as shown in Fig. 4.4, then determine the magnitude and direction of force Fa. Sol. Given : Force, F,=100N ‘The body isin equilibrium under the action of two forces Fy and Fy. When two forces are acting on a body and the body i equilibrium, then the two forces should be collinear, equal and opposite. F,=1008 n Fy=F,=100N The force F should pass through O, and would be acting in the opposite direction of Fy. Problem 4.2. Three forces F,, F, and F, are acting on a body as shown in Fig. 4.5 and the body isin equilibrium, If the magnitude of force Fy is 400, N, find the magnitudes of force F) and Fx Sol. Given : Force, Fy = 400 N. As the body is in equilibrium, the resultant force is ion should be zero and also the resultant force in Fig. 4.4 y-direction should be zero. fa fi @ For EF, = 0, we get F cos 30° — F; cos 30° =0 (3 A or F\-Fi=0 ° Ror wl \f (ii) For EF, =0, we get F; sin 30° + Fysin 30°—400=0 or Fy x05 + Fx 0.5 = 400 or F,x054F,x052400 () Fy=F) F,=400N or F,2400N. Ans. Also Fy=F,=400N. Ans. Figs 64 ENGINEERING MECHANICS 2nd Method Ifthree forces are acting on a body at a point and the Fo Fy body is in equilibrium, Lami’s Theorem can be applied. 120" Using Lami’s theorem, F, 120" 120" sin 120° or F,=400N Fig. 45 (a) Problem 43. Three parallel forces F , Fz and F; are acting on a body as shown in Fig. 4.6 and the beady is in equitibrium. If force Fy = 250N and F; = 1000 N and the distance between F; and Fy = 1.0m, then determine the magnitude of force Fy and the distance of F from force Fy. Sol. Given : Force, Fy = 250N =250 Eh Force, Fy= 1000N fl SIg0on Distance AB = 1.0m The body is in equilibrium. Find F,and distance BC. For the equilibrium of the body, the resultant a force in the vertical direction should be zero (here there b-—1.0m is no foree in horizontal direction). Fe For EF, =0, we get F,+Fy-F,=0 . Figdo or 250-4 1000 - F, =0 or F,= 250+ 1000=1250N. Ans. For the equilibrium of the body, the moment of all forces about any point must be zero. ‘Taking moments of all forces about point.A and considering distance BC'= x, we get Fy) xAB-ACx Fy=0 or 1250 x 1.0-(1 +2) x 1000=0 AC #AB4BC #143) or 1250 = 1000 1000x = 0 or 250 = 1000 or x= 250 2025 m Ans. Problem 4.4, The five forces F,, Fs Fy Fyand F,are acting at a point on a body as shown in Fig. 4.7 and the body is in equilibrium. if F, = 18 N, F, = 22.5 N, Fy = 15 Nand F, = 30 N, find the force Fs in magnitude and direction, Sol. Given : Forees, 18N, F,=225N, 15 Nand F,=30N. CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM. 65 ‘The body is in equilibrium. Find fores F in mag- nitude and direction. This problem can be solved analyti- cally and graphically. 1, Analytical Method Let @ = Angle made by force Fs with horizontal axis OX. ‘As the body is in equilibrium, the resultant force in x-direction and y-direction should be zero. (@ For BFc=0, we get F\ + F,00s 45° — Fos 30°— Fs.cos 0 = 0 or 18 +225 x 0.707 ~30 x 0,866 — Fs cos 0 = 0 or 18 + 15,9- 25.98 - Fos 0=0 or Fcos@ = 18 + 15.9-25.98 or F5cos@ = 7.92 of) (ii) For EFy=0,we get Fy sin 43° + Fy - Fy sin 30° - Fssin 8 = 0 or 22,5 «0.707 + 15-30 x0.5- Fs sin 8 =0 or 15.94 15~15-Fssin8=0 or Fssin8 = 15.9 Divi Fssin® _ 15.9 ing equation (ii) by equation (),we get Fe |= 757 of tan @= 20075 60 @= tan" 2.0075 = 63.52". Ans. Substituting the value of @ in equation (), we get Fs cos 63.52" = 7.92 792 Fs= ogggg TIEION. Ans. 2. Graphical Method (@ First draw a space diagram with given four forces F,, Fs, Fy and Fy at correct angles as shown in Fig. 4.8 (a). (fi) Now choose a suitable scale, say om = 5 N for drawing a force diagram, Take any point Q inthe force diagram as shown in Fig. 4.8 (b). F,aISN @) ) Fig. 4.8 66 ENGINEERING MECHANICS (iii) Draw line Oa parattel to force F; and cut Oa = F) = 18 N to the same scale. (iv) From a, draw the line ab parallel to Fy and cut ab = F = 22.5 N (v) From b, draw the line be parallel to Fy and cut be (vi) From c, draw the line cd parallel to Fy and cut cel = Fy (vil) Now join d to O, Then the closing side d0 represents the force Fs in magnitude and direction, Now measure the length dO. By measurement, length dO = 3.55 em. Force Fy = Length dO x Scale = 3.55 x5=17.75N. Ans. ‘The direction is obtained in the space diagram by drawing the force Fs parallel to line dO. Measure the angle ®, which is equal 1063.5*. Or the force Fs is making an angle of 180+63,5 = 243.5° with the force Fy. Problem 45. Fig. 4.8 (¢) shows the coplanar system of forces acting on a flat plate. Determine : fi) the resultant and (ii) x and y intercepts of the resultant. Sol. Given : Force at A=2240N, Angle with x-axis = 63.43" Farce at B= 805 N. Angle with x-axis = 33.67" Force at C= 1500N. Angle with x-axis = 60° Lengths OA=4m, DB=3m, DC=2m and OD=3m Each force is resolved into ¥ and ¥ components as shown in Fig. 4.8 (d). Fiz 48(0) @) Force at A = 2240 N. Its X-companent = 2240 x cos 63.43° = 1001.9N, Its ¥-component = 2240 x sin 63.43° = 2003.4 N (ii) Force at B= 1805 N. X-component = 1805 x cos 33.67° Y-component = 1805 x sin 33.67° (di) Force at C = 1500 N. X-component = 1500 x cos 60° = Y-component = 1500 x sin 60° = 1299 N The net force along X-axis, EF, = 1001.9 ~ 1502.2 — 750 = - 1250.3.N ‘The net force along Y-axis, R= BF, = 2003.4 — 1000.7 + 1299 =~ 1708.11N (The resultant force is given by, RaVRI4R, = V(= 1250.3) + (= 1705.1)" = VI563250 + 2907360 = 2114.4N. Ans. CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM 67 1001.9 N 2003,4N Fig. 48d) “The angle made by the resultant with x-axis is given by Ry _- 1705.1 tan = = reg = 8 “ 0 = tan"! 1.363 = 53.70 ‘The net moment* about paint Q, Mo = 2003.4 x 4 + 1000.7 x 3- 1299 x 2- 1502.2 x 3-750 x3 8012.16 + 3002.1 ~2598 ~ 4506.6 — 2250 11014.26 ~ 9354.6 = 1659.55 Nm Asthe net momentabout @ is clockwise, hence the resultant must act towards right of eriginO, making, an angle = 53.7° with x-axis as shown in Fig. 4.8 (e). ‘The components R, and R, are also negative. Hence condition is also satisfied. (i) Imercepts of resultant on x-axis: and yaatis [Refer to Fig, 4.8 (e)]. Let x = Intercept of resultant along x-axis. i y= Intercept of resultant along y-axis. ‘The moment of a force about a point is equal tothe sum of the moments of the components ofthe Rx =1250.3 foree about the same point. Resolving the resultant (R) into its component R, and R, at F. Moment of R about O = Sum of moments of Ry (= 1705.1N) Rand R, at But moment of R about O = 1659.66 Fig 48(e) (Mo = 1659.66) ‘1659.66 = R, x O+R, xx (as R, at F passes through O hence it has no moment) *Considering clockwise moment pasilive and anti-clockwise moment as negative. ALA, the X component ol 1001.98 passes through O and hence has ne moment, 68 [ENGINEERING MECHANICS 1659.66 = 1705.1 «x GR, 1659. * 1708.10 To find y-intercept, resolve the resultant R at G into its component R, and R,- Moment of R about © = Sum of moments of R, and R, at O or 1659.66 = R, xy+R, xO. (ALG, R, passes through O and hence has no moment) 1705.1) x = 0.97 might of O. Ans 1659.66 = 1250.3 xy 1659.66 %* 1250.30 - Problem 4.6. A lamp weighing 5 N is suspended from the ceiling by a chain, It is pulled aside by a horizontal cord until the chain makes an angle of 60° with the ceiling as shown in Fig. 4.9. Find the tensions in the chain and the cord by opplying Lami’s theorem and also by graphi Sol. Given = Weight of lamp =5N ‘Angle made by chain with ceiling = 60° Cord is horizontal as shown in Fig. 4.9. (i) By Lami’s Theorem Let T, = Tension (or pull) in the cord Tz Tension (or pull) in the chain. Now from the geometry, itis obvious that angles between 7; and lamp will be 90°, between lamp and Ty, 150° and between T; and 7; 120° [Refer to Fig. 4.9 (6)]- 32m below O. Ans. ‘60° Hain io q CORD iN Te! 5 5M e ‘SPACE DIAGRAM FORCE DIAGRAM (a) (b) (cy Fig 49 Applying Lami’s theorem, we get Ty Ty 5 Sin 150° ~ sin 90° ~ sin 120° . 5 SISO | ve Tis 5x ST yea RBBTN, Ans. and Ty=5 x 50" os 774N, Ans. ‘sin 120° CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM 0 (ié) By Graphical Method (1) First draw the space diagram at correct angles as shown in Fig. 4.9 (b). Now choose a suitable scale say Lem = J N for drawing a force diagram as shown in Fig. 4.9 (c). Take any point 0 in the force diagram. (2) From O, draw the line Qa vertically downward to represent the weight of the lamp. Cut Oa = 5 N. (3) From a, draw the line ab parallel to 7). The magnitude of 7; is unknown, Now from O, draw the line Ob horizontally (ie., parallel to T;) cutting the line ab at point b. (4) Now measure the lengths ab and bO. ‘Then ab represents 7; and bO represents 7). By measurements, ab = 5.77 cm and bO = 2.9 em. c+ Pull in the cord = 50 = 2.9 em x scale = 2.9 x 1 =29N. Ans, Pullin the chain = ab=5,77em x seale = 5.77% 1 =S.77N. Ans. Problem 4.7. On a horizontal line PORS 12 cm long, where PQ = QR = RS = 4 cm, forces of 1000, 1500, 1000 and 500 N are acting at P,Q, Rand S respectively, alf downwards, their tines of action making angles of 90, 60, 45 and 30 degrees respectively with PS. Obtain the resultant of the system completely in magaitude, direction and position graphically and check the answer analytically. Sol. Given : PQ Force at P. Force at Q Force at R 1000 N. Angle with PS = 90° 1500 N. Angle with QS = 60° SPACE DIAGRAM R=1000N P ax R s Me sem — he —4 em —4em i FORCE DIAGRAN SCALE: Tam= 3008 o Fig 49 ™ ENGINEERING MECHANICS, Graphical Method . Draw the space diagram of the forces as shown in Fig. 4.9 (d). The procedure is as follows = (i) Draw a horizontal line PORS = 12 em in which take PQ = OR = RS = 4em Draw the line of action of forces P, Q, R, S of magnitude 1000 N, 1500 N, 1000 N and 500 8: pectively at an angle of 90°, 60°, 45° and 30° respectively with line PS as shown in Fig. 4.9. Magnitude and direction of Resultant force (R*) To find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force, the force dingram is drawn as shown in Fig. 4.9 (c) as given helow : @ Draw the vector ab to represent the force 1000 N ta a scale of 1 cm = 500 N. The vector ab is parallel to the line of action of force P. (ii) From point b, draw vector be = 1500 N and parallel to the line of action of force Q. Similarly the vectuts, cl = 1000) N and parallel to line of action of force R and de = 500 N and parallel to the fine of action vf force S. are drawn, (iii) Join ae which gives the magnitude of the resultant. Measuring ae, the resultant force is equal to 37T0N (év) To get the line of action of the resultant, chonse any point Q on force diagram (called the pole) and join Oa, Ob, Oc, Odand Oc. {) Now choose any point X on the line of action of force Pand draw a ine parallel to Oa. (si) Also from the point X;, draw another line parallel to Ob, which cuts the line of action of force at X. Similarly from point X2, draw a line parallel to. Oc to cut the line of action of force R at 3. From point 4, draw a line parallel to Od to cut the line of action af force S at Xs, (vif) From point X,, draw a line parallel Oe. (viii) Produce the first fine (ce., the line from X;, and paraltel to Ga) and the last fine (i., the line from Xqand parallel to Ge) to interest at X. Then the resultant must pass through this point, (és) From point X, draw a fine parallel to ae which determines the line of action of resultant force. Measure PX. By measurements : Resultant force, R* = 3770 N Point of action, PX = 4.20.em Direction, @ = 60° 30' with PS Analytical Method In analytical method, all the forces acting can be resolved horizontally and vertically. Resultant of all vertical and horizontal forees can be calculated separately and then the final resultant can be obtained. Resolving all forces and considering the system for vertical forces only. Vertical force at P = 1000.N Vertical force at_Q = 1500 sin 60! Vertical force at R= 1000 sin 45° = 707 N Vertical force at = S00 sin 30° = 250 N * 1000N WOON Ry 7OTN 250N P foam gem — Be — em at + ——+ Fig. 29) CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM a Let RY =the resultant of all vertical forces and acting ata distance x cm from P. = 1000 + 1299 + 707 +250 = 3256N ‘Taking moments of all vertical forces about point P, RY x x= 1299 x 4 + 707 x 8 + 250 x 12 = 13852 13852 _ 13852 _ a 6 =4.25cm Now consider the system for horizontal forces only Horizontal force at P = 0 Horizontal force at Q = 1500 x cos 60° = 750 N Horizontal force at R = 1000 x cos 45° = 707 N Horizontal force at $= 500 x cos 30° = 433 N Resultant of all horizontal forces will be, Rjy = 0+ 750 + 707 + 433 = 1890 N ‘The resultant R* of Rf-and Rj, will also pass through point X which is at a distance of 4.25 em from P. Rt = VR3 + Rip = V3256" + 1890" = 3764N. Ans. “The resultant will make an angle @ with PS and is given by 3256 R Ri io 73 tan 6 = oo @ = tan! 1.723 = 59.9° “Thus the resultant of 3764 N makes an angle $9.9* with PS and passing through point. which is at a distance of 4.25 em from point P. This result confirms closely with the values obtained by graphical method. 4.4, ACTION AND REACTION From the Newton’s third law of motion, we know that to every action there is equal and opposite reaction, Hence reaction if always equal and opposite to the action. Fig. 4.10 (a) shows a hall plaved on a horizontal surface (or horizontal plane) such that it is free to. move along the plane but cannot move vertically downward. Hence the ball will cxert a force vertically w w w ACTION A a a ‘SUPPORT Ry (@) ® co Fig. 4.10 2 ENGINEERING MECHANICS downwards at the support as shown in Fig. 4.10 (b). This force is known as action. The support will exert an ‘equal force vertically upwards on the ball at the point of contact as shown in Fig. 4.10 (¢), “The force, exerted by the support on the ball, is known as reaction. Hence ‘any force on a support equal and opposite force from the support so that action and reaction are twoegual and opposite forces’. 4.5. FREE BODY DIAGRAM ‘The equilibrium of the bodies which are placed on the supports can be considered if we remove the supports and replace them by the reactions which they exert on the body. In Fig, 4.10 (a), if we remove the supporting surface and replace it by the reaction R that the surface exerts on the balls as shown in Fig. 4.10 (c), we shall get free-body diagram, ‘The point of application of the reaction R, will be the pointof contactA, and from the law of equi of two forces, we conclude that the reaction Ry must be vertical and equal to the weight W. Hence Fig. 4.10 (c), in which the ball is completely isolated from its support and in which all forces acting on the ball are shown by vectors, is known a free-body diagram. Hence to draw the free-body diagram ofabody we removeall the supports (like wall, floor, hinge crany other body) and replace them by the reactions which these support exert on the body. Also the body should be completely isolated. Problem 4.8. Draw the free body diagram of ball of weight W supported by a string AB and resting against a smooth vertical wall at C as shown in Fig. 4.11 (a). Sol. Given : A STRING F c 4) . Ww W ‘Weight of ball = W ® o) Fig. 4.11 ‘The ball is supported by a string AB and is resting against a vertical wall at C. To draw the free-body diagram of the ball, isolate the ball completely (ce., isolate the ball from the support and string). Then besides the weight W acting at B, we have two reactive forces to apply one replacing, the string AB and another replacing the vertical wall AC. Since the string is attached to the ball at Band since a string can pull only along its length, we have the reactive force F applied at B and parallel to BA. The magnitude of F is unknown. ‘The reaction Re will be acting at the point of contact of the ball with vertical wall ic., at point C. AS the surface of the wall is perfectly smooth*, the reaction Rc will be normal to the vertical wall (ie., reaction Rc will be horizontal in this case) and will pass through the point B. The magnitude of Re is also unknown. ‘The complete free-body diagram is shown in Fig. 4.11 (b). “The reaction at @ perfectly smooth surface is always normal tothe surface. CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM mB Problem 49. A circular roller of weight 100 N and radius 10 em hangs by a tie rod AB = 20 em and rests against a smooth vertical wall at C as shown in Fig. 4.12 (a). Determine : (i} the force F in the tie rod, und (ii) the reaction Re at point C. Sol. Given : Weight of roller, W= 100'N Radius of roller, BC = 10cm Length ofticrod, §—AB'= 20cm From SABC, we get sin 0 = ‘The free-body diagram of the roller is shown in Fig. 412 (8) in which Re = Reaction atC = Force in the tie rod AB Free-body diagram shows the equilibrium of the roller, Hence the resultant force in x-direction and should be zero. @ @ Fig. 4.12 For EF, =0, we get Rc—F'sin § = 0 or Re=Fsin€ AD For ZF, =0, we get 100- Feos@ =0 or Feos® 100 _ __100 or Feeee ce (2 0230") s11S47N, Ans. Substituting the value of F in equation (i), Re= 118.47 x sin 30° = 57.73 N. Ans. Problem 4.10, Draw the free-body diagram of a bali of weight W, supported by a string AB and resting against a smooth vertical wall at € and also resting against a smooth horizontal floor at D as shown in Fig. 4.13 (a). 14 ENGINEERING MECHANICS Sol. Given : To draw the free-body diagram of the ball, the ball should be isolated completely fram the vertical support, horizontal support and string AB. Then the forces acting on the isolated bail as shown in Fig. 4.13 (b), will be: Qa F Os) * o @) ® Fig 4.13 (@ Reaction Rc at point C, normal to AC. Gi) Force F in the ditection of string. iid) Weight W of the ball. (iv) Reaction Ro at point D, normal to horizontal surface. ‘The reactions Re and Rp will pass through the centre of the ball ie., through point B. Problem 4.11. A ball of weight 120.N resis in a rightangled groove, as shown in Fig. 4.14 (a). The sides of the groove are inclined to an angle of 30° and 66° to the horizontal. {fall the surfaces are smooth, then determine the reactions Ry and Re-at the points of contact. Sol. Given: Weight of ball, W=120N Angle of groove =90° ‘Angle made by side FD with horizontal = 30° ‘Angle made: by side ED with horizontal = 60° Angle FDH = 30° and angle EDG = 60° Consider the equilibrium of the ball. For this draw the free body diagram of the ball as shown in Fig. 4.14 (b). The forces acting on the isolated ball will be : (0) Weight of the ball = 120 N and acting vertically downwards. (i Reaction Rc acting at C and normal to FD. Reaction R, acting at A and normal to DE. ‘The reactions Ry and Re will pass through B, i.e., centre of the ball. The angles made by Ry and Reat point B will be obtained as shown in Fig. 4.14 (c). CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM 75 (ay (b) Fig. 414 In AHDC, LCDH = 30° and LDCH = 90°. Hence ZDHC will be 60°. Now in AHBL, 2BLH = 90° and angle LHB = 60°, Hence £HBL will be 30°. Similarly, ZGBL may be calculated. This will be equal to 60°, For the equilibrium of the ball, BF,=0 and EF,=0 For ZF, = 0, we have Rc sin 30° — Ry sin 60° = 0 or Re sin 30° = Ry sin 60° 0.866, or Ro= Ra XS ogge = 1TS2Rg WO For XB, = 0, we have 120 ~ Ry cos 60° ~ Re-cos 30° = 0 or 120 = Ry cos 60" + Rc cos 30” = Ry 05 + (1.732.Ry) x 0.866 =05 Ry +15 Ry =2Ry Ry =P =OON. Ans. Re = 1.732 Ry) ‘Substituting this value in equation (i), we get Re = 1.732 x 60 = 103,92 N. Ans. Problem 4.12.A circular roller of radius 5 em and ofweight 100N rests on'a smooth horizontal surface and is held in position by an inclined bar AB of length 10 cmas shown in Fig, 4.15.A horizontal force of 200N isacting at B. Find the tension (or Force) in the bar AB and the vertical reaetion at C. 7 ENGINEERING MECHANICS (@) ® Fig. 4.15 Sol. Given : Weight, W= 100N Radius BC=Sem Length of bar, AB= 10cm Horizontal force at B= 200N - ina bee 3 In AABC, sina Tee 7205 ” 0 = sin 0.5 = 30° Let F =Tension in the string AB. Consider the equilibrium of the roller. For this draw the free body diagram of the roller as shawn in Fig. 4.15 (6). ‘The reaction Re at point C will pass through point B. The tension (or force F) will be acting along the length of the string. As the roller is in equilibrium in Fig. 4.15 (b), the resultant force in x-direction and y-direction should he zero. For EF, = 0, we have F eos 6-200 = 0 8230") For EF, =0, we have Ro— W-Fsin@= 0 or Ro= W+ F sin 0 = 100 + 230.94 x sin 30 215.47N. Ans. Problem 4.13. Two identical rollers P and Q, each of weight W, are supported by an inclined plane anda vertical wall as shown in Fig. 4.15 (a). Assume all the surfaces to be sneooth. Draw the free body diagrams of {8 roller Q, (ii) rotler P and (iif) rollers P and Q taken together Sol. Given : Weight ofeach roller = = W Radius of each roller Rg Identical rollers means the radius of each roller is same, Hence the line EF in Fig. 4.16 (a) will be parallel to surface AB. CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM Fig. 4.16 (a) Each surface is smooth, hence reaction at the point of contact will be normal to the surface. Let Rq= Reaction at point A Rg= Reaction at point B Re= Reaction at point C ‘The two rollers are also in contact at point D. Hence there will be a reaction Rp at the point D. (i) Free-hody diagram of roller Q. To draw the free-body diagram of roller Q, isolate the roller Q com- pletely and find the foreesacting on the rollerQ. The roller has points of contact at B,C and D. The forces acting on the roller Q will be : () Weight of roller W. (@) Reaction Rp at point B. ‘This will be normal to the surface BA at point B. (ii) Reaction Re at point C.'This will be normal to the vertical surface at point C. (iv) Reaetion Rp at point D. This will be normal to the tangent at point D. ‘The reactions Re, Re and Rp will pass through the centre £ of the roller Q. These three reactions are un- know, Free-body diagram of roller P. Free-body diagram of roller P is shown in Fig. 4.16 (c). The roller P has points of contact at A and D. The forces acting on the roller Pare + (Weight W (ii) Reaction Ry at point A (iii) Reaction Rp at point D. ‘The reactions Rq and Rp will pass through point F, ée., centre of roller P. These two reactions are unknown. If Wis given, then these reactions can be calculated, Fig. 4.16(6) w Fig. 4.16(c) ” B ENGINEERING MECHANICS: (iii) Free-body diagram of rollers P and Q taken together. When the rollers P and Q are taken together, then points of contacts arc A, B and C. The free-body diagram of this case is shown in Fig. 4.16 (d). “The forces ucting are : Ww Fig 4.160) (i) Weight Won each roller (id) Reaction Ra at point Reaction Rg at point B (iv) Reaction Re at point C. n this case there will be no reaction at point D. Problens 4.14, Two identical rollers, each of weight W = 1000 N, are supported by an inclined plane und a vertical wall as shown in Fig. 4.17 (a). Find the reactions at the points of supports A, B and C. Assume all the surfaces to be smooth. CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM 79 Sol, Given ; Weight of cach roller = 1000 N Radius of each rolter is same, Hence line EF will be parallel to AB. Equilibrium of Roller P Firstdraw the free-body diagram of roller Passhown in Fig. 4.17 (¢). The roller Phas points of contact at A and D. Hence the forces acting on the roller P are : {i) Weight 1000 N acting vertically downward. (ii) Reaction Ra at point A. This is normal to OA. (ii) Reaction Ro at point D. This is parallel to line OA. ‘The resultant foree in.x and y directions on roller P should be 2ero. For ZF, =0, wehave Rosin 60° — Ry sin 30° =0 oF Rp sin 60° = Ry sia 30° ” Ai) For EF, =0,wehave Rp cos 60" + Ry cos 30° ~ 1000 = 0 (0.577 Ry) cos 60° + Ry cos 30° = 1000 Ce Rp= 0577 Ry) or 0.577 x 0.5 Ry + Ry x 0.866 = 1000 11545 Ry = 1000 or ys Substituting this valuc in equation (2), we get Rp = 0.577 x 866.17 = 499.78 Equilibrium of Roller Q ‘The free-body diagram of roller Q is shawn in Fig. 4.17 (b). The roller Q has points af contact at 5, C and D. ‘The forces acting on the roller Q are : ( Weight W= 1000 N; (i) Reaction Rp at point B and normal to BO ; (dif) Reaction Rc at point C and normal to CO; and (iv) Reaction Rp at point D and parallel to BO. For EF, = 0, we have Resin 30° + Rp sin 60° - Re =0 oF Ry * 0.5 + 449.78 x 0.866 ~ Ro = 0 or Re = 0.5 Ry + 432.8 nity For SF, = 0, we have Ry x cos 30" — 1000 ~ Rp x cos 60° = 0 or Rp x 0.866 — 1000 — 499.78 x 0.5 = 0 Ry = 499,78) 1249.89 or 0.866 Ry~ 1249.89 =0 or Ro="y eee 1443.3N. Ans. ‘Substituting this value in equation (ii), we get Re = 05 « 1443.3 + 432.8 = 1154.45 N. Ans. Problem 4.15. Two spheres, each of weight 1000 N and of radius 25 cm restin a horizontal channel of widtit 90 cm as shown in Fig. 4.18. Find the reactions on the points of contact A, B and C. ENGINEERING MECHANICS Sof. Given Weight of each sphere, Radius of each sphere, . AF = BF = FD = DE= CE = 25cm Width of horizontal channel = 90cm Join the centre E to centre F as shown in Fig. 4.18 (b), Now In AEFG,EG = VEF* - FG? = V¥50" - 407 = VEO = TOO = 30 1000N 1000 N 1000 N 1000 N c ic D ‘ , CES] 8 25 8 40 25 Ee “ : ) Equilibrium of Sphere No. 2 or ‘The sphere 2 has points of contact at C and D. Let Re = Reaction at C 1ooow and Rp = Reaction at D ‘The free-body diagram of sphere No. 2is shown in Fig. $.18(0. ‘The reaction Rp at point D, will pass through the centre z E of the sphere No. 2, as any line normal to any point on the D fe circumference of the circle will pass through the centre of circle. For the equilibrium of the sphere No. 2, the resultant Ro force in.x and y directions should be zero. For 3F,=0, we have Rpsin® = Re of For YF, =0, we have R,, cas 0 = 1000 Fig 4.18(€) Rp = CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM 8 Substituting the value of Rp in equation (i), ine or or 1333.33 = Re Re = 1333.33 N. Ans. auitibsiom of sphere No, 1. The sphere 1 has points of contact at A, B and D. Let Ry = Reaction at point A = Reaction at point B ‘The free-body diagram of sphere No. 1 is shown in Fig, 4.18 (d). The reactions Ry, Ryand Rp will pass through the centre F of the sphere No. 1. For EF, = 0, we have Ry-Rpsinb=0 or Ry=Rpsin® 5000 “3S Ro= = and sit = 1333.33. Ans. Ry For EF, = 0, we have Ry = 1000 Rp cos 8 =O Ry = 1000+ Rp cos @ = 1000 + 2002, 3 {° ono=3) Fig Lise) 3% 5 =2000N. Ans, Problem 4.16. Two smooth circular cylinders, each of weight W = 1000 .N and radius 15 em, are connected at their centres by a string AB of length = and rest upon a horizontal plane, supporting above thea third cylinder of weight = 2000 N and radius 15 cm as shown in Fig. 4.19, Find the force S in the string AB and the pressure produced an the floor at the points of contact D and E. 2000N 2000N 1000 N OOON o E «@) (oy Fig. 4.19 82 Sol. Given > ‘Weight of cytinders | and 2 = 1000.N ‘Weight of eytinder Radius of each cylinder Length of string AB = 40 em From Fig. 4.19 (6), AC=AF+FC= 15415 =30cm 1 $x AB = 4 40= 20 em. From AACH, s = sin"! 0.667 = 41.836° Equilibrium of eylinder3, The cylinder 3 has points of contact at F and G. The reactions Re and Rg will pass through the entre of sphere 3. ‘The free-body diagram is shawn in Fig. 4.19 (c). Resolving forces horizontally, Ry sin O- Resin = 0 or Res Re ow) Resolving forces vertically, Ry cos 0 + Re cos 0 = 2000 or Ry-cos 8 + Ry eos 0 = 2000 (Re = Ro) _ 2000) 000 5 B= Teas 0 ~ cos dr gage © 1M2179N i) Equilibrium of cylinder 1 “The cylinder 1 has points of contact at D and F. Also the cylinder 1 is connected to cylinder 2 by a string AB. To draw the free-body diagram of cylinder 1, there will be reactions Rp and Rp at points F and D as showa in Fig. 4.19 (d). Also there will be a force § in the direction of the string AB. For BF, = 0, we have S-Rypsin® S=Rpsin® = 1342.179 x sin 41 836° [> From equation (i), Re = 1342179] =895.2N. Ans. For EF, = 0,.we have Ry ~ 1000— Recos 0 = 0 or Ry = 1000 + Ry cos 8 = 1000 + 1342.179 x cos 41,836 = 1999.99 = 2000. N. Ans, ENGINEERING MECHANICS. 2000N Fig.4.19 (0) Fig. 4.19 (e) CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM 83 ‘The equilibrium of cylinders 1,2.and3 taken together 2000N ‘The three eylinders taken together have points ‘of contact at D and £. "The free-body diagram is shown in Fig. 4.19 (c). In this case only vertical forces exist. Hence resultant force in y-direction should be zero. Ro-+ Rg ~ 1000 — 2000 — 10000 = 0 or Re = 1000 + 20004 1000 - Rp or Ry = 4000- Rp = 4000 — 2000 (Co Ry = 2000) =2000N. Ans. Fig. 4.09 (e) Problem 4.17.4 rofler of radius 40 cm, weighing 3000 N is to be pulled over a rectangular block of height 20 cm as shown in Fig. 4.20, by a hovizantal force applied at the end of a st wound round the circumference of the roller, Find the magnitude of the horizontal force which will just tarn the roller over the corner of the rectangular block. Also determine the magnitude and direction of reactions at A und B. Alt surfaces may be taken as smooth. Sal, Given: Radius of roller = 40 em Weight, W= 3000N Height of block = 20 em Find horizontal force P, reaction Ry and reac~ tion Ry when the roller just turns aver the block. When the roller is abaut to turn over the corner of the rectangular block, the roller lifts at the poiat A and then there will be no contact between the roller and the point A. Hence reaction Ry at point A will become zer0. Fig. 4.20 Now the roller will be in equitibrium under the action of the following three forces : (0 its weight W acting vertically downward (ii) horizontal force P (iii) reaction Rp at point B. The direction of Ry is unknown, For the equilibrium, these three forces should pass through a common point. Asthe force Pand weight Wis passing through point C, hence the reaction Ry must also pass through the point C. Therefore, the line BC gives the direction of the reaction Rp. In ABOD, BO = Radius = 40cm, OD=0A -AD = 40-20 = 20 em BD =VBO?- OD? =V40? - 20? = VI200 = 34.64 + BD 34.64 34.64 Ne ow AD, 4A low in ABCD, 180 9= = Gy GB ™ doe 20) 057 o 0 = tan! 0.5773 = 29.999" = 30° CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM aL 12 rollers, each of weight 50 N, are sup- ported by an inclined plane and a vertical wall as shown in Fig. 4.33. Find the reactions at the points of supports A, B and C. Assume all the surfaces to be smooth, [Ans. Ry = 43.3 N, Rp =72.N, R= S75 N} Two spheres, each of weight 50'N and of radius Nm rest in a horizontal channel of width as shown in Fig. 4.34, Find the reactions on the paints of contact A, B and C, [Ans. Ry = Rc = 66.67 N, Ry = 100N] SON NS 50N Fig. 4.34 on 5 Support Reactions 3.4. INTRODUCTION ‘When a number of forces are acting an a body, and the body is supported on another body, then the second body exerts a force known as reactions on the first body at the points of contact so that the first body isin equilibrium. The second body is known as support and the force, exerted by the second body on the first bodly, is known as support reactions. 5.2. TYPES OF SUPPORTS ‘Though there are many types of supports, yet the following are important from the subject point of view : (a) Simple supports or knife edge supports {b) Roller support BEAM (6) Pin-joint (or hinged) support w (a) Smooth surface support a 6 (c) Fixed or builtsin support. 5.2.1. Simple support or knife edge support, Abeam supportedon the knife edges A and B isshown — () ig. 5.1 (a). The reactions at A and B in case of knife Ra Re edge support will be normal to the surface of the beam. ‘The reactions Ry and Rg with froe-body diagram of the beam is shown in Fig, 5.1. (6), 8.2.2. Roller Support. A beam supported on the rollers at points A and B is shown in Fig. 5.2 (a).'The reactions in case of roller supports will be normal to the surface on which rollar are placed as shown in Fig. 5.2 (0). to oS A, & to? Tt R, Re a Fig S01 Fig 5.2 5.23, Pin joint (or hinged) support. A beam, which is hinged (or pin-joint) at point A, is shown in Fig. 5.3. The reaction at the hinged end may be either vertical or inctined depending upon a the type of loading. Ifthe load is vertical then the reaction will also be vertical. But ifthe load is inclined, then the reaction at the hinged end will also be inclined. Fig. 53 92 SUPPORT REACTIONS. 63 5.2.4, Smooth Surface Support. Fig. 5.4 shows body in contact with asmooth surface. The reaction will always act normal to the support as shown in Fig. 5.4 (a) and 5.4 (b) Boor Re Sima Ra SURFACE (a) (6) Fig. 5.4 Fig. 5.5 showsa rod AB resting inside a sphere, whose surface are smooth. Here the rod becomes body and sphere becomes surface. The reactions on the ends ‘of the rod (Le., a1 point A and B) will be normal to the sphere surface at A and B, The normal at any paint on }- BODY CTS the surface of the sphere will always pass through the centre of the sphere. Hence reactions Ry and Rp will have Jirections AO and BO respectively as shown in 55. 5.2.5. Fixed or built-in Support. Fig. 5.6 shows the end A of a beam, which is fixed. Hence the support at is known asa fixed support. [n case of fixed support, the reaction will be inclined. Also the fixed, support will provide a couple, w Fig. 55 Fig. 5.6 5.3. TYPES OF LOADING The following are the impostant types of loadin, (a) Concentrated or paint load, w (6) Uniformly distributed toad, and (c) Uniformly varying load. 5.3.1. Concentrated or point load. Fig. 5.7 shows a 8 beam AB, which is simply supported at the ends A and B, A load c W is acting at the point C. This toad is known as point load (or soncentrated load), Hence any load acting at a point on a eam, is known as point load. SUPPORT REACTIONS. 98 ‘The gi is known ven beam is drawn to a suitable scale along with the loads and the reactions Ry and Rp. This step is construction of space diagram. ‘The different loads and forces (i... reactions Ry and Rp) are named by two capital letters, placed on their either side of the space diagram as shown in Fig, 5.11. This step is known as Bow's notation, The load WV, is named by PQ, W> by QR, reaction Ry by SR and reaction Ry by SP. Now the vector diagram is drawn according to the following steps = (@) Choose a suitable scale to represent the various loads. Now take any point p and draw pq parallel snd equal to the load PQ (ic., W;) vertically downward to the same scale. (4) Now through q, craw ge parallel and equal to OR vertically downward to the same scale (Gii) Select any suitable point O. Now join the point O to points p, q are ras shown in Fig. 5.11 (i) () Now in Fig. 5.11 (a), extend the lines of action of the loads and the two reactions. Take any point ‘on the line of action of the reaction Ry. Through 1, draw the line 1-2 parallel to p@, intersecting the line of wtion of load Wat 2, (¥) Now from point 2, draw line 2-3 parallel to qQ, intersecting the line of action of load Wat 3. , from point 3, draw the line 3-4 parallel to rO, intersecting the Hine of action of reaction Ry at Simi point 4. (a) Space diagram (@) Vector diagram Fig. 5.10 (vi) Now join the point I to point 4. The line 1-4 is known as closing line. Naw from paint O (i... from vector diagram) draw line Qs parallel to line 1-4, (vif) Now in the vector diagram the length sp represents the magnitude of reaction Ry to the same scale, Similarly, the length rs represents the magnitude of reaction Rp to the same scale. 5.5, PROBLEMS ON SIMPLE SUPPORTED BEAMS Problem 5.1. A simply supported beam AB of span 6 m carries poirt loads of 3 KN and 6 kN at a distance of 2 mand 4m from the left end A as shown in Fig. 5.12. Find the reactions at A and B analytically and graphically. Sol. Giver: Span of beam = 6m Let R, = Reaction at A Ry = Reaction at B 90 ENGINEERING MECHANICS, (a) Analytical Method, As the beam is in equilibrium, the moments of all the forces about any point should be zero. Now taking the moment of all forces out A. and equating the resultant moment to — 2610, We get —1, Rgx6-3%2-6x4=0 em a GR, = 6424230 3kN 6KN SKN. Ans, Fig. 8.12 2 Ry = 9=Rp KN. Ans. (6) Graphical Method, Firs of all daw the space diagram of the beam toa suitable seale. Let Tem ‘ength in space diagram represents 1 m length of beam, Hence take AB = 6 cm, distance of load 3 KN from A Jem and distance of}6 kN from A = 4 env as shown in Fig. 5.13 (a). Now namte all the loads and reactions according to Bow’s notation i...load 3kN is named by PQ. load (KN by QR, reaction Ry by SR and reaction R, by SP. Now the vector diagram is drawn according to the following steps = (Referto Fig, 5.13 (b)]. 1. Choose 2 suitable scale to represent various foads. Let 1 cm represents | kN load, Hence load PO (e.. 3 KN) will be equal to and load QR (i.e. KN) 6m. 2. Now take any point p and draw line pq parallel to load PQ (i the load of 3 KN. 2. Through q, draw of BRN, KN). Take pq = 3 cm to represent 4r parallel to load QR (ée., 6 KN). Cut gr equal to 6.¢m to Fepresent the load kN 6kN Pp q 5 0 n 3 (a) Space diagram (6) Vector diagram Fig 5.13 4. Now take any point Q. Join the point © to the points p, q and r as shown in Fig. 5.13 (6). SUPPORT REACTIONS. 7 5, Now in Fig, $.13-(a), extend the lines of action of the loads (3 KN and 6 KN), and the two reactions. ke any point | nthe ine of actionof the reaction Ry. Through 1, draw the line 1-2parallel to pO, intersecting the line of action of load 3 KN at point 2. 6. From point 2, draw line 2-3 paratlel to 40, from point 3, draw a 7. Join 1 to.4. 5 parallel to line 1-4, 8, Measure the length sp and rs. The length sp represents the reaction: Ry and length rs represents the reaction Ry. By measurement, sp=dem and rs=Sem 5 Ry= Length sp x scale=4x1kN=4KN. Ans, Rq=Lengih rs x scale =5 x 1kN=SKN. Ans, Problem $.2.A simply supported beam AB of length 9 m, carries a uniformly distributed load of 10 kNim for a distance of 6 m from the left end. Calculate the reactions at A and B. terseeting the line of action of load 6 kN at3. Similarly, 1¢ 3-4 parallel to ¥O, intersecting the line of action of reaction Rp at point 4. he line 14 is known as closing line. From the vector diagram, from point Q, draw tine Sol. Given : Length of beam =9m Rate of U.D.L. =10kN/m Length of U.D.L. =6m Total load due to U.D.L. = (Length of U.D.L) « Rate of U.D.L. =6x10=60kN lo km c a 8 6m am Fig. 5.14 This load of 60 kN will be acting al the middle point of AC Le,, ata distance of $ = 3 m from. Let Ry=ReactionatA and Rg = Reaction at B Taking the moments of all forces about point A, and equating the resultant moment to zero, we get Ryx9—(6 x 10)x3=0 oF Ry 180=0 180 Ry= A= 2OKN. Ans. Also for equilibrium, EF=0 or Ry + Ry =6 x10 =60 ‘ Rq= 60- Ry = 62-20 =40KN, Ans, Problem 5.3.4 simply supported beam of length 10m carries the uniformly distributed load and owes point loads as shown in Fig, 5.15. Calculate the reactions Ry and Rp. Sol. Given ; Length of beam =10m Length of U.D.L, =4m Rate of U.D.L. = 10kN/m os ENGINEERING MECHANICS Fig. 3.15 2 Total load dae to UD.L, =4 x 10 = 40 KN This bud of 40KN duc to U.D.L. will beactingat the middle point of CD, ée., ata distanee of = 2 m from C (orata distance of 2 +2=4.m from point A). Let Ry = Reaction at A and Ry = Reaction at B_ Taking the moments ofall forces about point A and equating the resultant moment to zero, we get Rex 19-s02-40x (2449-044) (2+4) 20 or 10Ry ~ 100-240 -160=0 or 10Rp = 100 +240 + 160-= 500 Fp = 50 KN. Ans. 10 Also for equilibrium of the beam, ZF, = 0 o Ry + Ry= Total load on the beam = 50+ 10x 4 +41 * Rq= 130-Ry= 130-50=80KN, Ans. Problem 3.4.4 simply supported beam of span 9 m carries @ uniformly varying foad from zero at ent! A 10900 Nim at end B, Catcutate the reactions at the wo ends of the support. = 130 Sol, Given ; Span of beam =9m Load at end A=0 Load at end B=900N/m Total load on the beam = Area of ABC = ede a = 4050 N c Tr 1900 N/m a a om Fig. 5.16 100 ENGINEERING MECHANICS, or Fg (5 0) 25-[ FF = 800) 35 2 3 or SRy— 1000 — 6666.66 =0 or Ry = 1000 + 6666.66 = 1656.66 or Ry = AS66686 «3933.33. N. Ans. 5 Also for the equilibrium of the beam, EF, = 0 Ry + Rp-= Total load on the beam = 6000 (Total toad on beam = 6000 N) Ry = 6000 ~ Ry = 6000 — 3333.33 = 2666.67 N. Ans. 5.6, PROBLEMS ON OVERHANGING BEAMS If the end portion of a beam is extended beyond the support, then the beam is known as over hanging beam. Over hanging portion may be at onc end of the beam or at both ends of the beam as shown in Fig. 5.18. OVER Over HANGING HANGING PORTION SIMPLY SUPPORTED PORTION PORTION: == Fig. 5.18 Problem 8.6, A beam AB of span 8 m, overhanging on both sides, is loaded as shown in Fig, 5.19. Caleulate the reactions at bath ends, Sol. Given : Span of beam = 8 m Let Ry = Reaction at A and Ra = Reaction at B 800N 2000N JOON A 8 Sm hsm an a. Ro Fig. 519 ‘Taking the moments of all forces about point A and equating the resultant moment to zero, we get Rg x 8 + 800 x 3 — 2000 x 5- 1000 x (8 +2)=0 or 8Rx + 2400 — 10000 — 10000 = 0 or S8Ry = 20000 — 2400 = 17600 Ry = 1260 _ 9900N, Ans. 8 SUPPORT REACTIONS 101 Also for the equilibrium of the beam, we have Ra + Rp = 800+ 2000 + 1000 = 3800 Ry = 3800 = Ry = 3800 ~ 2200 = 1600.N, Ans. Problem 5.7.4 beam AB of span, overhanging on one side upto a length of2m, carries auniforny distributed load of 2 kNim over the entire length of 6 m and a point load of 2 kNim as shown in Fig. 5.20. Cateulate the reactions at A and B. Sol, Given: Span of beam. =4m “Total length =6m Rate of U.D.L. =2kN/im ‘Total load due to U.D.L. =2x«6=12kN 2kN 2kN, A 5 ic 4m mo Ra Rp Fig. 5.20 ‘The load of 12 KN (Le., due to U.D. from A. Let Ry = Reaction at A and Ry = Reaction at B. ‘Taking the moments of all forces about point A and equating the resultant moment to zero, we get RpX 4~(2%6)x3-2%(44+2)=0 will act at the middle point of AC, ic., al a distance of 3m or AR, - 36 -12=0 or AR, = 36412248 48 Rp= "P= I2KN. Ans, Also for equilibrium, ZF,=0 or Ry+Rp= 12422 Ry = 14—Ry= 14-12=2KN. Ans, 5.7, PROBLEMS ON ROLLER AND HINGED SUPPORTED BEAMS In case of roller supported beams, the reaction on the roller end is always normal to the support. All the steel trusses of the bridges is generally having one. of their ends supported on rollers. The main advantage of such a support is that beam, due to change in temperature, can move easily towards left or right, on account of expansion or contraction, Incase of a hinged supported beam, the reaction on the hinged end may be either vertical or inclined, depending upon the type of loading. The main advantage of a hinged end is that the beam remains stable. Hence all the stee! trusses of the bridges, have one af their end on rollers and the other end as hinged. Problem 5.8. A beam AB 1.7 m ong is loaded as shown in Fig. 5.21. Determine the reactions at A and B. Sol. Given : Length of beam = 1.7m 102, ENGINEERING MECHANICS Let Ry = Reaction ata and Ry = Reaction at B. Fig 521 Since the beam is supported on rollers at B, therefore the reaction Ry will be verti ‘The beam is hinged at A, and is carrying inclined load, therefore the reaction Ry will be inclined. This means reaction Ry will have two components, ie, vertical component and horizontal component. Let Ra = Horizontal component of reaction Ry Ryy= Vertical component of reaction Ry. First resolve all the inclined loads into their vertical and horizontal components. (i) Vertical component of load at D = 20 sin 60° = 20 x 0.866 = 1732N and its horizontal component = 20 cos 60° = 10N — (ii) Vertical component of load at E = 30 sin 45° = 21.21N and its horizontal component = 30 cos 45° = 21.21 N= (iii) Vertical component of load at B = 15 sin 80° = 14.77 N and its horizontal component = 15 cos 80° = 26N = From conditian of equilibrium, ZF, = 0 or Ray- 104 21-21-26 = 0 or Rex = 1021.21 + 2.6 =-8.61N —Vve sign shows that the assumed direction of Ryy (ce., horizontal component of R,) is wrong. Correct direction will be opposite to the assumed direction, Assumed direction of Ry is towards right. Hence correct irection of Ray will be towards feft at A. 2 Ray = 8.61 N= To find Rp, take moments® of all forces about A, For equilibrium, 2M, =0 50 x 20 + (20 sin 60°) x (20 + 40) + (30 x sin 45°) x (20+ 40+ 70) + (15 sin 80°) x (170) - 170 Ry 0 The moment of all horizontal components about point A, will be zero. SUPPORT REACTIONS 103 or 1000 + 1039.2 + 2757.7 + 2511 - 170 Rp=0 or 7307.9 - 170 Rg = 0 7307.9 Ry = BOT 2 42.98N, Ans. ‘To find Ryyy apply condition of equilibrium, EF, = 0 or Ray + Rp = 50+ 20 sin 60° + 30:sin 45° + 15 sin 80° or Ray + 42.98 = 50 + 17.32 421.21 + 14.77 = 103.3 ” Ray = 103.3 ~ 42.98 = 60.32 N t Reaction ata, Ry = VR + Ray ae RaxnBiN = V860 + 60.327 = 60.92 R “The angle made by Ry with x-direction is given by 4 tang = Pat Ray™ 60.32 Rar 8. @ =tan" 7.006 = 81.87". Ans. Fig. 5210) Problem 5.9. A beam AB 6 m Jong is loaded as shown in Fig. B by (a) analytical method, and (b) graphical method. .22, Determine the reactions at A and Sol. Given: Length of beam =6m Let Ry = Reaction at Ry = Reaction at B. ‘The reaction Rg will be vertical as the beam is supported an rollers at end B. SkN 4kN Fig, 5.22 ‘The reaction Ry will be inclined, as the beam is hinged at A and carries inclined load. Let Rax = Horizontal component of reaction Ry Ryy= Vertical component of reaction Ry. (@) Analytical Method, First resolve the inclined load of 4 KN into horizontal and vertical components. Horizontal component of 4 kN at D = 400s 45° = 2.828 kN — and its vertical component = 4sin 45 2.828 KN 104 ENGINEERING MECHANICS =F,=0 ~ Rix + 2.828 =0 or Ryy= 2,828 N ‘To find Rp, take the moments® of all forms about point A. For equilibrium, 2Mq =O Ryx6-S42-@x1.5)(245) sings 242) <0 or 6Rp- 10-9 -11312=0 or GRy = 10 +94 11.312 = 30312 Ra 238 .0S2KN. Ans. To find Ryy, apply the condition of equilibrium, ZF, =O ” Ray + Ry~5 = (1.5 x2) =4sin 4s" =0 or Ray + 5.052 = 5-3-2828 =0 * Ruy ~ 5.052 + 5 +3 +2828 = 5.776 KN Reaction at is given by Ry= VR A+ RE R, of = V2.8287 + 5.776? a inet? -B28KN o = VIIT SISOS = ViT50 = 643 KN. Ans. R Let 6 = Angle made by Ry with x-direction. * Ray" 5.776KN Fig. 5.22 (a) 0 = tan”! 2.0424 = 63.9°. Ans. (6) Graphical Method. Fes ofall convert the uniformly distributed load (U.D.L.) into its equivatent point load acting at the C.G. of the portion on which U.D.L. is acting. Hence total toad due to U.D.L. will be 1.5 x 2=3 KN acting ata distance of 3 m from point A = (Now draw the space diagram of the beam according to some suitable scale, as shown in Fig. 5.23 (a). (ii) Name all the loads and reactions according to Bow’s notation. Now draw the vector diagram as shown in Fig. 5.23 (b). Choose any suitable scale for vector diagram. (ii) Take any point p for drawing vector diagram. From p, draw line pq parallel and equal to load 5 kN (ie, load PQ). From q, draw gr parallel and equal to3 kN. From r, draw rs parallel and equal to 4 kN load. (év) Now take any point Q, and join Op, Og, Or and Os. (©) Now in space diagram [ée., Fig. 5.23 (a)], extend the lines of actions of loads PQ, OR, RS and reaction Rg. (vi) Take any 1, vertically below the point A as shown in Fig, 5.23 (a). From point 1, draw line 1-2 parallel to line pO, intersecting the line of action of 5 KN at point 2. (vid) Similarly, draw lines 2-3, 3-4.and 4-5 parallel to gO, rO and sO respectively. Join point 1 to 5. 1-5 is the closing line in space diagram. The moment of horizontal component about A, will be zere SUPPORT REACTIONS 105 PR q| 0 a s (2) Space diagram, (@) Vector diagram Fig. 5.23 (viii) From O in vector diagram, draw a line parallel to closing line 1-5. Now through s, draw a line sr vertical (as the reaction Rg is vertical), intersecting the linc through @ at t. Join ¢ tp. (éx) The length st represents the reaction Rg in magnitude and direction whereas the length ip gives the magnitude and direction of reaction Rq. At point A, draw a line parallel to sp as shown in Fig. 5.23 (a). By measurement, we get Ra = length tp = 6.43 kN Rg = length st = 5.052 kN nd 8 = 26.1°. Problem 5.10. A beam AB 10 m long is hinged at A and supported on rollers aver a smooth surface inclined at 30° to the horizontal at B. The beam is loaded as shown in Fig. 5.24. Determine reactions at A and B. Sol. Given : and sk SKN S24 “The reaction Rg will be normal to the support as the beam at B is supported on the rollers. Bul the support at # is making an angle 30° with the horizontal or 60° with the vertical as shown in Fig, 5.24. Hence the reaction Ry is making an angle of 30° with the vertical, 106, ENGINEERING MECHANICS: “The vertical component of Ry = Rp cos 30° B and horizontal component of Ry = Resin 30° “These components are shown in Fig. 5.24 (a). Resolving the load of 5 kN acting at D into horizontal and . vertical components, we get Reecos 30 Vertical component of 5 KN = 5sin 45" = 5 x 0.707 = 3.535 kN Horizontal component of 5 kN 5 cos 45° = 5 x 0.707 = 3.535 kN “The reaction at A will be inclined, as the end A is hinged and beam carries inclined load, Let Rax = Horizontal component of reaction Ry Ray= Vertical component of reaction Ry For equilibrium of the beam, the moments of all forces about any point should be zera. “Taking the moments” about point A, (ip 605 30") x 10-4 x 25--(Ssin 45") x 5-5 x8=0. 8.66 Rp - 10- 17.675 -40=0 10+ 17.675 +40 Rp sin 30" Fig. 5.24 (a) or Rye TBI KN Ans. For equilibrium, — 2F,=0 or Ray + 5 cos 45*— Ry sin 30° =0 or Ran + 3.535 - 7.81 x 0.550 S Ray = 781 x 0.5 ~3.535 = 037 KN For equilibrium, F,=0 * Ryy + Ry cos 30° —4—Ssin d5°—5 =0 or Ray + 781 x 0.866 —4-3,535-5=0 or Ruy + 6.763 = 12.535 =0 or Ryy= 12.538 - 6.163 = 5.77 KN ReactionatA, Ry =VRa, +Ra =VO3T +5.77P =S.78KN, Ans. ‘The angle made by Ry with x-direction is given by Fig 5.24 (6) Ray = tan”! 15.59 = 86.33". Ans. Problem 5.11. Determine the reactions at the hinged support A and the rolter support B as shown ir Fig. 5.25 (a). Sok. “The support at A is hinged whereas the suppért at B is placed on the roller. Hence the reaction at the roller support will be perpendicular to the inclined surface. "The momenis of horizontal components of S KN at D and of reaction Ry will be zero about the point A SUPPORT REACTIONS. 107 SOON ‘SOON Ra. Fig. 5.25 (a) ‘The reaction at the hinged support A (i.e., reaction R,) will be inclined at some angle to the incline.! surface AB. Let Ray = Component of reaction Ry normal to inclined surface AB Ray = Component of reaction Ry along the inclined surface AB, ‘The given vertical force of 500 N at C is resolved parallel and perpendicular to the inclined surface AB. The value of its component parallel to the inclined surface is equal to 500 sin 30° or 250 N and its value perpendicular to the inclined surface is equal to $00.cos 30” or 250 V5 N. The directions of these components are shown in Fig. 5.25 (6). Similarly, the vertical force of 500 N at D is resolved as shown in Fig. 5.25 (6). Fig, 5.25 (6) 108 ENGINEERING MECHANICS, Now sum of the components parallel to the inclined surface AB = 500 sin 30° + 500 sin 30° = 250 +250 = S00 N acting from left to sight. Hence the value of the reaction component R,y) would be equal to 500 N and shoutd act from right to left as shown. To find Rp, take the moments of all forces about point A shown in Fig. 5.25 (a). Hence applying EM, = 0, we get 500 x AC + 500 x AD = Ry x AB But AC = Scm,AD = 10cm yp AD From AABD, cos 30° = AD__10x2_ 20 Hence AB a a aT Hence above equation becomes, 500 «5+ 500% 10= Ry x 22 or 2500-45000 = Ry x 2 5 we oe Ryn CSOSA gag sn, Ans ‘Now from Fig. 5.25 (b), equating all the forces perpendicular to the inclined surface AB, we get Ray + Rg = 500 x cas 30° + 500 cos 30° or Rat 649.5 = 1000 08 30° = 1000 x E Ryy= 1000 «4 649.5 = 216.5N But Ran = 500N Ry= VR + Rap = V500%+ 216.57 = S45 N, Ans. Problem 5.12. Find reactions at supports of an L-bens shown in Fig, 5.26, Sol. Given: Force at point D = 100 N at an angle of 30° with horizontal Force at point C =70 Nat an angle of 45° with vertical 100N SUPPORT REACTIONS 109 Load on EF = 250 Nim = 250 x Length EF in metre = 250 x 0.6= 150 N Fig. 5.27 (a) ‘The loaa on EF will be acting at the middle point of EF i¢., at a distance of 0.6/2 = 0.3 m from E or ai adistance of 0.6-+ 0.3 = 0.9 m from A. The point Bis placed on roller at an angle of 20° with the horizontal. Hence reaction at B will be normal to the surface of the roller. “The perpendicular distance from A on the line of action of Rp = AO = AB cos 20° = 180 x cos 20" em 8 cos 20° mas shown in Fig. 5.27 (a). For equilibrium of the beam, the moments of all forces about any point should be zero. Taking moments of all forces about point A, we get {Horizontal component at.D] x AD = [Horizontal component at C] AC + Load on EF x 90—Rg x AO =0 or (100 cos 30) x 80 ~ (70 x sin 45) x 40 + 150 x 90—Rp x 180 cos 20 =0 (Note. The vertical componentsat D and C, pass through the point A. Hence moments of these vertical components about A are zero) or 6928 — 1979.6 + 13500 ~ 169.14 Ry =0 or 18448.4 = 118s Pe bp cos 20° Re= er = 109.07 Let Ry = Reaction at the point A ‘The reaction at A canbe resalved in two componentsie., Racand Ray For equilibrium, EF, = 0 or Ry, + 100 cos 30° = 70 sin 45” in 20 =0 or Raz = Rp sin 20° + 70 sin 45° ~ 100.cos 30° in 20° = 109,07 x 0.342 + 70 x 0.707 - 100 x 0.866 Fig. $27 (6) = 37.3 + 49.49 - 86.6 = 0.19 N For equilibrium, EF, = 0 or Ray + 100 sin 30° + 70 cos 45° + Rp cos 20° = 150 or Ray = 150-- 100 sin 30° — 70 cos 45° — Rg cos 20° = 150 — 50 - 49.49 - 109,07 x 0,9396 =- 51.98 N (Cve sign means, Ryy will be acting vertically downward) uo ENGINEERING MECHANICS Refer to Fig. 5.27 (c) Ry > Ry=VRa+ RG a) or Ry = V0.19" + (- 51.98) = VO036T + 2701.92 = 51.9803 KN, Ans, The angle made by Ry with x-axis is given by Fes2r(e) 6 = tan 273.57 = 89.79° Ans, 5.8, PROBLEMS WHEN BEAMS ARE SUBJECTED TO COUPLES In this section, the reactions of the beam will be calculated'-when beams are subjected ta clockwise or anti-clockwise couple along with the other loads. While taking the moments about any point, the magnitude and sense of the couple is taken into consideration. But when the total load on the beam is calculated the magnitude and sense of the couple is not considered. Problem 5.13. A simply supported beam AB of 7 m span is subjected to : (i) 4 kN m clockwise couple at 2 m from A, (ii) 8 kN m anti-clockwise couple at 5 m from A and (iii) a triangular load with zero intensity at2m from increasing to 4 KN per mat a point 5 m from A, Determine reactions at A and B. Sol, Given : Span of beam = 7m Couple at C (ie., at 2m from A) = 4kN m (clockwise) Couple at D{i-e.,at Sm from A) = 8 kN m anti-clockwise) ‘Triangular load from C to D wit Vertical Load at C= 0 Vertical Load at D = 4 kKN/m + Total load on beam = Area of triangle CDE = CDxDE_3x4_ $ soe kN Fig. 5.28, This load will be acting at the C.G. of the ACDE ic., at a distance of g xCD=2x3=2m frome 3 or 24244 mfrom end A. Let Rq= Reaction at A. Ry= Reaction at B. SUPPORT REACTIONS ut or or or or Taking the moments of all forces about point A and equating the resultant moment to zero (ie, EMy = (and considering clockwise moment positive and anti-clockwise moment negative), we get ~Fax7 + 4°~8°* + (Total london beam) x Distance of otal fond from A) = ~7Ry + 4-8 +6x450 —7Rg +4-8+2450 “The reaction at the knife edge support will be normal to the surface of the beam. “The reaction in case of roller support will be normal to the surface of roller base, “The reaction at the hinged end (or pinned end) will be either vertical or inclined depending upon the type of loading. I the load is vertical, then reaction will be vertical. Butif the load is inclined, then the reaction will also be inclined. Fora smooth surface, the reaction is always normal to the support. AA load, acting at point on a beam, is known as point load of concentrated load. Ifeach unit length of the beam carries same intensity of load, then that type af load is known asuniformly distributed load which is written as U.D.L. ‘The reactions of a beam can be determined by analytical method nd graphical method. ‘The reactions by analytical method are obtained by using equations of equilibrium, ie, EF, = 0, ZF, =0. The reactions by graphical method are obtained by drawing a space diagram and a vector diagram. Ifa beam is loaded with inclined loads, then the inclined loads are resolved normal to the beam and along the beam. Now the cquations of equilibrium arc used for finding reactions. EXERCISE § A. Theoretical Questions Explain the term ‘support reactions.” What ate the different types of support ? What is the difference between @ roller support and a hinged support ? Whatare:the important types of loading onabeam ? Differentiate between uniformly distributed loadand uniformly varying toad on a beam. Name the different methods of finding the reactions at the two supports of a beam. ‘Abeam AB of length is simply supported atthe ends A and B. Itcarries two point loads 17, and W2ata distance Ly and Lz from the end A respectively. How will you find the reactions R, and Ry by analytical method. Describe in details the different steps involved in finding the reactions of a beam by graphical method. Define and explain an overhanging beam. ‘What is the main advantage of roller suppon in case of the steel trusses of the bridges ? “The couple at Cis 4 KN m clockwise. Hence its sense is positive. **The couple at D is 8 KN m antf-clockwise. Heace its sense is negative. The Couple is also moment. 2 ENGINEERING MECHANICS (B) Numerical Problems 1. Assimply supported beam of length 8 m carries point loads of 4 KN and 6 KN at a distance of 2 m.and 4 m from the left end, Find the reactions at both ends analytically and graphically, (Ans, 6 kN, 4 kN] 2 A simply supported bearn of length & m carries a uniformly distributed load of 10 kN/m for a distance of 4 m, starting from a point which is ata distance of 1 m from the left end. Calculate the reactions at both ends. (Ans. 25 KN, 15 kN} 3. A beam 6 m long is simply supported at the ends and carries a uniformly distributed load of 1.5 kN/m and three concentrated loads 1 KN. 2 kN and 3 KN acting respectively at 4 distance of 1.5m, 3 mand 4.5 m from the left end. Calculate the reactions at both ends. [Ans. 7 KN, 8N] 4. A simply supported beam of span 10 m carries a uniformly varying load from zero at the teftend to 1200 Nim at the right end, Caleulate the reactions at both ends of the beam. Ans. 2000 N and 4000 N) 5. simply supported beam AB is subjected (oa distributed load increasing from 1500 N/m to 4500 Nim from end ‘A to end B respectively. The span AB = 6 m. Determine the reactions atthe supports. (Ans. Rg = 7500 N, Ry = 10500 N] 6 Anoverhanging beam carries the loads as shown in Fig, 5.29, Calculate the reactions at both ends, TAns. Ry = TKN, Ry = GEN] Tk 2kN/m a ¢ + 2m im = Fig.3.29 7, Anaverhanging beam carries the loads as shown in Fig. 5.30, Caloulate the reactions at both ends. [Ans Ry = 10 KN, Ry = 11 KN] kN 4kN Teen LekN/m Fig.5.30 8, A beam is loaded as shown in Fig. 5.31. Determine the reactions at both ends. [Ans. Ray = 2.875 KN, Ray = 5.196 KN =, Ri 7.125 kN] 6kN 3kN Fig. 5.31 SUPPORT REACTIONS TE % Absa AB of span 6 mis hinged at A. and supported on rollers at end B and carries load as shown in Fig, 5.32. Determine the reactions atA and B. [Ans Ryy = 5.87 EN, Rqyy = 3.222 KN =~, Rp = 7.3 kN] 6kN 8kN [etm-rhe— imal 2m —+- ism Fig. 10. A beam AB of span 8 m is subjected to the uniformly distributed load of 1 kN/m over the entire length and the ‘moment 32 kN/m at C as shown in Fig. 5.33. Determine the reactions atthe both ends. [Ams. &, =O, Ry = 8 KN] TkN/en 32kN-m —8m Fig. 5.33 11, Asimply supported beam AB is subjected to a distributed load increasing from 1500 N/m to 4500 Nim from end A tocnd.B. The span AB = 6 m. Determine the reactions at the supports. oD 3000 4500N/m Le eb “500m 1S00N/ 1500 tT ° 3m am - 6m ————>} Fig. 5.34 3000 x 6 (Hint. Area of rectangle = 1500 x6 = 9000 N, Area of triangle ==> *° = 9000 N. C.G. of rectangle from Ax3m, CG. of tangle tromA = 2x6 04m. EMq =0, 6 Ry = 9000 x 3 + 9000 x 4= 63000 ~ R= 10500 N. Ry =(9000 + 9000) — 10500 = 7500 N] ANALYSIS OF PERFECT FRAMES 15 ‘Suppose we add a set of two members and a joint again, we get a perfect frame as shown in Fig. 62 (6). Hence for a perfect frame, the number of joints and number of members are given by, a=3-3 where = Number of members, and j= Number of joints. 6.2.2. Imperfect Frame. A frame in which number of members and number of joints are not given by n=2j-3 is known, an imperfect frame. This means that number of members in an imperfect frame will be either more ‘or less than (2) — 3). @ If the number of members in a frame are less than (2) —3), then the frame is known as deficient frame, (i) the number of members in a frame are more than (2) 3), then the frame is known as redundant frame. 6.3. ASSUMPTIONS MADE IN FINDING OUT THE FORCES IN A FRAME ‘The assumptions made in finding out the forces in a frame are : @) The frame isa perfect frame (ii) The frame carries load at the joints (ii) All the members are pin-joined. 6.4, REACTIONS OF SUPPORTS OF A FRAME ‘The frames are generally supported {@ ona roller support of Gi) on ahinged support. Ifthe frame is supported on. roller support, then the line of action of the reaction will be at right angles to the roller base as shown in Figs. 6.3 and 6.4, If the frame is supported on a hinged support, then the fine of action of the reaction will depend upon the load system on the frame. Fig. 6.3 ‘The reactions at the supports of a frame are determined by the conditions of equilibrium. The external toad on the frame and the reactions at the supports must form a system of equilibrium. 16 - ENGINEERING MECHANICS fouber ‘ ease Rep Fig. 64 6.5. ANALYSIS OF A FRAME Analysis of a frame consists of : (8 Determinations of the reactions at the supports and Gi) Determination of the forces in the members of the frame. ‘The reactions arc determined by the condition that the applied foad system and the induced reactions at the supports form a system in equilibrium, ‘The forces in the members of the frame are: determined by the conditi ium and so, the forces acting at every joint should form a system in equ ‘A frame is analysed by the following methods : (@ Method of joi Gi) Method of sections and (di) Graphical method, 68.1. Method of Joints. In this method, after determining the reactions at the supports, the equilibrium of every joint is considered. This means the sum of all the vertical forces as well as the horizontal forces acting 6n a joint is equated to zer0. The joint should be selected in such a way that at any time there are only two members, in which the forces are unknown. The force:in the member willbe compressive if he member pushes the joint to which it is connected whereas the force in the member will be tensile if the member pulls the joint to which it is connected. Problem 6.1. Find the forces in the members AB, AC and BC of the truss shown in Fig. 6.5. Sol. First determine the reactions Ry and Re. ‘The linc of action of load of 20 kN actingat is vertical. This load is at adistance of AB x cos 60° from the point B. Now let us find the distance AB, ‘The triangle ABC isa right-angled triangle with angle BAC = 90°, Hence AB will be equal to BC x cos 60", that every joint should be in AB=5 x 00s 60° =5x4=2.5m Now the distance of line of action of 20 KN from Bis AB x cos 60° or 2.5 x= 1.25m. ‘Taking the moments about B, we get Rex 5 = 20x 1.25 = 25 and Rp = Total load — Re = 20 - =1SKkN ANALYSIS OF PERFECT FRAMES n7 ‘Now let us consider the equilibrium of the various joints. Joint B Let Fy = Force in member AB Fax Force in member BC ‘Let the foree Fis acting towardsthe joint Band the force F; is acting away* from the joint B as shown in Fig. 6.6. (The reaction Ry isacting verticatly up. The force F ishorizontal. The reaction Rp will be balanced by the vertical component of Fy. ‘The vertical component of F, must act downwards to balance Rp. Hence F, must act towards the joint B so that its vertical component is downward. Now the horizontal component of F is towards the joint B. Hence force Fy must act away from the joint to balance the horizontal component of F). Resolving the forces acting on the joint B, vertically Fy sin 60° = 15 1545 A Fh = Far “Ogee = I7SZEN (Compressive) ‘As F is pushing the joint B, hence this force will be compressive. Now resolvingthe forces horizontally, we get Fz, =F, cos 60° = 17.32 x = = 8.66 KN (tensile) 2 As Fis pulling the joint B, hence this force will be tensile. Joint C Let Fy = Force in the member AC Fy= Forse inthe member BC The force F; has already been calculated in magnitude A and direction. We have seen that force F; is tensile and hence it will pull the joint C. Hence it must act away from the joint C as © shown in Fig. 6.7. Fs Resolving forees vertically, we get Ey Fy sin 30° = SKN 8 @® 5 - Fy= Faget HORN (Compressive) AAs the force F; is pushing the joint C, hence it will be compressive. Fig. 67 Problem 6.2. A truss of span 7.5 m carries a point load of 1 kN at joint D as shown in Fig. 6.8. Find the reactions and forces in the members of the truss. Sol, Let us first determine the reactions Ry and'Ra Taking moments about A, we get Ry x 7.5 = 5 x 1 5 for 75"3 “The direction of Fz can also be taken towards the joint B. Actually when we consider the equilibrium of the joint B, if the magnitude of F and Fz comes out to be positive then the assumed direction of Fy and Fare correct. But if any ‘one of them is having a negative magnitude then the assumed direction of that force is wrong, Correct direction then will bbe the reverse of the assumed direction. Romie 0.667 KN ANALYSIS OF PERFECT FRAMES 133 Joint F ‘The forces Fp, and Fire are known in magnitude and directions. The assumed directions of the forces Fprand Fog are shown in Fig, 6.23 (d). Sxsin 0 + Fog sin on _Ssind 43 sind irae) Fig. 6.23 (0) Resolving the forces horizontally, we get 124 5.c0s O= Far + Fp 60s 8 or 1245x082 For+0 or 12442 Fer “ For = 12.44% 16 KN (Tensile) Now consider the joint D. Joint D. “The forces Fac and Fp are known in magnitude and direction. The assumed directions of Fag and Fe are shown in Fig. 6.23 (c). Resolving vertically, we get Fog Sin 0 = Fp x sin =0 ” Fpg=0 Resolving forces horizontally, we get Fig 6.23(€) Fog = Feo = 8 KN 2s Fpg = 8 KN (Compressive) Now consider the joint G. Joint G The forces Fog and Frc are known in magnitude and direction. The assumed directions of Fe and Feg are shown in Fig. 6.23 (). Resolving the foreés vertically, we get Fopsin 8 = Fog sin 8 + 6=6 6 6 Foe= nb 706 = IOKN (Tensile) Resolving forces horizontally, Fon = 16~ Fex: 008 0 or = 16-1008 =8kN (Tensile) ANALYSIS OF PERFECT FRAMES 135 ‘The truss is hinged at A and hence the support reactions at A will consists of a horizontal reaction Hy anda vertical reaction Ry. Now length AC =4 x cos 3 and — length AD=2xAC Now taking moments about A, we get Rg 1282xAC4+1xAD4+1%AE = 23.464 +1 % 6.928 + 1x4 = 17856 4 x 0.866 = 3.464 m x 3.464 = 6.928 m 49 KN Total vertical components of inclined loads = (14241) x sin 60° + 1.0 = 4 x 0.866 + 1.0 = 4.464 KN ‘Total horizontal components of inclined loads = (14241) cos60" = 4x05=2KN Now Ry = Vertical components of inclined loads ~ Ra = 4.464 — 1.49 = 2.974 KN (1) and 'H4 = Sum of all horizontal components = 2.kKN Now the forces in the members can be calculated. ‘Consider the equilibrium of joint A. Joint A. Let and ‘Their directions are assumed as shown in Fig. 6.24 (a). Resolving the forces vertically, we get Fae x sin 30° + 1 x sin 60° = 2.974 or Fac x 05 + 0.866 = 2,974 2.974 - 0.866 03 = 4.216 kN (Compressive) Resolving the forces horizontally, we get Fag = 2+ Fyccos 30° — 1 x cos 60° + 4.216 x 0.866 -0.5 = 5.15 KN (Tensile) Fyo= Now consider the joint C. Joint C From Fig. 6.24 (b), we have Feo Fyc = 4.216 (Compressive) and Fee=2kN (Compressive) Now consider joint £. Joint E [See Fig. 6.24 (c)] Resolving forces vertically, we get 1 #2x sin 60° = Fep x sin 60° Fig. 6.24 (6) 1 r or Foy = 24 505 = 3435 (Tensile) 136 Revolving forces horizontally, we get 5.152 cos 60° — Fep cos 60° — Fep=0 or S1S-2 «$354 Frp=0 Fp = 5.15 -1-1.57=258KN (Tensile) At the joint G, two forces, ie., Frag and Fipg ate in the same straight line and hence the third force, i¢., Foe should be zero. . Fap=0 Now consider the joint F. Joint F [See Fig. 6.24 (d)] Resolving forces vertically, we get Fog x:sin 60° = 0 . For=0 Resolving horizontally, we get Fro ' Fra Now consider the joint 3. Joint B Resolving vertically, we get Fg * sin 30° = 1.49 ” Fog = ag = 2.98 KN (Compressive) ENGINEERING MECHANICS Fig. 6.244¢) 607 E 2semn F 25a 8 Fig. 6.24 (a: Joint G . Fep = Fy = 2.98 KN (Compressive) Fig. 624 ‘The forces are shown in a tabular form as e624 (6) i Member Force in the member Nature of force ; AC 4.216 kN ‘Compressive | AE SAS KN Tensile | ce 2kN Compressive | cD 4216 KN Compressive i 3.155 KN Tensile ! 258 kN Tensile | 0 Nit i 2.98 kN ‘Compressive i 298 KN Compressive j | 258kN ‘Compressive i i 0 Nil 6.6. METHOD OF SECTIONS ‘When the forces in a few members of a truss are to be determined, then the method af section mostly used. This method is very quick as it does not involve the solution of other joints of the truss. ANALYSIS OF PERFECT FRAMES 137 In this method, a section line is passed through the members, in which forces are to be determined as shown in Fig. 6.25. The seetion line should be drawn in such a way that itdoes not cut more than three members in which the forecs are unknown. The part of the truss, on any one side of the section line, is treated as.a free body in equilibrium under the action of external forces on that part and forces in the members cut hy the section line. The unknown forces in the members are then determined by using equations of equilibrium as and ¥M=0. (aa) Given ‘Truss chy Lele Part fe) Right Part Fig. 6.25 If the magnitude of the forces, in the members cut by a section line, is positive then the assumed direction is currect. If magnitude of a force is negative, then reverse the direction of thal force. Problem 6.11. Fid the forces in the members ABand AC of the truss shown in Fig. 6.26 using method of section. Sol, First determine the reaction Ry and Re. The distance of line of action of 20 kN from point B is AB x cas 60° or25x5 125m Taking moments abaut point B, we get Rex 5=20x 1.25 =< 20 x 1.25 5 and Ry= 20-5 = 15kN Now draw a ection line({L.1), cutting the mem- bers AB and BC in which forces are to be determined. Now consider the equilibrium of the left part of the truss. This part is shown in Fig, 6.27. Let the directions of Fx4 and Fyc are assumed as shown in Fig. 6.27. Now taking the moments ofall the forces acting ‘on the left part about point C, we get 15% 5 + (Foy XAC)* (2 The perpendicular distance between the line of action of Fay and point C is equal to AC) a Re: =5kN The moment of the force Fag about point G, is also taken by resolving the forec Fg, into vertical and horizontal compontentsl point 2. The momenta the horizontal component about Cis zero, whereas the moment of vertical com ponent will be (Figg « sin 61) x 5 = Fy x 5 x sin 60° or Fyq x 5 x €08 30°. (2 sin 60° = cos 30°) 138 ENGINEERING MECHANICS or 75 + Fay x 5x cos 30° = 0 (Co AC = BC x cos 30°) or Fam 17.32 KN = Thenegative sign shown that Fp is acting in the opposite direction (i. F'gq will be a compressive force. towards point 8). Hence force Faq = 17.32 KN (Compressive). “Ans. Again taking the moments of all the forces acing on the left part abou! point A, we get 15 x Perpendicutar distance between the tine of action of ISKN and point C = Fac x Perpendicular distance between Figc and point A 15 x 2.5 x cos 60° = Fy x 2.5 x sin 60" 15x25 xcos60" _ 15x05 2.5 xsin60° — ~ 0.866 = 8.66 kN (Tensile). Ans. ‘These forces are sume as obtained in Problem 6. 1 Fac ® Problem 6.12,.A truss of span 5 m is loaded as shown in Fig. 6.28. Fitad the reactions and forces in the members marked 4, 5 and 7 using method of section. Sol. Let us first determine the reactions Ry and Rp. ‘Triangle ABD isa right-angled triangle having angle ADB = 90° AD =AB cos 61 = 5x0: ‘The distance of line of action the vertical load 10 KN from po = 1.25 m. From triangle ACD, we have AC =AD=25m ” 25m In right-angled triangle CEB, we have 25m 1A will be AD cos 60° or 25 x05 BE = BC c0530* #25 x S ‘The distance of fine of action of vertical load I2KN from point 8 willbe BE cos 30° or BE x 2 = (25%) 2 Fig. 6.28 = 1.875 m ‘The distance of the line of action of the load of 12 KN from point A will be (8 1,875) = 3.125 m Now taking the moments about A, we get Rox 5 = 10x 1,25+12%3,125 = 50 Ryan IOKN and Ry =(10+12)-10=12kN ANALYSIS OF PERFECT FRAMES . 139 Now draw a section Tine (1.1), cutting the members 4, 5 and 7 in which forces are to be determined. Consider the equilibrium of the right part of the truss (because itis smatter than the left pa This part is shown in Fig. 6.29. Let Fy, Fs and Fare the forces in members 4, 5 and 7. Let their directions are assumed as shown in Fig. 6.29. Now taking the moments of all the forces acting on the right pant about point E, we get Ry x BE cos 30° = Fx (BE x sin 30°) or (250%) 4 Fyx2sx S205 or 0x" =r x05 Festa 7.32 KN (Tensile). 2 Now taking the moments of all the forees about point B acting on the right part, we get 12 x BE cos 30° + Fy BE =0 or 12 x cos 30" + Fy =0 2 Fy =~ 12 cos 30° =~ 10.392 kN ~ve sign indicates that Fs is compressive. 5 F, = 10.392 kN (Compressive). Ans. Now taking the moments about point € of all the forces acting on the right parts, we get 12x (2.5 —BE cos 30°) = Fy x CE + Rg x BC or rax(25- rs G =F, «25x sin 30 + 10% 2.5 on 12x (25= 1.875) =F) x 125425. of 7581257) +25 or Fy SB. 125 ‘Negative sign shows that F; is compressive. ‘ Fy = 14 kN (Compressive), Ans. ‘These forces are same as obtained in Problem 6.3. Problem 6.13. A truss of span 9 m is loaded as shown in Fig. 6.30. Find the reactions and forces in the members marked 1, 2 and 3, Sol. Let us first calculate the reactions Ry and Rp. ‘Taking moments about A, we get Rox I= 9xI34+ 12%6 =274+72=99 99 Rena 1IkN and Ry =(9 4 12)—11 = 1OKN 140 . ENGINEERING MECHANICS Fig. 6.30 Now draw a section line (1-1), cutting the members 1, 2 and 3 in which forces are to be determined. Consider the equilibrium of the left part of the truss (because itis smallerthan the right part). This part is show in Fig. 6.30 (a). Let Fy, Fy and Fy are the forces members 1,2and 3 respectively. Let their directions are assumed as shown in Fig. 6.30 (a). Taking moments of all the forees acting on the left part about point D, we get 1x3 =F, x4 1x3 Rent SKN (Tensile). Ans. Now taking the moments of all the forces acting on the left part about point G, we get On 34F x4 Negative sign shows that force Fy is com pressive, Fig 6.30 (a) = 7.5 kN (Compressive). Ans. Now taking the moments about the point C, we get Fyx3-9434 F420 or Fyx3-27475x420 27-75x4 _ - 3 Negative sign shows that force Fis compressive. Fy =1.0kN (Compressive). Ans. Problem 614. For the pin joined trus shown in Fig 622, find the forces in the members marked 1, 2and 3 with the single load of 80 kN as shown. or y= = LOkN ANALYSIS OF PERFECT FRAMES 1s Now taking the moments about A.we get Ryx 12= 2x AC +1 xAD +1 x AE 2x 3.464 + | 6.928 +1 x4 = 17.856 o Ry=t 56 1.49 kN 2 Now draw the scetion fine (1-1), passing through members DG, DF and EF in which the forces are to be determined. Consider the equilibrium of the right part of the wuss. This part is shown in Fig. 6.33 (a). Let Foes Fn and Fay ave the forces in members DG, FD and EF respectively. Let thei directions are assumed a shown in Fig. 6.33 (a). Taking moments of all forces acting on ri part about point F, we get Ryx 4+ Fog x FG=0 or 1.49 x 4+ Fp: * (4 x sin 30°) = 0 1 FG=4 x sin 30°) Fig. 6.33 (0) AD x 4 Foc = 1 sin 30" = ve sign shows that the force Fr: is compressive, Fog 2.98 KN (Compressive). Ans. [Now taking the moments about point D, we get in BD cos 30 Fee x BD x sin 30 20 98 KN or ° Rj x cos 30 = Fg x Figg ESO 50830 «1.49 4 0.866 sin 30 0s =2.58KN (Tensile). Ans. Now taking the moments of all forces acting on the right part about B, we get Fw x 1 distance between Fp and B =O * Frp=0. Ans, A distance between Frp and B is nat zero) 6.7. GRAPHICAL METHOD “The force in a perfect frame can also be determined by a graphical method. The analytical methods (suchas method of joints and method of sections) give absolutely correct results, but sometimes it is not possible two get the results from analytical methods. Then a graphical method can he used conveniently to get the results. The graphical method also provides reasonable accurate results. ‘The naming of the various members of a frame are done according Ms to Bow's notations. According to this notation of force is designated by once mB two capital letters which are written on either side of the line of action of the force. A force with letters A and B on either side of the line of action Fig 634 is shown in Fig. 6.34. This foree will be called AB. 146 ENGINEERING MECHANICS The following steps are necessary for obtaining a graphical solution of a frame. (i) Making a space diagram (ii) Constructing a vector diagram (iii) Preparing a force table. 1. Making a space diag - The given truss or frame is drawn accurately according to some linear seule, The loads and support reactions in magnitude and directions are also shown on the frame. Then the various members of the frame are named according to Bow’s notation. Fig. 6.35 (a) shows a given truss and J (at) Given Diagrara (6) Space Diagram 40) Vector Diagram Fig. 6.35 the forces in the members AB, BC and AC are to be determined. Fig. 6.35 (b) shows the space diagram to same linear seale. The member AB is named as PS and so on. 2. Constructing a vector dingram. Fig. 6.35 (c) shows a vector diagram, which is drawn as given below : (i) Take any point p and draw pq parallel to. PQ vertically downwards. Cut pq = 4 kN to same scale. (ii) Now trom gq draw qr parallel to QR vertically upwards and cut gr = 2 KN to the same scale. (i) From r draw rp parallel to RP vertically upwards and cut rp = 2 kN to the same scate. {iv) Now from p, draw a tine ps parallel to PS and from r, draw a line rs parallel! to RS, mecting the first line at s, This is vector diagram for joint (A). Similarly the vector diagrams for joint (B) and (C) ean be drawn, 3. Preparinga force table, The magnitude of a force ina member is known by the length of the vector diagram for the corresponding member, i, the length ps of the vector diagram will give the magnitude of force in the member P¥ of the frame. 10 oF the farce (i.e, tensile or compressive) is determined according to the following procedure : (0 In the space diagram, consider any joint. Move round that joint in a clockwise direction. Note the onder of two capital letters by which the members are named. For example, the members at the joint (A) in space diagram Fig. 6.35 (b) are named as PS, SRand RP. (ii) Now consider the vector diagram. Move on the vector diagram in the order of the letters (ie. ps, sr and rp). (ia) Now mark the arrows on the members of the space diagram of that joint (here joint A). (iv) Similarly, all the joints can be considered and arrows can be marked. (0) Ifthe arrow is pointing towards the joint, then the foree in the member will be compres if the arrow is away from the joint, then the force in the member will be tensile, Problem 6.17. Find the forces in the members AB, AC and BC of the truss shown in Fig, 6.36. Sol, First determine the reactions Ry and Re fe whereas From Fig.6.36(@), Ad = BC x cas 64" ANALYSIS OF PERFECT FRAMES 147 Distance of line of action of 20 KN from point B AB cos 60" =25 x4=1.25m Now taking moments about B, we get Rex $= 20% 1.25 =25 Rew esky and Ry=20-5=15kN ye s SKN 1dkN a (a) Given Diagram () Space Diagram (©) Vecwr Diagram Fig. 6.36 Now draw the space diagram for the truss alongwith load of 20 kN and the reactions Ry and Ry- equal to IS KN and 5 KN respectively as shown in Fig. 6.36 (b). Name the members AB, AC and BU according te Bow’s notations as PR, OR and RS respectively, Now construct the vector diagram as shown in Fig, 6.36 (e) and as explained below = (8 Take any point p and draw a vertical line pq downward equal to 20 KN to some suitable scale. From draw a vertical line gs upward equal to 5 kN to the same scale to represent the reaction at C’. Then sp will represent the reaction Rp to the scale, G8) Now draw the veetor diagram for the joint (B). From p, draw a line pr parallel to PR and from s. draw a line sr parallel to SR, meeting the first line at r. Now prs is the vector diagram for the joint (B). Now mark the arrows on the joint B. The arrow in member PR will be towards to joint B, whereas the arrow in the member RS will be away from the joint B as shown in Fig. 6.36 (b). (iii) Similarly draw the vector diagrams for joint A and C. Mark the arrows an these joints in space diagram, Now measure the various sides of the veetor diagram. The forces are obtained by multiplying the scale factor. The forces inthe members are given ina tabular form as : | Member | ee ‘arce in member | | According to given trass According to " me Nature off Bow's rotation AB PR 173 kN Compress AC or 10.0 kN Compressive LL Bc { RS I 8.7 kN Tensile Problem 6.18, A truss of spant 7.5 m carries @ point load of 1000 N at joint D as shown in Fig. 6.37. Find the reactians and forces in the member of the truss. las ENGINEERING MECHANICS |. First determine the reactions Ry and Rp. 33" 10908 leer a le (a) Given Diagram (9) Space Dragrany (Vector Diagram Fig, 6.37 “Taking moments about A, we get Rp x75 =5 x 1000 a Ry = 2 667N and Ry = 1000-667 = 333N. 75 Now draw the space diagram for the truss alongwith load of L000 N and reactions Ry and Ry equal to 333 N and 667N respectively as shown in Fig. 6.37 (b). Name the members AC, CB, AD, CD-and DB according to Bow’s notations as PR, PQ, RT, OR and OS respectively. Now construct the vector diagram as shown in Fig. 6.37 (c) and as explained below : (i) Take any point sand draw a vertical line sf downward equal to load 1000 N to some suitable scale. From rdra jeal line p upward equal to 333 N to the sume seale to represent the reaction at A. The ps will represent the reaction Rg to the scale. (ii) Now draw the vector diagram for the joint A. From p, draw a fine pr parallel to PR and from ¢ draw 1¢ Ir parallel to RT, mecting the first line at r. Now pre is the vector diagram for the joint A, Now mark the arrowson the joint, The arrow in the member PR will be towards the joint A, whereas the arrow in the member RT will be away from the joint A as shown in Fig. 6.37 (6). (iid) Similarly draw the vector diagrams for the jaint C, 8 and D. Mark the arrows on these joints as shown in Fig. 6.37 (6). Now measure the various sides of the vector diagrams. The forces in the members are obtained by multiplying the scale factor to the corresponding sides of the vector diagram. The forces in members are given yular form as : $$ Member | | | According 1a given trass | According 10 Bow's nota | Poreeinmember Nawreafferce | tion | | Ac PR | 666.N Compressive | AD Rr | 576.7 Tensile | co PO 1333 N Compressive | ra) or 1135 N Tensile bb es 1555 N Tensile | Problem 6.19. Determine the forces in all she members of a cantitever truss shown in Fig. 6.38. Sol, In this case the vector diagram can be drawn without knowing the reactions. First of all draw the space diagram for the truss along with loads of 1000 N of joints B and C. Name the members AB, BC, CD, DE, AD and BD according to Bow's notation as PT, OS, SR, RV, VT and ST respectively. Now construct the vector diagram as shown in Fig. 6.38 (c) and as explained below : ANALYSIS. OF PERFECT FRAMES: 149 4i) The vector diagram will be started from joint C where forces in two members are unknown. Take ainy point g and draw a vertical line gr dewnward equal to Load 1000 N to some suitable scale. From r, draw alline rs parallel to RS and from q draw a line qs parallel to QS, mecting the first line at s. Now qrS isthe vector diagram for the joint C. Now mark the arrows on the joint C. The arrow in the member RS will be towards the Iwint C, whereas the arrow in the member SQ will be away from the joint Cas shown in Fig, 6.38 (F). 090N 109011 200N 10090 Poe es R i" Yt je i iL K 4€ (Given Figure (H) Space Diagram (6) Woetwr Diagram Fig 638 (i) Now draw the vector diagram for the joints B and D similarly. Mark the arrows on these joints as shown in Fig. 6.38 (b). Now measure the various sides of the vector diagram, The forces in the members are give form as atabular Member Fe be Noware Accordangta giventruss | According wo liow's ‘vce inimenber | inure of force rotation | AB | Pr i 1333 N Ta | ne | os 1333. Te ch | SR 1666 N Compressive | DE | RV 2500 N Compressive | AD | vr 533.N Tensile | BD | ST 1000 N Compressive From the vector diagram, the reactions R, and R; at A and £ can be determined in magnitude and directions. Reaction Rz = rv-= 2500 N. This will be towards point E. Reaction R, = vp = 2000 N. This will be away from the point A as shown in R, is parallel to vp. HIGHLIGHTS L. ‘The relation beween number of joints (?) and number of members (n) ina perfect frame is given by: 2. _Dilfereat frame isa frame is which sumber of numbers are less than (2-3) whereas a redundant frame is frame in which number of members are more than (2)=3). ig. 6.38 (b). The reaction 150 2. 4 ENGINEERING MECHANICS The reaction on a roller support is at right angles to the roller base : ‘The forces in the members of a frame are determined by : (@ Method af joints (ii), Method of sections and (if) Graphicat method ‘The force in a member will be compressive if the member pushes the joint the which it is connected whereas the force in the member will be tensile if the member pulls the joint to whic! While determining forces in a member by method of joints, the joint should be selected in such a way that ai any time there are only twa members, in which the forces are unknown. If thice forces act ata joint and two of them are along the same straight line then third force would be zero, auruss (or frame) carries horizontal loads, then the support reaction at the hinged end will consists of) horizontal reaction and (9 vertical reaction. Wa truss earties inclined loads, then the support reaction at the hinged end will consists of : (i) horizontal reaction and (i?) Vertical reaction. They will be given ws 5 Horizontal reaction = Horizontal componcats of inclined loads Vertical reaction = Tolal vertical components of inclined loads — Roller support reaction, Method of section is mosily used, when the forces ina few members of a truss are to be determined. “The following sicps are necessary for obtaining @ graphical solution of a frame : (7) Making a space diagram, Gi) Constructing a vector disgram, and Prepating.a force table. c ‘The various members of a frame are named according to Bow's notation. EXERCISE 6 A. Theoretical Questions Define and explain the terms : Perfect frame, imperfect frame, deficient frame: and a redundant frame. (a) What isa frame # State the difference between a perfect frame and an imperfect frame. (b) What are the assumptions made in finding out the forces in a frame ? ‘What ate the different methods of analysing (02 finding out the forces) a perfect frame ? Which one is used where and why ? How will you find the forces in the members of a truss by method of joints when (# the tmiss is supported on rollers at one end and hinged at other end and carries vertical loads. i) tke ttuss is acting as a cantilever and carries vertical loads. (iis) the truss is supported on rollers atone end and hinged al other end and carries horizontal and vertical loads. Gv) the truss is supported on rollers at one end and hinged at other end and carries inclined leads. (@) What is the advantage of method of section over method of joints ? How will you ase method of section in finding forces in the members of a truss ? (b) Exploin with simple sketches the terms () method of sections and (ii) method of joints, as applied to trusses, How will you find the forces in the members of a joint by graphical method ? What are the advantages or disadvantages of graphical method over method of joints and method of section ? ‘What is the procedure of drawing a vector diogram fora frame ? How will you find out (i) magnitude of a force. and (j) nature of a foree from the vector diagram ? How will you find the reactions of a cantilever by graphical method ? ‘What are the assumptions made in the analysis of a simple truss. ANALYSIS OF PERFECT FRAMES 153 8 Determine the forces in the truss shown in Fig. 6.46 which carries a horizontal load of 16 kN and a vertical load of 26 kN. sind [Ans AC = 24 XN (Tens.) ——T AD = 10 KN(Comp.) CD = 24 KN (Tens. usm CB =24 KN (Tens.) 1 BD = 30 kN (Comp.)] ig 46 9. Find the forces in the member AB and AC of the truss shown in Fig. 6.39 of question 1, using method af sections. [Ans. AD = 4.33 KN (Comp.) AC #25 KN(Comp.)} 10, Find the forees in the members marked 1, 3, 5 of truss shown in Fig. 6.40 of question 2, using method of sections. fms, F) = 333.N (Comp.) Fy = STTSN (Tens) Fy = S77SNTens.)] IL, Find the forces in the members DE, CE and CB of the truss, shown in Fig. 6.41 of equation 3, using method of sections. [Ans. DE = 3.5 KN (Comp.) CE = 2.598 kN (Comp.) BC = 4.33 kN (Tens.)] 12. Using method of section, determine the forces in. the members CD, FD and FE of the truss shown in Fig. 6.42 of question 4. [Ams CD = 800 N (Comp.) FD = 400.N (Comp) FE = GOON Tens.)] 13, wd of section, determine the forces in the members CP, ED and EF of the truss shown in Fig, 6.47, ln (Ans. CD = 4.216 kN (Comp,) ED =3.155 KN (Tens.) EF =258KN (Tens.)] Fig 647 4 the Forces in the members AB, AC and BC of the truss shown in Fig. 639 of question 1, using graphical method. 15, Using graphical method, determine the magnitude and nature of the forces in the members of the truss shown in Fig. 6.40 of question 2, 16, Determine the forces in all the members of a cantilever truss shown in Fig, 6.44 af question 6, using graphical method. Also determine the sections of the cantilever. 7 Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia (CENTRE OF GRAVITY Centre of gravity of a body is the point through which the whole weight of the body acts. A body is having only one centre of gravity for all positions of the body. It is represented by C.G. or simply G. 7.2. CENTROID ‘The point at which the total area of a plane figure (like rectangle, square, triangle, quadrilateral, circle tc.) is assumed to be concentrated, is known as the centroid of that arca. The centroid is also represented by C.G. or simply G. The centroid and centre of gravity are at the same point. 7.3. CENTROID OF CENTRE OR GRAVITY OF SIMPLE PLANE FIGURES (8) The centre of gravity (C.G.) of a uniform rod lies at its middle point. i) The centre of gravity of a triangle lies at the point where the three medians" of the triangle meet. (ia) The centre of gravity of a rectangle or of a parallelogram is at the point, where its diagonal meet each other. It is also the point of intersection of the lines joining the middle points of the opposite sides. (iv) The centre of gravity of a circh 7.4, CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF PLANE FIGURES BY THE METHOD OF MOME! Fig. 7.1 shows a plane figure of total area A whose centre of gravity is to be dete Aas. composed of a number of small areas ay, a3, 4% a4, c Azay+az+ay4ag+ Let, = The distance of the C.G. of the area a from axis OY x2 = The distance of the C.G. of the area ay from axis OY 44, = The distance of the C.G, of the arca ay from axis OY x4 = The distance of the C.G. of the area ay from axis OY and so on. ‘The moments of all small areas about the axis O¥ Hat, tag tary taut. Let Gis the centre of gravity of the total area A whose distance from the axis OY is. Then moment of total area about O¥ = AT G) *The line connecting the vertex and the middle of the iriangle. ts centre. d. Let 154 CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF INERTIA 138 ‘The moments of all small areas about the axis OY must be equal to the moment of total area about the same axis. Hence equating equations (i) and (ii), we get ey Hanky + any + age + AE Ky yk + ayes + ageH tn or a ATM) where Asay +a) +0) + 4 oe Ifwe take the moments of the small areas about the axis OX and also the moment of total area about the axis OX, we will get p= Sin teat ean (72) where = The distance of G from axis OX t= The distance of C.G, of the area a from axis OX Jn Yanya= The distance of C. of area a, ay, ay from axis OX respectively. 7.4.1. Centre of Gravity of Plane Figures by Integration Method. The equ: be written as Bais ag pa Bh Sad FeO where i= 1,2,3,4, istance of C.G. of area a, from axis OY and y,= Distance of C.G. of area a, from axis OX. The value of i depends upon the number of small areas. If the small areas are large in number (mathematically speaking infinite in number), then the summations in the above equations can be replaced by integration. Let the small areas are represented by dA instead of ‘a’, then the above equations are written as : AT2A) and 72B) where fut dA = Bea, SdA = Za, Sytda = Eyay = Distance of C.G. of area dA from axis OY y* = Distance of C.G. of area dA from axis OX. Also x 7.4.2. Centre of Gravity of a Line. The centre of gravity of a line which may be straight or curve, is obtained by dividing the given line, into a large number of smal lengths as shown in Fig, 7.1 (a). ‘The cemire of gravity is obtained by replacing dA by dl in equations (7.2 A) and (7.2 B).. 156, ENGINEERING MECHANICS Fig 21) ‘Then these equations become re =-A7.2.C) pale ale and pe (7.2 D) Distance of C.G. of length dé. from y-axis, and yt = Distance of C.G. of length dl. from x-asi If the lines are straight, then the above equations are written as = where x* . en bet lat ta + Aye lythat (7.2 E) a Lay Lay + Lays + one wt Lytlatlse wAT.2 FY 7.8. IMPORTANT POINTS {0 The axis, about which moments of areas are taken, is known as axis of reference. In the above article, axis OX and OY are called axis of reference. (ii) The axis of reference, of plane figures, is generally taken as the lowest line of the figure for determining y, and Ieft line of the figure for calcul (did the given section is symmetrical about X- ‘on the axis is symmetry. 7.5.1. Centre of Gravity of Structural Sections, The cenire of gravity of structural sections like T-section,-section, L-sectionsete, are obtained by splitting them intorectangularcomponents,’Then equations (7-1) and (7.2) are used, Problem 7.1, Find the centre of gravity of the T-section shown in Fig. 7.2 (a). Sol. The given 7-section is split up into two rectangles ABCD and EFGH as shown in Fig. 7.2 (b). The given T-section is symmetrical about Y-Y axis. Hence the C.G. of the section will lic on this axis, The lowest line of the figure is line GF. Hence the moments of the areas are taken about this line GF, which is the axis of ‘reference in this case. ‘axis or ¥-¥ axis, then the C.G. of the section wil CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF INERTIA 157. --——— 2en ———+] 7 3em tOcm teem “4 Fry 72.(0) Let ¥= The distance of the C.G. of the T-section from the bottom line GF (which is axis of reference) @, = Area of rectangle ABCD = 12 x 3 = 36 cm* ¥, = Distance of C.G. of area a, from bottom line Gr=1043= MS em a2 = Area of rectangle EFGH = 10 x 3 =30cm* ‘y2= Distance of C.G. of area a2 from bottont line Gi 10. 2 cm. Zend lv Fig. 7.2(b) rl ISIN 81-7008-305-2 [> i I LAXMI PUBLICATIONS (P) LTD * | | i

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